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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Mar 1936, p. 4

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p«- !].»< UJJ Pf 11 I'f•' ^ t •! 'i * <V£., 0SK1 ;-?:\ ;m-. --"*:,' »} , ^ V2-'ls£ \4' V ,.i. ' ' ,:F:; • vj-1* h' * V**" \ 'V Four ':fS "M Mc^HENEY PLAINDEAUOt «8*f - >o:- ;r®r s "TV^V* * 3V>T£^ . J-., >* r •' ! ?4' ',, ^ '?< J * ' * .'•M' *Wf * fftursdaf, March, 12, 193# THE M'HENRY PLAINDEAJLER Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich Entered as second-class matter at" the postoffice *kt McHenry, 111., ufider the act of May 8,1879. ne Year ... Months .............. $2.00 ,...;..-.........„...„,...,....|L00 A. EL MOSHER, Editor and Manager PERSONALS Cfetarge Justen was a Chicago busiWAUCONDA ness visitor Tuesday. Mr. an^ Mrs James Perkins visited j Mr/ and - Mrs. Clarence Ritter and in the home of her brother at Beloit, daughtei.( Miss Hazel, of Deerfield Sunday. , „ , ,,r , were Sunday callers on the Carr fam- Mrs. Edward Matson of Waukegan jjjes spent Tuesday in the home of her " T , , . - u. _ , parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Perkins.' Mar/ Jean daughter of Mr an Little Miss Elaine Krug was the Mrs. Eugene Pnor.js illwithsc^let Lillian Sayler, Local Editor -- .'.. .Telephone 197 FRIDAY, THE 13TH .• . Folks who are worried about superstitions, such as walking under a lad- ; 3©r and op»^ig an umbrella indoors, 1' Hire going to watch their step again . tomorrow, for itV PViday the thir- . •- teenth. ' While Friday is considered'an un- Q Jtacky day by many it is sure to form ' •§ jinx combination when linked ;.;-?wi£h, the thirteenth as well. ; * up FARMERS' MOVING DAY IS DELAYED BY BLOCKED ROADS Druid Sheets. 81x99 ^ Acme Cases, 42x36 . -jftayon Bed Spreads, : v 90 x 105, each ;f^lue Chambray Shirts 2 for ....... - Bath Towels, 20x40 Ascot Scarfs Fluff Mountain Mist weekend guest of Mrs. Edward Matson at Waukegan. j Miss Helen Welch of Woodstock' FOR SALE--25,000 Special Contest AAA Baby Chicks lit the Farmers Mill. Phone 29. 38-tf samples. Iowa. Hall Roberts' Son, Postville 41-3 fever. A son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Harvey has also had the disease. Mr. and Mrs^ Calvin Prior of Loyal, spent the weekend with relatives and Wis., announce the birth of a daughfriends here. •. *er* Will Martin of Elmhurst spent the | Mrs. Alice Baseley and Mrs. Amy weekend at his home here. '-Cypher and son are moving baok to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin of their old home on North Main Street Grayslake were Sunday callers in the j Mr. and Mr?. Vincent Davlin spent Clarence Martin home. fThursday in Chicago with their Billy Kinsala spent Saturday fa- daughter, Mrs. Jos. Klupar. Chicago. • # | Simon Stoffel of West McHenry Miss Harriet Bobb, of Freeport vifr- was a business visitor here Saturday. ited here Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schroeder Mane Kinsala of Chicago spent were business visitors in Chicago Fri- Sunday at her home. 4 . ' day. Gerald Carey was * Chicago Visitor! Waukegan News-Sun of Friday poR Tuesday. % - a • leveningcontainea imoounceitient of a FOR SALE^-Corn and Clover seed. Jack Hartand John' McCormick of marriage license issued to Miss Grace Chicago spent Sunday in this vicinity. Nicholls and Mr. Flary of Round Lake Mrs. George Lindsay visited at ] Mr. and Mrs. James Johns of Chi- Richmond one day last week, I cago and Mrs. Ray Hyde of Huron, Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. 3. D., called on Mrs. Alice Baseley FOR H9ALE FOR SALE--Several Good Sound 6%' First Mortgages on McHenry property. Inquire Plaindealer. 