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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jun 1896, p. 8

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Artialee and Notices under the above head *ro furnished by the Ladies ot the W. 0, T. U and the editor claims no par* or credit for the RI PANS TA BULKS Of the right kind .and cut priccs, in abundance •±'o Our Boys. You are boys now, but you will soon be men. Then you will have your own way to make in the world. Do you mean to be idle and fretful, and deceive people, and give theim a bad opinion of you ? Or do you intend to go to work, and act bravely and nobly, and do your duty, and leave a name behind you when you die which the world will love and re­ spect? Take care--now is the tirae! Did you ever notice a large tree that grew crook­ ed, and was an ugly eyesore on that ac­ count? Perhaps it stood on the lawn, riglifi in front of the porch, and your father would have liked very much in­ deed to straighten it. It was simply im­ possible to do so. A hundred horses could not have drawn it erect. Ancf^et think of the time when the large tree was a small sapling; a child could have straightened it then, and it •would have grown properly, and every one would have admired it. , By this T mean that boys and girls oughtto grow straight, not crooked. You are young now, as the tree was once. Begin in time, and you will be as straight as an arrow when you are a man. If you wait it will be too late. The way to make men erect and noble ia to take them when they are boys, and show them that there is, nothing in this world so noble ae doing their duty. Once more I say, remember that though you are boys now, you will soon be men. You may do good or evil. If you are false and worthless, you and every­ body else will have a hard time of it. ft'NCWOOD, lLL Black and Colored Suitings, Wash Fabrics, Sateens, Capes, Lawns, Parasols. Fans, Mitts, Laces, Embroidery, Mulls, White Goods, Hosiery, Furnishing Goods, Fur and Straw Hats, Golf and Yachting Caps. RipansTabules act gently but promptly on the liver, ptomsch and intestines; cleanse the system effectually; eure dyspepsia, habitual constipation, offensive breath and headache. One Tabule taken at the first indication of in­ digestion. billiousness, dizziness, distress atter eating or depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. Eipans Tabules are prcpar- d from a prescription widely used by the best physicians, and are presented in the form most approved by modern science, . ' It given a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an infallible cure; they contain nothing injurious and are economical, Towels for 3 cents, worth 5. Towels for 5 cents, worth 10 Better grades in proportion. AND imiON JACKETS Ali sizes, right prices, correct styles. One Gives Relie£ We cannot duplicate this stock at these prices, so if wish any of these •_T A box will be Sent, postage paid, on recipt of 50 cts by RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Spruce S1„ New York. Loaal druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules it requested to do so.. > They are Easy to Take, Quick to Act and Save many a Doctor's Bill. United Brand Fancy Shirts For men, boys and children. Over 100 new suits just received from -- Kuh, Nathan & Fuller. Sacks, square cuts, frocks, Prince Alberts, Having disposed ot my spring stock of Plows, Harrows, Corn in black, navy, gray, and mixed. Pricos are surprisingly low, Planters, &c., I have filled my warehouse wih a jfull line of the best makes of A HUMMER! In all sizes and oyer twenty styles, all fully warranted and pri< o lower than you will expect. Fine Wall Paper* Shades, Curtains, Poles etc. A full supply of reliable garden and field seeds. PURE GROCERIES Best Flour. . Honorable usage The Only Exclusive Wa< 1 Paper and Faint iguse in the County. Don't see how they can be made for the money, but they will go for that price while they last. SIMON STOFFEL We are here to stay and intend to give our customers prices and a quality of goods unsurpassed. We challenge the world to pro­ duce a better article in the Paint line than the Sherwin Williams Paint, or Wall Paper of finer de­ sign or better quality than Alfred Peats' paper, from 3 cents per single roll up. Well glazed white blank paper, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, low as the lowest, quality con sidered. Call and learn my prices and see my goods. fjIpPaper Hanging, Graining, House Painting, Carriage & Sign Painting, all specialties. Work done in a workmanlike manner and satisfaction guaran teed. lKSUMAIf©E Ringwood, 111 JACOB JUSTEN, -S«. A A FURNITURE, 4IL JIIIM UNDERTAKING, THE McHENRY J. H. MILLER, Prop'r BICYCLES! EMBALMING All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices A FULL LINE OF FINISHED VTORK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. CLOCKS J. P. SMITH, The Jeweler, There are Bicycles and Bicycles, But if you want a Bicycle that is a Bicycle, one that you can depend on, one that is not only built on honor but built to stand srood hard usage, is light iu »weight, easy of adjustment, and the handsomest machine on the road, you must buy a We carry a full and complete stock of all kinds of \ KITCHEN, ( PARLOR, ( BEDROOM and ( DINING ROOM .