WEDNESDAY, MAR. 25, 189S. J> VAJV 8LYKE, Editor. Republican County Convention. The Republican voters of McHenry *county are requested to send delegates to the Republican county convention to be held at the Court House, in the city of Woodstock, Friday, March 27, 1896, at 1 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of select ing eleven (il) delegates to represent Mciienry County in the State Convention to be held ot Springfield, April 29, 1896. Also to select delegates to represent McHenry Co. in the Congressional Con vention (time, place and number of dele gates yet to be fixed.) Also to select delegates to represent McHenry county in the Senatorial Convention (time, place and number of delegates yet to be fixed.) Also for the purpose of placing in nomi nation candidates for the following offices, viz: Circuit Clerk, State's. Attor ney, County Surveyor and County Cor oner, anp for the transaction of such other business as may properly come be fore the convention. The several townships of the county are entitled to the following represen tation: Riley 6 Greenwood....:,...., 9r •Marengo ...;..23 Hebron ....: lo^ Dunham- ...... 9 Richmond .....36 Chemung.. . . . , . . . . i ..27 Burton 2 Alden... 9 AlcHenry...... 15 H&rtland.... 2 Nuflda . . . . . . . . .11 Seneca......... * 8 Barrevalie 6 Coral 9 Algonquin........... 9 G rafton 6 Crystal Lake. - 5 Dorr.,... ^.......23 Cary...... 6 It is recommended by the committee that the several towns hold their caucuses on Saturday, March 21, 1896. . and that the delegates be selected by ballot, and the polls for such election be held open for at least two hours. By Order of the Republican Central Committee of McHenry county. L. T. HOY, Chairman. H. C. MEAD, Secretary. Republican Senatorial Convention. The Republican voters of Boone, Lake and McHenry counties of the State of Illinois, comprising the Eighth Senator ial District, are requested to send dele gates to the Republican District Conven tion, to be he.ld at the Marengo Opera House, in Marengo, 'McHenry county, Illinois, on Wednesday the eighth (8) of April, 1896, at one (1) o'clock P. M., for the purpose of placing in nomination two (2) candidates for the General As sembly and one (1) candidate for the State Senate, and for the transaction of any other business that may properly come before it. The representation will be on the basis of one delegate for every one hundred and filty (150) Republican votes cast for president in 1892 aud one delegate for every fraction of seventy- five votes. On this basis Boone county will be en titled to thirteen (13) delegates. Lake county to twenty (200 delegates and McHenry county to f$t.nty-one (21) delegates. ^ JOHN C. FOOTE, SAM'L BATES. ]• Boone County. A. W. ROBINSON. G. N. BCRNETTE, ) S. C. WELSH, J- Lake County. A. W. WniTMORE ) F. K. GRANGER ) A. S WRIOHT, [ McHenry County. J. B. BABCOCK. I Republican Senatorial Committee. KaTThe offerings of butter on the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday were but 280 tubs. Bids opened at 21 cents and sales of 337 tubs were made at that pri3e. The bidding showed the butter to be in demand and indicated a, fairly firm market. The total number of pounds sold was 20,220 for §4,216.20. The price a yeSr ago was 19K@20 cents. HON. WM E. MASON FOR SENATOR. Under the above head the PLAiNtiEALER in February, 1894, brought out the name of Hon. Wm. E. Mason, of Chi cago, as a candidate for United States Senator, and although he was not chosen at the meeting of the next Legis lature we are still of the opinion that no stronger man can be found in the ranks of the.Republican party to-day, nor one who would go before the peOpJe as a can didate for this great state of Illinois for the office of United States Sepator, and carry with him more weight, dignity and power in upholding true Republican principles. .• An exchange makes the following truthful remarks: "Cook county sets up the plea that she in entitled to the next United States Senator. If she will en dorse Wm. E. Mason for the position her country cousins will almost unanimously fall in line and nominate and elect him. If she persists in trading and trafficing the office off to the politician who can de liver to the local machine: the most dele gates to help out its other political chemes, the country chaps, will hardly take off their coats to boost the way so chosen. In brief the average country Republican is getting mighty weary Of toting the banner that is made year after yearwithout giving him a voice as to the texture Or style of its mauufae-, r, „ . ture.. The day may be Jiear at hind tHs 7th Day of April when .they will discard the machine made for one fashioned aft,et their own ideas and hands." • The election of Wm. E. Mason would give Illinois a United States Senator the pe'SF^f any other in the United States Senate, and we hope to see his candidacy endorsed at the coming State Conven tion. He has already received the en dorsement of a large number of counties. WESTWARD ECO! . A Region Abounding: fh Mountains of Gold and Streams of Silver, f During the past quarter of a century the "Rocky mountains of Colorado have produced millions upon millions of dol lars in goKjl and silver (and precious jewels) thousands of persons acquiring wealth and ease as a result. Some of the richest gold mines in the world have beerf discovered during, the past year and there is no end to the "l ucky strikes" being made at Cripple Creek gold camp and elsewhere. The scenery of the ever snow-capped Rockies is unequaled in either Europe or America for grandeur. For several years there has been publish ed in Denver a big fifty-six column week ly faniily newspaper which gives all the most important mining news and illus trates each week the very choicest of this marvelous scenery, contains original western stories of love and adventure, pure in tone; yearly subscribers are gi ven gold rings set with Rocky mountain gems free as premiums. To introduce this great illustrated weekly family pa per into new homes the publishers will send it on trial three months for 25 cents (etainns or silver). Club of five $1. Men tion the PIJAINDEABI3R and address Illus trated Weekly, Denver.. Col. ' „ ANYBODY'S FIGHT. Hon, A. J. Hopkins has just returned to Washington from Illinois, where he has been lookine over the political Setd. To a newspaper correspondent he said in regard to the situation : "It is anybody's fight yet. If there is a break in the Cook county delegation-- and the indications are somewhat that way--I will have a good fighting chance. I haye received instructions from Kane with twenty-seven votes,-^Woria twenty- four votes a$d DuPage eight votes. I have received assurances of the support of uninstructed delegations of Lake ten votes, Marshall five votes, and Kankakee twelve votes, besides half or more of the twenty-seven delegates from LaSalle. This week I will get, in all probability, the thirteen delegates from Iroquis county, and later on, when Bureau, Stark, Whiteside, Stephenson and other counties are heard from, the column of my votes ~wHt^make an encouraging showing." ANNUAL TOWN MEETING. Notice is hereby to the cit izens, legal voters of the U>wr. of McHenry. in t-h* county Of McHenry iWid State of I l l inois , that- the Annual Town Meeting for, said town wii i »be held at the Congregational Osurch, i a Ring, wood, foriDiatrlct So 1, City Hall in McHenry for Diatr 'C t No 2, in said. toWn oa " Next, being the. f irst Tuesday of the month, for the purposos following, viz: . Tojpiect- 'oae Tovri i C|6rk,on Assessor, one Collector, one Qomii i iss io ' tfer of Highways^ and one Just ice of the Peace to l i l t vacancy caused by the resignation of Ji imes Robbins i AAISO TO transact the miscel laneous business of the town, and to act upon any addit ional autjeots whUh may. in pur.>u«.nco of law, con>e before said meeting when convened. Pol ls wil l be opened at seven o'clock in the forenoon, and closed at l ive o'clock in the afternoon of iho said^iiy, Given under n,v hand at West McHenry, 111. , thfs 20th dav of March, A, D. 1800. W. I) . WENTWOft'fH, Town Clerk, CORPORATION ELECTION. The Ar.nual Vil lage Elect ion for the Vil lage of McHenry, wil l bo held at the City Hall , In said vi l l age, on Tuesday, the 21st Day of April, A. D. 1896, At which t ime the fol lowing off icers wil l be e lected : ONE PRESIDENT, who shal l hold his off ice for the term ot one ve-tr . THREE TRUSTERS, who shal l hold their off ice for the term of two years. ONE VILLAGE CLERK, who shal l hold his off ice for the term of one year. The pol ls of said elect ion wil l oe opened at o'clock in the morning and remain open unti l 5 o'cl 'ck in the evening; of said day. F. L. MCOMBER Vil lage Clerk. The Eight View, The Sycamore Republican says: "A few years ago when a Democrat wished to secure a good office he would go into the Republican caucus, but those who have been bearing the burden of the party for many years finally tired of this and justly concluded that if a man wish ed the best office in the gift of the Repub lican party, he should vote the Republi can ti"ket., and they shut