SCHFl * * ' " 1' }% t HbBSHST PLAIHDKALK* .. " U' t >* * **% •<•>*•> \ •- ^ v.' :r-x*.t WP - v - ' Ifcandty, JUraty, », JMf ^ I,, i; :•• 1M M'HKNKV r».AHMUr.Al .n.K PutHisfced erery Thursday at McHenry, I1L, by Chariot -F. lUmch. bt«cd as second-class matter at the poatoAee at MVHrary. 11L, ua. 4m the act of May 8, 1879. \J ,y V « One Tear - ,%tz Months .S2.O0 ...11.00 A. IL HOfiitsft, Editor aad Manager /lAIIkm 19«y1er, Local Editor -- -- -- -- Telephone 197 sPBxsre e&ovs j?*. • --V" .- Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pierce entertained the members lof their club Tuesday evening. Three tables of five hundred were in play and prizeis were awarded to Mrs. Arthur Kattner Mrs- Frank May, and Mrs. John Lay ! while consolation went to Frank Sanders. Refreshments were served .during the evening. cH Edith Lopeman spent the past week '•in the hom^ of Mr. and Mrs. Chester '.Stevens. . . Dorothy Behrens, who IS employed ||t Richmond spent a few days ltat .week with her pareate, Mi. and Mrs. sJiiGhas. Bchnena. ^ Martin May,: Chicago, visited his parents, Mr. and Mra. Ajatoc Mayon Thursday. Miss Ann Spindler has gone to :he? • jbome in Freeport until she has recuperated from her recent illness. "~ John Lopeman is visitiag at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Lopeman. Mrs. Charles Behrens .visited in Chicago on Friday. Miss Nora Watts, Fox Lake, was a caller in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Zarnstorff -fcave moved to the flat in the B. L. Orvis home. Miss Frances Freund has returned to her home having spent six weeks In Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders, son, Clinton, motored to Rockford Saturday. They have, been unable to re- SPRING FELT turn as the roads ifre still blocked with snowdrifts. Arthur Zarnstorff, who had the misfortune to break his arm several weeks ago is improving. Victor Blink visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund over the weekend. . Misses Lorena and Lucille Esh and Evelyn Sanders, students of McHenry High School, spent the past week at home as it was impossible to attend school due to cold weather and severe snow storms. Shirley Steinks, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Steinke was very ill with a touch of pneumonia on Sunday. She is 'how greatly improved du«i to the heroic efforts of a typical country doctor. Dr. Dickey of Richmond braved the Worst blizzard of the Jeason and walked down the rail* rond tracks, as the roads were impassable, to come to the aid of this little miss at her home here. He returned to his office in Richmond by the same tedious way. At last we have our roads open, that is at least up to Route 12. About thirty-two men went out Monday afternoon with shovels and battled the snow for three miles west of town then started travelling «n?»t until they reached Fox Lake. HERE AND ELSEWHERE Gibson, film actress, wearing •one of the new spring felts of billiard table green, with pleated crown and feather trimming. gLocuars LAKE Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were business callers at McHenry Friday. Willard Darrell, Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Robert and Lyle, and Mrs. Elmer Esping spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at Forest Park. Elmer Esping in company with Robert and Gordon James, Lester Biere and Herbert Doerschuk of Libertyville and other members from Waukegan and Highwood left Thursday evening, January 30, with the Midwest Recording Co., for several months of vaudeville work which will take them through the Western States. Their first appearance was at Blue Earth Minn., Friday evening* January 31. The are playing today (Thursday) at Salt Lake City, Utah. Mrs. Earl Converse spent foiir days last week at the home of Jier mother, Mrs. Philena Dav^s^ After beinir snowbound since the snow storm of Saturday- many of the farmers of this community shoveled their way to. Wauconda when after finding Rotue 176 open to Milwaukee ave., three truck loads of milk driven by Harry Matthews, Merle Dowell and Farrell McGill, left at 6 o'clock in the j evening for their receiving plant at Mayfair. Many farm boys accompanied them to help Bhovel if necessary. Mexico put* out more than 80 par, cent of the world's silver. . i Native Alms to educate natlvec at* to be* tried In South Africa. "New York city's assessed real