THE TOYS. T-hftJiriok block known as t.hftPfikovskv Block, opposite the Bank o! McHeury, in tiiis village* is offered for sale. It con tains one large store room and two rooms suitable for Dress Maker or other business, in flrst story, and also line' liv ing rooms in second story. Is situated in center, of village and is a first class lo cation for any business. Will be sold cheap and on reai onable terms. Inquire of 4tf H. C. (MEAD, West McHenry, i up wise, jbeyed. ""Vc WOOD, I1"* • We still have a few dozen of those sets left at the Shorts, Middlings Bran, Of 25 Cents per Set. Each set comprises one Bread Knife, one Cake Knife, and one Kitchen Knife. : > •' " "• aucon'cla." . I _ Waueonda Sto. 12. ;, to be appreciated; ALBION SPRING TOOTH ptJLTIVATbH, Five machines in one. The only Cultivator that puts all th6 ground ' * Close up to the hillj and is the representative tool .. of level cultivation.' ' . THIS WEEK W EH AVE MANX RY AND, GLASSWARE. i,: \ • / ' ' . . ' ' .V Come io heWlqua-rters for your wants. V rEia are a5 njjessjty, and -why hot buy them . them just to suit, ' < .. Also, Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical Use When in need of anything in our line call, and convince yourself t^T"The best brands ot Cigars and smoking and chewing Tobacco always on hand. ' f Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully compounded. Give me a call, UNDERTA IK:G OTD EMBALMING. ' > " *; A specialty. Always^ carry a complete stock of Undertaking Goods Yours . Jn the V , • - < the land Is making inferior Flour. Iff-1;:-. 'tit JUSTEN. West McHonry, Jan 2,1895 i /•;' '^jr ;V ( son, who iooFk'u irOiii „. ?d and spoke in Qftiotyji ^,^-itiy law the Seventh timb Struck Map and disniiss'd"' - ith hard vfords and rorUif.s'd,: mother, wh&Mitp patient, being- dead. , feating leatfcis gfltsf ehould hinder sleep, tod his bed, it found him slumbering deep, . ith "darkened eyelids arid tlicir lashes yet im his late sobbing wet, d I, tears, left jothers Of my own} 1 ̂ bf&dravm beside his head . He had put, wifhin his reach, A. box of counters and a red yein'd stone, A piece of glass abraded by the beach And Six or seven shells, A bottle with bluebells " And two French copper coins, rang'd there with careful art To comfort hio sad heart. go when that night I prayed > To God and wept and said: "Ah, when at last we tie with tranced breath, Not vexing thee in death. And thou reanemborest of what toys We make our Joys, How weakly .understood Thy great commanded good, Then, fatherly not less Than I whom thou hast molded from the clay, Thou'lt leave thy wrath and say, 'I will be sorry for their childishness.' " --Coventry Patmore An Church Standard. HE WAS VERY HUNGRY. How a Texan Got a Good Meal at a Gen- . oral's Expense. v . „ • • Mr. Goss, in his "Recollections of a • Private," quotes the remarks of a Con federate about frvro famous leaders under whom.he had fought. This man said of Stonewall Jackson, "If you uns had some good general like him, I reckon you uns could lick we uns." When ask ed whether he had ever seen General Lee, he replied: "Yes; I was a sort of orderly' for Uncle Robert for awhile. He's a mighty calmlike man when a V* fight is going on." This story is told of General John B. Magruder: " Our General Magruder thinks a pow erful heap of what he eats and wears. He allers has a right smart of truck. "There was a Texas feller one time who had straggled from his brigade, and he were a pert one, he were, stran ger. He'were hungry enough to eat a general, buttons and all--that Texas feller were. He saw Magruder's table all spread, with a heap of good fixin's on it, and I'll be hanged if he didn't walk in, pert as you please, grabbed a knife aifd fork and opened fire all along the line on them fixin's. "Magruder heard something in his tent and hurried in and asked that Tex as chap what brought him thar. The Texan 'lowed he were hungry. Then the general, stiff and grandlike, said, 'Do you know, sir, at whose table you are eatin?' "The Texas chap, he kept dtivin in the pickets on them chick'ns, and he said to the gen'ral, said he, 'No, old hoes, and I ain't no ways partio'lar, nei ther, since I've come solderin. "What did Magruder do?" asked a Yankee listener. "Do? Why, he saw them chicken fix in's were spiled, and he jest put his arm under his coattail, pulled his hat over his eyes and walked out. And that Texas hOss didn't leave anything on that thar table 'cept the plates--not even his compliments. "Who were he? Well, no matter. He hadn't no manners, he hadn't He were powerful hungry, stranger, that chap m art jt>uu our 1895 Cultivator is a full steel rider with single and double pointed shovel sprin teeth. Foot lifting steel gangs enable • operator to turn around without, touching *r- •' 'HQ levers, which have very fine notched ratchets, so shovels can be set to cultivate to a^ption : an inch. Front end of snovei gangs can be shovel gang ;o suit the work, iron or steel, with steel Ground Peed, You have got to Use them. • r: ' : - ' *' sv- *'• , / Gret my prices on quantities, from a bag-full to a car load, be fore buying elsewhere. : ' W. A. CR1STY, WES1 McHLNR Y, ILL. Call and see if you don't.think