% X f : Pledged but to , to Liberty and No Favors Win us &nd no Fear Shall Awe. VOL. 21. M'IIENRYj ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1895. JlalileiieR PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY - J . V A N 8 L Y K E , - EDITOR'AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK. Two Doors N»rth of Perry & Owen's Stor«, TEAMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: . 6lie year (in advancfe).v.fl 50 tf Hot Paid within1Jhree Months... ... 2 no SabscriptioHo i receiVP<t for three or six months in. the same proportion.. R A T E S O F - A D V E R T I S I N G I We annannca'liberal raws, for.sdyertlojng. eavor to state tie readily u& eon - - IOOO - - 15 00 - . SO 00 60 00 - • - 100 00 _ the PL AIND SALE it, them so plainly, that they wit darstood. They ar6 *s follows 1 Inch one year «2 Inches one year ,... V 3 Inches one year - If Column one y ear1 •. )i Column one,year- Column one year - One nch means the measurement of one iaoh down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the'above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they choose, without extra charge Regular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to insertion of local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line ach week. AH others will be charged 10 cents per line the first week, and 6 conts pei line for eaoh subsequent week. transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe tine, (nonpareil type, samfe as this is set in) the flrst issue, and 5 cents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inch advertisement will cost il.00 for one- week, $1.50 for two weeks, *2.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAIK'DHALER will be liberal in giving elitorial notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary gain. ; BUSINESS CARDS. FRANK L. SHEPARD, COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Suite 514--3(> La Salle St., Chicago. O. H. FEGERS, M, ©- LAN AND SURGE! Office at Residence. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MoHenry Ills. JOS, L. ART, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCD LIST, Office in Nichols Block, over flaiudealer Office. McHonry Telephone No 4. i DR. A. E. AURINGER, PHYSICIAN ANDSURGEON. ^Office in the Stroner building, one door west of A. P. B ier'e store, West ftlcHonry, 111. Residence, house formerly occupied by Dr Osborne, All professional ealls promptly at tended to, O. B. HOWE, M. D, PHYSICIAN ANDSURGEON. Cffise and Residence, Hotel Woodstock. Office hours 1 to 2 P. M. daily, uails promptly at tended to Deserving poor tre&'tca tree o charge at office, including meaicine Monday and Fridty. F. C. COLBY, D. D. S. DENTIST. Woodstock. 111. Special alen-tion pald'to regulating children's teeth, Parties coming from a distance will do well to give timely notice by mail. Office, Kendal block corner Main street and PuolioSq are C. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, solicitor, and| Counselor, Collections a specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. KNIGHT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. U. S. EXPRESS co.'s Building, 87 and 89 Washington St. ~ CHICAGO, ILL. JOHW P. SftfilTH, Watchmaker & JTeweler MCHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches ana Jew elry always on hand. Special attention given to repairing line watohos. Give me a call. v • • „ " V J O H N P - S M I T H H. C. MEAD, Justice oj the Peace and General In surance Agent Including Accident • and Life Insurance. OFFICE WITH B. GILBERT, NEAK DEPOT, WEST MCHENRY. III. W, P. ST. CL&8R, "justice of the Peace and Notary Public L eal Estate and Insurance. RUI4DA, III. A. Wl. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler No. 126 State Street, thicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches" an t Chronometers. A Full Assortment ot Goods in Ins line. Westerman & Son, HOUSE, SICN AND CARRIAGE PAINTERS, MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. We are prepared to do all work in our line on short notice and guarhntee satisfaction PAPER HANGING A SBECIaLTK Prices reasonable and work promptly done. ^ WESTERMAN & SON. McHenry, J \nuary SO. 1894. JOHN J. BUCH, RESTAURANT -^Hoarding HOUSE, Near the Iron Bridge, McHenry, Board by tha Day or Week at Reasonable rates , A NICE LINE OF.ROW BOATS AT MY LANDING. Pure Wines , Liquors and Choice Cigars * always oil hand. •WFreehLager Beer constantly on draught HI m ilTcn 8 or 10 men to solicit orders W nil l C-U for Hanly Nursery Stock Fruit and Ornamentals ; also ne w and valu able varieties of Seed Potatoes. Permanent position*; g<o4 salary, ranging from $75 to fl26 par month, Apply quick with references, L. L. MAY & CO., : , ."Sifauj, Minn, jfurserymenj Florists