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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Dec 1895, p. 7

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Saved a Girl from Drowning, Miss Katherine S. Gelling has Just been awarded a testimonial bj' the Roy­ al Pumane Society. She is only 16 years of age, but while she was bathing on the coast of the Isle of Man last summer she saved a life under parfleu- larly difficult circumstances. She-saw another young girl. Ellen Powell, out of her depth, and sinking. Miss Gelling was at tliis moment burdened with a child she was teaching to swim. She could not desert her little pupil, and so she swam, carrying her on her back, to the drowning girl's assistance, and managed by great efforts to get them both to shore. . ° How's Tills! offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for •By case of Catarrh that cannot- be cured toy Hall's Catarrh Cure. F- «T. CHENEY & CO., Trops.. Toledo. O. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15-years, and believe him perfectly liohorable In all business transactions and finan­ cially able to carry out anv obligation made by their firm. \ , . - WEST &TRUAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O, WALDIKG, KJNNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. Hafl'g Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. A« in Politics. "Pilot, how can a little wheel like that steer a big ship?" "It has a pull on the rudder."--New York Herald. : * What we learn with pleasure we never forget. the British reply. This Government pro­ posed to the Government- of Great Brit­ ain a resort to arbitration as the propgi 'meaiis of settling-the question, to the end that a vexatious boundary dispute-^be­ tweenJ the two contestants might be de­ termined and our exact standing and rela­ tion in respect to the controversy might be made clear. It will be seen from the correspondence herewith submitted that " this proposi tion has been declined by the British Govern­ ment, upon grounds which tinder the cir­ cumstances seem to me to be far from satisfactory. the course to be pursued by- this Gov-, eminent in view o.L-the- present condition dpes xiot appear to admit of serious doubt. Great Britain's present proposition has never thus far been regarded as admlssi- . -hie by Venezuela, though any adjustment of the boundary which that country may deem for her advantage and may enter into of her own free will cannot of course be objected to by the United States. As­ suming, however, that the attitude of Venezuela will remain unchanged, the dispute has reached such a stage as to make it now' incumbent upon the United ^tates to take measures to determine with sufficient certainty for its justified-, tion what is the true divisional line be­ tween; the republic of Venezuela and British Guiana, I suggest that the^ Con­ gress, make an adequate appropriation for the expenses of ; a coin-mission to be ap­ pointed by the Executive, who shall make the necessary investigation and report upon .the* matter with the least possible d e l a y - " . _ " • * Must Fisjht If Necessary. When siic-'a report is made and accepted, it will, in ijiy opinion,; the duty of the United States to resist by every means in its power, as a willful aggression up­ on its rights and" interests, the appro;. jmatioii by Great'Britain "of any lands, or the exercise of goveraineuta 1 jurisdic­ tion over any territory which, after 'in­ vestigation, we have determined of right belongs to Venezuela, i In making these recommendations I am fully alive to the responsibility in­ curred and keenly realize all the con­ sequences that may follow. 1 am, nevertheless, firm in my convic­ tion that while it is a grievous thing to contemplate the great English-speaking peoples of the world as being otherwise than friendly competitors in the onward march of civilization and strenuous and worthy rivals in ali the arts of peace, there calamity which a great nation can invife which equals that which fol­ lows a supine submission to wrong and ih- i justice, and the consequent loss of na­ tional self-respect and honor, beneath which is shielded and defended a peo­ ple's safety and greatness. GROVEH CLEVELAND. London liditors Kxcited. London editors are literally frothing at the mouth. The message of President Cleveland on the Venezuelan boundary THE DRUG CLERK'S STORY. Rough, wintry, changeable weather pro­duces'Catarrhs, Coiighs, Disorders'of the Lungs, etc., which Jajsne's Expectorant promptly cures if faithfully administered. One o^ the celebrated wine vaults of the London Docks is nearly seventeen acres in extent.