McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Apr 1896, p. 8

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Articles arid Notices under the above heat} - ; r ' ah_eiUiv 1 »»^> t -. .linn nf n»o ft*, f t ," andtbo editor <• Inim 's'no par* or credit for /*t.»; eame. s j k T Who Are the W. C. T JJ.'s ? Women who dare to stand for the fight. Caring not what; llio world may t hink ; Taking the front rank in the fight, United to put down the drink. Women who work as well as pray, Calling on all to pause and think; Trying to rescue those who stray, Uncared for through this demon drink. Women who plead with young and old, Crying to those on ruin's brink; There's no safety outside the fold, - .Unite! Unite! Crush out the drink. Women content to suffer lyss, Christ-like with loving words they plead Till crown shall take the place of cross, Uptil their cause be wou indeed. .SMOKERS! lies in Waat I a Oil CALL AT. - THE OJ.P HEUABLB ai Cijrar rind Tobacco Dealers. ' rorii SPECIALTIES : Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best, hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by all -iocal dealers. A. Engsm's SALOON m mmnrn McHEKRY, ULUSSOIS. Wholesale and Retail Agont ifor SCilLITZ Etvatiee Breiii Co.'s Beer, THE BEST WADE. In any quantity from & Snitz Glass to ICO barrels. Orders by mall promptly ^attended to. ALSO. ALWATS ONJIAND Fisie Kentucky LiquorSj French*Bitters, choice Ales, Wines, Cigars, Etc. I buy none but the best and Bell at reasonable prices., Call end see rne and I will us use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, 111., 1894. LAND OF^'-W'a.- PROMISE FARMERS a WANTED to buy Farms in CENTRAL WISCONSIN, Land is on tbe North- """'_ " /_ j western line C. StP. M G0BD~f[tm V > 7 & O. K'v. about 2U0 ftoWlntfAHO car-jTAH3 (y j tn 11 e s from ililwau-] vIkee and a little North, -fERMj. biMxn Clark County. This i the tiestcouu- FREE TICKETS f WE HAVE IT. S S - S K I - D s i: u i ) DD V arieties. Prices the Lowest. We aim to keep nothing but the best Can we sell you your spring stock of SHOES. Prices are Low. We will back up the quality. J,W. GRISTY & SON, Bingwood, 111. I call atfeniiortiof farmer?.and other's io the fact that I have just now struck an extra, good deal on an extra large spot cash order of Scotch Clipper and other First Class Steel and Weed Beam Lever Harrows, /2 and 14 Hoe force Feed Seeders, FASS Wii6QII'S» TRUCKS AND MILS WAGONS, OF VERY BEST MAKES, SINGLE AN ' •T ) TOP RIGS TO PLEASE ALL, I quote 12 Hoc Force Feed Seeders at '£22.0-py steer frames, $26.00, 14 hoe $29,00. 2 section'Lever f liirro'vvs at $8.00. v V • 1st quality 1 1-2 in. FariirHarness'at $20.00. • ' ' * . r"~Ti"ir^<tpltrin.. st(#,. ancl. '"wood beam \Val.kiirg Plows,ihat I will guariW< ie"best on market, for JOSH money than.can be purchased of ,any dealer in the »t rite/whoni. ' l bet .will tell you .it is jmppsstblc and ii mistake; but to satisfy yourself -.come,,. write* wire, or phone me, and I will, . prove it , .and "stand the' expense when we meet, and you will .savomoney by so doing. . ' . I have a large stock of my line nfc McHenry. where I ex­ pect to be Mondays and Sainrchy forenoons, and much more at Wauconda, with some handy at Jhlu da. -- r . v . -- -i- z 58 INCH 301!JCh / „W7X 7^™ a-tB- 42 I N C H \ /\f-~V \7yV\/\j ywy \/\/\ A A/ y\/y v/\ A/aa THE SVZcHENRY ties in the State, havinK a population of over 25.000. X.and lies adjoining railroad, arid does not extend o v e r s i s i n i ' . e s f r o m i t a t a n y p o i n t , a n d i s f r o m f o u r to ten miles froxn the O ; inty Seat, which has nearly 8,000 inhabitants and i s quite a manufacture nReenter . Well suppl ied wi th excel lent water and bes t o f fue l . Good schools. Why rent a farm or buy an improved one? Buy one unimproved and make the profit. up to 8:I0 allowed purchasers of R0 acres pr .more of land; one-half fare to those buying 40 acres, if K.R. tickets are bought of us or you have a receipt showing amount paid. OVKU (l.OOO ACRES SOLI) TO ACTUAL SET'S ".I;8S. Only $5 to ?10 per acre. $2 i>er acre cash, balance five yearB'time. . We want 25 fair. i.:es from this place! Will you help us? Big inducements to those moving before May 1, 1895. Write for particulars. Agents, surveyors arm teams on hand to show the property free of cost. Buy your tickets to "Columbia, Wis., via ilerrillan junction. Tin C. S. ffiAVES USD CO., R. 211,56 Fifth in., Chicago, I1L HEADQUARTERS FOR li Sweet PEAS"?1 Mixed (7,er,pound • • • -40c. Varieties) pound . . .25c, varieties (Quarter pound . . 