NEW YORK AND. CHICAGO. KNOWLEDGE Brings comftet and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly pure liquid laxative principles embraced in .the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence'is due to its presenting in the form .most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of" a perfect lax ative; effectually-cleansing the system, dispelling^colds-," headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval,of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver, a$d Bowels.without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from' every objectionable substance., •; Syrup of Figs-is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles,;but it ia man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup Of Figs, and being well informed, you will not- accept tiny substitute if offered. - The Brotherly Loye Which Blossoms in the^A.ui erjean Metropolis* -lilt's: funny how New York likes to rub it in 011 Chicago on eveVy occasion," remarked a traveling man at a Wash ington hotel to a Star reporter. "And vice versa," replied the re porter. "I was over at New York not long ago," continued the traveler, passing unnoticed the reporter's Latin, "and happened into a station house where one of the police, officers is a friend,of mine. Just as I was on the point of leaving, a man came rushing in looking as if he were badly scared. 'Here, Mr. Officer,' lie half shouted, 'I've been robbed.' " 'Where?' inquired the officer. " 'Just around the corner.' , - " ' "'How did it happen?' " 'A thief grabbed a valuable charm off of my watch chain and ran off down the alley with it.' "'Did lie get the chain?' asked tin* offieer, witn an evident-purpose of get ting an inventory before lie got the thief. , . " 'No. lie didn't." ', .'*?•' " 'Nor the "watch'?' '•"* \ " 'No.' ">l.N"or:your money?' .'No--nothing .-but •the' clyirnv.'.. ' ^ , 'Where's'.your residenco?' ... 'I don't live here. I'm from Clu. cago.' ... V " ~. "The „ officer's 'uiahner' 'underwent ,t marked change. - ;. " 'Oh.Nhe sneered, 'from Chicago, ,ar" you? Well, what are you kicking about? Do you expect to be treated j the same Way here you would have been treated by one of those Chicago robbers? You're in luck.' Aud the offi cer called up a sergeant'and turned the stranger over to him." "Home, Sweet Home," Payne's song, was originally a number in the opera "Clari, the Maid of Milan," a produc tion brought out in 1S23. The opera was a failure, and nothing is now known of it save the one song, which became instantly popular. Over 100,- 000 copies were .sohl in the first year of its publication, ami the sale in one %,nn or another has been constant ever since the first appearance of this beau tiful theme. The melody is a Sicilian folk-song, and was adapted to the words by Payne himself. Cork. All ornamental cork for bottles and decanters, which Opens and closes au tomatically, has been placed on tlie London market. <fWPOLEON, ONCE ASKED FOR AN OPINION, Gives a Graphic Description of His Ideal Woman. Mothers Please IS'ote. • FSPKQUL TO OT'B L.AL>Y HEADERS.] In response to a question asked by a lady, the great Napoleon replied, -- " My ideal woman is not the beautiful-1'eat ured society belle, whose phy sician tries in vain to keep her in repair, nor I the fragile butterfly of fashion, who gilds the tortures of dis ease with a forced smile. " No! my ideal is a woman who lias accepted her being as a sacred trust, and who obeys the laws of nature for the preservation of her body and soul. "Do you know, . my knee involunta rily bends in homage when I meet the matron who reaches middle age in com plete preservation. " That woman is rendered beautiful by perfect _ health, and the stalwart children Dy her side are her reward. That's my ideal woman." To grow to ideal womanhood the girl hood should be carefully guarded. Mothers owe a duty to their daughters that in too many cases is neglected. Nature has provided a time for purifi cation; and if the channels are obstructed the entire system is poisoned, and mis ery comes. At a mothers' meeting the wife of a' noted New York divine said to her lis teners: "Watch carefully your daugh ters' physical development. " Mothers should see that Nature is assisted, if necessary, to perform its office, and keep their daughters well informed as to matters concerning themselves." Irregularities, from whatever cause, are sure indications of organic trouble. With irregularities come disturbance of the stomach and kidneys. Violent headaches often attack the -victim; pains shoot every where. Ex treme irrita bility follows quickly, and then utter despondency overwhelms the already over- bur dened life. ^ Unless the V obstruction is removed at once, your daughter's whole future will be darkened. Lydtia E. Pinlcham's Vegetable Com pound will accomplish the work speedily. It is the most effective remedy for irregu lar or suspended action known. Cigarettes of Green Tea. The green tea cigarette has arrived, and promises to cause greater ravages than its predecessor, the slender roll of alleged tobacco, which now poisons the air almost everywhere in Asia, Europe aud America. 