36-tf " SLIM" ^TILLlAMS ' BLAZES 5,600 MILE TRAIL TO CAPITAL No doubt residents of this vicinity will reimember "Slim" Williams, who, with his dog team, stopped here enroute to Chicago and the world's, fair from his homq at Copper Centetj, Alaska. Well, Slim is again heard of and after a visit to the president and Washington, D. C., he is again back in Chicago, where* last week he attended a meeting of the Executives Club at the Hotel Sherman. Slim dscribed the hardships of his a|||. FOR SALE--Model A Ford Coupe, 1929. Also, Tudor, $95, and 1926 Buick Ceupe, 4-passenger, good tires, runs good, $55. Phone McHenry 617-R-l. *41-4 M. P. Meyer, 1% miles Johnsburg on river road. north of *42 •. 55c I every neighborhood there are some SI 00 ichanpres P^ce. * " Among the changes of farm ten- L 25c 'ants are the following: gQgj The T. R. Howe family moved I from - the Martin farm to the New- 85c ! comb place for the present. Mr. and Mw ountain Miur<i;s~tt ^ka« Mrs. Eldred Johnson moved from Spring Grove ^ the Martin faniL Rayon Slips, Sizes 36-52 . 75c' Feather Proof Ticking, yd. 25c 9 4 Unbleached Sheeting, - yard 45-inch Bleached Sheeting, yard .... Tuscan Net Curtains, 42 x 2^4 yds. Linen Table Cloths, 75c to $1.35 Children's Hankies, doz..... 19c Purses, Women's special... 49c ^ds^ of Embroidery Hoops lOe Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Fisher moved to the Keefe farm near Ringwood. At Ringwood Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaefer moved from the Hopper house to the Mrs. Jennie Bacon house. William Hammill will move from the Hanly farm to the John R. Smith farm. Joseph Schaefer and family have ! moved to the Bohr farm at McCol- $1.001 lum's lake. Steve Justen, who was on the farm, has moved to a summer cottage across the road. Herman Willig and family moved the Hanly farms to 30c 20c and up. Upright pianos at $15.00 and up. Guitars and banjos at Bargain Prices. A. E. Nye, West McHenry, 111. - 42-tf FOR SALE---Used gas range, left hand oven, dark blue enamel. Good condition, $5. Call at McHenry Dairy Station, east of river. *42 WANTED John Stoffel (Political Advertisement) Moving day for the farmers, usually accepted as March first, was delayed somewhat this year because of the blocked roads and snow-filled highways which made travel impossible. In ordinary yeare the annual trek of tenant farmers moving to new homes would be at its freight' during the waning Weeks of February, but this year the program was delayed on account of the highways piled high with snowdrifts, which made moving an impossibility. V • _ ,, -- - The number of farmers maid™' S,nd ¥rs" Geor^ Adams were tyrs. and Mrs Amy Sypher Sunday. A%>. ... „ Tit 4 1 t Kathrine Adams and family, Mr. and Hvde was the former wife of Orrin ffi*2.25 m <* Donald Adam, and Mr. and Mr* " 1 1 . , - . - . ^ .t18cla,m«d, c», of Elgin, a»d Mr. and. Mr,.r*^Cl,d. Carr of Bar- Thomas Doherty and son, John, of rington call^ on relatives here, Mon- Ringwood. !day. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson at- j Mr. and Mrsu Douglas Crooks of tended the funeral of Mrs. W. F. Geer Evanston were Sunday visitors at the at Crystal Lake Sunday. 'james Carr home. Mr and Mrs. Louis McDonald ofi Raymond Daley and Earle Brough- Woodstock. were visitors here Tues- ton were in Waukegan Wednesday. day afternoon. I The Ladies'Auxiliary of the Federr* Mrs„ A. K. Blockhan and ated church met with Mrs. Paul Bron- Mr. and Mrs. Knight of Chicago vis- cheon on Wed. Seventeen members ited here Sunday afternoon. 