%•:: - v • • ' • ; a Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law;. No Favors Win UR &nd no Pear Shall Awe." VOL. 20. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27,. 1895. NO. 38, m C. F. BOLEY, ProBrielor of McHenry Brewery, PUBLISHED INVERT WEDNESDAY BY - J . V A N 8 L Y K E EDITOR AND PKOPHIETOR. OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK. Tw* Doors North of Perfy A Owen's Stor*, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: .One yaSr (in advance).*:.., 50 If Not Paid within Three Months... ... 2 oo Subscription? receiver for three or aix nxonth* in the same proportion - ...= RATES OF ADVERTISING:, "• We ann»una« liberal rates for advertising n the Plainl>HitEK, and endeavor to state them so plainly that thay will be readily un dsrstood. They are s-e follows: 1 Inch one year - - -V®JJ 5 Inches one year. - " " ,««« SInches one year - - • - - *5 *™ V Column one yo&r *• Column one year- - ;- - - 8»<X) Column one year - - - IWUU One ncn -neans the meaiurement of one nch down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of ohanging as often as they choose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to insertion of local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 cents per line the flrstweek, and 6 cents per ine for eaoh subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as thisis set in) the ilrst issue, and 5 coats per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inch advertisement will cost fcl.OOfor'onc week, $1.50 for two weeks, 52.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAIHDHALBB will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it . will require a suitable fee from everybody •taking the use of lis columns for peoumary gain. BUSINESS OAKDS. c FRANK L. SHEPARD, OUNSELLORAT LAW. Suite 514--30 La Salle St., Chicago. JOS. L. ABT, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURG EON, McHenrv, 111, Office in Nicholo Blrck, over Plaindealer Office. Telephone No. 4. O. H. FEGERS, M, D- >HTSI01AN AND SURGEON, MoHenry Ills. Office at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office at the ersldence of R. A, Howard, West MoHenry, III. DR. A. E. AURINGER, PHYSICIAN ANDSURGEON. Office in Dr. Ohitds building, W«»t McHenry, 111. Residence, house formerly occupied by Dr. Osborne, All professional ealls promptly at tended to, F. C. COLBY, D. D. S. DENTIST. Woodstock. 111. Special alen-tion paid to regulating children's teetli, Parties coming from a distance *»'ll do well to give timely notice by mail. Office, Kendal block corner Main street and i- uuiio aq are C. P. BARNES, TTORNEY, Solicitor, andi Counselor, L Collections ^ specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. KNIGHT A BROWN, TTORNEYS AT I,AW. U. S. Express Co.'s L Building, 87 and 89 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL. " V , 3. LUMLEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, and solicitor in Chancery, WOODSTOCK, ILL. Office in Park House, first floor. H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In surance Arent including Accident t id life Insurance. OFFICE WITH B. GILBERT, NEAR DEPOT,T WEST MCHENRY. III. W. Po ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public heal Estate and Insurance. NUNDA,llf< A. Ml. CHURCH, Watchmaker and JTeweler N O.On i HuadredTwenty-Fiye State St Chi- cage, 111. S p e c i a l a t t e n t i o n given to re- pairingF ine watches and Chronometers. OTA Full Assortment of Goods in his line JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker & Jeweler MCHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry always on hand. Special attention given to repairing fine watohes. Give m« *CAL1' JOHN P- SMITH. Westerman & Son, HOUSE, SIGN AND CARRIAGE PAINTERS, M C H E N R T , . . . . . . I L L I N O I S . We are prepared to do all work in our Use on short notice and guarantee satisfaction PAPER HANGING A SPECrALTK. Prices reasonable and work promptly d°ne" ., WESTERMAN A SON. McHenry. J vnuary 30. 