J* •M e«y w. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 25, 1895. J. VAN SLYKE, Editor. I©" Butter on the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday waB weak at 25c, at which 23,340 pou'ndp were sold, 6,300 going at 24%c. Total offerings, 39,780 pounds. The price last week was 27c; a year ago 23c. J6T" Chicago morning papers are au thority .for the statement that the pre vailing rain storm has nojequal fordura- nion and the amount of precipitation in any December storm recorded in the weather office for 24 yearis. The result ing damage is very great, miles of streets are in places impassable, and acres of . territory within the city limits are un dated. - In fixing upon so early a date as the 29th of May for their national con vention the prohibitionists have shrewd ly planned, it vfouJd seem, to secure Home little attention for their candidates and platform while the country is wait ing for the other parties to begin their campaign. However, thfey will lose what little prominence this may give them as soon as the real campaign opsns. {^""Perhaps Great Brifiau does not think much of her Canadian possessions. We shall see later' on. She can easily have peace or she can provoke the big gest fightl recorded in history. It will be no little skirmish of a year, but it will reach out and touch every interest she holds. If the English appetite to rule the world can be appeased in no other way the contest might as well come now as later on. So says the Inter Ocea.n of Friday last. There are two hundred and thirty- eight lawyers in Congress, forty-one farmers, twenty-seven editors, twenty- eight- manufacturers, one railroad man ager, two steamboat- owners, fourteen teachers and college professors, twenty- five bankers, twenty merchants, one house builder, three who say they are "engaged in business," eight doctors, one architect, one music teacher, one owner of wells, five miners, two insurance agents, one theatre manager, one manu facturer of ice, three civil engineers, nine lumbermen, two owners of stone quarries two real estate agents, one pharmacist and one steamship captain. COIN'S NEW PARTY. - ,A dispatch dated*'Chicago, Dee. 15th,' Bays: "W. H. Harvey, the oraclQ of free silver, who is best known'as "Coin," to day launched his new political party. According to the press notice which Mr. Harvey gave out it is to be known as "Patriots of America." Its especial mis sion.is to advance the cause of free silver as well as to eliminate selfishness from politics, and it is expected to rapidly overcome all existing parties. The na tional officers, are W. H. Harvey, first national patriot; Chas. H. McClure, national recorder, and James F. Adams, national treasurer. Mr. Harvey was first elected head of the order, and -be then appointed Messrs. Adams and McClure, and the organization was, de clared complete. No salary attaches to any of the offices except that of national recorder, and Mr. McClure announces he will not accept this. On the first Tues day of next April,, however, when the or ganization is expected to be in good working order, an election will be. hold and a new.set of officers chosen, or the present set re-elected. ' The constitution expressly provides that no national officer can accept any elective or appoint ive office, nor can he acquire', private property in excess of §1.00,000, A side order, called the "Daughters' of -the Be- public," is also, to be started, its mem bership will be confined to the gentler sex and the head of it will carry the proud title of the First Woman of the Republic. It is not to be a female suffragist organi zation, but rather a helpiug hand to the "Patriots of America," who are expected to do the voting. IST* Says the American Economist; Make the importers of foreign goods pay the American customs duties upon their* goods in gold coin. This would increase the amount of gold in the treasury. This year, to Oct. 31, less-than one-fift-b of one per cent of the entire amount of money received through our custom houses was paid in gold coin. But thg foreign manufacturers compel us to pay for their goods in gold coin, while they don't evenp pay us the amount of the duties levied upon them in gold. Joint Meeting Illinois Ifarmors and ^ . Breeders'Association. For the above meeting, to bo held at Sprinjsfield, 111., the Northwestern Line will, from January 6-to 9,1896, sell ex cursion tickets at reduced rates, gqod for return passage until January 10, in clusive. For. tickets and full informa tion apply to Agents Chicago & $orth- Western R'y. 24\y2 • CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, Coupled with Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin to relieve the stomach and bowels, and aid digestion, will almost work miracles. Be sure you get Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin first, and then" your faith in Christian •Science may be unlimited. Sold in 10c, 50c and $1 bottles at J. A. Story's. Over 100 Jackets and cloaks will be sold at less