IP""-:-'-. • • • • • • .. f - . * * • " ' . ^ , .v ' r "- • • . ; ,v»' • " % ^ : l .• ..<• FC. -A-: >•' IMljCT| iu#< VOL. 61 McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY; DECEMBER 26, 1935 No. 32 v'-V-V'7 % < OLD SAINT NICK MMI KV::??X<-:X-XWith the assurance given us during1 a period of twenty years. "A' new. the year by local business men and sewage construction plant was staijf**'. those who know, th&t business was fed for which an appropriation of picking ^up, it is with the hope for $25,000 was secured from the govV greater prosperity and an end to the ernment and the wortc was known 5 depression that we review the local as PWA project No, 8166. T.Bie> "eveilts for the year 1935 in this, our. Gjellef^ld Construction.' last issue for the year. The year of charge of the work. V 1985 is passing into history and as Elections during the year *ere ail 4t again becomes our duty to chron- interesting, with the school elections Scle the events of interest which have breaking all previous records whin • transpired to make history, we pause,! 1,110 votes' were cast in the high first, to extend greetings to all our school election and 560 votes in the readers and wish for them a happy_grade school. George Stilling was, and prosperous new year. elected president and Prank Meyer a It is time to strike the total of th4 member of the grade school board, year's^ -achievements so that we may ' Stephen H. . Freund was returned know how far we have gone and.*8 supervisor after tWenty-siy yeats; what has been accomplished. ; service, in a hotly contested race Although there remains room for '*nd. J°8' Freund was ** much improvement it. appears that hlfhw*.v commissioner. during the year business has become , In JanuatJ there were sixty-two more brisk with more money in cir- m McHenry township on i*" culation and greater sales made in *?'. "V this locality, especially during the summer months when the river and lakes region was crowded with vacationists. Local merchants, wh»j .• _ . ,, . , have become accustomed to the herd !" ; do1$'S YT appr°pnated for ie iief as a part of 55^ fami. s in th*." county. More than 20!),G6"J pounds of vegetables were harvested from subsistenance gardens in the county during the summer season. Nine miltimes, were somewhat cheered by the summer trade, several of them affirming that it was the best in five years. On December 13 the West Mcnesday night keeping his dates from | conflicting and appeared at tw o parties in his honor during the evening. First he visited the Christmas party fer members of St. 1 Clara's Court, 594, Catholic Order ef Foresters, ! which took place at St. Mary's ' church hall and later he climbed into lief in the state. Valuation of personal property «n McHenry was $3,382.580, with a total valuation of all property assessed in ' the county being $37,352,052 Taxts u _ . ci * u i j a. j i t0 Hem> State bank paid its third ten amount of 89 per cent Weire collected in the coun th ^ . per cent installment on deferred eel- amounting to ,97,529.92 f •tificates held by depositors since the amount collected bemg $87,295.61; ' March. 1933. A similar payment was A farm cen8US was taken w.th made on August 2 and the first pay- Howard Cairns doing the work in ment was made a year ago m De- McHenrv. cember. _ | Rep. William Carroll announced his Pa?"mCnt 'elef?1 i candidacy for state's attorney. 588 depositors or a total of $33,000 | pians a,v bein ma(k for the cfck. within a years time. Christinas sav-; bration {of McHenry's centenmal in ings checks, amounting to $6,000, an f tl CO!KTOittee appomte<1 by were also mailed out by the bank the the E % uke ch ol the J. lXPL?* ^ m°nth AU deP°slts 10 iangements is R. I. Overton. E. J. . $5,000 and over are now permanently Buss and Nick P Justen Busing insured through the Federal Deposit j changes have been unimportant, aU Insurance corporation. During the! thou^h more numcrous than last past year the bank nulled bullet- year. Dunng the year Thomas proof glass bandit barrier which in Brothers bought the McHenry dairy sures safety from robbery. The from Hapner. Leonard Frantwenty- mnth annua meeting of the zen, west side barber, closed his shop stockholders was held this year when and moved to Rinpwood where he it was announced that deposits had ; started in business. increased $100 000. j Harry Nielsen of Chicago took A feeling of security is given by over the Green stre€t ^ry from the condition of the local bank and Mrs. A?nes Wentworth. William other cheerful prbspects are found in Mertes, proprietor of the Oak Park , some local corporations including the hotei at the Bayt took over the Rjv. I McHenry County r armer s Co-opera- j erside hotel from Fred Justen, and jtive association, whicK hits enjoyed a in April Ralph Julian bought the (successful year The company, lof j Royal Biue store from John Fisher, which John A. Bolger has just been j who went to Elgin. Before the end ! re-elected president and chairman of . 