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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jan 1896, p. 8

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isoc^hat my WEAI2H JUSTTFTWc^, I FURNITURE oo UMDE RT&KING j ?{5|cwood, h-1 TICKS FLOBAL OOTIDS. Among the fralti ttiid flower noveltfos which 1896 brings us, we notice thate the enterprising and reliable Arm of James Vick'e Sons, Roeheoter, N. Y., are calling attention to three, which seem to have won great favor wherever known. They are the Doable Sweet Pea, the Only one in the world true to name, " Bride of Niagara," the " Early Leader Tomato," the earliest of all the tomato: family and sure to become a great fav­ orite, and the .already famous black­ berry, the "Rathbun." From the praise and compliments giyen so». abundantly to the "Bride of Niagara," this sweet pea must be more than charming and from the encojjwflms lavished on both the new tomato and tjt«8 new blackberry, it is pretty certain no garden desiring to have the first and best of everything, can be without these new comers. By the way, readers, are any of you so far behind the times as not to know VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE?" If any of you have never seen it, send 10 cents to this firm at Rochester, N. Y., and got a copy. You can deduct this from" the first order for seeds and the pleasure and inform­ ation their Guide will give you will cer­ tainly induce you to keep up the ac­ quaintance. Some Seekers' Excursions to tits South. . On January 14, 28, Ff^ruary 11 and March 10, 1896, the Northwestern Line will sell Home Seekers' Excursion Tick­ ets to ft latge number of points of Ken-: tucky, Tennessee, Mississippi. Louisiana, /Arkansas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma, Texas, and-Arizona; For-"tickets and full information apply to agents 0. & N. W. ;• 28w7 . 50 pairs Pants. 50 pairs Drawers, 50 Undershirts, 50 Overphirts at 50 cents on the dollar at J. W. Oisty & Son's, Ringwood, Jan, 10 and 11. Blankets, Robes, Flannels, Yarns, Un derwear. Caps and Mittens at less than cost, at S. Stoffel'g. Z HAVK Goal. Shorts, Middlings, Bran, Oil Jieal, Oats, GrouncLEeed. You have got to Use them. Get my prices on quantities, from a bag -full to a fear load; be­ fore buying elsewhere. W. A. CRIST Y, WE&l McHENBY, ILL We have some nice ones for $2.50 per barrel. We have a few more October make New York Full Cre am lieese. are very fine and price is right. We want you to try our 50 cent Japan Tea. It is a winner. We have a Fancy Oolong at same price. We have a full line of Jars at fol­ lowing prices: From 1 to 6 gallons at 9c per gallon 10 Gallon Jars for 90 cents. 15 " •' $1,50 20 " " 2.00 ELGIN, ILL. UNIVERSAL PROVIDES.. ORIGINATOR OF LOW PRICES. Will Interest You To know that throughout this and next , week, prior to invoicing, wc can do you a whole lot of good in the following departments: : OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT. .; We want to reduce by about $5,000. To do this our first cost is not even considered, ; THEY MUST GO. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. We want to reduce about $1,000. In order to do it this and next week we will give you a 50c vklue £or 25c a yard; a 75c value for 49c, a $1 value for 79c. Don't pay more but buy of Our Gent's Underwear Dept. Must be reduced at least one-half, The difference between the form er and present price is what will do it. Our 45, 59 and 79c grades are considered wonderful values at 75, 85e and $1, by the average dealer. Our Blanket Department Will not be outdone in saving you money. j. w. cristy & SON, Ringwood, 111. A. Eagela's SALOON AND filSTADB Alffl McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Wholesale and Retail Agent fSbr SC1ILITZ lliaiiiee Brerai Co.'s Beer, THE BE8T MADE. In any quantity from a Snitz Q-kas t© 1C0 barrels. Orders by mail promptly attended to. AL89. ALWAYS'ON HAND Fine (Kentucky 'Liquors, French7!Bitters, choice Ales« Wines, Cigars, Etc. I buy none but the best and sell at reasonable prices. Call and see mp and I will us use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McRenry, 111., 1894. i NEAR THE DEPOT, WEST MCHENRY, HJL.. PuKRfa^ accommodation of the Saloon and Restaurant, brands of Wines, Liquors antt KJ* to bo found in the market. PABST'S Milwaukee Lag e? Bin At Wholesale and Retail. 1,^ Zg £'.Small Kegs or Bottles »i. Wsyg on hand, cheaper than any other, a nail ly considered. 1 ^u*u Orders by mall promptly attended to. GOOD BTABL1NQ FOR SOR&F& *T"Oall and'see ue. Robert Sohiessle. «r .p. oenorai or local inAMiA c-yit . Ladies or g-nt«. "06^18. 575 n week. Exclusive territory. Th# ItapIU DlhhWakber. Washes all the dlthea for a family in oatf minute. Waahef, rinses and dries them without wetting the bands. Yon push the button, Ihe machine does the rest. Bright, polished dishes, and cheerful wires. No ecalded i fingers,nosoiiedhandsor clothing. f So broken dishes,no muss. Cheap, durable>arraated. Circular* free, f de OO.