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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Aug 1895, p. 1

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Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." "M-ore, .room is needed for our elegant di Goods, which are arriving dailyv In order to for these -goods we will sell at less than half r>ri« splay of Fall > make room iess Duck Suiting. 15e c Lawns, regular 12e jrood; A new line of side and hail' ornaments eeived . "" VOL, 21 M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1895. P UBLISHED E VERY W EDNESDAY BY - J T . V A N S L Y K E EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. ~ OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK. Two Doore North of Perry- & Owen's Stori, Proiielor of McHenry Brewery NO. 7. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year (in advance).. . .v.. . . . . . . . . . . .$1 50 I t Not Paid within Three Months.. . . . . 2 W »' Subscriptions rfeceiveo for three or six months in the same proportion. ' . RATES OF ADVERTISING : We announce liberal rates for advertising n the PL-AINDBALEK , and eadeavor t,o state them so plainly that they will be readily un d«rstood. They ate *B follows: . 1 In*h one year' ~ - 8'0<i 3 Inches one year - - " ." - - 1000 3 Inches one year - • - - _15 00 Column one year . . . - - 30 00 Oolumn on'e year- . . . . 6000 Column one year - - - - - 100 00 One ncn means the measurement of one iaoh down the column,Bingle column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they choose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning .those having standing cards) will be entitled to msertioc of local notioes at the rate ol 5 cents per line ach week. All others will be charged 10 cents per line the first week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and 6 oents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inoh advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, $1.50 for two weeks, $2.00 for three weeks, and so on. The P LAINDEALBK wil) he liberal In giving e litorial notioes, but, as a business rule, i t will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of i ts columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. C FRANK L. SHEPAED, L O U N S E L L O R A T L A W . Suite 514--36 La Salle St. , Chicago. O. H. F EG EES, M, D- PHYSIOIAN AND SURGEON, MeHenrj Ills. Office at Residence. JOS, L. ABT, M. D, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCOLIST, Office in Nichols Bltck, over Plaiudeaier Office, MeHonry Telephone No 4. DR. A. E. AURINGER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in the Stroner build' .ug, one door weft of A. P. Bier 's store, West McHenry, III. Residence, house formerly occupied by Dr Osborne, Alt professional ealls promptly at­ tended to, J . B. HOWE, M. I), PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Cffi ' .e and Resilience, Hotel Wuodbtock. Offiec hours 1 to 2 P. M daily, cails promptly at­ tended to Deserving poor treated tree o< charge at office, including meuicine Monday and Friday. F. O. COLBY, D, D. S. DE N T I H T . Woodstock. 111. Special aien-tion paid to regulating children's teeth, Parties coming from a distance will do well to give timely noiice by mail. Cilice, Kendal block corner Main street ami Public Sq are C. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, solicitor, andi Counselor, Collections a specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. KNIGHT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. U. S . Express co. 's Building, 87 and 89 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL. JOH,N P. SMITH, W atchmaker «Sc Jeweler MCHENRY . ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches ana Jew elry always on hand. Special atteotio: given to repairing fine watches. Give me JOHN P- SMITH H. G „ M E A D , Justice oj the Peace and General In­ surance Agent Including Accident arid Life Insurance. O FFICE WITH B . G ILBERT, NEAR D EPOT, " WEST "MCHENRY, 111. W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Real Estate and Insurance. KUNDA, III. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and «Jeweler No. 126 Sfate Street,.Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches an t Chronometors . A Fnll Assortment of Goods in his line. Westerman & Son, HOUSE, SiCN AND CARRIAGE PAINTERS, M CH ENRY, I LLINOIS. We are prepared to do all work in our llrt on short notice and guarantee satisfaction PAPER HANGING A 3PECIALT Y. Prices reasonable and w> sk f promptly done. WESTERMAN & SON. McHenry, Jihnary .30, 1894. JOHN J. BUCH, McHENRY, ILL. Always on Hah'd with the Best Beer. BOARDING HOTSB, Near tb«-Iron Bridge, McHenry, Board by the Day or Wook at Reasonable rates, A N ICE L INE OF; R OW B OATS AT MY L ANDING. Pure Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars always on hand. WFreshLa^er Beer constantly on draught 4hjf, Uf AHITCn 8 °r W m e n t 0 solicit orders W An I C.U for Hardy Nursery Stock Fruit and Ornamentals ; also new and valu able varieties of Seed Potatoes. Permanent position*; gc od salary, ranging from $75 to 4|125 pir month, Apply quick with references, L. L. WIAY & CO., St Paul, Minn. • Jfurflerymen, Florists and Seedmen. DECLINE IN PRICES ON ALL KINDS OF Our heavy purchases of fall and winter goods compel us to make ample room for their arrival. DRESS GOODS, SUITINGS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, UNDERWEAR, FURNISHINGS, HOSIERY, HATS, ETC, Our thus,far reliable and carefully handled Next Visit, Friday. Sept. 6th. WOODSTOCK, IL., DR IBUTH'S DS SB DISPEMSART At the Hotel Woodgtqek. . DR IPRUTB., after years of experience has pcy-feeted ,tbe most infallible method-of cur. »ng NerVVmfr deodity, . .decay of body Sind mini!, sel '-distrtial, popr memory, weak eyes, stunted development, lack of memory, tux- poveriabed blood,"low vitality, and all edccts of ah'tues, excesses, improper life, etc., wl.ich renders marriage unhappy and life miserable. SPbCiALTJES--Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Sores* Pi nplcs, Scrofula, Biood Taint, Eczema, Can- c«r, Piles, and Diseases of Women We Guarantee to Forl 'ei j SSOO for a case of SEXUAL DISEASE iSJ.'RSft; Jure. Qfuestiort l ist FREK. < ne personal interview 'solicited. Consultation freo DR. D. O, FRU TK, 37 I 6 Lake Ave., Chicago? NEW CASH GKMIE The undersigned having leased the Pekovsky Block, One Door South of Post Office M r I I E X R ) ' , I L L . , Has refitted the same and put in a Full Line of SHAKE Family Groceries, Kerosene, Gasoline, Potatoes, Freeh Bread (Elgin), Tablets, Pencils, new- Teas, new Coffees. Cur Bakery Supplies, Received from the Rock ford Bakery are abso­ lute!. ' fresh every day. Bread, "IJuns, l!is- cult, Cookies, etc., always on hand. Canned Goods, and all kinds of Fruits in their season can be found at our store, which will be offered to the buying public "f the Lowest Living Prices, for Cash, ir g(Oip)ds are all fresh, new and clean, d we hope by fair dealing and good ods to merit and receive a share of blic patronage. C. B. SVSURPHY. McHenry, March IS, 1895. The 29th Annual Reunion of the 95th Ills. Vols. ^ Will be held at Nunda, lib, Wednesday, September 4, 1895. Headquarters at G. A. R. Hall. Business meeting at eleven o'clock sharp for the election ot officers, etc., - Committee of Arrengements--Lieut. Win. H. Huffman, Wm. P. St. Clair, F. E. C-ox. - Reception Comnut tee-- Nunda Post, No. 22<>,.G. A. R. • Pinner "will be served by the- ladies of i the W. R C., at 12:30 P. M,-, at-25 cents pp^r plate, at the National rink. • ORFRER-BV"E-XERQISES AKD PROGRAM. Pj ayer.,r.i ..Chaplain Satterfield Soug.