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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Feb 1896, p. 5

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Business Locals, Spring Dress Goods and Prints at 8, Stoffel's. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 5, 1896. CREAM Railway Time Table. Taking effaft Sunday, May 2G, 1895, at six Vfllock A. m. Trams Will .pass iloHenry _8tfcUon as fol low a: GOING SOUTH." D Lake Geneva Passenger...... 7;19 AM X Williams Bay Express ,8;25 " hX Williams Bay Passenger. 3;25 P M " GOING NORTH. • X [Williams Bay Passenger. 0-48 AIM 3 Lake Geneva Passenger 5;03PM BX Williams Bay Express j..'.. 4:55 " X Williams Bay Passenger 6:51 " EXPLANATION.* D--Daily.. J X--Daily eiteept Sunday. , b Sundaysomy. B. BTJS3, Agent, McHenry, 111. Univorsaiist Church Directory. T. J. Walsh, ... ... P. L. Mcomber.....,^ James B« Perry..;, ... Rev. J. Straiibj JD, D... ...........President ....... ...Clerk Treasurer ....Pastor Tho Willing Workers (tho ladies organ» zation.) Mrs. Jas. B. Perry ....... .. . ... ....President Sirs.-Xii 11. OWOJV . -.Secretary 3opt,'of'.Sunday School,..........O. *N. Owen a s s i s t a n t ^ . . „ . . M t a . " 0 . N . , d w e h rar-Tlio Factor's Chicago Telegraph Address! is Kurnside Orpesing, V „ • Preaching services at .10:30 A. M'. and at 7;3Q P. M. A'cardial im'it«ion to alL ' Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. T. 6. Cook',*" .......Pastor, Preaching Sunday, 10:30 A- M. and 7 ;30f. m.S Sundav School, 11:45 A. M. - Dr. A, E. Auringer, Superintendent Epworth League, 6:45 p, M., Wayne Wood born, President. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. M. Ladies' Aid Pociety each alternate week, Mrs. Isaac Wentworth, President, Oordial invitation is extended to all. MASONIC. \ McJHJSNRY LODGE, NO. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. W, A. OIII3TY, W. M. K. O. T. M. MCHENRT LODGE NO. 77, K. O. T. M.--Reg- alar meetings second and fourth Tuesdav evenings of each month, at K. O T, M. Hall. GEO HANLEY, Com, J. Js BISHOP, R. K. POTATO RACE at the Riverside Skating Rink on Saturday evening of this week. BEBLEY has in the usual large stock of Valentines, at prices from one cent up. Call and see them. IF you are interested in poultry read about the one hundred poultry pictures another column. / A NEW floor is being laid in the store of Qwen & Chapell this week, which is a great improvement in appearance and otherwise. You will miss a rich musical treat if you fail to attend the concert at the City Hall on Friday evening of this week. See programme in another column. / THIS section was visited by a snow storm on Sunday night and Monday and i we are now enjoying part 6leighing \and part wheeling. REVIVAL MEETINGS are being continued at the M. E church every evening this week except Saturday evening-, the Pas­ tor, Rev. V. (J. Cook officiating. The public are cordially invited. YHARRY FULLER has moved his family to Wauconda. The Geo. W. Owen house which he has occupied, we understand has been leased by Crist. Smith, the new Section Boss on the railroad. PERSONAL. DR. C. H. FEGERS was a Chicago visit­ or on Thursday last. H. GRIFFIN attended to business in Chicago on Saturday last. DR. H. T. BROWN and wife visited with friends at Nunda one day last wegk. HON. F. K. GRANGER was attending to business in Richmond on Monday. MH8. C. H. FEGERS was aChicago visit­ or on Saturday last. MRS. JOHN J. BISHOP is visiting this week with friends on Johnsbnrgh Prairie. ISAAC WENTWORTH and wife were visit­ ing with friends at Pingree Grove a few days last week, E. MAXSFIEJLD and wife, of Greenwood, were the guests of R. Sherburne and fam­ ily one day last week. MRS. J. D. LODTZ is visiting with friends at Storightpny Wis., where she ex­ pects to remain for about two weeks. MRS. E,€. MCCOLLUM and children, of Nunda,. have been visiting friends here the past Week. r WALTER EVAXSON has returned from his Southern trip, arriving here on Sat- r'day last. • • A. L. HOWE has been on the sick list 'the past week, but is able to be around \ a g a i n . • / . - - J " ; : CHAS. CHAPELL and Miss Jennie Cha­ pell, o,I Elgin, attended the Social at Mrs. E. M. Owen's on Friday morning. 'F HARRY HOLMES has been sick and con­ fined to the house for the past four or five days. Old La Grippe has him in charge. ~ VWM. BACON has taken in a partner and the firm name is now WM. Bacon & Son. The young man arrived on Sunday morning and weighed in the neighbor­ hood of eight pounds. 