112 C B Murphy, bill.... 113 Perry & Owen, bill ]14 G W Bcsley, bil)..... 115 P H Hauprish,rent 11 O F L MeOmbor, bill.; . 11,7 J Evmrson To, bill *•118 A S Wright, bill..,.. 119 Ben Latter, bill 120 Adam Ibsch, bill.... 121 L Newman, bill <122 H 0 Mead, bill... 123 J H Miller, bill 124 W Weiitworth, bill 125 F J Barbian, bill... 126 F L McOmber, bill.. 127 .T Van Slyke, bill...;' 128 W, A Oisty, bill...... 129 6 W Beeley ,sal etc 130 0 JI Granger, sal'ry 131 R A Howard, " 132 I Wentworth, " 133 J Justen " 134 H "Nordquest, " 135 J Neisen " Meat Market Near the Iron Bridge, McHenry, 111. _ You'll enjoy reading mv ad. if you want to know where get the bestjgoods for the lo sb ironey.. Having again tatken possession oi nay Market, in this viljage, I am now pre pared to furnish my old customers and the-public generally, with Fresh and Salt Meats. Smoked Meat, Sausage, etc. Of the best quality and at Living Prices" I shall keep constantly on hand Meats of all kinds, and leaving nothing undone to meet the wants of my customers. Vegetables of all kinds in their season. FRESH OYSTESS, By the quart or can. feTCash paid for Hides, Tallow, Veal, Poultry, etc. A share of the public patronage is re- speetfvily solicited. THOMAS BURSCE* McHenry, 111., Oct. 1.1895. cheaper th;in tbey wi-1 be later on/ We liave some n iis FUnueU, We start them at 4 to 15/3. Canton Flannel, unbleached, at 3 to 12 y§c. - ains in Amount paid out on orders from May 1, 1894 to May 1, 1895...... ... ! UNDERWEAR $4429 80 It will do you orood to see our stock and learn our price- before buying. We have them in all s'zes and at all prices. ^ ? RECAPITULATION. Amount received ....?8303 05 Amount paid out.......... 4429 80 Balance on hand : §3873 25 1 hereby certify that the above report is correct. GEO, G. SMITH, Village Treaeuror. Hosiery in endless variety, and at prices that will suit toe closest buyers, _ v.." .-* \ * r " When in need of a Shawl or pair of Blanket urop in and be con vinced that this is the place to fcuy them, 1 .V ;:V> • • ; • v . - ' V - : . ; " VANSON'S HATS, CAPS, . . GLOVES, MITTENS, In iact anything you may want at 1 his time of the j>ear Boots and Shoes M. D, Well* & Co, leads all competitors in Boots and Shoes, and we have the exclusive sale of them in McHenry. Have a full and complete stock in Rubbers and Felts. Are able to show^ou one of the largest stocks ever offered in this part ol the state. Quick sales and small profits are what makes the goods move. That's why our groceries are always Iresh, We don't keep them to ornament our store but to sell. Do you want a 15 lb pail of Jelly at 25c? If so we have it. ISy-The Rev. De Witt Talmage, whose sermons are read with interest far and wide, took leave of his pastorage he so long occupied in Brooklyn, last Sunday, amidst the tears, sighs and regrets of a thoroughly devoted and loving congre gation. He goes to a charge in Wash ington, D. C., and if he can accomplish any good in that unregenerate city of political and moral intrigue, it is certain the recording angel will have one happy day in making note of it. ^alruage has a contract on hand that will require all the thunderings of Mount Sirai in addi tion to his fiery and rebounding elo quence to fill. EPYC*6' suepy'E^' Just received from the famous house of Joseph Beifeld & Co., over 225, new, stylish and perfect titling f®*The C. & N. W. R'y Co. has issued a circular to its employes notifying them that hereafter payment will be made by check instead of currency. The circu lar says: "The reason for the change is this: It is no longer possible to guard the money when paying in currency. The use of dynamite and other explosiyes and the murderous recklessness of train robbers are a constant menace. Pay ment in currency not only involves the loss of the money which we cannot afford but endangers the life of everybody con nected with the pay department. Other railroads long ago abandoned the prac tice of paying in currency. We havecon- tinued it at a great risk, because we thought in doing so we were pleasing the employes of the company. Prudence forbids our continuing the practice." Fashionable shades, positive all sizes, age 3 to-48. Quality and price to meet the times. Mandolin and leg-of-mutton sleeves. Fine fur, cloth aud velvet capes. Who's Got The Turkey ! Examine our new OVERCOATS & SUITE ! The Biggest Turkey! The Largest Turkey! The Liveliest Live Turkey! p We Offer a cash prize of §25.00 fOr the largest Living Turkey consigned to us before January 1st, 1896. Elgin Produce & Creamery Co., 13 Dearborn St. CHICAGO. General Commission Merchants. Stvles correct, quality honorable. Prices, nizes, assortment aud shades to please. ill ill! Dress Goods, Suitings, Serges, Novelty Goods, Flanneis, Broadcloths, Trimmings, Shawls, Domestics. Batting, 5c per roll. Cotton Flannels, 5c to 25c. Shaker and Tennis Flannel 5c to 25c. Gingham 5c to 14c. 50 Choice Fur Coats, Direct from St. Paul, will arrive this week; Coon, Rus sian Dog, tynx, wild Cat;.all warranted. Every Stove warranted Coal, Shorts. Economy and Convenience in Heat ing. No smoke, no odor, Only $6. Get one for your bed, bath or smoking room, library, nursery or conservatory. Middlings, Bran, IN THE COUNTY Oil Meal, Oats, Just received, a wagon load of new ribbed and flat goods, in tans, gray &|Pfz " 4 * and natural. All our scarlet under- ipW wear will go; coat no object. • "HP®?' FAHGO'S CUSTOM BOOTS AND SHOES ' Are again ou^Jeaders* Stock complete. Vbiees less the advance leather. Candee's Rubber Goods. Ground Feed. You have got to Use them. Get my pr oes on quantities, from a bag-full to a "car load/be fore buying elsewhere. First Class New Work and Re< pairs in Tin, Copper and Sheet' Iron promptly attended to. Call and see me, " > <$ DRESS A SID WORK SHIRTS. ' Overalls, Duck Coats,'Pants, Jackets W. A. CRIST?, WE&l McEESRY, ILL