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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Aug 1895, p. 4

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--Qlnall, moan's of:tra|Hicg ttia reapira- tion Dr. Fort&scue Fox thinks cycling is the best. When a person first-takes to cycling, he Is troubled with shortness of breath, his heart beats uncomfortably, and his legs get tired, but after some training these discomforts all--disap­ pear. Why should not-people liable to attacks of asthma also train their res­ piration by such a kind of exercise--of course on condition of the heart and lungs being in perfect health? Cycling exercise, firsfc-of alt; increases the depth of breathing, and that without fatigue, as the respiratory movements are auto­ matic. At the same time it will accus­ tom the rider instinctively to take in at each respiration the volume of air re- qnired to aerate the blood and to elim­ inate a fixed proportion of carbonic acid, leaving in the circulation the pre­ cise amount compatible With health. -- London News. Because He Stared at Her. 1 Lady Frances Wilson, daughter of Lord Aylesbury, was one day informed that a man who had recently died in a Pimlico lodging had left her a valuable estate in Hants. Incredulous, she went up to town and recognized there the re­ mains of a man who had very frequent­ ly annoyed her by staring at her at the opera. The same man had also bequeath-' ed £4,000 to the speaker of the house of; commons and £1/006 to the chancellor of the exchequer, neither of whom had .been aware of his existence.--Temple Bar. • . : . . : ^Tlte Intelligent Voters A correspondent of The British Weekly had some odd experiences in a county council election some time ago In a ru­ ral district >f England. "The names of the candidates were Mr. Hook and Colo­ nel Holland. 'Ah; well,' said a man to me, after I had been expatiating on the merits of one of them, 'I don't know nothing .about 'Ook, and I don't know nothing about 'Olland, but my wife's a Dutchwoman, and so I mean to vote for 'Olland.' " A Gentle Hint. Mr. Stayer--Miss Perksby, they say light travels at the rate of 130,360 miles per second. Miss Perksby -- Goodness gracious! Aren't you afraid it will overtake you before you get home?--Brooklyn Eagle. About 50 per cent of clerks and skill­ ed laborers own less than $1,000 worth of property, while the other half are re­ ported as having only from $1,000 to $10,000. The first buckwheat state is New York, with 280,029 acres and 4,675,785 bushels of product. F. L. McOmbers eral importers who are canvassing the, country selling flags and flAgstafts to the whool-lK>«Td«-of-the various districts and misrepresenting the requirements of the lawvpassed by the legislature requir­ ing that the American flag shall .flSat from the top of all school buildings. They represent to the directors that the law requires a certain kind of a metallic flag staff, and they are the commission­ ed agents and flags must be bought of them. .. Members of the school boards who have been approached by these agents, have reported the matter, knowing the representations of these agents were con­ trary to the law. These gentlemeu are informed that the agents are unnecessary and if they want flags for their school houses the local dealers will supply them with flags as cheap as anybody can. The instructions from the state superin­ tendent are to the effect.that a flag float­ ed from a pole in the school yard an­ swers the same purpose if the school board does not see fit to erect, a flagstaff oh the building, and the representations as to a certain kind of flag or staif being required are ialse. The law on the point is contained in the following extract: " SECTION 1. Bo in enacted by the people of the state of Illinois, represented in the general assembly: That it shall be the duty of all school directors and' boards of education of all public' schools in the- stated and trustetes and boards ,o? direct­ ors qf all colleges and educational ingti- tntions of every description in this s4&te, whether state, county, municipal, district sectarian or private, to provide United States national flags of not less than four by eight feet in size, and cause the same to be unfurled and kept floating from a suitable flagstaff to be placed on top of all public school houses, college buildings, and all the buildings used for educational purposes in the state whether the same be conducted by the state, or by county, township, municipal district, sectarian, corporation or pri­ vate authority, on each and every day when such schools, colleges and educa­ tional institutions are in session, from nine o'clock A. M. to four o'clock p. M. in each and every year. West WEDNESDAY, AtJG. 2£, 1895, McHenry VA3V 8LYKE, Editor. ifar Butter on.