^ !°d"CC,„but Liberty and Law; Wo Favors ̂ in us and no P.oar Shall Awe M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY^ APRIL 29, 1896, P UBLISHED E VERY W EDNESDAY BY J . V A . I S S l i Y H E EDITOR AND PBOPIUETOK. ' P E R R Y & OWES, Banters . . M c H E f i W Y , - •= f iSLLSftSOIS. This Bank feceivea deposits, bupi. and gtfte Foreign and Domestic Ex> 6hange,anddd<m a :• \- General SarrkinJ- BusmeES We endeavor to do all business ..eh- i trr&ied to our care 'iii a manner ajid- [•upon- terms entirely satisfactory to 'our customers und:' resp-evtfutiff, solicil IKe .public patronage. . • . •MONi¥;lr0..{LOAN; On IZeal Estateand ot-lier- first c as I security, fi[pec%<xi attention given t ' co» factions;" ' .-. ;• ' . lWte t iHAlSCE In first Class Corn} cnu'rs at th' Lowest Ji i'.cs. Your sRaped]ally , PERRY & OWES* WCT.fcRV WU1LIC- fhat von should buy yo nr. BievtJe_of us ?, Trade -where you caw get the mo: are .making every endeavor to pit what" thay want. )st good eroods for the mon^y. We t- ' .s-n: ' cur customers, and give them O F F I C E I N T H E N I C H O L S B L O C K Two DaOra Npr t l iof Fer ry & Owen 's S tor i , TERMS' OF SUBSCRIPTION : Onoyesc( in^dvsnce) . . ' .u^^iW. . . . . . --$1 SO I l f lo t Pa id wHhip Three Months™, : . . . i nO BIS bsor ip t ionn rece ivwi- for - three or s ix monins in ; , the .s . ime propor t ion*; . . . % Iii Dry Goods'and Notions we h i ve. some good bargains tha t won't last long. Oc me 'soon or yo-u'will bp too late, nig.i i D'OO 1U Oo . i s do 30 0() 60 Oo 1 0 0 0 0 Never such an opportunity to* get whit you wan: * more than they cost Sti l l making a leader of Rubber Wo have • 30 Bicycles now in s1oc!r, compris- seven makes. Crockery and Glassware. Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, anything you may want at State street prices. k a winner Prices 'defy competit ion MOIIKNUV, I I .E . Always on Hand with the liest. Peer, A GREAT SNAKE COLONY. An Australian Enthusiast Has a Fine Col lection of Venomous Reptiles. Mr. J. McOarvie Smith, an eminent bacter iologis t of Sydney, Austral ia , i s the proprietor of probably the greatest collection of snakes in the world, says the New York World. lie is in the business partly for scientific purjx>ses and partly for business. He advertised some time ago for 500 venom ous, reptiles, but one publisher refused to permit the advertisement until he had satisfied himself of the sanity of the scientist. The different species of venomous snakes in Austral ia , , so far as known, number 42, and Mr. Smith has speci mens of a l l of them. The poison ex- , t raeted from the rept i les is largely used in the Pasteur institute in Paris. --Mr. Smith is an enthusiast--on--the- subject of snakes, and regards them as the most wonderful of living creatures, lie has in his collection serpents that have gone near ly a year without food and are still fat. He. has injected some of their own |K>ison into them without 1 he slightest ill-effects to them. As a result of his invest igations hi*has estab lished the fact that a non-poisonous snake is not affected in any way by the poison of t he-venomous species. "Why." said Smith, "it does not kill one of its own species while'it is so fatal to other creatures is one of the myste ries of t he Almighty which we cannot unravel." RIM A CLES, WOODSTOCK, I L L A.C.SPUJRLIKG Veterinary ^ Surgeon, McHenry . Makes a syic Grocries are necessaries of l ife, and why not buy where you can pet the freshest and host, in the market, We have a full l ine and fresh goods arriving daily. Remember "Baer 's Choice" Syiup is the best Syrup in market HARNESS! BUSINESS CARDS CASTE A T/ON. f l«T OftW'0 a t l lan ly ' s Live : Mr Her . r j r , i l l . 