1894. AlCtie.Mll, 1-L.JJ. Always on Band with the Best Beer, 10c. 10c. Does smoke frdrn your cigar arise Like incense in the air ? Or does it only cause a smudge And make your neighbor swear? Why will you stick to cabbage lea ves And drive your friendB afar, When you can purchase for a dime • "Our Monogram'" cigar? IOC- , BARB! AM iOc. BROS. MAKERS. OFj Choice Cigars. We can sell you one or a thousand--retai) or wholesale. NEW CASH The undersigned having leased the Pekovsky Block, One Door South of Post Office McHENRY, ILL., Has refitted the sams and put in a Full Line of Choice Family Grewrias, Kerosene, Gasoline, Potatoes, Freeh Bread (Elgin). Tablets, Pencils, new Teas, new Coffees. > Canned Goods, Fruits, Bakery Sup plies, etc., which he will oSer to the buy ing public at the Lowest Living Prices, for Cash. Our goods are all fresh, new and clean, and we hope by fair dealing and good goods to merit and receive a share of public patronage. C. B. nflWRPHY. McHenry, March 18,1895. DO YOU WANT A H A R N E S S CHEAP *? For the next B0 cUy* 1 will sell you iSingle or Double Harness, Haud- Made, A.t a 15iy Discount. My stock is complete, all made of the best material and warranted as repre sented. K^Also, a full }ine of Robes, Blankets, Whips, etc., which will be sold cheaper than the same goods can be bought uuy- whei e. bo not fail to call,at once and get the benefit of these bargains. C O S C A R L S O N . McHenry, 111., March 5, 1894. joav J. BUCH, REST&UK&MT BOARDING HOUSE, .Near the Iron Brldje, McHenry, Board B) the D#Y or W«®k A? Seasonable rates, .JL Nio» LIWB oriRow BOATS AT MT LAKDIKO. Pure Wines, I.iquorsand Cheice Cijars always on naod. . Vv • -4VJTre*h Lager Beer eemstantly o* drau*h4 • iti SALOON AND RESTAUR A* ROSEBALE L O R A L O O . McHEKRV, ILL. C7 F. ESKHSON, Manager. All kinds of Out Flowers, and Funeral De signs to t-e had at all time*..at. Reasonable Rates, Carnations in bud and other potted plants for sale. r- West Side Livery, FEtD AND SALE STABLES E. «T. HANLY, Prop'r. WEST McHENRY, ILL. , First class rigs* with or without drivers, furn^hedlat reasonable rates- Parties taken t-> and from the Lakes in Easy Rigs, and prompt connection rimde with all trains Our-Rigs will be kept in first-class shape; an^l we shall spare nopain.i to pieaea our cue louiers at ail-tnues, Give us a call, • *- E.J. HANLY, West.McHenry:, 111,, lug. 15, 189L NEAR THE DEPOT, ^ WEST MOIIENRY, ILL. -- Keeps open for the accommodation of the Public a Flrst-Olase Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at all times keep the beat brands of Wines, Liquors and Oigara to be found in the market. PABST'S1 Milwaukse Lags? Ben At Wholesale and Retail. Beer In Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quali fy considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOR HOR8FS. WOall and-see us. Robert Sohtessle. REIDS German wo*** COUGH \CB0UP- AND (QR KIDNEY eUit^ (^ontwns no Poison. Reid's German Pills cure Constipation and Malaria. Sylvan Gum purifies the breath. i m c H E M R Y , I L L I N O I S . Wholesale and Retail A£,ent fat SC1IL1TZ V Milwaniee Brewiiia Co's Beer, THE BEST MADE. In any quantity from a ^uitz Q-lass to 1C0 bariels.i I Orders by mail promptly attended to. i > l £ . Jk. U I I . U ^ TR 4 ALSO ALWAYSJON'HAND Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, choice Alesf Wines, Cigars, Etc. I b >y none "but the best and sell at reasonab'e prices. Call and see ine and I will uer use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. MeRenry, 111 , 1894. ft G R A N D O F F E R ? NIME. A. RUPPERT'S Mm®. A. Rnppertsayff- M1 uppreciate the fact thai there are many thousands of ladies in the United Slates that would like to try my World Renowned Face Blench, butbavebeen kert ^ from dulna so on account ot ~ price, which is $2.00 per bot tle, or 3 bottles,- taken to- Kether,f5.O0.^n order that all may have an opportunity. 1 wlllscllto every caller asam- ' Diebottlefor 25c, and to those --fiving outside of city, in any aendu'safelypacked, plain wrapper.allchargee prepaid,for25o, In every caseof frecklee» pimples, movhs_sano Efess, blackhoads. «cn., ecsema, olllness ° r.T°uB°. ness. or any discoloration or disease of tliesUn. ana wrinkles (not caussd by fscial •iprM»ion) I"nce Stench removes absolutely. i\T w5n' is cosmetics do. but ta a cure, AddroM allco™ nunicattons or oall on »U' rrBit i» •Jo. 6 East 14th street, Hew York City. All my preparations, samples, bottlas. &.O., can 1X5 id at regular prices from my local ajent, SVIrs. S. A. ROBBINS, \ i Mo Henry, 111. ~ • • J* AYINGS. rcc.ivsd and loaned ML earefally lcetod real estate sseuritiee aad- tKe "interest oollectsdT \ "VTC remitted withoutJL^v/xV 1^1 C5. charge. Loans made oil time and terms to suit borrower. J. W. BAMSI'KAD, 81 UuPace street, Eicin. lllineis. IViiiicla. 