SMALL GRAINS SAFE. United States, found th«^ Government lit, possession of between $40,000,000 "and $50,000,000 for which it had no present need nor suitable place for safe keeping. „ On June'23 of 1 hat year an act was pass ed authorizing the Secretary of the Treas ury to deposit, under certain specified conditions, all of-.the money save $5,000,- 000 with the States on their assuming the obligation of payment -on demand. The sums of money which each of the twenty-sjx States received, as stated in several jinnual reports of the Secretary; of the Treasury, was-as follows (cents omitted): _ •;v> Maine, $955,888; New Hampshire, $069,0S0; Vermont, $1369,086-^^Massachu setts. $1,338,173; Connecticut, $764,670; Rhode Island, $382,335; New York, $4,- 014,520; Pennsylvania, $2,867,514; New Jersey, $764,670; Qhio, $2,007,260; In diana. $860,254; Illinois^ $477,919; Michi gan. $288,751.; Pelnwnre, $286,571; Mary land, $955,838; Virginia, $2,198,427; North Carolina, $1.433,757; South Caro line, $1,051/22; Georgia. $1,051,422; Ala bama. $669.0S6: Louisiana, $477,919; Mississippi. $382,335; Tennessee, $1,433.- 757; Kentucky, $1,433,757; Missouri, $382,335; Arkansas, $286,751; total, $2S,- 101,633. In his annual report for 1S85 the United States Treasurer says "that the fiction" that these deposits, amounting to $28,- 101,633, may some day become available has ceased to be held. It is a singular fact that the records of the Treasury De partment do not show that a'nj* demand has ever been made on th.e States for the repayment of this money. It seems to be the -general opinion that an act Con gress 'Would be' necessary before steps could be taken to compel a repayment, but whether such an act Will be passed by Congress is extremely doubtful in view of the fact that the representatives, of twenty-six States in both houses would be interested in its defeat.. EX-GOV. CHASE DEAD. Highest of -all in leavening strength;--Latest O.S. GOT.Food Keport. DAMAGE BY THE FROST IS NOT SERIOUS., Tor w LtVve^xvess w\s * xflwyev \s \xu\\4 wvrwa\\e& Cheering Reports from Fifteen,West ern States--Fruits and Veeetables Pinched by the Cold--Slight Injury Otherwise In a Few Sections. THE RISINO SUN STOVE POLISH in I calces for 0 general blacking of - a stove. THE SUN PASTB POLISH for a quick LABOB'VVO^ after-dinner snine, THE applied aod (- pol-' ished with a cloth. Horse Bros., Props., Canton, Mast.; U.8. A»t Economy requires that in every receipt calling for baking powder the Royal shall be used. It will go further and make the food lighter,, sweeter, of finer flavor, more digestible and wholesome. Hood's Sarsaparilta ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. ".06 WALL ST., NEW YORK. Took the Parson at His Word. Parson Drowsie Downy couch, of Dal las, Texas, met a confirmed inebriate ami undertook to turn 'him from the wickedness of his. ways. He said: "Ilere you are drunk again. You. will keep, on until you land in sheol, unless you quit drinking." : , , "I don't think I'll I ever quit, parson. It's too late" for mft to go into the re form business. I've never had any ex perience iii that line." "It's never too late to mend. As long as there is life there is hope, - You can begin right now to turn over a new leaf," said the parson. ' -V "You say. parson, it's never too late to quit drinking and reform V" "That's what 1 say. It's never too late." "Well. tbeu. there's no hurry, so 1 guess I'll wait a while.' Superiority's Privilege. Alberat--I believe jym call yourself an advanced woman, dear'/ « A let liea--Yes, love. Alberta (sweetly)--Then you may tip the waiter, dear.--.Tudge; Milestones on the Road $=£•> That lends to health are iiiarked. in tlie meai- ;ory of those wlio. at regular stages and per sistently, have been conveyed- thither by llostetter's Stomach Hitlers. a potent auxil iary of nature in Iter .efforts to throw off tlie yoke of disease.. Malarial, kidney, rheumat ic and bilious trouble, eunstlpatiou nud'ner- vonsness take their departure when this' benlgiirint luediclne is rationed to for ihelr eradication. • Getting Scarce'. Stage Villain--1 liave'a scheme to rob- a bank. Second Stage Villain--Impossible! Stage Villain--Why impossible? Second >~>iago Villain--Where are you going to find one that hasn't already been robbed V-- New York World. Makes Pure Blood HOMING PIGEON SERVICE. A Lesson in Politeness. The temptation to correct tbe man ners of children who are not taught by tlieir parents