6U3 CARLSON, At his Harness Shop, near the Red Bridge, bus now in stock the finest as- sortim lit of LIGHT ' f lUNK E. SHEPAU1) , 'COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Sui te 514--Sli .Ea J Sal le St . , Chicago. FLOUR \VIN( O. H. FEGERS, M, D rcocivod and lo . -wod < : lwc 'cd rc»l e r tHtn u rn in teres t coH«-oi«*t i i . ^ and remi t j^d v tnhoot i > k S oharRf i . Hoarm mude t to *ni t borrower J . W SI JJuPfcce *t rs (>E lCl t f i r i . I l l inois . SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS ) i lYSlOlAN AND SURGEON, ' MoHenry . Il l s . Off ice h t Res idence . ST 1L L Ti 1E O L D ST A N I) A R D Farm Harness, etc-, i'.vi ;• shown in th i« county. which he is off'-ring at Hard Times Prices, and guar antees t'liem as i e^uveh ted. : These Harness are all made of the best «.f mat rial, hy first class workmen, and if in want of anything in this line you will t-ave moiiPj by giving him a call, Every household will sing oijr praise, utter they have tried Old Sleepy Eye Flour. I t beats every other Hour, as i t goes further; makes whiter biead, and is healthtu!, Cost nothing to try7 a sack. PI1¥3IC1 AN, SrUOKi ' .N AND OOU LIST, L Off ice in Nic .hoi .*• K l . i 'k , over 1 la indeuier Oi l lcc , McHenry Telephone No 4. D R . A. E A U R I N G Ell , , 1) U V S I 0 I AN A N D S U R U E O N . O f f i c o in the Si roner t>ui l<t :ng , one i t ix i r wet t of A. P . Boor ' s s toro , West McHenry , 111. Res i l ience , house former ly occupied by Dr . Osborne , Ai l profess ional ca l l s prompt ly a t tended to , SUtfYrt 6 ' '«AEEPYV<& ' Afu!! i in<*of Dustor always on hand The Coal you las t JalS ? bought „ \ t i : «>, 1'om.t fail to call at once and get tbe eii.'iit of our bargains.. O B. HOWE, M. D, {3IIY SICI A N AND SURGEON. ( . f f l - :e and Rcoidcn e , l in te l Wnodstock. Odice hours 1 lo '2 r. M dai ly , ( . . ' a i t s p rompt ly a t tended to . Deserving poor t rea tc i t ree o i charge a t off ice , inc l in ing medic ine Monday and Fr id iy . The iireat self-rising pancake Flour. Helps digestion, and no distressed teoling after you have ate i t . Goods delivered to any part of the city. RLSON COS c. You can get moreloflrne at Bottom Prices. West Mel le i i r .v , I l l inois DE N T I S T . Woodstock, 111. Specia l a t e n -t i iou pa id to regulStmp chi ldren ' s tee th , Par t ies coming f rom a d is tance , wi l l do wel l to g ive t imely not ice by mai l . Of l iee , Kendal b lock corner Main s t ree t and Puol ioSq arc MADE FROM NIGHTMARES. Methods Lsed bv Artists Who Design Popular Grotesque Posters. People w ho dine late at night in a certain uptown restaurant may have noticed a well-dressed, wild-eyed, hag* gard-faced, dyspeptic man devouring night after night with apparent relish dishes which only the ultra brave have co it rage '<> eat more than once a month. That man- is an artist, says the New York World, and eating indigestible food is a part of his business, for he is a maker of posters. Since the use of grotesque posters, built on the lines of Aubrey Beardsley's phantom fan- cies'and on the principle of Chimpanzee Johanna's savage sketches, has become general as a means of advertising news papers it is no more than right that the world should know how the de- si gns are conceived. The