111. Finest Lnoses, Eye-Glasses and SPECTACLES. No Chart© far! Testing the Eyes. PERFECT FI R GTJ^BANTEED. Will be at O. T, Daniel's Drug Store, Algon quln, every Wednesday, and at the office of Dr. Aurmger, West McHcnry, every Salur- day, commencing Feb. 23, 1895. Also at 4be office of Dr. Dawson. Wauconda, on Mondays and at the office of Dr. Rice. Richmond, every Friday. Office with Dr, Werden, Nunda, 111, £2-- TIT) TPPTITII'Q Wext v,9,t'-- JUtl, rilUln 0 Friday. April (9. WOODSTOCK) IL., At tlie Hotel Woodstock. SATE DISPENSARY DR. FRUTH, after years of experience baa perfected tha most infallible method of cur ing Nervous debility, d^ecay of body and riiind, sel'-distrustrpoor memory, weak eyes, stunted develonment1^4*ck of memory, Im poverished blood, lowpfttlity.and all efloots ot abuses, excesses^improper life, etc., which renders marriage unhappy and life miserable. - _ SPECIALTIES--Catarrh, Skin Diseases,"Sore# PMaples, Scrofula, Biood Taint, Eczema, Oan- ,csr, Piles, and Diseases of Women We Gai^rantae to Forfeit #500 for » onse of SEXUAL DISEASE ̂ d^ Cure, Question list FREK. One personal interview solicited. Oousultatioh free - -- . DR> D.O, FRUTH, 3632 Lak* Av«.f Chicago: Hard - aiidl - Soil fOAli! WILBUR lUliBEE CO. TJ AT Til KIR YARDS IN WEST IMcHENRY, Have now on hand Ooth hard and soft Coal, which they wilt sell at prices as low as the lowest. We are handling the celebrated Gross Creek Lehigh Hard Co 1, which we guarantee uncqualod by any. I^^Delivery made to suit pur chaser Feed ! Feed ! Feed of all kinds constantly ou hand. Oar Lots a Specialty. Tile. Lime, Cement, etc. always on hand. Wilbur Lumber Co. Do You Want "WriT-lr ? A steady pavingjob VV vl XV. . with largest nouse in the west, 20 years established. With our fa cilities we can make a good salesman in two weeks from raw material NurseryvJ»tpck that is warranted to grow. 25 be*t vartetiea eed potatoes in the world, etc. If you vn^ot money write, staling age. \ L L. MAY & CO. 1 St Paul, Minn. Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen. (This house is responsible) taf AMTm 8 or 10 men to solicit orders wf MIX I C.U for Hardy Nursery Stock Frnit and Ornamentals ; also new and val't able varieties "f Seed Potatoes. Permanent position*; good salary, ranging fnm $75 to 1125 per month, Apply quick with references, L. L. WIAY & CO., St Paul, Minn. Nurserymen, Florists and Seedmen. Unites States War Claim Apcy -OF WM- H- COWLIN, Woodstock ° - Illinois Proseoutesall elassss and kinds of claims against the United States for ex-Soldiers, their Witiows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs, ^specialty is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims. All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enolosed for reply. W M , H . C O W L I N Office at Residenee, Mad i son St. Woodstoca X HAVE Coal, Shorts, Middlings, Bran, Oil Meal, Oats, Ground Feed. You have got to Use them. Get my prices on quantities, from a bag-full to "a car load be-O D fore buying elsewhere. W. A. CR1STY, WEST McBENRY'JLL, 1st Day. y, 'i/j 15th Day. K E V S V O RESTORES VITALJTY. Made a Well Man of Me. THE GREAT 30th Day. PR.E3STCI2: HBMBDT produces the above results In 30 days. It a t powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others ft.; ifoung men will regain their lost manhood, and aefi will recover their, youthful vigor by ussn RKVIVO. It qtiickly ahd surely restores Nervou» • aess. Lost Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emifision ^ost Power. Failing Memory, Wasting Diseases ai. all effefc®^^,,self-abuse or excess and indiscretio which unn^one for s*udy. business or marriage aot only cures by Starting at the seat of disease <; ••ISM great nerve tonic and blood builder, bri: leg back the pink",slow to pale.cheeksiktid 1. storing the flro of youth. It wards off 7n«»n; and Consumption. Insist on haying KEVIVO, 1. Sther. It can be carried in vest- pocket. By ma! 11.00 per package, or six for S5.00, with » Poa 1 tire wrljtten guarantee to car* or Htm ; Ehe inoney. Circular free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 63 River St., CHICAGO t FOB SAXE BY O. W, BISLXT, West McHenry. Ho Would not Miss Chance. the What chance? Why a chance to let all that are in the