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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jan 1936, p. 3

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' ^yk -Jf 7yt ft"; flWaiay, January, H UN ft*'* v ;-*vi '*/>v ' ; - ?" ... . , K \' • TS THE MeHXHEY PLAHTDEALMI Pift Ibm V-$ ^ _ ! Lake's N»mo« OUH ' region known as Crater Lake " National park, Oregon, has known several different names since its was first {explored by whites. Deep Blue lake ':-"*«wa8 the first designation bestowted up- : -on it by the palefaces. The choice was -certainly descriptively accurate. Not * «even the storied Mediterranean is • Ijmore intensely azure. Mystery lake • • succeeded this title--another appropriate selection. Lake Majesty was later' ;<chosen as its name. Ever since, 186it, Ihowever, when a party of pioneers vis- . y jilted tills Oregon wonderland, the watera havje been known as Crater lake. Observe St. Stephen's Day '• Since the Middle ages peifteants flock each year to Budapest to celebrate St Stephen's day. At this festival dignitaries of church and state, attired in medieval splendor and gala uniforms, : march in solemn procession -through Vthe city carrying the preserved right ,hand of St. Stephen in a golden Shrine. • The mapy-cplor^Wcostumes of, the paradera make this .march "jk. fantastic ^display. r\v 't'J :}j i STAGE FRIGHT HIGH COST OF COURTING Angela shook her head with finality. "No, Torn, I can never be yotirs. Sorr ry," she told her young swain. 'He took the blow quite calmly: "All right," he replied, "What about all my presents?' » • ' "I'll return them, of courser" i»he said coldly. " «* es, •-ftrti •fW'-l IK" he ex - The boys and girls at a certain big local organization were putting on a meller-drammer, and thought it only fair to give their ancient night watchman a part in the show. He was told to enter at one point and announce that it wasn't a fit night out for man or beast But the night of the performance, stage- fright got him and his memory went blank. *He stammered, "It ain't a fit night out for a man." Then, realizing that this wasn't quite accurate, he amended it: '/' "Noi* for a woman nor a dog neither !M--Cleveland Plain Dealer. STRANGE TORTURE CULT IS REVEALED BY TWO VICTIMS Brutality Charges Are < Filed Against Members of > ^ "Order of Nails." ' Courage Twd small boys entered a dentist's office and one addressed the dentist as follows: "Say, doc, will you pull a tooth right this minute? Don't want any* gas or nuthin'. Just give her one yank," "Surely,"* replied the. dentist "My Victoria, B. C.--Three you ^Vancouver Island men, members of a strange "United Order of Nails," are awalt<ng trial here on a charge of assault fin tvfo youths during a bru tal "initiation -ceremony* In a de sorted barn. The three cult members, Roland - Our Washington £ Letter V --By-- • National Editorial AwuitiHwi »^ % V* merce", which is a- sweeping' authority to investigate anything and everybody at their own sweet will. The present law restricts the Commission to investigation of unfair methods of competition and the Supreme Court in 1931 definitely prescribed this limitation on their authority. The Commission N is largely an investigative body reaching the top of its power in the probe of utility propaganda meth- RINGWOOD George Youi*? was a visitor at Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Saturday afternoon at McHenry. Miss Marion Peet of Crystal Lake, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. y . Mr. and Mrs. -Clarence Ritter of years and cost the taxpayers nearly D^rfieid spent Sunday afternoon in three million dollars. They are now , thg Fnmk F&y home -making: an inquiry,into the atrricul-j 9ervicea held at the: eeking rr.ore g church on-Monday afternoon for ods, an inquiry which lasted seven ] Washington, January 29 - Need for replenishing the government treasure chest to meet the growing demands; by favored groups, bonus and farm, tural income and are tuuim uin«um» mwmuv.1 relief beneficiaries, continues to plague ' fields tp conduct their "fishing expedi-1 Lucy^Hall' Rev.^Kafoe'd and Rev. the politically-minded crowd. Faced ! tions" into private files of individuals . -Collin-s officiated Burial was in with the dreary reflection of making and corporations. 