„.. r.... M.ale QuArtette Address of Welcome.:.Capt. J. E. Berkley Response.......... ....Judge W. W-. W-bod. ng. M iile Qtl artetpe Recitation........... .......;.. Ethel S'arggnt Song.. -Male Quartette Short Addressed.. W. Andrews and others Song-- America By A11 Comrades of the gallant 95th Regi­ ment:--You are most cordially „ invited by the good people of Nuuda, to hold your 29th Annual Reunion in their beautiful village: Come and enjoy a da.v of relief from the business cares of lile and join your old comrades in Fraternity Charity and Loyalty. If you cannot come write F. E. Cox, Secretary, Nunda, a letter to be read to those that do come. Nothing you can do, unless it -is to be here, be enjoyed like a letter from you. W. H. Ht i FMAN, President. F. E. Cox, Secretary. All must <xo if at less than cost. Clothing, Capes, Jackets, FINE FQpTWEAR, Are marked for sacrifice. Rare Bargains in Remnants of all kinds. Special drives in tine Wall Paper,-Window Shades, Lace Cur­ tains, Carpets and Oil Cloths, before inventory. New stock of Beloit Shirts, Pants, Overalls and Jackets. New and original styles in the famous C. II. Fargo & Co.'s custom Shoes just received. ^ Pure Groceries, Lest of Flour. Watch our new fall goods, to arriVe soon. 1IV! orv STOF FEL. Does smoke from your cigar arise Like incense in the air? Or does it only cause a smudge And make your neighbor swear? Why will you stick to cabbage leaves • And drive your friends afar, When you can purchase for a dime "Our Monogram" cigar? BARBEAN BROS. Choice Cigars. We can sell you one or a thousand--retail or ivhiSleeale. PROTECT YOUR HORSE! BY m'YINd ONK OF THOSE Handsome Fly Nets Now on exhibition at our shop. We also have a full line of Dusters, Whips, etc.,*to which we invite your at­ tention, and will guarantee to please you in QI ALITY, STYEE AND intifK. A fine stock of SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS Which will be sold cheaperthan the same goods can be bought elsfewhere and war­ ranted as represented. ItEPAIUII\« Proiii])tlj Attended to, I >o not fail to call at once and get the benefit of our bargains. CUS CARS-SOW. i McHenry, 111., June 18, 1895. S T A T E O F I L L I N O I S ill be kept up in future. ill visit, the city every Thursday and will fill all special orders of a reasonable nature. ^ SIMON STOFFEL. $ TH N K O F T H E M O N E Y MADE from Inventions--novelties, or simple useful labor-saving devices, If ytu have raa-io a.discovery or worKCd out a rnechanical problem we'll give reliable advice as to patentability. The- "Inventive Age," illustrated magazine, 6*th year. In intetest of inventors, guarantees work or Us ' Patent Department," and illustrates and describes useful inventions tree, Complete, valid, strong and comprehensive patent ; best t e r m s ; a d v i c e f r e e , A d d r e s s T H E I N V E N T ­ IVE AGE, Washington, D C. < AVINGS • and surplus funds received and loaned on carefully BO- lected real estate securities and the interest collected"!" rVA*~\TQ land remitted without JL^\J1\O • s L 0 B charge. Loans made on time and term* f \o/ to suit borrower. J . ,W. RANtilK/k-l), 21 UuPftge street, JjUinju Illinoi*. " If you wish to It, send us your will receive our Catalogue frep 5'ECUKIT -- ROE know all about address and you Price List and ' "H'T'lJiNS Wil. 1 ' QH EBBT C OUNT Y, Circuit Court of McHenry County, Septem­ ber term, A, D. 1.895. Adelbert S. Wriftht, vs. Chas, E Irwin and FrnnlcC Irwin as executors and trustees under will of Major F. Irwin deceased, J >hn Gordon, Carrie Irwlh,Gordo-, John Dowling Gordon and Irwin Leslie Gordon in chancer . Affidavit of* the non-residence of Came Irwin Gordon John Oow ling Gordon ind Irwin Leslie Gordon, ot tho defendants above uamert, having been filed in the office of the Clerk of said Circuit Court of McHenry ci unty, notice is hereby given to the said niin-resl en' , defendents that the complainant lile 1 his bin ot noinpMint in snid court, on the Onancerv side thereof on the 271 h day "f July A. D. 1695, and that a summons thereupon issi evl out of said'court against saui nei 'end- bnt-fv r-et-nrnaivle.o.n.ttL!! 23 I dav of Sep <>m er I) 