least interested in a social or business way know how much inter est bur supposed-to-be friends take in our welfare, and how willing and ready to.lend us a helping hand in a struggle like all business men are now in, during this great aud lasting , depression and hard times, that I must, promptly ex-" plain or stop business. Below is to be found a letter that was mailed to at leant one of the many large machine and carriage factories^frmn whrtm I ha^ «l- ready purchased car loads of goods fbr my 1895 trade, atid one car just ready to ship as they received it. Promptly" they sent their representative who brought it to our jolly little town, the .horde, of my'childhood, the place where 1 have long lived and turned many a sharp corner in business, the, place ayd the people that I constantly praise" whei-fj- ever I go, the place that I 'most dearly love, Wauconda. I said it was brought back to Wauconda, and it was on the '13th day of March, '95, by.a' 2o'();i)ound machine man, a jolly German, who is a representative of a large well known machine factory not 500 miles away." The husky, good:natured machine man, as all good machine men are, came this time with blood in his eye, a little lager in his stomach, and a hard cold, (which will serve as an apology for the toddy) that he captured on, his drive from Crystal Lake that damp cold after noon, that the writer met our honest old friend, John Murphv, of Elgin, and partook of that splendid city's evening meal, at the home of those good people, Mr. and Mrs. H. Coon, near Diamond Lake, Lake^o. In my business they say it always takes one day to go anil an other to return, BO you, see it worked well this time, as the messenger had ample time to look the ground well over, get doctored up by our good friend Geo. Pratt, and ready to get down to business when the writer dro*e in, as jolly as ever, early the next evening. After a hasty hand-shake and a short view of the matter he said : " If it had not been for that darned letter I would not have had to come away down here and get this hard cold." Am sorry for you, sir, said I, but you how can see how they hit me down here in old Illinois sometimes, and this time I have had some company, as they have hit you also. My friend I feel sorrylor you, but you will feel better when you ge. ovor it; but see here, don't forget to tell the house that they Can ship the first car to McHenry or Lake Zurich, just as they wish. So good night, sir. THE FATAL LETTER, " Slocum is doing a large business over a hard territory here, and so far has managed to pay, but it is the judgment of good authorities that he is losing money constantly. It has been a wonder what has kept him up. It is explained, perhaps, by a late remark of his mother. She said, "He has made a big hole in my money that 1 had loaned out." He does business in the most reckless man ner. He trusts a great deal,.und to per sons who are thoroughly irresponsible, lie takes notes for goods sold and turns them over to wholesale houses and guarantees them. Lately $2,000 in notes have come here for collection, ail endorsed by Slocum. It is said fully one-half are bad aud Slocum will have to pay them, lie has no store room for business and has his office at home. He has storage places in various sheds around town, and in the second story of buildings. It is a well known fact that n;V 1" of his articles are out on trial aunons? farmers. It is very much doubt- ' 1 whether he knows himself anywhere nearmow he stands liuancially, his busi ness || run so unsy8teuiatica"y. He has done a good deal in accounts, much of which are doubtful. He is not tuought to have good prospects, aud the amount bt his worth is a very doub Jul item. I will now try and explain the above letter so all those interested, as well as my supposed to be friend, if he will read, may be enlightened and have the truth. 1st. 1 am quite certain I lose as well as make lots of money each season, so you could not help but get the first right. 