'iRingwood cemetery. Miss Hall yas Burritt, Rupert A. G. Walker and : the voters "tax conscious" during a| Data furnished congressional com- a deaconess in the Lake Bluff orphan- Dpnnld Wood, are free on SI .000 bail i campaign year, the legislators and mittees by the Civil Service. Commis-1 ape for many years. pending a hearing In the Assize court. ! administrative* renevue specialists are sion is carefully studied these days bj? "1 Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens spent" claimed, with some warmth; "but { M^le man> that s what 1 call being T "•'* • v Termite* and Winged Ants' - their -waistlines shall you know them---termites, and winged ants. Termites, say federal entomologists, havfe; -'^very slim waist lines--In fact, almost no A-.'* waistlines at all. Winged ants have J'fBllm waists, too, but not quite so si en coder as the termites. Also, termites' wings are perfectly matched, while '- - winged ants' ar^not - Loageit Train on Dre»» '•:'---l®is longest train ever wor4^£N^£' dress, Is believed, graced the gowa; of Catherine the Great of Russia at her coronation In St. Petersburg In 1762. It was 225 feet In length and required 50 train bearers to support It.--• Elizabeth L. Dowden, Cranford, who's going to return all those cigars I gav§ your father and the pennies I,, gave your beastly little brother'?"-- A n s w e r s M a g a z i n e . " . . . . - ' Convinced Too •' *%ut you and father married agalhst the wish of your parents," said the young woman. , , : ; "Quite true," replied her mother r **and your father has never ceased tio talk of -his father-in-law and motherin- law as people^, of remarkably su perior Judgment." . ' Identified "Do you remember the time when your father drove a donkey-cart?" The parliamentary candidate fixed his eyeglass and gazed thoughtfully at the Interrupter. Then he replied: New-^erseyv In Collier's Weekly, -r . »Aa a matter of fact^I had quite fojt-. • . ' gotten the cart But I am thankful brave and courageous. Now just show me the tooth you want pulled." . The boy turned to Ms companion anil' said : "Come, Alfred, show doc y^v..topt'hi-" * '"v. ,v.; "i,;--:: NOT SO GOOp the legislators It is election year and Tuesday evening at. Crystal Lake, the pressure for patronage from their j Miss Virginia Welter, of Wcodstock districts is so great that it canhpt <spent t^e weekend with her parents, " be resisted b^. ai'solon who seeks re- jMr and Mrs. M. L. Welter. f S ai election. The latest report of the Ciyil j Mrs. Jay Cristy entertained thejVl'^S S e r v i c e C o m m i s s i o n s h o w s t h a t t h e r e E a s y A c e s a t h e r ' h o m e T u e s d a y a f t - V J are. more than .'&20$©OO eniployees- of ^rnoon. • Prizes -'were -awarded tp-Mfs^'^v1! the Federal government• wtoo are how Ellen Whiting ^andt Mrs. Carl Hat^^' subject to Civil Service requirements; strom. >s > v These .emergency jobs keep favored ) Mr. atrfr Mrs, Byron Hitchens friends of the, politicians on the g^v- Chicago spent'.:To«day.---'with; 'the for-^t;.-' and.', F. A,'- ' \ *x" The World Peace Foundation The World l-'eace Foundation Is In- • corpora ted under the laws of Massai chur»tts governing educational and ' philanthropic institutions. It was found- ' ed In 1010 by Edwin Glnn and Its primary objective is to make readily available actual facts concerning International relations. ' to see the donkey is still alive." feat Unhatched Duck* Unhatched ducklings, called baltits, are said to be a Philippine. delicacy. They are eaten about 10 days before their time to hatch If nature had been left to take Its time-honored course. Egg* are hatched In sacks In the sun. Weight of Helium Bellnm weighs about one-seventh of the weight of air. However, when compressed into a steel cylinder, It Is so dense that it weighs about 17 times as much as air. and does Hot exert any lifting power. v Cherries Centuries Old history of the cherry goes bade many centuries. Pliny, more than 1,800 years ago, wrote an account of the arrival of cherries In Rome, brought by returning soldiers from the Black sea area. - V, . ' 'Flr*« R. R. to Missouri River The first railway to reach the Missouri river was the Hannibal road. It was incorporated In 1847, but the line was not finished until 1859 and through tralas began operating on February 15. Food Value la Olives Ottres, which are usually thought of as a relish, are really of high food •sine In fact, five green olives contain the same amount of nourishment as an egg.