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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Feb 1936, p. 5

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•V, *" 'A ^ ^ 1 <g«*p 1 .;t >& : . _ *• • ' • '•* " ' V ,•...,'7,^^"^ **"" • **';.. rf -'.-v.:;,r?^ ^ WW-<©»*'• •k>' * - >' 1 ri' '*" * ' "'• . -: »i-i «-AJ! jMT ..«*--< -' „ '"^S* "V» -»^ - » ~,*r*"> r + »*r •"•, ^-, »-f .->; * v - ,.J ' T^xf™ ' '" . * $1*,- *¥ . ' '* ; . Thjmday, Ffbiwy,. $, 1W6 V&lXMDKiLBE » :f||iVli« BOWLING HEWS /' ;• ' -." J '• 5^i>'V-'. ;:i^ r * 1 -' .1 . .. ,'JU.4-'ULADIES' CLUB 'TEAM NO. ONE-- ' /.' ^ Koppen ............-- 116 yoo will run into took place between "• |*j? 4L. ur:u . i d:»a» Hmwa Mittntu 1*0 t One of the closest match games Harris Karls . -the Wildcats and Fox River Grove, The Grove team won out 2631 to 2628. ATf--ten was high man in the match, tnrniaff in • 614 series. Kass rolled 581 to pace the winners. In the Forester league, Henry Weber led the' p* "v * Justen team with 589 pins to trim Winkel's outfit. Captain. Winkel was high for his team with a 568 series. Ed Sutton started slow with a 152 game, but showed some of the stuff in the last two games that put him over the 600 mark the week before. Herb Simon's team battled to a 2648 to 2602 win over Ed Smith's bunch. Paul Karls, who has been going great. .145 105 156 171 - 72 136 93 IBB-h&O 172--502 87--284 110--391 DEVONSHIRES ACCEPT DEFEAT BY TOWNEES; ' ACES BEAT FOX LAKE 650 628 TEAM NO. TWO-- 126 123 Barbian 120 141 Page .--...... 145 159 Daly • 143 142 Hett uiiM...... 100 100 A couple of hot games took place 95--293 at the local gym last Sunday w^en our town teams turned in pleasing 622 1900 victories. Green's team showed plenty pf class in winning a 46 to 40 thriller 137--386 from the highly touted Devonshires 142--403 from Crystal Lake. Wally Kreutzef 108--412 wa"s the boy who started the gape off 154--439 right and fired his team mates with 100--300 the idea that they could trim the high ranking Devonshires. Watty's C. O. F TEAM NO. ONE-- 148 *V VV y led this match with 631 pins. Ed Smith, like all good captains, led his Karls team with a-608 series. Bolger .X"..;"' The Old Timers had some hot bat- Simoq J'T^'.T. ties in their league, too. Hughes led """ the Bacon team to a 12 pin victory over the Grangers, rolling a 594 series which included 220 arid 211 games. Hejmer Granger led his squad with a 554 to- Xhies .... ...... tal. Another close match found the jjye Saytera winning from the Schaefer Steffes team 2455 to 2406. Barbian led the Smith winners, mixing a 233 game in a 526 j jseries. Page was high man for the;.. Schaefers. rolling 549. ' ' 819 912 TEXM NO. THIIEE-- ......... 189 156 634 665 641 1940 sharp shooting took the visitors off > j their feet at the start of the game as I he sunk five field goals fn rapid fire 'order. His total was eight field goals 155 190--493 for the game. Kinsala also hit the 165 152--462 net eight tintes from the floor and 224 196--631 dropped in one free throw for a total 166 177--500 of 17 points. "Man.Mountain" Dow- 202 202--562 ell, who has looked better this year than at any time in the past, was a 145 211 157 158 164 130 164 191 171 160 175 201 "SO I HEAR" by Earl walsh Things I'd like to see again: ' ^ ; Green grass. ' The White Sox win a pennant.' A good Western picture. Red Grange picking 'em up and laying 'em down. Jack Dempsey in his prime. (Can you imagine the old Mauler riveting the Brown Bomber? What a scrap!) Babe Ruth at the plate. (Whatever became of that fellow?) One of John Smith's;'tent shows. (Long„ John Thelen took me to see my first pitcure---The Ratzenjammer Kids at the Air Dome. Boy! It was marvelous! An old County Fair" in all its glory, (Remember hats and dusters?) Unknowingly Buys " Own Burial Shroud Harrtsburg, Pa.