- Singers and Artists Generally are users of "Brown's Bronchial Troches" for Hoarseness and Throat Troupes. They afford instlant relief. For eyery -86 of the people of " the United States there is one selioolhouse. and one saloon for every 278. Piso's Remedy for Catarrh is not a liquid or a snuff. It quickly relieves Cold in^he Head, Headache, etc., and really cures Catarrh. 50c. . . In the arithmetic of heaven, nothing counts but love. % cVve^tvess XVvva / \ -W - • THE RISING SU?V STOVE POLISH in \] cake* for jrt-tifral jjlj blacking of a stove-{ THE SUN PASTE! ===S22ffp'J POLISH for ft quick *-Bss LABOR after-dinner shine, THE applied and pol- ished vfith a cloth. Morse Bros., Props., Canton, M»«a.. U. S- A. ' AN INTJERESTING TALE. He Talks of Headaches and Nervous­ ness and'Gives a Cure for Both. From the Evening News,. Newark, N. J. <_ It whs the drug clerk's turn to tell a story of one of his experiences, and the reporter, expecting something good, as usual, settled himself comfortably in a chair prepared to give his undivided' at­ tention to the speaker. The latter was Henry Maier, who resides with his par­ ents on Aqueduct street, and who hands out medicine over the counter of Dr. An­ drew ,F. Burkhafdt's drug store at 271 Wange street; this city. The clerk's high, forehead denoted intelligence; his clear. lTiue eyes showed his good health, and his general manner was that of a per­ son who thought life worth . living. It was at the drug store that the reporter found him, and it was there that Mr. Maier, or Henry, as he is better known, told his story. •' - • « "Perhaps I can do nothing better," he began, "than to tell you the secret of my . good health. It is a story that I. have told to many, recently, and as it resulted in good ;in each case, it may be worth your while to listen to it. To begin with. 1 was not always strong and robust, as I am now. - Long hours of work and hard study had left me in a wretched.'Condi-, tirfn. Frightful, lingering headaches found live a ready victim,.and at times I was so nervous that the dropping of a pin would cause me to give a violent start, and then I would lie seized with a fit of trembling that -'was', to put it mildly, exceedingly bothersome. \\Tell, I began to doctor my- 'self. >Tdw, I flatter myself that 1 know something of ^medicine; but with all my nowledge. I could find nothing that would cure those terrible ^headaches" or put an end to my extreme nervousness. When 1. picked up a bottlg^xny hand would shake as though I had the chills, and if it was a powder that l was handling I stood a good chance of sprinkling it all over these black trousers. Tilings went from bad to worse, and I soon realized that a man of my physical condition had better not attempt to mix any medicine. 1 was almost 111 de­ spair. as you can imagine, for it seemed as though I must give up the business on account of my nervousness and let all my hard study go to the dogs. Finally 1 op­ ened' 111 y heart to Dr. Burkhardt, Helling him of my trouble and asking for his ad­ vice. " 'Try a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,' he said, after a moment's thought; find as you know the doctor's advice is al­ ways worth following. 1 got the Pink Pills and began to take them. Aladdin's lamp never performed the wonders or these pills.* Would you believe itV Before 1 had taken the contents of one box my headache begau to give me a day off occa­ sionally. and soon it left 1110 entirely. How about my nervousness? Well, the pills put an end to that with almost start­ ling abruptness. You see I know enough about the business to appreciate the im­ portance of following the prescribing phy­ sician's directions, and by paying strict attention to those given by Dr. Williams with each box of his Pink Pills, 1 was soon another fellow. Look at me now! A picture Of health, eh? Well, that is what l)r. Williams'. Pink Pills will do for a man, or a woman, either. See, I can hold this glass of water out now without spill­ ing a'drop, but 1 couldn't do that two months ago and-- "What is it, ma'am?" he asked as a neatly dressed woman came, up to tin counter. "A box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." "Yes. liia'ain, fifty cents, please. Thank you." "These Pink Pills are great things." said Mr. Maier as lie turned to the re­ porter again, and the latter, after all lie had heard, thought so. too. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo­ ple have an euoryious sale. An analysis - of their properties slums that lhe> con- tain, in a condensed form, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial par­ alysis. St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neural­ gia.- rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effect of ia grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, that tired feeling resulting from nervous pros­ tration; all diseases resulting from vitiat­ ed humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They build, up the blood and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. There are no ill effects following the use of this won­ derful medicine, and it can be givep to children with perfect safety. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will he sent post paid on re­ ceipt (if price (T>0 cents a box or six boxes for by • addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Company. Schenectady, N.'Y. Message in Support of the Mon . * roe Doctrine. All Foreign Nations Must Keep Out of Americas. Haw Fast the Karth Moves. Most, persons are aware that the earth' makes a complete revolution on its axis once in twenty-four hours, but probably many are ignorant as to the high rate of speed in accomplishing the feat. The,highest velocity ever at­ tained by a cannon-ball lias been esti­ mated something'.like l.GOi) feet per second; and the e&rth must tarn air most equally fast. Jh sh'oit, the rate j>f speed at' the equator lias been estimated at nearly 1.500' feej per second, or a mile every o.ti seconds, or 17 miles a minute. •• Salisbury's Refusal to Submit the Dispute to Arbitration Leads to Strong Words--President Cleveland Tells Congress This Nation Should TJse Force If Necessary--IJrOlpo^es to Send a Commission to Fix a Line Which John Hull Will Cross at His Peril. Cftlir DOCTORS' mr.I,S t>Y ENDING FCL.OO tor uHVL"Bel '8 Standard Recipe." which Instantly re­ lieves and curefrKheumatism. Neuralgia, etc. Guaratt- teed. J. BELL. 3247I'aloa Avuiue, 'Chicago. III. Take Care Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers does its work thoroughly, coloring a mii form brown or black, which, when dry, will neither rub, wash off, nor soil linen. Faultless people have few friends. .Of your physical health. Buikl up your system, tone your stomach and digestive.organs, increase your appetite, enrich your blood, drive but all Impurities and prevent sickness by taking I3f writing to Advertisers, do not fall to mentioa this paper. Advertisers like to know what mediums pay them besfc. FITS.--All Fits 8 topped free by S>r. Kline's Grea t Nerve Restorer. No Fits after first day's Use; Mar­ velous cures. Treatise sad $2:00 trial, bottle tree tc Fit cases. Send, to Dr. Kl^e. Sgl sM'cu St., Hula, Pa. Mrs. WINDOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP tor Children teething; sottens the) gums, reauees inflammation. »U*ys pain, cures wind colic. 85 cetita a; bottle. . CURES WHERE Ait EL§jE f AU& „ Best Cpu«h Syrup. Taites Good. Use ' - in time. Sold by dn)gyl8a.Vj, The message of President Clevelaiul to -Gongress transmitting the correspondence between. Secretary Dlney and Lord Sal­ isbury relative to the Venezuela boundary dispute created a real simsa-tion in. Wa sl!-- iiigtoii. Although tlie nature of Secre­ tary Olney's.vigorous communication and of Lord Salisbury's answers .had die-civ already, accurately foretold in ,the Asso­ ciated Press dispatches; froip '• Washing-' ton and; London there w-,s • still a. great popular craving to learn just how the President wbuld deal' With Lord Salis­ bury's refusal, to submit , the matter .10 arbitration, and The message was listened to with intense interest in Congress and was read with avidity on the -streets. Nowhere was there arveicedifted in dis­ sent from the doctrine so firmly laid down by the President, but on the contrary there was an outburst of patriotic feeling that must have been highly gratifying to the Chief Executive. In the dignified United'States Senate, a body that rarely exhibits emotion on any occasion, there was witnessed the unparalleled spectacle of handclapping and applause,'"which was the spontaneous expression of the ap­ proval of almost every Senator without regard to party. On the streets the mes­ sage was discussed, and veterans of the late war talked exultantly of what they wore prepared again to undertake at the call of their country. In the great hall of the Pension Building the employes gathered and sung with gusto "The Star Spangled Banner" and "My Country, 'Tis of Thee." Great Britain declines to consent that the issue between herself and Venezuela shall be settled by arbitration. At the The One true Blood Purifier. Fire! Fire! That Dread fu 1 o. Cry Is fraught with import doubly dire to the unhappy man who belioids Ids duelling or his. warehouse feeding the devouring ele­ ment, uninsured, Happily most people who can. insurer-everythiug but .'Health:' Ntrie- teftths of us negie'et the' preservation of this when lt'is in palpable jeopardy. Incipient indigestion, liver complaint', hi grippe; inac­ tion of the kidneys and bladdct-.