'v-_. T TQE ladies of the W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. T. J. Walsh, on Thursday af­ ternoon, Feb. 6th, at 2:30 o'clock. MRS. T. J. WALSH, President. MRS. F. L. MCOMBER, Secretary. LIST of letters remaining uncalled for in the P. O. at McHenry, 111., on the 1st day of Feb., 1896. Mr. Elmer Stewart, Mr. J. R. Poile-2. Chas. Emely, Miss ijClara Knight. Please say advertised when calling for above letters. ALBERT SNOW, Post Master. THE Young Peoples' Social Club will give a Sb*et and Pillow Case Masquerade Party, at Riverside Hall, Friday evening Feb. 7th, 189G. General admission to hall, 25 cents. No one will be allowed to dance without a mask until 11 o'clock. PER ORDER COM. THE dancing public should bear in mind the grand Masquerade Ball, at the McHenry House Hall, on the evening of Feb. 17. The best of music will be in at­ tendance. Tickets, 50 cents. / WE hear it rumored that Mr. Eskilson contemplates the erection of a new Sum- // mer Hotel, near Rosedale, on the east side of the river. He has already com­ menced the erection of another cottage near his residence there. THE Epworth League meeting will be held in the M. E. church next Sunday evening ,at 6;30. Subject, "By Works of Mercy and Help." Mark 3:1-5, Luke 17:1-19. Mrs. Bennett will lead. A cor­ dial invitation is extended to all. THE. Sheet and Pillow Case Party, un­ der the auspices of the Young Peoples' Social Club, will take place at Riverside Hall, on Friday evening of this week. Good music and a good time may be ex* pected. THE Old Folks' Party, under the aus­ pices of the McHenry Military Band, at McHenry House Hall, will take place Tuesday evening, Feb. 11. The manage­ ment are sparing no pains to make it a pleasant and enjoyable affair. See no­ tice in another column. FF SUNDAY being the 50th birthday of Dr." ij C. EL Fegers, the McHenry Military Band [• gave him a fine serenade in the evening. || The Doctor is not only popular as a physician but socially as well and his U many friends hope he may live to enjoy many more serenades on his natal day. / NOTWITHSTANDING the unfavorable j weather, the social at the residence of • Mrs. E. M. Owen, on Friday evening last, I was well attended and all report a very / enjoyable time. Both the programme ; and refreshments were the finest, and all \ went home well pleased with the even­ ing's entertainment. J. THE West McHenry Cornet Band went I out to the residence Of Jos. Draper, southwest of this village, on Wednesday evening of last week and treated himself j and family to a fine serenade. They { were invited in and treated right royally | by Mr. and Mrs. Draper, who fully appre- I ciated the spirit In which the serenade was tendered. WE learn that there are now about one hundred and fifty volumes in the School Library, one hundred of which are in circulation among the scholars. With this good start and the amount hoped to be realized from the coming concert, besides the'liberal donations of books naturally to be expected, a fine library insure to be the result in a very short time. Let the good work $o on. WE must have help. We pay men and women $10 to $18 per week for easy home work. No bookB or peddling. Steady employment guaranteed. Send stamp for work and particulars at once. HERMANN & SEYMOUR, 213 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 30-m3 MRS. HIAYvWISNER HUNTER. J DIED --February 4th, 1890, at the /home of Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Granger, MRS. MAY WISNER HUNTER, aged twenty- one years and eight days. \Immediate friends and relatives will attend funeral services at the house, at eleven o'clock A. M., Thursday, the 6th inst. Burial at Woodland cemetery. OLD FOLKS' PARTY. There will be an Old Folks' Party at the McHenry House Hall, McHenry, 111., Tuesday evening, Feb. 11, 1896, under the auspices of the McHenry Military Band. The management will leave nothing undone to make this the party of the season. All come out and have a good, old-fashioned time. Music by the McHenry Harp Orchestra. Tickets, 50 cents. PER ORDER COM. THERE will be a weight social at the home of J. S. Brown, in Ringwood, on Wednesday evening, February 12, 1896, the proceeds to .be used to help pay the pastor's salary. Each lady, wjjl bring a basket containing supper for tWo persons The baskets, will be numbered and the gentlemen will select a number and after finding the lady with the same will have her weighed and pay fifty cents per hun­ dred. There will be an interesting pro­ gramme. All come and have a good time. COM. A THE pupils of our High School wi have an old fashioned Spelling SchooK next Wednesday evening, Feb. 12. They will have Geographical Spelling, a gen­ eral spelling down, besides a contest be­ tween the High School and Grammar .Department. They will also invite all tinfsurrounding District Sphool and ex­ pect to have a contest or two between outside districts.