4The person who first discovered that green tea would smoke is responsible for millions of disorder ed nerves, stomachs and heads, but is probably, too far gone in admiration of the enervating habit to feel any re morse. Already the new fad has taken possession* of England; it will soon storm flic walls of Paris, aud before we can fortify against it here we shall be besieged. It. will penetrate the boudoir of the ladies, and even the straitlaeed, orthodox public will see no harm in an innocent tea cigarette. But none tin- less a deadly peril lurks withiji it. "New areas" fm: the growth of tea arc constantly opened up in the East, and the product wil! be pushed with all the energy of merchants determined 4o make fortunes. Wo can'even foresee the time when to every pound of tea purchased, for legitimate consumption as a cheering and noninebriating bev erage the subtle grocer will add the a+Hty-packagc of cigarettes, enveloped in paper covered with pretty Chinese or Ceylonese designs, thus urging the entrance of the demon into the house hold. There is but one compensating | feature in the whole business, and that • is that at its worst the tea cigarette | can never furnish an etliuvium so sti- j tling as that of the American paper roll j with which every office boy deliberate ly exposes his lungs to partial paralyse daily. New York Journal. Pocket Electric Lights. An Austrian engineer has invented tiny electric lanterns in the shape of bottles, clocks, opera glasses, and other forms. Each lantern contains a small battery, in which three pair of plati num and zinc elements are concealed. A minute incandescent lamp is con nected with the poles of the batter.,', and is protected by a knob of cut glass, the lower part of which is silvered and acts as a reflector. The body of the lantern contains the reservoir, in which a fluid it kept. When tJie light is to be used, the top .containing the battery is screwed off and the^bottle is tilled about half way with the fluid. When, the top is screwed on again tightly the lamp is ready for use. As soon as it is inclined so that the fluid reaches the battery the.electric current is closed and the incandescent lain]) glows with a white and brilliant light. No sooner is the lantern replaced in a vertical posi tion than the light will be extinguished. The inventor furnishes with the lamp a bottle of fluid sufficient for eight fill ings at a cost of oO cents.---New \ork Telegram. But He Wasn't. Briggs--I don't care what you people say. I was cured by patent medicines after three of the best physicians had said I don Id not live through the sifjn- m er. Dr. Bowless (earnestly')--You ought to be ashamed of being alive!"--Indian apolis Journal. at- W h y N o t P u t " H i m o n t h e R a c k "Your Majesty," announced tin tendant, "an India rubber man." Satan was visibly agitated. "IIoW awkward!" lie muttered. Belief in a material hell necessarily goes with this anecdote. --Detroit Tri bune. In 1825 the I'nited States became prominent as a lead producer, aud has since enormously increased the world's supply. w. u. mmWmWl Drs. Maybe and Mustbc. mm a#- You choose the old doctor before the young one. Why ? Because you don't want to entrust your life in inexperienced hands. True, the young doctor may be experienced. But the old doctor must be. You lake no chances with Dr. M^ybe, when Dr. Mustbe is in reach. Same with medicines as with medicine makers -- the long-tried remedy has your confidence. ; You prefer experience to experiment --when you are concerned. The new remedy may be good -- but. let somebody else prove it. The old remedy must be good--judged on its record of cures. Just one more reason for choosing AYESi'S Sarsa- parilla in preference to any other. It has been the standard household sarsaparilla for half a century. Its record inspires confidence -- SO years of cares. ' If others may be good, Ayer's Sarsaparilla must be. You take no chances when you take AYER'S Sarsaparilla. ©))))[(((© ©))))((((© ©)))((((© HIS SPECULATION FAILED). • v ' ^ • . . . " v - Avarice Lost to One