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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jan 1896, p. 7

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• V «*«•* AN INDIAN MUMMY; ENTER* NOT BOHEMIA. Weather and Disease. nothing: so suddenly and completely disables the mnsclea as Sarsaparllla h^s over and over again proved itself the best blcod purifier medical sci­ ence has ever produced. Tt cures when other ntediclnes utterly fail. Its record is une- qualed in the history of medicine. Its suc­ cess is based upon its intrinsic merit. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. % xaXwtv \s \YU\V^ wywaWeA blacking of 5 sl^vc! THE SUN PASTE POIJSH for a quick LABOR afters dinner shine, THE applied ainf pol- J ished with a cloth. Morse Bros., Props., Canton, MOM.. U.S. A. ( and nothing so promptly imsss ST. JACOBS OIL, HnnH'c PUIc :m> easy to take, mild, ef- 11UUU » fective. All druggists'. 25c. Birds' Migration! Some idea of tlie great power under­ lying the impulse of birds to migrate may be gained when it is mentioned that swallows have been known to per­ ish rather than forsake their young in a fire, yet they will leave their .second callow brood in obedience lo this mys­ terious instinct. When It Was. . Host--5>Tev'er sliall 1 forget the time when I-first drew this sword, . : , ( 'hprns--Whb.n -was that V ;• - ;; riostr--At a raffle.A-Te^as Siftiiigs. Tlicir Struggle Againsta Ccmmon and KereHess Enemy- ' • (SI'JICIAI. TO' 6l It I.ADV -nlADEES ] - Woman's liero- tisin is not evinced Ix s by fearlessness or . enterprisein time ft of danger, but her | courage and fort i-§ tilde are unques-6 tiouable in time T Think oil the smiles and tHes to make those around her cheerful, whi]<i 6he is racked with t he excruciating tor­ tures of womb t rouble. Think of one who, day by day, begs her physician to help her, while the to.ture of tortures could not acid to her misery. Does she yield? No! She endures her agonies, and meets -her friends with, cheerfulness. This is woman's heroism, and few men realize how prevalent they are. Physi­ cians rarely render relief in such eases. After t went- years of success, with ever- increasing popularity, Lydla E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound is, to-day, woman's only sure and safe refuge from inflammation, ulceration, falling and dis­ placement of the womb, ovarian trouble, leucorrhoea, painful and suppressed men­ struations, kidney trouble, nervous pros­ tration, and all maimer of distressing and life-sapping female diseases. '• O my sisters, believe what is told you of this wonderful medicine ! Before I took it I had falling of the womb and leucorrhoea. My womb came down so badly 1 could not walk across the floor; the pain was excruciating; now all is so changed,, and I am so happy. Lydia , E. Pinfrlin.m'a VWet.ahlc. Compound has saved me from a life of misery. Don't, don't suffer, 1 say, when a cure is so easily obtained." -- MRS. WILLIAM HOWE, 102 AntoinStreet, Detroit, Mich. I hat ihis ni m inns; have surpassed in height any giant of whom there is historical record is unquestionably true, so far as the last two centuries.are con­ cerned. and accounts of oide.r dates are not well autheiitjcaied. Indeed, ihey grow more and more apocryphal as dis­ tance.of time increases. The exhibited giant is always more or less of a take, a number of inches being added to his stature by the show bills. 1'. T. Harnuni In Ills memoirs says,that lie never could lind a human being that would come up to the eight-loot mark, Chang, the Chinese giant, was advertised as eight feet higlio The fact, is that he was only about six inches over seven feet. His apparent height was increased by a flowing robe and thick-sbled shoes. Vet Chung was probably the lallesi man ever on exhibition in this country. Sev­ en feet is a good "height for an ordin­ ary show giant.--New York World. Pavement^ of Cork FITS.--Alt Fit*stoppedfree by Dr. Kline's (ire it Nerve l\estt»i or. No Fit* after first day's use Mar­ velous cures. Treatise and fx'.