--Collier's Weekly. Blida the Beautiful Iffeen Abd el Keblr fled from Spain in {he Fifteenth century to find an earthly paradise, he finally chose Bllda. It is a little walled town, famous for It* orchards and gardens. ~ Whore Tobacco Gets Its Flavor The tonca bean, which grows In Trinidad, is used by many manufacturers in the flavoring of tobacco. It is also used in the making of perfrnnety. -- ------- Gunteip' Chain «.' A Gunter's chain is a surveyor's chain, invented by E. G. Gunter, British astronomer. It is 66 feet long and divided Into 100 links, each 7,92 Inches V Glass Classed as Liq(.!d Glass is physically classed as an < treroely viscous liquid rather than a solid, because It lacks crystalline structure and has no definite melting point Proverb of Scilly Isles A proverb of the Scilly isles, which llfi eff Cornwall, England, tells that for every man who dies a natural death on the islands the sea takes^ine. Pulmonary Edema A disease known as pulnionajry edema literally drowns Its victims by flooding the lungs with water drawn from the blood. Knittiaf Old Saxon Word : The word knitting comes from the old Saxon word "Cnyttan," which means to make material from threads Ancient Theater Surriros The ancient theater of the East sur vlves in its purest and most vital form In Java and Ball, oriental authorities •ay. Many Rosea for Perfume Some 250 pounds of roses are needed to make an ounce of the attar. Schopenhauer Timid German philosopher, Sdtopei>' hauer, was so Incurably timid that whenever the postman brought him a Icttcr'he started at the ^piy^ht of poaatble evil in It' Guatemala Loads Guatemala, about as big as Louisiana, Is the chief commercial country In Central America. It has a seacoaat «f 70 miles on the Atlantic and oae of Pttas aleac the Pacific. - t • ' • -'Agreed With Him .*' "1 think," said the comedian, "that some of the' humor which I have Intro duced is strictly up- to date." "Yes," replied the friend who has a gentle method qf saying unkind things, "there Is no* doubt of that There is a great popular craze for the antique at present." . - Words and Music, :. "Hey," bawled the traffic cop. "Where are you heading for la such a rush?" ."Georgia." "Here's two ticketa" ~ . VEGETARIANS special work The demand for jobs is so -great that the Civil Service Commission has suggested the imposition of a small fee for admdssion to Civil Service examinations. The law now provides for open competitive examinations and "Time is money." •• "Yep, But It's mighty tough if time is-all you've got to spend." All Alivo "The Browns," said Mrs. Jones, "are decidedly highbrow in their pursuits. Although, I may add, not entirely successful. The daughter writes poetry that no one will print; the eon writes plays that no one will produce; and Mrs. Brown herself writes books that no one will read." "And what does father dot" asked her neighbor. "He writes checks that no one will cash," came the reply.^--Stray Stories Magazine. probably some time In October. j searching high and low for an effec It was a weird story ^hat the ylc- I tive alternative. Th6 problem is. com| tims. William Linrtstrom and Michael [plicated by purely political considera- Shjire. told of their treatment by the tions as to the wisdom of exacting adcult. whose practices , ap[x>ar to re- j-ditional tribute to the state. People , rituals staged by Barbarlatis, j whose partisanship m«fkes them indif- • V;"'/•'.