2nd. I am kept up by a determination that you dare not assume, my dear neighbor, for tear some mean disposed person, like your snmll-souled self, might try to take an advantage and treat you aS you have me. K<?pt up by a determi nation strong enough to weather a great deal heavier storm than your weak and vile writings. I 3d.' I am not only tht ukful to my old mother for doing her part, (which she had done before 1 returned) but I am thankful, God knows, for the determina tion that 1 have inherited from her, aud for the stand she took for me nearly thirty years ago, when I was .someone's* playmate. She then said to my father, while returning from a Good Templar's convention: "If we could only biing Vedder up to twenty-one so that hecould say (as that young man who got up did) that.he never yet tasted liquor of any kind, I would die happy." I would will ingly take oath that I never, yet tasted what you might call liquor of any kind, and I am proud to say it. I feel about the same as above about my fine large carriage and machinery trade, and 1 shall run it or die in the attempt. 4th. All the notes I take direct, are drawn to my order and are my property and are subject at all times to my com mand, and doo't very often leave this corner of Illinois. Therefore lam willing to guarantee them at all times, as I am in a much better position to do so than ever, for they come from my friends, who are not yours, and I value them I would have you know. 5th- No, I have not got as fine ware houses in Wauconda as I wish J had, but I am in the farm machinery'and carriage trade to stay, I would have you know, and live in hopes sometime tq' have as fine and large a plant for that purpose in some town as one might ask for, but at present my time is needed near by you as an assistant, and 1 hope to fill the bill. Gtb, All my official papers that are necessary to settle any trade with my customers, can be found on my person at any and all times, and if you are owing me I can tell you iust as well at a mas- querade.dance at McHenry, or Liberty- ville, as I can any other place, and if ,the amount be only twenty-five^ emits T shall ask you for a note just as promptly as if it was $25. If you or any others do not wish to trade with me .don't do it, as it might be unsystematic. " 7th,. T ain thankful to .have, a chance to store some goods in my friends build ings around town. 8th. Of course Some are tried and Car- ried over ia, the hands of our farmers, but, yOu See farmers are my friends and my all, (not yours), and they know they are Slqcum!s tools, the best in the matv ket, aud all-tliSy have to do is to drop him a postfll and her will come himself and demonstrate that they are the best, and they buy them. 9th. Is found below in, as you will say, an unsystematically arranged property statement. ^. 10th. The prospects for the writer are quite slimj that-is a fact, but if you will come with your followers (if you have any) to McHenryjSaturday and Monday, March 30 and April 1^1895, the writ er' or his men will give you better bargains in our large, unsystimatically arranged line of farm tools of all kinds, as well as fine carnages and wagons; than you ever dared give in business or pleasure,\wb;ch, I hope, will help to compensate for writ ing the above letter, as many people Who are farmers, that have lots better sense than you have, would say that it was a .low, dirty, mean trick, but it tickled- T. V. S. just the same. • Touching on notes given me by farm ers, for machinery to operate their tarins will say to you or any others"; that at any time you have gained some spare wealth, by so systematically running and minding your own business, that you could just as well carry some good farmer's paper, I shall be pleased to guarantee all you Can handle, making you perfectly safe with 8 or 9 per "cent per annum, which I" deem much better business than you have lately been in. I want to say to my friends, for my old mother's sake, that she begged of me, with tears in her eyes, not to publish this matter, and it may drive me from her door, which has been my jolly and respected home for several years. SVVOUN' PROPERTY STATEMENT. I own and value as follows: 12G, acre farm in Wauconda township, worth about $11000 00 Land and warehouses in Wau conda, worth about 1200 00 5 lots in West Rockford, worth about' 2500 00 1 lot in West Rockford, worth - about 300 00 1 lot iu Relvidere, wo"th about 300 00 Warehouses in Lake Zurich worth about 400 00 Warehouses in West McHenry worth about 500 00 Saw and feed mills, about.. 1000 00 3 steam thresh'g outfits about 280(100 Farmer's notes, considered good 8000 00 Book accounts, considered good 1700 00 Machinery in stock prior to . spring shipments, about 30p0 00 ' / Total L.