-aiid 'mala­ ria are all counteracted by Ilostetter's Stom­ ach Bitters. act harmoniously with Hood Sarsapttrilla, Jade.-, ST. JACOBS OIL DELAY. AND THOSE TWINGES MAY TWiST YOUR LEG OUT OF SHAPE. IJr inci pa,I Occu p it ion. Small Boy--I don't wonder that woni en's heads so often ache. Little Girl-- Why V Small Boy--Every 'time they see any of their children they've got to think up some reason for not letting them do what they want to.--Good News. How t'i Make Money. Mii. KIOTO it: Toil others of mv success. Fif- teen years fanning and liustiimr dlscouraired me. My cousin made $3,000 11st year plating table­ ware, jewelry, etc. I ordered an outfit from Gray & Co. Plating Works, Dept. 18. Columbus. O. ft was--'-complete, all materials, formulas, trade se­ crets and instructions; they teach agents free. (iood>!""easy piMted, nice as hew, guaranteed teu years. Made ,$:52 first week. $47 second. $'203 iirst month; get all work I can do; brother made $75 selling outfits. Write firm for sample. - B . S H A W . It Caused Hint to Faint. Playwriglit--Is lier acting natural? Manager (enthusiastically)--Natural• Why. when she appeared as the dying mother last night an insurance agent, who has her life insured for £2,000, and who was in the audience,, actual!;, fainted.--New York World, Low lJatos to the South. On the first Tuesday of each month th< Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad will sell one-way tickets to all points in the South at greatly reduced rates. The fast train over this route now-leaves Chi­ cago daily at 8:2.1 p. m. and runs through solid to Nasnville, making connection there with--a41 -trains for the South and Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet­ ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the'needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting 'in the form most acceptable and pleas­ ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax­ ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently .e .ring constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid­ neys, Liver ;md Bowels without weak- . ning them and it is perfectly free from -every objectionable-substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug­ gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man­ ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. THE LARGEST PiEtE ! OF GOOD TOBACCO: EVER SOLD FOR IO CENTS THE MONROE DOCTRIN MSNffOE W« ^^DOCTRINE ™«scT •;V,VA. rW; --» yyCiLORs, WAR . 0«= JOTEPfNOtiftt The Mirror. The mirror ranks far higher in Japan than our notions of a looking-glass would allow us to imagine, and takes the place of the cross in Catholic coun­ tries. The "two great diyjne palaces" at I so, containing the yata no kagami, tin1 lirst made mirror, have, in the eyes of the Japanese, the same importance as has tlie Holy Sepulchre for the (Jreeks atul Armenians, and Mecca for the Mohammedans. THE AERMOTOR CO. docs half tlio world's windmill business, because It has reduced the cost of Wind power to I/O what it was. It has many branch f houses, and supplies Its goods and repairs V at jour door. It can and doos furnish a 1 better articlo for less money than others. It mates Pumping and KaJgM Geared, Steel, Galvanized-after- Completion Windmills, TilUng r and Fixed Steel Towers, Steel Buzz Saw Frames, Steel Feed Cutters and Feed Grinders. On application It will name one of these articles that It will furnish untU January 1st at 1/3 the usual prico: It also makes Tanks and Pumps of all kinds. Send for catalogue. Factory: 12th, Rockwell and Fillmore Streets, Chicago. same time Great Britain denies the valid- question has had 011 them the exciting ity of the Monroe doctrine. The United j effect which a red flag would have on an States now must take two steps, if need j enraged hull. Quarts of ink have been be; one forthwith. President Cleveland j wasted 011 violent diatribes against the asks Congress to make an appropriation ; Monroe doctrine and thV American con- for a judicial commission to