pSfSWK •' ' Thursday, March, tS*. " --, N T* "f - j ,--r-» Society Notes STUDY CLUB TONIGHT Phillips of Woodstock will review two interesting books at tshe •Meting of the Study Club at tjie high school at 8:15 tonight. A good attendance is desired. , PINOCHLE CLUB MEETS The Half and Half Pinochle cluh net at the home of Mrs. Dick Ovtffton Thursday evening. Two tables •f pinochle were in play and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Harold Freund and Clarice Blake. Miss Clarice Blake will be hostess to the members M their next meeting. \+v'?v:yl NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB * Mrs. George Johnson was hostess to members of the Neighborhood cli^b Thursday evening. Bridge was play ed and prizes were merited *by Mrs. Clarence Martin, Mrt. E. E. Bassett and Mrs. William Spehcer. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Miss Mary Etta Boj;le entertained the girls of the eighth grade, of which she is a member, at a party at her .home Thursday evening in honor of her fourteenth birthday. A six o'clock dinner was served to the girls by the mother of the" hostess, after which members of the party at- 4-H RALLY, APRIL If' /tended the theater .where they saw Mrs. Helen Harrison Marlowe will the Mar*. Brothers inL^A Night At give a ferief talk on her trip to Wash-. the Opera." * ington D. C., laat.-tatefoat the county. >. , > 4-H club rally to o^Tfoeld at Wood- MOTHERS CLUB stock on April 15. ; ' Mrs, Ethel C. Coe, county superin- The program will be in chirge tendent of schools, led the open distfce leaders, with Miss Fannie Brooks, cussion on the topic, "What Type of health specialist, as guest speaker.: Educational Experience Do You De- The rally will be open to alJ club sire For Your Child?" At the regular members and eligible boys and girls meeting of the Mothers club held at between the ages of ten and twenty, j the home of Mrs. Walter Brooks on -- ^ {Riverside Drive Friday afternoon. SEWING CLASS "Co-hostesses with Mrs. Brooks were ; llw."E. A. Thomas and "Mrs. Fred .Mrs. Charles Mertes and Mrs. Peter Eppel are among the local leaders J- Schaefer." wtoo will have charge of a special. Miss Dorothy Holden gave a piano sewing project to be launched by splo, games were played and lunch Home Bureau members at Richmond served by the hostesses Plans for en Monday morning, March 23. | opening the public library were also The project is open to any woman discussed. . who wishes to sew. Patterns will be j -1 V-: discussed at the first meeting with a • LADIES' AlD SOCIESTT follow-up of cutting, fitting ahd fin- There was a good attendance of ishing instruction. members and friends of the Ladies' Aid society present at; the St. Patrick's party at which Mrs. John Fay was hostess Thursday afternoon. BUSINESS WOMEN'S WEEK Tliis week marks the observance of the eighth annual National Business Won en's week" which will be observed throughout the country by 60,000 women " representing 1,490 federated clubs. With 'lEffective democracy," as the theme, these women are writing to stimulate interest in government and will ask voters to express their viewpoint through the candidates they elect to office. The watchword chosen for the year is "Challenge," a challenge by members of the federation to all people, to elect qualified candidates to oifiOO. COMMUNITY PARTY About eighty persons attended the community party at the Ostend school Friday evening, when a program of instrumental music and songs furnished entertainment, followed by dancings and the serving of lunch. The committee in charge of the evening's festivities included members of the Frank Kaiser family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Paull and the Ernest Malsch family. This party was the first of the social gatherings since December, due to the Rocked roads and cold weather. It is expected, however, that the parties, which were planned to take place every month, will be resumed- ENTERTAINS KNITTING CLUB Perl one, knit two.and the counting of more intricate stitches, was int6& spersed with lively conversation Monday evening when Miss Mary Walsh entertained members of her knitting club and a