and 3eedm«cu August prices are;an opportunity for you to buy good goods at almost any piyre. Waists r- • v-'-'., $3,50 Ching silk waists plain an4 striped, 05c COc calico waists, laundi-ied collars ami cull's, . , 35c Waists, made of cambric, dimity to Penang, , reduced 89e and $1 AV rappers and tea gowns, new and stylish, large sleeves, full skirt, ,well made, 59c, 75c, $1, $1,50 Making alone costs more. Wash Goods. Scotch Plisse, 12£e value, Cc Crepon, Sateen, Zephyr, Shunting, 15c value, 10c Duck suits, $1.75. Men's working shirts, - 30c Men s seamless socks, - 5c Bathing .suits, *10c.to 25c 30-in., wool challie, - 1 ()c Duck Bath towels suiting, Wash Silk 37 in. wide, Wry in. pretty wide. Pure silk waists, Silk belts, 24 in. Trilby silver buckle, 26 n. umbrella, liemnants of laces; price. wide with plated - 50c DECLINE 1NPRICES ON ALL KINDS OF Our heavy purchases -of fall and winter goods compel us to make ample room for their arrival. - DRESS GOODS, SUITINGS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, UNDERWEAR, FURNISHINGS, HOSIERY, HATS, ETC. All must oo if at less than cost. Clothing, FINE Capes, Jackets, FOOTWEAR, Are marked for sacrifice. Rare Bargains in Remnants of all kinds. Special drives in fine Wall Paper, Window Shades, Lace Cur tains, -Carpets and Oil Cloths, before inventory. New stock of Beloit Shirt New and original styles custom Shoes just received. , Pants, Overalls and Jackets, in the' famous C. II. Fargo & Co. |3iir° Pure Groceries, best of Flour.' Watch our new fall goods, to arrive soon. S I M O N S T O F F E L . Our thus far reliable and carefully handled J Will be kept up in future. v\ ill visit the city every Thursday and will fill all special orders of a reasonable nature. «• SIMON STOFFEL. $T in la s: THINK OF THE MONEY MADE from inventions--novelties, or sir? pie useful labor-saving devices, if you have mane a discovery, or w or Red out a mechanical problem we'll give reliable advice as to patentability. The " Inventive Age, " illustrated magazine, 6tli year, in interest of inventors, guarantees work of its- ' Patent department," and illustrates and describes useful inventions free, Complete, valid, strong and comprehensive p«tent \ best terms; advice free. Address THE INVENT. 1VE AGE, Washington.!) C. S A VTMfiSs IDLE MONET xx T JL JH VJ O . and surplus funds received and' loaned on carefully se lected real estate securities and the 21 iial'age street, interest collected"!" "A "XT Q .ind remitted without-!-^ charge. Loanunade on \ to imt borrower. J. W je street, Elain. Illinois, time and terms BANBXHA.D. If you wish to know all about it, send us your • address and yon will receive our J Price List anc Catalogue free of if, charge SECURITY/I LIGHTNING ROD/ f CO• B!IRUK'6T0N/r^\ WIS.. • C. F. BOLEY, Prosrielor of McHenry Brewery, McHENRY, ILL. Always on Band with the Best Beer, DR. FBBTE'S Wext Visit ,---- Friday. Selpt. 6th. WOODSTOCK, II . , DiSPEKSAHY At (lie Hotel Woodstock. DR PtlUTHj after years of oxperienoe has po.rfci'ted the most in tall ible bite (hod of enr- i'ng H^rvous (ieblllty, decay Of body .and mind, sel'-distrnst, poor memory, weak'eyes, sunit'Ht deyeiounient. lack of memory, hn. povoi-islied blood, low vitality, and all ellccts ot abuses, excesses, improper life, etc.i which renders marriage unhappy and tile miserable. SPKCIALTIES-- Catarrh, fkin Diseases^Sores Pi uples, Scrofula, Biood Taint, Eczema, Can cer, Piles, and Diseases of Women We Guarantee to Forfei) !$500for a case of SEXUAL DISEASE Cure, Question list FREE, one pergonal interview solicited. Consultation frcar^ f\ DR. D. O, FRUT# 37 16 Lake Ave . ( Chicago' NEW CASH im The undersigned having leased the Pekovsby^Block, One Door South of Post Office McHENRY, ILL., Has refitted the sains and put in a Full Line of Kerospne, Gasoline, Potatoes, Fresh Bread (Klgin), Tablets, Pencils, new Teas, new Coffees. Our Bakery Supplies, Received from the Rock ford Rsbery nre abso lutely fresh every day. Bread, P»uus, Bis cuit, Cookies, etc., always on hand. Canned Goods, and all kinds of Fruits in their season can be found at our store, which will be offered to the buying public at the Lowest Living Prices, for Cash. Our goods are all fresh, new and clean, and we hope by fair dealing and good goods to merit and receive a share of public patronage. C. B, MURPHY, McHenry, March 18, 1895. Does smoke from your cigar arise Like incense in the air? Or does it only cause a smudge And make your neighbor swear? Why will you stick to cabbage leaves And drive your friends afar, When you can purchase for a dime "Our Monogram" cigar? IGc BARBIABM 10c. BROS. Choice Cigaqs We can sell you one or a thousand--retail or wholesale. PROTECT YOUR HORSE! 