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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Apr 1895, p. 7

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HRgHiB INCOME TAX MUDDLE, THE PRESIDENT.URGED TO CON " VENE CONGRESS. Is a certain indication of impure and im- 1 "y,npttv(*rlfehedMo id. If your blood could affrays be rich and pure, full of the red corpuscles upon which its vitality 'depends, you would never be weak, or Nervous! Boils, pimples, scrofula, salt rheum, would never trouble you. But Our mode of living, shut in all winter in poorly ventilated homes and shops, depletes the blood, and there is loss of appetite and weakness. Hood's Sarsa- parilla is the standard remedy for this condition. It purities, vitalizes, and enriches the blood, overcomes that tired feelingrbuilds up the nerves, and gives perfect fceilth. Read this : "Our daughter, Blanche, when four years of age, had a humor break out QH her hands and face, which our physician pronounced eczema.' If the cold air reached her face or hands they would swell up, look almost purple, and headed blisters would form and break, Discharging a watery fluid, and the bura- ing and itching: would drive her nearly . wild. Unless we incased her little hands she would tear patches of skin fpm her face and hands. We tried many doctors and many remedies, and at last gave the case up as hopeless. But our daughter Cora tried Hood's ' Sarsaparilla, to cure a scrofulous lump near the left breast which caused her much pain, and afteVtaking 4 bottles it disappeared. Blanche, wbo is now eleven, had spent seven years of suffer­ ing, so I concluded to give her Hood's Sarsaparilla. She took B'bottles, and her face is smooth and soft as a baby's, the color of. a rose petal. Her hands are soft and white; ^vherefour morithsf ago they were blue and red and calloused nearly like leather. I can­ not express my gratitude by pen or mouth. It seems a miracle, and our friends are surprised." >IKS. AMNA I L. CLAKK, 401E. 4th St., Duluth, Mimj, W\\s \ % xa\m \s \Kvrw&We&. People Are Confused Over the Supreme Court Decision--Treasury Officials Will Be Surprised If the Whole Community Docs,Not Dodge the Tax. ssspsQg ^irtffStrengtt Report ^ government V sg)g) - ; - Absolutely Pure THE RISING S(JB STOVE POLISH la . eakeS for general blacking of a stove. THE SUN PASTE POLISH tor a quick: after-dinner shine, applied and pol- \-»ished with a cloth. Morse Bros., Props., Canton, Mass., U.S. A. Freaks' of Sonambulism. W lule at college a young man was habitually subject to somnambulism. His fits came on regularly every night. He ran about violently, ^oinpetl, wres­ tled and boxed with his roommates, who enjoyed the sport at his expense. While running he always held his hands before liiin, with his lingers stretched out. The general that somnam­ bulists see by means Vf the points of their fingers, .suggested to his com­ panions the idea of putting gloves,up­ on his hands. (One night this was done .while lie slept. At the usual time he rose tip, sprang out of bed; but did not move from the .spot, and groped and tumbled about like a blind or.,drunken man. At length he pereei-ved the cause, of his distress and took oft the gloves. Scarcely were his hands uncovered when lie started, up in a lively maii- ,ner and threw the gloves upon the floor., making a ludicrous observation upon the means taken to blind him, and then began to run about the room as usual.--Philadelphia News, Odd Things About the Nile. The Nile is unique among great riv­ ers in that it is the largest towards its source. But this is due to the fact tliat it traverses a desert region be neatli a semi-tropical sun and that ono- tliird of its volume below the first cat­ aract is diverted from its channel for purpose's of irrigation and domestic use- - \ „ . ? . ; The importance of the Nile to the Egyptian cannot be overestimated. Let the floods fail but for a single season, and starvation stares the poor inhabit­ ants in the face, unless,- perchance, some thoughtful and provident Joseph has laid by a supply in the teeming years.. Little wonder it is that the early Egyptian, left vto his own slen­ der resources, came/to regard the fferer. with mingled fear and. reverence, brought ofl'eritrgs