= J ASHES TO CUf^E CUTS. Siiitiiiili] Flilticlilnis Revive En. Old. Cossack Method of Treating Wounds. Some bf the best known physicians in RuBSia are strongly advocatingthe adop tion in the go-yern'meut bospitals of an old Cossack custom of treating cuts and wounds witli allies.' Tho Cossack peas antry have,treated cases in this fashion from time immeinorihf, and-Dr. Pash- koff, a Russian physician who has been studying the treatment, recently said in an interview in a Russian medical jour- JAGOB JIJSTEN West WlcH©nry To, the Furniture trade, * • WonJd be pleased to have ylou call and gee ray complete line of I can I The number of Stoves and Kanges sold by us thus far this season, is ahead of any previous sale in the records of our city. The universal satisfaction given sAren't you all pleased over the event? I am, and so tickled that I conclude to ship 4 or 5 of my early cars of machinery to JWest McHenry. Expect to unlond in the watefebuse near the depot, and will probably be so0filled up with seasonable, • '> . : SaveYou nal: "I strongly recommend the treating of severe cuts and. wounds with ashes. Experiment. has convinced me of the thorough efficacy of the treatment, and in addition it is cheap, takes little time to arrange and does- away with bulky bandages, which have -always been the bane of nurses ancl physicians. The best ashes are those resulting from the burn ing of some cotton stuff or linen, and only a very thin layer should be applied. Ik the wound has been made by some dirty instrument and there is danger of blood poisoning, itfsEould be first wash ed thoroughly with a lotion. The ashes with the blood form a. hard substance, nnder which the most severe cuts heal "with remarkable rapidity.~ Dr. Pashkoff has experimented with ashes on 28. cases of cuts, and only two of tho entire number failed to result successfully. These" cases would have been eure'd, too, had, not .the nurses fail ed to apply prescribed lotions, to the wounds heforti the physicians took them in charge.. It is ^extremely, probable that the ashes treatment will, bo adopt ed in the StV Petersburg hospitals before long. ./ Peninsular Stoves I also kcepva full line ot samples o.t Carpets, and Can please you both in quality and price, x , That I shall be .glad to hold one of our Public Sales, and ask you " How Muchf ' If sp same Will be held on'Saturday and Monday, the : 1, " Last days of March, 1895, ; ; ' And those days wre will agree to give you the ' . Very Best of Farm^^ -M Wagons and ; Carriages,"Walking and Riding Plows,:rf ' Disk Pulverizers, Lever Harrows, Cultivators, Farm and Driving Harness^ Sweat Pads, Whips, Halters, etc. .- Sell you anything to lessen stock and get so we. can - see out. Did you say you would come and give us a bid, tvr purchase at-private sale?- Just as you wish. . - : All of us must get a HUMP on ou^(|yos for 1895. 'I offer this great sale, so you will bs. sure of a first class start,, which, in my experience j is everything toward success. Will you come? Of course you will, and we will be almost tickled to death to see you and give bargains. Their superiority in style and finish, and above all the prices iTttynicli We seli them is gTving us anything in • > 13^ Ialso have a largo f of Picture Mouldings and do THE STOVE TRADE OF THE COUNTY. - Call and look my stock over when in want ot Furniture of any kind. This is not I HAVE AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE LINE OF merely an as- - r -- positive fact. j Skates from 40c. to $3,75. |^**A full hoe of seasonable Hardware, always, - ^ r UNDERTAKING A specialty. A splendid Hearse in connection, \yill be furnished at x'eisonabicrates: - , ; .v JACOB JIISTEN. McHenry. Jan 1, 1895. N. J. JUSTEN, DjEALEB IN JULIA A. STORY DEALER IN A larger stocfc'of Furniture than ever before, which I am offering at greatly REDUCED PRICES. A' FULL LINE C F- r _ , ,T OiW.and Colors constantly on hand. Also a full line*of 1 also keep m stock a full line of samples of Carpets, and we can give you anything from the cheapest to the finest Brussels at lower prices than any other house in the county. AND A COMPLETE STOCK OF on Pulverizer, Best in Market UNDERTAKING PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Supplies of all kinds always on hancL