STEAMER GOES DOWN $7,000 i4 cnsii shortly oefore the ruurdeE, but this/could not be found. • . At ll:20p. m. on Dee. 5-Ad ry. A, Hay-, ward, . brother of Harry, Was arrested, charged-'with the murder, and on „ the afternoon of Dec. 6, Harry was rearrest ed. ' A day later Adry made a confession in which lie declared that his brother Harry had planned the crime to secure* , the. insurance money and that the bloody deed was done by, Glaus A. Blixt, engineer of the Ozark flats, where Miss Ging liyed. Blix^wji'S" arrested on Dee. 7-. , Harry Hayward and Blixt were indicted for the murder, and the former's trial was begun the latter part of January. On Feb. 4 Blixt went on the stand and told the story of the crime-^hoW it had been delib erately planned by Hayward and how he had carried it out. •. - BEST POLISH IM THE WORLD, TWELVE LOST IN AN OHIO RIVER DISASTER.. „ U. 5. Government ,offi- cially reports ROYAL Bak=* ing Powder superior to Ml others in leavening strength. ' (Builtlinij, Ai'IDef t,/.SQ7-) It is the best and most economical. The Longfellow Becomes Unmanage able, Strikes a. RaifcrOsKl Bridge- at . Cincinnati, Breaks in ;Tivo and Sinks • w i t l i H e r C a r g o . . e ' T " ™ : " 1 ' . v ; DO NOT BE DECEIVED with Pastes, Enamels, and Paints which stain the hands, injure the iron, and barn red. The Rising Sun Stove* Polish is Briir liant,.Odorless, and Durable. Each package contains? six ounces; when moistened will make several boxes of Paste Polish. HASSAN ANNUAL SALE OF 3,000 TOJVS. . Refused to Ob.ey Her Rudder. The steamer Longfellow, of the Mem phis and Cincinnati Pagket Line,, was wrecked Friday morning by striking a pier of the Chesapeake and Ohio Rail road bridge at. Cincinnati, and twelve lives were lost. The steamer „broke TiiL two and sank with her .cargo. The pas senger list was. lost, but- it. is known twen- . ty :fife or thirty passengers were aboard, most of whom had engaged passagy for .New Orleans."5 The dead: f>m David Aid ridge,, Cleveland. Dr. Anderson,'female. " . . ,T. W. Aull-. Dayton, Ohio. ^ ; -Mrs. Jl -VV. Anil. Davtbn."Ohio.. * „ Ciiptain .16h h" 17." !Uarter,7"Ke\vport, KyT Gus Chauvet, barkeepe'r on Longfellow,. -- Johnson,barber on Long fellow. . James Milter, deck hand. « Thomas Heardon, deck hand. . - / Michael Husseli, deckhand, Cincinnati. "Walker. servant. ,,Unknown-yOuug woman, an iiifalid, of' New York. * The. Longfellow was' to leave at"' C>" Dscloek Thursday evening.. A heavy fog fame up and "it was-decided to wait until the fog lifted." "At .(> o'clock Friday mean ing, the fog -having- risen-•-sufficientlyf Captain John Kirker decided to start. The tow boat Hercules Carrel, which-'was alongside all night, \v°as signaled to be in readiness to help the Longfellow through the -bridges. At (5:80 the boats started. The Carrel was on the port s:d? of the Longfellow. . The boats passed safely un der the suspension bridge, but immediate ly afterward the Longfellow began be having badly. A cross current seemed to strike her and swing her bow around toward the Kentucky shore. Every effort Was made to right her so that s1k> would I pass between the piers of the Chesapeake I and Ohio Railroad forming the span on | the Kentucky side. The swift current.o.f j the river carried her along rapidly- Those in the boat could see that it would be impossible to avoid striking the pier. The alarm was sounded immediate- | ly. and the passengers', some of wiioin j were at breakfast, while others were still ; in their, berths, were hurried-to the deck.' | The boat struck the pier with her star- j board side, just behind the boilers. The j air was filled with living timbers, glass- and ironwork. Those on board, maty- of whom were in their night clothes, were; hurried to the Hercules Carrel, which j was stili alongside. Constenyition reign- j >d. There were piercing cries and ler- j rible yells and women fainting. S i n k s with Her Cargo. i In the meantime, the Longfellow was being driven harder against the pier by the swift river, hi less than fivy minutes after she struck there"was a loud crash and the boat parted amidships. The prow went down,into the river, disappear ing completely. The stern followed. Some of the upper works tloated down the stream and then the wrecked hull came slowly up "and also floated away. Four or five men were on the lioatingJeabin and