estate valuation Is set at $16,000,000,000. Only 18 per cent of the English walk properly, a London foot specialist declare$. Airplanes are forbidden by law to pass over the White House ^ Washington, D. C. The average ttfstance between airplane landing fields In the tfhlted States Is 13% miles. There are 20f religious bodies In the United States with a combined membership of over 62,000,000. . It has been found that, more than 10,000,000 persons are treated annb' ally In the hospitals of the United States. The Ethiopian calendar divides the year Into 12 months, of 80 day® each, followed by one month of five- days (six in leap.year). OLDEST U. S. SALOON MOVES TO NEW HOME /MEMBER WHEN. Every home had its candle snuffers. You could buy fggs for 6 and $ cents a' dozen. Women wore extremely high-top batton Shoe*." • ' -Street cars were pulled t>y horses or mnlM, • The. general by the spoonful. Most , city steets were made of rough-5 brick q^cobble stones. Women did all their sewing with machines worked by hand. •Grocers usually stuck a small potato on the kerosene can spout Expensive laprobes and dusters were objects «f great pride to the driving public. Dad kept a big barrel of black molasses In the barn to mix with the stock feed.--Pathfinder Magazine.- SAYINGS OF THE WISE Along the Concrete D 1fU?0W tr INTO «K»H. TAKE V0UC IW OPF Dif CLUTCH ANP6AIE IT SOME 6A9 PUT WHAT PB? 100 W TOOO ? The reward of one duty Is tbf povrer to fulfill another.--Eliot. Whoever makes great presents, expects great presents In return.-- Martial. For words, like Nature, half reveal, and half conceal the soul within.-- Tennyson. Those 'gifts are eser tbe mrist acceptable which tbt giVer niakes pireclous.-- Ovid. • • • • And I endeavor to subdue circum stances to myself, and not myself to circumstances.--Horace. •••' ^ • A man cfln do what he ought to do, and when he says he cannot, U Is b* cause he wIM not.--Frlchte. • When a work raises your soul and inspires yoa with brave and noble sentiments. It is good, and done by the hand of a workman.--La Bruyere. GEMS OF THOUGHT He Is next to the gods whom reason, and not passion, Impels.--Claudlan. Some act tirst, think afterward, and then repehf forever.--C. Simmons. Recompense injury with justice, and nnklndness with kindness.--Confucius. Wouldst tliou subject all things to thyself?--Subject thyself to thy reason.-- Seriecn. r:: Repose and cheerfulness are the hnrlgp nf tho --rppnso In t>r«y.--Emerson, , • What is -really momentous and allimportant with' us |s the present,' by wlilch'the future |s shaned and colored Scenes and Persons in the Current News Famed New Orleans Hottelry Now Night Club. "New Orleans.--Amprlca's oldest saloon-- the Old Absinthe house in the French quarter of New Orleans--again is operating as It did for 120 years before the era of tVolstead. writes a cor respondent on the Kansas City Star But the ancient plioe of refreshment now Is only a shadow of Its former self, for the famous bar and the more than a century old fixtures all have been removed a block down Bourbon street, whqre they still hre bein? used, to dispense beverajjes In a 1">0 ye^r-ohl building which displays proudly the sign, "Old, Absinthe House Bjjr.K. But despite the fact thnt it now ha« been transformed Into a night Club with a jazz .band and dance floor, the Old Absinthe house still retains sufficient historical Importance to lure all visitors to the Crescent City. The Old Absinthe house Is something more than merely America's oldest saloon. The ancient building, In the heart of the V'ieux Carre, form? - a page bn which is written one of tile most vivid and colorful Chapters of America's history. Ben.eath Its anclen'. roof of slate and sheets of lead, wlth'n those walls of thin and narrow brick, brought to New Orleans In the holds'of sailing ships and laid sn^ faced with stucco, behind the heavy doors of great planks hinged and braced with iroQ hammered out by slaves nearly two cen turies ago, scenes have been enacted that have no counterpart in the page* of American history. Famous Patrons. At the- tables and at the <bar, "Aii- ^ drew Jackson drank. The Marquis dt* Lafayette, Jean J>afitte and his brother. Pierre, and Dominlck You, the pirate leaders, who fought under Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans, all knew the pleasure of Its hospltabbpotions. There the bulky William Howard