to conduct . themselves properly in public places is very strong. A gentleman yielded to this tempta tion on :i - New York elevated car re cently under circumstances which may be pardoned to him. though undoubt edly he exceeded his right.. ; . He was sitting, as he relates in the New York Tress, in a car in ..which all the seats Avere taken. A stout woman, flashily dressed, sat opposite him, holding a small boy between her knees. As the car stopped, a person who sat next the gentleman got out. and a working-girl, carrying a big bundle, came in, and started to take the va cant seat. But the woman with tbe boy was too quick .for her. She pushed the boy quickly into the seat, just before the girl could take it. and looked com placently about her, as If she could not see the girl at all. The gentleman might then have risen and given the girl his own seat, but he did not. He put his arm around the boy's waist, lifted liim to the floor, and said: "Now take off your hat and offer your seat to that young lady." The boy ran to his mother's knees. The girl hesitated, but took the seat as. the gentleman beckoned her to it. And then the mother of the child burst out into a violent denunciation of the man's "ungentlemanly" conduct. "And let me tell you. sir," she said, finally, "don't you ever meddle with other people's children again!" "Madam." responded the gentleman, "if mothers do not train their sons to grow up as gentlemen, some one else should. How do you expect that boy to respect his mother's sex. when his mother' sets him the example of de spising -other women's claims to cour tesy V" Might Prove of Inestimable Value to Vessels on the Gre .t Lakes. "Every steamboat that leaves Toledo for Buffalo or an upper lake port," said^ a vessel man to a reporter for the To ledo Blade. "should, have homing pig eons aboard. . Some time ago 1 was in formed that. otto L. Kuehn, of- Mil-;, w^aukee. the homing pigeon fancier who took first prize Tor speedy birds, at the World's Pair, has interested himself in an endeavor to get the United States Government, as well as lake men, to adopt the homing pigeon service. "Think of the satisfaction it would be if the cause of the disaster to the Dean Richmond1 was known, and where the boat was when she went down? If it were known where she sank some of the bodies of those lost might be found, as the search would certainly result in finding the hull of the Richmond. As it is. it is impossible to tel! within three or four miles of where the boat sank. How willingly, even with death staring them in the face, would Captain Stod dard or any of the brave fellows, had there been homing pigeons aboard, have written a note to be conveyed by a pigeon that would have told of the awful disaster. These pretty birds would be cared for by the men on the boat with pleasure, as. they become great pets. "I hope something will be done to introduce homing pigeons on steam ships as well as sail vessels. The Gov ernment is doing a good work in locat ing dangerous rocks and shoals, fitting up lighthouses, etc., and it would be gratifying to me to know that it had added to other things the services of homing pigeons. One of these pigeons might, be the means, when a vessel is in distress, of paving the way to the saving of many lives, for a vessel in a leaking condition might be kept from sinking until aid came." •t reasonable rates and upon liberal tenuis. Warm FOB PART1CUI.AM. CHICAGO NEW SPAI'EK UNION. 93 south Jefferson Street. Ciiicago, The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age. ' ' KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He nas now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a'perfect cure is war ranted when tne right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being t stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. - • If the stomach Is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you can get, and enough of it. Dose, one water at bad* time. Sold by all Druggists. Beecham's pills are for bil iousness, sick, headache, diz ziness, dyspepsia, bad taste in the mouth, heartburn, tor pid liver, foul breath, sallow skin, coated tongue, pimples loss of appetite, etc., when caused by constipation; and constipation is the most fre- quent cause of all of them. One of the most important things fot everybody to learn is 'that constipation causes more than half the sickness in tha world,especially of women; and it can all be prevented. Go