Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." VOL. 21. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1896. NO. 48. PUBLISHED EVEBY WEDNESDAY BY - J . V A N S L Y K E , - EDITOH AND PItOPKIETOB. OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK. Two Doors North of ferry & Owen's Stori, ; TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : One year {in advance)............. ...,~...$1 50 If Not Paid within Three Months........ 2 «0 Subscriptions received for three or gix months in the gama.iwopoiPt!an«« : ' RATES OF ADVERTISING We aniiouscc liberal rates for advertising in tba PLAINDBA.LKS, and endeavbr to state tbom so plainly that they, will he rottdily un derstood. They are as follows: 1 Inch one year 2 Inches one year 3 Inches one year - Sf Column one year Jtf Column one year- Column one ye&r BOO 10 00 15 00 30 00 60 Oo 100 00 One ncn means the measurement of one lnoh down tlie column, single column width. Yearly advertisors, at the above rates, have the privilege of ohanging as often as they choose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion of local notices at' the rate of 5 cents per line eaoh week. All others will be charged 10 cents per lino the flrBt week, and 5 cents per lino for eaoh subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe lino, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and 5 cents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inoh advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, $1.50 for two weeks, $2.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAINDBALBB will be liberal in giving editorial notloes, but, as a business rule, It will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of Its columns for peounlary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. FRANK L. SHEPARD, c IOUNSELI-OR AT LAW. Salle St., Uhicago. Suite 514--30 La O. H. FEGERS, M, D- IHYSIOIAN AND StfRGEON, McHcnry I?Ills: Office at Residence. JOS, L. ART, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST, Office in Nichols Block, over Plaindealer Office. McHenry Telephone No 4 DR. A. E. AURINGElt, PHYSICIAN ANDSUROEON. Office in the Stroner building, ,one door went of A. P. Bier's store, West McHenry, 111. Residence, house formerly occupied by Dr. Osborne, All professional ealls promptly at tended to, ' O. B HOWE, M. D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offi-ie and Residence, Hotel Woodstock. Office hours 1 to 2 P. M. daily, uails promptly at tended to. Deserving poor treated tree ol charge at office, including medicine Monday and Friday. F. C. COLBY, D, D. 8. DENTIST. Woodstock. 111. Special alen-tion paid to regulating children's teeth, Parties coming from a distance will do well to give timely notice by mail. Ollice, Kendal block corner Main street and PublioSq are O. P. BARNES, A TTORNEY, Solicitor, andi Counselor, ^TL Oollectlonsia specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. KNIGHT & BROWN, TTORNEYS AT LAW. U. S. Express Oo.'s L Building, 87 and 89 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL. JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker & Jeweler McHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry always on hand. Special attention given to repairing fine watehea. Give me * °*U" JOHN P- SMITH. W. &.CRiSTY, Justice ol tlie Peace. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Special Attention paid to Collections. H« C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In surance Agent. Including Accident and Life Insurance. WEST MCHENBT, III. W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary JPublic Heal Estate and Insurance. NUNDA, HI. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler No 126 State Street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches an t Chronometers. 