1!V miYINO ONE OF THOSE Handsome Fly Nets Now on exhibition at ot^shop. We also have a full line of Dusters, Whips, etc., to which we invite your at tention, and will guarantee to please JOU in QUALITY, STYLE AND HH1CE. A fine stock of SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS Which will be sold cheaper than the same goods can be bought elsewhere and war ranted as represented. KEPAIRING Promptly Attended to, I>o not fail to call at once and get the benefit of our bargains. COS CARLSON. McHenry, 111., June 18, 1895. STATE O K I L L I N O I S , M CH ENRY C OUNTY -, Circuit Court of McHenry County, Septem ber term, A, D. 1895. Adelbert S. Wright, vs. Chas, E Irwin and Frank C Irwin as executors and trustees umler will of Major F. Irwin, deceased, John Gordon, Carrie Irwin Gordo", John Dowling Uordon and Irwih Leslie Gordon in chancer.. Affidavit of the non-residence of Carrie Irwin Gordon, John Dowling Gordon and Irwin I eslie Gordon, ot the defendants a bove uanie<i, having been Hied in the office of the Clerk of said Circuit Court of McHenry county, notiee is hereby given to the said non-resi -eu', defendents that the complainant file \ his bill of complaint in said court, on the Cnancerv side thereof on the '27th day of July A. D, 1895, and that a summons, thereupon issued out of said court against said defend- ants, returnable on th^ 23 i day pf Sep'em.' er I). 1895, as is by law required. Now there fore, unlesayou the said Carrie Irwin Gordon John Dowling Gordon and Iiwia Leslie Gor don shall personalty be and appear-before the said C'rcuit Court of McHenry county on the first dayot the next term thereof, to be hold- en a'the Courthouse, ir. the city of Wood stock, in i-»'d cti ty, on the 231 day of Sep tember, A. D. 1895, and p'eart answer or demur to the t aid complainant's bill of complaint, the same and the matters itnd things therein charge'* and stated will be taken as confessed and & decree en tere ' against you-^ccordiug to the prayer of said bill. In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said C urt, at my office in Waodstock this 27th day of July A. D, 1895. W. P. MORSE, Clerk. Vr . A. W right. ) >Complaina-iit's Solicitors. Jas. Ca86y, ) July 27th, A. D 1895. "•' 4w6 D o Y o u W a n t " T T J " / \ - w T r 7 A steady payingjob VV UJL J\. • ' Has.Been There. No new.vpnper man can read'the follow^ ing remarks by Rev. Tiilmage without suspecting that he has derived his ideas from some practical experience: One oft he great trials o.f thenewspaper profession is that th&"members are com pelled to see more of the shams of. the world than any other profession. Through every newspaper office day after day, go all the weeknees of the world, tvll the vanities that want to lie puffed, all the revenges that want to be reaped^ all the mistakes that want to be corrected, all the dull speakers that want to be thought eloquent, all the meanness thai wants to get its wares noticed gra tis: in order to save the tax of the adver"'.' tisiug columnv all men who want to be sot right who never were right, all the cracked-brained philosophers With stories as loiig as their hair and as gloomy as their finger nails in the morning,, bereft of soap---all the bores-who come to stay five minutes but talk five hours. It is no surprise to me that in this profession there are some skeptical men. 1 only wonder the newspaper men believe anything. that is warranted to grow t'OAd potatoes in the World, etc money write, stating age. L L. MAT & CO St. Paul, Minn Jfurserymen, Florists and Seedsijien. (Tbis house is.reaponsible) If you want l^fcHenry. N U N D A . Don't forget the old settlers' picnic, August 22. T. J. Dacy gave all exhibition of the Osborne Corn Harvester here last Tues day. It worked splendidly. Attorney Maxwell was in this city on Saturday, attending a law suit. Attorney Hendricks, of Woodstock, wa& here Saturday on legal business. O. C. Colby has returned from his west ern trip. Dr. Werden has hi^ new, house enclosed and nearly ready for the plasterers. The Doctor will have a fine residence. Miss Etta Van Allen is very sick. Last Friday was the warmest day of the season. A number of fine residences are in course of construction in this city. The popularity of'Crystal Lake as a summer resort is increasing every year. Many Chicagoans are spending the sum mer at and around that beautiful lake. A goodly number from this place at tended the County Institute at Wood stock last week. Amusing Slips of the Tongue. A young clergyman,in giving out the hymn, _" Conquering Kings," merely stumbled over the first? syllable, but be ing unable to save himself startled , his congregation with the announcement, "The hymn tonight will be 'Kinqu'ering Congs'--'Kinquering Cougs.' " Much the same was the pitfall into which a . reverend