to, propitiate it and maue sacnlic. > in its name. Hood's Sarsaparilla the Only True BSood Purifier Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet­ ter than others and en joy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the'neeas of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas­ ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax­ ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It lias given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid­ neys, Liver and Bowels without weak­ ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drag- gists in 50c and, $1 bottles, but it is man­ ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Go. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. J Boat's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward; for any cA<e of Catarrh that cannot, bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, O. Wo. the undersigned, have known F. ,T. chenev for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transaction's and finan­ cially able to carry'out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. Waldlng. Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drug­ gists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and nuicous surfaces of the system, l'rlee 75e. per liottlo. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Piug.'n' English. One peculiarity of pidgin' English is that "have got" means to be at homo. When you ask if Mr. Smith is in, you inquire of the Mongolian domestic if Mr. Smith "have got." And if lie gives you an affirmative reply, lie says. "Mr. Smith have got." An American in Shanghai went to call upon a lady from this country who resides there, and Who keeps a native servant. "Misseee have got?" inquired the visitor. "Me go see." was the reply. Presently he returned, and in a most respectful manlier shattered the young man's self-esteem with the informal lion: ' Missee say she no have got." "SCHRAMM'S SI 000.000 lUieumaiic Cure" never- lailel. (.ijaranteed alt.-mutely the best remedy in the world for all 11 .eumu- tbm. (nut and Neuralgia. Write to-day. Nwanson Rheumatic Cure Co., 107 Dearborn street, Chicago. 111. Her 1 Oi5th Birthday. Mrs.« Betty Webster, of Avsgarth. North Yorkshire, attained her 105tli birthday last week, having been born in 1790. Mrs. Webster is in good health, and until the severe frost set in she took a walk out of doors daily. AFTER six years' suffering, I was cured by L'iso's Cure.--MAKY THOMPSON, Ohio Ave., Allegheny, l'a., March PJ, 'it-i. The flesh under the nails looks red because the nails are almost trans­ parent, and thus the color of the tissue beneath is visible. Seeking a Foreign Clime In search of pleasure or business, should be preceded by the purchase of nature's groat inyigorutor. Hostetter's StomJich Bitters, the best and most genial medicinal safeguard In existence. Mariners, -miners, commercial travelers, tourists, and all who travel by hind or sen Speak of it In the-highest terms. Malaria, biliousness, constipation. Indiges­ tion, rheumatism, nervousuess and kidney trouble are remedied bv it. A Relic Demolished. A Napoleonic relic is'being demolish­ ed at Leipzic--the house in the Capellen Strassc where Napoleon made his head­ quarters for four days in 1SW during the lighting"ardtuid Leipzic. Courage to meet duty is power to overcome difficulties: without this prin­ ciple our strength is indeed weakness. Do not lose faith in mankind.-" He «vlio doubts everybody is himself to be ;loubted. You Think It Is Something Else. The "why" of the bad feeling is what puzzles y(ou. It is easy to imagine so many causes, when the real one is indi­ gestion. You think it's something else. The cure is Ripans Tabules. A single tabule gives relief. Ask the druggist. Nifrl ®oor of ^ife' SJzfi |^^g|8 The fear of pain rj/nit /in Z^^e9i ant* ^augers //M p of parturition fill many a woman's iM y-7/iI Hbh9»1 breast with dis- Jlwi FBJ may. There is iSbJII / IM Wf 110 rcason Why Jxl childbirth should be fraught with danger and distress, ft is a -natural function, and should be performed in a natural way without un- iue suffering. Nature never intended that women -should be tortured in this way. Taken during gestation Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription robs childbirth of its'dangers to both mother and child, by preparing the system for delivery, thereby shortening latjor, lessening pain and ab­ breviating ihe period of confinement. Trie Aermotor all Steel Feed Cutter WorUi NORA.