BEST IN THE WORM*. .'OitanoO #j*o SPANISH CRUISkR' WAS SUNK NEAR GIBRALTAR. : Depend upon pure, rich, red, nourishing, and "My wife aaffered many years with various Btretagth-givlng blood. The nerves derive their troubles--severe headaches, debility, nervoua- Bustenance from the blood, and when they are 'ness, indigestion and dyspepsia. She has been weak it- is because they do not receive the treated by different doctors, and tried differ- liourishnpent needed, i The true cure for nerv- ent remedies, but oneness will not be found in Opiate or sedative Hood's Sarsaparilla Has Done More compounds.- These only allay the symptoms, for her than anything else. We consider &\yra,\s\\\\v} an A ^,Oc\e^wess W\\s % xaVflVy v->fru\^ vvwrvv&\\t& TN all receipts for1 cooking 1 requiring a leavening agent the ROYAL BAKING POWDER, because it is an absolutely pure cream of tartar ^powder and' of 33 per rtSriti greater leavening strength than other powders, will give the best results. It will make the food lighter, sweeter, of finer flavor and more wholesome. Second Search of , the Alfonso XII. Proves Successful--Is Believed the Whole Grew, 420 iu Nnmber,' , Have Been Last. • THE RISINQ SUN STOVE POLISH i* ,/< )1 cakes for general Sr^rav "blacking of a stoves THE SUN PASTE j POLISH for a quick LABORnA: after-dinner shine. ^^ssL'N THE , applied and pol- " ished with a cloth. Morse Bros,, Props., Canton. Mass., tf.8,A, ID onradr. tvro'wBekt ago we told of oor .try tuperior all iteel hand afld power feed cutter to be offered at Removes the cause by purjiyIng aad enriching /K the blood, giving to ir just those qualities - which are demanded for the proper support of 7----the' nerv&UBBy st€Ht. _~H Unci re d s of women who once stiffened from nervousness write that they have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla and ner vousness has disappeared. This was because HoM'b SarsiparillSi purified their blood. fttenxember that Hood's Sarsaparilla is the only true blood purifier. Hood's Sarsaparilla a most indispensable med icine for family use, and for all disorders caused bv torpid liver and impure" blood--in whole system. Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved itself in my'wife's case, and we can'Taithfully recommend its use in every family." JACOB ROMMEL, Monison, Missouri. , V N. B. If you have decided to take Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be Induced to buy any other. Hood's Pills act harmoniously with Hood's Sarsaparilla. -'5c. cure all liyer, ills, biliousness. headache. '23 cents. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., NEV^-YORK, Possibilities of Glass. Glass is a material whose astonish ing possibilities we are only beginning to understand. Incredible progress ,lias been niado in its manufacture the last ten oV twelve years. We, who saw the glass gown spun for the Prin cess Kulalia at the Chicago Exposi tion. will forget the wonder with which that dainty creation impressed us should we be lucky enough to see the exposition in Paris in 1000, when M. "Hcnrivaux, an enthusiastic French manufacturer, promises to show us a house entirely made of glass and witlr furniture and even tapestries made of the same material. This very novel mansion is to have an original scheme of being rendered always warm in winter and cool in summer. M. Hcnrivaux proposes to erect an iron skeleton on which will be placed slabs of glass in such a fashion as to form a double wall, in the interior of which hot air can be circulated in winter and compressed air-Jtfhich will cool the walls--in sunnnt^rVjTlie roof will be of glass on a netwiqfk of iron, and the partition and stiWreases of the same material.--Illustrated American. The sanction of physicians has been ac corded to that standard disinfectant, Glenn's Sulphur Soap. "Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye," Blacli or Brown. 50c. ^SiEPfiilTo^you wmmbp s mill well again OF PAINS RHEUMATIC, NEURALGIC, LUMEASIC AND SCIATIC. Use the Means and Heaven Will Give You the Blessing.'^-Neyer Neglect A Useful Article Like King Lear, Driven Forth Into the cold and rain, had iio,llostetter's Stomach Hitters to counteract their effect. But the modern traveler in Inclement weath er can bailie Its hurtful Influence with this genial protector. Chills and fever, rheuma tism,' neuralgia, colds are forestalled by this warming medicinal stimulant and safeguard. Take a wineglassftil immediately before and after exposure. 