these were taken off by the crew of the Hercules Carrel. A» number of small boats put out from the shore and picked up persons who had jumped into the river.. Five minutes after the boat struck there was nothing left but a lot of float ing wreckage to show that there had ever been such a boat, as the-Longfellow. Ev erything on board the boat in the way of registers, papers, valuables, cargo, etc.. went down with her. " The cause of the accident is attributed to the boat refusing to obey her rudder when she struck the strong current jusi? below the suspension bridge. The Long fellow was valued at $22,500 and insured for $15,000. H A Y W A R D I S G U I L T Y . ROYAL IG POWDER CO",, 106 WAtt RT,i A complete Electric BelLOatut, Including nickel-plated bell, battery, .wire, push-button, staples, screws,ve't«-„ securely packed in box,, with full'directions toe putting up, sent to an; address on receipt of only 82.50.. Former price, $5.00. Address, ftor J. Tompkins, 323 Pleasant St., Oak Park, Lu- franklin Invented the Center Board. Here of late considerable discussion is going the rounds as to the relative merits of the center-board in vessels as being a distinctly Aineficafi inven tion, and for that reason resting its chief, claim for superiority.- To Ben jamin Franklin belongs the honor of having first perceived its utility. It Avas while' working at . his . trade1 of printer in London that one day in cross ing the Thames ,the strong jpurrents carried the flat row boat lie was in down the stream; and it occurred to him at once that if a movable board were placed at the side and lowered As occasion required the boat would be less liableto.beaffectedby the currents. This was done :so succes^yjly that lee- boards, as they Were called, soon began to attract notice for use On shallow, vessels,- until--ultimately they have de veloped into the more pretentions name of center-boards.--Philadelphia Mrs. Barnes* Story. Mrs. Barnes, one, ©jf Chicago's society leaders, is telling an entertaining little story to her friends. The other day she wanted to go for a drive, but. when her coachnuin appeared he proved to be la mentably-intoxicated, Mrs. Barnes up- b t a i d e d h i m i m f i g n a n t l y r " " " r r . ^ -- , ™ "John,!' she said, "you" re drunk,"' ."-Yes'in," he, respoiidedi with effusive meekness, "I am-.-' ^ •••.-. "Weil," continued, his mistress, "yon ean't drive me out in^hat condition!" ; "No'm,':'. was thf? reply; "but,if you'll go hire a-.carriage, I'll pay l'Or it, ihani." f--Boston Globe. A Young Man Is Nearly 'Hanged for • 3** • Another's Crime. •-Walter--Bryant,, a young-man with a broad scar on his forehead arid another on his arm, has just been released from the jail in St. Joseph, Mo, Fgw then have come nearer to being hanged for a Crime of \vhich they woKre not giiilty than Bryant, and he owes his escape from -the' gallows to a Sear. A week or so ago Btv- ji-ut was arrested jn Springfield on suspi cion of being Thomas Harris, wanted fop the murder of John McDowell peven years ago^- It was in vain that the yot^g man; declared that hewras not 'Harris, who had -escaped from-prison While uiiuer'sentexict#' of death. Several men who knew Harris^' went to the jail and positively identified Bryant as the mau.who was wanted, but Bryanf. did not lose hope until Harris's fa ther came ar id said he was his son. B r y ant told- the authorities t hat his'parents and brother lived at Santa Bosa. Call, ' but there came no answer from the ad dress he gave. He declared that he had been arrested before on the same charge, ocice at Sheridan. W yo.. and once at Lit tie Rotdr, Ark.' , but lie had fof^TTTFfckitjhK name of the sheriff from Atchison Coun ty who had gone alter him and found that hy1 was not the right man.. He remem bered the year, however, and described the sheriff. William Turner, . who .lives in Bed Willow County. Neb., was sheriff of the county at-that time, and he cam« to St. Joseph to save the young man's life. Turner" recognized the prisoner at once arid said he was not the murderer of McDowell. Bryant's statement that he has been twice arrested before"this time on account of his resemblance to the fugitive was confirmed by the ex-sheriff. When-Tur ner came he brought with him a minute description of Harris, made' while the murderer was a prisoner in his charge, and called attention to a scar on the left ankle, which could not he found on Bry- ! ant. lie said the -resemblance between the two• men. was perfect, with this ex ception. The absence of that scar on the ankle has probably been the means of saving Bryant from being executed for another .nan's crime. t Is the Great Blood Purifier. 