-' A pleasant and pro- fitaBTeTTme Jsexpected. A general invi­ tation is extended to all. A collection will be taken up for the benefit of the school. Remember the date, Wednesday evening, Feb. 12. POTATO RACE. AT THE RIVERSIDE HALL SKATING RINK The attraction at the Riverside Hall Skating Rink for Saturday evening of this week will be a POTATO RACE. This is both a novel and exciting feature and should, as it no doubt will, draw out a large attendance. Admission, 10 cents. Skates, 15 cents. Five tickets, including skates, $1. Admission to those furnishing their own skates, 15 cents, or eight tickets for §1. The West McHenry Band will be in at- tendance. It should be borne in mind that River­ side Hall has one of the fiuest floors tor skating to be found in this part of the state, and nothing will be left undone to make it pleasant fov all who attend. JRe- member -the date, Saturday evening Of this W<>ek. . i ™ Grand Concert, iii A grand Concert for the benefit of the Public School Library, under the aus­ pices of the teachers and pupils Of the school, will be given at the City Hall McHenry,. Friday evening, Feb, 7,1,896. Unusual paius have been taken to get up an interesting programme, and the fol­ lowing artists have kindly consented to appear: Prof. J. I. Sears, Barrington, Yiolinist; Rev. Oeschger, Nunda, Imper­ sonator; Mrs. V. C. Cook, McHenry, Reader and Vocalist; Miss Sara Browne, Waukegan, Vocalist; Mr; McChesney, Chicago, Pianist; Miss Tena Arps, Ac­ companist. PROGRAMME--PART I. Violin Solo.... l.Prof. Sears Reading ..Rev. Oeschger Vocal Solo........ Miss Browne Piano Solo..... ....".Mr. McChesney PART II. I f a d i n g . . . v . . . . . M r s . C o o k Violin Solo ;..Prof. Sears Vocal Solo,....,, Mrs. Cook Reading.....-- »*....• Rev. Oeschger PART in. - Vocal Solo ;.. Miss Browne Reading............ Mrs. Cook Yioli n Solo .......... .Prof. Sears Plana Solo.Mr. McChesney Admission, 25 cents. Doora open at 7 o'clock, concert to commence at 8. NEVER pay money to strangers for goods to be delivered at some future time. The editor of this paper has the photograph of a traveling swindler, who signs himself Geo. W. Clay, and who has been operating extensively in this State. He is sandy-complexioned, thick-set and has a long, heavy mustache. The photo­ graph was furnished by a sheriff in Colo­ rado, who secured Clay's conviction some years ago. This man claims to represent any line of goods that will enable him to collect money in advance. He never signs the correct firm name of any com­ pany. He collects subscriptions to peri­ odicals at greatly reduced prices, but hi8 specialty just now seems to be appoint­ ing exclusive agencies for the sale of Demorest's paper patterns, and the Dem- orest Publishing Co. of New York are daily in receipt of letters, from business houses who have paid money to Mr. Clay for advertising matter, signs, a stock of patterns and "Mahogany pattern-case." The Demorest's never employ traveling salesmen for their pattern business, or to solicit subscriptions to their magazine, Euerene Field's Last Story. In 1884 Eugene Field wrote a story which he called "The Werewolf." When it was finished he {aid it aside and a year afterward entirely rewrote it. In 1886 he again took it up and revised it, and during the nine years between that time and his death in November last, he re­ wrote it eight times. His last revision pleased him and he decided to print it. But death came too suddenly, and the story was found, unpublished, among his effects. Mrs. Field, concluding to have the story appear, gave it to the editor of tho Ladies' Home Journal, in which mag­ azine all of Mr. Field's work, outside of his newspaper articles, was presented to the public. The story will be printed in the next issue of the Journal, strikingly illustrated by Howard Pyle. PIANO G-lTEN AWAY. The publishers of The Happy Home will give an elegant fine-toned Upright Piano absolutely free to the person send­ ing the largest list of words constructed from the letters contained in the name of their well known publication-The Happy Home. Additional presents, consisting of Gold Watch, Silver Watch, Sewing Machine, Music Box, Silk Drerses, China Dinner Set, and many valuable and useful articles, will also be awarded in order of merit, and every person sending not less ten words will receive a present of value. Use either plural or singular words, but no' both, and no letter more times than it appef rs in the text, The Happy Home. This is a popular plan of introducing into new homes this popular publication, which has in its three years existence re­ ceived a happy welcome in many thous­ ands of homes. As the object in giving away these valuable presents is to advertise and attract attention to The Happy Home, which is a monthly publication devoted to Literature, Fashion, Stories