4ST A F'lll Assortment of Goods in his line. NOTICE. All you men and boys that [want to (Save from $2' to $5 on Pants OKE;SUITS. Don't;; Miss tli|s Chance JOn any kind of gfrods sold in my [Store. at Chicago's lowest prices, E. LAWLUS. lOpposite Riverside Hotel, McHenry. ME FAKMEn STOEE Why is it that we are natural headquarters for the best goods sold? Because it is known far and near that we keep nothing but up to date goods and at prices that make them sell every day. Are now selling ' -Ladies' Shirt Waists At a very small margin over wholesale prices. v : LADIES' CAUZE VESTS At 25c, silk finished, such as others sell for 40 to 50c each. Have them as cheap as 5c. ^ ' BOOTSt Ml I101i« Nothing like M. D. Wells & Co.'s goods for style and wear, and we will make the prices right. Crockery and Glassware. Our stock is complete and we invite you to see what we have and get our prices before buying. HE NEWYORK LEDGER America's Greatest Story Paper. lways publishes the besfc and most in- eresting short stories, serial stories and special articles that can be procured, re gardless of expense. The latest fashion lotes and patterns can be found every |week on the Woman's World Page. There is always'something in the New |TorA' Ledger that will interest every, aember of the family. 20 pages--price, cents. For sale , in this town by Jharles Slimpin. Times are hard, but our Grocery department is booming right along, as we keep nothing but first >class goods, and at prices that make them sell. STILL THE OLD STANDARD SiEEPyE^. Evefy household will sing our praise after they have tried Old Sleepy Eye Flour. It beats every other Flour, as it £oes further,^ makes whiter biead, and is healthful. Cost nothing to try a sack. PAiV-KA-KO, Now is the time to use Pan-ka-ko for muffins and gems. Goods delivered to any part of the city. I?. JEfc .A, JSSSRL- West McHenry, Illinois. JULIA A. STORY, DEALER IN DRUGS and MEDICINES. A FULL LINE OF CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, f Paints, Oils and Colors CONBTANTLT OK HAND. FULL LINE OF PATENT; MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES. Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. 1 Physicians' Prescriptions iggjMBEsas.b7 * Your Patronage la respectfully solicited. m* - --JULIA A. STORY One \Door West of Riverside House, McHenry, 111 SPRING CLOTHING Why you should buy your Clothing of us: We carry tne best assortment. Buy of the largest and best manufacturers. Our prices are always the lowest. In dressing up for spring investigate our prices, look over our mammoth stock of new Clothing just put on our counters. Men's Good Cotton Suits, $3.75. Men's Good Wool Suits, §5 to $20. . «• .1 - fc. •>. -- --^ Our Shoe stockwi Winter est You. Style quality and prices right. To get the latest shapes of spring Hats look over our line. Men's Overalls and Shirts; largest essortment, lowest prices. Just received, another car of Jersey Lily Flour. Quatity the highest, prices the lowest." 7 • FRESH GROCERIES, Apples, Oranges and Lemons. Clover, Timotby and all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. J PERRY & 0WEH. Banner*. McHENRY, - - EILLENOIS This Bank receives deposits, buyt and sells Foreign and Domestic Ex- change, and does a General Banking Busings? We endeavor to do all business en trusted to our care in d manner arid upon terms entirely satisfactory to our customers and respectfully solicit iht public patrmage, . MONEY TO LOAN; On Real Estate and other first c ass security. Special attention given t co lections, INfefCJRAiNCE: • In lirst Class Companies at th Lowest Rates. Fours Re ipectfulli • PERRY A OWEN' N O T A R Y P U B L I C . t That you should bu} your Bicycle of us? C. F. BOLEY, ProDrielor of McHenry Brewery, McHENRY, ILL. Always on Ha7id with the Best Beer, A.C.SPURLING Veterinary Surgeon, McHenry. Makes a spccialt y CASTRATION, a®" Office at Hanly's Livery Stable. West McHenry, 111, * V T N P ^ i d l e M 0 N ) a Xjl t Xi.^1 Vl and surplus fuutli received and loaned on carefully leoted r«al entato securities end ttu interest collected"!" \ C l a n d r e m i t t e d w i t h o n t - L i x V l 5 O < s k M charge. Loana made on time and t«rtnt to amt borrower. J. W. RAKBTKaD 11 UoPac* street. Kljnn. llHnoia. The Coal you bouglit last lall ? You can getimore of me at Bottom Prices. A11 tli« g Lapt Oar|oi^Feed ? Get my prices beforej buying more.) W. A. CR1STY, WES 71 Mr BEN R YZ ILL SMOKERS! When in Want of a Good Cigar! THE OLI) RELIABLE CALL AT Cigar and Tobacco Dealers. OUR SPECIALTIES: Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best, hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by „ all local dealers. Floral Company McHENRY, ILL. O, T. ESK1LSON, - MANAGER. JOHN J. MILLER, West McHeniyr All kinds of Cut Flowers, and Funeral De signs to be had at alLtinies at Reasonable Rates. Carnations in bud and otlier potted plants for sale. Orders taken now for bedding plants de sired in tlie spring. « ^ Will have all kinds of plants for fancy bedding. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Address, ROSEDALE FLORAL COMPANY, MCHENRY, 111. We sell the best me dium grades , c " /• , We sell the finest high grades. Wo have 30- Bicycles now in stock:, compris- seven makes.™ Easy to pick a winner. Prices defy competition. T. J, H A CMS. WOODSTOCK, ILL. HARNESS! GUS CARLSON, At his Harness Shop, near the Red Bridge, has now in stock the finest as sortment of LIGHT SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS Farm Harness, etc-» Even s^owii -iii-this coynty, whieh he is offering at Hard Times Prices, aud guar antees them as represented. These Harness are all made of the best of material, by first class workmen, and if in want of anything in this line you will save money by giving him a call, Aful l i inoof Dustors and Whips always on hand. REPAIRING Promptly Attended to. Do not fail to call at once and get the benefit of our bargains. CUS CARLSON. McHenry, 111., April 14, 189G. JOHN J.^BUCH, J^estaurant ^goardiiig JJouse, Near the Iron Bridge, McHenry, Board by the Day or Week a< Reasonable rates, & NICE LINE OF Row BOATS AT MY LANDING. for rent by the hour or day, at reasonable rates. Pure Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars always on hand. •wFreshLap-er Bosr ootantly on draught Good Stabling for Horses. HAVE NO AGENTS "• but sell direct to the consumer at wholesale prices. Ship anywhere for examination before sale Everything warranted. lOO styles of Carrlturea, BOstylesof Uarne»«, 41 styles Uldlng Saddles. Write for catalogue. ELKHART., „ Carriage&Harness Mfg. Co. W. B PRATT. Secy. Elkhart, Ind. THOS. BURKE, Meat Market. Near the Iron Bridge, McHenry, 111. Having again taken possession of my Market, in this' village, I am now pre pared to furnish my old customers and the public generally, with Fresh and Salt Meats. Smoked Meat Sausage etc Of the best quality and at Living Prices* 1 shall keep constantly on hand Meats of all kinds, and leaving nothing undone to meet the wants of my customers. Vegetables of all kinds in their season. t&T'Caeh paid for Hides, Tallow, Yeal, Poultry, etc. A share of the public patronage is re- spectfvlly solicited. THOMAS BURKE* McHenry, 111., Oct. 1.1895. West Side Livery, FEED AND SALE STABLES. E. .J. HANLY, Prop'r. ;WEST McHENRY, ILL. First .class rigs, with or withont drivers, furnisned'ac reasonable rates-,; Parties taken to and from (the Lakes in Easy Riga, and prompt connection made with all trains. Our Rigs will be kept in first class shape, and: we shall spare no pains to.please our cus tomere at all times. Give us a call, , E J. HAXLY, West McHenry, 111,, jAug. t.16, 1894. New Styles in stiff and soft Hats and Goll Caps at $. StoffeFs. Proceeding's of the Board of Trustees COUNCIL KOOM, Aftril 27,1895. The members of the new board were called to order by President Evanson. Present, lull board. There being no business before the board they adjourned until Tuesday evening, April 28, to act upon the ques tion of dram shop license for the coming year. 5 - ; • ' JOHN EVANSON, President. A. O. RDPP, Clerk, v - " > COUNCIL ROOM, April 28,1896. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present full board. Object of the meeting, to take action on the granting of licenses, and to fix the rate thereof. Trustee Wtntworth moved that dram shop licenses be granted at the same rate as heretofore--$500, §250 in ad vance and a note with approved security payable in six months. Seconded by Freund and carried. On motion by Howard, seconded by Granger, the board voted that licenses be granted for pool and billiard tables and bowling alleys at the same rate as heretofore. On motion the board adjourned until Thursday evening, April 30, to pass up on bonds for saloon licenses. JOHN EVANSON, President. A. 0. RUPP, Clerk. COUNCIL ROOM, April 30,1896. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present full board. Object of the meeting to pass upon dram shop bonds. Bond of John J. Buch. Surety, Robt, Schiessle, Joseph Buch. Approved. Bond of Anton Englen. Surety, Jacob Stock, G. F. Boley. Approved. Bond of Freund & Barbian. Surety G. F, Boley, Joseph Buch. Approved. Bond of Ed. Long. Surety, Richard Long, G. F. Boley. Approved. Bond of Robt. Schiessle. Surety, Jos. Buch, John J. Buch. Approved. Bond of John Heimer. Surety, John P. Heimer, Peter Blake. Approved. Bond of Joseph Heimer. Surety, John Hehnerr-G. P. Boley^ Bond of H. A. Smith. Surety, Barney McGee, E. J. Hanly, H. C. Smith. Ap proved. Bond of H. C. Smith. Surety, G. F Boley, E. M. Howe, H. A. Smith. Ap proved. On motion the bond of Carl Reitner, with Casper Wirfs as surety, was accept ed conditionally, the condition being that the said Carl Reimer secure an addi tional bondsman, to be approved by the board at the next meeting. On motion board adjourned until the regular meeting. JOHN EVANSON, President. A. 0. RUPP, Clerk. J, Buch, H. C. Smith, Anton Engeln, Jos* Heimer, John Heimer, H. A. Smith and Robert Schiessle, given for part payment of saloon license was approved. The President announced the standing committees as follows: y . Finance--Wentworth, H&imer, Miller. Streets and Alleys--Howard, Miller, Granger. ;; - / >. » Sidewalks--Granger, Howard, Freond. Public Park and Engines--'Heimer, Granger, Howard. Miscellaneous Business--Granger, How ard, Freund. '. v ; • On motion the board adionrnod until the next regular meeting. JOHN EVANSON, President, A. O. RUPP, Clerk, v ' v HOME STUDY. There has come to our notice recently, an enterprise which has been organized for the purpose of educating, in their own homes, the class of people who either have not had opportunity fn the past, or who do not now have an opportunity to study in the public schools. To this beneficent organization we are more than pleased to extend our hearty greeting, and wish it all the success the undertak ing deserves. The one thing which this country needs is a more general educa tion for the working people. It is this idea that has led many great thinkers to advocate home study, particularly where outside instruction is not convenient. The odd half and quarter hours, if prop erly applied, will give anyone who de sires it a liberal education. It is the man that devotes a few spare minutes each day to study, who advances from day laborer to foreman; who becomes the master mechanic; the head of the office. Few persons seem to be aware, in re gard to the subject of education, how largely a willing student can dispense with external aid. The opinion, aleo common, that to learn anything in sci ence, art, or any of the higher branches, beyond the first rudiment", the learner must place himself in the hands of a gift- ed professor, and carry on his labor in COUNCIL ROOM, May 4, 1896. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present full board. Minutes of past meetings read and ap proved. The following bills w«re presented, aud ted and order paid : M. Engeln, mdse $4.73 A. C. Friedley, mdse 5 84 Owen & Chapell, mdse 6 44 On motion by Howard the bond of the Village Clerk, with Anton Englen and F. J. Barbian as sureties, was approved. The board also approved the bond of Carl Reimer, with Casper Wirfs and Mathias Weber as sureties. Wentworth moved that Jas. B. Perry be elected Village Treasurer for the com ing year. Motion seconded by Freund. Granger moved as an amendment that the name of Simon Stoffel be substituted for that of Jas. B. Perry. Seconded by Howard. Simon Stoffel, who was pres ent, stated that if the board saw fit to elect him he would pay the corporation fifty dollars for the use of the village money for one year. Vote on the amendment: Yeas- Granger, Howard, Heimer. Nays--Mil ler, Wentworth, Freund. It was a tie and the President voted yea. Granger then moved that Simon Stoffel be elected Village Treasurer. The vote: Yeas--Granger, Howard, Heimer. Nays --Miller, Wentworth, Freund. The Pres ident voted yea and declared Simon Stoffel elected. On motion by Howard, H. C. Mead was unanimously elected Village Attor ney for the ensuing year. Heimer placed Wm. Schreiner in nomi nation for Street Commissioner. L. D Lincoln offered to take the position at