gentleman walked when in place of saying, "Behold the fig tree, how it withereth away!" by a -simple transposition of two or three let ters asked his audience to " Behold'the wig tree, how it fithereth away !" But perhaps one of the most comical instances of slips of this kind is the case of the preacher who, describing, con science and desiring t,o get his listeners to recognize the promptings of Its "in ward voice in the half formed wishes, of the mind, appealed to them whether there was/one there who at .oiio time pr: another "had not*felt within him the effect of a half warmed fish." After this, the instance of a person who, devoutly reading the lessons in solemn tones, announced, "He spake the word, and cattlehoppers came and grassi- pillars innumerable," seems almost commonplace. So, too, does the mistake Of the priest, who assured his congrega tion that "it was easier for a rich man to pass through the eye of a needle than for a camel to enter the kingdom of God."--Boston Herald. One Way. The lady (?) who yesterday called the attention of another to our patched breeches, whereat they both laughed so heartily, is informed that a new pair will be purchased when her husband's bill i* settled. It has been due nearly a year. Don't criticise a printer's dress too elosely while you are wearing silk with money due us. Tell your husband to send us $4:0.78 and save the cost of a lawsuit. We need another pair of pants.--Lt»- h:inon (111.) Journal. THE BEAUTIFUL ROCKIES. They Contain the Grandest Scenery and the Richest Gold Mines in the World. For unknown wealth in fabulously rich mines of gold and silver and sparkling precious gem stones, not, to mention the lovely scenery, our own Rocky Moun tains excel any region on earth. The Illustrated Weekly, of Denver, Colorado, (fuuuded 18i>0) illustrates the choicest scenery each week and tell ail about the wonderful west. Also true stories of love and adventure. This big family paper, containing eight large pages, fifty-six columns, will be sent on trial three months (thirteen weeks) for only ten two eeut stamps; club of six for a dollar bill. Handsome gold rings set with beautiful Ropky mountain gems are given free as premiums. Address as above and men tion the PLAINDKALER when you write. Half E" teg to Colorado. On Augustll apd 12 the Northwestern Line svill sell excursion tickets to-Denver, Colorado Springs, Manitou and Pueblo and return at half rates--one fare for round trip, tickets good for return pas sage leaving Colorado points August 20 to 25, with privilege of further extension until September 1. For tickets and full information apply to agents C. & N. W. li'y. 4w2 Half Bates to Boston. On account of the Triennial Conclave, Knights Templar, at Boston, the North western Line will, from Aug. 19 to 24 sell excursion tickets to Boston and re turn at half rates--one fare for....the round trip; tickets good for return pas sage until Oct. G. For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. 4w3 HALF OF HAPPINES& Depends upon the stomach. If you have no constipation, indigestion, chronic sick headache, summer complaint or any other trouble of the stomach or bowels, you ought to be happy--usually are. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup 1'epsin rids you of these ills. It's pleasant and powerful. It doesn't cost yod $1 to try-it. Sold in 10c bottles as well as 50c and $1 sizes at Julia A. Story. STOMACH NOT JUST RIGHT? Here's what will cure it: Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin-- a palatable, certain rem edy for constipation, indigestion, chronic sick headachp. summer complaint or any trouble of the stomach or bowels. For sale in 10c, SOcand §1 sizes by Julia A. Story. Loans Negotiated^ - . > . Do you want money ? r I can get it for you. . Have you real estate to sell or rent? Do you want to buy or rent? I can help you. Terms reasonable. 2yl H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. Paper your rooms elegantly with high grade paper at low prices, to be had at S. Stotfel's. AT PISTAKA BAY. Stopped the Squeak. It is an old saying that the person who -makes jokes should be prepared to take them, but we all know that the practical joker is very obtuse when the joke is at his expense, although others enjoy it hugely. One of these jokers, who was also an amateur ventriloquist, was recently a passenger on a steamer, and having a slight acquaintance with tho engineer was allowed to enter the engine room. He took a seat in the cor ner, pulled his hat down over his eyes and appeared to be lost in reverie. Pres ently a certain part of the machinery began to squeak. Tho engineer oiled it and went about his usual duties. In the course of a few minutes the squeaking was heard again, and the engineer rushed out, can in hand, to lubricate" tho same spindle. Again he returned to his post, but it was pulv a few minutes until the same old spindle was squeaking louder than over. "Con found tho thing!" he cried. "It is be witched. More oil was applied, but tho engineer began to be more suspicious as to its cause. Soon the spindle squeak ed for the fourth time, and on this oc casion the engineer slipped up behind the ventriloquist and squirted half a pint of oil down his back. "There," said ho quietly, "that spindle won't squeak any more!" It didn't.