than cost until closed out. All sizes at S. S toffel's. J. D. LODTZ, Jr. : j^ercliant Tailor, Barbian Bros. Block, McHenry. Visit the Holiday Feast STTO-RE. The Kankakee marsh is to be plow ed up and converted into farming land. The Hamlet Hay company, says an Indi ana exchange, will put in operation a traction engine to be used in plowing The engine is on the principle of an ordi nary traction engine, but the front wheels have tires two feet wide. These are for the double purpose of rolling the ground and making-it solid ahead of the plows and to prevent the engine, which weighs five tons, from sinking into soft ground. It will draw five plows, turning seven feet at on.'e through. At tached behind the plows will be a large drag and heavy roller so that once over prepares the ground for seeding. Region Abounding in Mountains of Gold and Streams of Silver. During the past quarter of a century the Rocky mountains of Colorado' have produced millions upon millions of dol lars in gold and silver (and precious wels) thousands of persons acquiring wealth and ease as a result. Some of the richest gold mines in the world have been discovered during the past year and there is no end to the' lucky strikes"* being made at Cripple Cretk gold camp and elsewhere. The scenery of the ever snow-capped Rockies is unequaled in either Europe or America for grandeur. For several years there has been publish ed in Denver a big fifty-six column week ly family newspaper which gives all the most important mining news and illus trates each week the very choicest of this marvelous scenery, contains original western stories of love and adventure, pure in tone; yearly subscribers are given gold rings set with Rocky mountain gems free as premiums. To introduce this great illustrated weekly family pa per'into new homes the publishers will send it on trial three months for 25 cents (stamps or silver). Club of five $1. Men tion the PLAIN DEALER and address Illus trated Weekly, Denver, Col. 1ST The writer had occasion while in in Chicago last week to visit the First Immanuel Baptist church on Michigan avenue. This church has lately been moved from its former location a dis tance of 90 feet to the south. The building is 180 feet long, has a breadth of 86 feet and the peak is 100 feet high of stone and weighs 14,000 tons. By long odd the largest building ever moved in the world. Building movers all over the country agreed that is was too big an undertaking and somo'of them laugh ed whenH. Sheelertook the contract and put up bonds for §50,000 that he would move it safely. Mr. Sneeier went to work and a few weeks later the largest building ever moved stood sr nnd on its new loca tion. We were shown around by Mr Sheeler and our surprise was great when going inside to discover not a single crack showed in the walls. 11 took 3000 screws to raise it whik 136J5) steel rollers and 620 maple rollers were used. It was moved on steel tracks * a-ad some three miles of ste£l was under it while in mo tion. The tools used in moving it were valued at $45,000 and Mr. Sheeler gets the magnificent sum of §25,000 for the work.-- Sycamore Weekly The Crowley Brothers Robbery--The Money Recovered. Three or four weeks ago the Crowley Brothers, farmers, bachelors, living southwest of Harvard, had §5,400 stolen from their house while they were out in the field husking. They kept their money in a tin trunk under the bed. The thief has now been apprehended and is in Woodstock jail. His name is Dennis O'Connor. J as. I)wan is the name of the amateur detective who ferreted out the author of the robbery. He Suspected O'Connor from the first, and receiving a pledge from the Crowleys that they would pay §1,000 for the ar rest of the thief and the. recovery of the money, Dwan went to work on the case, His first move was to go on a regular bum with O'Connor, and the way they punished the whiskey was a sin--that is 0 Connor did, but Dwan had a way of throwing off so that very little of it got down his neck. O^Connor wae soon 1 drunk enough to lie under the table, but Dwan's head was level with an eye out for business. He made O'Connor believe1 that he was suspected of the robbery of the Crowleys and would be arrested next day.' Money--lots of it--would be need ed to hire lawyers for his defense, and addition to my Custom Tailoring W;siness X liaVd just put in a new and stylish stock of Consisting of Hiiirts,- collars, cuffs, neck ties, suspenders, etc., etc., which I can and will sell at the lowest figures. Just received, a full lide of Puffs, Society Knots, J o i n v i l l e Scarfs, and Fuu Dress Bows, Of the latest styles and novelties in the market. Also a fine line of Colored Dress Shirts. THE FINEST LINE OF Christmas /Neckties EVEK BHOUGHT TO THIS TOWN. Useful and substantial mer chandise for Holiday Presents are " Closed Out REGARDLESS OF COST, We wish yon a Merry Christman. VANSON Christmas and New Year's All Kind^, ami Cheap. ^ WESTWARD HO! Call and see them and Low Prices is our motto. Good