-the Elgin Board of Trade 'on Monday was steady; offering, 21,500 lbs: salcB, 12,840 lbs at 20c. Last week like price was 20%c; last year, 23@23%c. I®*The McCormick Machine Company jiias begun BUits against dealers at Wood­ stock, Ottawa and Elgin for infringe­ ment on their patent on a corn" harvest­ er. Thelitigation will extend to eight­ een or twenty states. WET The Democrate base their hope of carrying the election in this state this fall upon the Sunday anti-shaving law, very largely. It will take more than a Bhaving to return the discredited Democ­ racy to state control for a generation yet, to Come. . •--.•••- . I®*1 Messrs. Cleveland and Carlisle had better make haste , and sell out the eountry to Rothschild & Company. If the latter will take the country and pay its debts at the conclusion of Cleveland's administration in may, be the best that can bfe made of a bad bargain., SB"The Democratic free trade journals profess to rejoice because England , bought inore American wheat and co,t: ton during the last fiscal year than the . year previous. If it be true the reason therofof must be that the Yankee farmer could be pinched to lower prices than Russia or India farmers. RS?" A considerable number of the riot­ ers who drove the negro miners from their homes at Spring Valley have been committed to jail at Princeton to await the action of the grand jury. The evi­ dence in the preliminary examination showed that many of the negroes had been.wounded with shot guns and mal­ treated in other ways. It is shown that on the morning of the riot the Italian • police went through the%negro settlement- breaking open closets, drawers, etc., oh a . search warrant for' firearms, in a pre­ tended hunt for criminals. When the police returned to Spring Valley the fire bells were rung and the mob organized. I®" The startling disclosure of the fact that an insane patient at the Cook county infirmary at Dunning was killed by the brutality of attendants, finds its chief significance in its snggestivenees It is impossible to resist the conviction that this is by no means a solitary ca^e. A Chicago paper says that on the very day the facts in that particular case were dis­ closed a well known Chicago journalist, who had for some time been slowlv dying of paresis in the state asylum for the in­ sane at Elgin was buried. His face bore the marks of a wound. It may have been the result of a fall or of a blow. Could the secret, history of the insane asylums be written it would be heart sickening,--Ex. Some things that are wrong, perhaps, but nevertheless true. That I am not handling dry goods and notions, and still sell Tin­ ware,. Granite Iron-ware, etc. Not the grade that goes with a well assorted dry goods stock, but good serviceable ware, at less money, in a majority of cases, " - : That I do not sell flour and provisions, and yet carry the only stock of strictly high grade Cutlery in town, for which you are asked a uniform low price. ^ That I am not in the boot and shoe business, and am still allowed to sell. Sporting Goods, Fishing Tackle, Ammunition, etc. That I do hot carry a line of clothing, an^d So sell Lanterns, Bask­ ets, Brushes, Wringers, wood and iron Measures, etc. v; v-.v ' ;V. > ,;w * I carry a line of the best Stoves on earth, do all kinds of Job Work in sheet metals, make Roofing and Dairy Supplies-, a specialty. To close odds and ends of Russet Shoes we make these Ladies' High Button Russet Shoes,, F. L. McOMBER, West McHenry Ladies' Oxfords, tan Also a few dozen ladies' Black Oxfords, best and most comfortable everyday shoe in the market, 98c. - 10 yards Lawn or Challie, 25c, Saturday; till all is closed out (ST"The Waukegan Gazette, edited by State Senator Coon, says that it is re­ membered that erstwhile when wages were being cut in all directions to from 10 to 25 per cent, it was very seldom mention thereof was made in Demo­ cratic or free trade papers, but now it is noticed that their editors are climbing over each other to herald and then to call attention thereto, of e%rery 10 per cent advance. But doing they fail to notice the reason tnereof. They seem ro forget that when a free trade presi­ dent 8nd a free trade congress was elect­ ed in 1S92, and when the Wilson tariff act was passed business was booming, and that following the passage of that law came a period of business depression unknown in the history of the coufitry. Nothing has since occurred to change the situation except the overwhelming Re­ publican victories in 1894, and to them alone must be attributed the general re- newalo? business activitv. Republican suceessand supremacy always mean bus­ iness prosperity. Look out for the New Adver tisement of JACOB B0NSIETT, In this space, next week. Odd Pants Cheap runes We bid you welcome Shipped by Express Daily from Chicago. NOTICE All you men and boys that' want to On Every SIO Older Coal, Shorts We supply Boarding Houses and Hotels at Barrington, Palatine, Crystal Lake, Lake Geneva, and elsewhere. OR SUITS. Don't Miss this Chance On any kin d of goods sold