and Art, every list of words must be accompanied with three two-cent stamps (six cents) for a trial copy of this favorite home journal containing full particulars, list of presents, and rules regarding contest. |You may receive a valuable award for (your trouble. Address The Happy Home 1358 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. SPECIAL DISCOUNT SALE. I have still about §500 worth of stock left which I will sell at a Discount of 50 per cent. In this Sale there are special Bargains in Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. Come early and secure a share of them. JOHN I. STORY'. Underwear, Flannels, Shawls, Cloaks, Dress Goiods at cost. Call on S. Stoffel ONE O! the finest five cent Cigars on the marl^t is the new brand just put out by Biirbian Bros., called "'Barbian Bros. Bes j." Try one. i We should eat more fruit in winter. Bananas, Oranges, Lemons and Apples at Owen & ChapelFs. GRAND SHOOT. There will be a Grand Shoot at West McHenry, Friday, Feb, 7,1896. Plenty of live birds and targets. Entrance to suit the crowd. The one making the best score in three shoots of ten birds, after noon, will get a ten pound turkey. Shoot to commence at 10 o'clock sharp. C. H. OSTRANDER, Manager. LEAP YEAR PARTY. Yourself and gentleman are cordially invited to attend a Leap-Year Party at Thelen's Hall, Johnsburgh, Wednesday evening, Feb. 12. Floor managers: Maggie Rouen, Katie Neisen, Katie Bug- ner, Eva Williams, Rosa Huemann, Annie Cotner. Maggie Nett, Lena Schumacher Lizzie May, Annie May, Mary Lay, Mary Michaels, Mary E. Adams, Annie Thelen, Ann Oeffting, Mary Adams, johnsburgh; Katie Tonyon, Ringwood; Mary Nim- skor, Solon; Susie Glosson, Volo; Katie Schaefer, McHenry. As this is the first Leap Year- Party held in Johnsburgh, the ladies'should makpit a point to at­ tend, and also to see that no gentleman is slighted. Music. Johnsburgh Band. TicketspSO cents. Jos. MICHAELS, Proprietor. Overcoats and Winter Suits at hard times prices at |2.. Styjael'a. ° RINGWOOD J. V. Buckland is on the sick list. J. W. Lawson. of Park Ridge, has been spending a few days here. John W. Bell is reported much better at this writing and strong hopes are en­ tertained of his recovery. Mrs., if i P. Buckland has a nephew vis­ iting her. He is a brother of Truman Drake, who was well known here. The next meeting of the M. W. A. will be held at the residence of H. VV. Allen, on Saturday evening, Feb. 8. Every member that can get out should do so. Let us get some life into our camp before it is too late. The cobweb social, to be held next Fri­ day evening at the residence of Wm. Coates, promises an evening of enjoy­ ment. A fine programme has been pre­ pared after which you buy your cobweb and proceed to unjangle it. \.t We have heard of different people try­ ing to walk on water, but never knew till last week that any one had tried walking on air. Of course we were not an eye witness of the feat, but -judging from "G ill's" hobbling gait it couldn't be considered a howling success. " The paper, which has been in circula­ tion the past few dayrs, has many, names upon it and the. prospects of a Hall are brighter than ever. Nearly one half the amount has already been subscribed and as there are several solid men yet to go to it seems as if the Hall would be a reality. The Necktie Social, at the residence of Mrs. Dodge, drew out a large crowd. The receipts, .including donations from those unable to attend, were $ t 90,mak: ing a balance in the treasurer's hands of $101.41. The nex£ meeting will beheld in February, at wkjph time a new set of officers will be elected. GREENWOOD. Our sick are all reported on the gain. Chas. Carr and Arife were Greenwood visitors Sunday. / Mrs. Chas. Grferih-Js visiting Chicago the present week. | Don't fail to hear lilr. Greenwood, with the Wheaton Quartette, Feb. 14. E. Mansfield, wife and children vis­ ited with R. She^mrne and wife, at McHenry, Thursdays The birthday gociftl at Mrs. Roberts' on Wednesday nighte was a grand success in everyfrpepectj the; receipts being §35. The Misses Richardson and Thompson of Ostepd; wereMsiting Miss Thompson and attended fieryioos at the Baptist church Sunday. < We think we have some dairys in Greenwood that will stand bragging about. Xohn Harrison is milking 11 cows with a daily averagfi ot 350 pounds. We consider the sermon deljvered by Rev. Hall Sunday in able effort. We wonder if any of the class of peoplb men­ tioned live in Greenwood ? Ask youself if that means you. j The C, E. Society and Normal Bible class will meet at the M. E. church Sat­ urday evening. Subject, "Chris c's Warn­ ing." Matt. 7:21-27. E. W. Bobbins, leader. A party of about a dozen from town waded through the mud and took Mr. and