(*) trial bottle tree to Kit cases. Send to Dr. Kline. US1 Arch St.. l'tiita. l'a. HFrs. Winslow's SOOTHING SYRUP for Children teething: soltens the Hums, reduces inflammation allays paiu, cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle. * »it ** "W "W* * * * * * » i World 's Fair! HIGHEST AWARD. t IMPERIAL; ORANUM I Is Pure and unsweetened | and can be retained by 5 the weakest stomachj A safe, easily digested? FOOD for DYSPEPTICS!; SAY BOSS! Them People i n Won't Take This I / ^^fe|Soap-They Want | €Slf SANTA t ImSA CLAIJS I JM. m SOAP" i It is announced that the flying mouse is a recent discovery *1 the Cameron country of Africa. It is a link bet ween the bat and true mouse. The pear crop in Ceorgia this year is the largest on record. It is estimated by those in a position to know and to judge correctly that it will exceed 3<xi,- 000 barrejs. The "life tree" of Jamaica is harder to kill than any other species of woody growth known to aborlculturists. It continues to grow and ' thrives for .months after being uprooted and ex­ posed to the sun. i In the country districts, both in ling- land and Germany, there is an idea that, if the bees swarm upon a rotten tree there will be a death in the family owning or living 011 the property before the expiration of a'twelveinonfh. The colored people living in Berlin held ft festival in that city recently which attracted many of the prominent people of the capital. One of the best speakers made an address, as became a good adopted citizen, in eulogy of the German Emperor. Negroes in the fatherland, have reason to be content with their lot. They are received on an equality with whites, and are often called "brunettes." Out of the revenues of $300,000,000 Germany spends $11H,000,000 for army and navy; England $1X0.<100.000 out of $488.000.0(H), and France $174,000,000 oul of $(>70,000,000. I>r. Mendes, who gives these figures, estimates the an­ nual military expense of the United States at $80,000,000. but this omits $140,000,000 for military pensions. When these are included our total mili­ tary expenses are greater than those of any other country, with the possible exception of Russia'. Even-body wants SANTA CLA".S SOAP who knows the goodness of it. Try it once and you will refuse all other kinds, too. Sold every­ where. Made only by Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet­ ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the'needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas­ ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax­ ative^ effectually cleansing the system, "dispelling colds, headaches and feyers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid­ neys, Liver and Bowels without weak­ ening them and perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrnp of Figs is for sale by all drug­ gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man­ ufacture djbvjjig California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. CHICAGO. ^ G R O C E R I E S London's Lord Major has to put on thm suits of clothes on taking otlice. lie wears a wide-sleeved, velvet-faced, fur-trimmed robe of purple silk rep on presenting himself to the Lord Chan­ cellor at Westminster; this he uses af­ terwards as a police magistrate. For his show he wears a robe of superfine scarlet broadcloth, faced with sable fur and lined with pearl satin; this lie must wear when greeting the Judges at the Old Bailey and on All Saints' days. The dress for evening and for­ mal receptions is of black damask satin robe, embroidered with silk gilt. Under these he wears a velvet coat and knee breeches. The robes are a perquisite of the office and cost $1000. The chain of office has on it diamonds worth $(>00,000. and each Lord Mayor must give bonds for its safe return on receiving it. When the Queen passes through a fourth robe is neces- sftry, but, as that-seldom happens, it is bought only when the occasion arises. BATHS Turko, Russian Medicated Vapor t'seit by eminent jiiiweians :u ai] partn of the United States, who claim them equal t<> the Hot Springs for the cure of Kheumatisni, Kidney. Skin and l'eniale Troubles, obesity, ( utarrii, Astfnua and Eczema. 