investigate tention touching the rights of Venezuela, 011 behalf of this country the merits of j and not a glint of justice or equity can the contention concerning frontier be- \ be discerned tin the attitude assumed by tween British Guiana and Venezuela. It | President Cleveland and Secretary Olney. that commission shall find that Great Britain is right in her claims the decision to stand and be upheld by us; it the com­ mission of the United States shall find that Great Britain's claims are unfounded any attempt on the part of Great Britain to enforce such claims by arms to be re­ sisted'with arms by the United States. This is the essene'e of President Cleve­ land's message. After reviewing the early details of the controversy and referring to Salisbury s disinclination to admit the force of the Monroe doctrine and resoM io arbitration, the President says: Without attempting extended argu­ ments in reply to these positions it may not be amiss to suggest that the doctrine upon which we stand is strong and sound because its enforcement is important to our peace and safety as a nation, and is essential to the rfitT^-uity of our free in­ stitutions and the tranlbuill maintenance of our distinctive form or government. It was intended to apply to every s.tage of our national life and cannot become ob­ solete while our republic endures. If the balance of power is justly a cause lor jealous anxiety among the governments of the old world, and a subject for our absolute non-interference, none the less is an observance of the Monroe doctrine of vital concern to our people and their government. Assuming, therefore, *-t hat we may properly insist upon this doctrine without regard to "the state of things, in which we live," or any changed conditions here or elsewhere, it is not apparent why its application may not be invoked in the present controversy. If a European pow­ er, by an extension of its boundaries, takes possession of the territory of one of our neighboring republics against its will and in derogation of its rights, it is diflicult to see why, to that extent, such European power does *not thereby at­ tempt to extend its system of government to that portion of this continent which is thus taken. This is" the precise action which President Monroe declared to be "dangerous to our peace and safety," and; ft can make no difference whether the European system is extended by an ad­ vance of frontier or otherwise. Practically, the principle for which w,e contend has peculiar, if not exclusive, re­ lation to the United States. It may not have been admitted in so many words to the code of international law, but since, in international councils, every nation is entitled to the rights belonging to it, if the enforcement 0FThtFMTdhi'0e docrrlne =fs%^ething we may justly claim, it has its placKinJ-he code of international law as certainly and as surely as if it were \pecifieally mentioned, and when the United States is a suitor before the high tribunal that administers international jfaw the question to be determined is whether or not. we present "Claims whictr tfie justice of that code of law can lind to be right and valid. Monroe Doctrine Is Just. The Monroe doctrine finds its recogni­ tion in those principles of international law which are based upon the theory that every nation, shall have its rights pro­ tected and its just claims enforced. Of course this Government is ^entirely confident that under the sanction, of this doctrine we have clear rights and un­ doubted claims. Nor is t^is ignored in Chicago Heads the I-iist. The largest .1 mount ever receiv one recital was $70,000 by Pa dor at Chicago. Field's .Joke 011 the Make-Up. When Eugene Kield was city editor ;>f the Kansas City Times, In* found great amusement in annoying one of the characters employed on the paper. Ferguson was one of the "make-ups" .in the paper, and in Wyandotte, where lie resided, just over the line from Kansas City, he was the leader of :i local temperance society. For over a year. Field, on fouling down to the paper to go to work, would write a per­ sonal concerning Ferguson. General­ ly it ran like this: "Mr. John Fergu­ son, the well-known 'make-up' of the Times composing room, appeared for work yesterday evening in his usual beastly state of intoxication." This entertaining bit Field would send down in some bundle of copy, and the others of the composing room would set it up and say nothing. Poor Ferguson knew that this awful personal was in their mielst, and every night would go care­ fully over every galley for the