15c. ' THE ONLY DOUBLE SWEET PEA, BRIBE OF NIAGARA. (True to Name.) Price--Packet 25c. Half packet 15c, THE WONDERFUL > CRIMSON RAMBLER ROSE, Only 15 Cents. VICE'S FLORAL GUIDE, 1896, The Pioneer Seed Catalogue. Tried and True Novelties. -- Fuchsias Roses, Blackberry, The Pearl Gooseberry' Potatoes, Earliest Tomato Known, etc. • ' Lithographs of Double Sweet Pea, Fuchsias, Blackberries, Raspberries, Kew _ Leader Tomato Vegetables. Filled with good ® things, old and new. Full list of Flowers, Vegetables, Small Fruits, etc., with descrip­ tion and prices. Mailed on receipt of io cts. which may be deducted from first order--really Free,--or free with an order for any of the above. «. ROCHESTER, N. Y. « JAMES VICK'S SONS MarIM Granite Worts J. H. MILLER, Prop'r. «4-i a; C tc • The iihovc fence will bi> furnished very reasonaldo. Notice that all line wires are v double and twisted, except 2d and 3d from bottom. Although I believe an extra good time to hit me would be Satur- dav, at Wauconda, or Sunday will do just as well, for 1 am laboring under the idea that the better the day the better the deed, as I am that dav greatly in need of money to meet Monday's heavy payments. Come on! cheer up, and encourage your neighbor by telling him that times are not near a* hard as they might be, or he near as bad off as he might be. My idea is that if we all put our shoulder to the wheel, lift hard, encourage ourselves and neighbors, times will 1 >00111 aifain before we know it. 1 ~ 1 \ . (SUCCESSORS TO TEFCEY & OWEN.) <r " , • t } We have just received a large in Spring Dress Goods, In all tbe latest patterns, Come early ?nd get first choice,- Also received some beautiful lace and. embroidered collars, figured rib­ bons in all the latest colors; AI3 th$ Latest stvfes in shirt waists, wrappers, and a number of fme Japanese SHks for Waists and Dresses. . „ •' ; ©V buying. ' It is considered, Don't forget to look over-our Shoe stock before complete, and we will give you as low prices, quality as any one wilL ... • . / . '" ' . • . . / Call and examine our Wall Papers. Have a large stock and a good assortmeat of the latest styfes and patterns. Paints and Oils. We handle the celebrated "Monarch" mixed paints. This paint is one of the best paints 011 the market and is guaranteed free trom chemicals or adulterations of any kind. We can reler you to dozens of responsible citizens in this locality who have used this paint &nd pronounce it. the best they ever used . We have handled this paint lor years and have not had one complaint as yet. Choice Fresh Family Groceries arriving Daily. Yours for business and money. T. V. SLOCUM. Vv\» r All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices. A FULL LINE OF FINISHED WOIJK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Foreign and Amerieau Granite a Specialty. McHEftRY, ill. *-p!GY6LEs! Jiighegfcof pigh Ejtfadeg, Are built in the Largest and I>est Equipped Factory in the World. JACOB JUST EN, FURNITURE, UNDERTAKING, EMBALMING. v> Wlrvi^ki • ^\ re carry a full and complete stock of all kinds of •f FURNITURE!; KITCHEN, PARI.OK, BEDROOM and DINING ROOM FURNITURE. Experierced Riders - H• icet 'he JVavorl• betwen 11 Wlicrl < la im • (1 to ' IJC . SOI ot al 1 hijrli gratlc'H and $95 do. 1 >ec a it o (h i - h»vf> l»a r n e <! to know t i <* t l iU 'e ronc t tlj .H a c t u a l l y tiifrh j t r aMo a r i l ono t h a t , i s uiinnlj e others ma l '« K" ' " l 1 ' > i ' lli p Wmcr lv i t> t lm h ighest Sc i r c l iu r (3 he 'gMsi , i ^5 00 , B e l l e 3! and 28 inch $7 5 .0 i W e have a tine to you. Call and by you as anvone, / 32-111'J BROS, I- gents, McHenry, 111. Made by INDIANA BICYCLK C<I.MIIANAI'OI.IS, I .MJ. SEU WW and make money. Agents can make a-liandsome salary takiug subscriptions ana selling single copies of. our musical monthly EV'FiY MONTH. - the handsomest musical magazine in the world. KNOWLEDGE OF MUSIC is NOT NECESSARY. Each number lias %>2.00 woith of tbe latest ]^opular copy- f. - right music, besides being riSily illus­ trated with elegant half tone engravings k of famous persons and paintings, the latest Parisian fashions, and other use­ ful Household literature. „ WE PAY AGENTS the LARGEST COMMIS^ SI0NS ever, paid. Sample copy, with terms to agents, will be mailed post­ paid on receipt of 10 cents, stamps or silver. HoWley, Havil^iid ^ PuWiskers EV'EY MONTH, . , . . . 