-'Hl'rid' as Musicians.. : s . tferent to governmental spending poli- T ind^tr mV and Share, who are mil- ^es show intense personal interest in piahs, said they 1 ad been engaged to . the subject whenever the tax-collectvide -nuslc at an event described as !ors *ap their pocketbooks. It is a "A Midsummer Night's Oream and | human reaction which bodes iil.lor the Masquerade Dance." \Vlien; thev politics to Sell their . party j ernment payroll at least "Six months mer's parents, .Mr. peached the place specified, av barn In ' policies' to the electorate. ^ ' with the possibility of a slight exteu- ; Hitchens the Saanlch district, they said they | The task involved in getting out sion over that period _ to' completje were told that if they wanted the Job stop-gap farm legislation is relatively they would have to submif to an Ini- : easy. The Administration wants sometlatlon ritual and In addition vrould i thing definite by February 15, wWch have to pay $6.50 as membership fee is.a deadline set by the Secretary of in the cult - | Agriculture for making farm policies However, they were not permitted i effective for the current year. It to decline. They were told that the seems likely that the compromise whole proceeding must be kept con- | measures will have much to say about j a slight change in the satute would fldential. The cult the leaders said, state action, but the Federal agencies | be required to permit this assessment. was a^ secret order and all Its negoti- will control for a two year period as j Approximately 600,000 applications atlons and actions must remain secret, states are not in a position to function , were received by the Civil Service If there were violations of this code | long these lines at present. Whatever ; Commission last year. And a fee for they would be .punished severely. j agricultural legislation is drawn must j entrance to the examinations would Llndstrom and Share, according to .be financed and this requirement rais-; undoubtedly diminish the enthusiasm the story they told police, agreed to j ES THE tax question. Coupled with of ^OVCRNTR^NT jtiB SEEKCR^. N^w York' Join the cult, little suspecting the na-jthe demand for cash payments to vet-1 State has recently imposed a $3.00 ture of the Initiation. They said they erans the expenditures will run into tariff on all applicants. It is"'notewere seized and Med with ropes and many billions. - "" ' (worthy tha.t civil service tests caused strung up to rafters In the barn, part j The figcal cXperts have hinted that a great shrinkage in the list of eligof the time suspended by their feet. (the Administration could side-track ibles for jobs. For instance, there Alum and salt were stuffed ,nt0 ; the tax issue bv devaluation of silver, j were 3,673 applicants fpr a governthelr mouths and they were then given | -will be recalled that the devaluation ment position as field examiner and vile tasting liquid to drink. Once ; ^ twQ yearg ft(?0 netted the gov- j only 490 survived the mental test To Llndstrom s head was forced ,nt0 " ernment a profit of nearly twt> bil- show the high casualty among the bycket of water and held there until jiions The revaluation for currency - skilled trade's between applying for a he gasped for breath The iettere U. j purpogpg jg not un(ierst00(j by the job and qualifying is the illustration O. M. were branded on th^^. ; rank and file, but it is a trick which'in a vacancy for a telegraph engineer, . In -letters nearly 3 Inches high- <?ith swell Treasury profits. Talk which paid $4,600 salary and attracted hot Irons. i persists that the government will be 1,972 applicants. Only five were eligobliged to offer a ' manufacturers'j ible for entrance on the Civil Service sales tax of two or four per cent or register. *v "Soldier" Imperialist / Ttie soldier in Russia is the "SH .Army Man." the word soidler belog Imperialistic and bourgeois: >• Low Animals The lowest form of animal life consists of tiny si^ecks of living Jelly, far too small to be Seen by the naked eye. ••• '"i- XCCoenniber-- Is he strong? v Potato--I should say so. Almost as strong as an onion. of Saying It With Vinegar Wife--I've got you this bottle hair tonic, darling. Husband--But my hair Is all right- Wife--I know, but I want you to glva It to your typist at the office; her hair Is coming out rather badly. Meutal Industry " *IKa wrong to say I don't work, mister," said Plodding Pete. "What work do» you do?"