by the book,free at yooi druggist's,or write B.F. AllenCo. ,36sCana* St., New York. Pills,io$ and, 25$ a box. Annual sales mors than 6,000.000 boxea., AN IMPORTANT CASE World's Columbian Imposition Will be of value to the world by illus trating tbe improvements in tbe me chanical arts, and eminent physicians will tell you that tlie progress in medi cinal agents has been of equal import ance. and as a strengthening laxative that Syrup of Figs is far in advance of all others. The wings of an owl are lined with a soft down that enables the bird to fly without making the slightest sound, a very important matter to a nocturnal bird of prey. Tobacco Destroys Vitality. Nervous system paralyzed by nicotine means lost manhood. weak eyes, and a gen eral all pone look and feeling that robs life of Its pleasure. Tobaco Is the root of tunny a symptom of weakness, and No-To-Bae "a guaranteed cure that will make you strong, vigorous and happy in more ways than oue. No-To-Bae guaranteed and sold by Druggists everywhere. Book, titled "Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your I.lfe Away." Ad. Ster ling Remedy Co.. New York or Chicago. Miss Farnsworth. daughter of the late General Farnsworth, of Albany, is said by her friends to be the tinest amateur photograper in the country. IT COMES UP BEFORE THE UNITED STATES COURT. A Suit for nti Estoppel--The Eureka Chemical Company, of La Crosse, Mukes the Trouble. Papers have been tiled in the United States Court of the Western District of Wisconsin, by Tarranjt & Kronshnge, attorneys for the Sterling Remedy Com pany. of Chicago and New York, in a suit for estoppel and damages against an imitation of No-to-bae, the tohace.» habit cure. The action is brought against a concern called the Eureka Chemical Company, of La Crosse, Wis. «• The principles involved in these pro ceedings are of „the utmost importance to the proprietary interests of America in general, and form in many respects, a test case, the'outcome of which will be carefully watched by the many other important manufacturing concerns simi larly imitated. Not only the question of imitation of name, trade-mark, form of preparation and package enter into the case, but also the proposition whether the actual advertising literature used in es tablishing the publicity of « preparation can be stolen with impunity, word for word, by an imitator.' The decision in this case will settle one of the vital points in I'nited States trade-mark and copyright law.--Madison (Wis.) Demo crat. Hall's Catarrh Cure. Is taken internally, l'rlee 75 cents. Y. M. C. A. WORK Napoleon's Use of Etiquette. The uses of rigid etiquette were well understood by Bonaparte. He appre ciated the dazzling power of economy, the fascination of condescension, and the mastery of woman in the conduct of affairs. All such influences he lav ished with a profusion which could have been conceived only by an Ori ental imagination. As if to overpower the senses by an impressive contrast, and symbolize the triumph of that dom inant third estate of which he claimed to be the champion against aristocrats, princes, kings and emperors, the sim plicity of the Revolution was personi fied and emphasized in his own form. His ostentatious frugality, his disdain for dress, his contempt for personal wealth and its outward signs, were all heightened by the setting which inclos ed them, as a frame of brilliants often heightens the character in the portrait of a homely face.--Century. International Convention at Spring field, Mass., YVas Very successful. The International Y. M. C. A. conven tion at Springfield, Mass., has been the most successful gathering in the history of the organization, and as a result of the exchange of opinions and methods, a great increase in the scope of the work is expected during the coming year. The opening session in the State Street Bap tist Church on the last morning of the convention was devoted to an exchange of views concerning the duty of the asso ciations to young men of foreign birth and parentage, and also the relation of the organizations to the social-economic ques tions of the day. The principal speakers were Rev. A- A. Buerle, of Boston; Prof. Graham Taylor, of Chicago, and Cephas Brainard, of New York. Before the re cess delegates devoted half an hour to a season of prayer. In the afternoon there were ten parlor conferences to consider railroad work, college work, boys' work, work among French-speaking