--Mrs. Elizabeth Malley Fehl, forty-eight, of nearby New Market, bought her bnrlal shroud while on a shopping tour In this city but she was unaware of it at the time. The woman died three days after she purchased a new dress a ad shoes and her body was clothed for burial In these articles. SPRING GROVE = car was hit by a train at a crossing near the John Boppart home. - Mn I May's car had stalled and Mr.! Bop* 1 • .1 ~= part assisted him by pushing the car Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer attend- ?Jl* ^7 """j1 t!? »d «Je C,d„ Wedding A™™ Tuesday evening. About twenty rela tives gathered for a pleasant evening the car he and his son jumped; while the MUTE GIVEN VOICE; " BELIEVED MIRACLE 834 TEAM NQ. TWO-- Sutton Winkel TEAMNO. Unti Wauconda trimmed the "Duck Freund 8oop" outfit from Volo 2528 to 2376. G. Freund ....,..^... Daeey led the winners with 667, while Thennes • Wirtx led Volo with 526. The Ladies Club bowled Monday night. Two teams are organized at present and more are expected in the near future. "Blendy" Hapke led the two teams, rolling a 502 series. Mrs. Dacy led the losers with a 439 total. Schaefer Just to give you an idea of what some Weber of tha ladies can do, Mrs. John Kilday A, Justen bowled a 507 series Monday night. G. Justen Some of the averages also indicate that the ladies are pretty fair bowlers. For instance, Dorothy Page has a 150 average to keep up. Rovena Marshall 'Blondy" Hapke, Mrs. Kilday, Mrs. 178 126 129 152 191 863 147 128 161 188 185 776 799 FOUR-- 184 147 ,....„ 170 163 194 193 ...1. 170 189 189 221 917 2648 tower of strength in taking the ball off the back board, getting the tip off 145--490" find scoring nine points for his team. 177^--512 Then we have the guards, Lockwood 129--419 and Bennett, who played a strong Had a letter from Glenn Draper 234--57? p«rt not only on defense, but also who is taking in some scenery and 216-T-608 in speeding up and down the floor I aiso some sports events in sunny Cal- • , ; to take part in a five man offense, j ifornia," Glenn says that Stanford 901 2602 The McHenry boys piled up a com- has thd best basketball team in those ",/ fortable lead in the first half, but parts. He saw them whip Southern 167--492 found it necessary to settle' down to California 51 to 47 after trailing 12 158--412 serious business during the last half points at the half. Says they have a 184--*464 to stem the tide of the determind {ellow nkmed Tuisetti who scored 30 210--560 Devonshires. The boys show vast im- j points in the game. The same fel- 192--568 provment over early season perform-! low has scored 87 points in five con- ^nces and should Continue to give the. ference games. Glenn also Art Lasky Once Unable to Talk, Shepherd Preaches Sermon. 911 2486 best in this section a run for their | knock out Bob Cook in less then two monejl. J rounds. You had better stay in that Joe's Aces have a habit of winning, sunshine a while longer, Glenn. Our games, but came dangerously close! weather is very invigorating, 'to say to breaking the habit against 141--472 168--501 202--589 Fox 897 913 853 2663 173--532 The Aces won 27 to 26 in one 169--569 of thoS6 tight contests that makes basketball one of the most thrilling games in the world of sport. Cham- OLD TIMERS' CLUB TEAM NO. THREE-- the leaat Some folks strive To make "The Wake,"_ But we appeared In "Put and Take.' Rosing and Mrs. Jack Thies are Barbian ... among those with a 140 average. iGoodell ... | Pries ....... Smith ....... For COUGHS due to COLDS rSimple Burachltli Use the great Doutu Tummmi LCEMULSION and VAPO-SPRAY pimply aprajr- Vip»-9pn| la Um air ot th« poultry houa* at night Soothing germicidal Oila. la vapor form, work dowa through head throat and windpipe. l<»f miilBloa M la th« nuh. allays eouffh im) k4utm temperatura. Oae ««rk* (rw» the Imlde aat aa4 tW *thrr work* la tram tfc* outside. Either alone Is Often aufTlclenc but together they are doubly effective. Leeasulsion is especially valuable (or chicks. THOMAS P. BOLGER "The McHenry Drupgist" Phone 40 Green Street Sayler 116 149 164 180 157 176 23S--625 TEAM NO. Beavis «... Covalt ........... Johnson Page Schaefer 766 800 FOUR-- 165 165 113 ...... 180 185 ..... 158 berlin led the winners with ten points. "Bud" Peterson showed good form asj he scored seven points and played aj Coach Dale's team from Woodstock nice floor game. Manager Joe used j played nice basketball to nose out 149 157--455 ^ starting lineup throughout the en-! Crystal Lake in the county tourna- 164 164--*92'^jre game. boys have had an ment. For some reason the fkvorites 146 180--506 'eagy time winning most of their games j from Richmond bogged down in 174 146--477 they showed that they have what tournament competition. They have it takes when the going is tough. j rated as the best balanced team in the The McHenry Girls team dropped a county during the season. Palmer, 17 to 12 game to the Lake Zurich! the cool-headed general from Hebron, girls. 880 2455 136 173 176 170 165--495 121--370 130--483 188--549 McHENRY TOWN TEAM 46 won the admiration of the crowd That bojr' i» iight there with the froods. 801 TEAM NO. TWO+- Hughes ........... Weber ..... Karls Freund ........... ISaeott* 163 118 169 JL56 177 820 220 185 185 171 152 211--594 15g_^61 17S--529 191--518 169--493 B P Kreutzer, f ... 8 0 Kinsala, f ...8 Dowel 1, c, .... ...3 8 Chamberlain, C ...v........ ... 0 1 Bennett, g .., 1 1 Green, g .... 0 0 Lockwood, gf ... 0 0 '• •' ... "783 TEAM NO. ONE-- 913 904 2600 :v Totals CRYSTAL LAKEj- ThC BTIEISB McHenry, Illinois Sunday Matinee 3:15 Continuous Weekdaya--7:10--9:10 C. S. T. FRIDAY (Last Day) "WAY DOWN BAST" SATURDAY-ONE DAY ONLY Carole Lombard -- Fred Mac- Murray in "HANDS ACROSS THE TABLE" Crime Doesn't Pay--"A Thrill Far Thelma" SUNDAY -- MONDAY Margaret Sullivan -- - KaiUlph Scat! "SO &5D THE ROSE" ALSO--Popeye „ . Voice of Experience ~WorId News Events Matinee--3 p. ol, Continaous TIJESDAY -- WEDNESDAY Betty Burgess -- Johnny Downs "CORONADO" ALSO--Selected Shorts THURSDAY -- FRIDAY Herbert Marshall -- Jean Arthur Leo Carrillo in "IF YOU COULD ONLY COOK" February Issue--March of Time Todd-Kelly Comedy "Top Flat Wattles . Schaefer Perkins . Adams Granger. 160 170 176 164 160 146 159 192 181 184 v830 862 896 2588 Read,.f nj;. Starritt, f Nelson, f 147--515 Leig.^ c 20J-545 WafSn8, 210--554 jordan> g Kiddie, g ....... 20 40 B p ;... 1 • 0 ;... 2 1 1 s ...: 0 '• 0 .... 2 . . 6 4 2 CaVafat, Roumania.--Peter Lupu.^re* viously known as a mute, deaf, il- Hteirate, semlsavage shepherd. Is today the most notable, man In Roiimanla. reverenced by thousands of persons as a saint. :' Several weeks ago, Peter sttoiided Sunday service In the .village of Mnjr lavlt and created an estraonlinnrv sensation by mounting the p«l|>ir rtttddelivering an Impressive fiemton in s clear, powerful voice. " The action of the sujt|>«y«e<l mute in suddenly Miking ami; »<hh fss: Ing the congregation In liiH.l w.iril<: was In Itself deemed isfmirseie; 'rhi* story he told made It an Vven hiMr** awe-Vnsplrlng evenr. He related that while he was out with his sheep on the Oanuhe plain, an old man with a