0f the year the store was closed a# the board of directors for the seventh Julian moved away, i "TT ' t i consecutive year, has paid an eight. Mat Freund, teacher • «f the lily ' Cornelius F. O Leary, 72, farmer per cent dividend and a four per cent j. Lake school, opened a jewelry stohin the Marengo farm area, passed patronage refund during the year. ! on Elm street and Mike Daley took away unexpectedly the afternoon of. Local men are now employed- to a over the Weir Keck barber shop the December 17. mile seated in a chair greater extent than they have been ! latter g> ing to Waukegan. reading a newspaper the death sum- for several years with WPA projects! fi. F Freund opened a new sh»i*. rnons came without warning. Mr. at the schools, the PWA sewage pro- } r0om for Nash and LaFayette O'Leary was recovering from a slight ject and factories at Woodstock fur cold, but appeared in his usual health nishing work for nearly everyone. the day of his demise, working at On the whole, money seems to be odd jobs about the farm and -was more plentiful with a greater num- _ awaiting the midday meal when ber of people taking vacation and .'latter: moving^ to M^nmouth'and JoW stricken. An inquest was held by E. winter .trips, buying new automobiles • Drey miller took a new partner inU H. Cook, coroner, at which it ,was and enjoying more of the luxuries of1 his shop on Greren street. John E disclosed that death was due to a life. . 1 FrerinH heart attack. ' INTERESTING NEARBY NEWS f AKEN FROM COLUMNS OF 0U& EXCHANGES with the Adams and Freund Implement company. Edward Hall re placed Cloise WagneivS<&s movie Operator at the Empire theater, the MASQUERADE AT BRIDGE SATURDAY SPONSORED BY LEGION AUXILIARY McHenry unit of the American Leion auxiliary will sponsor a masquerade at the Bridge ballroom Saturday night, Dec. 28, and they extend an invitation to the general public to attend. Over fifty prizes, with ten special prizes, are being awarded by local merchants for the best costumes and [here will be judges to select the winners. The proceeds from the ball will be jsed in rehabilitation and child welfare work. The Auxiliary is active in harity work and assists in the care if the children of soldiers and sailirs and they also remember the war mrseg at Christmas time. The local in it contributes to the veterans at he Elgin State hospital, to a Christnas cigarette fund, and every month hey contribute to the welfare work ind funds of the county ahd dis- .l'ict. •*: •. The Auxiliary! is dding a good work *nu ie worthy of the support of the ublk. The list of prizes^ will be ound elsewhere in this issue. Plaindealer Want Ads bring results CLASS REUNION TO BE HELD TONIGHT McHenry High School-class of $!, first of the graduating groups to have the type of class reunion vthat has proved popular among succeeding classes, will hold its third annual meeting tonight at 7 o'clock in the Walnut room of the Riverside hotel* Twenty-five members pf the class of '31 are expected to be present. Beside those now living and working in McHenry, several will some from Chicago and nearby towns. Harold Vycital and Julia Mclaughlin as co-chairmen, and Agnes Steffes as treasurer, gave generously of their time toward making the arrangements for this year's reunion. Ordinarily the weather for an event of this type would be an important factor in its success or failure. But the two years previous to this one tested the mettle of the class. They recall December 26 as being one"" of the coldest of nights. Cheeks were redder and noses were colder than usual, but the greater half of the class was present. And this year finds more of its members with full time jobs than ever before, thus decreasing the financial hazard. So, tonight the Walnut Room will be a class room. In place of food for thought there shall be food for the stomach. And there will be no question this time whether the. "hunger" is theoretical or actual jDld Santa spent some busy days "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" last