Taft leaned against the bar and watched the absinthe turn from green to milky white before the bev : crage was banned from sale, and there, hour after hour, sipping his drink, stood O. Henry, then a New Orleans newspaper reporter known t.v hls employers and his fellow employees mere as Sidney Porter. There Lafcadio Hearn was wont to gather with a few of his cronies and spin his tales. And It was there that Missouri's illustrious son,-Mark Twain, met with, his Mississippi river friends In the lays ere lie became famous as Amer ica's foremost humorist. At the bar Alexis, Grand Duke or Russia, quaffed l\is deep drink before hastening to steal a glimpse of New Orleans' famous quadroon ball; Jenny Lind peeped In on her way to sing at the-old French Opera house; Thackeray visited the place for his aperitif when the noted British novelist was visiting America. And there drank Aron Burr, who came down the river on a barge rowed by slaves, his head filled with dreams of a new empire of the West. And the idol of the New Orleans Creoles, Gen. Pierre Gustave Tputant Beauregard, was a regular patron for his Creole appetizer. Reeks With History. The place reeks with history, nearly a century and a half of It. It was there that Jean Lafitte sipped his absinthe the night before he was cap tured by the forces of Governor Claiborne In 1913 and lodged for safekeeping in the prison of the old Ca!- bildo. Brought to trial In New Orleans for piracy, he employed the best legal talent available and managed to beat the case. But upon returning to his headquarters at Grand Terra he again set up his piratical establishment and the American governor was forced to put a price on his head. Soon after he fought a battle with a British man of-war on his own account, putting up such a ferocious flgbt that the BriUsb sought to enlist him in their own - service, offering him Immunity from any punishment for his former deeds as a pirate In addition to ao award of $30,000 in gold. 1'rom 182(5 until 1027--a year over a century--the Old Absinthe house bar' was conducted by members of the same family. AfteE-a-ucohlhitlon raid In tli-» latter year, the fixtures were moved from the old place by a great-grandson* of the founder, Pierre Cazebonne, atid It remained padlocked for a year, the fixtures being, taken down the street" to a new setting. Today America's old est saloon again is in operation, but it is a far, far cry from the place thai knew the tread of the feet of Jackson! Bowie, Lafitte, Burr and O. Henry. . Humo WARDROBE TROUBLES They were speeding In a taxi toward the theater. "I wish you hadn't made me dress up. I--er--** he began. **Nonsense, dear," she replied. "You look nice in your dress clothes." *<1 wish I hadn't, all the same." "I never saw such a man/* 1 "All the same, I think we ought to turn back." # "We're ten. minutes late already. What's the Idea?" "Well, I've just remembered that 1 left tbe tickets in my brown suit!** ' A Bad Fall "You are late, William r said the schoolmaster. ' "Yes, sir. I had s nasty fall this morning!" was the reply. "Where did you fall?" asked the master. • '".V "Well, sir, after mother called me ! fell asleep again I" ; . ; ? '-Hasiag. ' **lr thfere much halting In your school?" "Yes,", said the student "We're rather polite among ourselves, but every now and then we stir the board of education up to haze a professor." Lacky Wif* Guest--You certainly have one of the most polite and attentive husbands I ever saw. Wife (smiling)--Yes, you see, he used to be an attendant at a filling station. SO WHAT? 1--Theodore Roosevelt Memorial hall ofr the American Museum of Natural History in New York which was dedicated by President Roosevelt. 2-Wreckage of the big plainer which fell In an Arkansas swamp, carrying 17 persona to their death. 3--Col. Edgar S. Gorcell, who was elected "czar" of commercial aviation, by the newly organized Air Transj>ort Association of America. Harvard Rolls Include Students From. 30 Lands Cambridge, Mass.--Thirty countries are represented among the 1 IS) foreign students attending Harvard university this year. Canada has the largest delegation with 29 representatives. England and China are second with 17 students each. Other countries represented are: Germany, seven; France, live; P,el*i gluui and Turkey, four; Mexico, Scot' land and India, three; Greece, Cuba, Italy and Siitito Domingo, two, nml Australia, Austria, Estonia, Hungary, Ireland, Japan. Norway, Poland, Puerto Rico, Switzerland, Russia, SinVn; Syria and Lithuania, one eaclViV-^ Gets 1 *Cent Check Pittsfield, Mass.