young men and kindred subjects. At night there was ?.n immense mass meeting at the city hall, at which Dwight L. Moody spoke on the work of the Holy Spirit. Sunday there were spe cial services in the various churches, clos ing with a great farewell meetings in the evening. CONTRADICTS THE DOCTORS. All Are Happy, Glad, and Wei!. [SPECIAL TO OUB LADY READERS.] The theories of physicians in regard to female complaints suffer a " Water loo" very frequently, when sensible and thinking women take matters into their own hands The flowers tell their story in fra grance, as the birds tell theirs in song. Michigan Central, "The Niagara Falls Route," a -first-class line for first-class travel. Chicago to New York, Boston and New England points. Before taking your outing, send 10 cents for "A Summer Note Book" to O. W. Ruggles, (J. P. & T. Ag't, Chicago. "Aladdin. Jr.," will inaugurate the sum mer extravaganza season at the Chicago Opera House on Monday evening, May 20. Mr. Henderson established this cus tom of summer extravaganza productions in May. 1887. at the Chicago Opera House and has followed the same course for nine consecutive stuniners.d "Aladdin, Jr.." which will be the opening extravaganza of the present season, is certainly the most elaborate and ambitious of any of Mr. Henderson's undertakings. Lavish in his expenditures, he has employed for the pro duction of "Aladdin, Jr.." the best talent obtainable in this country or abroad. Nev er in the history of the American stage has any production been accorded such unstinted praise. Mr. Henderson has. in addition to retaining all the old favorites of the American "Extravaganza Company., engaged a number of new people, who. it is safe to predict, will,soon win their way to the popular hearts of the patrons of the Chicago Opera House. In addition to the extravaganza Mr. Henderson proposes to introduce from weelofo week the leading fea'tires of the New York and London vaudeville stage, thus making constant changes and adding to his already brilliant production. There will be no increase in prices. ^ For Sprains and Bruises and all Painful Accidents, SEND WHEAT TO CANADA. D. Ten Carloads of Red Winter Across the Boundary Line. A dispatch from Montreal says that the initial importation of wheat from the j United States into Canada has been j made. James Carruthers is the importer and the amount brought is ten cars. It ! is from Detroit, and of course red winter. 1 Mr. Carruthers says the wheat will be i consumed by Ontario milters. Now that : it has been pretty well demonstrated that ! the I'nited States wheat can pity the duty - of 15 cents a bushel and sell in the same ; market with the Ontario product, dealer*- j are inclined to believe the prices for the ; latter have reached the top unless the United States market shows material ad- j vances. As high as 85 cents has been paid for Ontario red winter wheat re cently and 80 cents for hard Manitoba wheat at Fort William. It is probable i that further importations will be made ] and if they reach hundreds of thousand" of bushels, the expectations of many Mon ! treal traders will be realized. . Is the professional's first choice of a remedy always. Nature's Lightning Rod. M. Oovaroff, the Russian electrician, of Moscow, and Prof. Hisclirt, Govern ment forest inspector of the same city, have made some investigation concern ing the liability to lightning stroke of certain species of trees. In tbe sum mers of 1893 and 1894 the two scientists mentioned spent 109 days in the great forests between Moscow and Remereff, and during that time found 597 trees that had recently been struck by light ning. Of the total number of marked frees 302 were found to be white poplar (populus alba), tills notwithstanding the fact that that species is not any ways near as common as a half-d.ozen or dozen other varieties. On Oovaroff's suggestion the Government recom mends that the peasants use it as a lightning conductor. NO CHANGE IN THE CABINET, Christian Knileavorers Should not decide on their route to the great convention at Boston in July until they have read the beautifully illustrated itinerary issued by the Michigan Central. "The Niagara Falls Route." Address for copy O. \Y. Ruggles, G. I'. T. Ag't. Chicago. Do You Know Its Cause? Indigestion: Do you know when you have itV Do you know its cause and cure? Ask your druggist for Ripans Tub ules. One gives relief. Knights Templar Should not decide on their route to the Triennial Conclave at Boston in August until they have read the beautifully il lustrated itinerary issued by the Michigan Central. "The Niagara Falls Route." Address for copy O. W. Ruggles, G. 1'. & T. Ag't. Chicago. The public no longer lacks a genuine remedv for skin diseases. The article is Glenn's Sulphur Soap. "Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye," Black or Brown. 