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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jan 1896, p. 4

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• j. . m ' WEDNESDAY. JAN. 1,1896. Ji VAN SLYKE. Editor. I©" Butter on the Elgin Board of Trade Monday waa firm at 23c; everything be- ingcleared up except two lots withdrawn. Bales, 32,460 pounds. Last week, 24%@ 25c. Year ago, 25@25^c. If a Republican president had writ­ ten the Venezuela message, would a Democratic congress have acted as promptly or would the Democrat press have shown the same spirit which ani mates the Republican papers'? Let us hope that such would have been the case. There should be no question of party when the honor of the country is at state* .'.J®*Centauries ago the sentiment that the holy sepulchre was in the hands Of the infidel awoke all Christianity and millions marched to Tnrbey. to sacrifice their lives in armed protest. To-day in higlier civilization, the agonized cry o the Armenians, in the name of God and humanity, falls on dulled ears. Bonds and boundaries are fatal obstacles. The policy of Christendom is to await the massacre of the last Armenian before acting. ' l@"Thereisa profound significance in the selection of St. Louis as the meeting place of the Republican National conven­ tion of 1896. It is a recognition of the fact that the .geographical line erected by Texas annexation and made hard and fast by the Kansas conflict ha's drop­ ped out of politics. The Republican party, forced by the issue which brought it into being and by the convulsion which that issue caused, to be. a sectional organization for nearly forty years, has now broadened into national propor­ tions. The solid South is no more. Freed from obstruction by which its growth was restricted, the party now waters upon grander conquests than it has ever yet achieved. ~ : f . RaT" A Washington dispatch says: Rep­ resentative Hopkins,, of Illinois, has the honor of being the first chairman -to pnP side over tEe committee of the- whole House. Hisrlaij|ction is held to indicate that in the event^of Mr. Reed's illness or compulsory absence from the House he will be designated to temporarily serve as Speaker, holding the same relation in this respect as did Mr. Richardson to Mr. Crisp during the last congress. Mr. Hopkins makes an excellent presiding officer, and had the name of Reed been barred would have made ft strong race for the speakership. He is recognized as belonging to what is designated as the younger element. THE -GUBERNATORIAL QUESTION. Senator Evans, of Aurora, Bogardus, of PaxtoB, Asrinwall, of Freeport, Fisher Of Geneseo, Monroe, of Jolifjt, Humphrey of Cook, Coon, of Waukegan, Templeton of Bureau, Hunt, of DeKallr, Higbee, of Pike, and Bryan, of Kane, and other senators met in Chicago last week to arr rarige a trip to Atlanta, and incidentally to discuete politics. At least one of them was a candidate for lieutenant governor, and Tanner reporters assume that th^e others all felt some tender aspiration for political preferment of some character. When politics was reached the meeting rather partook of the nature of an anti- Tanner demonstration. There is evi­ dently considerable opposition for Tanner -to-overcome-. So far as-the press, olthe state has expressed itself up to this date, the comment is unfavorable. Southern Illinois repudiates a candidate forced up­ on it by Chicago bosses, and feel that Tanner is doing with that section what Brjce did with Ohio, It is claimed that Chicago sidetracked him for treasurer in the interests of Hertz ; * that when;he re­ signed the chairmanship of the state committee, he retained his, membership of the 4th district in Chicago"; that his successor is simply a stalking hprse and that Tanner is entitled to no. special credit for the splendid victory of last fall for other states gave Republican majori­ ties no less decisive. * Tanner's St. Louis meeting is laughed at and .his ability is questioned. He is the which are being leveled the lances of all the state candidates for any office who do not possess absolute assur­ ance of being on his slate. Aside . from the well known political leaders mention­ ed above, are such gentlemen as Robbins of Quincy, Clark of Mattoon, Hopkins of Aurora, Carr of Galesburg, and several others who aspire to. be' governor, and who have considerable personal backing. When Lorimer publicly announced that ago would give Tanner 300 votes in the convention, he was gesticulating through his Fedora. Lorimer represents the county faction in Chicago which is temporarily in the ascendent. It is the anti-McKinley faction, and this may con­ tribute to a different set of circumstan­ ces when the next convention is called. Alderman Madden, of the city faction, is business partner of Senator Monroe, who is a candidate for governor and has friendly assurance. Hopkins is also like­ ly to break intoLorimer's three hundred. Tanner's nomination, therefore, is by no means assured.