tVj ASHES TO CURf CUTS. RIPANS TABULES Some of the best known physicians in Bussia are strongly advocating the adop tion in the government hospitals of an old Cossack cuptom of treating cuts and wounds with ashes. The Cossack peas antry have treated cases in this fashion from time immemorial, and Dr. Pash- koff, a Russian physician who has been studying the treatment, recently said in an interview in a Russian medical jour nal: "I strongly recommend the treating of severe cuts and wounds with ashes. Experiment has convinced me of the thorough efficacy of the treatment, and in addition it is cheap, takes little time to arrange and does away with bulky bandages, which have always been the bane of purses and physicians. The best- ashes are those resulting from the burn ing of some cotton stuff or linen, and only a very thin layer should bo applied. If the wound has been made by some dirty instrument and there is danger of blood poisoning, it should be first wash ed thoroughly with a lotion. The ashes with the blood form , a hard substance, tinder which the most severe cuts heal With remarkabl e rapidity*" i)r. Pashkoff has experimented with' E3hes on 28 cases of outs, and only two of the entire number failed to result successfully. These cases would have been cured, too, had not the nurses fail ed to apply prescribed lotions to the wounds before the physicians took them in charge. -It is extremely probable that the ashes treatment will be adopt ed in the St. Petersburg hospitals before long. ft'NCWOOD, |i,t ELGIN, ILL UNIVERSAL PROVIDER. ORIGINATOR OF LOW PRICES, Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly on the liver; stomach and intestines; cleanse the system effectually; eure dyspepsia. habitual constipation, offensive breath and headache. One Tabule taken at the first indication of in digestion. billiousness, dizziness, distress atter eating or depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. Ripans" Tabules are prcpart d from a prescription widely used by the best physicians, and are presented in the form most approved by modern science,. It given a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an infallible cure; they contain nothing injurious and are economical, There are times when it is a good plan to KEEP COOL! One Gives Relief. ear nearly every d^be is making prepara But at this season of the y dons, to A box will be sent, postage .paid, on reeipt of 50 ets by RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Spruce S1„ New York. Loaal druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules if requested to do eo. ' They are Easy to Take, Quick to Act and Save many a Doctor's Bill. Claim to outdo or undersell every merchant in the country WE DON'T expect to do in Elgin a bigger business than Seigel Cooper & Co,, of Chicago. WE DON'T^claim to pay $1 for merchandise and sell it for 29o. juet for the fun of doing business, WE DON'T advertise a $1C cloak for $1, or a $5 pair of shoes for 50c, or a $25 stove for $2 50. Hears With His Month. A boy whose mouth is wonderful, in that it does the double service of tasting and hearing, was in San Antonio today. His name is John Mihand, and his home is at Sabinal. He was born ten years ago. Both ears were closed at birth, and they have never been of Service to him. But by a remarkable freak of na ture his mouth has done what his ears Kught to have done, and he is not in commoded in the slightest. Several local doctors examined and tested the powers of the mouth and pronounced the case a phenomenon without a parallel.--San Antonio (Tex.) Dispatch. Our Actors. It is a remarkable fact that most of the so called Irish comedians in this country are Americans, and most of the English actors are Irish.--New Orleans Picayune. . Just received from the famous house of Joseph Beifeld & Co., over 225, new, stylish and perfect fitting KEEP WARM Claim that in every department throughout the house, lor Honest. Reliable, Trustworthy You will not find a better place to get what you want for winter than at our store. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) >88 MCHENBI- COUHTT, ) Circuit Court of McHenry County, Septem- bar term, A, I). 1895. .