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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jan 1896, p. 7

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*Tli§ MelanctioJy Doys Have ̂ Conte, The saddest of the,yeaT," not when -autumn has arrived, as poet Bryant Intimates, but when a fellow gets Itlllous. The "sere and •yellow leaf" is. in. his .complexion if not In the foliage at tlitit. inauspicious time. H'os- tettcr's Stbi|»ach .Bitters will soon discipline his rebellious liver, and regulate his bowels, besides toning his stomach and healthfully stimulating his kidneys. Malaria-, rheuma­ tism and nervousness are also relieved by the Bitters. Weli, Did He Smoke? . '~ Some gentleman once wrote to Mr. Spurgeon, tlie great preacher, saying "he had heard he smoked, and could not believe it true. Would Mr. Spur- geon write and teli him if it really was I so?" The reply sent was as follows: "Dear ----: I cultivate my liowers a ad burn my Weeds. Yours truly, C. l\ Spurgeon." Yor Auva\ov\\\^ ^ ms ^teva-N % xaXm \s \YUVA m\nva\\s& THE RISING SUN VS STOVE POLISH in /I ^SaMiCSSflShSte-. V cakes for general oV blacking of a stove. THE SUN PASTE POLISH for a quick ^s§e«^ss t-ASORs^, a# after-dinner shine, THE applied and pol- •• -( • ished with a cloth. Morse Bros., Props., Canton; Mass» U.S.A. DR.. VANDELLAR'S ® DEVICE and,, approachiiig the bed, placed his fingers on the silent occupant's wrist. He drew back with a start. General Sir Michael Trefusis, K. C. By was dead. Dr. Vandellar stood for a moment staring blankly at the corpse. Death had stepped in to thwart his plans and absolute ruin must follow. t Must follow? Surely something could be done? Something must be done! The Doctor locked-the chamber door and sat down in a chair by the side of' the'dead man.For a minute or- two lie could not- compel his thought£ to definite form; but slowly,.under the in­ fluence of his indomitable will, they took shape-.. • . , . ; Sir Michael was dead--so forcing him . to:sign a will in,his favor was. out of the. question. But what of the ICon box of bonds-to-beaver," and precious- jewels brought from India,, which the General insisted upon keeping in the cabinet by his .bedside? The contents :of tharbox were worth £10,000 or more, and were immediately, realizable: The j box was still in the cabinet, the Doc- I tor saw, and the key was hanging around the dead man's neck, as usual. I That iron box should be Yandellar's ; salvation, for lie would swear that the j original owner had given it to him on j'his deathbed. Of course, the thing ! was quite easy, and impending ruin j would vanish in the sunshine of p*Q§- | perity. | And then, like a cold hand laid upon j his hot heart, came Vandellar to the ; recollection that such gifts, to be legal, must be conferred by hand .and in the presence of witnesses^*--^ So it must be ruiia/nfter all unless-- but, no, he would not put himself in j the power of his servants by making I them his accomplices in false swearing, j With a sharp exclamation of rage and j disappointment, Vandellar rose from ; his ghastly vigil, thinking bitteVly that, ! as Sir Michael had died without a will, ! alb his property, bonds and jewels in- : eluded, would'go to his heir-at-law, his • j nephew, Harold, from whom, by the J irony of fate, lie had parted in anger. | But just as his hand was on the key | of tlie door Dr. Vandellar turned back j again to tlie bedside. He liad' thought of a device which might secure to him | the valuables he so coveted, j An adept in electrical and galvanic .science, Dr. Vandellar possessed all tlie --newest--appa ratu-s--for--exper i menfrttg upon animals and human beings sup­ posed to be dead, with a view of bring- I ing them back to life. Many such ex- I periinents had been made by the Doc- r tor. He had never succeeded in re- ! storing a subject to life, but he had | succeeded in making corpses imitate j the movement's of living bodies, lie | had also utilized his ventriloquial abil- I ity--acquired an amateur entertaiu- I er in his student days--and in some of his demonstrations with his disguised voice persuaded students and onlook- I ers that liis galvanized corpses were j living, speaking beings. True, in such cases the lights had always been low, and no examination had been made un­ til he explained the deception. All this flashed through the active J Doctor's brain with a rapidty of ! thought, and he instantly decided -to | put li is idea into practice, risky a's it | was. Sir Michael's body was not yet I cold, and the plan could be carried out I forwlth. Softly Vandellar quitted the death chamber, locking the door behind him. | and thinking how fortunate it was for him it was that "Sir Michael's nurse was our for her daily