1K95, as is by law required. Now there­ fore, unless you the said Carrie Irwin Gordon JoHn Howling Gordon and Ir.v. la Leslie Gor­ don shall personally tie and Appear before the said Circuit Court of McHenry county on the first day o< the next term thereof, to be hold- en at, the Courthouse, ir. the city of Wood­ stock, in i-a 'd cui ty, on the 231 day,, of Sep­ tember, A. D. 1895, and p'ead answer or demur to the said.complainant '? bill of complaint-, the sanje and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be tajiert as confessed an dad ecree en tore'- against you according to the prayer of said bill . In testimony whereof I have hereunto <et my hand and affixed the seal,of said C urt, at my Kffice in Woodstock this 27th day of July A. D. 1895. W, P. M ORSE, Clerk. V.A.Wright,) ^Complainant 's Solicitors. Jas. Casey, ) , July 27th, A. D. 1895, 4 w6 Do You Wan| WnrTr ? A steady payingjol> Vv UX JUL • with lar.-est/iiouse in the west, 20 years es'ablished. With our fa­ cilit ies we can make & good salesman in two weeks from raw material. Nursery stock that is warranted to grow. 25 be»t varietiea i eed potatoes in the world, etc. If you want money write, stating age. L L. MAY & CO. St. Paul, M!nnv Nurserymen, Florists arid Seedsmen. ' ' * (Tbis nouse is_reaponsible) t. List of Jurors. The sheriff of McHenry ^county has been Commanded to summon the follow­ ing to serve as jurors at the September term of the Circuit Court to be held at Woodstock, 111., commencing Monday, Sept. 23, 181)0. (i It A N It . t P. R. Grifllth •. Riley E. E Howe, 8cot,t Keeney Marengo M F. Sweeney... Dunham F. J. Hubbell Chemung John Baldock Alden I). F. Coakley Hartland Dell Sanford Seneca W. A. Boies Coral Chas. Whittomore Grafton J. C. Johnston, A. H. Murphy Dorr Geo. Sonderieker ........Greenwood E. Strat'ton, H. Beuedict Hebrcdi Geo. Herbert Richmond Wm. Pierce Burton P. Martin, Simon Stoffel McHenry M. Miller, Wm. Gilbert .......Nunda A. Doig, Henry Hetiek Algontpiiti PETIT. .las. Smith Riley H. Porter, L. Swain, C. Hicks....Marengo John Beck, John Collins Dunham W. B. Walker, F. Young Chemung T I IOH. Collins, Owen MeGee " John Clark, Chas. Cash f. Alden S. L. Lincoln Hartland ( has. Deilz, M. Johnson Sene<;a Daniel Durkee : Coral C. St:alf>s, J , T. lvclley Grafton F (irilfiug, H. Schwamb Dorr M. Dassow Greenwood Louis \'ogel Hebron J. O. Couiman, W. Thomas Richmond Washington Snyles.: " \\ in. Carey, C. Thompson, Jr Burton Ed. Haldenian " C. Harrison, J. M. Blake., McHenry G. Moran, E. Barnes, L. Grover....Nunda F. Pinnow, J. Stewart Algon/juin Louie Kernmine J> " S P R I N G G R O V E , The greater part of the farmers have finished threshing. Grain yielded more than expected in most cases. There is talk of the Spripg Grove fac­ tory, now owned by James West lake, be­ ing purchased by the farmers. . Nearly all the money has be^n promised. We learn that Thos. Oxtoby has pur­ chased part of an Iowa creamery and will move there soon. \\ illard Colby and Warren Cole took horses to Chicago to sell this week. Mrs. Asa Most*, of Belvidere, is visiting her son here. The Lotus Beds are at their best now. The foundat ion for the Town Hall is nearly completed. John Skillicorn is do­ ing the mason work. ..-There-will be a Sunday School Picnic next Wednesday, at Cedar Island. They will leave Pierce's lauding at 10 o'clock, take dinner at Cedar Island and then take a trip around the lake. Rev. and Mrs. Helmuth are expected to be with us. Thos. Turner spent last week at Ringwood. County Fair at Woodstock, For the above occasion the Northwest­ ern Line will sell excursion- tickets at re­ duced rates to Woodstock, III., and re­ turn. Tickets on sale from August 2G to 30 inclusive, good for return passage to August 31, 1895. For tickets and full information apply to agents C. & N. W. R'y. 7 w2 County Fair at Wlieaton. For the above occasion the Northwest­ ern Line will sell excursion tickets at re­ duced