huge, silver-white beard appeared before him and ordered him to go and tell: the |xv»ple that "there will he hell on earth If they lose their faith." Then, be said, the mysterious Agure vanished Into the air. " The peasants of Majdavlt, believing the shepherd to have talked with flod, now kneel before him and believe him to possess miraculous powers. Thousands (locked to Maglavlt to be blessed. Bucharest newspapers devote considerable space to him and Roumanla's new l.ourdes. Every Sunday, when he preaches, his sermon are attended by husre crowds. There was nearly a riot when police sousrht ro prevent the shepherd from holding services. Since ttien there has heen no official opposition. will be glad to hear that amputation of her leg will not be necessary as was at first reported. Silas Pierce spent a few days the past week with his daughter," Mrs. Harold Colby, in Waukegan. Donald McCafferty and Robert Foulke, students at the University of Illinois, are enjoying a ten day vacation with their parents. "of vi• s?itfi°n g andj general family chatter. car went on crossing the track at th*a The serving of a lovely lunch 'completed the par.ty. Miss Margaret Waspi is still at a hospital in Elgin, due to a broken leg ,T j°' V'c 1 «v^i it- Jn called at the home of her daughter exact time the train'roared through hitting the car and smashing it be» yond repair. Mrs. Edith Cleveland, Round received several weeks ago. It will be necessary for her to remain there Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer, on Saturday. .. tt , . , Mildred Freund was a visitor in tlM 1 ° r " ' . I ™ " Z i " e " d! hom. Sa^,. . Miss Ann Spindler, whp was*Mr*' iously ill last week is slowly Improve ing.! -*v\ Mr. and Mrs. AF<!&qhjDfltzer enjqy* ed a hockey game in Chicago Sunday. Mrs. Howard Siedschlag was a caller in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pierce Monday, ^ Lyle and Russell Franzen of Rin^ wood spent Saturday evening wfajl The Vincent Feltes family have re^atjVes here moved into the Orvis building, having >ot.luck dinner Will be served spent the winter in the John Ehlert the home of home near Wilmot. Glendale Esh and Clarence Karls attended the basketball tournament in Woodstock several nights last week. Mrs. James ^V-ulke, son, Robert, motored to Racine Friday to visit in J the honfe of Mr. and Mrs. Howard, Westlake. ' , ' ' ; -I) , Miss Alyce Nodland, Chicago, is vis. . iting friends here. 1 Peter May and son narrowly escaped death Saturday night when his If. and Mrs. Reed Cfflr. by the Ladies' Aid on Friday, February 14.- • . . ': V Margaret Bower spent the wtriwM with her sons in Waukegan.^ MATCH GAME WAUCONDA . Dacey 187 1# Whitman . 153 143 Banks 156 190 Schender 135 182 Branchen 182 188 204--557 136--432 147--493 195--512 159--529 Totals' 14 12 JOE'S ACES -- 27 DUCK SOUPS," Lenzen Nanzrer v,^, Wirta Bruno is,-... Martini ..i.~ 137 141 170 138 186 167 173 182 118 155 B P Wnv. Kreutser, £ .4.--.... . 1 1 W. Smith, £ 1 2. Chamberlain, c .. 4 2 H. Smith, ; .. 1 1 Peterson, g .. 8 Totals 10 P 0 j The press was admitted to the best 01 show of the year Monday night. at 4; the Palace Alleys. The girls in the 0 ladies' bowling club dolled up in men's 5 j clothes and put on a show that was a 4 peach. Some wore, their husband's 2 outfits, and some had to go outside the •-- family for garb of proper fittine. 