the Democrats out of their nominating caucuses. When a Republican caucus is called a Democrat has no right to vote in it." tfiP'The persistent forming of political combination, without regard to honora ble method, is what creates independent voters with whom party fealty is second ary to personal integrity. And when a combination is determined to force oh jectionable candidates upon a ticket, it cannot expect anything but a revolt, such as has often Wrecked the strongest parties within the history of our country. tST Wisconsin's Republican platform is for sound money and McKinley. Here is the monetary plank : "The Republicans of Wisconsin are unyielding in their de mand for honest money. We are unal terably opposed to any policy that will give to this country a depreciated or de based currency. We favor the use of sil ver as currency to the extent only and under suah restrictions that its with gold can be maintained." grcaT parity Old Glory 111 New Form. The new official flag of the United States, which will be flung to the breeze July 4, has forty-five Btars, the last ad dition being for Utah. At present there are two rows of eight stars each and four rows of seven stars each. The new design arranges the stars in six rows, the lirst, third and fifth of eight stars each and the second fourth and sixth of seven stars each. J®0" Both political parties have learned b.y dearly bought experience that it is better for their organizations to suffer defeat of straight out party candi dates, then to nominate and elect men who beconie better than their party and court personal popularity at the sacrifice ol party interest after election. Parties can survive the loss of elections; but they are undone and disintegrated by elevation of men who put personal tdory above party weal. Staunch party men are the only safe ones for sentinels of a party camp. COURTEOUS HINTS. Kinds--A H&Vii WO ACE&ITS a a jsa u 5J Uru. gtss seli dlreot, to tin consumer at wbolesalt pi ices Ship anywhere loi examination before sale Everything warranted IOO si V U s of CNRRi:iue* UO stylesQf HarneiN, 4 1 Styles Hiding Sn«ldle&. Write fur eatalocue ELKHART Carriage & Harness iVlfg.Co. \V. 13 PRATT . Secy. Elkhart , !nd. Mss IF YOU BUT A BICYCLE Before you pee us, We handle ^ 11 leading wheels ic every grade at lo w pricos. S: WE ARE THE Bicycle Bealers of McHenry Co. We now have more wheels in stock than all agents in the Co. combined. X7 PUBLIC THE f IN GENERAL Exacting, economical and critical buyers included, arc urgently requested to call and, examine our late arrivals of • NEW AND SEASONABLE STYLES • In Collars, Cuffs, gents' Hose, Braces, Handkerchiefs and Shirts, of every description. » , * I have just received a full line of gents' NECKTIES for spring and summer wear. WE- LEAD IN QUALITY, STYLE AND PRICE. -• Careful comparison sannot fail to convince you of this fact. -We simply ask you to come and see our goods, assuring all high and one uniform low pricc will be found in every department. - \ ' . ; ' : . Ilave jlist received a full lino of . "Spring arcd Summer Suitings And Overcoatings, and will guarantee to satisfy all who will favor me with their patronage. Good Fits and Workmanship guaranteed, and prices to satisfy the people. Thanking you all for past favors. J. D. LODTZ. By Trading on the West Side. SUITINGS AND TRIMMINGS. Ia black and fashionable shades. Scotch and domestic Ginghams, Satteens, Prints. - > W-* Gents' Furnishing Goods. United Brand fine Shirts, Collars and Cuffs. Stylish Neckwear. The latest in soft and stiff Hats for sprint wear Golf Cap^i Gloves. ' NEW SPRING CAPES! master At lower prices than ever heard of be lore, . QJOHN'IWAN'SON'S Special Store Hints for Easter. All wool French Henrietta, black and col'd, 22c per yd. Ladies' fine Shoes, button, lace, Oxford, $1.25 to $2.75. Remnants ot Silks and Velvets 25c per yard. -- We furnish for Ea-ter, men's Black Clay Worsted Suite, square cut aud latest pring fashion. At H10 Per Suit. Be sine and seo them. Turkey red and white table Damask, I5c per yard. Embroidered Handkerchiefs. 20c.' (Easter bargains. 