purpose of locating and killing it. It gave him vast trouble. Every gg*w and then Field would not write his personal about Ferguson, and then the bedeviled Fer­ guson was worse off than ever. As long as he could not lind it, it might still be there. It almost drove the poor man off the paper. Now and then it escaped his eagle eye and was printed. On such occasions Ferguson's burdens were beyond the power of even a Chris­ tian spirit to bear. US THIS WOMAN'S CASE. Mrs. Campbell Wishes Her Letter Pub? lished so that the Truth May Be Kuonn. [SPBCIAI, TO ot:A 1.4HT READERS ] Of the thousands of letters received from women all over the world by Mrs. Who is in ill health or ailing. In tlie case of Mary E. Campbell, of Albion, Noble Co., Ind., her suffering Was so severe, her relief so suddenly real­ ized, and her gratitude so great, that she wishes the ' circumstances published, in the hope that others may be benefited thereby. She says: -- "My physician told me I hael dropsy and falling of the womb. My stomach and bowels were so bloated I could not get a full breath. My face and hands were bloated badly. I had that dreadful bearing-down pain, backache, palpitation of the heart, and nervousness. " One of my physicians told me I had something growing in my stomach; and the medicine that I took gave me relief only for a short time. I thought I must die. I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and it worked like a charm. After taking the first bottle I could walk across the street, now I am well. I advise all my friends to take it." --MAKY E. CAMPBELL. Albion, Noble Co. A liioyole and a l>og. Going up the avenue 011 a cable car last night I heard two or three excla­ mations of wonder and surprise on the rear platform and went out to see what it was all about. "You can train 'em to do anything, can't you. sonny?" inquired the con­ ductor of a boy who was riding a bi­ cycle at the side of the track. "Yos, indeedy," was the cheery, re­ sponse. "See. I can't even shake him off." Here he violently shook his body. I looked closer and saw that a black dog was clinging to. the boy's neck, with his hind pa\\;s holding precarious­ ly on to about an inch of the projecting rear of the bicycle seat, while his fore legs were over his young master's shoulders. The car stopped to let a passenger off at 19tli street and the con­ ductor, when the youngster and his pet went skimming off in the darkness, told me the lad was a telegraph or district messenger and "could do anything with a dawg but make him tawk."--'Wash­ ington Star. Sparks from the Wires. The gas regulator at the Quick City, Ind., bottle works exploded and M. John­ son, the night watchman, in trying to. turn off the gas was perhaps fatally burned about the head and face. It is stated in the lobbies of the Reich­ stag that Baron von Koeller ordered the dissolution of the socialist clubs, which act is supposed to be the cause of his dismissal, without consulting Chancellor Hohenlolie or his colleagues. David MoyeKs gristmill, near Bethle­ hem, Pa.-, was robbed of over $800 worth of property. They bound and gagged Thomas Lynn, the watchman, and threw- him into a bran bin. Then they blew open the safe with dynamite. The three-day tests of the pneumatic guns recently erected at the Presidio (Cal.) reservation were concluded. The board of military examiners expressed their satisfaction with the tests, which exceeded the requirements in every in­ stance. . Capt. William J. Emright, of the Brit­ ish steamship Erona, was presented with an aluminum binocular glass, the gift 61P r 0 s i u e n tCie v ei a n d7 in recoguTtionfof his services in rescuing the crew of the American schooner . E. H, Cornell last March. Pronunciation. They had been discussing the pro­ nunciation of "" and •finally agreed to leave it to the waiter, but he hedged. "Sure," said lm,-^I-have to pronounce it 'butter,' or lose my job."--London Tit-Bits. aitvf.J A Paradox. ~ " Mistress--Biddy, if the modiste's col­ lector calls tell -him I am out. Biddy--But you will be in, madam. Mistress--I know I will if you tell him that--Ml be in the amount of his bill.