( FURNITURE. W c have a fine line of goods and would be pleased to show them to you. Call and sec our line before buying and we will do as well by you as anyone. We solicit your trade. McHENRY, ILL •FURNITURE! A ~f Are built in U n ° the Largest { ffilMsYGLES. and Best llrtlv* / v%i# Equipped W of High udej!, tFha0ctor0yrl'dn select the Waverlv because the*' have learned to know the difference between a Whe'l tbat is actually high grade and one that Is simply claimed to be. Some others mav be good but, the WnTerly IR the highest of all high grades Scorcher (3 heights)} 185 00, Belle 26 and 28 inch $75,0» and $85.00. Kenwood or an Has just received the finest line of Clocks to be found in McHenry County, to 'which he invites the attention of the buying public. These wheels are at the head of their class and you are running no risk in purchasing one. As to price. I can and will sell you a Bicycle of equal grade as cheap as you can buy one anywhere. These machines 1 carry in stock, you can judge best of their merits by seeing them. I carry a line of Bicycle Sundries, Repairs, Etc., IN ADDITION TO MY' LINE OF G E N E R A L H A R D W A R E , SPORTING GOODS, ETC, Experienced Riders - - WE CARRY A FULL STOCK OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc,, Etc CLOCKS, And in short Clocks of "all kinds in endless variety, and at Prices that will astonish the Natives* CALL AND BE CONVINCED that he can sell you a better Clock tor LESS MONEY than any other house in McHenry Co. N. A. HEM AN, Agent, McHenry. Ill, Made by INDIANA BICYCLE CO., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. W e guarantee first-clas work in [every respect, s Jacob lisiii' F. L. McOMBER, West McHenry Four Big Rrizes ! HAVE YOU SEEN IT ? TO BE GIVEN AWAY, McHenry, 111., Dec., 1895 I ALSO HAVE A FINE LINE OF WATCHES AND JEWELRY Which will be sold 50 per cent -v - below former prices. WE HAVE THE FINEST LINE OF REPAIRING Promptly done and in a workmanlike manner. .JOHN P. SMITH. McHenry, April 28,1896. West McHenry Illinois AXTELL CULTIVATORS In 4, 6 and 8 Shovels. ALBION SPRING TOOTH CULTIVATORS. MURPHY & PHILLIPS, DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES.. PURE* WINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, Howe Block, Water Street, ' DEALERS IN Choict Family Groceries, _ Kerosene, Gasoline, Potatoes, Fresh Bread, Tablets, Pencils, new Teas, new Coffees. Our Bakery Supplies, Received from the Rockford Bakery are absolutely fresh every day. Bread, Buns, Biscuit, Cookies, etc, always on hand, Canned Goods and all kinds of Fruits in their season can be found at our store, which will be offered to the buying public at the Lowest Living Prices, for Cash. Our goods are all fresh, new and clean, and we hope by fair dealing and good goods to merit and receive a fair of public patronage, A fine new Delivery Wagon will run to the Lakes daily. Goods delivered in the Corporation free of charge, MURPHY & PHILLIPS. McHenry, April 7,1896, These are tlic best cultivators oa the market and will be sold as low as the lowest. With each purchase of Twenty-five Cents worth of Jewelry or any goods in our store, we will present you with a Souvenir Check, and on the 24th day of December, 1896, will present the party holding the greatest amount of Checks, with the above beautiful box. We also present each purchaser of One Dollar's worth of Jewelry with a Five Dollar Rsbate Card, which they can use as payment at the rate of five per cent on each and every purchase in our store. All our Jewelry not giving reasonable sat- isfation for a period of five years can be returned and duplicate articles given in ex­ change for same. ' „ s The party holding the second largest amount of checks wil be presented with a fine triple plate Biiver cake basket worth $6. The party holding the 3d largest %nount©f checks will be presented with a fine triple plate pickle castor worth $4,50, The party holding the fourth largest amount of sou venirs will <>e presented with a handsome gold decorated glass wine set, glass tray and pitcher, worth $3, o We also have now a complete line of fine genuine satin spar and cat's eye jewelry, such as ladies watch chains, brace lets, stick pins, hair ornaments, etc. Before buying be sure and see our large stock in the'latest ladles'hair ornaments and belt buckles. Ali goods bought of us are warranted t<} give reasonable satisfaction, if not they may be returned and changed for new ones, : - Also, Bottled Ale and Porter lor Medical Use, The World's Famous McCORMICK BINDERS, MOWERS AND CORN HARVESTERS f^lT The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewin bacco always on hand. 1 Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully compounded Give me call. Agents for the Steel Web Picket Farm and Garden Picket Fence with Steel eb Picket Double Drive Gates. <• fcW~Also have "the celebrated Hcnney Buggy Co.'si" Buggies, Road Wagons, Spring Wagons and Surreys. In Fal-m Wagons we have the Weber, and Fish Bros', the two very best farm wagons made. If eat McHenry, Jan, 1,1896,

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