few invited friends at the regular fortnightly gathering. Many lovely garments, including Sweaters, " coats and dresses, were hearing completion during the evening, which closed with the serving of refreshments. Club members present were Lillian Stilling, Rosalie Stilling, Mrs. Dick Overton. Mrs. B. H.'Freund, Mrs. Roy Kent, and Dorothy Walsh. INVITED TO CHICAGO Members of the McHenry County , Business and Professional Women's { Games furnished entertainnr.ent for j Guests of the evening were Miss Eva dub were invited to attend a dinner, those present and lunch was served. I Sti'linK» Miss Ropp and Miss Ward meeting of the West Area B. and P. Women at the Graemere hotel, Chicago, Wednesday. Prof. Harry O Gideon of the University of Chicago was the speaker. On Thursday, March 26, the Elgin B. and P. Club has invited the McHenry county club to a dinner meet The next meeting of the abeialy will'and he.r sister-in-law, Mrs. Reed Ward be with Mrs. Louise Nickels oruThurs- ^*^nday afternoon of nexf *eekf* Plans were completed fdr' fhe dec orating of the M. E.- Church, which HONOR OFFICERS District .and county officers of the will" be completed by Palm Sunday. American Legion Auxiliary were A committee of three ladies selected guests of honor at the regular meetthe paper for the church and George'in£ McHenry unit of the Auxiliary ing. The national president will be | Lindsay will do th$ wirt. The roof I held at Legion hall Thursday evening. speaker. of the church will be repaired, also. KtlMDUh SPECIAL THIf WEEK The guests Were Mrs. Myrtle Nance, district director, and her secretary, Mrs. Hardy, of Elmhurst, and the county president, Mrs. Lucile McKay, and her secretary, Mrs. Grace Scully, of Algonquin. Each of the visitors received a gift from McHenry unit. Following the meeting cards were enjoyed* and a pot-luck lunch was .Served. The Junior officers of the Auxiliary will be installed at the next regular meeting on Thursday, April 9. while theg lost • !••• pink 9kml Popular itfyio for parties or buffet support, largo six* with four division*. Famous procossotchod Mayfoir pattern. LIMIT 2 TO A CUSTOMER FRBUND-HETREED 11m announcement of the secret marriage of Miss Josephine Frjeund, daughter of Mr and Mrs. John Freond of Johnsborg, and Dr. Frank Hetreed of Woodstock was made last week by •Dr. T. Brand of Woodstock, with whom Dr. Hetreed has been associated in the medical practice for several years. The marriage was performed by Father Lonergan of Menominee, HI., von Sept. 12, 1935. Mrs. Hetreed has been the superintendent at the Brand sanitarium at Woodstock, where she made many friends. Dr. Hetreed, a native of Chicago, received his training at Notre Dame <md Loyola Medical Tschool. The couple recently left on a belated honeymoon trip to be span* in Florida. Wm. H. Althoff Hardware Corner Main St. & U. S. 12 LEAGUE EASTER PLANS* Twenty members and one visitor were present at the meeting of the Epworth League held at the M. E. parsonage Sunday evening. Miss Elsie Vycital, president of the League, presided at the business session, TIT A _ I w^en plans for future meetings were W Ml "IflflTj j discussed. Committees were aoooint- • e and if asks no odds car of any prica Iftittr Six 3-Door S*Hm0 . Wt& Qualified for a place on the honor roll of the greatest cars ever builtl Winner352-Mile YotemlteEconomy Run H* (no oil added) under Ancr. Auto. Ana. tuptrnalot Triple-Sealed Hydraulic Brakes Smooth and sure in any weather. Knee-Action Ride , For safety and comfort on any road "Turret-Top" FUher Bodies The smartest, safest bodies built today level Floors--Front and Roar Foot room for all TATIIRR routsfir WITH »ow«nisie WTM-ivr A ,'OWCUl Mies CUSS ftCONOMy CMAMMON Potitiae, Mak., katfin mt 9415 tot tk» tTttfor tk* "I" (MI!jomt tochanjo without ailiw), • So/otr ptmto llMitMMMKLuwVMtfX. 