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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1896, p. 8

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W. ©. T. U. DEPART WENT. Aatitlcs and Notices nntler Ihe abote m byjihe Ladias of tho W, C, lf«U NHMke •dtttfr Waling no What We Saw. The other day we noticed him. as he came abroBB the bridge, with his wagon full of cotton, and chickens, and eggs. HeyFound ready market for his produce and we thought how happy his little ones would be when he returned home in the evening with toys, and dreBsea, and shoes, and food for the morrow, and some clear jraoiiey in his purse. We thought we could see his wife stand 0 in the doorway to give him a cordial greet­ ing on his return, so desirous were we that he should make home ones happy and contented. We could almost see his cheerful face as he returned to his family after a day's absence. So we thought, and returned to our work. But eventide came, and he passed by our window again. He had nothing we thought he would have. The bed of the wagon was bare. No little shoes, nor food lor the morrow, nor money in his purse, we dare say. The man was drunk. t Ee had changed, and this changed our thoughts of his home,. We could see the children shrinking from hie approach, and the wife, so careworn and sorrowful. She could not meet him with, the tender smile with which she had intended greet­ ing him. Ee was breaking her heart and preparing - to make paupers of his children. V ::.vj CORPORATION ELECTION. The Arnual Village Election for the Village of McHenry, will be beld at the City Hall, In said village, on Tuesday, the 21st Day of April, A. D, 1896, At which time the following officers will be elected: ONE PRESIDENT, who shall hold his office for the term of one ye^r. THREE TRUSTEES, who shall hold their office for the term of two years. ONE VILLAGB OLERIv, who shall hold his office for the term of one year. The polls of said election will'be opened at 7 o'clock in the morning and remain open until 5 o'clock in the evening of said day. F. L. MCOMBER Village Clerk, SMOKERS! Ifa io Want of a Good Cijar CALL AT Hi THE OLD BELIABLK Cijrar and Tobacco Dealers. OTJR SPECIALTIES : Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best, hand made 5c . The best cigars-made. Sold by all local dealers. A. 8 SALOON AND RESTAUR^ J MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. Wholesale and Retail Agent Ifor SCULITZ Milwaukee Bremi Co.'s Beer, THE BEST MADE. In any quantity from a Snitz Glass to ICO barrels. Orders by mall promptly JaUended to. ALSO, ALWATS*ON*HAND Flhe Kentucky'Liquors* French!? Bitters.. choice Ales, Wines, Cigars, Etc. I buy none but the beat and Bell at reasonable prices. .vCall and see rae and I will us use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. MoRenry, 111., 1894. LAND OF PROMISE CVAR«, HP CARMERC • WANTED V to buy Farms In CENTRAL WISCONSIN. Land is on the North­ western lino C. StP. M & O. R'y, about 200 miles from Milwau­ kee and a little North (Jjfiy in Clark County. This '•'•••"j11 e Iis one of the bestcoun- tles In the State, having a population of over 25,000. Land lies adjoining railroad, and does not extend over six miles from it at any point, and is from four to ten miles from the County Seat, which has nearly 8,000 Inhabitants and isqulte amanufacturing center. Well supplied with excellent water and best of fuel. Good schools. Why rent a farm or buy an improved one? Buy one unimproved and make theWoflt. CPCC TlfilffTC up to $20 allowed purchasers • lltfc llUtVCIw of 80 acres or more of land; one-half fare to those buying 40 acres,if K.R. tickets are bought of us or you have a receipt showing amount paid. OVER 6,000 ACRES SOLD TO ACTUAL SETTLERS. Only $5 toflO per acre. 12 per acre cash, balance five years' time. We want 25 families from this place! Will you help us? Big inducements to those moving before May 1, 1895.: Write for particulars. Agents, surveyors and teams on hand to show the property free of cost. Buy your tickets to Columbia, Wis., via Merrillan junction. IHTC. 8.6RATES LAUD CO., E. 311,56 Fifth AT6., Chicago, I1L 1ST ?f?CWOOD, 10" A FEW BARRELS Of choice Apples, nicely sorted, for $3 per barrel, our own selection, and in the newest styles. • New Patterns Wall Paper. Nice Patterns! Low Prices ! SHOES! SHOES! For everyone. We can please you. J, W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood, 111. THE McHENRY J. H. MILLER, Prop'r. All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices. A FULL LINE OF FINISHED WORK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. I McHENRY, ILL. Foi*eig£n and American Granite a Specialty. IGYGLES. pighB^ofpigh^adeg. Are built in the Largest and Best Equipped Factory in the World. They embody more points of genuine merit than any other wheels made. No other machine stands so high in the estimation ol cyclists, because Waverleys are built on honest value lines, and purchasers receive full value for the investment. Buy a Waverly and you will never be ashamed of your mount. 33-m9 HEM AN BROS, Agents, McHenry. III. Made by INDIANA BICYCLE CO., INDIANAPOLIS, LND. GEO. W. BESLEY, SELL W$1C and make money. Agents can make a handsome salary taking subscriptibns and gelling single copies of our musical monthly EV-RY MONTH. Ihe handsomest musical magazine in thq. world. KNOWLEDGE OF MUSIC is Each number has $2.00 worth of the latest popular copy­ right music, besides being richly illus­ trated with elegant half tone engravings of famous persons and paintings, the latest Parisian fashions, and other use­ ful household literature. 