4- ^ -- -- -< • ' 7 . • OOfi Pi tts: easy Bo-bus, easy to taka, j'-HV*rw-l' c Oi ll^ the after-dinner,pill and ' , ,wu 3 easy In effect. i5c7"- ' J XlUOU-b flllSs ramliy estiuttic. 26c. ; Lucky Patient, . The LoniJrille Courier-Journal tells " a true tale,", with a moral--against making rash promises. The reader may believe it,, or laugh at it; as be chooses. :sA patient who had called to consult a physician asked lio.w much he was to pay-. •' ... I '.'Three dollars," said the doctor.", The patient .drew out a ten-doll ir gold-piece. The doctor looked annoyed. ."Haven't you anything smallerV" he asked; . • • "Not A thing," said the patient. "Noth ing but thjs and two nickels." "Well, give me the two nickels, if I take the gold-piece I shall be out seven dollars." -- " Then he explained to his mystified customer that he had rashly promised _Jhis wife-all the gold taken by him in the way of fees. HIGHEST AWARD 0 WORLD'S FAIR-. H , Hftd No Experience. Lady--I thought, cook, that I told ybu I wanted curried chicken for dih- ner. '. Cook--Yes. ma'am, I know it. but I neyer curried a chicken in m,v life. I'm no. hostler niyse]f, arid xlie groom Said lie was. too busy to show me ho\v.*=- New York Worhl. ' Stockings are flfst mentioned in lit erature as being already worn'in Italy about,the.year 1100. They are alluded to as a great invention and far superior to the former practice of wrapping the feet in cloth b:u^da£ps- The Modern Way Commends itself to the^ well-informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest man ner "and disagreeably • as • well. To cleanse the system and break up colds, headaches and fevers without unplea« ant after effects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. ®100 Reward, $100. ; -Tile readers of thW iiapcrAviU be pleased to. [ laarn that there is at least one tlrea4e<l (iiseaso i thai science has been able to cure in ail its', stages, anil that U cataiTlu, Hall's Catarrh (.'.are Is tin' oi'.iv poMtive cure now JukhmI lo the vued- , leal iratcmity. Catarrh' being a constitutional | disease^ jeqiiire^, a coifstinuioniil treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure i> taken internally, acting; . dlrcH'tly upon the blood mid luucotis surfaces ot -| the system, thertbv dcstrovitig the fpimdatiOn of j the disease, u'nd giving th<» fatient-stvengfh try j building up.the constitution and assisting nature ! In doing its work. The proprietors have so j much faith in its curative powers that they offer j due Hundred Hollars for any case that it fails to j cure. Send for list of Testimonial-:. Address. F. .1. CH KXEY & CO., Toledo, O. 1 gr-Sohi by Druggists. I7>c. ^BEST'SUITEDTO^ For "DIT|0N S/D IGESTlVElO Dyspeptic,Delicate.Infirm and AGED PERSONS THE SAFEST FOOD in T H E S I C K R O O M F O R INVALIDS P1,. Ah® COM VALESC THAT LYDIA E. PINK HAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND ! A woman of perfect form should i measure about a foot more from her [ waist to bet feet than from her waist to the crown of her head. Bargains' in "Wall Paper. Attention of our readers is called to fhe j great bargains in Wall Paper offered in another part o{ this paper by Alfred Peats, the areat Wall Paper dealer, 182-184 West Madison street, Chicago, who offers to send j free samples on application. [ Man is not lost by doing wrong, but by beiug wrong. . After physicians had given me up, I 1 was saved ny Piso's Cure. --T» Euteo, Williamsport. Pa., Nov. '22, ISHIl. A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for lie' never gets as much as lie thinks he deserves.