'present. The annual calendar birth- Mr. and Mrs Lee Po.le, of Elmhurst day supper ia ^ ^ ^ed March 17. and Mrs. Ada Larsen or Chicago were Mra. Edith Peck entertained the visitors in the Linus Newman home five hundred club Thursday afternoon. !?.7' „ 'Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ruth ^Canton Martin, Fred Heider and Matthews and Mrs. Anna Harris. Matt Schmitt attended a Farm Bur-1 Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Jepson of eau^ meeting in Woodstock Friday. fRingwood were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Matt Schmitt were Gea jepSon's. Qinton 111., visitors Saturday J Mr8. Edw. entertained the Miss Elvera Freund visited with bridge club on Tuesday.evening, Mar. WANTED--Girl or middle-aged woher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steven 4 man for housework and care of two Freund, Friday and Saturday. | Mr. and Mrs. Victor Carr visited at ^rls' 10 -11; no laundry. Room, Mr. and Mrs. _Matt Schmitt were the Perry Johnson home in North J hoard and small salalry; good home to Chicago visitors Tuesday. j Crystal LaJcet Sunday. ' nSht V&rty. Address Box 306, Mc- „„_ M^ and M7-Varies Owen and son Dr. Orton Hubbard and brother,! H«nry, 111. 42 moved from the Wentworth house to ^enl^r were guests of Mr. Lewis, Mrs. Carrie . White and Mrs. WANTFn xn RlIY --' the Rich farm at McCollum's lake,;an^M Robert Thompson Saturday. Edith peck were Waukegan visitors > ^ lTSf which they will manage for the new Mr. and . Mrs. John Zimnier and Friday ' g Alfalfa OW7ier- ! Jack* Geary of Wauconda visited rela-j Mr. "arid Mrs. Frank Dickson and Mr and Mrs. Happy Weber inoved t,VMr h^e d M^Tlar. v Mr> and Mrs. Arthur Boehmer retum-! WANTED-Farmers or"farmers sons sometime ago from his mother's farm ™^: an0 11™rs: anjL u * the first of the week from a 6,000 to the Mrs. Martin S. Freund farm ie .in e ^bert ThomP- mile .motor trip through the south, on Route 20, west of town. so" home Sunday. * * Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page and family' j a,?d Mrs; Jack Geary of Wau- 11 moved last month from their farm to ^on visited in the H. J. Schaffer home Tuesday. . *. ; H. J. Schaffer is employed at carpenter work on the Cairns farm near! Richmond. The farm was recently i purchased by Krank KetchUm of Ghicago. FOR SALE--Clover {Kfijp, Alfalfa $4.20, Seed Corn $2.00. All per bush. el. Also other bargains. Postal cArd | trip before the members of" the club us today for illustrated circular and and predicted that within seven years °°--""" motorists from the United States will FOR SALEi~7, 8 and 10 Tube Console Eiectric Radios at $9.00 and up. Reconditioned Sewing Machines at $6l00 \ made, he said, and with the comple- "" TT "* •',*AA --1 tiorr of the project, he added, the un be able to drive from the international boundary to Circle City, Alaska, on the rim of the Arctic circle, over •highways penetrating what is how 1,000 miles of uncharted wilderness. Williams, with his famous team of wtolf dogs, "blazed a 5,600 mile trail from Copper Center, Alaska, to Washington, D. C., to dramatize the possibilities of such a* highway system. *•" An appropriation of $2,000,00 for, Alaskan motor roads already had been MEN WANTED--For Rawleigh Routes of 800 families in Grayslake, Mundelein and Libertyville. Reliable hustled should start earning $25 weekly and increase rapidly. Write today. Rawleigh, Dept. ILC-412-S, Freeport, 111.* *41-4 WANTED--Reliable farmer to submit bid for plowing, seeding, harvesting, etc., of 125 acres. See Slomer at Colemar, Spring Grove, 111. *42 Mr. and Mrs."Andrew Eddy have About five tons or Soy Bean Hay. Notify Walter Krepel. , .*42 WANTED--Farmers < with good car to travel in the country. Steady work. Write for particulars G. C. Heberling Co. Dept. 409, Bloomington, 111. 