•». Adalbert S. Wright, vs, Chas, E. Irwin et al Chancery Partition. BY vhtue of a decretal order made and entered in the above entitled cause at the September term, 1895, of said Court and tome directed and delivered as Special M&6ter in Chancery, appointed by said Court, I will, on Monday, Nov 11, A, D. 1S95, at one o'clock p. M. of said day at the east door of the Court House, in Woodstock. McHenrv county, Illi nois, offer for sale <>nd sell at public vendue, for cash, to the highest and best Didder, the following real estate, to-wit: That part oi lot No. seven (7), in block No. fifteen (15 ) de scribed as commencing eleven ana one-halt feet north r*f the northeast corner of eaid lot, running thence west twent-tbiee (23) feet to within fourteen (14) feet of the northwest corner of said lot, thence south on® hundred and twenty-seven and one-half (127#) feet to the south line of eaid lot, thence east twenty-three (23) feet, thence north one hundred and twenty-seven and ODe-half (187&) feet to the place of beginning, known and described as No. five (5) Ptuenix Block, in the city of Woodstock, McHenry county, I1L J. F. CASEY. Special Master in Chancery. Merchandise we make a dollar c&rry a bigger load than it ever drew before. It's all in the buyiDg. ( If you haven't traded with us won't jou. Fashionable shades, positive all sizes, age 3 to 48. Quality and price to meet the times. Mandolin and leg-of-mutton sleeves. Fine fur, cloth and velvet capes. We will aim to please you in goods and prices Examine our new THEO. F. SWAN, Styles correct, quality honorable, Prices, sizes, assortment and shades to please. GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE Ringwood, 111 DUTCHESS TROUSERS. Extra Heavy Men's Suits, $5.00 Agents. $75 a week. Exclusive territory. The Kapid Dl^hWwher. Waeheaallihe dishes for a family in one minute. Washes, rinses and driea them without wetting the hands. Yon push the button, the machine doe« the rest. Bright, polished dishes, and cheerful wives. No scalded wOngers.noBoiledhandsor clothing. fNj broken muss. Cheap, durable, warranted. Circulars free W. P. HARRISON As-CO., Clerk Ho. 12, Columbus, O. Dress Goods, Suitings, Serges, Novelty Goods, Flanneis, Broadcloths, Trimmings, Shawls, Domestics. Batting, 5c per roll. Cotton Flannels, 5c to 25c. Shaker and Tennis Flannel 5c to 25c. Gingham 5c to 14c. JULIA A. STORY, COAL COAL •""RAPID •nwsitu DEALER IN ELECTRIC TELEPHONE In placing your orders for your winter's Coal remember that the Sold outright, no rent, no royalty. Adapted to City, Village or Country. Seeded in every home, shop, store and office. Greatest conven ience and best seller on earth- A trout* make from 85 to 850 per day. One in a residence means a sale to all tho neighbors. Fine instruments, no toys, works anywhere, any distance. Complete, ready for use when shipped. Can be put up by any one. never out of order, no repairing, lasts a life time. Warranted. A money maker Write W. P. Harrison & Co.. Clerk 10. Columbus, a Cross Creek Lehigh Cm not be excelled. It is one of the Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTAKTLT OK HARD. Direct from St. Paul, will arrive this week; Coon, Rus sian Dog, Lynx, wild Cat; all warranted. Hardest of Hard Coals, and we guarantee it to burn freely and last longer than other Coals. We have our Coal sheds filled with the above named Coal right now and can give you PRICES AS LOW AS HE LOWEST. Delivery to suit you. Call and see us, examine our Coal, get our prices.and we know you will be pleased. WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry, 111,, Aug. 14, 1895. FULL LIKE or PATENT. MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. ins rrescnpuons Tour Patronage Is respectfully solicited. •JULIA A. STORY One Door West of Riverside Bouse, McHenry, 111 Keeps open for the accommodation of tne Public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at all times keep the besi brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the market. PABfeT'S * Milwaukee Lager Beet At Wholesale and Retail. FURNITURE. J™1™1 Pillsbury's and : i I '• • Washburn's Best Flour.4 WILL SATE IBU MOM A large asfiortment of Chamb^r V Floor Rockers,, Carpets, Window Shades, COMFORTERS, PILLOWS, ETO. New goods received every day. I do not allow any of my goods to get shop worn or out of date. iiiunw.injiiwwircn:? Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quali ty considered. : Orders by mail promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOR H0R8F& WOall and'see ue. Robert Sohlessle. WHEN YOU BUY IT And make good bread when you use it. There are others, but Pillsbury's and Wasnburn's Best leads them all. Try them and you will use no other. Every sack warranted. ° , United States_ffar_CMffl Ape: WM- H- COWLIN, Woodstock - - IlLncl Prices as Low as the Lowest FOB SPOT CASH Washburn's Best^ - - - - $1.1C . r Pillsbury's Best, - - - - - l,lf Leave your orders at the mill, we will do the rest ' Respectfully Yours, A FULL LINE OF UNDERTAKING ON HAND : • - JACOB JTJSTEN. J McHenry, 111., July, 1896.