3 ladies' Ladies' last black, imported seamless Hose, 7 to 19c. Ladies' extra fine imported German Hose, ribbed top, 25c. Men's fast black, seamless hose, 2 pairs for 25c. tSET'The favorite son business for presi dential candidates seems to be having a hard time. In Nebraska Manderson^sajs he is for McKinley; in this state the only instructed delegates are for McKinley and the counties are instructing fOr him every day; in New York several McKinley delegates were elected; on the same date the Ohio man secured delegates from Pennsylvania, and Minnesota is liable to give a solid delegation for McKinley. The prospects are now "that McKinley will secUre a large proportion of the New York and Pennsylvania delegates. t@fThe condition'at Frankfort, Ky., where the„state house and governor's residence is surrounded by a military cordon, is not such as to inspire any con fidence in the professions of the southern states having returned to good govern ment. The legislature of Kentucky has been trying to elect a United States Sen ator in which the arguments used were of so barbaric and threating a character that Governor Bradley deemed it nec- oasary to call out the National Guard to maintain the public peace. The mob disclaims all intention of violence and censures the governor. „ They Are as Forcible as Other Case in I 'oint . Perhaps there is no greater strain upon "neighborly feeling'" than living next door lo a poultry yard whose in mates are allowed to "run"-- making exercise ground of the adjacent flower and vegetable gardens. A San Diego young lady who was subject to this an noyance politely asked her neighbors, says Youth's Corupairion, to keep his pets at home. Shr asked it several times, and still no attention was paid to her grievance. Finally she hit up on an ingenious method of protecting herself. She prepared grains of rorn by tying to them, vvith strong carpet thread, small cards bearing the words: "Please keep your chicken* fit home!" and dis tributed the grains about her flower beds. " a The chickens came to feast as usual, and greedilj- swallowed the corn, not perceiving the thread until the card was against their jaws. Then taey could neither swallow the card nor rid themselves of the swallowed corn. Twenty or thirty of the marauders ran home, bearing the polite request to .their culpable owner, who, struck with the method of the hint, promptly cut the threads and cooped up the birds. This was forcible, but a delicate hint ujx>n a like offense was conveyed from one aggrieved relative to " another where stronger measures would have been out of pjace. v The suffering victim of hens was taken ill, end the jierhaps unconscious offender slew his choicest birds and sent to the invalid. The invalid feast ed thereon, and sent back a message of thanks to the elxect tjiat the fowl was delicious, and tasted of her vio lets! S&ve money and at the same time secure the warranty of a reputable firm by buying of us We are in the trade to stay, and us tho Bicyole is a vehicle and properly goes with the carriage business, we are bound to push it. Come, T. J. DACY, WOODSTOCK, ILL. |^^°Odds and ends men and boys' Boots, at nearly half price, If you need them. J0HI EVAN SON & CO, JL ne inxer Is tfte !Y5oc.t of the West ant wvSn r RepuMk'^n Newspaper si as the Largest Circulation. The finest assortment of Flower PotB Jardmeers, etc., to be found in the county at Geo. W. Besley's, on the West piae. tall and tee them. THE NEW YORK LEDGER America's Greatest Story Paper. Always publishes the best and most in teresting short stories, serial stories and special articles that can be procured, re gardless of expense. The latest fashion notes and patterns can be found every week on the Woman's World Page. There is always something in the New York Ledger that will interest' every member of the family. 20 pages--price, 5 cents. For sale in this town by Charles Slimpin, p , The undersigned having leased the store in the Schnorr block, WEST MCHENRY, Has opened the same with a full line of Boots, Slices as! Failfuor Goods. In fact everything usually kept in a first class store of this kind. I append below a few prices. Ladies' fine calfskin shoep, worth $1.75 for $1,10. Ladies' fine kid shoe, hand sewed and latest style, worth $4 for $2.50. Ladies' fine shoes, satin finish, warrant ed, worth $5 for $3. Men's Kanglxoo calf, worth $3 for $2. Above are but a few of the samples, many more equally good bargains. r Call and examine my stock and be con vinced that I have bargains never before offered here, it will surprise you. F. COHN. Wes t McBeu ry, Mai eh 1], If). \ We have an elegant line of Dried Fruits such as Peaches, Prunes, Raisins, Apri cots, Figs, Evaporated Apples, etc. OWEN & CHAPELL. T E R M S I3Y MAI L. (without Sun'I: DAILY (with Sunday). The Weekly PER YEAR.... As a Newspaper TilF. •Inter Ocean- .. $4.00 per year .. $6.00 per year .00 UTTER OCEAN keeps abreast of the times in all are.i neither pains nor expense i.i securing ALL T g n c> vs tj in o NE BE CURRENT LITERATURE. Inter Ocean As a Family Paoer Not Excelled bv Any." '© Id' £2 =It "riar. s•"nil6thin'.: of interest to each member of the family. Its •5--' YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT is the very best of its kind. Its LITER ARYFEATURES are unequaled. It is a TWELVE PAGE PAPER and contains the News of the World. POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and gives its readers the benelit of the ablest discussions on all live political topicsi It is •published in Chicago and is .n accord with the people of the W ;st in both politics and literature. Please remember that the price of THE "WEEKLY INTER OCEAN is OMLY ONE DOLLAR PiiK VEAK. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. THE McHENRY r J. H. MILLER, Prop'r. All kinds of" Cemetery Work at Low Prices. A T UI,L LINE OF L INISEED WORK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Foreign and American Granite a Specialty. ! McHENRY, ILL. Just received, 200 pairs Dutchess Trousers direct from "fSfc factory, all warrarted and now in stock, Rubber Ooods, Macliiiitosli©^, Big stock of Fargo's and Douglas Shoes for the spring trade just received, F^irgo's f«mous Bicjcle Siuesand Boots, black & tan. ' NEW CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. Over 200 styles Vi all Paper, with ceilings and borders to match. .SO patterns in new Shades, all mounted, from 30c to 80c. Beloit Shirts, Pants, Jackets and Overalls, PURE GROCERTES. Pillsbury, Chick and Fancy Flour, Garden aud Field Seeds. SIMON STOFFEL. ^ Insurance BUSINESS* J Will be kept up in future. U ill visit the city every Thursday an will fall all special orders of a reasonable nature. S I M O N N T O F F E L . Pour Big"Rrisies f HAVE YOU SEEN IT ? TO EE GIVEN AWAY. 2 W ci ^ >5 3 > Pi £ c to - - - HOW ? With cach purchase of Twenty-five Cents worth of Jewelry or any goods in our stor<\ we will presont .you with a SouvfTiir Chock, iinil on the 24th day of December, 189G, will present the party holding the greatest amount of Checks, with the above beautiful box. We also present each purchaser of One Dollar's worth of Jewelry with a Five Dollar ll3bate Card, which they can use as payment at the rate of live per cent on each and every purchase in our store. All our Jewelry not giving reasonable sat- isfation for a period of five years cau be retur ;ed and duplicate articles given in ex change for same. The party holdinsr the srcoti ' l largest amount of checks wil he presented with a f ine tr iple plate 6i lver caRe basket worth $G The party holding the 3d largest . outit of chef ks wil l i .e presented with a l ino triple plate pickle cafe tor worth $4.50. The party holding the fourth largest amount of sou venirs w i l l i .e presented with a handsome gold decorated gl iss Wine set , glass tray and pitcher, worth f3, We also have now » complete l ine of f ine <" enuine sat in spar and cat'seye jewelry, such as ladies' watch chains, hrace lets , st ick pins, hair ornaments , etc . Before buying be sure and see our large stock in the latest ladies'hair ornaments and belt Duckies , Al l goods bought of us are warranted to Kivo reasonable sat isfact ion, i f not they may be returned and changed for new ones. HEMAN & SCHNEIDER. Spring is here and so are we, and here to stay, with a brand new and most complete line of TO 15E OBTAINED. Plows of all styles, all sizes, Lowest prices. I<SYG>LE& Are built in the Largest and Best Equipped Factory in the World. %hey embody more points of genuine merit than any other wheels made. No =pther machine stands so high in the estimation ol cyclists, bocauee Waverleys are built on honest value lines, and purchasers receive full valttufor the investment. Buy a VVaverly and you will never be ashamed of your mount- HEMAN BROS, Agen1;s, McHenry,111. Made by INDIANA BICYCLE CO., IKDJANAPOLIS, IND. Highest of [lighEfradBg. Dubuque Norwegian, Rockford, Carpenterville Star, Moline, Keystone Shearcut and Disc Harrows. The strongest and best Lever Harrows made: Star all-steel Lever Harrows, in 2 and 3 sections. Star wood beam Lever Har rows, in 2, 3 and -i sections. Genuine Cxorh&iii tind. Buckcjc Seeders tind 1)1 ills, . Axtell Cultivators, in 4, 6, and 8 shovels. Albian Spring Tooth Cultivators. Haworth's Corn Planter. Scandia " Standard Corn Planter. Imperial li '• The World's Famous McCORMICK BINDERS. MOWERS AMD CORN HARVESTERS. I^PAlso have the celebrated Henney Buggy Co.'s Buggies, Road Wagons, Spring Wagons an4 Surreys. In Farm Wagons, we have the Weber, and Fish Bros', the two very best farm wagons made. JACOB BONSLETT.