rates to Wheaton and return. Tickets on sale from August 26 to 30 in­ clusive, good for return passage to Aug- uss 31, 1895. For tickets, and full infor­ mation apply to agents C. & N. W. R'y. 7 w2 Low Rates to Marengo, 111, On account of the Anniversary Cele­ bration, Order of the Knights of the Globe, at Marengo, the Northwestern Line wflT, on August 27 and 28, sell ex­ cursion tickets at reduced rates to Ma­ rengo and return, good returning until August 29, 1895. For tickets and full information apply to agents C, & N. W. R'jy- « 7wl D R. A BT is prepared to test eyes ac­ curately. The spectacle lenses are ground to order in each case. D R. B AECHLER, Dentist, guarantees all his work. Office trver Heanian Bros. Jewelry Store. ' Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. For low prices and good full measure remnants go to S. Stoffel's. Three Bicycle Races. Over §100 in prizes will be given at the McHenry County Fair, Friday. Aug. 30, at 1:30 P. M. -1st event, Vmile novice--1st prize gold medal, value $10 ; 2d prize large floor pump, value $2.50; 3d prize, standard eyclometer, $2. 2d event, 2 mile handicap--1st prize gent's gold watch, value, §25; 2d prize, banquet lamp, value, $10; 3d prize, gold vest chain, value, $5. 3d event, 1 mile open---1st prize, dia­ mond stud, value, $35; 2d prizv, stop watch, registers 1.5 second, value, §10: 3d prize, gents seal ring, value, $7-. Entries will close Saturday, Aug. .21. An.entrance.fee 6! §1 will entitle contest­ ants to all races. Send for entry blanks to Geo. B. Richa'rds, secretary, sanction­ ed by L. A. W. Racing Board. •- . :' j THE BEAUriFUIi ROCKIES They Contain the Grandest Scenery and the Richest Gold Mines in the World. For unknown wealth in fabulously rich mines of gold aud silver and sparkling precious gem stones, not to mention the lovely scenery, our own Rocky Moun­ tains excel any region on earth. The Illust.ruti"I Weekly, of Denver, Colorado, (founded 1890) illustrates the choicest scenery each week and tell all about the wondei ful west. Also true storiesof lovt and adventure. This big family paper, containing eight large pages, fifty-six cplumns, will be sent on trial three months (thirteen weeks) for only ten two cent stamps; club of six for a dollar bill. Handsome gold rings set with beautiful Rocky mountain gems are given free as premiums. Address as above and men­ tion the 1' LAIN DEALER when you write. THE MAN Or woman who once gives Dr. Caldvp^lV Syrup Pepsin a fair trial becomes so fully satisfied with its great merits as a cure for indigestion, constipation, and other forms of stomach and bowel trouble that it ever afterward takes front rank on the closet shelf as a family medicine. For sale in 10c, 50c and $1 sizes by Julia^A^ Story. Don't Tobaoco Spit or Smoke your Life Away. The truthful startling title of a book about No-to-bac, the only harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit cure,, that braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No- to-bac is sold by Julia A. Story under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. New York or Chicago. ' FOR SALE. The farm Known as the John Fitzsim mous farm, situated three miles north east of Nunda ami six miles south ol McHenry, containing 317% acres. Thii- i- one of t he best stock farms in McHenry county. Has the finest farm house and barn in the county and all improvementi- are first class. Is in a good state of cul tivatiori. Will be sold cheap. For fur ther particulars inquire at the farm, OT at 69 Ogden Avenue, Chicago. J OS I'M'H FlT7.SiMMO.NS, J A M K S FI TZSIM .