in my store, at Chicago's lowest prices, E. LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside Hotel, McHenry Our rates to country patrons, on meats, carefully boxed and shipped are: Porter House Steaks lie Sirloin Steaks 9%c Beef Tenderloin Steaks 7%c Sugar Cured Hams, guaranteed 9%c Fancy Grade Bacon ,.9% Leg Lamb 7c Round Steak 8c Rib Roast, choice cuts 8c Corned Beef G%c Chicago references required, and no second order filled until first account is settled. Express charges paid on orders ex­ ceeding $10. REFERENCES :-- H^\T- Alones, Crystal Lake, 111. VX Our meats are high grade, strictly tresh and will keep for 8 days after re­ ceipt, if properly handled. Middlings, Bran, OiliMeal V- Oats, Gives you a chance to buy what you need, no matter what. It is cheaper than you ever have or ever will again. Don't spend a dollar until you see how much cheaper we are. Come a running or you will be too late to secure the best pair Ladies' Shoes you ever saw for $1.4-8. We make this price simply to start you on our line, bolieving in the merit of the goods to hold you and keep you wearing our line"of Shoes. Ground Feed Keeps open for the accommodation of the Public a Flrst-Olase Our lalest GOOD English decorated Dinner Sets a sensation One hundred pieces. Call and learn how to secure a set free. Get my prices on quantities frohi a bag-full to a car load, be­ fore buying elsewhere. Saloon and Restaurant West End Market, 2G2 West Madison St, CHICAGO. Where he will at Ml times keep the beat brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the market. FLOUR! PABST'S Milwaukee Lags; Beet At Wholesale aria Retail. . Another car, (500 sacks) of the cclel>rated Sleepy-Eye Flour just rc- fSBg£j.ceived, and every sack warranted; l^iPWhy use inferior Flour when Sleepy-Eye costs you no more. It 'siEepy.E*6: ' costs you nothing to try a sack. WES7 McHENRY, If L Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al­ ways on hand, oheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. Orders by mall promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOR HOR&F8 WOall and-see us. ^SlEEPY.E"^' Dealer in General Merchandise Robert Schiessle, ONE GIVES RELIEF, CARMERC • WANTED W to bny Farms In CENTRAL LAND PROMISE o«ST5,<< / THE INTER OCEAN Nunda, 111, r IS THE---±2 Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West And Has the Largest Circulation. 'DAILY (without Sunday) $6.oo per year TERMS DAILY (with Sunday) $8.oo per year BY MAIL The Weekly Inter Ocean l $1.00 V PER YEAR... ) 4/A A S A N E W S P A P E R T H E I N T E R OCEAN keep." abreast of ine times in ati U respects, it snares neither pains nor expense in securintr ALL THE NEWS AND THE BEST OF CURRENT LITERATURE. Z IWCHENRY, ILLINOIS, Wholesale and Retail Agent !for No Charge for Testing the Eyes. PERFECT FI l1 GUARANTEED. T H E B E S T M A D E . In any quantity from a Snitz G-lass to 1C0 barrels. Orders by mail promptly attendcdjjto. ALSO, ALWAYS ON HAND , Fine Kentucky Liquors* Frencb3 Sitters. choice Ales* Wines, Cigars, Etc, buy none but the best and s&ell at reasonable prices. .( all and see me and I will us use you well. ™ « AMONY ENGELN. McHenry, 111., 1894, Will be at O. T, Daniel's'Drug Store, Algpn quia, every Wecineeday, and at the office of Dr. Aunnger, West McHcnry, every Satur. day, commencing Feb.'23, 1895. A'so at4be office of Dr. Dawson. Wauconda. on Mondays and at the office of Dr. Rice, Richmond, every Friday. Office with.Dr, Werden, Nunda, 111, The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. It has something of interest to ench member of the family. II JTS YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT is the very best of its kind. II ITS LITERARY FEATURES,#re nnequaled. |] POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and gives Its readers the benefit of the THllf WORLD'0"8 °n "Ve P0'14*6®' topics, it also gives them THE NEWS OF IT IS A TWELVE-PAGE PAPER. JHE INTER OCEAN IS PUBLISHED IN CHICAGO, THE NEWS AND COriHEsklAL CENTER OF ALL WEST OP THE ALLEOHANY MOUNTAINS, AND IS BETTER PAPER FARTHER EAS^US °F THE PE0PLE 0F THAT SECTION THAN ANY It Is In accord with the people of the West both in Politics and Literature. >. 1 in Pl*{®££®n>®,n'>«r that the price of The Weekly Inter Ocean is ONLY ONE DOL- ADDRE" THE INTER OCEAN; Chicago. West Side Livery, FEED AND SALE STABLES ETJ.HANLY, Prop'r, WEST McHENUY, ILL. First class rigs, with or without drivers, furnisliedfat reasenable rates- Parties taken t'> and from the Lakes in Easy Rigs, and prompt connection made with all trains. Our Rigs will he kept in first clAes shape, and we snail spare no pains to please our-eus towers at all timea, Give us a call, E. J. HANLT, West McHenry, 111,, Aug. 15, 1891. A.C.SPURLING Veterinary < r . Surgeon, McHenry. Makes a speel ilty o^® CASTItATION. r Office n't llanly'a Livery Stable, West McHenry, 111, ' '

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