9ton4M4tf*poi --tm. OfMtfon O M.A.C,nowt% Tim-Firm*** Mm.' Preat Street R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES Wm% McHeary nUaois ed to have charge of meetings and every member was requested to furnish candy to be sold at the supper Thursday. The plan of holding open house on Easter Sunday evening was discussed and a committee consisting of Walter Colby, Elsie Vycital, Vale Adams and Ethel Granger, was appointed to make the final decision concerning plans for Easter. The lesson for the evening was led by Clarence Anderson and was a discussion on the value of God in the lives of young people. This was fol lowed by a social hour. Young people are invited to attend these meetings every Sunday evening. f -- -- • EASTERN STAR ACTIVITIES The masquerade dance being sponsored by McHenry chapter, O. E. S., will be held in iStoffel's hall Saturday night, April 18. This dance was postponed because otf blocked roads and snowstorms but a good time for all who attend is assured with an extensive line of beautiful prizes donated by local merchants to be awarded for various costumes. Fast officers night will be observed at the chapter on Monday evening, April 13. Friends' night will be observed at Algonquin chapter this Thursday evening. Miss Elsie Vjrjital wijl fill the chair of Electa and Frances Vycital will serve as Adah. On Friday evening, Past Officers' night Kill be observed at Woodstock chapteif. Fast worthy matrons and patrons of the Order of the Eastern Star who held office in 1933, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Brunswick at Richmond Monday evening in another one of their many enjoyable gatherings. A pot-luck supper was served after which five tables of cards were in play, with one of the prizes being brought home? by* Mrs. Henry Vogel. Those from McHenry who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bassett, Mrs. J. E. Wheeler, Mrs. Henry Vogel, Elsie and Frances Vycital. LIST OF PRIMARY CANDIDATES COMPLETED (Continued from Front Page) Harry L. Ehorn. PRECINCT COMMITTEEMEN--- McHenry 1 Peter Smith. Earl Whiting. McHenry J (Herman J. Kreutzer: C. W. Gibbs. McHenry I Ray F. Conway. John A. Engeln. Harold Frett. DEMOCRATIC FOR PRESIDENT-- Franklin D. Roosevelt, Hyde Park, N. Y. FOR U. S. SENATOR-- James Hamilton Lewis, Chicago. Ruth R. McNamara, Chicago. C. H. Kavanagh, Wilnaette.. FOR GOVERNOR-- rfenry Horner, Chicaf^. James Fred Robertson, Chicago. Herman N. Butodesen, Chicago. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR-- John Stelle, McLeansboro. John E. Casaidy, Peoria Heights. Isaac Epstein, Chicago. John L McCormick, Chicago. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE-- Joseph Andrew Lasecki, Chicago. Edward J. Hughes, Chicago. FOR STATE AUDITOR-- iStanley A. Bezdon, Chicago. Homer Mat Adams, Urban*. Edward J. Barrett, Chicago. Thomas J. Barrett, Chicago; FOR STATE TREASURER-- Ji»hn C. Martin, Salem. Joseph T. Spiker, Chicago. Raymond J. Andersen, Chicago. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL-r- Otto Kerner, River Forest. FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRiESS AT LARGE--*, Lewis M. Long, Sandwich. Barratt OTiara, Chicago. E. V. Champion, Peoria. FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONTRICT-- ELEVENTH J>lS* Carl P. Lies, Aurora. John R. Barber, Joliet. DELEGATES TO NATIONAL DOMINATING CONVENTION -- ELEVENTH DISTRKJJi-- Sam Latham, Aurora. Michael J. Breen, Joliet. Conrad J. Wirth, Joliet. Doris Rohrbach Murray, Wheaton. ALTERNATE DELEGATES--ELEVENTH DISTRICT-- Walter Kelley, Crystal Lake. Samuel K. Markman, Hinsdale. John Schuler, Aurora. STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEEMAN-- Francis J. Loughran, Joliet;'* Crescy E. Woehrel, Downers Grove. Martin O'Brien, Aurora. John S. Lowry, Aurora. FOR STATE SENATOR -- EIGHTH DISTRICT-- Leo Dailey, Waukegan. Archie Joseph MacLeod, Mundflein. FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY--EIGHTH DISTRICT-- Thomas A. Bolger, McHenry. Henry F. WallenweinJ Waukegan. FOR SENATORIAL COMMITTEEMAN -- EIGHTH DISTRICT-- Paul J. Doherty. Stewart T. Oliver. PCCOUNTY JUDG&* Dan Quinlan. FOR CIRCUIT CLERK-- Lester A. Siedschlag. FOR STATE'S ATTORNEY-- • Walter F. Kelley. FOR CORONER!-- A W. J. Copeland. PRECINCT COMMITTEEMEN-- McHenry 1 John M. Pitzen. 1 McHenry 2 "v l>ster R. Bacon. McHenry ) Henry J. Miller. John A. Thennea. J ' PERSONALS Misses Eunice and Rovena Marshall spent Saturday and Sunday in Chicago. Kenneth Marshall visited In Crystal Lake over the weekend. . Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overton, daughter, Gwendolyn, and niece, Miss Winifred Tetlow of Elgin, were expected to leave Florida on their homeward journey on Monday, March 16, arriving in McHenry sometime Thursday or Friday. Bill Marshall'and Alvin Rothermel spent the weekend in Chicago, where they were guests in the Peter Rothermel home, and attended a birthday party in honor of Mr. Rothermel Saturday night. Mrs. tSimon Stoffel and daughters, Lena and Clara* visitW at Aurora Wednesday. C. J. Reihansperger waf a business visitor in Chicago Monday. Mrs. Jos. Diedrich and infant son, Kenneth, returned home Monday from St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan. Mrs. Jack Daley is spending*4t"few weeks with relatives at Minneapolis during the absence of her husband, who is on a Western trip buying wool. Mrs. Harold Smith of Evans ton called on old friends here Monday afternoon. Mrs. Maurine Hunter and Mrs. Al« by Krug attended a St. Patrick's tea at the home of Mrs. Alden Swift of Algonquin, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Garland and daughter of Antioch called in the J. F. Claxton home one day last week. Mr. and Mra. J. J. Vycital and daughters, Violet and Elsie, visited Richard Vycital at Lake Forest college, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thies, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steffes, and Mrs. John King visited at Wilmette Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman, and daughter, Arlette, and Mrs. L. F. Newman were Elgin visitors last week Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Borgeson of Harvard spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson. Mrs. George Johnson and children were Saturday Elgin visitors. Clarence Martin, A. E. Nye, Harold Phalin, Leroy Cohway and James Walsh attended meeting at Rockford Sunday. Misa Mary Althoff, who teaches school at Coral, spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. James Downs and Jack Downs of Chicago spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Downs. Mr. and Mrs. George Kunstman and children of Batavia spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Margaret McCabe of Libertyville spent Friday at her home here. Mrs. H. Fisher arrived home Friday from a few weeks' visit with relatives at Lake Zurich. Wos. J. Frett arrived home Monday after spending the winter in Florida. Mrs. J. Singer went to Chicago this week for a visit Mrs. E. R. Sutton and Mrs. Vincent Martin were called to Chicago Tuesday by the death of a cousin, Richard Keefe. Mrs. Robert, Thompson, Mrs. H. C. Hughes, Mrs. E. H. Nickels, Mrs. R. V. Powers and Lena Stoffel were Elgin visitors Friday. H C. Hughes, telephone employe, is now working at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Reed Ward of Elgin is a guest this week of . her sister-in-law, Miss Alice Ward, a teacher in the grade school. Mrs. Starfa Maldne visited in Elgin last week. - Mr. and Mrs. Young and children of Waukegan spent Sunday here. Jack Purvey of Chicago spent the weekend at his home here. His wife and little daughter, Patty, returned to Chicago with him Sunday, after spending the week here because of the illness of the little girl. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stilling and baby of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adams were Chicago visitors Sunday. Miss Maud Granger of Chyago spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Robert Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Schaefer and two sons of Libertyville visited Mr. and Mrs. John Fay Sunday. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Petersron Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. James Clifford and daughter of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Peterson * v.'