--Atlanta Constitution. with .largest house in the west, 20 years established. With our fa cilities we can make a good salesman in two weeks from raw material.^Nw«ery ̂ "gck^^onable. Inquire at the Bank of • His Mission. To promote the increase of natural knowledge and to forward -the applica tion of scientific methods of investiga tion to all the problems of life to the best of my ability in the conviction (which has grown with my growth and strengthened with my strength) that thero is no alleviation for the sufferings of mankind except veracity of thought and action and tho resolute facing of the world as it is when the garment of make believe by which pious hands have hidden its uglier features is stripped off. It is with this intent that I have sub-, ordinated any reasonable or unreason able ambition for scientific fame which I may have permitted myself to enter tain to other tends; to the populariza,- tion of science; to the development and organization of scientific education; to the endless series of battles and skir mishes 0?rer evolution, and to untiring opposition to that ecclesiastical spirit, that clericalism which in England, as everywhere else, and to whatever de nomination it may belong, is the deadly enemy of science.--Tho Late Professor Huxley. The Salvation of St. Sophia. On the morrow, at the first capture of the city, the janizaries rushed to the great church, which they conceived was filled with gold, silver, and precious stones. They found the doors fastened, but broke them open and at once began to pillage. The sultan, as soon as pos sible, rode to St. Sophia. Dismounting on the threshold, he stooped down, and collecting some earth let it fall on his tnrbaned head as an act of humiliation. Then he entered the edifice, but stopped in the doorway some moments and gazed in silence around him. He saw a Turk breaking the floor with an ax. "Where fore dost thou do that?" inquired the conqueror, "For the faith," replied the soldier. Mohammed in an impulse of anger struck him, saying, "Ye have got enough by pillage and enslaving the city; the buildings are mine. "--"The Church of St. Sophia," Lethaby and Swainson. Brooding. Brooding over trials and difficulties and disappointments is one of the most prominent and sure characteristics of fretfulness. The mind seems to fasten itself on life's troubles. It thinks of lit tle else from morning till night, and then in the nighttime sleep departs and the time that should be spent in sleep is spent in fret and worry until it festers and becomes more and more absorbing, so, much so that tho mind becomes, wholly occupied with the thought of trmihlft. ^ Tn many cases this state of things continues till itk victim finds a home in tho insane asylum.--Selected. "The WorUI Is Mine." "What's the matter?" as'ked the po liceman ; "haven't you any place to go?" "Any place ter go?" replied Mean dering Mike, with contempt. "I've got tho whole United States before me. I've got so many places ter go ter dat it's worryin me dizzy makin, up hie mind which way ter start."--Washington Star. ' •. Cheaper. Money saved to the consumer by- buy- Minnie -Dear me ! It costs $31,000 to ing Clothing by sample of J. W. Cristy & j kill a man m battle uo\\ adays. • Son. Goods and prices guaranteed to" j /Mamie--I wonder why they don t use please or no sale, ' ' trolley cars. --Indianapolis JournaL FOR RENT Furnished Cottages, with Boats, &c., f$y the month or for the season. Terms ' Living Stones In Falkland. The most curious specimens of vege table or plant life in existenco>are the so called "living stones" of the Falk land islands. Those islands are among the most cheerless spots in the world, being constantly subjected to a strong polar wind. In such a climate^t is im possible for trees to grow erect, as they do. in other countries, but nature haa made amends by furnishing a supply of wood in the most curious shape imagi nable/ • • • /. ; ; ' - . , .: The visitor to the Falklands sees scat-1 tered here and there singular shaped blocks of what appear to be weather, beaten and moss covered bowlders. in various sizes. Attempt to turn One of thesQ "bowlders" over, and yon will meet With a surprise; because the stone is actually anchored by roots of. great strength--in fact, you: will find that you are fooling with one of the native" ' trees. No other cohntry in the world has such a peculiar,"forest" growth, and it is-said to be next to impossible to work the odd shaped block into fuel, because it is perfectly devoid of "grain" and appears to be nothing but a twisted mass of woody fibers.