15 Mrs. Dacy of. Wauconda tied with • Carolyn Justen for the snappiest cos- P tume prize. We couldn't describe the 0 costumes, but they were snappy look- 1 ing "gentlemen." "Lyd" Engeln took - 1 the most comical prize. fSecret: She 2 wore Carl "Swede" Bickler's outfit.) : 0 Earl Monear donated the prizes. The 1 ladies are organizing teams with the 3 losers "setting 'em up." Mrs. John -- Karl and Mrs. George Barbian 8 were the cheer leaders Monday night. --And what a rioutous pair they made! Well, the girls had a lot of fun, and so did we. There is more life around the Palace Than ever before. FOX LAKE --26 772 795 819 2876 * MATCH GAME FOX RIVER GROVE Kotaska Cernocky ........ Strand Bacon Karr 916 892 WILD CATS (McHenry) Stilling 157 175 Steffes ...-w.., 181 162 Justen 213 211 Thennes. 182 182 Phannenstill 135 144 841 2523 179--483 161--475 174--520 stratton, f . 124-380 Britz, f Molidor, f ... Lutz, c Ganryson, e Scott, g Lewis, g B 181--522 F i' 0 0 2 . 0 : 1 0 McHenry will get another crack at the Richmond high school basketball -jteam Friday night on the home floor. 9 Richmond beat McHenry on their floor early in the season, then knocked us off the first night of the county tournament last week. With due resect for the ability of the Richmond squad, we still feel that is it a long road that has no turn. Boys, don't miss the turn. 223 141--465 146--536 182--511 176--538 17g_ 581 823 2631 161--483 198--541 190--614 155--519" 182--461 Totals 11 McHENRY GIRLS -- 12 B E. Anderson, f ................ 2 M. Anderson, f Covalt, c 1; Weber, c 0 H. Conway, g 1 B. Conway, g 0 Jnsten, g- .fl F -0 0 0 0 0 JL And now we-hereby apply for membership in the ever-increasing club which promises to offer no complaints when the mercury hita 110 in the shade next July. Babies Fared Well Last Year 868 874^886 2628 ••••<• •••I1 Among the Sick Totals fc-. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 7 Frank Morgan - Herbert Mundin "THE PERFECT GENTLEMAN", SATURDAY ONLY BUCK JONES in "THE THROWBACK" Hal LeRoy Musical--Serial SUNDAY -- MONDAY . James Cagney -- -- Margaret Lindsay "FRISCO KID" Special Shorts -- Popeye Cartoon 15c TUESDAY 15c WILLIAM BOYD in 'BAR 20 RIDES AGAIN' WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY I&yraa Loy -- Spencer Tracy "WHIPSAW" COMING SOON "The Bride Comes Home'* "' "Broadway Hostess" v, •^Strike Me Pink" "East of Java" "Splendor" "If You Could Only Cook" NO. 1 FIGURE SKATER Totals 5 LAKE ZURICH -- 17 I . . ' - B H. Frank, f Larsen, f 0 M. Sodeberg, f 3 P. Sodeberg, c 3 Lohman, g 0 Miss' Mayme Buss, city collector, is 0 still confined tb her bed with a broken leg sustained when struck by a truck. Mrs. Joe Brefeld returned home last week from St. Theresa's hospital, Waukegan, and is recuperating from her recent operation. E. E. Bassett is recovering from his recent illness, and is again able to be up and about the house. Dr. R. G. Chamberlin is again able to be out after an attack of the flu. Mrs. George Bohr, who suffered a triple fracture of the wrist in a fall, is able to be out, although her ami is in a cast. Mrs. T. J. Walsh, who suffered ser- j ious injuries 'when struck by an auto-' mobile in October, is still confined to her bed a greater part of the time. She is awaiting another X-ray examination. Mrs. Ella M. Wheeler, 82-year old resident of McHenry, is confined to bed with illness at her home on Green street. Mrs. Louis McDonald of Woodstock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman, who underwent an operation at Jefferson Park hospital, Chicago, last week, is. recovering as well as can be expected. She will need to stay in the hospital sixteen days and Svill then go to the home of a relative in Chicago for a time. F 0 0 1 0 * 3 "Hello Streat" Surlwonjrse road. In Bangkok, la known as "Hello street" by the English colony there, as that'Is the greeting which the women who live In the street call oat to -every male passerby Karl Sdiafer of