==___= "Brain work. I have to think up a terrible lot of excuses fur not accept- In' Jobs." Climatic Conversation "The weather Is always a convenient topic of conversation. "I don't think so. You are so often compelled to think twice In order to aelect polite phraseology." :- Easily Lost "What a lot of friends we lose through their borrowing money from us." "Yes, ifs touch and go with most of them." '• ' -• ' •' • Nothing Unusual-; ft tMok this scenery Is |a»t' heavenly." "Dm, I don't know. Take away, the mountains and the lake and it's Just Ilka anywhere else." SIDE-SUPPING •"Cheer up! There's a stiver lining In every cloud, yoo know." "Yes; but I'm no aviator." All Explained "What Is this?" bridge prize." "But what's It fort* "The winner." ; Making .Sure me see." said Lane pensively, "do I owe you any money, old man?" Long raised Inquiring eyebrows. "Not a penny, old chap," he replied. "Why, are you going round paying off your little debts?" "Oh, no!" replied Lane quickly. "I was Just going round to see If I've overlooked anybody. Lend me Qve bob till Saturday, will your'--Answers Magatlne. Vegetarian Robinson was well known In the club as a vegetarian. The members were .hardly surprised, therefore, when his friend Jones burst Into the billiard room one evening and announced: "Robinson has been true to his vegetarian principles." "What's he done now?" they asked. "Haven't you heard? He's run away with a grass widow." PERPETUAL ,! 4 j:?;:;- «s;s;»i a s - "i Torture (Salter* Worn. Then they were compelled to put on gaiters In which tacks had beep driven so that their legs were gashed when they walked. They* were pushed In their bare feet across a floor littered with tacks. Finally, they were gagged, dressed !n old clothes and thrown into a lake, from which they extricated themselves with difficulty. Instead of keeping the secret, Llndstrom and Share notified police. With officers, they returned to the barn next day and found Burritt and Walker supposedly ready to Initiate another victim, Archie MacCorkindale. Burritt, Walker and Wood, the last described by the prosecution as more of a novitiate than a principal, were arrested charged with assault and unlawful wooodlog. Court Sentences Itself to Help Out Old Vagrant lower income tax exemptions and hike the rates on smaller incomes. Officeseekers frankly fear the last proposal which would add 2,500,000 citizens to the list of taxpayers. The prevailing idea is to lower (Exemptions for single persons to $760 and the married to $1,500 and at the same time boost the rate on normal incomes from four to eight per cent. This plan would make seven million taxpayers contribute as compared\with four and one-half millions now paying their share. Hie Federal Trade Commission is the latest government agency making an effort to hurdle Supreme Court restrictions. Two bills have been introduced in Congress giving the Commission complete power over "unfaif or deceptive acts or practices in com- "Is Clara dieting because aha re pents of her double life?" , "No ; on account of her double chla." Old Hunting Lore Two hunters had been out several hours and one of them had been grow Ing uneasy. Finally panhc overtook him. "We're lost!" he cried to his companion. "What on earth shall we do?" "Keep your shirt on!" said his phlegmatic companion. "Shoot an extra deer and the game warden will be here In a minute and a half." Montreal.--One of the most amaxlng sentences on record In Montreal's recorder court was handed down In chambers by Recorder Plante. He condemned "the bench" (him self), Louis LaPolnte, clerk of the court; five lawyers present, two constables and two newspaper men ro pay 25 cents-each. The "fines" went to an aged, homeless vagrant before the court.. Police brought In a disheveled, hearded old muu named Paul Clerron, charged with vagrancy. He w«s picked up on Champ de Mars and pleaded guilty. "1 have no home," he said wheu questioned. Recorder IMante eyed thoaetnthe court room, then said: MI you all to pur 25 cents aaffh dnak4-jKB'i> help out this --. poor old m«n And sentence applies* to the Iwlii h liiu." time - Haute put the money In tha utd malt s (airlift, siiylng : "O0." 'Mediums wa* suspended. One Way Beginner (who had never fished before)-- Oh, I've got a bite. Now what do I do? Fisherman--Reel In your line. Beginner--I've done that The fish Is tight against the end of the pole. Now what do I do? Fisherman (disgustfd)-'Climb UP the rod and stab it I Cautious Maideu Dave--We've been going about together for ten years now 1 'Ow about ua getting married! Kate--Oh, Dave, are you" sure it's not just a passing Infatuation?