1'se It, too, for dyspepsia, biliousness and constipation. The Island of Hayti is as large as the States of West Virginia and Connecti cut, or about 28,000 square miles. The Modern Way Commends itself to the well-informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest man ner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the^'stein and break up colds, headaches and fevers without unpleas ant alter, effects, use the delightful liquid laxative renjedy. Syrup of Figs. Well-arranged time is the sorest mark of well-arranged mind.--Ilousseau. Deafness Cannot He Cured bv local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. ' There Is only orio way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness Is the result, and unless the Inflammation caii bo taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will he destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can- Hot be cured by Hall's Catarrh (Hire. Send for circulars; free. F. J! CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. C&~Sold by Druggists, 76c. The polar currents contain less salt than those from the equator. "Schrnge's .$1,000,000 Rheumatic Cure" never failed. Pleasant, harm less. Doctors praise it. True* testi monials free. Take no other. Write to day. Swanson 11. C. Co., 107 Dearborn street, Chicago. 111. We cannot do our best for a cause we are not sure is right. Jftljust Family Differences. Bad temper is-often merely bad diges tion. Many quarrels attributed to perverse dispositions are due to disordered livers. Itipans Tubules, adjust family differ ences. and would prevent them, which is better, if taken iu time. Itipans Tabules. taken after meals, morning and evening, for a while, regulate the system and sweeten the temper. I A M entirely cured of hemorrhage of lungs by I'iso's Cure for Consumption.-- Lot isa Lixhamax. Bethany, Mo., Jan., S. 1S!)4. If so a" Baby " Cream Separator will earn its cost for you every year. Why continuo an inferior system another year at so great a loss? Dairying is now tho only profitable feature of Agriculture. Properly con ducted it always pays well, uud must pay you. You need a Separator, and you need the BKST,--the "Baby." All styles and capacities. Prices, $75. upward. Send for now 1895 Catalogue. INSULTED NOW BY JOHN BULL WLI nun i vii uu>| General Offices: 74 enRTLWDT ST., NEW YORK. Branch Offices: ELGIN. ILL. AN ALARMING STATEMENT CONCERNING WOMEN. Love Lightens Labor j so does SAHIACLAUS , SOAP. h'GW BAD HABITS ARE FORMED. The Net' York Tribune says: "The habit of taking ' headache powders ' is increasing to an alarming extent among a great number of" wo men throughout the country. These powders as their name indicates, are claimed by the manu facturers to be a positive ami speedy cure for anv forth «df headache.'- In* many cases their chief ingredient is morphine, opium, cocaine or some other equally injurious drug having a tendency to deaden pain. The habit of taking tlieiu is easily formed, but almost impossible to shake off. Women usually begin taking them to re lieve a raging headache and soon resort to the powder to alleviate any little pain or ache they may be subjected to, and finally like the mor phine or opium fiend, get into the habit of taking them regularly, imagining that they are iu paiti if they happen to miss their regular dose." In nine cases out of ten, the trouble is in the stomach and liver. Take a simple laxative and liver tonic and remove the offending matter which deranges the stomach and causes the headache. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are composed entirely of the purest, concentrated, vegetable .extracts. One Pellet, is a dose; sugar-coated, easily swallowed; once lisca, always in favor. Tltev posi tively cure sick headache and remove the disposition to it. Mr. E. VAROASQ5J{ of Oder Lake, T a peer Co., Mich., writes: T not jf&ttkinfrequently have an at- tack of the headache. ^3^N&, It usually comes on in iKJKjL v the forenoon. At my dinner I eat my regular Wmfr _ meal, and take one or wt/gr/v two of Doctor Pierce's (fV Pleasant Pellets inime- H# \ diately ajfe«r. and in the ft \ I course iRii hour mv / headache is cured and P r I no bad effects. I feel 1 I better every way for 1 -- J having taken .them-- / not worse, as is usual after taking other kinds V A of pills. ' Pleasant l'el- \ ilK lets' are worth more > \ than their 'weight in - "• ' gold, if for nothing else K. Vargason. Esq. than to cure headache." The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age. One of Her Gunboats Dismasts the Lit tle American Schooner Irene. A Key West special says: "The latest report is -to the effect that the schooner Irene was tired into and. dismantled by the Spanish cruiser Infanta Isabel. The news was brought to tins city by a vessel engaged in the cattle trade between this port and the mainland. The Irene is a small schooner owned in this port by Canary Islanders. She has been employ ed in the lish trade all winter, but within tlie past few days returned with it party of court officials from Fort Meyers, where an important murder trial has been held. She afterward sailed for the fish ranch at Punta Gorda. whence, it is reported, an expedition sailed for Cuba. This point has been under surveillance by the Spanish cruiser and the schooner was followed from here and fired into. This is the report given by fishermen at the ranch to a vessel which has just ar rived. The family and owner and the crew of the Irene live here. "No further particulars have been learn ed about the American Schooner reported to.have been sunk off-Puerta del Padre, Cuba, by the Spanish cruiser Arced*. No denial is made here by the Spanish agents' as to the corectness of the report, but. it is said the ressel was not flying the American flag.•»The reason advanced for the sinking was that she would not answer signals. Diligent inquiry among ship owners fails to show any vessel be longing to this port missing." This great cleaner comes to •woman's aid on wash-day and every day. Makes her work a matter of love instead of drudg- ^ssn. ery. Try it. Sold everywhere. J Made only .by The N. K. Fairbank Company, CHICAGO. The comparative value oftheBetivoeards Is known to most persona. They illustrate that greater^qu/antity is Not always most to be desired. Beecham's pills are for bil iousness, siclc headache., diz ziness, dyspepsia, bad taste in the mouth, heartburn, tor pid liver, foul breath, sallow skin, coated tongue, pimples loss of appetite, etc., when caused by constipation; and constipation is the most fre quent cause of all of them. One of the most important things foj everybody to learn is that constipation causes more than half the sickness in the world,especially of women; and it can all I be prevented. Go by the book, free at your-- druggist's,or write B.P.AllenCo.^^Cana'. St., New York. Pills,io<J and 25*? a box. Anffualialea more than G.000.000 boXea. Ely's Cream Balm has completely, curcd me. of catarrh when everi/thiiKj else failed, Many (ac quaintances have used it with excellent results. -- Alfred TP. Stevens, Caldwell, Ohio.- I KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. ANOTHER GREAT"'- UNIVERSITY, These carta express the beneficial qual ity of Itipans • Tabules Aa compared with any previously known DYSPEPSIA CURB. Soon to Be Built by the Metjhodists at Washington. . ' Washington is to have another great educational institution rivaling the Cath olic University. It is to be known as the American University and will be.conduct ed T>y the Methodist Episcopal Church. In February, 1S90, the wife of Bishop Hurst urged her husband to take $1,0U0 from her private purse and expend it for the option on ninety acres of ground four miles northwest of the White House, where it was designed to establish a> great Methodist American university. Last week the final payment on the $100,- 000 purchase price of this land was paid over, and in addition to the value of the site the promoters of the university en terprise are now nble to report' assets aggregating nearly $400,000. Xext' Rep- temher the corner stone of the first struc ture of the American University will be laid with impressive ceremonies. That tvill be the hall of history, estimated to cost $150,000, of which sum nearly .