\ IO N.S. 19m6 Administrators. HALF OF HAPPINESS Depends upon the stomach. If you hav< no constipation, indigestion, chroni' sick headache, summer-complaint or an\ other trouble of the stomach or bowels, you ought to be happy--usually are Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin rids you ol these ills. It's pleasant and powerful It doesn't cost you $1 to try it. Sold in 10c bottles as well as 50c and $1 sizeb at Julia A. Story. STOMACH NOT JUST RIGHT? Here's what will cure it: Dr. CaldwellV Syrup Pepsin--a palatable, certain rem edyTor constipation, indigestion, chronit sick headache, summer complaint or an\ trouble of the stomach or bowels. Foi sale in 10c, 50c and $1 sizes by Julia A. Story. Loans Negotiated. Do you want money? I can get it foi you. Have you real estate to sell oi rent7 Do you want to buy or rent? 1 can help you. Terms reasonable. 2yl II. C. M EAD, West McHenry. FOR RENT AT PISTAKA BAY. Furnished Cottages, with Boats, &c.. by the month or for the season. Termt. Reasonable. Inquire at the Bank o> McHenry:. ASHES T O CURE C U T S . Russian Fliysici&na Revive an Old Cossack Method of Treating Wounds. Some of tho best known physicians in Russia are strongly advocating the adop­ tion in the government hospitals of ail old Cossack custom of treating cuts and wounds with ashes. The Cossack peas­ antry have treated cases in this fashion from time immemorial, and Dr. Pash- koff, a Russian physician who has been studying the treatment, recently said in an interview in a Russian medical jour­ nal: "I strbngly recommend the treating of severe cuts and wounds with ashes. Experiment has ponvinced me of the thorough efficacy of the treatment, and in addition it is cheap, takes little time to arrange and does away with bulky bandages, which haveSjlways been the bane of nurses and physichms. The best ashes aro those resulting from the burn­ ing of some cottoy stuff or linen, and only a very thin layer should be applied. If tho wound has been some dirty instrument and there is danger of blood poisoning, it should be first wash­ ed thoroughly with a lotion. The ashes with tho blood form a bard substance, under which the most severe cuts heal vyith remarkablo rapidity." Dr. I^ashkoff has experimented with ashes on 28 cases of cuts, and only two of the entire number failed to result successfully. These cases would have been cured, too, had not the nurses fail­ ed to apply prescribed lotions to the wounds before the physicians took them in charge. It is . extremely probable that the ashes treatment will be adopts ed in the St. Petersburg hospitals before long. A Model English Public. Ol a plain and unpretentious- exterior 'it stands near the center of the village, hard by the church and the rectory. The sign of the boar's head nailed against the wall over the door indicates the character of the establishment, just as in its unregene'rate days. Neither parade nor concealment has been attempted. In­ side you have .the ordinary taproom, furnished with wooden seats and a small bar, and a larger parlor adjacent. Dur- ing the major part bf the day little busi- uess .is done, and what there is can ha easily attended to by the manager's' wife--a tidy woman, vfho can keep the accounts. With the exception of "occa­ sional passersby, the fc&stomers are" an almost constant quantity and regular iri- their habitg. . The same men come day by day and drink just about the'came amount of beer, although no attempt is made to limit them, except of bourse by the con­ dition of sobriety, They have their pint! after dinner.and their pint and a half or so again in the evening, when they comev to sit and smoke and discuss the weather aud the crops. The liquor dispensed is light, but clean and palatable stuff. Drunkenness seldom occurs, and then only in persons who have come in from other places already the worse for liquor and have been accidentally served with more.