--Streator Free Press. J. D. LODTZ, Jr. \^erchant Tailor, Barbiaii Bros. Block, McHenry, In addition to my Custom Tailoring business I have just put in a new and stylish stock of BENTS'FDB1SMB GOODS, Consisting bf t^hirts, collars, cu [^neck­ ties, suspenders, etc., etc., which I can and will sell at the lowest figures. Just received, a full lide.of ; • - FIRM Puffs, -- Society Knots, Joinvilie Scarfs, and Full Dress Bows, Of the latest styles and novelties in the market. Also a fine line,, of Colored Dress Shirts. . ' > Call and see them. Good goods' and Low Prices is oiir motto. t©" I am now making a discount of 10 to 25 per cent on all winter ̂ Suitings. Come in and we are - sure ws can save yQU money. . •; ' .- r. OWEN & CHAl'EI.L • (SUCCESSORS TO PERRY & OWEN.) ' • : V : Wish this week to briefly announce to the public that they -will con­ tinue the business at the old stand, with the same line of goods, and 'for-the present will---/.V----.... : .... , t he nue McHenry, III,, Dec.. 4, .1803/ T-H'OS. BURKE:, KSP'The Illinois weather bureau re- port9 that in a rainfall of forty-eight hours duration, last week, the average precipi­ tation was 6.22 inches. The fail up to the same date in the month had been greater than in any December since 188-4 a period of eleven years. Damp practi cal illustration takes the wind out of the sails of those dry weather wiseacres who, predicted that there never would be so great a rainfall again in this state as there was years ago, on account of the ditching and dredging that has been done in late years. When property is swept away in the dry districts of the last few years, by the floods now, and people are obliged to climb trees to keep from being drowned, the fallacy of the clrouth croakers is palpably manifest. ISP" It is not unfrequent that news papers find themselves unappreciated by the men whom they have appreciated by their support, column after column be ing published in their favor, and yet such favors, when the test comes, are not ap predated, observes an exchange. Exactly so. And we desire to say to specimens of this class that when you find a journal taking no interest in you or your success when you find it keeping aggravatingly silent whon you think the editors should be tearing their linen in your behalf, do not work yourself into a fever of anxiety as to the cause, but just ask yourself wherein you have placed them under ob ligations to use space and energy for you.--Alton Democrat. HOPKINS ON FINANCE. In a special to the Tribune Hon. A. Hopkins thus expresses himself in regard to the financial situation: . "The present financial situation of the country is due largely if not wholly to the defective and inadequate legislatio of the Democratic party. There has been a deficit since the Gorman-Wilson bill became a law, of from §4,000,000 to $13,000,000 a month.. The reserve in the treasury has, in fact, been used to pay the daily running expenses of the government. Carlisle, in his report td congress, en deavors to show that this is not correct but every intelligent Americun knows a revenue law that monthly brings into the treasury less money than is paid out by the government for expenses compels it to use its reserve. I think Cleveland was unduly excited over the flurry in Wall street' when he sent his message to congress. The con dition of the treasury is not different from what he should hove expect months ago under existing Democratic * legislation. However, to meet the present emer­ gency as expressed in his message I favor the issuing of short time bonds of tb character suggested by Senator Allison in the closing days of the last congress As a permanent remedy for our financial ills I favor such tariff legislation on pro tection lines as will make the daily rev enues of the government exceed