4 East 20th Street, New York. REFERENCE: m BUSIC HOUSE IK THE U. 5.08 ClUDt Four Big HAVE YOU SEEN IT ? Rrizies ! :0 BE GIVEN AWAY. line of u'oods and would be pleased to show them see our line before buying1 and we will do as well We .solicit your trade. " i WE CARRY A FULL STOCK OF Caskets, Coffins, Bursal Robes, Etc.., Etc. We guarantee f i rs t -e l as work in eVery respect. •T JlC'O B t̂FuST-E;N. Mullenry, 111., Dee., 1S95. r. mmmm ; • ••••---- -- i__ GEO. W. BESLEY, West McHenry, With each purchase of Twenty-five Cents worth of Jewelry or finy goods in our store, we will present you with a Souvenir Check, and on the 2-itl) r^y t December, 18'JG, will present the party holding the greatest amount of Uhecks, with the above beautiful box. n n^ e7> 'v.°pr®Betl,t purchaser of One hollar's worth of Jewelry with a Five °,ar R-bate Card, which they can use an payment at the rate of five per cent on Sation !" olir All our Jewelry not giving reasonable sat- change for same y6ttr8 °aU retur :ed and duplicate articiow given in ex- p 1 a te*ei 1 ver 'ca^e^baskef wor th ' ' J r a n l " " " t of check i , wil bo preeeniert with a fine triple be presented wltu I " t ie \ 'T y L " e V o f f ' h c r k f i a8 lad*ea'6watcVhecl?ainB e!e] '"uck'plnhu"r o"namc"c?D^ R a t 'B e y o j°w c l rJ • 8 u c ho bolt buckles, y ° e s u r 0 a n i ' B e e o u r large stock In th(/late6t ladles'hair ornaments and returned and changed fo/i?ew tmesf"1 6 4 1 1 0 K i v® r^ s o n a^ l e satisfaction,, if not thoy may bo HEMAN & SCHNEIDER. Illinois, l>RALKlt IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES. PURE WISES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Also, Bottled. Ale and Porter lor Medical Use, lhe best brands oi Cigars and Smoking and Chewing To- baceo always on hand. Phyisieians' Prescriptions Cairefully compounded Give me call. GEO. W. BESLEYs • West McHenry, Jan, 1, 18'JG. ^ - "Call and see us when you want anything in our lino. We waut your trade il honest and square dealing wili get it, Yours very truiy ( OWEN & CHAPELL. McHenry, 1896. MM With a full line of the host makes of Plows, Lever and Disk liar- rows, viz: The Bradley, The Koek Island, Gesler Grand Detour. Sater. Lever Harrows, 2 and 3 section, wood and steel.t Prairie City Seeders. Leader Drills. I have secured the Agency for the celebrated Buckeye Drills and Soeders, both wood and steel frames. FARM WAGONS, HARNESS. Last but not least, a car load of the CELEBRATED PEABODY BUGGIES, Just in. The best Buggy, the best proportioned Buggy, the • f inest finished Buggy thut ever came .to McHenry. No cheap John's, but honest work throughout and at a price that will astonish you, for the class of work. Can lit you out with a nice Surrey at the right price. I have taken every taken every precaution to buy standard goods as the above will show; that I can and will prove to purchasers. Axle Crease and Fine Machine Oil. Give me a call and 1 will do you good. Yours for honest goods and value received. T. J. WALSH. BICYCLES There are Bicycles and Bicycles, But if you ^ ant a Bicycle that is a Bicycle, ono that you cart depend on, one that is not ..only built, on h< nor but built to stand good hard usago, is light iti weight, easy of adjustment, and the handsomest machine on the road, jou must buy a Kenwood or an Elgin. , These wheels are at the head of iheir class and you are running no risk in purchasing one. As to price, I can and will sell you a Bicycle of equal grade as cheap as you can buy one anywhere. These machines 1 carry in stock, you can judge best of their merits by seeing them. I carry a line of Bicycle Sundries, Repairs, Etc., • . . - IN ADDITION TO MY LINE OF G E N E R A L H A R D W A R E , \ - ' .' SPORTING GOODS, ETC, F. Lj McOMBER, West McHenry. -A

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