-- Smith's Weekly. Sharing a Sentiment "Of course, we wish for peaceL" r "Of course. But sometimes It Is necessary to make the other fellow wish for It, too." Organist Devised Steam' Whittle The locomotive whistle has a musical pedigree. It was Invented by an English organist fore than a century ago. Can't Take Things Easy "De man dat's risln' in," said jDncle Eben, "doesn' hab no chance fob takin' fings easy. Yob caln't coast fob bicycle up hill." SIIKAS §mt 5W ^Plsiadaalar. Police Chiefs Target; Has 48 of Them Removed Belgrade.--A strange "record" Is claimed by -Svetoxar PrelJItch, who now lives In the village of Jezevltes. In the laat 67 years, he has made 147 charges against the local authorities and caused 48 chiefs of police to be removed from their posts by presenting proof of violations or neglect of regulations against them. "When I have got 50 police chiefs changed," he told an Interviewer, "I can die happy." Frenzied Deer Damages Vermont Bank Interior West Rutland, Vt.--A terror-stricken deer almost ruined t^ie interior of a bank and barely escaped Injuring a man in Its flight from a dog. The deer crashed through the plate glass window of the West Rutland bank, dashed about the offices, leaped out another window and just missed binding on Saisp Grembo, who happened along at the ^im^ Spilled Rice Brings Feast ' ijllroy, Calif.--Gllroy Chinese af* ready tor a hard winter. A rice truck overturned near here, ..spilling ten tons of rice. The Chinese colony moved to the accident in a body and laid la their winter's supply. ,/ Ivory From Many Sources Besides the elephant, ivory cornea from the teeth of the hlppopotamuii walrus, narwhal, cachalot or soerm whale and some wild boars. - PcJm Oil Source Palm oil Is obtained from the fleshy outer cove. ;ng of the frolt of several species of African palm trees, the best known being the Guinea oil tree. „ .. JPIaiadealar W--> Ada hitof lawtli LILY LAKE Mrs. Fred Dosch entertained the menVbers of the Lily Lake Ladies' League Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. Oeffling in five hundred, Mrs. George Wegener, Eleanore Wegener and Mrs. A. Seyfferth's granddaughter, LeOrra Belle Refreshments were served and a very enjoyable afternoon was spent. Genevieve Daw was a Chicago visitor at the\ome of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Daly Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Dosch waa a Grays lake visitor Monday. . The sale season is now at hand. I have a number of sales listed. I will be glad to call and see anyomft needing my .services. My 30 yeata experience will be much help to yoa as I am in touch with more buyeia than any auctioneer in McHenvy County. Three days I sell in the trig sale markets in Wisconsin and I meet ail the buyers ' from far and near wha want to buy farm personal property of all kinds, including, horeee aad cattle. GHA& LEONARD Auctioneer Phone 478 ANNOUNCES '25-A-MONTH TIME PAYMENTS ' ^ AND A NEW UCC-6% FINANCE PLAN k Any New Ford V8 Car Can Now Be Purchased for $25 a Month with Usual Low Down-Payment THIS $25-a-month time-payment plan enables you to buy a New Ford V-8 car through your Ford dealer oil new low monthly terms. After die usual low down-payment is made, $25 a month is all you have to pay for any type of new car, including insurance and financing. Your cost for this extension of eredit is only '/2 of 1% a month on your original unpaid balance and insurance. This plan reduces financing charges for twelve months to 6%. For example, if you owe a balance oi $400 for your car and insurance, you pay 524 fog the year of credit; if the balance js# $200 you pay $12. Your credit cost, for one year is the original unpaid balance multiplied by 6%. UCC p l a n s p r o v i d e you- w i t h i n surance protection at regular confer- Nence rates. You have not only fire and theft insurance, but $50 deductible collision, and protection against other ao». cidental physical damage to your car. The Universal Credit Company hair made these plans availab'e through all Ford dealers in the United Stales. FORD MOTOR COMPANY

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