--National Review. What Was a Yeoman? The following quotation from Bishop Latimer's "First Sermon Preached Be­ fore Kiijg Edward VI," March 8, 1549,. is a good illustration of the meaning of this wore! and shows the primitive man­ ners and customs of those times: "My father was a yeoman and had no lands of his own, only he had a farm of 8 or 4 pound by year at the utter­ most, and hereupon he tilled so much as kept half a dozen men. He had walk for 100 sheep, and my mother milked 30 kine. Ho was able and did find the king a harness, with himself and his horse, while bo came to the place that he should receive the king's wages. I can remember that I buckled his har­ ness when w« went unto BlacJ^ieath field. He kept me to sghool, c* else I had not been able to have preached be­ fore the king's majesty now. He mar­ ried my sisters with 5 pound, or nobles apiece, so that he brought them up in godliness and fear of God. He kept hospitality for his poor neighbors, and sony? alms he gave to the poor. And all this he did of the said farm, where ho that now hath it payeth 10 pound by year or more and is not able to do any­ thing for his prince, for himself nor for his children, or give a cup of drink to the poor.'--Notes and Queries. The French Postal Dictionary. Recently a postal dictionary, about the size of Webster's Unabridged, has, been published in the French language by the international postal union. It contains the names of all the postoffices in the world, 203,200. Everything from Aa, an office in Nor­ way, to Zywice, in Austria, is given. Even our own little Uz, in Texas, is there. In names of offices' and places this book furnishes several amusing in­ cidents. For instance, Tombstone is given as in "Territoire duArezonie;" "Las Vegas, Territoire du Nouvean-- Mexique;" West Virginia is "Virginie Occidentale;" South Dakota is "rDakota du Sud," and North Dakota is "Dakota du Nord, " and the District of Columbia is "District de "Colombie, Etats-Unis d'Amerique." Here can be found, the offices of Hell-fer-Sarteu, Yuba Dam; plain, everyday Hell, in Norway; ELiss- Me, in Montana ; Who, iu Texas ; Hell's- Half-Acre, in Dakota; Breckinridg^ in several places, but Trilby is not in it-.-- Postal Record. He Had That Honor. A gentleman sojourning in Edinburgh and having heard much of the eloquence of the members of the general assembly paid an early visit to it. Next to him sat an elderly, hard featured, solemn faced man, who was leaning with both hands on a heavy stick, which he eyed with great concentration. Soon the stranger's attention was riveted upon the speaker who had opened the day's discourse. Tho wonderful command of language he possessed, combined with his eloquence, excited the listener's curiosity., "Can you tell me who is speaking now?" he asked eagerly, turn­ ing to the sober faced old man beside him. . "Who's speaking now?" echoed the old man, lifting his eyes from the contemplation of the stick to fix them in contemptuous amazement upon his interlocutor. "That, sir, is the great Docther Chawmers, and I'm holdin his stick." Relative Strength of Metal and Timber. Dr. Robert H. Thurston, in a recent article, discusses various materials in which comparisons of interest are made. At the outset he gives the following generally accepted figures: Ca«t iron weighs 444 pounds to the cubic foot and an inch square bar will sustain a weight of 16,500 pounds; bronze, weight 525 pounds, tenacity 36,000; wrought iron, weight 480, tenacity 50,000; hard "struck" -steel,' weight 490, tenacity 78,000; alumiuium, weight 168, tenac­ ity 26,000. A bar of pine just as heavy as a bar of steel an inch square will hold up 125,000 pounds, the best 175.000 and some hemlock 200, pounds. Wood is bulky. It occupies or 12 times the-space of steel. A Disappointed Storekeeper. A man went into a hardware store in Portland, Me., and asked for a second­ hand coffin. He said iie kept a country store and thought he-would keep second­ hand cqffins for sale. He thought the Portland' stores kept everything, from hornets' nests to secondhand coffins, and was grievously disappointed to thev didn't.--Hardware. Cold Is Dead Slo'sr. The Teacher--Now, who can which travels the faster--heat or Johnnie Bright (promptly course. Anybody can ha Bee.

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