Mrs. Guerin by surprise Thursday night. Mr. G. said that he heard them coming but thought it was kids after buttermilk. All felt fully repaid for their walk. BARREVI LLE. Mrs. C. Colby spent last week with her doughter, Mrs. Lockwood, in Chicago. S. S. Shepard, wb^,has been quite sick, is on the gain. A party of our young people had a sur­ prise on Miss Nettie Wilmington Thurs­ day evening. ^ ^ :;s Clarence Colby was & Chicago visitor one day last week. ^ Jas. McDonald spent ̂ Monday in Car- pentersville. v Miss Munch has beenVisiting friends in Chicago. Mrs. Amos Keeler^otJanesville, is vis­ iting her parents neq,r ti»s village. Thos. Thompson and wffe were calling on Ringwood friends last.Sunday. John Fleming and wiffeiavebeen visit­ ing friends in Chicago. Over One Hundred Poultry Pictures, Of Poultry House/ Incubators, Brood­ ers and Brooder Appliances, in Poultry Keeper Illustrator Quarterly No. 1, Price 25 cents postpaid, or 75 cents for the four numbers of 1896. That leading poultry magazine, The Poultry Keeper, one year 50 cents, or both the Poultry Keeper and Illustrator one year to new subscribers for only eighty cents. Sample Poultry Keeper free. Address Poultry Keeper Co., Parkesburg, Chester county, Penn. M&rdi Graa Bates, On account of the Mardi Gras at New Orleans, La.,and Mobile, Ala., theNorth- western Line will, from February 10 to 16, inclusive, sell excursion tickets at very low rates; good for return passage until March 14, 1896. For tickets and full information apply to ticket agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. 31 w2 Homeseekers Excursion to the South. On February 11 and March 10, 1896, the Northwestern Line will sell excursion tickets at very low rates to a large num­ ber of points in Virginia, Georgia Ala­ bama, North Carolina. South Carolina, Florida, Kentucky,, Tennessee, Missis­ sippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Indian Ter­ ritory, Oklahoma, Texas and Arizona. For tickets and full information ayply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. 31w3, Cripple Creek, Colorado, Is now attracting attention in all parts of the world, on account of the marvel­ ous discoveries of gold which have been made in that vicinity. The Northwest­ ern Line, with it unrivajed equipment of solid vestibuled trains of palace sleeping cars, dining cars and frfee reclining chair cars, daily between Chicago and Colorado offer the best of facilities for reaching Cripple Creek. For tickets and full infor­ mation apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. 30w3 " ----4- Simon S. Hartman, ojETunnelton, West Va., has been subject td attacks of Colic about once a year, an<i would have to cal a doctor and then Buffer for a.>out twelve hours as much as some do when they die. He was taken recently just the same as at other times, and concluded to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea. Remedy. He says-:--! took one dose of it and it gave me relief in five minuter. That is more than anything else has ever done for me." For sale by J. A. Story. _____ FEMALE LOVELINESS. May be obtained by intelligent women. A well regulated system must of necessity show its fruit in the face. To regulate the system and keep it in perfect con­ dition there is nothing so good, as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin--Constipation and indigestion absolutely cured. 10 doses 10 cents. Large siz« 50 c and $1, J. A. Story's. '"'5 ': .v. • ' v... •• If® AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at public auc­ tion, on the Michael Doherty farm, one mile south of McHenryj on Wednesday, Feb. 12,1896, commencing at lOo'clock sharp the following property: 26 cows, new milch and springers, 12-two year-old heifers. Holstcins, with caJf, 1 full blood Durham bull, 1 8-year old bay mare, 1 9-yefer old brown mare, 1 5-year old white faced Shire horse, 1 pair bay geld- dings 8 and 9 years old, 1 4-year old bay mare, 20 shoats, 6 sows with pig, 30 tons tame hay and 5 tons wild hay in barn, 200 bu. rye, 300 bu. oats, 600 bu. corn in crib, large quantity corn fodder in stack, 1 tread power and feed cutter with carrier, 1 feed grinder, 3 walking plows, 1 Cassidy riding plow, 2 drags, 2 diamond tooth cultivators, 1 spring tooth Cultivator, 1 Crown mower, 1 Champion binder, 1 horse rake, 3 truck wagons, 1 milk wagon, 1 single buggy 1 3-seated buggy, 3 sets double harness, 2 sets single harness, 2 sets bob sleighs 2 hay racks, grain bags, forks, shovels and numerous other articles. TERMS.--Sums of |>10 and under cash. Oyer that sum a credit of 9 months on bankable notes at 7 per cent interest. .2 per cent off for cash;- No property to be removed until settled for. Sale positive a n d w i t h o u t r e s e r v e . • - . ' > • „ , * OATMAN BROS. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. r- .. . J. M. GARRISON, Agent and Clerk. f" AUCTION SALE.' : The subscriber having decided to change his business, will sell at public sale, at his warehouse, in the village of Mciienry, on Tuesday, Feb., 18, 1896, commencing at 10 o!dock, A. M., all his agricultural imp^mentsXconsisting of lumber wagons, top carriages, road wagons, surries, two-seated carriages, corn planters, 1 Piano binder, 2 Piano mowers, Hollingsworth hay rakes of all kinds, Mudget.hay tedders, 8 by 10 feet, hay carriers and pulleys, cultivators, 4 and 6 shovel, and spring tooth, com­ plete with 15 shovels and hillers, gang plows, sulky plows, walking plows, Car- pen tersville and Rockford steel and wood drags, 2 pulverizers, lot Star spring tooth cultivator attachments, corn shellers, lot single and double harness, wheelbarrows, 1 C. B. & Q. side delivery hay rake, wagon bolster springs, extra thills and buggy poles, Gorham seeder and Buckeye seeder and drill, large water tanks, together with a full assortment of goods belonging to the trade. Will also offer for sale a wind mill, lot of pumps, hose, brass goods, pipes, etc , in which line of goods the subscriber will continue. Good square free lunch at noon. TERMS.--Sums of $10 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of nine months on approved notes at 7 per cent interest. 2 per cent off for cash. No property to bo removed until settled for. WM. BACON. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE. Having decided to quit farming, the undersigned will sell at public auction on the Capt. Tryon farm, at Tryou's Grove, 3 miles north of Greenwood, 5 miles southeast oi Hebron and 2% miles west of the Keystone school house, on Satur­ day, Feb. 8, 1896, commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m., 14 choice cows, part new milch, 1 chestnut mare 5 years old, 1 gray horse 5 years old, 1 gray mare 5 years old, one bay mare 9 years old, 1 bay horse 11 years old, 1 bay colt 2 years old,l bay horse, 17 shoats, 1 truck wagon, milk wagon. 1 lumber wagon, top buggy, 1 hay and hog rack 1 Cham­ pion binder, hay rake, 2 sulky cultiva­ tors, 2 stirring plows, tank cover, 1 5-tooth cultivator, 1 2-shovel steel culti­ vator, 1 dise pulverizer, tank heater, 1 2-horse tread power, 1 corn thresher and carrier, 1 17-inch Star feed cutter, 1 I'rairie City seeder, 1 set 3 horse whillle- trees. 2 hay forks, rope and pulleys, 1 2-barrel cauldron kettle, 1 corn sheiler, 1 grindstone, 2 sets doubly harness, 1 sin­ gle harness, 4 milk cans, work bench, feed boxeB, ladder, 20 bu. potatoes, 200 bu. oats, 400 bu. corn, Yellow Dent seed ~orn, seed sweet corn, 3 bu. timothy, quantity corn fodder, household furni­ ture and numerous other articles. Free lunch at noon. TERMS.--Sums of $10 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of 1 year on ap­ proved notes at 7 per cent interest. Two per cent off tor cash. No property to be removed until settled for. C. E. VALENTINE. COL. J. G. WILSON, Auctioneer. Ladies 30c wool hose for 20c at John Evansons. Something .New. L. E. BENNETT, Photographer, has just commenced making something new in the Picture line, which iV'neat, hand­ some and cheap. It is called the Man- tello Photograph. It is a beauty. Call at his Gallery and see a sample. For the NEXT THIRTY DAYS he will make these Photographs at the low price of §1 PER DOZEN. Remember this ie a 30 days offer and call at once. If you see them you are sure to order a dozen. COLLARS, cuffs, suspenders and hand­ kerchiefs, at cost for tho next ten days, at J. D. Lodtz's. THE NEW YORK LEDGER, America's Greatest Story Paper. Always publishes the best and most in­ teresting short stofies, serial stories and special articles that can be procured, re­ gardless of expense. The latest fashion notes and patterns can be found every week on the Woman's World Page. There is always something in the New York Ledger that will interest every member of the family. 20 pages--price, 5 cents. For sale in this town by Charles Slimpin. A lot of choice St. Paul Fur Coats are offered for lese than first cost at S. Stoffels. MRS. M. P. O'BRIEN. Ivesdale, 111., writes: "I have used Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin as a family medi cine with the best of results. For de­ rangements of the stomach andageneral laxative I like it better than anything I have used. It is so pleasant to taste my children are always anxious to take it." For sale by J. A. Story. The little daughter of Mr. Fred Webbf-r, Holland, Mass., had a very bad cold and couerh which he had not been able to cure with any thipg. I gave him a 25 cent bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, says W, P. Holden, merchant and post­ master at West Brim field, and the next time I saw him he saia it worked like a charm. This remedy is intended especi­ ally for acute throat And lung diseases such ascolds, o oupandwhoopiner cough, and it is famous for its cures. There is no danger in giving it to children for it contains nothing injurious. For sale by J. A. Story. FARM FOK RENT. / A g tod Farm for rent on reasonable terms. For particulars inquire at this office. 