42-2 explored territory which took him nearly six imionths to cross, could be traversed in two days by automobile. He contrasted conditions of thirty years ago in Alaska with those of today when "tourists can hop into a taxi, and ten minutes later can be eating strawberries and cream in a steam-heated hotel." The 173 families, who have found new homes in the fertile Matanuska valley, he said, should have no trouble making good, with 130 days in the year without frost, ajl.d sunshine twenty-four hours a day during that time. - , But there is room In Alaska, he pointed out, for at least 20,000 more colonists- Japan, he said, is 1,400 miles closer to Alaska than the United States and "Alaska has everything that Japan wants," yet, he added, the entire coastline is left unprotected* ' HOLD REUNION , ' IN CALIFORNIA With t!te temperature at 82 degrees, formfer residents of McHenry county gathered at Sycamore Grove, Los Angeles, Calif., on Feb. 29, to «o-' joy a picnic and reunion. • " Wraps were cast aside and dinaer was spread on tables in the shade of the giant sycamore trees, where seventy- five old friends sal down to «|ijoy the. dinner and talk over the good old days back hoine. Songs and speeches made up the program, with a talk by Judge McCoy, formerly of Marengo, and Harry W. Coonradt, who is connected with the government Indian mission school at Riverside. F. E. Mead of 230 W. Maripofi.* St^ Altadena, Calif.,' was re-elected president, and Clara McCadden, secretary and treasurer. 4 .. wA: WILL SETTLE ESTATE Letters of administration have been' • issued to Albert Rodig in the Frank Doyle estate. Mr. Doyle, who died March 8, leaves an estate of three lots and dwelling* and $250. / is very scarce. l¥e haW; a very limited supply of Sterfor^s Early YfeUow Dent. Farmers. Mill. Phone "29. » 42 DIAMOND OIL CO. OPEN FOR BUSINESS IN WEST McHENRY is being run by Mr. and Mrs. F. La- Dean of Ringwood.» McHenry has a new business enterprise in trie Diamond Oil company, which has opened.for business in the Louis Althoff building, formerly occupied by the Farmers Oil company. The company is composed of two new residents, Charles T. White and W. M. McKain, who came here from Gibson, la., and who invite the people MISCELLANEOUS jof-thw jyklnity„to visit them and give. 7th ANNIVERSARY " SPECIALS (Extended thru month of March) Personality Oil Permanent, Special Solution for Hard to Wave Hair, Non- Ammonia Croquignole or Spiral. $5.00 Value, For $2.50 Complete with Personality Haircut, Shan*poo, Finger Wave and Facial. Facial With Any JBean- • » ww ty Service Amounting To $1.00 and Up, (From 8 a. bl le 9 p. m.) Also $160 In Peraucst Waves Given Away--One Bach Month This Year. Bring a Friend Permanent Wave Specials, 2 Persons for $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10. Singly For $2 L'P. - ' - ' ' . . . Shampoos, Finger Waves .. 25c Up STOMPANATO'S Ultra-Modem Beauty Salon Two Entrances Ten Private Booths 226 Main St. 229 Benton St Telehone 641 Woodstock, 111. NO TOWNSHIP OR CITY ELECTIONS HERE THIS YEAR April, known as the month of elections, will have few of these contests this year with school elections sched- 'earnsr Joseph Justen ALTHOFF - HETTERMANN PING PONG WINNERS Joseph Justen, 86 years old, one of the pioneer residents of this community and highly respected citizen of | McHenry died at his home on Green;more I WILL PAY $4.0i/ to $14.00 for old and disabled horses. They must be able to walk. Call or write FRANK M. JAYNE. Phone Woodstock 209. 