week popping in and out of |the old fellow, dressed in his tradi- Christmas parties for children andjtjonai ,ed suit, brought gifts for grown-ups in all comers of McHenry. everyone and the children gathered He remembered everyone with a gift, aroUnd a brightly lighted Christmas and his pack of supplies never seem ' tree while the gifts were distributed, ed to be exhausted. i Games and dancing furnished enter- One of the largest affairs was held i tainment for all present. in K. C. hall Sunday afternoon when j Over 100 members were present at the members of Court Joyce Kilmei', j the .Forester meeting Wednesday .Catholic Daughters of America, had nig-ht which was held in St. Mary's the children as their guests. There ^ hall. After a short business meeting were about seventy-five children j Santa arrived with a treat for everypresent and each one received a gift; 0ne, and gifts for the children while from Santa Claus upon responding to j the adults exchanged gifts their name as it was called by Santa' The offlcers of the Goui.t preR€nted h,mself- | the Chief Ranger. Mrs, Frank Blake, I The jolly old fellow made a hurried j with a gift, and she in turn present- . call over from Woodstock for the ed her officers with gifts. Msgr. C. express purpose of bringing gifts to s. Nix was presented with a gift all the kiddies at the party. The chil- f1X)m the court and the janitor redren also received boxes of candy j ceived a gift. There was a program from the court. 1 The Sisters of St. Francis been [ The Mclleri'ry riaindealer celebrai and ed its sixtieth anniversary, the 0!.u ca- Timers club and Lucky Baby • was formed and Bacon's Strip w^ the taken over by Karl Walsh as sport~ in the field of l Buch building. Mrs, Betty Nielsen Men started work the first of last building which has been practically i bought the Nobby shop on Riverbid-, . , week making the necessary altera- at a standstill for several years with Drive Irom Mrs. Margaret ATTENDS MANYTHTHENRY Masonic hall where members »of the tions and changes and getting ready carpenters seeking other work. Im-' Freund Eastern Star and Masons and their j to piace the equipment in the new provements and repairs hav families<^were enjoying their annual | iniIk handling plant in the Shinner more noticeable, with new ro ' ' " v ' Christmas party. To the melody of j building, Richmond. Arrangements paint jobs appearing and .a have been completed, for the lease oi" sional garage built. the portion of the building needed Improvements were made at from the Burlington Brewery, who McHenry Brewery. Central • 'Market." editor and remained "So I Hear, purchased the property recently frorn Ted's Cafe, the city hall, the Empire Harold Bijcon was made cashier o. E. G. thinner. . theatre, where, with other improve- the Cary State Bank and after hi- The American Guernsey Cattle club ments, a cooling system was installed marriage moved there to hve. announces the election of Edwin C. and entensive improvements at tlu-; The business men sponsored be«. Welch of Lake Forest to membership schools are being made. races, bringing out. large crowds of in the club. Mr. Welch has a herd Albert Krau.se has completed a spectators. of registered Guernseys on his farm 16x50 foot cement store building on > Joe Holly remodeled his old honu at Antioch. The American Guernsey his property on Elm street, about at the end' of the river bridge, into u Cattle club is a national organization twenty-five cottages were built at filling station and iunch room, which of 25,000 breeders of pure bred McCoIlum Lake and thousands of he operates successfully. Guernseys It records the registra- dollars were spent on the William Workings of the Democratic »dtion df pure bred Guernseys which Skid more farms, where new/bams ministration were seen in the chang*. ' trace to the Island of Guernsey, the a new house, poultry and hog;,hou.- :/of postmasters with Ray, McGee reoriginal home of the breed, in the were built. ! , placing Albert Krause in the Mv- English Channel. It also supervises Some property has been sold dui- Henrj- olfice and Efme Freund ap the marketing of ^Golden Guernsey ing the year, with Supt. C. H. -£)uk">vipointed, -to. Til! the va.-ancy, in tho milk. , buying the F. E. Cobb home- arid D.'