--New York W orld. Stella M. Godfrey, writing from , Hoffman, N. C.. under date of June 15, 1895, says: "My sister has used your medicines. She was a sufferer from dyspepsia and indigestion for several years, and after having your Tabules recommended and given them a trial, she speaks in the highest terms'of them, and says that they cannot be excelled in •keeping the system well regulated. Her name is (Miss) Katherine Godfrey, Postoffice Hoffman, N. C." liipans Tabuies are sold by druggists, or by mall It the price (50 cents a box) Is sent to The Rlpans e'heml- cal Company, No. 10 Spruce Street, New York. Sample vial. 10 cents. Thoughtless Folks Have the Hardest Work, but Quick Witted People Use Timely Warning. The great success of the chocolate preparations of the house of Walter Baker & Co. (established ^ in 1780) has led to the placing on the market l^^many misleading and unscrupulous imitations |Tof their name, labels, and wrappers. Walter |k Baker &, Co. are the oldest and largest manu- •L. facturers of pure and high-grade Cocoas- and Sun Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are sill used in their manufactures. fill Consumers should ask for, and be sure that *5® they get, the genuine Walter Baker & Co.'s goods. WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, DORCHESTER, MASS. Every time I eat. those cavities smd spaces between the teeth are packed full, and It takes half of my time Jo pick them. Our Floss Holder will cleanse those teeth, space< and civities in one-tenth the time, and far fetter, than a brush or toothpick It will improve that horrid breath, preserv* your teeth and save you hours • f torture from teet.i ache, as well as from the dentist. Every man. woma i and child should use them. 25c for one. 50e for three. Agents sell them to everyone. AO- dress I prrv HIJ'I Wilkinw. Shelburne Falls. Ma s ASTHMA POPHAM'S ASTHMA SPECIFIC Gives relief In FIVE minutes. Send for a FltEK trial package. Sold by Prupprist8. One Box sent postpaid on receipt of $1.00. Six boxes $5.00. | Address THOS. POPIIAM, PH1LA., FA, AN INVITATION It Gives lie Great Pleasure to Pub­ lish the Following Announcement, All women smToring from any form of illness peculiar to their sex are requested to communicate promptly with Mrs. Pink- ham, at Lynn. Mass. All letters are re­ ceived, opened, read and answered by women only. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman; thus has been estab­ lished the eternal confidence between Mrs. Pinkham and the women of Amer­ ica. This confidence has induced more than 300,<X)0 women to write Mrs. Pinkham for advice during the last few months. Think what a volume of experience she has to draw from! No physician living ever treated so many cases of female ills, and from this vast experience surely it is more than possible she has gained the .xexy knowledge that will help your case. She is glad to have you write or call upon her. You will find her a woman full of sympathy, with a great desire to assist those who are sick. If her medi­ cine is not what you need, she will frank­ ly tell you so, and there are nine chances out of ten that she will tell you exactly what to- do for relief. She asks nothing in return except your good will; and . her- advice has relieved thousands. Surely, any ailing woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she does not take ad­ vantage "of this generous offer of assist- nu.?K Never in therliistory of medicine 1IK« the demand ' for one particular, remedy fur female diseases equalled that attained by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­ pound, and never in the history of Mrs. Pinkham's wonderful Compound, has the demand for it been so great as it is' to-day. Cured in 1» t° 20 days. No r>ar till cured. DR« J'STEPHENS, Lebanon,Ohio. the doctors \ approve of Scott's Emulsion. For wliom ? jf f For men and women who are weak, wlien they ^ Vshould be strong; for babies and children who areTliin, £ when they should be fat; for all who do not get from } S their food the nourishment they should. Poor blood is f f starved blood. You eat and are nourished. Consump- ^ tion and scrofula never come when the blo<5d gets its J J proper food. And nothing is better for starved blood T than COD-LIVER OIL. J 1 Scott's Emulsion J J is COD-LIVER OIL with the taste taken out. It is for all C t who feel weak, have lost appetite or are losing flesh. J J' viVo-one else breaks up cod-liver oil as it is broken up in Scott's Emulsion, » ' « - If yoit need it, get \t. No substitute 'Jiill do. " j Jj TWO SIZES, 50c: and $1.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemist^, New York, jf Just as yours will be if you continue using poor soap. makes wash-day as easy as any other day.. Lessens the labor, makes the clothes white, and does no dam­ age. Thousands of women say so--surely they are not all misgiven. Sold everywhere. Made only by The N. Mairbank Company. - Chicago.

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