--Edward Conhell believes he has the smallest check ever written by Uncle Sam. A check for one cent was made out to him by a government insurance cashier In 1922 because of an overpayment for insurance. Mrs. Edward I&wHngl of Indian4 apolis, Ind., spent a few days over the weekend with her mother, Mrs. F. O. G«u. Landlady--I'll give you Just one day in which to pay your rent Boarder--Very well. I'll choose next Christmas. Couldn't Predict the Future "I've coine to ask for your daughter's hand." "When were you first struck by her?" "Well--er--we haven't quarreled so far."--Stray Stories Magazine. CIom Friends Mother--I wish you'd punish Bobby. He's been fighting with Harry again. Dad--With Harry? I thought they were inseparable. Mother--They pretty nearly were It took four of us to drag them apart I Natural Science Sambo--Why am It dat a black cow gives white milk dat makes yellow butter? Rastus--For de same reason dat blackberries' am red when dey is gre«L__ .... Not Seen Since Manager--Have you seen the cashier this morning? Clerk--Yes, he came In without a mustache,'and borrowed a railway time table.--Stray Stories Magazine. No Fair! Boy (with battered face)--I still say ! ca n Il^"^rim-wkb-o««_haiid( Friend--Why didn't you? Boy--Aw, he wouldn't fight that way 1 . • . " r-.; FirstLaugti "Are women humorists?" -Who can doubt It?" said Miss Oftyt enne. "They've been laughing at ineir ever since. Eve handed Adam the red apple." FASHION NOTE "D6 you believe in love at tirst slight?" "It all depends whether she Is in a house dress or a b?!l gown." . Prayer* A little boy was saying his go-to-bed prayers in a very low voice. Mother--I can't hear you, dear. Small One (firmly)--Wasn't talking to yon. From Louisiana Purchase The states that were formed from the Louisiana purchase were l/ouislana, Mlfsourl, ^fkjmats, Iowa, Mnneaobu North Dakota. South Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma and most of Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming and Montana. . James Frisby was a Batavia visitor Thursday. His sister. Miss Ellen Frisby, returned to McHenry with him and is keeping house in the Herman Schaefer home, ..during Mrs. Schaefer's stay in St. Theresa's hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Heister and daughter, Lorraine, of Crystal Lake visited in the William Siraes home Friday; Buy Goodyear and Gillette Super- Traction Tires. They really poll through snow. Walter J. Freund. 38 BRIEF FACTS Over 3,000,000 passengers cross the English channel every year. Some 000,000,000 barrels of oil f drawn from the earth In-the United States yearly. The letters I, 6 and Q are not tised on California, motor vehicle registration number plates because of their similarity with numerals. FOR SALE MILADY'S AFFAIRS Women are not allowed to enter the mosque at Fes. ; Nearly 10,000 widows were married In England in the last year, In China, nagging women are punished by being put in the pillory. The retail trade lo Lhasa, Tibet, IS entirely In the hands <>f women. » A total of 6,300 biographies are listed as in the "Who's Who" of American woman. Wealthy native women of French New Guinea Interweave their own hair with bamboo to mgke "hats*"- " - One woman is listed among the' OOO inhabitants of South Georgia, an Island In the South Atlantic ocean. Moscow, Russia, has women traffic "cops" for regulating the flow of vehicles and protection of pedestrians. The woiben of South Carolina are said to spend less for cosmetics than the Women of any other state In the Union. Tattooing by means of tiny needles driven by a electric motor Is being used in Melbourne, Australia, to give girls bright vermilion lips. FOlt SALE--Used G. E» refrigerate ors, ABC and Apex washers. H. jB. Buch and Son, Riverside Drive. Phone SS-tf FOR SALE--Several Good Sound 6% First Mortgages on McHenry property. Inquire Plaindealer. 86-tf FOR SALE--About 40 head good farm horses, ranging from 4 to 10 years old, weight from 1,250 to 1,700. Horses sold on my usual guarantee of satisfaction or money returned. Also want to purchase some aged horses. £rank- J. Green, Woodstock. Tel. Woodstock 63. 