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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Oct 1895, p. 8

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rticles and Notices under the above head fur*l*hed by the Lfcdiea < t the VV..Q, T.U the editor claims no part or credit for tfce RI PANS T A BULKS THE ladies of the W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. W. B. Nogle. on Thursday af­ ternoon, Oct. 17th, at 2:30 o'clock. Mas. T. J. Walsh, President. ifBfl. F, L. McOmbeb, Secretary. Oh, Ye Cowards. Great evil6 are abroad in the land. jThey flaunt themselves in our fueee. /They^ life bold and impudent. They have no respect for # public sentiment. They sneer at those who protest. Why do we sit idly by and see corrupt men trample law and order in the; dust? Where is our conscience? Where is our courage? Take the present agitation for Sunday closing. In thousands of cities and vil­ lages the saloon has swung open its doors on the Sabbath in open defiance of the law, human and divine. Yet in near­ ly all these cities the majority of voters are in favor of the law. In all a fev de­ termined men could secure the laws en­ forcement. What is the matter? j A de­ cay of courage. And that on the/parf of many„who profess better things. Go to these men and ask thein to sign a peti­ tion to the mayor to close these hot-beds of evil, and what do you hear? You are told that the disregard for law is a burn­ ing shame, that the state of things .is abominable, etc. "But," says the moral coward, "I can't sign your petition for it Will hurt my business. The solobn con­ trols my people, and I shall suffer finan­ cially if I do anything to oppose it." So does* the respectable business man, law­ yer, dpctor, teacher go down on his knees before Bacchus, afraid to lose a dollar! Tell it not in Gatli, publish it not in Askelon! Principle is so cheap with the average American citizen that for the sake of a few dimes lie will throw it to the wind^and let the devil reign. We know one city where a canvass has recently been made of the voters. It was found that a large per cent of the respec­ table citizens refused to paiticipate in the effort for Sunday closing, all giving the same excuse, "It would hurt our trade." Such men are little better than the evil to which, in judgment, they are opposed. We shall never have a reign of righteousness in this country until we raise up men who put more than a com­ mercial value on conscience, and who have enough heroism to sacrifice that good may come. It is high time that men of principle were awake. If the only way we can 6ave society is by compulsion then let us compel. If the saloon can hold these moral cowards in chains by threatening them with a Joss of trade, let us show them threats can work two ways. Let them get their saloon trade, and let the men of integrity and con­ science turn their patronage to dealers who have principle enough to do what is right even though it may cost them something- Let there be a conscience vote as well as a saloon vote, and a con­ science trade as well as a saloon trade.; If the better element of the community will combine and use the methods that the saloon uses, both politicians and business men will soon be bowing the knee and asking what i6 to be dOne. We La,«d courage--courage in action. The ' vacillating element' of the community ought to be controlled by the conscience of the community, and not by the law- breaking class. To do as we are now do­ ing is neither patriotic or Christian. Why do not law-abiding people get together? Why do they not stand squarely against the devil? Why" do they not fight unitedly and courageously against all forms of unrighteousness in town ? Moral courage is the need of the hour. Out on the whole anny of faint­ hearted, weak-kneed cowards! If patri­ otic people would only unite and stand by their principles, the devil would forth­ with be routed in every community where he now holds sway. ft/WC WOOD, 1L1 ELGIN, ILL UNIVERSAL' PROVIDER, GOOD SYRUP GOOD SORGHUM Gives Relief. A box will be sent, postage paid, on recipt of 50 Cts by RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Spruce St„ New York. Loaal druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules it requested to do so. > They are E isy to Take, Quick to Act and Save many a Doctor's Bill. Hand Picked Navy Beans, To make room for our immense stock of SI.75 per Bushel HOLIDAY - GOODS, very soon Pillsbury's and Washburn's Best Flour. WILL SAVE YOU MONEY UNDERWEAR ISyis& Lar^e Assortment piece Gloves and Mittens, Pants, WHEN YOU BUY IT, s' Knee Pants " And make good bread when you use it. There are others, but Pillsbury's and Wasnburn's Best leads them all. Try them and you will use no other. Every sack warranted. We have our right eye on a bargain for you, Saturday See our ad. next week. SPOT ©AM THEO. F. SWAN, Washburn's Best, - $1.1C Pillsbury's Best, ----- 1,1^ Leave your orders at the mill, we will do the rest Respectfully Yours, Ringwood, 111. GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE COAL COAL STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 V8» i MCHENEY COCNTT, \ Circuit Court of McHenry County, Septem­ ber term, A, D. 1895 Adelbert S. Wright, T8, Chas, E. Irwin et al Chancery Partition. a BY vlitue of a decrf talorfler made and en­tered in the above entitled cause at the September term, 1895 of said Court and tome directed and delivered as Special Master in Chancery, appointed by said Court, I win, on Monday, Nov 11, A, D. 1895, at one o'clock? :p. K. of eaid day at the east door of the Oourt House, in Woodstock. McHenry county, Illi­ nois, offer for sale «nd sell at public vendue, for eash, to the highest and best bidder, the following real estate, to-wit: That part of lot No. seven (7), in block No. fifteen (15.) de scribed as commencing eleven ana «ne-half (113<) feet north <-,f the northeast corner of •aid lot, Turning thence west twent-ihree (28) feet to within fourteen (14) feet of the northwest corner of said lot, thence south one hundred and twenty-eeven and one-half (127 H) feet to the south line of said lot, thence east twenty-three (23) ieet, thence north one hundred and twenty-seven and leet to the place of beginninggl&pwn aad described as No,five (5) PhfrabMBflh in the city ot Wocdstcck, jjtcfleiirjr OAIi t JULIA A. STORY -- DEALER IN -- MAMVW&RB, STOVES, RANGES, ETC. WEST McHEKBT, ILL. DEALER IN In placing your orlers for your winter's Coal remember that tLe Cross Creek Lehigh Cm not be excelled. It is one of the Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTANTLY ON HAND. From the frozen north to the land of perpetual summer time, artificial heat is a necessity at regular seasons of the year. And it is not necessary to put up with the inconveniences of the past to have it. Nothing can so meet the requirements of all alike as a Portable Heater of Convenient Size. Hardest of Hard Coals, and we guarantee it to burn freely and last longer than other Coals. FULL LIME OF if We have our Coal sheds filled with the now and can give you above named Coal right PATENT, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. Easily moved about, absolutely safe and with no coal or ashes around, PRICES AS LOW AS HE LOWEST Have won favors as the highest type of their class. So reliable and free from any nmoke or oil smell as to be recommended by physicians for use in the sick room. They are the only Oil Heaters that are perfect in points of use and beauty^ conven! ience and economy. Requires but one gallon of oil for 12 hours use. You need a heater of this description many times during the year, particularly in the fall and spring. You want the best when you buy, consequently you must get a Barler. [ have them in four sizes, and would be pleased to have you call and see them in operation. It will pay you, as they are a handsome line. ill U U II1JJ U U JLi LI j Delivery to suit you . Call and see us, examine our Coal, get our NEAR %$IE DEPOT, * prices and we know you will bo pleased. WEST MCHENRY, ILL. WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry, 111,, Aug. 14, 1895. ins rrescripuons Your Patronage Is respectfully solicited. Keeps open for the accommodation of me Public a Flret-Olaea One'Door West of River tide Bouse, McHenry, 111 F. L. McOMBER, West McHenry Saloon and Restaurant FURNITURE tVTiere he -will at all times keep the bei> brands of Wine«, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the market. PABST'S Milwaukee Lager 1 set At Wholesale and Retail. GEO, W. BESLEY A large assortment of ^ Dir. ing Chairs, l ' i S e w i n g P l a t f o r m s , Floor Rockers, Carpets, Window Shades, COMFORTERS, PILLOWS, ETC. New goods received every day. I do not allow any of my goods to get shop worn or out of date. >, ; ' Drugs, Medicines, "MINTS, OILS. TOILET ARTICLES. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICAL USE. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al­ ways on,hand, cheaper than any other. qunll ty considered. , Orderi by mall promptly attendod to. GOOD ^TABLING HOB, HO RSI'S. WTOall and'aee us. Robert Sohiessle. Now is the time to dress up yonr feet to keep off the fall rains and frosts, Th«re is no house as well equipped to do this as we are, with the Selz make, which needs no introduction here. We have made arjangem=mts by which we can supply every boy and girl with the beet wearing School School Shoes at the lowest living price. Rubber Boots, Grain Boots, Etc, CLOTHING. We will give you extra inducements in Clnthinpr hnntrht, of lis for the next two weeks, as we must make room for our tall stock now ct ming in- Also, Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical Use, UNDERWEAR As the nights get cool you should not fail to call on us for this most necessary line of drets. We l.ave the right weights for this season ot|jthe year. Fei-sey JLily Flour leads. Call for a sack, barrel • • --- --;. 1 -- or car load. Yours for Fall Huainess, Prices as Low as the Lowest t^-The best brands ot Cigars and smoking and chewing Tobacco always on hand. ' & > Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully compounded. Give me a call, GEO. feBESLEY. West MoHon^, Jftiw ̂ 1WK JOHN. J. MILLER, West McHenry McHenry, 111., July, 1895

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