case of. this wild-eyed, haggard- faced, dyspeptic artist alone will be cited. His may or may not be the method used by all the better pester makers. Every night he goes to this uptown restaurant, eats a welsh rab bit, a cold broiled lobster, two cream rolls and a dish of ice cream and drinks a quart of cheap claret. Then he goes home, drinks two glasses of ice water, ret ires and the nightmare does the rest. In the morning he sketches the hor rors he saw in his dreams and finishes "them as the orders for posters pour in. lie is making a. fortune in the business. U. P. BARNES JULIA A. STORY, TTORNEY, Sol ic i tor , and | Counselor , . Col lec t ions a specia l ly . wool '8 TOOK, 1LI . INOIG. AII THE DEPOT, KNIGHT &; BROWN, r MoIlENKY, ILL DEALER IN TTORNEYS AT LAW. U. S . Express Oo. ' s . Bui ld ing , 37 and 89 Washington St . CHICAGO, 1EL. DRUGS and MEDICINES. A KI LL LINE <)V CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Krepe " I f n for the accommodat ion of the 1 'ubl lc a Fi r fa t -Olaes All the Lai t ( ;u* o f Food Saloon and Restaurant, JOHN P, SMITH, Watelu is i i l ser* Ac Jeweler ff icHENRY, tLLIWOiS. A FINE s tock of Clocks , Watches and Jew e i ry a lways on l iaad . Specia l a t ten t ion g iven to repai r ing f ino w^tchcs . Give mi a ca l l . " _ J O H X P - S M I T H . al l t imes keep the bes t , L iquors and Cigar6 in the mar lse t . Get my prices before buy iog more.] Paints, Oils and Colors Muwaulsee I&ge? & A t Wholesa le a n d R e t a i l C O N S T A N T L Y O N H A N D . H. C. WJEAD, Justice o} /he. Peace and General In surance Agtnt Including Accident (did Life Insurance. W EST M CH ENRY, I I I . rer in Earge or Smal l Kegs or Bot t les a l • t o: . . hand, cheaper than any o ther , qus l i o na idered . WES7 MfHEXPY, IIL rdf t rs by mai l prompt ly a t tended to , P A T E S T i W E D J C I K E 3 , T O I L E T A R T I C L E S , (r(.)01/jSTA HLlSii VOK H0118F8. «4~Cal 1 an^i ' tei as. Stat ionery and Druggists' Sundries W. P. ST. CLMR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Leal Edtate and Insurance, NUN DA, HI . Robert Schiessie WANTED SALESMEN * * nnrvn „ i . i - . , . . ̂ t i m nescnpiionb ,^^r;.r^T,rr0^^r.l l jya Your T^t ronage Is respect fu l ly so l ic i ted . GOOD MEN i ' i eaHi I 'minv I" or dors for » choice l in t* of Nurserv Stock ar id Seed Pota toes , s tock and .-<• ; • • ( • j tuars n lee .1 . We can s ive you s teadv tonplo ; inc i i t wi th good ] i sv I t cos t you i i>>thi r i t , r i t . g ive i t a t r ia l . S ta te when wr i t ing winch you p-efe i to se l l . Address . THE K A W K E S NURSERY CO. , Dm6 MILWAUKEE, WIS. > A. EVI- CHURCH, Watolnuakor .Xoweler No 12V State Street, Chicago. Specia l a t ten t ion g iven to repai r ing Fine Wat«l ies an i Chronometers . A F - i l i A s s o r t m e n t o t G o o d s i n h i s l i n e . •JULIA A. STORY OnelZJoor IVr.it ot Kwerxide JJmise, McHenry, 111 MICROBES ON STAMPS. The Philatelist 's Collection as a Soujce of Danger. Having successfully disclosed the hy gienic dangers.' adherent to the kiss, the telephone receiver and the tow'el, medical science has now turned its at tention to the perils that beset the philatelist's art. According to Dr. Unna, says the Science News, a patient was recently attacked by a peculiar parasitic growth in the beard. On male- ing a t minute examination of some of the hairs, the doctor recognized the dis ease as "piedra," which is chiefly met with in British Columbia. The doc tor's friend had never been in