it expen ditures. Congress can then, without the excitement of a Wall Btreet 'panic Hang ing over the country, take up the revi sion of our national banking ,laws and of the retaining or retiring the green backs in circulation. Frederick R. Courdett, who is re­ cognized as an authority on internation- law, upholds President Cleveland's course in the Venezeuela matter. He said in an interview recently: u Eng­ land has been the bully of theworld. The policy of England has been one of aggression. She holds Gibraltar and by that means has Spain by the throat. When France was tied up with Germany, England took advantage of the oppor­ tunity and seized Egypt. In the days of Disreli, England seized Cyprus. In the event of trouble between this counny and England, France would sweep into Egypt and Russia would march upon Constantinople, England, of course, is responsible for the Armenia massacre. England will not permit Russia to seize Constantinople and wipe the unspeak­ able Turk off the face of the earth ; there­ fore thousands of Christians must suffer death. John Bull has no friends, and Uncle Sam has no enemies. If there should be trouble between America and England, the sympathies of all Europe would be with us, and the hand of every European nation would be raised against England. The English government ap­ preciates its friendlessness and its help lessness, and because of that fact there will be no war. The Venezuela dif ficulty will be smoothed over. But the situation is menacing. If war should come, the map of Europe would be recast, and perhaps the map of Asia, too. As the world's bully, perhaps the hour of retribution has come for England.-' Near the Iron Bridge, McHenry, 111. Having again taken possession of my Market, in this village, I am now pre­ pared to furnish my old customers and the public generally, with Fresh and Salt Meats. Smoked Meat, Sausage, etc Of the best quality and at Living Priees* I shall keep constantly on hand Meats of all kinds, and leaving nothing undone toJpeet the wants of ray customers. Vegetables of all kinds in their season. f FRESH OY8TS3S, By the quart or can. t&yCash paid for Hides, Tallow, Veal, Poultry, otc. A share of the public patronage is re- •pectfvliy solicited. THOMAS BU^KSS. • McHenry, 111., Oct. 1. 1895. THE SITUATION SUMMED UP. The important features of the existing situation between Uncle Sam and Great Britain may be briefly stated. 1. The title to territory of indefinite but confessedly very large extent is in dispute between Great Britain on the one hand and the South American Republic of Venezuela on the other. 2. The disparity in the strength of the claimants is such that Venezuela can hope to establish her claim only through peaceful methods--through an agree­ ment with her adversary either upon the subject itself or upon an arbitration. 3. The controversy, with varying claims on the part of Great Britain, has existed for more than half a century during which period many earnest and persistent efforts of Venezuela to estab lish a boundry Ijjr agreement have prov ed unsuccessful. 4.. The futility of the endeavor to ob tain a conventional line being recogniz ed, \ enezuela for a quarter of a century has asked and striven for arbitration. 5. Great Britain, however, has alway continuously refused to arbitrate, except upon the condition of a renunciation a large part of the Venezuelan claim and of a concession to herself of a large shar of the territory in controversy. G. By the frequent interposition of its good offices at the instance of Venezuela by constantly urging and promoting the restoration of diplomatic relatione be tween the two countries, by pressing for arbitration of the disputed boundary by offering to act as arbitrator, by ex­ pressing its grave concern whenever' new alleged instances of British aggression upon Venezuelan territory have been brought to its notice, the government of the United States has made it clear to Great Britain and to the world that the controversy is one in which its honor and its interests are involved and the continuance of which it cannot regard with indifference. « WINTER GOODS TO BE Regardlies of Cost. ,V 0. , ,.