9 WE PAY AGENTS the LARGEST .C0MMIS. SI0NS ever paid. Sample copy, with terms to agents, w ill be mailed post­ paid on receipt of 10 cfents, stamps or silver. flowley, Havilat[d $ Co., Publishers EV'EY MONTE, ..... 4 East 20th Street, New York, REFERENCE: ANY MUSIC HOUSE IN THE U. S. OR CANADA. West McHenry, j Illinois, . . . .DEALER IN. . . . DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Also, Bottled Ale and Porter lor Medical Use. The best'brande of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing To­ bacco always qn hand. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully compounded, Give me call, GEO. W. BESLEY. West McHenry, Jan, 1, 1896. ELGIN, ILL. What is the difference between cheap Cheap? Just the difference between Wall Paper that ' covers tip and Wall F^per that decorates, WE HATE BOTH, WALL PAPER, lc, 3c, 5c, 7c, 9c, 12c, 19c, 24c, 29c, 33c, per Roll. Best St. Louis white Lead, per 100 lbs, $5.19 Best boiled Linseed Oil per gal., 45c Best Mixed Paint, per gal., §1.10 Best Floor Paint, " " 87c Brushes, 4 inches wide, wortlj, $1 for 89c Brushes, value 75c for 43c Dustless Floor Oil, per gal, 43e Wall Paper ©leaner, 2 rooms, 29c Buggy Paint, 1 coat, $1 size, 69c Buggy Paint, 1 coat, 50c size. 43c Enamel Paint, white and colors, 25c size, 19c Best light Hard Oil, gal., $1,69 Furniture Varnish, per gal., 1,29 Prepared Kalsomime, 5 lb. pkg, 35c THEO. F, SWAN. GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE ELGIT*. ILL, UNSYSTEMAT1CALLY I call attention of farmers and others »o the fact that I have just now struck an extra good deal on an extra large spot cash order of Scotch Clipper and other First Class Steel and Wood Beam Lever Harrows, 12 and 14 Hoe Force Feed Seeders, TRUCES AND MILK WAGONS, OF VERY BEST MAKES, SINGLE AN 2-SEATED TOP RIGS TO PLEASE ALL, $26.00, I quote 12 Hoe Force Feed Seeders at $22.00, steel frames, 14 hoe $29.00. 2 section Lever Harrows at $8.00. 1st quality 1 1-2 in. Farm Harness at $20.00. 14 and 16 in. steel and wood beam Walking Plows, that I will guarantee best on market, for less money than can be purchased of any dealer in the state, whom I bet will tell you it is impossible and a mistake, but to satisfy yourself come, write, wire, or phono me, and 1 will prove it, and stand the expense when we meet, and you will save money by so doing. I have a large stock of my line at McHenry. where I ex­ pect to be Mondays and and much more at Wauconda> with some handy at NUE da. ^ Although I believe an extra good time to hit me would be Satur­ day, at Wauconda, or Sunday will do just as well, for I am laboring under the idea that the better the day the better the deed, as I am that day gieatly in need of money to meet Monday's heavy payments. Come on! cheer up, and encourage your neighbor by telling him that times are not near as hard as they might be, or he near as bad off as he might be. My idea is that if we all put our shoulder to the wheel, lift hard, encourage ourselves and neighbors, times will boom again before we know it. Yours for business and money. ^ (SUCCESSORS TO PERKY & OWEN;) We have just received a large invoice of Spring Dress Goods, In all tbe latest patterns. Come early and first choice. Also received some beautiful lace and embroidered collars, figured rife- bons in all the latest colors: . Gold and Elastie Belts, and a number of fine Japanese Silks for Waists and Dresses. ; ;O,,. SHOES. Don't forget to look over our Shoe stock before buying". It is complete, and we will give you as low prices, quality considered, as any one will. ' • ; T. V. SLOCUM Call and examine our Wall Papers. Have a large stock and a good assortmeat of the latest styles and patterns. Paints and Oils. We handle the celebrated •'Monarch" mixed paints. This paint is one of the best paints on the market and is guaranteed free from chemicals or adulterations of any kind. We can refer you to dozens of responsible citizens in this locality who have used this paint and pronounce it the best they ever used. We have handled this paint for years and have not had one complaint as yet. Call and see us when you want anything in our line. We waut your trade if honest and square dealing wili get it, Y0Ui8 very truly, OWEN & CHAPELL. McHenry, 1896. All tat fir tte Spri Trade, With a full line of the best makes of Plows, Lever and Disk Har­ rows, viz: The Bradley, The Rock Island, Gesler Grand Detour. Sater. Lever Harrows, 2 and 3 section, wood and steel.t Prairie City Seeders. Leader Drills. I have secured the Agency for the celebrated Buckeye Drills and Soeders, both wood and steel frames. FARM WAGONS, HARNESS. Last but not least, a car load of the CELEBRATED PEABODY BUGGIES, Just in. The best Buggy, the best proportioned Buggy, the finest finished Buggy that ever came to McHenry. No cheap John's, but honest work throughout and at a price that will astonish you, for the class of work. <Can fit you out with a nice Surrey at the right price. I have taken every taken every precaution to buy standard goods as the above will show; that I can and will prove to purchasers. Axle Grease and Fine Machine Oil. ^ Give me a call and I will do you good. and value received. Yours for honest goods T. J. WALSH. JACOB JUSTEN, HMSi, FURNITURE, UNDERTAKING, EMBALMING. We carry a full and complete stock of all kinds of ^FURNITURE! i Ii,ITCHEN, PARLOR, BEDROOM and DINING ROOM 1 : \ FURNITURE. We have a fine line of goods and would be pleased to show them to you. Call and see our line before buying and we will do as well by you as anyone. We solicit your trade. WE CARRY A FULL STOCK OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc., Etc. W.e guarantee first-class work in every respeot. Jacob Justen. lUHtMfc Ul.4 DM., ISMk

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