--I wonder what Ripans o Tabules mre ? I see them advertised everywhere. DORA.--Well, I can tell you. Thejr Ciri a household necessity. ^ 'iNSSa hat-fever ^ J Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Heals the Sores. Apply Balm into each nostril. ELY BROS., 66 Warren St., N. Y. MARCH DEBT STATEMENT. !LESCURED B ™ •• W Bv SMITH S PILE CURE. Increase for the Month Was in Ex­cess of $iH,ooo,ooa The monthly treasury statement of the public debt shows that on March 30, 1895, the public debt, less <*ash in the treasury, amounted to $i)0s.7.'i0,04(j, ail increase for the month of $18,317,10.1. The ninouiit of the new 4 per cent. 1 Kinds issued during the month was $28,807,J*>0. Following is a recapitulation of the debt: Interest-bearing -debt, £ ?1 .*1,851 ; increase during the month,$28,808,100; debt on which interest has ceased since maturity, $1,770,250; decreased during the month. $0.<t.r>0; debt bearing no inter­ est. $.'181.787..'HM>; dtvTeaeed during the month; $702,270; total debt, $1,004,591,- 749, of which $507.1144,442 is certificates and treasury notes offset by tan equal amount of cash in the treasury. The treasury cash is classified as fol­ lows: Gold, $l.'K).480,4iKJ; silver. $510,- 250.870; paper. $1.'<1,227,,04 7; general amount, disbursing officers' balances, etc.. $l(i.224.100; total. $797,237.5sf9, against which there are demand liabilities amounting to $00V).:t2O.."2S, leaving a cash balance of $187,917,203., of which $90,• 043,307 is gold reserve. WA For twenty years folks all over the world have cured rheumatism, neuralgia, and all other pains and aches by using St. Jacobs Oil. There must be something in it, w J for you couldn't fool all the people for so many yeara^ K f y ip ^ my* ^i!i> vy ^ "<r Beecham's pills are for bil­ iousness, sick headache, diz­ ziness, dyspepsia, bad taste in the mouth, heartburn, tor­ pid liver, foul breath, sallow skin, coated tongue, pimples loss of appetite, etc., when caused by constipation; and constipation is the most fre­ quent cause of all of them. One ,,pf the most important things fo» everybody to learn is that constipation causes more than half the sickness is the world,especially of women; and it can all be prevented. Go by the book, free at your druggist's.or write B.F. AllenCo. ,365Cana' St., New York.<( and 25$ a box. AnDva! »aleo more tlian 6,OCX) 000 boxen. IiiRtnnt relief and peiruau ut cure miaran- tet d. ̂ <•ut to any addrcsson reieiptol SI. K. If. SMITH,5!S «6thCiiUugo. 6 Acres ot Land for sale at Auction. May 15. 1S». in unall trarts to suit piirclia*-er. Income front this land inlKWwas over >8.1,WW l-'or fu iher into matin* write ueo.W. l'rutsman, Hoopeston. lit. Ml*. Wlnslow's SooTniNO Stbup for Children teething- softens the kuius, reauces ir-ilammatioa, allasa Dam. cures wind colic. 3H cents a bottle. Oieaniiriess Is Nae Pride, Dirt's Nae Honesty." Common Sense Dic­ tates the Use of QUESTIONS WOMEN ASK Here Answered with Good Sound Reason. tePECIAt. TO OUU LADY READERS.] Why do " people say that Lydia E. Pinltham's treatment, especially her Vegetable Compound, effects cures be­ yond the physician's skill ? Picked Up In Church This all •frame «jid 26-inch very «up«r1or 6aw -which we put out nt la*-t year, but now frlloniy ut $25.00. is justly one of the most popular **ticles we ever made. AERMOTOR CO. Chicago. Tho Largest Manufacturers of PURE, HIGH GRADE Japan wants gold--China needs gold. An Ohio girl who dislocated her jaw by yawning will now be obliged to avoid indulgence in that pleasure. It . ' Secretary Carlisle has a sense of the eternal litiicss of things. He has made a Kentucky colonel superintendent of the mint. English writers complain of the - diffi­ culty of getting money from America. A good many Americans have noticed .the same condition. P Hold on, John Bull! Don't try to grab the Nicaragua Canal. There was a chap named Renins who got pretty badly hurt for jumping a ditch. u It China doesn't get through with that war and settle down to business pretty soon we may find ourselves short of fire­ crackers on July 4 next. 1'nsqunle Julian and Antonio Revello court the same girl.