$100,- W)0 is now in hand. By aufumii it is loped that the main or administration building fund will also be sulficiently ad vanced to permit of the laying of t^e cur lier stone. It is an open secret >that a prominent American Methodist is ready to give the whole sum necessary Tor the construction of this building. $250,000. The year 1895 is likely to mark the lay ing cSf the foundations of the great ednca-- tionai institutions which the Methodists have for thirty years had their hearts set upon. 0 , The American Uhiversityds designed to FARMER MILES' Seventh Annual Classot SAIL FOR THE PROMISED LAND, Ripans Tnbules: Price, 50 cents a bos, Of druggists, cr by mail. Two Hundred Georgia Negroes Begin Their Voyage to Liberia. Tuesday afternoon tho steamer Hofsa sailed from Savannah. Ga., for Liberia. Those 011 board sung a farewell song, of which the refrain was taken up by thou sands of negroes on the wharves. Great crowds .followed the steamship to the end of lhe wharves, nearly' t wo miles away. The emigrants 'continued to sing until the steamer had been lost to view. The vessel .carries 200 negroes, who. go to make their hoirrtvin Liberia. Tliis will be an occasion of much im portance to the negroes of the South. After all the requirements of the United States laws on carriage of passengers to sea were complied with the officers of the Emigration Society began to arrange for the embarkation of the colonists. Early in the morning negroes from all sections of the co 'mtry began to {father near the dock to r'ee their brethren start, for Af rica. By 10 o'clock upward of 5,000 had assemble1.!, but none were admitted'with in the in<xIosure of the ship at the dock. Tho scent? was pathetic. Men and women of all ag'-f, children froni -1 yfears of age upward ft.nd one or two cHpples, all join ed in pnver and hymns, making a scene never to be forgotten by those present to sec tht eok"iists depart. ^ RIPANS CKEUICAl. CO Jl 0 Spruco St.. N.Y. rf* 4 fl PAYS FOR V . n i l i n IOO high grade JL RN J<AT, JYJ. m B I B p a p e r s i n I l l i n o i s . f l g • IV B B B guaranteed circu- W H B I W H U latton LOO.OOO %. 1 I I I I T or we can insert D KB • • • • It 3 timeA in 1,375 country W[B B Biff O papers for SEXD FOR CATALOGUE* CHICAGO XEWSPAPKK IJXION, 93 South JefTersou Street, - Chicago, I1L AND RIDGLING HORSE CASTRATION OPENS APRIL, 3d. 1895. For Terms aud Particulars write him" at CHARLESTOS, - 1LL.ISOIIB. ILES CURED • mm W By SMITH'S PILE CURE. B Instant relief and perwani lit cmv guarau- BH tetU. %£Ut to any addretson rece)J)tt)t SI. 12. M. SMITH, 515 G«th Ct,.Chicago. taiA&ITrn ^ * to represent a niauuturt- •fn lllfl 3 r II urer in every m'i • H Mil I l-U S'ual' capital mifired jS5'» per week caii he realised. " >1 V\t KACTI'tf KK.** l!.-om 5as. No. &<> Cortlxudt St., New York. "KTOnasj. PATENTS. TRADE-MARKS. Kxamination and Adrtee as to patentability of In- ) vention. Send for Inventors' Guiile. or How to Get a Patent. Patrick O'Farrkli.. Washington. D. C. PDflfjn nrr CD-I he old reliable Pomegranate bnflnlJ OtILIlBanino.RJ Fifth av.. Kni.lcer- hocker Uni.lduiK. New York oflers good-paying, light wort to tuen or women an tue y. af mtutjl- Send' & cts cash or stamps for ontfti and instructions. n R I B~ by a working injn. two ISftitdinj S»t|K sill r Lo,!i- Pri<e #'JHO ,-ach. A bar- '» Ijsi (IrtLl. gain; sure to tdvr.ace in spring. The reason for selling--want moiv mouey to build. Addresfc .JAS. tll'lt >S, 80"5 Third Av»„ A. FLOATING SOAP W MADE AT HOME bv a simple method dUeovered by mv hnsband. 1 will send recipe 1-XJ P. VUIUIOWN use tor ST. Mrs. Kliza Tucker, iSi orange St.. Newark. N. .f. Mrs. Winstow's Soothiso ^TacpTor CJkildren teething; sottens the gums, reduces inflammation, allays pain, curea wind colic. IB ce&te a bottle. DO YOU WANT WORK forepart* time I'AV? it so,. ys#u. W.»H iiever ujrrci stump H^rticuiam Ja JjihUKtMU 5.11 A K. l». t. CATARRH LAND BARGAINS, ELV'S CREAM BAl.M ilnelis and c eanses the Nasal Passages. Allays Pain and Indainmation, Heals tli9 Sores. Protects the Membrane trom Colds. He- stores the Senses of laste iud Smoli. 'Ihe Balm is Qui«:kijHBbsorbea and gives relief at once. A particle is applied into eaoh nostril nnd is agree able. Price 50 cents, at druggists or bv mail. " H.Y BHOT11KKS, 56 Warren Street. New York. ^tjORESnniKt Ail F.iSt FAliS.. Best Cough byrup. TMes Good uac ln tioia Sold t>y ctmsjrtou.