^....$33000 00 I purchased one year ago the five lots in West Rockford with $700 against them and it so remains. I have given notes for goods purchased that amount to about $2500. I never yet gave a mortgage on ah art:cle. I dislike very much to have above published, but thouuht best, as I wish to be considered a positive quantity. By the way, I want to say to all that want to purchase first class goods of all kinds used on a farm, to not forget the annual spring auction sale, if you love and want to save money, as there will be money in them for you this spring, as all that know me must imagine. I am get ting hot down near the end of this letter.. At McHenry and Wauconda this spring. See* posters. T. V. SLOCJM. Wauconda, 111. A Doctor who Advertises. A Doctor in Seattle breaks out of tlie ordinaly iron-clad rules of the medical fraternity, and advertises in posters and placards printed by himself of his mar velous powers. In one announcement he says: "Legs and arms sawed off while you wate without pane. No odds asked in measles, hooping- coff, mumps or diarrenr. Bald-heads, bunions, corns, warts, cancer and ingrowing tow-nails treated scientiffically. Coleck, cramps, costiveness and worms nailed on sight. Wring-worms, pole evil, shingles, moles, and cross-eyes cured in one treatment or no pay. P. S. Terms: Cash invariably in ad- vanc. No cure, 110 pay. N. B. (Take Notis.) No coroner never yet sot on the remains of my customers, and emy one hiring me doan't haf to be good layin up^ mjDgfy^to buy a grave stone. Coijne Won, come awl." This man does a good business as you would expelpt, aud his patients say he cures disease, and does it thoroughly and quickly. $300BEWAED. The above reward will b^gaid to any person who shall cause the arfeslf and conviction of the persons who, on the night of January 7th, 1895, entered the house of Maurice Hoar, in the town of Hartland, and after cruelly burning said Hoar in a most horrible manner, robbed him oft v x hundred and thirty-five dollars. By order of the Board of Supervisors. J. H. GRACY, Chairman. G. F. RUSHTON, t!lerk. FUR SALE. The farm known as the John Fitzsim- mons farm, situated three miles north east of Nunda and six miles south of McHenry, containing 317% acres. This is one of the best stock farms in McHenry county. Has the finest farm house aud barn in the county and all improvements are first class. Is in a good state of cul tivation. Will be svold cheap. For fur ther particulars inquire at the farm, or at 69 Ogden Avenue, Chicago:- JOSEPH FITZSIMMONS, "•* • JAMES FITZSIMMONS, 19uj0 ^Administrators. Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke your Life Away. The truthful startling title of a hook about No-to-bac, the only harmless, guaranteed'tobacco-pibit cure. If you want to quit and can't use "No-to-bac." Braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates nicotine poisons; makes weak men gain strength, weight and vigor. Positive cure or money, refunded. Book at druggists, or mailed free. Ad dress The Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago, 45 Randolph St.; New York 10 Spxuce St. . ; . 9yi- AN ARGENTINE SENSATION. A Deadly Duel That Has Greatly Excited the Southern Republic. v The mails from the Argentine Repub lic bring news of a terrible tragedy which has caused an unprecedented'sen- sation in that'country. Dr. Lucio de Lopez, one of the lead ing financiers and most influential men in the republic, who was appointed by the government to investigate the af-..,. fairs of the Provincial bank of Buenoa Ayres, made a report to the courts \yhich caused the arrest ot Colonel Sar- miento, a son of the late President Sar- '• miento, whose memory is revered like that of Lincoln in this country,; .lis was once minister to the United States and is said to have afterward Americanized, the Argentines Colonel Sarrniento was. convicted is> the, court of the'first in stance and appealed to the superior court, where there was a mistrial, two judges voting to confirm and two to re verse the decree of the lower court' then published a bitter personal attack upon Dr. Lopez in La Prensa, one of the leading newspapers.. Acting under the advice of foolish friends, Dr. Lopez sent him a challenge, and on Dec. 27 a duel was fought at the Belgrano hippodrome in the suburbs of Buenos Ayres. Dr. Lopez was attended by