19-tf man, their products a trial. They will- operate a wholesale, as well as a retail business, with two trucks on the road, one of them driven by H. J. Weber, well-known local Throughout the middle west the street about 4 o'clock Sunday after- Althoff and Hettermann were de- . , . , clared the winners in the ping pong , , ,, uled as the only local ones, Which J doubles just played off at the McHen- noon' March 1, after an illness of 'will be held as usual. Interest in elec-jry Community high school, winning in tr(^uble; ^tions of the month will center about a three-game match from Adams and' ®orn Germany on January 6, ' the primary with its county, state and: Johnson. ] 1850, Mr. Justen came to America AN„Prni«° f™. DEAD HORSES.Mid.Colltinent P^ITc^ .t on AND COWS weigh,„g 1,000 lbs, or of ^ MrVM o[ national voting. Eighteen boys, making up with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nich- Because of a change in the law, teams, entered the doubles with Wolf °las Just€n> at a£e six years, city officials now hold office for long-1 and Franzen defeating Hapke and Mc- They made the v°ya£® in a sailing er terms and therefore there will be Andrews, only to be defeated by Mil- ve8se* an<^ were. on the sea for sixty no city election until 1937 when the ler and Noonan-lh a hotTy-oontested days ',u^eted about by the winds and office of mayor, alderman, clerk apd i match. • • iwaves: treasurer will be named. Hettermann and Althoff defeated T Arrivine in America they settled at There will be no township election; Reihansperger and Marshall and then ^°^ris^>ur^ an^ it has always been in this year aa the offices of supervisor i eliminated Miller and Noonan on their this vicinity that he made his home. and highway commissioner are now i w&y to the finals and the champion- ^ways industrious and a steady Phone Dundee 10--Reverse Charges. MID-WEST REMOVAL CO. Buy Today and Save Honey On Good Used Cars 1935 Plymouth 4 Door Sedan--You can't match this value. It is so like new that its motor, tires, finish and!here. filled for terms of four years each. ship. I hereby announce myself as a eiuididate for the Republican nomination for COUNTY JUDGE Among the Sick Fred Feltz, who was injured .while working at the sewer disposal plant, is able toj^e Mrs. Kate out. Tate BaAUn, who was in- 'DUTCH" BACOH WINS jured when accidentally shot, was able STATE HONORS IN , . to return home from St. Therese's Of my friends at the Primary hospital, Waukegan, last week Wed- 4 'i 1Mf nesday. She went to the home of her election on April 14, 19pO. sister, Mrs. N. E. Barbian, and is able to be out and about. upholstery show hardly any wear, worker, he commenced working out at'You can buy this practically new car Sionan and Smith .limited Bar.: ""i *e<!. of *<**>• Ithat h" our backing for onl, .... »575 «nd Ton,an and Johnson and Ad-' "r'S' ^tchl,f I "31 F.rd Sport a nag climinfttpd Qmuu flnj ® ns© of settlements flnd the work «• « of pioneers, Mr. Justen became in-'mileaRe and exceptionally good run satisfied customers and the people of this locality will now have an opportunity to try their products sold by the Diamond Oil company. All D-X products are guaranteed including the D-X motor fuel, Ethyl gas, kerosene and greases. The company has also rented the Althoff garage, west of the tracks on Route 20, where they will keep their trucks and operate the pumps. People of McHenry will, no doubt, be glad to welcome this new company : and to help them become established For courtesy and prompt ser- They then defeated Noonan and Smith tere'sted in farmino^anA -V' n>ng reconditioned motor. Five tires on their way to the finals, where they tere8ted m farming and through the j _,a met defeat at the hands of Althoff Waa 8Uccessful and Hettermann. vice call McHenry 238 or H. J. Weber. work. MARKSMANSHIP MEET Lester "Dutch' Muy Trikn *f If«rrot«« The Igorrote people are divided among nearly a score of tribes. Among those Inhabiting the Mountain province In the Philippines are the Apayao, Benguet, Bontoc, Ifuagao, and Kallngo. They are still primitive, wild people, believers in evil spirits as rulers of the universe, with paean ceremonies and worship, practicing trial marriages