--II. W. Beecher. Is Daily Curing Backache, Dizziness, Faintness, Irregularity, and ali Fe male Complaints. ' ̂ SPECIAL TO OUR UDI EEVDE8R.] Intelligent women no longer doubt the value of Lydia E. Pinkliavi's Vegetable Compound. It speedily relieves irregu larity, suppressed or painful hienstrua- I ^NURSING MOTHERS,INFANTS^ CHILDREN I DRUGGISTS. , J John Car i.e & Sons, New York. j .1 frit nil advised vie to BjPiy i trrri'-lffs Crc<nn Balm, I I and (liter taunrj it rix cCI;Sl ! racks I . hdieve ! cured of,catarrh. It is l u most'• valuable remedy. j --- Joseph' Stewa rt, GrL'i I Grand Arcane, Brook- A Bank 'fliere Is Probably \o Oilier i-jastern 1 line So universally pntro.nizetl by the very highest class of travel ;is the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern" Railway. The characier of ii^ \ lain rvi. c recognized aijd appreciated hy those who wish the vexy best. Try it on your next Eastern trip. Trains leave rhicapo as follows: S ami" av-^ni-.T, >'i:2vv8:4.~> and ll::t0 p. in, V. M. p.yron. C. IV <S: T. A., (it! Clark stroet. iv. Wilhcr. . P. A., Chicago. Pasquinades took their name from the shop of a Roman tailor named Pas- quiu, the square in front of which con tained a celebrated statue, on the ped estal of which all sorts of squibs and lampoons were posted. Failure, AN INVESTIGATION DEflANDlfD. A general banking business is done by the human system, because the blood de posits in its vaults whatever wealth we may gain from day to day. This wealth is laid up against, "a raiuv day " as a reserve fund --we're i"t» a condition of healthy prosperity if we have laid away sufficient capital to draw upon in the hO;iir of our greatest need. There is danger in getting thin, because it's a sign of letting down in health. To gain in blood is nearly always to gain in ivholf- \Some flesh. The odds-are in favor of the germs of consumption, grip, or pneumonia, if our liver be inactive and our blood im pure, or if our flesh be reduced below a liealthy standard. What is required is an increase in our germ-fighting strength. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery enriches the blood and makes it wholesome, stops the w a s t e of t i s sue and a t t h e same t ime builds up the strength. A medicine which will rid the blood of its poisons, cleanse and invigorate the great organs of the body,- vitalize the system, thrill the whole being with new energy and make permanent work of it, is surely a remedy of great value. But when we make a positive statement that 98 j p e r c e y t . « f a l l c a s e s o f c o n s u m p t i o n c a n , i f "taken in the early stages of the disease, be GUKKD with the "Discovery," i t seems l ike a bold asser t ion . All Dr . Pie rce asks i s that you tiia'ke a thorough investigation and satisfy yourself of the truth of his assertion. Pv sending to the World's Dispensary Med ical Association, Buffalo, N. Y., you can get a free book with the names, addresses and photographs of a large number of those cured of throat, bronchial and lung diseases, as well as of skin and scrofulous affections by the "Golden Medical Discovery^J^They also publish a book of 160 pages, being a medical treatise or consumption, bronchitis, asthma, catarrh, which will be mailed on receipt of address and six cents in stanms. C A T A R R H I^enry. Villnrd has announced hip intention of residing in Berlin in future. Ijvun Hole declares that for oue silly young woman there arc fifty silly young men. "Senator Murphy is making a reputation.. . ' in Washington as a hospitable and suc- I cessful entertainer. | M. Casimit'-Perier will shortly tell the | story of his presidency in a pamphlet, j which he has already begun. Mifes Anna Shaw, D. I)., says the best way to address an audience."is to talk as j if you were scolding your husband. I George Kenna-n, of Siberian fame, has long had writer's cramp so badly that, he I has had to use a lead pencil instead of a pen. Marquis of Twoeddu'le holds direc torships of more joint stock companies than any other member of either of the two houses of Parliament. General MeCook said the other day that in forty years' experience with Indians lie h;ul never known a difficulty but had a white man at the bottom of it. Signorina Labriola is the first wo-nian to receive the degree of doctor o.f laws from the University of Rome. She is a mere girl yet, only"T8 years of age. j Besnaud, the artist, whose sketches of | street life in Paris have become so popu- j lar, does all his work in a cab, which, J drawn up to the curbstone, forms his j studio. The German emperor's mustache is j curled every morning by a barber who. makes this operation his specialty and ! receives & ; fee of live shillings'for each visit. ' '• - Ella Wheeler Wilcox is an untiring ron of all the beauty increasing and main