171 sold to the Chicago Fire Dept. A eh!Id can use it." Lasts a lifetime.. Supe- rior to any bath tub. Hundreds £7 ,> 9 of testimonials. Medicine for £,\A fj vaporizing sent with each hath. p-v / J? Complete outfit, tncliulins med- "ovu! lcines for any of the above ail- J? ments, to those who will ;u t as agents. $4. Money refunded if gvg Imm not satisfactory. Dank rtfrrm--*. t ••jffatiSJL RTT7 It Pft station phipatTfl Sf1-- ASTHMA POPHAM'S ASTHMA SPECIFIC Gives**elief In FIVE minutes. Send for a 1«'KEE trial package. Sold l»y Druppifcts. One Box sent postpaid on receipt of 81.00. Six box*# 9^.00. Address THOS. l'OPIIAM, rillLA., PA. In New Zealand, the old-fash­ ioned methods in use in most other whale fisheries have been abandoned in fa\or of nets, which are now used for the capture in those waters of these Itviathians of the sea. The nets are made of 2-inch mauila rope, and are so constructed that galvanized iron rings take the place of the knpts in the ordinary nets. The mesh is a ti-foot one, and the ropes forming it are spliced into the rings. The nets are made in six sections, each ten fathoms square, with two 10-gallon barrels as lloats to each section. When setting the, net, the sections are joined to­ gether with line just strong enough to bear the ordinary strain to which they are liable to be subjected, so that when a wliah\ gets meshed he tears away tlu>,w»ction in which lie is fast. While lie is trying to get rid of the net. the whaleboats, which are al­ ways waiting, dart alongside and harpoon him. Cfllfr DOCTORS' RII LS bj W'lidlnK $1.00 Mr UnVL "Hel '8 Standard Recipe," whirl) instantly re­ lieves and cures Rneumatism. Neuralgia, etc. Guaran­ teed. 3. BELL, 3247 Union Avenue, Chicago, 111. Self-Propelling Carriages. An exhibition of "horseless carriages" was made recently at Tuubridge Wells., England. It served rather -to show the variety of attempts that have been made to solve the problem of self-pro- polling vehicles, than to bring forward any remarkable novelty. Almost all the "automobile" machines exhibited have been described frequently. The English papers are laughing ajt the act of parliament regulating the use of such machines on commo'n roads. It forbids a rate of speed for them greater than two miles an h6ur; and requires them to he preceded by a man carrying a red flag as a Signal of danger. Left Its Trace. Mr. Huggins (entering parlor with Miss Kissam on his arm)--I have just had a taste of paradise; I've been to your conservatory, major. The Major--Yes; I notice you got Rome powder on your nose getting it.-- Yankers Statesman. ' , SAPOLIO Mr. J. II. Moon, of Harrisbtrrg, Ark., is a justice of the peace and also owner of the Samson Stump Extractor for the State of Arkan­ sas. He had never notion! the advertisements of.Ripans Tubules, and had no knowledge of them, to quote his own words, until "1 read ou the slate from Spirit Side, t then got one of our druggists to order some of them. 1 received the box of Tabuie;- by mail, which I have taken according to directions from the Spirit Side, and must say that it is one of the most, wonderful medicines for liver .and stomach that I ever saw. I wish these Tabules were in every family. (Signed) J. H. MOON." Rlpans Tabules am solcl by drurgtMS. or lij man if the price v50 cents a boa:} Is serjt So Hie Ktpau* Chemi­ cal Company, No. 10 Sprue* Strew. Sew York.' Sample i vial. 10 cents. Bottlebinding toast bread Superstitious Cure for Hyrophobia. _ .When a person in the Soudan is bit­ ten by a dog supposed to„ be suffering froln the rabies the animal is instantly caught, killed and cut open; the livet is "taken ,out and slightly browned by being held to the lire, after which the whole of the organ is eaten by the pa­ tient. ' •" AHelicate Hint. . ' . -He--Yesterday I asked a daisy whetli. er you loved me. ->Iiss Ethel. She--Was the answer favorable? He--No. She--Well, why don't you ask me?-- Fliegeude Blaetter. toJKS WHtS^AU EtS£ FAILS. Best Cough 8rrup. T»aM» tfood. 1 tatluaa Soitl ty BEBEBCSESiBGB

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