50c. Honey is sweet, but don't lick It off a briar. Little Likelihood of Dickinson Taking Gresliam's Place. A Washington dispatch says that it can be stated on the authority of one of the parties directly concerned that reports of a change in the head of the State Depart ment, by which Secretary Gressham will be succeeded by Don M. Dickinson, are not within the range of probability, ju-o- vided Mr. .Gresliam's health improves, as it is expected it will. Should his health compel his withdrawal from the cabinet later, Mr. Dickinson doubtless might be asked to accept the office. The present reports, however, are based on the fact that Mr. Dickinson attended a recent cabinet meeting in an informal capacity, as .his.personal relations with the Presi dent are such that he frequently joins the cabinet circle. At that time Secretary Gresham was absent, his place being taken by Assistant Secretary of State Uhl, formerly of Michigan, and one of Mr. Dickinson's intimates. In this con nection it is recalled that a cabinet port folio was at the disposition of Mr. Dickin son when the present cabinet was formed, and had he accepted, it would have been as Secretary of State. Subsequently he was commissioned by Mr. Cleveland to go to Chicago and invite Judge Gresham to take the secretaryship of state. Women are sometimes compelled to act for themselves, because of the suffer ing forced upon them by incompetent doctors, who are baffled by very simple complaints, because they are not the right sex to comprehend them. Lydia E. Pinkham, when she gave to the world her Vegetable Compound, lifted women from the darkness into light. She placed within their reach a guaranty, not only of health»4mt of del icacy and self-respect. The following letter is a little story where a "dear little boy" was the "Waterloo." > 411 have taken three bottles of your Vegetable Compound, one package of Sanative Wash, one box of Liver Pills; and now I have a /ggggSfflRmk. dear little babe and I am well. I *iavc t0 luank ^ ou $200.00 for doc- A iSf *"0rS' without JMfe form. Ihavesuf- / nies every month; \ had to, stay in bed, and have poultices applied, and then could not stand the pain. __ "My physician tpld me if I became pregnant I would die. I had bladder trouble, itching, backache, catarrh of the stomach, hysteria, and heart trouble, fainting spells and leucorrhoea. Can you wonder that I sing the praises of a medi cine that curgd me of all these ills?" MRS. GEO. C. KIKOHXES, 351 Snediker Ave., Brool^'u, N.Y. | A I C C y ° u B h o u < 1 n u e I I . » * . , a i f u a r a n - r% W ICkO teed remedy lor all Female i>itj eases. A pert-< Uy harmltws home treatment. Price 1SI.OO i>er box. Address W. II. BYBUM. G reentlol«l. Iowa. LADY AGENTS WANTED. Scared the Girls. A prominent Pliiladelphian who has just returned from a trip to Jamaica,, brings home the following laughable story: The photographer of the party induc ed a group of native girls to pose for him. After arranging them to his satisfac tion he prevailed upon one of the other girls to take a peep through the cam- em. What she saw quite astonished her, and she lost no time in imparting to' the posers the fact that she had seen them all standing on their heads. The effect was ludicrous. When the photograph was taken it revealed each maiden frantically clutching her skirts about her knees;' while a look of great distress appeared upon each black countenance.