walk, so that he con­ clude his operation before her return. Entering his surgery, Vandellar quick­ ly adjusted his electric apparatus, and carried it up to Sir Michael's room. He soon fixed it beneath tlie clothes and attached the electric communicators to the proper parts of the dead man's | frame. lie rehearsed the conversation and effects once or twice, and \hough any suspicious witness might not have been deceived by the jerky, hesitating movements he succeeded in producing, lie considered that they would pass muster with his housekeeper and but­ ler. whom he intended to call as wit­ nesses. Placing the lamp so that the dead man's face was thrown into the shadow by the,bed curtains, and ar­ ranging the electric apparatus so that he could govern It while pretending to support the sinking invalid, Vai.dellar unlocked the door and rang the bell violently. "Mallinger," he said, as the house­ keeper entered, "fetch Jurgan, the but- i ler, quickly. Sir Michael is worse, and | wishes to say something in the pres­ ence of witnesses before the end, which I is. I fear, only too near!" Jurgan. lank and frightened, aiid Mrs. Mallinger. stout and fussy, soon hur­ ried in together, and, in obedience to their master's orders, sat down at some distance from the bed. "Now. Mallinger and Jurgan," said Vandellar, solemnly, "please pay the strictest attention to what passes, for you may have to repeat it upon oath." jfe Then, bending over the corpse, he continued: "They are here, now. Sir Michael. 'Obi yon wish Jurgan to give you the iron box from Jhe cabinet there?" The desad man's jaws worked con­ vulsively, and from his lips, apparently, came the monosyllable, "Yes." "Jurgan," Yan&9|££ commanded, "do as Sir Michael Jurgan rose and handed the box to the Doctor, who placed it in Sir Michael's hands; ancrthen with awful leading question^ ai|d ?'.-short, decided answers, I)r. Yamitoill jr proceeded with his grim mumlnerweAitil his two ser­ vants had duly tvlfpbsed the legal handing over of thef-jprbcious box and heard, as .they tll§|j^ht" Sir Michael's words eonferring^^^ift-. The b«x | and key once inon- Van- j dellar dismissed .tW^Epcd witnesses • to*their vustomliry driwjSte " ' 1 Dr. Vandellar r anidP»removed his apparatus to the . and then, having returned toyfo^Mgfael's room, lie again summoned M^fcger and in­ formed. her that the pooSffid gentleman had suddenly passed At this juncture, aulffitefore Van- 4 vrr TELL you, Marx, that what you j ask is impossible! My banking -L accou nt is already overdi'awu, you hold a bill of sale over this furni­ ture and my horses and cariages, and I haven't a penily in the whole world but this handful of loose silver1--and you don't want that, I suppose?" "Well. theventeen-and thixpenth wouldn't go far to pay off the veilteen hundred pounds, would it? Ask your- thelf, Mr, Vandeliar," and Closes Marx smiled affably, rubbing his fat yellow hands One over the other as comforta­ bly* as. though he were Dr. Yahdellar's. greatest friend, instead of his most im­ placable creditor. The JDaetor frowned inquiringly, "Seventeen hundred pounds?" he cried, iucixnlul<J^dV. "What are-you talking about? Thekrill you discounted was drawn for tifteeaLhundred only." "Yeili, I know," returned Mr.".Marx, calmly; "but the other two hundred's extra interest .for cashing a forgery F "Forgery!" exclaimed Dr. Vandellar, Iff Well-assumed indignation and sur­ prise. "That's an ugly word, Marx!" and his long, wiry hands twitched ner­ vously. making Mr. Mar?: think how painful they would prove if dug vin­ dictively into his fat throat. "I know,it's an ugly word, Doetbr; but it isn't so uglv as the crime itself. W hat's the use of beating about the bush? I knew that the names on the back of your Dill were forgeries when I discounted it." Cork Rope. A cork core, floating,.rope, has been designed. The inventor claims that this floating rope of one inch in thick­ ness will stand a .strain of more than 3.000 pounds. The rope consists of a core of small round corks', about three- qu.-t.rters pf an inch long, placed end to end. round .which Ls-ii ^waideil network- of cotton twine. This is surrounded by another layer of strong cotton tw'me. branded in, heavy strands, which is about a quarter Of an inch thick. .