Columbia, but he frequently received letters from correspondents there, and, being a col lector of postage stamps, he was in the habit of removing them from the let ters. In Dr. ITnna's opinion the gum oil the postage stamp is an excellent material for retaining any disease germs that it may receive from the ap plication of the tongue, and in remov ing stamps--even when moistening is done with the sponge--there is always a danger that the^collector's fingers may receive and communicate tke con tamination. ° Turned,the Tables. When a schoolmaster entered the temple of learning a few mornings ago he read on the "blackboard the touch ing legend: "Our teacher is a donkey." The pupils, expected there would be a combined cyclone and earthquake, but the philosophic pedagogue contented himself with adding the word "driver" to the legend, and opened the school as usual. s . - : Near tjie Iron Bridge, McHenry, 111. Hn ring again taken possession of my Market, in ttns village, I am now pre pared to furnish my old customers and the public generally, with Fresh and Salt Meats. Smoked Meat Sausage etc Of the best quality and at Living Prices" We Want A Few M e n | JOEL H. ' WOODSTOCK, II .L. pecla l Agent for the TV o r t I t west e r u M u t u a l Lile Iutsuraiice Co. . ly l Of Mi lwaukee , Wis . t rade oi l s i I t ! " -OUTHEWN « POT A Tt U>. : t< N n r ie i y - ' • ><. oece s la t ing a l ionld buy your Clothing of us: Wo carry tue best Buy of the largest and best manufacturers. Our prices L. L . P*1 AY & € .Nurserymen, F lor is t s ami •• ST. PAL E. MINN 1 shall keep constantly on hand Meats .all kinds, ami leaving nothing undone i meet the wants of my customers. \ egetahles of all kinds in their season. Wester man & Son H O U S E , S i C M A N D C A R R I A G E P A i K T E R S , M CH ENRY, I LLINOIS. We are prep 'a red to do a l l work in our l i re on shor t not ice and guarantee sa t i s fac t ion , ^APElt 11 ANGING.A SPECIALT Y. Prices reasonable and Work prompt ly dons . 0 W E S T E E M A N & S O N . ^tc l lenry , January SO. 1891. fea?'Cash paid for Hides, Tallow, Veal, I'ouUry, etc. A share of the public patronage is re- spectfvlly solicited. THOMAS BURKE. McHenry, 111., Oct. 1. 1H95. Floral Company MoHENRY, ILL. C , T . ESKILSON, MAXACKK JOHN J . BUCK, West Side JLivery, FLED AND 8ALE STABLES. XZ. .T . IXAIVX^Y, Prop'r. WEST McH,ENUY, ILL. Fi rs t Class r igs , wi th or wi thout dr ivers , furn ished n t reasenat i le ra tes- Par t ies taken and f rom the Lakes in Easy Kigs , and prompt connect ion made wi th a l l t ra ins Our Bigs wi l l l ie kept in f i r s t c lass shape , and we shal l spare no pa ins to p lease our cue toniera a t a l l t imos , Give us a ca l l , - E J . I IANLY, West,McHenry , 111,, Aug. 15, 1894. RESTAURANT Allkinds of Cut Flowers , a ro l Funcrr i l i>c . s igns to bo had a t a l l t imes a t l .easonaldo IJa tes . Carnat ions in bua ami o ther pot ted p lants for sa le . Orders taken now for bedding p lants de s i red in t i ie spr ing . Wil l have a l l -k inds of p lants for . fancy bedding. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Address, c '• " ROSE DALE FLORAL OdMPANY, New styles in stiff and soft Hats aDd ' MCHENUV, III. Golf Caps at S. Stoffel's. > •AND- Kear the I ron Br idge , McHenry , Board by the Day or Week at Reasonable V&tes, A ?OOK LINB or iRow BOATS AT MT LANDIK®, Ture Wines , Liquors and Choice Cigars • a lways on hand. 0 , •SS 'FreehLager Beer ootant ly on\draugl i t JOHN. J. MILLER, West McHenry,