--Phila delphia Record. „. Stub Ends of Thought. Gray hairs are an honor most men do not seek. The man who talks love glibly doesn't know what it is. 1 A crust of bread paid ft)V js better than pie on credit, i The thoroughly independent man is more respected than loved. True Art is getting, the beautiful out of Nature. All Born in April. An illustrious company of foreign dig nitaries celebrate their birthdays dur ing the mouth of April. Bismarck started on April 1. The King of Den mark was 70 on April 8; the King of the Belgians GO on April 9; the King of Roumania 56 on April 20, and the Shah will be .01 on April 24. The .sovereigns born in-April include also several Ger man minor potentates. Tlieron Clapp and Miss Emma Bechtol, of Wabash, lnd., have just been married after an uninterrupted courtship of thirty- one years. " Lady Beresford proceeded in the most business-like manner and didn't pay a penny on her new husband until after ilie goods had been delivered. Robert Lebaudy has subscribed 1,000 francs toward the prizes for the Bor- deau-Pnris and back horseless carriage race, which will take place on June 11 and following days. Rev. Dr. William Gregg, professor in Knox College, Toronto, since 1S72. and a well-known leader in the Presbyterian Church, has resigned the professorship on account of old age. Major Pond says his offer of $3,000 a night for Mark Twain, which lias been standing for live years, still holds good. Twain has more calls to lecture than any other American citizen. Robert Ilalstead, a son of Murat Hal- stead. has been appointed managing edi tor of the Fourth Estate, Mr. Birming ham's lively "newspaper for newspaper men," iu place of F. H. Lancaster, re signed. ^ • The last miller of Dee is dead, ^ut the Chester town council has fofed' to buy and preserve the mills, in order to control the flow of the stream. The original grant of the mills was made by King Edward VI. Albert George Sand'eman has been elect ed to the responsible position of governor of the Bank of England. He had previ ously been a. .director of the bank for many years, and also a director in many financial institutions and insurance com panies. • Pope Leo XIII.'s hands are nearly use less and cause him much suffering. When he write? he must hold his right wrist with h*3 left hand, and what he writes is almost illegible. This is not due to age, but 1o an attack of ague twenty-five ygars ffio. when he was bishop of*Perugia. SAPOLIO I HAVE found Piso's Cure for Consumption an unfailing medicine.--F. R. Lorz, 1305 Scott St., Covington, Ky., Oct. 1, 1894. Mrs. AVlnsIow'a SOOTHING SIBDP Xor Children teething: aolteus the Bums, reouces Inflammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25 centu a bottle. SAY BOSS! Them People H Won't Take This / liPfeiSoap--They Want "tfdSx SANTA jtWj\ GLAUS jm.M SOAP"' MAKES IT A TEST CASE. Nebraska Farmer Sues a Railroad for Knilure to Observe the Law. A Nebraska statute imposes a penalty of $o00 for each failure of a railway com pany to have its trains whistle at the pub lic crossings, and one-half of the fine goes to the informer. The matter will be test ed for the first time. The suit was begun by Alonzo B. Miller, of Lyons, Neb., against the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company. The plaintiff sues for $78,900. Miller resides on a farm near a railroad crossing and has kept an account of such failures to blow the whis tle of passing trains between May 4. 1894. and Aug. 9, ,1894. and noted 1,578 such failures. The petition consists of 520 sheets of typewritten legal cap. Absolutely free of cost, for a LIH1TED TinE ONLY, | The People's Common Sense Medical Ad- I viser. By K.V. Pierce, M. IX. Chief Consulting ' • l'iiysician to t tic'Invalids' Hotel and Surgical 2 ! Institute) ltutTalo. a book' of over 1,000 large -- pages and ;,oo colored and other illustra- Q tions. in strong paper covers to any one •jr , sending 21 ceiji$ in one-cent stamps ;tor 1 packing and postage only. Over 6So,ooo Z j copies of this complete Family Doctor Book © (already sold in trioHr-binding at regular 0. j price of $1.50. Address; ( with stamps and ^ I this Coupon) WORLD'S IIISPKNSARY MED- 0 1 IC.-WL ASSOCIATION, KQ. 663 Main Street, 01 Buffalo, N. Y. Everybody wants SANTA CLACS SOAP who knows the goodness of it. Try it once and you will refuse all other kinds, too. Sold every where. Made only by STATES MAY HAVE TO REFUND. Demand Likely to 1& Made for Casli Received Years A^o. A very interesting question has been raised as to whether, in view of the de pleted condition of the treasury, the twen ty-six States of the Union, which in 1S37 received from the geii'eral government de posits amounting to" over $28,000,000, couid be made to refund. The first few months in 1836, Congress having refused to extend the charter of the bank of the GROCERIES „ CURES WHfcRE ALL ELSE FAILS. „ Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. TJee in tiroe. Sold by druggists. IN writing to Advertisers, please do not fail to mention this paper. Advertisers like to luiow what mediums pay tlieiu best. oci,'. ,,