Man Forty-five thousand Dollars. During the recent real estate boom In a new town in the Northwest, a man who was visiting • the place invested five thousand dollars in a piece of land. The story of.the investment, as told by himself, is an Instructive example of the greed and foolishness that are so often begotten by a speculative spirit: My wife was very much opposed to the trade, and after I had been at home for a few months I began to think 1 was a fool for not taking her advice, and leaving the speculation alone. Land A JOKE FCV IFTT&SMTR prices went down, and I felt certain I should lose on the investment. A year went by. and I had taxes to pay and no opportunity to sell. Matters Avere very quiet in land. I was fifteen hundred miles from the property, and at the close of the year I should have been glad to take four thousand dollars for it in order to avoid a worse loss. Imagine, my astonishment, therefore, when, one morning, an agent of a rail road company came into my office, and after making several ciyitious inquiries about my piece of land, finally offered me'twenty-five.thousand dollars for it. I refused his offer! Large seem ed in comparison with my original pur chase money, Ta,t.ohee.thought; "It the' .land is worth that to a railroad com pany, it must be very valuable. I will hold on to it until I can get*thirty thou sand dollars, or possibly more," > The agent went away, but returned In a week with another offer.- The. com pany, he said, would go as high ns fifty' .thousand dollars for the land, but not a cent beyond that. My breath was taken away by the offer, but again I re fused, thinking td make even more. Fifty thousand dollars was a larger sum than I had ever dreamed of mak ing, but the chance of getting fifty-five or sixty thousand dollars induced me to refuse the agent. The very next day the sudden boom began to collapse. It had reached its climax, and values all went down with a rush. I spent the ncct week hunting for that railroad agent. When I found him, he would not make me an offer of even five thousand dollars for the prop erty. The railroad had suddenly chang ed its plans, and the land was useless to the company. A few days ago I traded that piece of land for a small lot in my own town, worth, perhaps, twelve hundred dol lars. " You can draw your own moral. And yet I know a hundred men who would have done just what I did. Av arice is inie of the strongest passions of the truraau race. How Carafa Got One Thousand Francs " from It. \ There was li composer named Carafa who was always in a most alarming state of impecuuiosity. One day--it was in 1866--Carafa came to borrow some money from Rossini. "Well," said Rossini, after listening to Carafa's dolorous tale, "I am sorry 1 can't lend you any money to-day, but I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll write soiiie music for you, and if you take it to Brandus, my publisher, he'll give you some money for it," Carafa gladly accepted this proposi- Skeeters Worse than Snakes. About three miles above Mississippi City I called at a negro cabin on the highway to. ask for a drink of water. A mule stood near the door with a fore leg baWly swollen, and 1 asked the negro what ailed him. "Bin dun bit bv a snake. 1 reckon," tion, antl in a wdlfu>rfully short space" of time Rossini had filled several pages with notes. The piece he entitled "Douces Reminiscences sur L'Afri ca i lie, by Rossini." Carafa hurried off with the composition to the Rue Rich elieu to lay it before Brandus. The latter, upon seeing the manu script was greatly excited and sur prised, for Rossini and Meyerbeer, the composer of "L'Africainej" were. a§ was well kliown, bitter enemies, -The publisher's joy over receiving an im- proyisioii t>n "L'Afrtcaine" from such a source was great, for the composition would be sure-of having a very large sale, and lie gladly paid Carafa, the impecunious, the sum of l,'00t) francs. Soon after. Carafa bad left with the money, and the publisher's excitement .over the purchase had h little cooled, it occurred to him to try tlte'inusic. What was his discomfiture to find that it con sisted, of a series-of the most vilely dis cordant combinations, a certain amount of fiendish ingenuity having been used in producing the hideous %nsemble. These were Rossini's "sweet reminis cences" of his enemy "Meyerbeer's "L'Africaine."