so. DMUTH'S Next Visit. Friday. July i2. WOODSTOCK« 1L.» The Supply is Limited. P R . v DISPEHSAHY At tlie Hotel Woodstoeki DR. FRUTH, after years of experience has perfected the most infallible method of cur ing Servons detrtity, ilecay tif body--and mind, sel'-distrust, poor memory, -weak eyes, stunted development, lack of memory, im- poveriehed blood, low vitality, and all eflcots of abuses, excesses, improper life, etc., which renders marriage unhappy and life miserable. SPECIALTIES--Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Sores Pi nples, Scrofula, Biood Taint, Eczema, Can cer, Pil^s, and D'seases of Women We Guarantee to Forfeij 8500 for a case of SEXUAL DISEASE SSSSS'ffiSS Cure. Question list FREK. <»ne personal interview solicited. Consultation free DR. D./>. FRUTH. 3716 Lake Ave.| Chicago: ~Jr First come, first served. J. W. ORISTY & SON, Ringwood. HI. F. L. McOmber s. Are You Ready For the Harvest ? 1895. There's only one way to get ready so that you can be sure that you are ready --and I am ready to get you ready with the World-Beating, LIGHT-RUNNING McCORMICK STEEL BINDERS and MOWERS. BEST IN THE Because West McHenry General Hardware. and last 1 ring seajt and should be seen and c would like it vich to have all see Tnibion Mo. .• 10,V .A auconda No. 1 field, as they »uut:Ti... oughly unlock the^crtil- ity apd leaves the ground 'in sueh nice condition tip stand the drouth, whiejji we are sure to have ever® summer. The cut show! you it leaves no open fur rows. to wash away the best soil, worse yet, al low it to stand and slowly dry up, which causes flie ground to-look white/as it cakes up, and latef on be ready to absorb the moisture that the crop needs so much at that time. Drop us a card knd we will meet you in the field rid prove what we say to J^lToaon ISTo. IO. . v 4^ . be facts. Also just received a new invoice of Surries and Top Carriages, which we will sell you for less money than any other dealer in McHenry or Lake Counties. Call and see. Yours for fuu, money and business. ^ Gasoline Stove In the Market, AT LOWEST LIVING PRICES. "WORLD Most Durably Built, , Lightest in Draft, Greatest in Capacity, Simplest in Construction. All Competition Staid Away l;om the MeCormick in the World's Fair Tests I might to-day be selling a line of so-called " cheap" machines at a price which would sti3be high, but prefer to sell the higK-vabiA McCormick at a price which experience will most assuredly prove is low. Glad to show my friends these machines at any time. Come ia and see them. AGENT, ' McHENRY. IACOB BONSLETT, ARMERS STORE We are the agents for E. Wilson's Wrappers and Dresses, and have just received a large invoice; they are far superior to any other garment offered for sale in McHenry, Call and see how stylish and what a perfect fit,they_aie. Also have a full line Dry Goods and Notions Atthe U8ual Low PriceB, M, D, Wells & Co. The name is enough to tatis^you t^hat we ill you the best Boots and Shoes in the market, at prices O. K. ffte• ' " * * - " i iha--° Is the Leading Place to get your HOUSEHOLD GOODS -AS WE- JULIA A. STORY, DEALER IN DRUGS and MEDICINES. A FULX DINE OF CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Paints, Oils and CONSTANTLY ON HAND. FULL LINE OF PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. Physicians' Prescriptions | Your Patronage Is respectfully solicited, Carefully compounded by a Registered Pharmacist, m> ---JULIA A, STORY One\Door West of Riverside Bouse, McHenry, 111 ' : i- GEO, W. -DEALER IN- Drugs, Medicines, PAINTS. OILS. W' VINES AND LIQUORS FOE MEDICAL USE. WEST MoHEJNRT, ILL Keeps open for the accommodation oftti Public a First-Olass Saloon and Eestaiirant ^here he will at all timee keep the bea brands of Wlnea, Liquors and Cigars •".1 to be found in the market. 1;:!LL PAKST'S Kllwaukso Lagg? i@@s At Wholesale and Retail. Beer In Large or Small Kegs or Bottles a!-; ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quali.' ty considered. . Ordero by mail promptly attended to. OOOD STABLING FOR HOR8FS «^"Oall and-see us. Rcbert Sohiessie. R-I-P-A-N-S GIVES RELIEF. MORGAN STALLION, will Btand at the barn of the uudereigned, one-half mile McHenry village, for the season of 1895. PEDIGREE: »rlred Prince S, by Saylor'a VIorSL bMuKaV Bl',ck Hawk, by Hanly's buryg"by Justin Morgan.^ G'ff°ra' °y W°°d" mtuni&i wln^e S b7 0olhv'a Young G rre Mountain* 9T Sir w»liam, Oy Oreen Austin Morgan. y (,lff0rd' by Woodbury, by Grand-dam of PriDce S by Panlv's young Giir<fnL b9*Wnt$hWk' General Afford, by S'o/S «"hy' by Juaiin Morcan. "u"k n^"d:dhm °/, Bi,|y 8 by Shermans Morgan Rock b%hfirmnJ8l^n Iriger' by Cock of the nrm^fol ' by Ju8tin Morean. WooTbury.bJjTstVMo^n.11 ?6flanC0 by Terms made known on application. BRADFORD SMITH. ELECTRIC TELEPHONE home, shop, store nnd Greatest conven ience and best seller onenrth. Aseiifn make from 85 to 850 per day. One in a residence means a sale to all tho neijenbore. I ine instruments, no toys, works where, any distance. Complete, ready for use when shipped. Can be put up by anv one. never oat of order, no repairing, lasts "a life- ."'"•rnntf'dV A money maker. Write W. P. Harrison & Co.. Clerk 10. Colutr.bas, a