« Articles and Notices, under Hie above taea-i »re furauhed by the Ladies et the W, O, T. U andthe editor claims no part or credit for tte same. - A public school teacher in the Evening Post, Chicago, Bays of the cigarette evi) r r,In this section of the country this wril if woree than the alcohol habit, for it seems actually, to threaten extermina tion. There are babies, two of them only Ave years old, and the statement is 'corrobated by thetr elder brothers. One of the little ones was a pouting-lipped cupid but two years ago, now his tiny face is pinched and wrinkled, and his mouth hangs loose and. relaxed, like an old man's. The tide is rolling in at Willard Hall, and on each day's crest 1 see a sign of victory. Singer,®-and gifted men and women are offering themselves for work, and among those who have given their t ilents are the Chicago Temperance Quartette, who sang sweetly and help fully, and that means much, for I hold that souls can be sung into the kingdom of God as well-aaftalked in. There is a way of doing good in the World on a small scale that is scarcely appreciated. A man who educates one' cJiildiaithfully may effect a work of great er benevolence than one who has won the name of a philanthropist. The love concentrated on a family may produce richer fruits than that which embraces the world. Its action is more intense and invisible, but its results may go abroad and leaven the whole mass of a community. ^fCWOOD, H-1- OUR STOCK OF *VE ARE GrOINl TO GENERAL - MERCHANDISE ELGIN, ILL MAKE A HIT Is all new and fresh. No shelf-worn goods. We have no specialty to offer this week, but will give you Bargains In Every Department. We have just received a full line of the latest styles in HATS and CAPS for the Fall and Winter trade. Call and look them over. UNIVERSAL PROVIDER. ORIGINATOR OF LOW PRICES FLOUR ! * Another car, (500 sacks) of the celebrated Sleepy-Eve Flour jiist re-: ceived, and every sack Warranted; tSl^Why use inferior Flour .when Sleepy-Eye costs you no more. It costs you nothing to try a sack. '®IEEPYE^®' 'SlEEPYPf6' Assortment . We made quite a little purchase from one of the; Hew York aouses way up in KOHN BROTHERS* CHICAGO. * "HONOR BRIGHT" CLOTHING. received for this Occasion Combination" Wouldn't Work. Willie Garvin was always a good fel low, and in due course of time be got married, as a good fellow should. He acquired his growth long ago, not so with his family. Whenever he makes his census returns, he changes the fig ures. Up to a year ago he had accumu lated "one little, two little, three little Garvins":-- three beautiful, blooming 6'ons. Each time without exception it was a boy. r Being a schoolteacher and not wish ing to get rusty in his addition, multi plication, etc , be occasionally adds one to the list. The last addition came recently. A friend at once telegraphed: "Call him Lazarus on Scriptural authority. The Lord said, 'Lazarus, come forth.' " The answer went back: "Suggestion good, but combination won't work. The "fourth boy is a girl. "--Boston Budget. Politeness No Use. The apologists of the Spanish ad miral who fired shot at the Carrie A. Lane, hauled her to and boarded her, tell us: "The Spanish officers were very polite and made but a slight examina tion. " It reminds one of the Irishman and the bull. The bull chased him across the field, and just as Pat reached the fence he horned and tossed him, and Pat luckily alighted on the other side. The bull pawed the earth and bellowed. Pat looked at him and remarked, "Yes, be jabers, you're very perlite, bowin and scrapin and 'pologizin, but you did it a purpose, and you know it, you old brute!"--Chicago Inter Ocean. Dai! to Imagination. Some writers of sea songs were poor sailors. "I'm on the Seal I'm on the Sea!" wrote Barry Cornwall as if life on the ocean wave were a joy. But it was his imagination that wrote the song, for he was the sickest of sailors and detested the sea. "I had it from Mrs. Proctor," says Santley, the singer, "who told me that she used to tease him, humming a strain of his jovial sea song as he lay, a very log, huddled in shawls and a tar paulin, crossing the channel, with bare ly sufficient animation left to utter, 'My dear, don't!' " No place is tunneled so much as the rock of Gibraltar, where there are up ward of 70 miles of underground pas sages. When a man has not a good reason for doing a thing, he has one good reason for letting it alone.