-1 \V est MfH'eriit.office caused by the T}ie public eye-of Fox Lake and E. Payne of Chicago buying.a house retirement of Eber E. Bassett, aftet surrounding lake country is centered from the Ibsh estate. ' thirty yt-ars of service in the postal .consisting of a t^o-act play given I with interest this week on news that Major L. R. Lohr, general maha#-".department,- were by the Juveniles of the court, vocal ; the much talked of proposed state er of the Century of Progress e\ Various sporU have been popular guests of the afternoon and were presented with a gift. The little guests all took part in the program which consisted of ' songs, readings and dances. Mrs. G. j W. Hess was chairman of the pro-, i gram committee. .. On Thursday evening the Catho-j was a prettily decorated Christmas I lie Daughter^ of /America held their tree and exchange of gifts and rei social meeting which wa% in the na- n.^embrances were also left fon. the i ture of a Christmas party with a pastor and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. R. W. Pinnell. - • On P'riday evening Santa was on the spot at the meeting ' of the Neighborhood club with Mrs. Sjmon ffel as hostess Following the games of bridge in which prizes were won by Mrs. Clarence Martin, Miss Clara Stoffell anad Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger, gifts were exchanged as the gri'ests gathered around the beau- ! lighted tree and exchange of gifts. I The bridge tournament was com | m'enced at this meeting, also, and i ! will continue for three months. A , though prizes are awarded at ejtch (.meeting the scores are recordedCand | grand prizes are awarded the win- : ners at the end of the tournament Winners Thursday night in. bridge were Mrs. Clarence Martin and Mrs. : Helen Brawley of *Grayslake, and in J tifully decorated Christmas ti-ee 1 f i v e ' h u n d r e d , M r s . G e o r g e F r e u n d j -- -- ; -- : land Mrs. Louis j Stoffel. j Say you read it in THE FLAINI, Santa Claus had a busy time Wed-'DEALER.. selections, tap dances and harmonica ! park, which is to reach from the pro- position purchased the 288-ace Mu.~. '.during the year, with bowling league* solos. j posed" site of the new- bridge over grove homestead, w{iich had been in . full swing during the winte; • On Thursday afternoon the mem-{Grass Lake to the recently completed owned by Willis Kittle, and other .months and basketball coming in fathers and«friends-"of' the Ladies" 'Aid | Route 60 bridge, will become a real- Chicago men are buying firms ir)!:the its share of popularity. society gathered at the M. E par-1 >ty 'in the near future. Four hun- country. ',. 'J The dubs and lodges have had a sonage for their Christmas party 'dred acres of meandered land has The year has been an important .prosperous^aiid interesting yeai", eac.. and final meeting of the year. There^fee" deeded to .the state of Illinois, one, also, for the city of McHenry. doing* its Ow^ share o* in th ' by property owners in this vicinity, with new ordinances made* debts re- community. ' according to information received financed and a new sewage treat- St. Clara's Court. W C.O.F.. wi through John W. Foster of Fox Lake ment plaijt started. Increase of re- twenty-nine years old in Januan: and Grass Lake, who has been identi- ceipts was shown in nearly every dg- McHenry chapter celebrated ,r , fied with this project for the past partment of the city, with a balance thirtieth anniversary on Oct 5. T'" three months. > * I on hand of ?2,540.86 in the general tavern^ keepers £ound a; county oiga,. Precautionai-y rrteasures against fund at the beginning of the year, ization. ( the possibility of Chicago hi-jackers May 1. • , One of the greatest public U'nefit • will probably cost a Hamilton, Mont. Three new ardjerrtieh Svere elected planned by a local scviety is. the put turkey raiser the sight of hi? left in Aprils being E'. J. Buss, first lie library sponsored by the MoEher' eye. Enroute to Chicago from Ham- ward; Fred Ferwerda and George P. club and located in the high school, ilton with a load of turkeys valued Freund, third ward* and McHenry r Important events have taken pW at $3,000, Raymond Savage and his had been incorporated as a villa^re 63 in the churches of the community, helper, Howard McKittrick, stopped' years in August. A funding bond Lent commenced March 6 . ai near McHenry to load a revolver, ordinance for. $30,000 was passed by Easter was on April 21. which they carried as protection the city for the refinancing of its j Bishop Hoban was present at th against possible hi-jackers. As Md-, debts,' which will save considerable investiture services for Father ,C. , (Continued on last page.) interest and spread payments over (Continued on last