vvuMinvji vn»v ijwwv uikuvj »IW4 5V as a general custom, living nnder anhomestead near Ladd's corners. This terior finish well taken care of. Mo- ti()uate^ modes, and measuring time "by farm he rented from liis brot^r, tor auiet and powerful. Special to-^ the moon and "e880"*- They are the Hi 1 • x 1 La ®it ! • * r j »|.M \folaven He;day at $155 led •in marriage to Catherine Miller in his chosen! nearly new- Fully equipped with 1 bumpers, spot light, dual horns and this I $185; On November 20, 1877, he was unit-! hea^r" Was *210' Featured week at at Johnsburg and after living at home 1930 Ford 2 Door Sedan--Good ^a year he went to farming on the old^condition throughout^ interior and ex-J nATVtOcfoo/l riAnv> T A^/1'n Michael-, and later bought it. Bacon went in to continued to acquire land until he; ^ l^e ,e^j Artill.ery last Thur8" became one of the most extensive land! 1930 Chevrolet 4 Door Sedan--This UrMDV 1 fO\)UI [Mi Father Walter Conway is at Sacred day and walked off with hiph marks- owners in the county, his farms now.powerful 6 cylinder 4 door sedan has flCimi \J\J II ijlll Heart Sanitarium., Milwaukee, where among all State of- being worked by his sons and a*a new car appearance, its new black ~~~ * ' ** ' " T»k a UIB' daughter and her Wusband. • ' j finish is unmarred. Its mechanical Bacon had a mark of better than About twenty years ago, in 1910, he performance is really marvelous, and descendants of the earliest Malayan Invaders, who drove the original black woolly beaded pygmy inhabitants back up Into the mountains. MORE Insure for health for your family by providing a generous supply of good, wholesome milk.. "Nature's perfect food." CALL -- Riverside Dairy Phone 116-R (This ad contributed by Riverside Dairy Producers.) Crystal Lake, III tKBDEHDEB fWOBMl a patient for sevetal weeks. , ... , ... , ... Jackie Gerasch. little 5-year-old son *; • scooting with a regular ^8 Police retired from active work and moved it's backed by our guarantee, of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerasch, is ser- pec^® revolver. To qualify as an to McHenry, where he had since made ; iously ill with bronchial pneumonia, expert one must have a mark of 85, hjg home. He was taken sick Juesday morning sharpsh°°t-er '8 and marksman 67. On Aug. 16. 1920, his wife died and '1927 Chrvsler 2 Door Sedan and his friends'and relatives are hop-j^ four years later, on Sept. 24, 1924, he ing for a speedy recovery. ; 1929 Nash 2 Door Sedan $85 $40 „ _ j. tendent of State Police Walter Wil- married Mrs. Emma Sherfick, who has 1928..Chevrolet Coupe--Fully Recon- Friends here will be glad to.know Assistant Superintendent L- M. been his faithful companion for the;ditioned motor. Excellent body style that Mrs. Louis McDonald has return- Taylor and Ernest Lieberman were ed to her home near Woodstock from present. a Chicago hospital. itth CIXXARD CAPSULE £ GETS ALL 3 KINDS OF WORMS \m lioit fowls have Tapes and * » Pics as wen aa Round Worms. >.B AH three kinds greatly reduea • egg production. ^ • The Giezard Capsule Is most • effective against every kind-- . • because tt does not depend ' 5 upon only one drug toot has two p or more drugs for each kind ot m worms. And Its medicine la. • carried through to the glzzanl P ta the patented INSOLUBLH 6 rating. Safe, and sure of best p reaolta. A product ft the Oe* p a Lee Oob ! Get more egg*. Ore eadi • mj* % flfeaud Cajjeule DffWt " THOMAS P. BOLGER f* * . ' " A X/i a&t" tf Cms Street CAPE COSTUME MYSTERY WARNING past twelve years! jto convert into a pickup'track $75 j Mrs. Justen has lost several loved 5 S; B. B. FREUND MOTOR SALES jdeath of a son-in-law, Ed James, of,LaFayette, Nash and Packard ^Jtah, apd about eight months ago j Adaras and Freund