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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jun 1895, p. 10

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FOR SALE. The brick block known as the Pekovsky« Block, opposite the Bank o! McHenfy, in this village, is'offered for sale. It con­ tains one large store room and twO' rooms snitable for! Dress Maker Or other business, in first story, and also fine liv- • ing rooms in second story. Is situated • in center of village and is a first class lo­ cation for any business. Will be _sold cheap and on rea* onable terms- Inquire of 4tf . H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. BAKBIAN BROS, have just put in a new line of the finest pipes ever brought to this market. Smokers will do well to call and see them. , V FOR SALE. Short Horn Bulls for sale. Also,, Ply­ mouth'Rock Fowls, of both sexes. ' 25tf FRANK COLE, Spring Grove, II}. Money! saved to the consumer by buy­ ing Clothing by sample of J. W. Cristy & Son. Goods and prices guaranteed to please or no sale, «' ^f^CWOOD, II-1- We still have a few dozen of those knife sets left at the i fraction sjililljllSjW- OPTICIAN, Nunda, 111. I Lises, Iff Glasses SPECTACLES. No Char&e for Testing the Eyes. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Will be at O. T. Daniel's Drug Store, Algon quln, every Wednesday, and at the office ot Dr. Aunnger, West McHcnry, every Satur- day, commencing Feb. 23, 1S95. Also at 4he office of Dr. Dawson. Wauconda, on Mondays $nd at the office of Dr. Rice. Richmond, every Friday. Office with Dr, Werden, Nunda, 111, LAND Or PROMISE EARMERC • WANTED W to buy Farms in CENTRAL WISCONSIN. Land is on the North­ western line C- StP. SI & O. R'y, about 200 miles from Milwau­ kee and a little North, in Clark County. This _ is one of the best eoun- ties lnthe State, having'a population of over 25,000. Land lies adjoiniDg railroad, and does not extend over six miles from it at any point, and is from four to ten miles from the County Seat, -which has nearly 3,000 inhabitants and is quite a manufacturing center. Well supplied with excellent -water and best of fuel. Good schools. Why rent a farm or buy an improved one? Buy one unimproved and make the profit. CDEC TIOVCTC np to $20 allowed purchasers rlfCC 1 IwlVC IO of 80 acres or more of land; one-half fare to those buying 40 acres, if R,R. tickets are bought of us or you have a receipt showing amount paid. OVER 6,000 ACRES SOLB TO ACTTAL SETTLERS. Only fo to$10 per acre. $2 per acre cash, balance five years' time. We -want 25 f amilies.from this place! Will you help tis? Big inducements to those moving before May 1, 1895. Write for particulars. Agents, surveyors and teams on hand to show the property free of cost. Buy your tickets to Columbia, Wis., via Merrillan junction. TFAEC. S. G&AYES LAND CO., E. 311,56 Fifth AH., Chicago, III Shorts. Middlings, Bran, Oil Meal, O&ts, Ground Feed. You havs got to Use them. Get my prices on quantities, from a bag -full to a car load, be­ fore buying elsewhere. W. A. CRISTY, WEST McHENE Y, ILL. DR. FROTH'S Next Visit, Friday. July 12. WOOD STOCK i IL., Of 25 Cents per Set. Each set comprises one Bread Knife, one Cake Knife, and one Kitchen Knife. - Wauconda Ko. 12c paffi or "apart; j All parts are maleable iron o|. steel, wiS or wood wheels as desired, %nd last K\* no. means least is, its springjseat <ind^ name, ' 'Wauconda." Both should me seen arid tried to be appreciated. THIS WEEK WE HAVE MANY" %JkL BA Call and see if you don't think so. ALBION SPRING TOOTH CULTIVATOR, Five machines in one. The only Cultivator that cuts all the ground close up to the hill, and is the representative tool of level cultivation. * BP DISPENSARY At the Hotel Woodstock. DE, FRUTH, after years of experience has perfected tbe most infallible method of cur- ing Nervous debility, decay of body and mind, sel'-distrust, poor memory, weak eyes, stunted development, luck of "memory, im- poverished blood, low vitality, and all efloots ot abuses, excesses, improper life, etc., which renders marriage unhappy and life miserable. SPECIALTIES--Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Sores Pi^nples, Scrofula, Biood Taint, Eczema, Can­ cer, Piles, and Diseases of Women We Guarantee to Forfeit $500 for a case of SEXUAL DISEASE !SSUw» Cure, Question list FREK. (me personal interview solicited. Cousultation free DR. D. O. FRU rHs 37 I 6 Lake Ave.j Chicago: The Supply is Limited. First come, first served. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Bingwood, 111. Fa L. McOmber s. ra­ west McHenry General Hardwa re. FARMERS STORE We are the agents for R. A. Wilson's Wrappers and Dresses, and have just received a large invoice; they are far superior to any other garment offered for sale in McHenry, Call and see how stylish and what a perfect fit they are. Also have a full line Dry Goods and Notions At tlie Usual Low Prices, M, D, Wells & Co. The name is enough to satisfy you that we sell you the best Boots and Shoes in the market, at prices O.IC. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE Is in great demand. Come to headquarters for your wants. * , GROCERIES are a necessity, and why not buy them where you get the freshest and purest, We have them just to suit, Gasoline Stove In the Market, AT LOWEST LIVING PRICES. FLOUR.- -Don't forget "Old Sleepy-Eye." Is making, new nends every day. Will cost you no more than inferior Flour, .iff It costs you nothing to tr^ a sack. ' West McHenry, Illinois. And in order to stay will meet prices with any and all, as the following will show: Five Piece Parlor Suits, $19.79. No. 1 Wilton Couch, $8.89. A large Plush Rocker, $2.49. Single Lounges, in Tapestry 7 Carpet, ' - " - $4.35. a ^ne new Furniture of every sold Carpets, etc., and I will not be under- - I s t h e Leading Place to get your HOUSEHOLD GOODS --AS WE-- BELONG TO NO RING, Quick Sales and Small Profits is our Motto When in need of anything in our line call, and convince yourself ' 4 ! • v"' •y ; ' ' *!f We \^ild.. like it very.'?J much to pave alF see our Albion* No. 10, or our Wauconda No. 12 in the field, as they both flior- oughly^rfihlock the fertil­ ity and leaves the ground in sueh nice condition to stand the drouth, which we are sure to have every summer. The cut shows you it leaves no open fur­ rows to w;ash away the best soil, worse yet, alw low it to stand and slowly dry up, which causes the ground to look white, ai? it cakes up, and later on be ready to absorb th| moisture that the cikip needs so much at that time.;* m J Drop us a cardand will meet; 3*0u in the field nd prove what \VJ SAY t» _A_ll3:iOil UNTO. lO. be facts. / j' . . 1 "7 •*' v* %'• Also just received a rew invoice of SumQS and Top Garriages, which we will sell you for less money than any other dealer in McHcnry or Lake Counties/ /* |^T° Call and see. Yours for fuu, money and business. ' . ; JULIA A. STORY; DEALER IN DRUGS and MEDICINES. A FULL LINE OF CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTANTLY ON HAND. FDLL LINE OF PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. Physicians' Prescriptions j Carefully compounded by a Registered Ptiarmncist. Your Patronage Is respectfully solicited. mn---JULIA A. UTOIiY One Door West of Riverside Bouse, McHenry, 111 GEO, W. BESLEYy- --- • i)EALKR IN- Drugs, Medicines, PAINTS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES. PURE WINES AND LIQUOBS " FOE MEDICAID USE. ***•"- • 11 --rr> iTOfiTttil7 Call and see me before you buy. I can and will save you money. I UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING. ^^"Undertaking and Embalming promptly attended to. A good A specialty. Always carry a complete stock of Undertaking Goods. rtrtvao iW onnnpof nn ® 1 J 1 ° . „ Hearse in connection. JfACOB McHenry, 111., April, 1895. West McHenry, Mayr 1895. Yours for business, N. J. JUSTEN. Also, Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical Use. J5ir"Tiie\p8t brands ot Cigars and smoking and chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physicians' Prescriptions " Carefully compounded. Give me a call, ^ GEO. W. BESLEY. onry, Jan. 2, 1895. NEAR THE DEPOT\ WEST McHENRY, ILL. Keeps ojpen for the aooommodation of ttie Public a First-OlaBB Saloon and Restaurant Where he, Will at all times keep the beaj! brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars fa to be found in the market. PABpT'S Milwaukee Lager Be At Wholesale and Retpll. i Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles ai- trays on hand, oheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. v Orders by mail promptly attended to. ^ GOOD STABLING FOR HOR8F8 •WOall and-aee us. Robert Sohiessle. R-I-P-AN-S ONE GIVES BELIEF. BILLY S, MOIIOAN STALLION, will stand at the barn of the undersigned, one-half mile north of McHenry village, for the season of 1895. PEDIGREE: BillyS was eired by Prince S, by Saylor'a YoungQifford Morgan Bl«ck Hawk, by Hanly's Morgan Black Hawk, by Giffora, oy Wood, bury by Jast'ii Morgan. Damot Prinee S by Colby's Young G 'ree Mountain, by Turner's Sir William, Dy Green Mountain 2'J, by Gifford, by Woocibury, bv Justin Morgan. Grand-dam of PrtecK fl.jy Panlv'S Younir Mo-gaa Black Hawk, by tterai Jiflbrd"by Gifford. byT\Voo(tbury, by Justin Morgan. Dam ot Billy S by Grey Eagle, by Black Hawk, by Sherman, by Justin Morgan. Grand-dam of Billy a by Sherman's Morgan Defiance, by Boston Tiger,, by Cock of the Etock, by Sherman, by Justin Moraan. Sherman's Morgan Defiance by Woodbuty, by Justin Moigan. Terms made known on application. BRADFORD SMITH. ELECTRIC TELEPHONE home, shop, store and office,- Greatest conven­ ience and bost seller on earth. Ac«>nta moke from |S to 830 per day. One in a residence means a sale to ai] tho neighbors. Fine instruments, no toys, jsorks nnywhe-- --1 • ~ • 0 S®!!1 ""t or order, no reJaSintt' 'lasts'a'life W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk 10. Columbna. QL I AVTNCTR i5l» ,MONET > I and surplns funds | «nd m'muwd withoalXjO A N S.' I charge. Loans mads on time and terms Ito sm^bogoww. ^ J. W. KAJSBTKAD, i street, Klmn. Illinois, ice's Cream Bakiiig Powder i Fair Highest Medal mad Diploma.

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