General Mausilla of the Argentina army and Francis Beazley, assistant secretary of state. Sarmiento was at tended by General Bosch of the army and Rear Admiral Soliar of the navy. Shots wero twice exchanged at a dis tance of 12 paces. At the second dis charge Dr. Lopez fell wounded, tho ball passing through his abdomen. He was taken in an ambulance to his house, where more than 200 of the leading citi zens of Buenos Ayres were assembled anxiously awaiting the result of the duel. The wounded man died next day, but Colonel Sarmiento had not been ar rested when the steamer left Buenos Ayres. Eighty years ago a decree was issued making dueling a capital offense, but it has been a dead letter for many years, although appeals to the code have been common. The prominence of the parties engaged makes tho sensation the greater, and there is as much excitement in the Ar gentine Republic today as there was in tho United States when. Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton.---Chicago Record. DIDN'T SNUB THE PRINCE. - The Right Honorable Joseph Chamberlain Is Not That Kind of a Man. * The Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, ex-radical home ruler, whom peers and princes now delight to honor, has been genuinely annoyed by the circulation of a story that he treated the Prince of Wales with great rudeness at the sit tings of the royal commission on the aged poor, of which .both are members. The tale ran that the prince, on being asked why he did not complain to the chairman of Mr. Chamberlain's be havior, replied: "You see, I sit between Mr. Cham berlain and the chairman, and the lat ter is rather deaf." Mr. Chamberlain has deemed it worth while to get an authoritative contradic tion of this libel published. From this we gather that though the chairman of the commission, Lord Aberdare, now deceased, was undoubtedly deaf, he raroly presided at the meetings, owing to ill health, his place being taken by Lord Playfair, who is remarkably keen of hearing, and that anyhow the Prince of Wales, if offended, wquia have taken care to let it be known to tho offender himself. The latter argument is more convincing to those who know his royal highness and his emphatic way of let ting his displeasure be known. The story also shows a lack of knowledge of Mr. Chamberlain's character. He is the last man in the world to give offense to any prince, much less tho heir, to the British crown. --London Correspondent The World's Fair Miniature. One of the most attractive features of the Cotton States and International ex position will be the reproduction of the World's Columbian exposition in mini ature by Mr. G. W. Ferris, the builder of the Ferris wheel. The great World's fair will be reproduced in its entirety, complete in every detail, on a scale of one one hundred and fortieth. This makes the Manufactures and Liberal Arts buildings about 10 feet long and tho whole exposition 75 feet long. Searchlights will be shown on the bat tleship and tho various buildings, the intramural railways will be -seen with cars in motion, the whaleback steamer will bo seen arriving and departing, and Lake Michigan will appear in the distance. By electrical and mechanical effects sunrise, daylight, moonrise and the White City by moonlight will ap pear in succession. --Exchange. A. Man "Without a Country. If your father is a Belgian, your mother Dutch and you were born in France, where aro you to live? That is the problem which presents itself to a man who was arrested at St. Denis tha other day for disobeying an order of ex pulsion. He has been expelled from Bel gium for being a Frenchman, from Hol land for being a Belgian, and now he has to leave France .^because, whatever he may be, he is not a Frenchman. Really parents should be morO carefuL Pllll Mali *3 1 M. de Morgan's Great Discovery,. 1 - M. de continuing his dig- asch t.at» h as discovered the tombs of Princesses&i^oun^ah^J£a of the twelfth dynasty, xhese tombs^ire • intact. They contain treasures, diadems, jewels and relics. Great historical im portance is attached to ^iiis discovery. --Paris Temps. ,'v * Didn't Knovr All His Grandchildren. / Skidmore • Alston died recently in Rolesville, N. C., at- the age ol 85 years. Skidmore was the father of 24 children and had so many grandchil dren, that he was never able to recognize all of them.--Richmond Times. \