Building her son died in Bellingham, Wash. LEE'S LICE KILLER A "Double Barreled" Killer | 1 DESTROYS MIUS and LICE Mr. Justen was a kind husband and Pearl St. McHenry Phone 185 a loving father, assisting his children j BUNDESEN CARAVAN in every way. , Besides his wife, he is survived by I HERE ON MARCH 21 eight children, John, at home, Jacob! -- F., Ben, Michael, an only daughter,! Annooncerr*nt is made by Stuart Mrs. Henry Stilling, Nicholas and, Oliver, who is handling the campaign William, all of this vicinity, and,of the regular state Democratic or- Frank of Chowchilla, Cal., one broth-! ganization in McHenry county, that er, Jacob, and a sister, Mrs. Eva > the caravan of all the state" Candidates Stritz, of McHenry. He also leaves will visit McHenry on Saturday, Mar. & thirty grandchildren. One daughter, Mrs. Jacob passed away on May 27, 1913. May, 21, with a meeting at the K. C. hall at 3 p. m. The caravan will be headed by Her- Funeral services were held Wednes- man N. Bundesen, its candidate for day morning it 10 o'clock at St.'governor. Mary's church, with Father Miller of-; Mr. Oliver plso states that tbeir ficiating. Burial was in St. Mary's. organization caravan will cross paths cemetery. His grandchildren served "with the Horner caravan, both ap-j as pallbearers. pearing at Belvidere at 11 a. m., j ---- ; Woodstock at 2 o'clock. j Further announcement will appear in the display columns of The Plain- : dealer next • week- • Now is the time to wage against! pouHry mites and llc^. There's an easy, thorough uid In- " expensive wVy to rid your birds and the poultry houses of these vermin. For lice, simply paint the roosts and dropping boards with l^e's Uce body Uce. For mites, dilute Lee's Lice Killer one-half with crank ^ cane oil and "pray Into all cracks, crevices and Joints of waiW. roosting places and nest boxes. It destroys the mites on contact. Lee s Uce Killer Is the dependable killer. It has been a household word among poultryrnon for more than 35 years. It does the worfc most effectively and at half the usual cost. Uce and mites reduef egg- production, sap the vitality of the Wrds, cost you heavily. Destroy therm now this simple and Inexpensive way. THOMAS P. BOLGER "The McHenry Druggist" . . Phone 40 . • Green dhttfc Representative Tilman B. Parks of Arkansas, arguing }• the bouse against efforts to reduce the appropriation for the War department, Earned that a mysterious condition existed on one of America's coasts,-jasseirtlng that the itituatlon was so alarming that congress could sot fee advised about It pabllcly. costume for spectator wear In a reddish-brown woolen by Lelong. The blouse and the llnof the buttoned-back cape are tn a gay red woolen. The belt and buttons are saddle-stltebed and the gloves are hand-sewn. Mbseribe for Tbe Plaindealer lateraal Hast of Earth ^ie Internal heat of the earth 1s • source of energy that Is not intermittent snd can be tapped anywhere on the land. In many parts of the earth hot gases blow into the stuiosphere In enormous volume. They exude par tlctilarly In volcanic regions of Italy, California and Als-Va. The steaming crevices are „ caused by underground rivers cowing lb eoatact wlth Trtcaalc "fire*. ' . f.. Need rubber stamps? Plaindealer. Order at Hie Naming LoaUrille, Kf. LoolsviHe. Ky., was nan.'d for Lonls XVI of France because of the aid which be rendered to the Colonies dor- Oie Revolutionary war. Good Food and Good Liquor -- Await yon here. It's always more fun to be where there's a lively congenial crowd--so come in and see as sometime. Mexican Chili -- 10c Fish Dinners All Day Friday 10c and 25c My Place Tavern JUSTEN & FEEUHD, Proprietors Greet! Street McHenry, BL

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