^ Each tried to pave the way to her heart by killing the other. The girl is still undecided. Apologize or light.' senor! Argument won't save you. We're getting tired of it, and Cuba would make a iiiight^ con- venient tobacco-natch-fog-mfc : Ponciano Diaz, the greatest . Mexican bull tighter."has just been gored and tram­ pled to death in Uhe ring. So long us they have b Alls in Mexico they don't need a fool killei. , There's a chance for Dr. Parkhurst in Oklahoma. The whole Legislative As­ sembly of the Territory has been indicted by the United States Grand Jury for "crookedness.", Religious journals which attacked ithe Senate for Sabbath work should remem­ ber that there is Scriptural authority ,fpr working on Sunday if it is necessary to get an ass out of a pit. A Grand Rapids paper says concerning the Venezuela complication that "John Bull has been cowed." Who would have imagined that the Monroe doctrine would do such a thing as that? On thia Continent, have receivod HIGHEST AWARDS •WL from tho great m Industrial and Food m EXPOSITIONS - Sin Europe and America. BOGUS POSTAGE STAMPS Moral: U3e yl[ ^ Sold SANTA CLAUS Everywhere. SOAP. MADE ONLY BY THEN. K. FAIRBANK COR/!PANY5 Chicago. ;tJncle-Sam Has Been Carrying: Thou­ sands of Letters for Nothing. - U.uited States secret service operatives in Chicago and Washington have un­ earthed probably the most unique and at •the same time important swindle ever perpetrated upon any government. Its magnitude can yet only be guessed at. but it is believed thousands upon thousands <?f dollars have been secured by a. gang of skilled counterfeiters, who have re­ produced with wonderful skill and accu­ racy the pink 2-c-ent stamp of commerce. It is thought the country is flooded from New York to San Francisco with these spurious stamps, and the United States has been carrying millions <?f letters from which not one > ;nt of revenue was re- ceived. Chicago apparently has been the head­ quarters of the gang.' and its prpduct has been shipped to distributing agents through the -express companies. The stamps seized Monday night by Capt. Porter at the Wells-Fargo express office were addressed to Nathan Herzog. the cigar dealer in the rotunda of the Cham­ ber of Commerce building. In the morn­ ing the express'messenger took the pack­ age to Mr. Herzog.- He examined the stamps, found them to be counterfeit and refused to accept them, and tho package was taken back to the office, where they were seized in th- evening. Herzog says that he answered an ad­ vertisement of a firm jn Hamilton, Ont., offering to sell $115 worth of stamps for $100, and ordered as many as |hey could Bend him, and that the packnge^was sent IEWIS' 98% LYE la Powdered and Perfumed. ' Raphael, Au^elo, Kubcua, Tso# Tho "LINENE REVERSl BLE" are tlie Best and Most Economical Collars »nd Cuffs worn; they are mads ot fine cloth, both sides Qaished, and being rw- ver-lblc. on- collar is equal to two ot any other kind. They iU well tcear tcell and look tcetl. A box ot la Ootl»rs or Five fairs of Cuffs torT^-nntr-nvwCentti-- A Saliyplo Wular and Pair ot by mail tor Sll Cents. Name style and size. Address REVEKSIBLK COLLAR COMPANY. 77 FftAHKLIJI ST„ SEW YORK. ?7 JCIL5Y 5T.. 30STM. llPMCmiU J°HN W.MORBI& I lEiilOIVll Washinglou, SKG. • 3yrs in lost -war. WadjudlcatiDgclataia, atijsiucek sncli as Scrofula and Anaemia, Skin Eruptions and Pale or Sallow Complexions, are speedily cjired by Emulsion . m the Cream of Cod-liver Oil. No other rem-aedy so qu^kly and effectively enrichcs and j purifies the blood and gives nourishment to tho whole system. It is pleasant to take and easy on the stomach. •*» Thin, Emaciated Persons all suffering from Wasting Diseases are re­stored to health by Scott's Emulsion. ; Be sure you get the bottle with our TRADE MARK. trade-mark on it. Refuse cheap substitutes! Sendfor pamphlet, on Scott" s Errtulsiotu • FREE. " Scott & Bowne, N. Y. All druggists. 50 cents and $1. EVERY IN wrlticgr to Advertisers, plea.%9 do not faU . to mention this paj»er. Advertlsera like to know what mediums p*j thorn best.

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