86-3 FOR SALE--Model A-1929 Ford Pickup Truck. Dodge 2-Ton Dump Truck With 2% yard box and hydraulic holstt 6 inch I.H.C. feed grinder. Phoner Gr&yslake 36 or write Boat 356, Grayfelake, 111. 37-tf FOR SALE^-25,000 Special Contest AAA Baby Chicks at the Farmers Mill. Phone 29. 38-t£ FOB asm FOR RENT--Haaley Farms. Also Houseja. Call 93-M. SO^tf FOR RENT--Two-Story house at Ringwood . Furnace heat. Rent (10 per month. Inquire of Vernon Knox. Phone 43, McHenry. 34 WANTED HIT OR MISS Flannel Is made of wool and flannelette is made of cotton. • The Navajo children help their mothers in herding sheep and goats. Weather men do not yet know completely what Causes a hurricane. Alice, an elephant In the London zoo, recently passed her one hundred and forty-ninth birthday. There are 207 religious bodies In the United States with a combined membership of over 62,000,000. A school without books, In which no grades or medals will be given, opened at Sturgeon Bay* : W^t ref cently. By test, radio receiving conditions were improved when the moon en tered the earth's shadow causing an eclipse. Hawaii, not Kansasi to the actual center of the "United States Extended," which Includes our widely separated territorial units. ACROSS THE DEEP Polo is the favorite national game in Tibet. ,.1: , Scarlet and blue daffodils are being developed In England. Installment buying has teen declared illegal In Egypt. Nearly all homes under construction in Denmark have only two or three The birth Fate of Glasgow, Scotland, Is the lowest recorded, and one-half that of 50 years ago. Italy supports a national bureau for maternal and child welfare by a tax on bachelors and private contribution. Since the Latin alphabet was adopted b.v Turkey in U»28 nearly half the population has learned to read and write. MEN WANTED -- For Rawlelfh Routes of 800 families in GrayaUke, Mundelein and Libertyville. hustler should start earning $25 wefek- " ly and increase rapidly. Write today. Rawleijgh, Dept. ILB-412-S, Freeport, 111. *38-3 ROOM AND BOARD WANTED By Young Man for one or two days a week. Address, "SE" in care of the Plaindealer. * *88 FOUND FOUND--Rosary. Found in McHenry postoffice. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this ad. Call at McHenry Plaindealer. 37 MISCELLANEOUS I WILL PAY $4.01/ to $14.00 for old and disabled horses. They must be able to wallf. Call or write FRANK M. JAYNE. Phone Woodstock 209. * - 194* WE PAY $2.00 FOR DEAD HORSES AND COWS weighing 1,000 lbs, oir more. Phone Dundee 10---Reverse Charges, MID-WEST REMOVAL CO. Buy Goodyear and Gillette Superb- Traction Tires. They really pull through snow. Walter J. Freund. 38 * Order your rubber stamps at tlw Plaindealer. • • IT PAYS LIVE STOCK BY RAIL • "l^eedi Western" offers shl^few many advantages io gHtlm§ live stock to market ecoaossf too. For example below b dm - mg --A ^ CVfv • Wm99mNMiP M^e Subscribe for The Plahideafer. Hogs Mc"HE NRIVYI MM. Wu Mi*. Wu Mto. Wt. M 16.(00 Ibt.-24,000 tbc, 12.0M *•. : „ Chicago (U.S. Yds.) $23.33 29.10 DSM" For rates oo mind ikipinenls tad Information •bout aur other acoao* . .. . mi«i kod tdrtauses of shippiac Uv« . itock by nil; consult roar • lor.IC4N.WRr Phone 65-W CHICAGO tr NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY LEE'S LICE KILLER 1 A "Double Barreled" Killer | "i f DESTROYS tp MITES and LICE Now la tlx. time to wage war against poultry mites and Uce. There's an easy, thorough rjid inexpensive way to rid your birds and the poultry houses of these vermin. For lice, simply paint the roosts and dropping boards with Lee's Uce Wllerbody lice. For mites, dilute Lee's Uce Killer one-half with crank case oil and spray into all cracks, crevices and Joints of wall* roosting places and nest boxes. It destroys the mites on contact Lee-a Uce Killer is the dependable killer. It has been a household word among poultrymen for more than 35 years. It does the wor* most elTe lively and at half the usual cost Uce and mitea^e^"®* ' egg prod action, sap the vitality of the birds, cost you heavily. Destroy them now this simple and Inexpensive way. THOMAS P. BOLGER Phone 40 ^fhe McHenry Druggigt" Green Street Good Food and Good Liquor-- Await you here. It's always more fun to be where there's a lively congenial crowd--so come in and see us sometime. Mexican Chili -- 10c Fish Dinners All Day Friday --- 10c and 25c My Place Tavern JUSTEN.& FiySUND, Proprietors Green Street^ McHenry, DL .