-The^pG^ of Marlborough said that he owed hhs-Suecess as much to his ele­ gant depor<tnent,as.t(> his talents. It matters little of how Efjn gs gj g g long, standing the pain E 8 S a I I I f t c I I I I ySdS^5°caseso 11 jfiyyou UiL and R H E U M A T I S M of many years' standing has been cured by it. Deafness Cannot Re Cured bv local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitu­ tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in­ flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. Wh,en this tube is-lMamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear­ ing, tind when it is' entirely closed. Deafness Is the result, and "unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored f§ its normal condition, hearing will he destroyed forever; nine cases out ot ten are caused by catarrh, wlvleji is nothing but an -inflamed-, condition of the mucous surfaces. '• '•• - We, will give One Hun"drfedDollars-for any case of Deafness (caused bv catarrh) that can­ not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cute. Send for circulars; free. - F. .T. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. £3r"SQld by Druggists, 75ot. , ^ ̂ , . l u i g h t n i i i g . A , . Blecti^cians shy :t hat there is-no Safer place, -during, a, thunder Storm than a tf-olley car:. ' Tit is js undoubtedly true. The- Wires- and car. pole make, the best kind, of light rung rods; •Although the country is pretty well run over, with electric cars now, we have yet to hear of a case where any passenger has been injured by /lightning. -- Keep up triat rasping cough at the peril of breaking Sown your Lungs and Throat, rather let .tl/e afflicted immediately resort to Dr. D. .la.vne's Expectorant, which cures all Coughs and Colds, and amelior­ ates all Lung Complaints and Throat Ails. &1LES OP LYMA % PISKIfAM%' VEGETABLE COMPOUND- Unequalled in tl«o History of Medicine. Honesty, Excellence, Faithfulness Fitly Rewarded. [SPECIAL TO OUB I.ADY KEAOEKS.] ISTever in the historj r of medicine has the demand for one particular remedy for female diseases equalled that ~-- attained by & x M S l a m s if m m zrcxz why did you. Ilie shrewdest, most close- fisted money lender in London, discount a bill you knew to be forged?" "For the thimple reason, my friend, that I knew you'd have to take it up when it fell due." "Then you've made a mistake; T can't. The bill's overdue now!" "Oh, another day or two don't mat­ ter to me," said Marx, airily. "But don't you se<\" explained tlie Doctor, impatiently, "don't you see that I'm broke--smashed altogether?" "It can't be so bad as that? No. no. Now, Vandellar. my boy, you're jogink; now. ain't you?" "No," answered Vandellar. grimly. "I never was more serious in my life." "Then, if that's the case," stormed Mr. Marx, his amiability suddenly van­ ishing, "you'll have to meet this bill to­ morrow or go to prison!" Wery well," said tlie Doctpr. who grew calm as His creditor became ex- cited. "If that's your decision, you-may as well send for the police at once." Now, Mr. Marx knew that to send Dr. Vandellar to prison would lie to irretrievably lose his money, which he did not wish to do; so he . instantly calmed down. "Look here, Vandellar." said he, "can't we come to some ar­ rangement? You've got a lot of paying patientslju the house--can't you squeeze some of them for a hundred or two?" "I've pumped their purses dry, I'm afraid," returned Vandellar, sadly. "Thosig gold shares you recommended to incc have swallowed up every penny lately. To be sure, there's old Sir Michael Trefusis; lie's been with me some years now and I've got consider­ able influence over him. He isn't like­ ly to last much longer, and he shouldn't be very fond of his nephew, if my words have had any effect. If I could get him to leave me something hand­ some under his will, would you wait until his death?" "Oh, certainly, with pleasure. But I shall have to see the will, my boy--and I ^hall want to be sure it ain't a for­ gery. just as a matter of business, you know!" ,Dr. Vandellar flushed at- the allu­ sion. "I shan't put myself doubly in your power. Marx." lie said. "Will you call to-morrow? and I will toll you how 1 get on to-night. If possible. I'll get the matter settled before morning." "I'll call at 10," agreed Mr. Marx, radiant at tlie prospect of recovering his money. "Then, till morning, an re voir." said Vandellar. showing his visitor from the room. "No doubt I shall be ready for you." •Ja\\ . -ffft]I'JWmm Ej Pinkhanis Compound demand f for it been / | so great as ̂n faivu/Z, it is today. M M AIFrornt ' I Maine to California, from the Gulf to the St. Lawrence, come the glad tidings of woman's suffering relieved bydt; and thousands upon thou­ sands of letji 'rs are pouring in from g r a t e f u l w ? m o n , . s a y i n g t h a t i t W I L L and does positively cure those painful Ailments of Women. It will cure the worst forms of female complaints, all ovarian troubles, inflam­ mation and ulceration, falling and dis­ placements of tlie womb, and consequent spinal weakness, and is peculiarly adapted to the change of Ufe. Every time it will cure Backache. It-has cured more cases of leucorrhoea by removing the cause, than any remedy the world has ever known; it is almost infallible in such cases. It dissolves and expels tumors from the uterus in an early stage of development, and checks any tendency to cancerous humors. Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills work in unison with the Compound, end are a su^e cure for constipation and siek- headache. Mrs. p Pinkham's Sanative "Wash is frequently found of great, value for local application. Correspondence is freely solicited by the Lydia E. Pink- ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., and the strictest confidence assured. All drug­ gists sell the Pinkham's remedies. Tlie Vegetable Compound in. three forms, -- T,I quid, Pills, and Lozenges. The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age. Thin or gray hair and bald heads, so displeasing to many people as marks of age.,may be averted for a long using Hall 's Hair UeneWer. Blessings ever wait on virtuous deeds, and. though a late, a sure reward suc­ ceeds. PLUG , and no other: for it is fltjityslpiice Q! Iiol jfofeagee • ever sold for ID CENTS "Brown's Bronchial Troches" are a simple and convenient remedy for Bron­ chial Affections and Coughs. Carry them in your pocket. 9 A gentleman always knows the dif­ ference between being friendly and be­ ing familiar. reason 1; FITS.---All Fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nei-vo Kestorei. No Fit* after first day's use. Mar­ velous cures. Treatise and^K.OO trial Liottle free to lit cases. Send to Dr. Kfine, tut Arch St.. Phi la. Pa. /Mrs. Wtnslow's Soothing Strop tor Children teething; oolt us tlie Bums, reduces inflammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle. When to say "No." When the clerk tries to get rid of some other binding by calling it just as good as the 'Every Monday morning for two years I've used' SANTA CLAUS SOAP--always makes the clothes pure and white without hard rubbing-- have my washing done by nine o'clock. This soap has never harmed the most delicate ' -colors in my summer dresses, so it must P"v--~2jagg>r"^t)e free from all acids. I do wish you ^ would send down to the Grocer and get a cake to try on your next washing-day. You will find a perfect Laundry Soap, t- /f Sold everywhere. Made only by The N. K. Fairbank Company, M B Chicago. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. PREPARING FOR AGGRESSION, Great Britain Has Forts at Strategic Points on the Yukon. A party of minors from the headw.i ters of the Yukon has arrived at I'orv Townsend on the schooner Many Buhns from Oonalaska and report that the Canadian Government is establishing well-equipped fortifications on com nianding bluffs overlooking the strate­ gic points on Forty Mile Creek and else- wherealongthe supposed boundary line. A large company of Canadian military police are busily engaged in exploring the country for mountain passes both in Alaskan and Canadian territory. A loop of Forty Mile Creek runs into British territory, and to reach the most valuable mines it is necessary for American min/ers to pass through a small portion^:>f foreign territory. The river is very narrow, and the po­ lice have erected on towering cliffs fort­ resses which completely guard the travel 011 the river. At several other points breastworks, substantially'built of stone, have been erected, and. 011 the whole, the actions of the police would indicate that preparations are being made to accommodate large squads ol troops at various points along tlie boun­ dary and particularly in the vicinity of the placer mines. However, the police are very kind tc tlie American miners, rendering them every "assistance possible and in many ways bestowing small favors and en­ deavoring to allay suspicion or unpleas­ ant. inquiries as to the objects ot such warlike preparations. Small detach­ ments attired in citizens' clothes hare visited all the important mining camps reconnoitering the " surrounding coun­ try. What their object was they d< not state. Thomas Buckinan, a Yukog miner, who has been on Forty Milt; Creek for three or four years, speaking of the military posts erected by*the Canadian police, said: "All their forti­ fications are built of heavy stone,, through which are portholes command­ ing the paths and rivers. A few men properly armed could withstand a large force of soldiersT The police them­ selves are noncommunicative, and the commandant says the forts are to shel­ ter the provincial police. Some of the very richest placer mines of thd7 Yukon region are under the immediate com­ mand of these forts, of which ten have been erected this year."--San Francis­ co Chronicle.' Bias Velveteen Skirt Binding. Simply refuse to take it. No bind­ ing wears or looks as well as the "S. H. & M." If your dealer will not supply you, we will. Send fo r s amples , showing l abe l s and ma te ­ rials. to the S. H.