--Pittsburg Dispatch. A Trip to the Garden Spots oi* the South. On January 2S, February 11 and March 10, tickets will be sold from principal cities, towns and villages of the North, to all points on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad in Tennessee, Alabama, Missis sippi, Florida and a portion of Kentucky, at one single fare for the " round trip. Tickets will be good to return withiii thir ty days and will allow stop-over at any points on the south-bound trip. Ask your ticket agent about it, and if he cannot sell you excursion tickets write to C. P. At- more, General Passenger Agent, Louis ville, Ky\, oPJ. K. Ridgely, N.'W. P. A., Chicago, 111. G e t t i n g L a t e . She--I wish you wouldn't, smoke that cigarette in my presence. IIe-*-Tlien I'll throw it away. ••()h. I didn't mean that."--Life. . Soap abroad is now made. in the form of sheets and sold travelers who object to the use of hotel soaps or those used in public.places. It is sold in 100-sheet books, each sheet being about the size of an ordinary bank check. No who has once heartily and wholly laughed can be altogether ami irrcelainiably depraved.--Carlyle. Wo«<io"fu!JRetrJficationa. The regions of the Little Colorado River in Arizona abound in wonderful vegetable petrifactions--whole forests being found in some places which are as bard as Hint, but which look-as if Imt recently stripped of their foliage. Some of these stone trees are standing just asTnatural as life, while others are piled across each other just like the fallen monarchs of a real wood forest. Geologists say that these stone trees were once covered to the depth of l.000 feet with marl, which transformed them from wood to solid rock. This marl, after the lapse of ages washed out, leaving some of the trees standing in an" upright position. TITenmajdrify" of them, however, are piled helter- skelter in all directions, thousands of cords being sometimes piled up on an acre of ground. - was the reply. His own left foot was bandaged in a picce of bedquilt, aud when I looked at it he explained: "Bin done bit myself, but the pizen is about out." "Lots of snakes around here?" I queried. "Heaps of "em. Ole woman was dun bit las' week." "Whew!" "An' my boy Robert was dun bit dis mawnlif. See dat dawg? He bin dun bit fo' times dis y'ar. Cum dowu yer a ways." He walked about ten yards from the cabin, and he showed me two moc casins on a log at the edge of tin? swamp, "Good lands! but 1 should think you'd be scared of your lives here!" I ex claimed. "Wall, it's a little skeery, sail, 'spe cially fur de ehil'un, but what worrita mo do moas' is dem plaguey skeeters. 1 can't abide 'em nohows. De snakes won't bodder if you doau' run ober 'em, but dem skeetei's is jess bouu' to light down an' take hold an' pull yer ear right off!"--Detroit Free Press. , High, Low, J a ok.. „ Fine ice means very cold weather, then eomes a high old time in skating rinks, and skating ;ponds. on slides and rides, and we go home tared and overheated. It's the same old story of cooling off; off with wraps a.nd on with all sorts of- aches and pains, rheumatic, neuralgic, sciatic.,, lumbagie. including fro^rbrtes, backache, even toothache. They who dance»must pay the piper. We cut up Jack and are brought low by.our own foH;y. What of it, the dance will go on, all the same/ It is generally known "that St. Jacobs Oil will cure all such, aches and pains sepajf&tely or collectively, and the cry is on the dance. •• "• Tombs in the Rock. -Ou Pantalica, Van isolated mountain ne&r Syracuse; the remains of a prehis toric city with a great necropolis have been found. There are nearly 5.000 tombs cut into the rock, scattered over a space more than four miles in cir cmnference. Tliey belong to the bronze and first iron ages. They are not very rich, but a great many bronze objects and some earthen vessels have already been discovered in them. In one place is the only megalitihic building found in the easterfi part of Sicily, probably the palace of the king. It is 120 feet long by 40 feet wide and divided into many rooms. Hniv't This! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. .T. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. We the undersigned have knowu F. ,T. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WEST & TRUAX. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WALDING. KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. Hail's Catarrh,Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free, l'rice 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. The most of the world's petroleum is j produced in the United States, our j only important competitors being Rus- j sia; Don't allow yourself to trifle with a ] Cold, ami so entourage the development i of some latent Pulmonary and Bronchial j disease, which often ends fatally. You I had better cure your Cough or Cold by | promptly resorting to Dr. D. Javne's Ex- ! peciorant. an " old-time remedy for Coughs, Lung and Throat affections. That man is a stranger to himself who reitds no books. Nerves Depend upon the blood for sustenance. Therefore if the blood is impure they are improperly fed and nervous prostr'.tioh results. To make pure blood, take Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier. All druggists; $ l. HnnH'c I3i 11 £ cure habitual const! par S IUUU rillft tion Price cents. 