( Clerk «u. 13* Coliimbiig. JULIA A. STORY, DBAX CB IN DRUGS and MEDICINES. A FULL LINE OT CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS,. Paints,, Oils and ^ J- LA.Aa_H.Wy Trirrr. ̂ V^OlCTS' OON8TA.NTLT ON HAND. FDLL LINE: OF PATENT, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. Carefnlly compounded by a Registered Pharmacist, Your Patronage Is retspeotfully solicited. ^ • 'JULIA A, STORY One\Door West of Riverside Movute, McHenry, 111. F. L. MeOMBER, -- DEALS BIN- -- HARDWARE, STOVES, R&NGBS, ETC. THEO. F. SWAN, GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE ELGI^, ILL, West McHenry j Illinois, DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES. PURE WINES AND LIQOORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES Also, Bottled Ale and Porter tor Medical Use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing To bacco always on hand. Prescriptions Carefully compounded Give me call. GEO. W. BESLEY. West McHenry, Jan, 1, 1896. McHenry, Illinois WEST MoHENBT?, ILL. The Stove for you to buy is a Everyone warranted, and sold at a Small Profit. The Largest and Finest line of Stoves in the Market. < P. L. McO MBER, West McHenry. JxlCOB JUSTEN, & - FURNITURE' IMJHH UNDERTAKING lyS^^^^yEMBALMING. We carry a full and complete stock of all kinds of ^FURNITURE!; T A BULES Disease commonly comes on with Blight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you sufferfrom Headache, Dye- Tifn A *TW HI k IST-TV IBS Depia or Indigestion TAKE If you are Billious, Constipated, or r mmm m a nm have a Disordered Liver... TAKE TAs UwES If your Complexion is Sallow, or • you Suffer distress after eating, TAKE TABULEB For Offensive Breath and all Dis- •--- v orders of thr Stomachi....;.........TAKE TABULIS Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly on the liver-, stomBch and intestines; cleanse the system effectually; eure dyspepsia, habitual constipation, offensive breath and headache. One Tabule taken at the first indication of in­ digestion. billiousnes?, dizziness, distress atter eating or depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the ."^hole difficulty. ' Ripans Tabules are prepared from a prescription widely used by the best physicians, and are presented in the form most approved by modern science, ; . It given a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an infallible cure; they contain nothing injurious and are economical, A box will be sent, postage paid, on recipt of 50 cts by RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Spruce New York. Loaal druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules if requested to do so. They are Easy to Take, Quick to Act and Save many a Doctor's Bill. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENT FOR 1ST. 33. Î oloinsoii db Oo/s Formerly called Dot's Ale. One of the finest and most healthful drinks in the market. I keep the same on tap or sell by the Keg, Half Barrel or Barrel. Farmers wishing a pleasant, healthy drink, and one that will tone upthe system, should try a 'keg~of"Aff~ancP Alf. McHenry, 111., Dec. 3d, 1895. A. ENGLEN. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo WEST SIDE Store. Our line is as complete as ever and contains a large number of new designs in different woods. Oases, Library Cases, Desks, Chamber Suits, Lounges, Couches, -A-nci PARLOR. SUITS, From the cheapest to the best. Largest stock in the county at THE LOWEST PRICES. UNDERTAKING. Best of outfits on the most reasonable, terms. ST. «3Te TTT West McHenry, 111. TO BREAD MAKERS, KITCHEN, PARLOR, BEDROOM and DINING ROOM { FURNITURE. We have a fine line of goods and would be pleased to show them to you. Call and sec our line before buying and-we will do as well by you as anyone. Wo solicit your trade. WE CARRY A FULL STOCK. OP Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc., Etc. We guarantee first-class work in [every respect.. McHenry, 111., Dec., 1895. w ~ ".ECONOMY IS WEAI£H» Another car of the Famous Pillsbury Flour just received Wash- ' burn's Best also. Leads all others. < A dollar for a fact* and the fact is, that Washburn's Best Flour will give you the very best satis­ faction, will give you the very best bread that can be produced. Everlastingly depended on ; every pound ^guaranteed. If you haye never used either of these brands of flour, we would be glad to re­ ceive your order for a trial sack, if found not as represented your money refunded. Leave your orders at the Mill for Graham"Flour, guaranted pure Buckwheat Flour, Granulated Corn Meal, Rye Flour, and we will do the rest, rain or shine. Your patronage solicited. T.J.WALSH.

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