goods I am now making' a discount of 10 to 25 per cent on all winter Suitings. Come in and we are sure we cansa\e you money. J. D. LODTZ, Jr. McHenry, III., Dec. 4, 1805. & S C H N E I D E R NEW FIRM! MURPHY & PHILLIPS, Howe Block, Water Street, Holiday Excursion Rates. On December 21, 25 and 31, 18D5, and January 1,1896, the North-Western Line will sell excursion tickets at reduced rates to stations within a distance of 200 miles, good for return passage until January 2, 18&6, inclusive. For tickets hnd iull information apply to Agents Chicago & North-Western Railway. AGREEABLE TO THE TASTE. And mild and sure in its action. These are the great merits of Dr. Caldwell's Syn'p Pepsin, the great family stomach remedy. Constipation cured; indiges tion and dyspepsia give way, and life again seems worth living. In 10c, 50c and $1 sizes, of J. A. Story. AN EDITOR, Of Clarence, Iowa, Clark Smith, writes: 'Since the agency of Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin was established here I have been a user of what I can call 'that excellent medicine.' For a year or more I have been troubled with constipation, indiges tion, dyspepsia, etc.. and I find that this remedy is iust what I have needed." Of J. A. Story. * DEALEBS IN Kerosene, Gasoline. Potatoes, Fresh Bread, Tablets, Pencils, new Teas, new Coffees, etc^ Bakery Supplies of all kinds, constantly oa hand, always fresh. Canned Goods, and all kinds of Fruits in their season can be found at our store, tSfHot Oyster Stews served on short notice. The finest brand of Oysters by the can or quart. Call and see us. fsSURPHY & PHILLIPS. McHenry, Dec. 17, 1895. 1AYINGS. JJMSK r.-ceivod and loaned on carefully «E- lected real EFT ate securities AND the icteront collected T A AT.C a nd temittc-d withoutJ-^V_yJ. Yi.\ ^ 4 charge. ... Loans made on time and terms TO tmt borrower. J. W. RA KMTH'.A N, ' i i Face Kt rout. JW mn. Illixxoie. On a LARGE Bcale. The la.rgo3t of fruit plantations in Jamaica are owned and operated by an American company. It cultivates 44,000 acres, 28,000 of which it owns and 16,00(3 of which it leases. The principal crops are bananas and cocoanute. Last year it shipped 3,000,000 bunches of bananas and 5,000,000 cocoanuts, besides other fruit, to America and elsewhere, em ploying 11 steamers, which the com pany owns. Bali Lightning. A week or so ago, during a thunder storm, lightning in the shape of a ball --a well-known but rare phenomenon-- descended in the yard behind a house at Themenau, Austria. The ball, about one foot in diameter, was of a bril liant blue. On reaching the ground it rolled along a short distance and then burst, flooding the whole neighborhood with a dazzling white light. No dam age was immediately apparent, but sev eral hours after" flames burst from a building situated at some distance from where the lightning had struck. A Cafs Misfortune. .N° cat in Maine probably had ciore need of her nine lives than did one in a Monmouth store recently. The large oat bin in the rear of the feed store, holding an even car load, had just fceen filled, when the cat, chasing a moose, went down head first between the par titions of the bin, eight feet, to the floor beneath. There she remained on her head for 13 days, or until, the oats having been removed, she was discov- ered. Tabby is now alive and well and and that he (bwan)"would teke^c'ha'rgefjUSt ^ eager for mice as ever 1 of the business and bring him out all right. O'Connor got a scare on, telling Dwan where the money Was hidden in a snowbank not far from the house. It was in gold and greenbacks, and was all recovered except a small amount that went for whisky. Dwan was paid §1,000 by the Crowleys for about as keen a piece of detective work as we rarely hear of. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS, _ TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, eto. For Information and free Handbook write to SIUNN & CO., 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of chargo la the Sf(wuttfiic JVmmnw largest circulation of any scientific paper In tho •world. Splendidly Illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, $3,00 a year; 81.50 six m«nths. Address, 51UNN & 0O„ PUBLIS'IIERS, 361 Broadway JJew York City, In submitting to the Holiday Trade, which is now at hand, we de sire to call particular attention to our special quadruple plated silver set which is composed of 10 pieces. This set has never before been offered at such an extraordinarily low price as we are offering it for now. This set we have just received from tho factory and is of the latest design, We will from now until Christmas, sell it at the cx- traordinaryjow price of $18; any single fiicee $2. In addition to this we will, during this time, offer for cash: 1 silver fruit dish, regular price $6.50, now $4.00. 2 " " " " " 5.00 " 3.28. 1 " " " " " 4.00 2.50. Grents' ^olidl Gold &: Silver Watches. 