6 6 To MASTER is to OVERPOWER and SUBDUE, is tlic master cure for | Master "nmiio I Cure." ACHES'"°PAiNS. A Tnsmaniun Wonder. The greatest 'wonder of the antipodes is the celebrated glow-worm cavern, discovered in 1S01 in the heart of the Tasmanian wilderness. The cavern or caverns (there appears to be a series of such caverns in the vicinity, each separate and distinct) are situated neal the town of Soutliport. Tasmania, in a limestone bluff, abo.ut four miles from Ida Bay. The appearance of the main cavern is that of an underground river, the entire floor of the subterranean pas sage being covered with water about a foot and a half in depth. These won derful Tasmanian caverns are similar to all caverns in their limestone forma tion, with the exception that their roofs and sides literally shine with the light emitted by the millions of glow-worms which Inhabit them.--St. Louis Repub lic. New Anesthetic. A new anesthetic was shown to the County Medical Society last evening which is said to be free from the dangers attending the use of morphine and cocaine and from the disagreeable after-effects of ether and chloroform. It is local in its effect, completely deadens pain, but does not destroy conscious ness. Its effect is limited as to both locality and duration and some of the doctors present thought that this as an objection to its use ̂ nevertheless, it seems to be a step toward that totally harmless and perfectly working anes thetic which the profession so ardently desires. It is possible that the new agent may find its greatest value in the dressing of wounds made by the sur geon's knife, a proccss which often is only less painful than the original op eration Itself.---Philadelphia Bulletin. Writing. The earliest Greek inscriptions were written from right to left. Next came the method called "boustropbedon," in which the written lines run alternately from right to left and from left to right, or vice-versa. Lastly, writing from left to right became universal. Montana's Divorce Percentage. Montana's percentage of divorces to carriages (luring twelve months recent ly ended was 14.26. There were 228 divorces granted in the State during the year. . '•<K You never find your merits are so small, * Your vices are so many and so great, You never find you are no good at all " Until for office you're a candidate. --Judge. 9. *46 6*** J? The Personal Side 01 George Washington Not the General nor President, but the lover, the man, the husband and neighbor. .Three of sucli articles by General A. W. Greely, the famous Arctic explorer, will shortly begin in the LADIES' HOME JOURNAL OVER 700,000 COPIES SOLD Ten Ceuts on AH News-stands. One Dollar a Year W ANTFH Agents loolc af"ler renewals and new W /Vn 1 El/ subscribers. Profitable employment offered. The Curtis Publishing: Company, Philadelphia COPYRIGHT, 1SM, BY THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY Sevastopol Wag Not Impregnable, was taken bj assaolt, but a physique Uullt up, a constitution fortified by Hoste.t- ter's Stomach Blttel's. may bid defiance to the assaults of malarious disease even in localities Where It is most prevalent and malignant. Emigrants to the ague-breeding sections of the West should bear' thisr,ln thind, and start with a supply. The Bitters promptly subdues dyspepsia, rheumatic and kldnoy complaints, nervousness, constipation | and biliousness. BEST TN* THF. WORtJ>, A Brave Woman. "Dear me," said Mrs. Wiekwirev look ing up from lier paper, "but. women :i re getting, brave nowadays." "(Brave?" echoed Mr. Wickwire. "Yes. Hel'e is a sjury about a woman whoxshot a mouse. She--psliaw! I -read it wrong. It was only a moose:""-' Indianapolis Journal. Piso's Remedy for Catarrh is the best medicine for that disease 1 h'ate ever used.--Ij. C. Johnston, loin, Texas, June 24th, l&ll. „ ' ^?ot &wa>o\\\\\$ and \QX Oc\ea^v\ess \\\\s - TA\\W\ v=> \YVJ\\} VKTTW&Wtfc LABOR THE RISING SUW STOVE POLISH ia cakes for general blacking Of a stove. THE-SUN PASTE POLISH for a quick- after r dinner snine, applied and pol ished with a clotJt Morse Bros., Props., Canton. Ma*#.. tJ.R. A D111II Morphine Habit Cured in 1% S. X. c. >6. 