taining artists. She says she believes rfn principle in being as good Iboking as me ca 11. I Congressman Toiu.L. Johnson has pur chased the palatial residence at the corner of Euclid avenue and Oliver street, Cleve land. It is one of the"handsomest on the avenue. The disgrace of Captain Dreyfus made so keen an impression upon the French army that two lieutenants of the same 1 name have applied for permission to change it to Drevel. Rev. .T. B. Hawthorne, pastor of the I First Baptist Church in Atlanta, preach-" j ed. a sermon over the telephone, and all I in Atlanta, Athens, Griffon." Macon and 1 Madison who had telephone connection listened, . . W. W. Fuller, of Durham, X. C., is to receive :i salary of .$50,000 a y£ar as chief attorney of the American Tobacco Com pany, of New York. He is a son of Judge T. C. Fuller, of the United States Court J of private land claims. Mr. Ballantyne. a veteran of the Cana- j dian volunteer infantry, did good service, j_jiv-£he battle with the rebels in Hawaii. |^MIe dispatch says he got for his good work "an exclusive eternal franchise for an electric railroad in Honolulu." " One of the spicy incidents of the recent election in Philadelphia was the challeng-^i I ing of the vote of Jotd| Wanamaker. The ex-Postmaster .General was highly arnus- " ed, particularly when he learned flmt his. 3-halienger.had been in this country but , four months. ' 1' • " When Senator Mills,, of Texas, is once thoroughly aroused it takes hint a long time to get-cool, and the moment he loses his temper he starts off to do some stair- climbing. He plunges along at a tre mendous pace until he reaches the top of the building, and then he swings round and conies down agaki at the same rate. Then he crosses to the'opposite wing of the eapitol and repeafsTThe performance. > He never allows himself to open his mouth . when in. these moods. KI>Y'S CRbAM IIA1..M Opens and c'.eanses the Nasal l'a&sam'ti. Allays Pain anil Inflammation, Heals the Sores. Protects tlie Mernbi'-.ine troui Colds; K&- utores the tjeiifos ot 'taste und Smell. The Halm la quickly absorbed and ci vest veiiet i»t ouce. , A particle is a-ppliedPinto each nostril and is agree able. Price Wi cents, at (li-u^-i.sts or by mail. KIA' HltO'i"HKlt.S. 06 Warren Street. New York- Last year \vc commenced an elaborate pt.'.n of advertising, bnt l»t-fore we were half t l \rough, Ot 'H ADVKHTISEJIKJtTra UlSAli 'HAREO. Why? Because WJ! WERE OVEBWHKLMKB WITH Bt'Sl^fESSi There was hut one thing to do: withdraw the advertising and devote overy energy to filling the orders with which we wero flooded. This we aid, and handled with reasonable promptness a most unprecedented year's business. WITH FAtrreiUfiS, !M'!tC4ESn P-it;i,:i 'iES. kM) TWEVTV BltASCII HOUSES FROM WHICH TO IMS- TIIIBt'TE OI K COOUs, WE CAN NOW t ARE FOR ALLWItO C051K, Last year we could not reduce prices because we ware com polled in some way to limit the demand for Aermotor goods. We would have been satisfied with lower prices, but why create a demand which we could not supply? We have made tbo heaviest purchases of stee! and material bought in America this year, and at unprecedented prices, and have made terms to dealers which .enable them to make unprecedented prices, in quality, character, variety, finish, and accessibility to full stock of goods and repairs, wo are without competitors. In our plan of advertising last year, we proposed to furnish • feed cutter under certain conditions for $15. For reasons stated above we did "fV;t complete the advertising, and the feed cut ter was not puttout. Wo now propose to make amends in th.e following manner: Wo will announce in this paper our HEW Al.LSTI'.EL VERY 81TERI0K FEED Cl'TTEB, WORTH Removal of Ticket Office of Chicago, Milwaukee & St; Paul Ky. On March 1st the Chienpo tiehet office of the Chicago, Milwaukee & st. Paul Rv. will be moved to the new Marquette Huildmu, corner Adams and Dearborn streets. The number of the office will be Si"> Adams street. C. N. SorTiu.u. Ticket.Agent. Florida, (Georgia, Illinois, Iowa. Mich igan and Wisconsin are nearly equal in area, between o3,0U0 and UU.OOO .square miles. ;ions,-weakness of the stomach, indiges tion. bloating, leueorrhoea, womb trou ble, flooding, nervous prostration, head ache, general debility, etc. Symptoms of Womb Troubles are dizziness, faintness, extreme lassi tude, " don't care," and "want to be left alone" feelings, excitability, irrita bility, nervousness, sleeplessness, flatu lency, melancholy, or the "blues," and [backache. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table CompouiftI Will correct all this 'rouble as sure as\the sun shines. That ^ Beariiig-Down Feeling-, cohsing pain, weight* and backache, is instantly relieved anmpermanently cured by its use. Under ali circumstances it acts^-nn perfect harmony-..'with the laws thfit govern the female system, is as /harmless as wafer. It is wonderful for Kidney Complaints in either sex. Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills work in unison with the Compound, and are a sure cure for constipation and sick- headache. Mrs. Pinkliam^s Sanative Wash is frequently found of great value for local application. Correspondence is freely solicited by the, Lydia E. Pink- ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.^, and .the strictest confidence assured. All drug gists sell the Pinkham remedies., The Vegetable Compound in three forms, - Liquid, Pills, and Lozenges. It Is Merely Good Health. That beautiful complexion is health, preserved by Kipans Tabules. Itipans Tabules purify the blood, clear the skin of blemishes aud make life more worth living. The greatest velocity attained by a whale when struck by a harpoon is nine miles an hour. PATENTS. TRADE-MARKS. The Minneapolis Gambler Responsible for the Murder of Catherine Gins- Harry Hayward, on trial at Minne apolis for the murder of Catherine (.ling, has been found guilty. A few minutes before 11 o'clock Friday morning: Judge Smith finished his charge and a littleJjc- f-ore 2 o'clock the jury had agreed, 011 a verdict. Judge Smith hastened to the court-room, the prisoner was brought in and the jury summoned. Kobler, the deputy clerk, asked in a tremulous voice whether the jury had agreed-upon a ver dict, and Neil McNeil, the foreman, st6od up. His face was ghastly in its color, and there was not a man on the jury unaffected by the gravity .of the situation. "We have agreed,"/ said Mc Neil, in a voice that was scarcely audible, and the folded piece of paper that meant life or death to the accused was handed DO YOU WAiMT WORK lot bpare tnue with GOOD I'AYV If so. yoil will never rt-Riet Heading i-tump tor nartioulars to L. K. •Johnson. 511 A St. :n. E.. Washington. 1). C. |RJgn|f*pn A MAN to retm-sent n lnanufact- CfMlllw 1 r II urer in every city ouisiiltiN-wVork. KBmi I Ly small capital rennired. S>5» |>er week can be realized. " M A N I'FACTl- It K K.V Knom nw. No. C<irtl!indt St., New York. Pn n n III r hy a working; mnn. two Huifding flSK Sill f Lnts- l'nen'WiSO each, A liar- • Ull UnlLIL Ifain; sure to ndvancn ill Kiirinu. The reason lor s.'lliusi--want more room to(>«i d. Address ,JAS. Hl', 2o7fi T)iir<l Ave.. >. Y. Mrs. VVinslow's Soothing SyUup for Children teething: sottens the gums, reauces inflammation, allays pain, cures wind oollc. 25 cents a bottle. St. Jacobs Oil is made to care If so a " Baby " Cream Separator will earn its cost for you every year. Why continue an inferior system another year at so great a loss ? Dairying is now tho only profitable feature of Agriculture. Properly con ducted it always pays well, and must pay you. You need a Separator, and you need tho BEST,--the "Baby." All styles and capacities, Prices, §7o. upward. Send for new 1895 Catalogue. The Cat Came Back Branch Offices: ELGIN, ILL. General Offices: 74 CORfLANDT SI„ NEW YORK, FARMER MILES' Forbid a Fool a Thing and That He Willr©^" Don't Use SAPOLiO Seventh Annual Class o£ IIAttRV IIAYAVAT?D. CATHERINE OIXG. to the eierk. Every eye was turned to ward the condemned man as Kobler read I the verdict. There was nothing in his j face to indicate ihat he had heard a word j of it. lie threw his ljcad back as the word "guilty" was pronounced,-, but it was only' to adjust his collar-band. He did not change color by a single shade. Catherine Ging, a Minneapolis dress maker, was murdered in a lonely spot on the north shore* of Lake Calhoun, near Minneapolis, early in the»evening of Dec. 8 last. The murdered wgmau had taken-j three mysterious rides, according to Liv eryman GoosmanOn Nov. '27 she took the. first, calling in person at GoosnrtmX_ livery stable in Grant street, and driving I the horse herself. She brought it %jck ' at 9 o'clock, and no one was with her. 1^hAr,\vas gone but an hour and a half. Dee." l^Uss Ging ordered the same rig over the rcjeplione, and instructed the j Tiyefyniaii' to"- terve the vehicte at the West Hotel. . Accordingly the carriage was left at the West Hotel at 7:20 o'clock, and Miss Ging returned it to the stable in person at 9 o'clock. As-before, no one was seen with her. On the evening of Dec. 8 she took the third and fatal ride. It was the sensation of the year ill Min-' neap'olis. and the.disco very of the murder put the police on their mettle.. Mayor Eus.ti&--himself headed the investigation, setting the whole force of detectives at work- on tlie case, and he caused to be summoned to the office of the chief of police all parties whose-business or social relations with the murdered woman were such that they might throw light on the mystery. Harry Hayward. who was 111 charge of the flats in which Miss Ging .had lived, was arrested on ,suspicion on Dec. 4, the day following the murder, and, kept in the "sweatbox" for twelve liou-rs."' He told a plausible story and was filially released from custody. He said' he had • loaned the woman $9,560, taking as se curity two life-insurance policies of $5,000# each. He claimed that he. had loaned her Because there was no place like the home where they used AND RIDGLING HORSE CASTRATION OPENS APRTT, 3d. 18!>5. For Terms and Particulars write him at CHARLESTOIV, - ILLINOIS. FLOATINf TOAP "M MADE AT HOME by a simple method discovered by my husband. 1 will send recipe FOR VOUH OWN use tor SI. Mrs. Eliza Tucker, 482 Orange St., Newark, 'Santa Glaus The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DONALD KENNEDYP OF ROXBURY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down toa common Pimpie. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thundej humor). -He has now in his possession over two huniired certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. 'Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from the frst bottle, and a perfect cure is war- ra"ted when the right quantity is taken. v When the lungs are affected it cause? shooting pains, like needles passing ; through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. vThis is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week aYter taking it. Read the label. '« .--If the stomach'is foul or bilious it will •^•ause squeamish feelings at first, r No change c>f diet evet necessary; Eat the best you can get, and enough' of it. Dose, one water at time. Sold by ill Drus# :tts.. , In It not surprising That a remedy .. That has been j 7 The Physician's Trump Card For a century--His ace of ti-umpa. Should now, .« i .» For the first time, . • Be so prepared as To make It possible To offer It to the public In a form Available for Immediate use Aiid capable of being preserved Without loss of virtues " Tor a dec3de ?-- - Or until the occasion arises i. . - Such a surprise exists la Ripnns Tabules. - Elpans Chemical Co., lOSprucoSt., Ncv.-Vorfe; Price, SO cents a box, fif dru^gl"t8 or hy rial I. If you are g"oing to paper this spring, send a full description of the different rooms, together with their height, what they are used for, color effect desired, etc. to ALFRED PEATS, and he will make selections of the most suitable styles and colors from his Prize Designs and other patterns, and '• Prices of Prize Design WaH Raper£-range from 15 to 30c per roll, and in addition we have over One Million Rollsjdf other papers some of them as low as 3c per roll. Jf you have any u?e whatever for (Wall Paper, 'do not fail to SEND AT ONCE FOR SATIPLES. ' ' AGENTS MAKE' MONEY. .. / If you will take the- agency for our Prize Patterns and other papers, and solicit orders from those in your neighborhood who are going to paper this spring, we will send our Agents' Sample Books on receipt of your references and $1.00 to cover cost of books, and pay a handsome profit on all-orders you. obtain. A few of the open ears which the Illi nois Central Railroad fan to the Colura- ,bian Exiiosifion are to be seen on the pier east af*-tht* general passenger station ia Chicago. ,- «• An "Knglewood, Ili., caterer' has this 011 his bill' of fare: '"Our hen us are direct from Boston and are pronounced by thosu who have eaten them as the best." - ALFRED PEATS, 132-134 W. Madison St., Chicago