--Thomas Scott. Epping ̂ forest is the largest publio recreation ground in the world. Pillsbury's and Washburn's Best Flour. WILL SAVE I0D MONET prS||!!U 1J jlfokjn i I It's not going to revolutionize the Millinery business. It will not even change the map of the world, but it will simply put in your way the chance of being able to procure Saturday. Oct. 12, Monday, Oct, 14. Goods are all new and best styles, and it will be worth your time to see this assortment. Quality, style and prices will sel the goods. Terms,--^Thirty days on approved credit; two per cent off for cash. Coupons will not apply on this sale. WHEN YOU BUY IT In all its branches, whether a shape or a trimmed hat, an ornament, a feather, child's or miss's hat, trimmed or untrimihcd; ribbons, m fact anything in the millinery line, at prices that would be an im possibility under ordinary circumstances. And make, good bread when you use it. There are others, but Pillsbury's and Wasnburn's Best leads them all. Try them and you will use no other. Every sack warranted. POT CASH Washburn's Best, - - - - $1.1C Pillsbury's Best, .1,11 Leave your orders at the mill, we will do the rest Respectfully Yours, THEO. F. SWAN, KOHN BROTHERS, CHICAGO. "HONOR BRIGHT" CLOTHING. GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE Ringwood, 111 -- DEALER IN -- MAWWARS, STOVES, RAHGBS, ETC, WEST McHEKRT, ILL. COAL COAL JULIA A. STORY, DEALER IN In placing your orders for your winter's Coal remember that the Cross Creek Lehigh From the frozen north to the land of perpetual summer rime, artificial heat is a necessity at regular seasons of the year^ And it is not necessary to put up with the inconveniences of the past to have it. Nothing can so meet the requirements of all alike ae a Ci.n not be excelled It is one of the Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Hardest of Hard Coals, and we guarantee it to burn freely and last longer than other Coals. We have our Coal sheds filled with the above named Coal right now and can give you PRICES AS LOW AS HE LOWEST. Delivery to suit you Call and see us, examine our Coal, get our prices and we know you will be pleased. WILBUR LUMBER CO. West MeHenry, 111,, Aug. 14, 1895. Portable Heater of Convenient Size FDLL LINE OF Easily moved about, absolutely safe and with no coal or ashes around. PATENT, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. Have jvon favors as the highest type of their class. So reliable and free from any pmoke or oil smell as to be recommended by physicians for use in the sick room. They are the only Oil Heaters that are perfect in points of use and beauty, convenl ience and economy. Requires but one gallon of oil for 12 hours use. You need a heater of this description many times during the year, particularly in the fall and spring. You want the best when you buy, consequently you must get a Barler. I have them in four sizes, and would be pleased to have you call and see them in operation. It will pay you, as they are a handsome line. ins rrescimions Carefully compounded by a A ) Registered Pharmacist, Your Patronage Is respectfully solicited. 'JULIA A, STORY One Door West of Riverside Eouse, MoBenry, 111 F. L. McOMBEE, West MeHenry FURNITURE GEO, W. BESLEY R, HSSFm A large assortment of Chamber Suits, Dinin&®hairs> tFloor Rockers, Carpets, Window Shades, COMFORTERS, PILLOWS, ETC. ^?ew goods received every day. I do not allow any of my goods to get shop worn or out of date. '• a j > BALER IN- Drugs, Medicines, PAINTS, OILS, 'Toilet articles. PURE WINES AM LIQUORS For Medical Upf. Now is the time to drees up yonr feet to keep off the fall rains and frosts, There is no house as welt equipped to do this as we are,, with the Selz make, which needs no introduction here. We have made araangemsnts by which we can supply every boy and girl with the best wearing School School Shoes at the lowest living price. Rubber Boots, Grain Boots, Etc, CLOTH ittC. We will give you extra inducements in -- Clothing bo jght ot us for the next two weeks, as we must make room for our tall stook now ccming id* Also, Bottled Ale and Porter for Hedical Use UNDERWEAR. As the nights get cool you should not fail to call on us for this most necessary line of drets. We have the rightjWeights for this season ot the year. > Teraey Uly I^lour leads. Call for a sack, barrel or car load. . Yours for Fall Business, J Prices as Low as the Lowest A FULL LINE OF UNDERTAKING ON HAND • JACOB JTustmn. "MeHenry, III., July, 18U5. • . WM, H. C/&WLlti glee ftt SeBldanca, Madlson t. Woodstock JOHN J. MILLER, West MeHenry,