* 1 ' * X • ' vA* *nd Mr. and Mrs. Benson of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Peterson Peterson and family of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. James Fay and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hunter of Chicago visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fay, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hartman aad little son, William Richard, of Chicago were recent guests of Mrs. Hart man's aunts, Mrs. P. H. Weberr and Clara Schiessle and her grandmother, Mrs. Alma Thomas. Mrs. Hartman was formerly Miss Irm» Thomas. Raymond Ferwerda, who has been in a lumber camp at Ojibwa, Wis., is now at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferwerda, where ho is recovering from infection in hia leg, which was* injured with a saw. Although the infection is checked the young man will'be confined for some time. Mrs. Albert Krause, daughter, Marian, Mrs. J. W. Rothermel And Mrs. Arthur Krause visited in Ehnhurst Sunday. , Miss Delia Beckwith, Mm. Phil • "S V' Guinto and friend were Chicago visit- \*'P" . ors Wednesday. -•?' i . Mrs. Edith McAndrews and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Christenson of Chicago visited in fhe Earl McAndren* home i•. Sunday..' Mrs. Albert Purvey and Mrs. Al- •'* Jt>ert Krause Visited hi Chicago tbeo- • " J day. . . . Miss Lois Bacon spent Wednesday in Chicago. ; > NUMEROUS SOCIAL EVENTS OCCUR ON ST. PATRICK'S DAY (Continued from front page) oring the close of tihe athletic season and was in charge of the social secretary, Miss Conine Boyktf, and the Junior advisor, Miss Hblden. ' Immediately following the close of school an interesting program was given in the auditorium, followed by dancing and the serving of tea, sandwiches and assorted cakes. Decorations were in keeping with the day, with cakes frosted in green and sandwiches in the form of shamrocks.- „ (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION^ Report of the Condition of McHenry State Bank (P. 0. West McHenry) transmitted in response to call of the Auditor of Public Aooountfr pursuant to law and showing condition at the close of business on the 4th day of March 1936. ~ BE30UBCES 1. Cash &nd due from banks 3. United States Government obligations, direct and^or fully guaranteed 4- Other bonds, stocks and securities 5. Loans and diacoimtsi ; ^ 6. Overdrafts- t-., ...$162,782.83 140,781.71 117,939.48 208,444.54 51.91 7. Banking house, $9,409.00) Furniture and fixtures, $2,160.00 11. Other resources : : • Grand Total Resources 11,969.00 . 1^93.70 $643,163.17 LIABILITIBB 12. Coital stock ;. 14. Surplus 15. Undivided Profits (Net) 16. Reserve, accounts 17. Demand deposits •18.* Time deposits Total of deposits: .$ 50,000.00 50,000.00 11,684.42 2,099.1*, ^ 275,392.51 (1) Secured by pledge of loans and^Cr investments .$ 25jooaoo (2) Not secured by pledge of loans and^or investments 504,378.11 (3) Total Deposits 25. Other Liabilities - ; i * • Grand Total Liabilities >$529,378.11 - „$643,163.17 HI *1 «oe4 OoDfuHus,*" satd BI R», sage of Cblnatowa, "is4 ealy regret th^t my country ceuia not Saaaee his worU as a Uai eeUe«.- . Memorandum: Loans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities: 26. Loans and investments pledged: U. S. Government obligations direct and/or fully guaranteed...^..,... ..L... .;M-, Total Pledged {excluding re-discounts) .... .. ?7. Pledged: Against funds of State of Illinois Total Pledged ; • V . ..$27,000.0® ._$27,000.(l|j .$ 27,000.00 $27,000.00 The bank has outstanding $66,174.38 face amount of Deferred Certificates, payable solely out of future net profits, if and when suoh future net profits are earned, (future net profits are operating profits plus recoveries, less charge-offs and proper provision for reserves) representing contributions to the bank and subordinated to all deposit and creditor liabilities but payable before any distribution to stocks holders as such. I, Gerald J. Carey, Cashier of the West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of ,my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above agree with the items and amounts shown in the report made to tilt Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. GERALD J. CAREY, Cashier. Correct Attest: JOS. W. FREUND, H. WATTLES, Directed STATE oFntaamis, County of McHenry. ss. Subscribed and swora to before me this 4th day of March, 1936. (SEAL) ROBERT L. WEBER, Notary Public.