1 Boss Hunting case, warranted 20 years, 1G J, Rockford movement, $30, now $21 " " •' • $40, now $ " 1 5 y e a r s , 7 J . m o v e m e n t . $ 1 5 , n o w $ 1 3 . second hand watch, warranted 20 years, 15 J. Trenton move ment, $45, now $10. 1 nickle open face. 7 J., Elgin movement, $12.00, now $8.00. 15 " '• 14.00, " 10.50. 11 " " 12 00, " 10.00. 2 " " 1(5 Rockford " 18.00, " 14.50. 1 ladies' " 7 Waltham " 8.50, " G.90. 1 " " 7 warranted 15 years. Waltham movement, $9.50, now $7.50 " hunting case, warranted 20 yrs, 7 J, Waltham movement, $25, now $21. " * 18 7 Elgin " 20, now 14. " 15 11 Columbian 'J 22, now 16 •' " 20 7 Elgin " 30, now 25. The celebrated Rodger Bros.' Knives and Forks, $4, now $3.25 Tea poorer, $1.25, now 70c. Two tine St. Paul Imitation Marble Clocks, $8, now $5.90. in r KETMAftl & SCHNEIDER. McHenry, 111., Dee., 1895. Plush and Leather Boxes, Cases, Toys and Albums, Fancy Wood ahd Metal Goods, Easels, Toilet Sets, Jewelry Cases, Cuff and Col lar Boxes, Handkerchief Boxes. Decorated Tea and Dinner Sets, Piano, Stand, Parlor and Hang ing Lamps. Fancy Crockery and Glassware. Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers, Initial Handkerchiefs. Great Bargains in cotton and linen Handkerchiefs, white and col'd. FINE TOWELS, STAND SPREADS, THROWS, ' :> LAMBREQUINS, ETC. Closing Out Prices On our still extensive stock of Ladies', Misses and Children's Cloaks, Capes, Jackets and Shawls. ST. PAUL FUR COATS Must be moved out at once. Moving out prices on Flannels, Blankets, Underwear," Hosiery, Mittens, Yarn. Call without delay on SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Business Will be kept up in future. Will visit the city every Thursday an will fill all special orders of a reasonable nature. SIMON STOFFEL. Multum in Parvo ^An Empress' Clock The empress of Russia has a carriage clock of tortoise shell, mounted in goM having the handle incrusted with diamonds, and above the. dial the im perial crown in brilliants, with the initial "A" below it, also worked in brilliants. The clock was given to the Princess Alix upon her marriage by Efeglish ladies residing in St. Pe^ers- •feurflr. • " , The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of all the people who con template a little high living during the approaching Holidays, to call at his store before buying elsewhere, examine The only Exclusive, Ful! and Complete Stock of STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES Ever laid down in the village of McHenry, always new and fresh. The Minnesota Full Patent and Stand ard Wheat Flour at nbarer the price oi Wheat than usual. Also many Nov elties not usually kept in a country store, viz : Canned; £lcfe!es! d, Dried fish. SNYDER'S SOUPS AND CATSUPS. Liebig's Extract Beef, Burnham's Clam Boullion, Fancy Cured Meats, Leaf Lard, Cotosuet,. all kins of Fancy (irt en & Dried Fruits. Agency for the celebrated Baltimore bulk Oysters, direct from the shell. teaT" Michigan and Eastern Buckwheat Flour, guaranteed straight goods; es pecially recommended. All of which is respectfully submitted to those who are looking for something good and know it when they see it. AT Uncle Ben Gilbert's West McHenry, 111,, Nov. 19,1895.J The finest White Syrup only 2o cents per gallon at M, Englen s. SANTA CLASS Has decided to make his head quarters at our store. Holiday Goods In large quantities have already arrivod and more are coming. There are presents in abun dance lor old and young, and Pretty Toys. To make tie little ones hippy. Our stock is larger than ever be fore, and tho selection h is been made very carefully, with a view to please. Examine our stock for bcrgans. JULIA A. STORY. N. B.--Our Drug Department is still in good running order and prescriptions are as usual carefully compounded. McHcnry, December 10th, 18(J5, STIHV, n; v ; m WEST side: k Store. me tor the Holidays contains a large number of new designs in different woods. % Book Cases, Library Cases, Desks, Chamber Suits, Lounges, Couches, ^V:n.cl PjmLOR SUITS, From the cheapest to the best. Largest stock in the county at THE LOWEST PRICES. ' UNDERTAKING. Best of outfits on th^f^osWoisonable terms. . m* vittaar* West McHenry, HI. HURRAH FOR THE HOLIDAYS Has Again Opened His Heatiqnarters at GEOEGE W. BESLEY S. WEST McHENRY, In making our annual bow to the buying public we would inform them that we are better than ever prepared this season to meet their wants in in Everv Variety. FINEST LINE ® LAMPS Books for Young, Books for Old, Blocks, Etc. In short it you want a present for your wite, daughter, son or your best girl, jou cannot fail ot finding what you watit by calling at our store. Come and take your first pick. GEO. W. BESLEY. West McHenry, Dec, 10, 1895. JACOB JUSTEN, DEALER IN Furniture FURNITURE R™1" OF ALL KINDS, HAS JUST RECEIVES A STOCK OF i To which lie invites the attention of the buying public. Anything from a Five Cent Toy to a Fine Parlor or Bedroom Suit, Can be found at our store, and at prices to Suit, the times. , v' ' . • . I , Call and sec us before buying your HOLIDAY GOODS. / / .. v JACOB tfuiipw. MoBenry, 111., Dec., 1895. c