*• V And at the same time replenish with a fresh stock of To which they invite the attention of the buying public. We intend to do practically 0 A Strictly Cash Business, And with a Freeh. CSean Stock, make Prices to correspond with quick Sales, commence this week a gen- CLOSING OUT of all Winter a prices. No old shelf worn goods, but a good - ' U clean and desirable stock. NEW FIRM! MURTHYlTpmLLIFS, Howe Block, Water Street, A fuller •pace later and Wishing complete announcement will appear in this all "A HAPPY NEW YEAR, We arc, Truly Yours, DEALERS IN SSiocwies, Kerosene, Gasoline, Potatoes, Fresh Bread, Tablets, Pencils, new Teas, new Coffees, etc. Bakery Supplies of all kinds, constantly on hand, always fresh. Canned Goods, and all kinds of Fruits in their season can be found at our store, t^^Hot Oyster Stews served on short notice. The finest brand of Oysters by the can or quart. Call and see us. RFIURPHY & PHILLIPS. McHenry, Dec. 17, lSGp. OWEN\& CHAPELL. McHenry, ^11., Jan. 1st, 1896. A VT\Tntl IOLE MONKS ^ -i JL 7 A JLN vJ O. and Burplus funds. ivod and loaned on citri;fu.!ly 1 rpu.1! scounOea nnd the •AM» sii-oeu fe.linn. Dlmoiu. OANS. timo nud tfrnif HA^sUKAD, ©eientifio American CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, Qtc. For information and free Handbook write to JIUN'N & CO., SGI BROADWAY, NEW YOUR. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Every patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in tiie •Largest circulation of any scientific paper In tho world. Splendidly Illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, ©3,OOa year; $1.50 six mnnths. Address, MUM & OO,, PuBUtSHERS, 36X Broadway Kew York City, The usual Compliments of the Season to all our friends and cus­ tomers. Watch this Space Next Week, as we shall have something to say <0f interest to the Buying Public. Multum in Parvo Over 100 Jackets-aad cloaks will be sold at less than cost until clofied x>ut. All sizes at S. Stoffel's. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of all the people who con­ template a little high living during the approaching- Holidays, to call a.t his store before buying elsewhere, examine The only Exclusive, Ful! and Complete Stock of STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES Ever laid down in the village of McHenry, always new and fresh. The Minnesota, l ull Patent, and Stand­ ard Whea t Flour at nearer the price ot Wheat than usual. "Also many Nov­ elties not usually kept in u country store, viz: Canned, Pickled & Dried Fish. SNYDER'S SOUPS AND CATSUPS. Eiebig's Extract Beef, Burnham's Ulam Boullion, Fancy Cured Meats", Leaf Lard, Cotosuet, all kins of Fancy Careen & Dried Fruits. Agency for the celebrated Baltimore bulk Oysters, direct from the shell. Michigan and Eastern Buckwheat Flour, guaranteed straight goods, es peeially recommended. A11 of which is respectfully submitted to those who are looking for something goQd and know it when they see it. At Uncie Ben Gilbert's West McHenry, 111., Nov. 19,1895." * VANSON'S STOKE. McHenry, Illinois. JACOB JUSTEN, FURNITURE, UNDERTAKING, EMBALMING. We carry a full and complete stock of all kinds of Call early as these goods must be closed out, as we need the room Watch this space next week. SIMON STOFFEL. Will be kept up in future. Will visit the city every Thursday an will fill all special orders of a reasonable nature. SIMON STOFFEL. GEO. W. BESLEY, West McHenry, liiinois, .DEALER IN. . . . DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Also. Bottled Ale and Porter lor Medical Use. IJCgF0 The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing To­ bacco always on hand. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully compounded Give me call. GEO. W. BEBLEY. West McHenry, Jan, 1, 189(3. -T> FURNITURE! s Wc have a fine line of goods and would be pie; to you. Call and sec our line before buying and 1>3V you as anyone. We solicit your trade. KITCHEN, PALLOR, BEWOOM and DIINING ROOM FUKNITURE. ow them o as well WE CAIIRY A JF^TI.L STOCK OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, We guarantee first-class work in every r< «lA€OB: J' Mclionry, 111., Dec., 1895. •£ We wish our Customers a Happy and Prosperous New Year. In order to make the year 1896 , a financial success we invite you when making your purchases to call at our Store and get prices. Thanking for past/favorsy and soliciting a share of your valued patronage for the coming year. y? . ' .• We remain Your Servant, ' " V • ' . . . . * . JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry.

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