--London Ex change. Keaped the Advantage of Being Dead. ' ,A well known Italian poet hit on a neat plan for securing the distinction that comes from death, without the pains. He published a striking volume of lyrics, affixed an unknown name to it, and in a laudatory preface told of the bard's wretched life and early un timely taking off, even pointing out for the benefit of admirers the position Of his tomb in a certain cemetery. The book had all the flavor of genius perish ed in its young promise, and secured a big sale, a deluge of. sentimental tears being shed by countless damsels over the dead singer. And when the deceased un known was secure in his posthumous reputation and had rak£d in shekels enough to make the publication a.good thing on the business side the well known poet came out with the confes sion that no such young writer had ever existed. The name was a pen name adopted by himself. The bogus death was a device he had invented. The suc cess of his peculiar log rolling caused a sensation, arousing indignation or amuselnent, as it happened, but on the whole vastly helping his own selling powers.--Hartford Courant. ' „ Birds Shnn Sour Cherries. Birds are said to have a sweet tooth 'n as Well as members of the human fam ily and can tell a sweet cherry from a sour cherry better than the average boy, who" is supposed to know more about cherries than any other creature. They certainly let alono the sour class of cherries, as the Morellos are usually termed, when they have the chance of foraging on the sweeter kinds. For this reason the Morello, or "pie," cherries are much more popular around cities where birds and boys are likely to be troublesome. A point not generally known is that these" trees usually grow as dwarfs, but make quite large trees' when grafted on the Mazzard stock. They grow dwarf and are very produc tive when grafted on the Mahaleb. If not quite as productive as when grown on the latter, the fruit is much finer in every x-espect, and for this reason as Well as from the fact that they make larger trees they are more popular for the sit uations indicated.--Median's Monthly. . Agnosticism, There can bo no hope apparently of laying new foundations for a rational theology in any direction excepting that of the study of the universe and of hu manity as manifestations of the supreme power, in that spirit of thoroughgoing 1 intellectual honesty of which Huxley is truly said to have been an illustrious ex ample. That we are made and intended to pursue knowledge is as certain as that we are made and intended to strive for the improvement of our estate, and ', we cannot tell how far or to what reve lations the pursuit may lead us. If reve lation is lost to us, manifestation re mains, and great revelations appear to be opening on our view. Agnosticism is right if it is a counsel of honesty, but ought not to be heard if it is a counsel - of despair.--From "Guessesat the Rid- dle of Existence," by Professor/ Gold- win Smith, in North American I^view. Anecdote of Norbury. It is said of Lord Norbury that he would at any time rather lose a friend than a joke. On one occasion he began the sentence of death in this wise: "Prisoner at the bar, you haVe been found guilty by a jury of your country men of the crime laid to your charge, . and I must say I entirely agree with the verdict, for I see 'scoundrel' written in your face." Here the jprisoner interrupt ed with, "That's a strong reflection from your, lordship," whereupon the judge, keenly appreciating the joke, commuted the sentence into transporta tion for seven years. He Understood Woman. Ethel (angrily),--Why did you not come last night, as yon promised? Jack--I had good reasons for not coming. Ethel--I don't believe it. What, were they? . Jr.pk--Well,; just as J was about to start Miss Br;owu dropped in to see motner. ( Ethel--You poor, dear! Forgive ni& r What a tiresome evening you must'have had#--Boston Courier. White Capping Cp to Date. "I understand that the citizens gavd Jones' six hours to leave town?" "They did." "What, was the trouble?" „ "All of them were owing, him §money. "--Atlanta Constitution. A girl feels flattered when told she looks well- in anything, but u wife thinks such a compliment only a plot to get her to wear old clothes. Faith is a certain image of eternity. All things are present to it--things past and thi ngs to come. --Jeremy Taylor.