&M. Co.. P. O. Box 699. New York C i ty . Paiir DOCTORS' Rif les by sending $1.00 for UHVL "HPl's Standard Keripe." which Instantly re­ lieves and cures KtieUmatlsm. I>;pural|rta. etc. Guaran­ teed. J. liELL, 3247 Unlou Avenue. Chicago, 111. required to clean your house with > Pearline, take the time required to clean it last with soap, and divide by two. Use Pearline, and save half your time and half your labor--then you can \ find time to/do something else besides work. ZZZT7 Pearline will clean your |^/ carpets without taking them up. WRJ It will clean everything. From the kitchen floor to the alFvx daintiest bric-a-brac, there's nothing in sight that isn't cleaned It saves rubbing. Dr. Otho Vandellar. fashionable phy­ sician. medical specialist and daring speculator, was in a tight fix, but he meant to get out of it. There was only one way--that which he had indicated. Old, paralytic Sir Michael, at present under his tender care, must be coerced Into making a will in his favor. That done, the old soldier's death would be merely a matter of time--and, perhaps, opportunity. Being a man of action, the Doctor rose from his reverie and left his study with the intention of visiting his wealthy patient. As he ascended the stairs he heard the street door close with a bang. Meeting his housekeeper, Mrs. Mallinger, on the landing, Van­ dellar asked who had just gone out. "Young Mr. Harold ®Trefusis, Sir Michael's nephew," the woman replied. "He had a private interwfew with his uncle, sir, and left the room in an aw­ ful hurry." • Left the room in a hurry! Shut the, door after him with a bang! That seemed to imply anything but a pleas­ ant interview between , uncle and nephew,- and Vandellar augured well for h fin self under the circumstances. "Mrs. Mallinger," he said, curtly. "Sir Michael's state is precarious,...and while he is under my care I will" not have him annoyed. He must not be.up­ set in this manner. Give orders, that Mr. Trefusis is not to be admitted in future." In anoth?r^noment Dr. Vandellar en­ tered Sir Michael's room. He would see how his patient was, and then, by persuasion or force, make him execute a short will bequeathing something handsome "to his. dear Mend and at­ tentive physician. Otho Vandellar, M. D.,""^tc. He.1 advanced to the bedside and called Sir Michael by name. There was no answer. "Asleep," muttered Vandellar. "Sor­ ry to disturb the old fellow, but it can't be helped." So saying, he lit the lamp, for the wintry afternoon light was failing fast, • Mr. R. L. Johns, of Selma. Ala., Is in the habit of buying Kipans Tabules at White's Pharmacy at Selma. When interviewed at the. time of a recent purchase, Mr. Johns said: "Ever since I was in the army, where I contracted indiges­ tion and dyspepsia from eating 'hard tack and sow belly,' 1 have suffered much from those and kindred ailments. A son of mine who clerks for ,T. N. Harter in a drug store at Winfield, Kansas, told ine while home on a visit, over a year ago. to get a box of Itipans Tabules and take them. I did, and in a very short time I was benefited, and by the time they were half gone 1 was well, and since then I have felt better, ate more and relished it better than at any time since the war. and am doing more work now than I ever expected to do again. 1 tell you they are the greatest medicine for a fellow's stomach 1 ever saw. This box is for a neighbor of mine but by me in the country. We always have them at home, and I never hesitate to recommend them when a fellow . complains about his stomach hunting him. (Signed) R. L. JOHN'S," Rlpaiis Tabules are sold by drugyists. or by ma,U it Ihe price >50 cents a box) is sent to '•! ti» Klpans Ci mi­ ca 1 Company. Xo. 10 Spruce Street; NV»* V«»ri. ssr vial. 10 cents. Universally used and recom­ mended for Cuts, Burns, Bruises, ColdB, Catarrh, Sore Throat, all i"a!ii, I'lles and lnflammationa. , Genuine in our bottles only, buff wrappers. See our name, Pond's Extract Co., New York and Londton. Use the Means and Heaven Will Give You the Blessing." .Never Neglect A Useful Article Like - " I N writing to Advert isc rs, please Uo not flail to mention this paper. Advertiser* Uks to kno w what mediums pay tfceuat bess. Important Qualification Missing. A Chicago Ionian who is deaf anV. dumb knocked out a footpad with one bldw of her fist. What a pugilist she would make if she could only regain the power of speech!--Rochester Post Express. SAPOLIO CUBES WMfcHE Mi.£lS£ FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes OooO. Cse . th yjua. Sold by druggist*. .Hurpliine tfftbit Cured in 10 to SO No pay till cured. DR. JiSTEPHENS, Lebanon,Ohio.

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