Austria, holder of the international figure skating championship, pictured in a graceful leap as he prepared for the winter Olympics at Garmlsch-Partenkirchen, Germany. P 2 rZj 1] Babies fared better in Illinois last ® year than during any previous period 1: in thg history of the State. The loss ~' of infant life fell to the unprecendent- 2jetf and remarkably low rate of 46 --"! deaths per 1,000 births during the 1 first eleven months of 1935. The decline of mortality from infantile diar- ^! rhea to 319 deaths, a rate of 4.4 pei j 100,000 population, the lowest on rej cord, is an important factor in the J imrovement. A low rate from infan- * tile diarrhea denotes a high standard ^ of infant feeding and of hygienic and " sanitary practice with respect to in- ~~'fant foods and infant care. | The loss, of maternal life, 4,8 deaths !per 1,000 births, was also lower than in any previous corresponding period This implies a more adequate practice of prenatal and obstetrical care. Declines varying from slight to substantial were observed in the death dates from typhoid fever, whooping cough, epidemic encephalitis, tuberculosis, diabetes, nephritis, and accidents. The biggest improvement was in the fatal accident rate which dropped from 87.6 to 72.7 per 100;000 popillation. The number of fatal acci- j dent declined from 6,318 to 5,296, an improvement of 1,022. Measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, influenza, cerebro-spinal imeningitis, cancer, apoplexy, heart disease and pneumonia caused greater mortality during the first eleven months of 1935 than of 1934. Heart disease and cancer led the upward trend with an increase of 546 and 325 deaths, respectively. These two conditions were responsible for 28,719 of the 77,311 deaths from all causes, a matter of 37 per cent, freart disease, cancer, and accidents combined accounted for 34,015 deatfis or 44 per cent of the total mortality. . The general death rite, 10.6 per 1,000 population, was down while the birth rate, 13.8 was up compared with 1934. The excess of births over deaths was 23,151 aifd\ 19,432 during the first eleven months tof 1935' and 1934, respectively. Seized by Huge Python ---Says He "Saw He|v«n" "New York.--Otis Lloyd, animal handler of Herrin. 111., who knows the deadly squeeze of a 2(>-foot python, will recover from his Injuries, hut It Is douhtful If he ever will hsndle snakes again. "For the first time In my life I'm afraid of snakes;'* 6«ld Lloyd as he told of his "death 10 seconds away" and how visions of the python coiled around his body haunt his waking and steeping moments. - Lloyd felt the crushing hug of the p.vihon when It wriggled out of the grasp' of eight employees at Frank Ruck's zoo In AmltyvHle. L. I. Only quick action of fellow-workers, who pried him loose, saved Lloyd from certain death, for the serpent already <had applied the squeeze with which It brings quick death to Its prey. Visibly pained by the thought, Lloyd said he saw visions of another land, a sort of hereafter, as the gigantic reptile wraped Its bone-crushing loop about him. He said: "1 felt him paralyse my- breathing. My head felt as though it were bursting. Then 1 went blind; and In my semi-conscious condition I gwear l saw another land." Kmwi A|»l» Wilmington, Mass., has » rooaamoat Mi an apple. The marble asaaawii has a granite apple oa top, and Informs the sightseer that on aa adjoining farm was grown the first Bald» win apple. V r Foundry Hand Doe* Not Mind Racket in Tavern St. Ixnils, Mo.