4-116 IN writing to Advertisers, please do not fail to mention this paper. Advertisers like to know what mediums pay them best. a MI5TER! YOU VE DROPPED YOUR --The better--a--man is pleased--with himself, th£ better the devil is pleased with him. As the name indicates, Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer is H renewer of the hair, including its growth, health, youth ful color and beauty; it will please you. We pray fol- nobody unless we pray for everybody on the globe. Throat Troubles. To allay the irritation (hat induces coughing, use "lirown's Bron chial Trcches." A simple and safe remedy. In those times wo light for ideas, ;iml newspapers are our fortresses.--Heine. FITS.--All Fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Kestoi er. No Fltt; after first day's uae. Mar velous cures. Treatise and £!.00 trial bottle free to- Fit cases. Send to l>r. Kline. 931 Arcli St.. Phi la. Pa. Mrs. Winslow'S SOOTHING STKUP lor Children teething; goltens ttie (fums, reduces inflammation, •ll*ys pain, cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle. A GREAT BIG PIECE FOR 10 CENTS- # Neighbor's Likes ISANTA CLAUS SOAPI H Says it saves time--saves money--makes overwork utmeces- j sary. Tell your wife about it. Your grocer sells it. Made ouly by The N. K. Fairbank Company, Chicago. "Cleanliness Is Nae Pride, Dirt's Nae Honesty." Common Sense Die- 'i tates the Use of S A P O L I O THE AERMOTOR CO. does half the world's windmill business, because it has reduced the cost of wind power to 1/6 what it was. It has many branch houses, and supplies its goods and repairs at your door. It can and does turuish a . better article tor less money than Fothers. It makes Pumpiug and i Geared, 8teel, Gslvanized-after- 'CompleUon Windmills;' Tilting 1 and Fixed Steel Towers, Steel Buzz Saw ' Frames, Steel Feed Cutters and Feed i Grinders. On application it will name ono of these articles that it wlU furnish ur.'.tl January 1st at 1/3 the usual price: It also makes Tanks and Pumps of all kinds. Send for catalogue. Factory: 12th, Rockwell and Fillmore Stmts, Chicago. $50 A WEEK AGENTS Local or trsveli^i. ladies or gen ts, selling rNational Patent DiihWaiher. j best made, simple, durable, low price. I well and honestly made, washes and dries dishes in two minutes, no muss, slop, scalded fingers or broken dishes, a child can operate, every one warranted, one in a locality means a sale to all the neighbors, setls on merit, every family buys/permanent situation, write fcr agency. World Mfg. Co., (O 24> Columbus, OJiio. Absolute! H Piire-DeliGious-Nutritious The Breakfast Cocoa ASTHMA POPHAM'S ASTHMA SPECIFIC .Givesrelief in FIVE minutes. Send I for a FKEK trial package. Sold t»y j Druppists. Ono Box sent postpaid jpn receipt of 81.00, Six $i.00« I Address THO: /WADE BY WALTER BAKER & Co. l.,mited DORCHESTER. MASS. COSTS LESS THAN ONE CENT A CUR NO CHEMICALS. l ALWAYS ASK YOUR GROCER FOR WALTER BAKER & COS. BREAKFAST COCOA MADE AT DORCHESTER.MASS.IT BEARS THEIR TRADE MARK U BELLE CH0C0WT1ERE ON EVERY CAN. AVOID IMITATIONS* „ CURES WHtRE ALL tLSE I FAILS. Best Cough Byrup. Tastes Good- Uae in time. Sold by druggists. mmh Washington, D.O. "Successfully Prosecutes damns. Lato Principal JSs&mtoar U.S. Peualoq Bureau. 3yrs iu last -war, 15a<ijudicaticgclaims, atty since, ICiuu-iestuwu, Mn» ŝ SISDrWCtHOHWj EYEWATER .Mrs. .Margaret Tread well, of Mil- burn. Long Island, In an iuteryiew had w it h her on the 24th day of May. 1S!C». said: "Two years ago l had the Crippe, antl sliiee then I have never been M&i smart. Nothing that 1 ate seemed to set well on my stouiaeh. 1 ain't been muchj>t a . hand for doctoring, but I tried *,. *• different kinds of herb teas, but they didn't seem to do much good --Catnip was the best, but 1 got kind of set against that. One day a lady asked me If 1 would try some of her medicine-- Kipans Tabules she called theiu. They seemed harmless-like, and Hie hard -- ,3ie took some lni> :iT>ii \vh-»tevt>r--:-- they are made of 1 don't know, but they beat all the herb teas, and We ain't felt so well in years. Wt» work on the farm all day now. and eat our three regular meals, and all kinds of victuals seems to agree with us. My advice is. don't hothet with herb teas when you can got,, these lvipans Tahuies. aud don't hesitate, as 1 did, about taking them. They won't hurt you.. (Signed) «, ^ «! \ "MRS. 3SARG'T TKKAf>\VKTX." Kipatis TMuiee aw> sold by Uragatew. urW tt tt:e trkv (.50 cuts * l«oi) i» «eut ,W «uj Kit>»:in i {it-mi- cai ©itnpaii.v. No. 10 Spruce Slreel. .New Y«tt. Sjudot» <rtal. 1U nois. • .