1 Buy only the celebrated^ "Fancy Pat­ ent" and "Pillsbury'e Best," of Simon Stoffel. TAXES ! TAXES I The undersigned, collector of Taxes for the Township of McHenry, will, on and after Monday, January 20th, at the following pla<%3 for the purpose of receiving the Taxes of said town: > Mondays--At- the store of Castor Adams, in the village of Johnsburgh. " Tuesdays--At the store of J. W. Cristy & Son, in the village of Ringwood. Thursdays--At the store of A. P. Baer, West McHenry. Saturdays--At the store of Owen & Chapell, McHenry. L All persons having Taxes to .pay should call at any of the aboye named places at as early a day as possible. M. J. FREUND, Collector. DRY WOOD FOR SALE. .. - -J The undersigned has a quantity of dry wood for sale. . Will deliver in any part of the village in quantities,of one cord or more. Orders may be left at the agricul­ tural warehouse. WTM. BACON. 3 Bars (good size) TOiiet Soap 10c at Evanson's; * • " M;'. Jf you want a new Harness, single or double, call on Gus Carlson, He is sure to please you both in quality and price. Mixed paints, paints and oil, carriage paints, brushes, etc.; cheap, at Besley's, -on the west side. • I have calls for money on first class real estate security for a term of years. . ; . ' 11. C. MEAD. BARBIAN BROS, have just put in a new line of the finest pipes ever brought to this market. Smokers will do well to call and see them. CATARRH HAY FEVER OR ASTHMA positively cure 1 by nature's roots and herbs or no pay. Send 10c postage for ten sample treatments, UOLORADO MED­ ICINE CO., Denver. Col. " Call at Gus Carlson's and get your horse dressed up. He keeps everything in that line and of the best quality. We are selling the Cross Creek Lehigh Hard Coal atjthe same price we would have to ask foh-a-oheaper coal. Try it. WH^IUR LUMBER CO. I have made a special^ of the prose­ cution of all kinds of damage cases against RAILROADS. ' other Corporations, and Estates, for fifteen years and make no charge unless successful. Call or write me. C. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, Woodstock, 111. A. P, Baer is giving some great bar­ gains in Rubber and Warm Goods. Call and see what cheap goods they are. Dried fruits are very low and our as­ sortment is complete. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. FOli SALE. I now offer for sale my house and three and one-half acres of land, situated in the village of West McHenry. Will be sold cheap. E. J. HANLY. West McHenry, 111., Jan. 20, 1896. Just received, another car of Sleepy Eye Flour. It costs nothing to try a sack.' A. P. BAER. Cash purchasers receive extra induce­ ments when buying of us which is as it should be. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. While we hear a great deal about high­ er prices in shoes, you cannot find any advance in price on our stock. J. W. CRISTY & SON. Ringwood. A. P. Baer is discounting his prices on Blankets, Shawls, Children's Underwear, and Hosiery 20 per cent. NOTICE! All persons indebted to the firm of Perry & Owen are requested to call and settle at once. We c^ire tb have all ac­ counts closed without delay. PERRY & OWEN, Nothing yet equal to the Pan-ka-ko self rising flour, for pancakes, at A. P. Baer's. FARM FOR RENT.--I offer my farm, sit­ uated in the town of Greenwood, for Rent on reasonable terms. For particulars inquire of C^B. MURPHY. Particular Notice* All persons indebted to the estate of Richard Bishop are notified that the same must be paid at once. J. B. PERRY, Administrator. McHenry, Nov. 11th, 1895. - 19ml HAVE YOU A COLD ? If so, then, instead of taking BO much quinine and other strong medicines, take a pleasant and mild stomach and bowel, remedy, which will cleanse the system,I and you will be surprised how quickly] the cold will leave you. Dr. Caldwell'i Syrup Pepsin will do this better than] any other. Trial size 10c (10 doses 10c) larger sizes 50c and $1 at J. A. Story's Home Seekers' Excursions to the South On January 14, 28, February 11 an March 10,1896, the Northwestern Lim will sell Home Seekers' Excursion Tick] ets to a la'ge number of points of Ken tucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisian Arkansas, Indian Territory, Oklahom Texas, and Arizona. For tickets and fut information apply to agents C. & N. W R'y. 28w7 , FOR SALE. The brick block known as thePekovsk, Block, opposite the Bank of McHenry, i: this village, is offered for sale. It con tains one large store room and twi rooms suitable for Dress Maker or othei business, in first story, and also fine liv­ ing rooms in second story. Is situa in center of village and is a first class lo cation for any business. Will be sol cheap and on reasonable terms. Inquire o! 4tf H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, SHADE Frames and Crepe Paper, for Lamp Shades, at G. W. Besley's. Have you tried the new Pan-ka-ko ; at A. P. Baer's? • • • New Wall Paper with: Ceilings and Bor­ ders to match at S. Stoffel's. --i--__ ! i Insure your proper# with S. Stoffel and be insured. j A beautiful story is a lovely large book bound in leather, only $2.25, at J. A. Story's. £au and examine. I have calls for Houses, Who has any to rent in this village? Let me Know and I can rent them. . H. C. MEAD. If you want a keg of nice Syrup go to A. P. Baer's, on the W est Side, and get a keg of Baer's Choice. It has ho superior on the market. POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. ' .It's Free! " , *.-v-" Do not fail to send for a free sampe ; copy of the Weekly Globe, box 540, Den­ ver, Colorado, an illustrated home and family paper, devoted to temperance, pure western stories, mining news, etc. ' Fifty cents per year. Send to-day. R * ; • f u r i > I will pay: the highest market price, in cash, for Raw Fur Of all kinds. (all on or address me at West McHenry, 111,' - • W,M. C. HOW ARD. West McHenry, Nov. 20,1895. 20tf Loans Negotiated; Do you want money? I cp.n get it for you. Have you real estate to sell or rent? Do you want to buy or rent? I can help you. Terms reasonable. 2yl H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. 8 or 10 men to solicit orders for Hardy Nursery Stock Fruit and Ornamentals ; also new and valu­ able varieties of Seed' Potatoes. Permanent positions; good salary, ranging from $75 to #126 p«r month, Apply quick with references, L- L. MAY & CO., St Haul. Minn. Nurserymen, Florists and Seednien. WANTED The Golden West Invites your attention. Fabulous for­ tunes have been made by judicious in­ vestments in gold mining stock i. Send a stamp for full particulars aboutCripple Creek gold camp (near Pike's Peak) and full particulars about our company. Ad­ dress, Pike's Peak Mining and Real Es­ tate Company, (Incorporated,) Denver, Colorado. * ' > Don't Tob&oeo Spit or Smoke your Life Away The truthful startling title of a book about No-~to-bac, the only' harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit cure, that braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No- to-bac is sold by Julia A. Story under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chicago. THREW AWAY HIS CANES. flfP? diS Mr. D. W iley, ex-postmaster, Black Cr«ek, N. Y., was so badly afflicted with 1$ rheumatism that he was only able to hobble around with canes, and even then-- « it caused him great pain. After using Chamberlain's Pain Balm he was so much improved that he threw away his canes. He says this linement did him more good than all other medicines and treatment put together. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by J. A. Story. . . Many merchants are well aware that their customers are their best friends and take pleasure in supplying them with the best goods obtainable.. As an instance we mention Perry & Cameron, prominent druggists of Flushing, Mich. They say: "We have no hesitation iu recommend­ ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tQ our customers, as it is the Dest cough medi­ cine we have ever sold, and always gives satisfaction." For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by J. A. Story. SMOKERS Wta iii Want of a Good Cipr! r : THE OLD RELIABLE CALL AT Cigar and Tobacco Dealers. OUR SPECIALTIES : Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best, hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by 1 dealers. Executor's Notice of Filing Final Settlement* STATE OF IL LINOlS, ) MCHEKRT COPJjlTTV Estate of Samuel Sltuuionsdeceasau* To whom it may Concern: You are hereby notified that on Monday, the 2nd day ot Marcb. 1S36, t ie Eioea trik 01 said estate will present to the County Court of McHenry County, at,, the Courthouse jn Wood»took, 111, her final re­ port of her acts and doings as auch Execu­ trix and ask tne C«jurt to be discharged from any and all further duties and reanonelhlti- ties connected with aald Estate and her : administration thereof, at Which tjme and place you may be present an«! resist auefe ap* . plication, it you choose so to-do, MAKV JANE SVACLDUKO, Executrix, #>w3 " . . ? X;;.4 ij

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