--A witness for a tavern keeper, called before Excise Commissioner Anderson here recently on complaints from neighbors that the tavern was too "noisy," didn't aid the proprietor's cause very much. "The music didn't bother me," asserted the witness, who also lived nearby. "Lots of times I slept right througu it." "Where do you work?" inquired the commissioner, who must have bad a hunch. "in a foundry,'* replied the friendly neighbor innocently. The taverh was oraerea cioseff two days. TOT New Packard Agency Postman Refutes Theorfk He Really Quits Walking Ran .Tose, Calif-- Will H. "Hill" l.nk" has conclusively refuted the old theory thafc,"the postman goes walking on his day ofT." The other day Bill closed 42 years of service with the San Jose post office.' during which period he had walked 131.040 miles and toted a tofnl of roughly 650 tons of mall, Including a mere 2,000.<N>0 letters. And as celebration of the fact. Bill (who never was at the wheel In his life before) went downtown, bought himself a new autortnoblle and started on a l,(X»0-mlle motor Journey. Plaindealer Want Ads bring results Crow I* Zoo Greeter Philadelphia.---A perL somewhat lmpudent crow has been germed the official "greeter" of f'hllOTelphla's mammoth zoological gardens: "Hel lo! Hello," say# the talking crow, ia hi# pew cage. Blackjacks "FragiU" Hiawatha, Kan.--Ijaw ^olators of this town need not fear rough handling at the hands of police. A package of leather polfl£ blackjacks was recently received marked' "fragile." "MY SKIN WAS FULL OF PIMPLES and BLEMISHES" Says Verna Schlepp: "Since using Adlerika the pinn pies are gone. My skin is smooth and glows with health." Adlerika washes BOTH bowels, rids you of poisons that cause a bad complexion. Thorpas P. Bloger, Druggist, -pin Riagwopd by £, W. .Bro,w,n pruggist. ^ ' . '• •-r"? Need rubber stamps? Order at the Plaindealer. In addition to our line of NASH and LAFAYETTE cars, we have taken the agency for the 1936 PACKARD LINE and invite all to call and see this new car on our floor and let us give you a demonstration. The prices range from $990 to * $1,115. You know what the name PACKARD means. Ask the man who owns one. * • B.H. Freund Motor Sales Pearl Street Tel. 185 McHenry, DL A m« mUIm rrtm that laa* lor th* aMln i>«ih nan now h tUi tout AAP Smmaadi waafc and •at voar (ml hill* dib mnnAI TUt U Sal* Na> L EIGHT O'CLOCK 4^ m _ COFFEE. 3 « 43C FRIHA V A SATIWItAY OHLYI O-LB. SAO . 115c FULL STANDARD QUALITY TOMATOES CANS SunnyfieM Sliced %-lb. pkg. l«e Cane Sugar, 10-lb. Cloth bag ..Me ib» pkg. 26*^. Salted Peanuts, lb- 10t; , Red Sour lotted Cher* • ries<Xo. 1C can J9c Rita Crackcrs, 1-lb. pkg ?l« Jelly Beans. ... ... Ih 1®*^ Sunbrite Cleanser, 6 cans ....... 2S« Santa Clara Pnrnea, 60-70 size, *... Ik 6c BEANS . 10-25* •WHITfc MI USE _ MILK . . 4"^25« DEL MONTE PEACHES 2« 29« OEL MONTE CROSBY CORN 3 gftl 29t DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE ... 2 M 35c RAJAH SANDWICH SPREAD^A^ 10c IB f17 JAR !•• Pillsbury's Pancake Flour, ; 20-oz. pkg 10c •. Miss Wisconsin., PettS*: $ No. 2 cans -- 29c PRODUCE SPECIALS McClure Potatoes, 15 lb. peek ,. -Texas Yams, ......... JBananas Broccoli Head Lettuce, Med. size 5c Fancy Celery. Two Ig. stalks 19c Fresh Mushrooms .......... lb- 25c Strawberries, pint btt* 19c Slab Bacon 'lb. 25c Salt Pork lb. 171 »c CHASE 4l SANBORN** COFFEE 1-LB. BAGS 49« CLEAN QUICK SOAP CHIPS 5 LBS. 27® TWO PKllS ......... 27c 4 lbs. 17c lb. 5c Ib. 5c COLLEGE INN Rice Dinner, *So(l|M and Spaghetti mca^ CANS 19c • Chk k.«*r» Broth, CHivken Af.;cf 1 He or Mttshrcnvm \HircuBW> is wans. The Rkt Oimxf ar*J conxr* in IV,***- COLLECt IMN CHICKEN A LA KING 31« A&P Food Stores m t M I D D L E * E S T [ R V fl,. I ;r, ,t ,rvi I'., ^ r Nrnm-A * A

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