B^°°A splendid Hearse in con nection. N. J- JU8TEN. West McHenry, Jan. 1, 1895. Our Lever Harrow, 93T CarefuliylJ-ccmponijded by a Registered Pharmacist, Your Patronage is respectfully solicited. IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT Yours for a good time and business •JULJA A. &'TORY One\Door WesiofiEnersideJEcvse, McEcvry^Jll THE THIRD SEMI-ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF J D. LODTZ, Jr LELAND& HOTEL Spring wares daily arriving in abundant quantities, and in quali ties. varieties and prices are bound to suit all. Inepect our new ^pring>hake(s1In all and half wool TABU LIES! Michigan Ave Boulevard and Jackson streets. Fronting Lake Michigan, Within two Blocks of the Center ot the City Dress Goods, , Suitings, Silk and Velvet Trimmings, Braids and Laces. McHENRY, IJL.L. I take pleasure in informing the public that my Tailoring Establishment is now ready to take orders for Entire new management and popular prices. Over $100,000 ha^ been expended in re-modeling and re-furnishing the House, making it one of the mo^t, complete and comfortable hotels in Chicago. Steam heat and electric light in every room. Fifty-five bathrooms, Elevator and every modern convenienca. % Rooms, with meals, from $2 per day upwards. Rooms, without meals, from $L per day upwards. All meals 75 cents each, A very desirable hotel for ladies visiting the cily unattend ed, and special care will be given them. New DressCar&vass,Satteens. Ginghams: Prints: HOSIER For men, women and children, from 5c, 9c, 15 to 50c per pair. Gents' Fui'nisliiiig' Goods, from the "United Brand" and "Badger State" Shirts, pants, Overalls, Coats and Jackets. •===.-,, fl^lPSee our new stock of new styles in Spring Hats & Neckwear I have made a careful exainiaation and purchase of goods at the best houses in Chicago, with the result that I now have,the finest stock of Spring and Summer Goods ever seen in McHenry. The goods turned out from my establishment are hand-made and home-made, and are guaranteed first class in every particular as to style, workmanship and quality. ^tgT'With regard to prices, I will say, without fear of contradiction, that they are Jfom $4 to $15 lower than those in the city. I can make you an all-wool suit as cheap as $17, /'** Pants to Order, ^3,75 and upward, My motto: Good, honest work at living prices. Soliciting your patronage, I remain, Yours Respectfully, DABB & MILLIGAN CHA8. W. DABB, Fourteen years Proprietor of the Commercial Hotel, Chicago: CHAS, F. MULLIGAN, Five years proprietor ot Hyde Park Hotel,-Chicago. SPRING CLOTHING! In abundance, in Pants. Fire Pants and Spring Overcoats, Dutchess Pants from $2, $3, $3 25 to $5, all warranted. J. D. LODTZ, JR BURLIN Barbian Bros.' Block, McHenry, 111, fSp^Genteel and stylish Footweai^ by the hundred pairs, from the famous manufacturers, C. H. Fargo and W. L. Douglass. Prices the lowest. , All sizes-and lasts, and styles the newest. Use our Candee Rubber Goods during the coming muddy season, as they are the best on earth. ^MANUFACTURER, OF ... • • AND • . DEALERS l!\) GEO. W. BESLEY 1895 200 NEW STYLES OF WALL PAPER With ceilings and borders to match. Our selections are excellent stock always full measure and prices right. DEALER IN' Drugs, Medicines, PAINTS, OILS. TOILET ARTICLE?. New Carpets and Oil Cloths. Lace Curtains and Window Shades, all bought for the Spring track;. Trunks, Valises, Crockery, Glassware} Stoneware. FT£H. Fi*h for Lent. Codfish, White Fish, Fallibufr. Smoked, Spiced and Pickled Herring, Trout, Salmon, etc. --We are in it on pure Groceries and Provisions. • -r\ I1 LOUR.. Pillsbury's, Chick's Best, Sleepy Eye, and the Fancy Patent. Prices down to hard times. , Come empty to us and go back loaded. From yours truly. * ' PRICES A For MejucaiTUse A. great c&ance to make money. Also, Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical Use Our thus far reliable and can Ihe boat brands of Cigars and smoking and chewirg Tobicco always on hand. ; . Physicians'Prescriptions Carefully compounded. Give me a call, efully handled Insubahc*. BUSINESS Will be kept up in future] Will visit the aity every Thursday and will fill all special, orders of a reasonable nature. STOFFEL- JOHN j. MILLER, Wat McHeniy. ' a: West McHonry, Jan* 2, 1895