one dollar and fifty cents per day, and Granger moved that his name be substi tuted for Wm. Schreiner's. The amend ment was lost by the following vote: Yeas--Granger, Howard. Nays--Went worth, Freund, Miller, Heimer. The original motion was then unanimously carried. On motion of Heimer the old Board of Health, consisting of Dr. O. J. Howard, Rollin Waite and Anton Weber was re appointed for the coming year. On motion of Miller, Mat M. Niesen was appointed Village Constable. On motion of Howard, John Walsh was appointed Special Poljce. Freund moved that W. D. Wentworth be elected Street Sprinkler. Amended by Howard that Wentworth serve until the first of June. Vote on the amendment: Yeas--Howard, Granger, Miller, Heimer. Nays--Freund, Wentworth. The origi nal motion as amended was carried by a unanimous vote. . • <T~ On motion by Howard the board vot ed to receive bids for street sprinkling at the regular June meeting. The notes oi Freund & Barbian, John thFatmosphere of the class room, is a mischievous delusion. While we would not decry our magnifi cent system of public schools, we believe that some system of home training is absolutely necessary in order that men in all classes and conditions of life may fit themselves for life's work. Not only is it necessary for our citizens to under, stand something of what is commonly called the higher branches of education, but also an essential qualification that they should have a thorough train ing in business methods, including busi ness laws, business arithmetic, shorthand and book keeping. In short, to achieve success in life, it is necessary that men be trained in that which will prove the most serviceable to them in their vocations. Within the past few years many prom inent educators have endeavored to de vise means which would supply thisgreat public need. The remarkable movement known as University Extension, the for mation of Cliatauqua circles, the estab lishment of night and summer schools for laboring men, are all evidences of this desire to bring self education within the reach of every citizen. The most practi cal attempt we know of to solve the problem of home education is the estab lishment of the Home Study Association, at Ann Arbor, Michigan, the seat of the great University of Michigan. This As sociation having for its purpose the aid and encouragement those who desire to pursuife home study, is desirous of extend ing its work over the greater part of the United States, and in order that it may do so, desires the hearty co-operation ol educators and studious people every where. Its officers will bt pleased to cor respond with any who may be interested aud to furnish all information in regard to the work they are carrying on. Their announcement appears elsewhere in this paper, and we ask our readers to in vestigate by corresponding with the Association. WESTWARD HO! A Region Abounding' in Mountains of Gold and Streams of Silver. During the past quarter of a century the Rooky mountains of Colorado have produced millions upon millions of dol lars in gold and silver (and precious jewels) thousands of persons acquiring wealth and ease as a result. Some of the richest gold mines in the world have been discovered during the past year and there is noeud to the"lucky strikes" being made at Cripple Creek gold camp and elsewhere. The scenery of the ever snow-capped Rockies is unequaled in either Europe or America for grandeur. For several years there has been publish ed in Denver a big fifty-six column week ly family newspaper which gives all the most important mining news and illus trates each week the very choicest of this marvelous scenery, contains original / western stories of love and adventure, pure in tone; yearly subscribers are given 1 gold rings set with Rocky mountain gems free as premiums. To introduce this great illustrated weekly family pa per into new homes the publishers will send it on trial three months for 25 cents (stamps or silver). Club of five $1. Men tion the PLAINDEALER and address Illus trated Weekly, Denver. Col. The .Golde® "West Invitee your attention. Fabulous for tunes have been made by judicious ,in- vpatments in gold mining stocky a stamp for full particulars abouttrtpple Creek gold camp (near Pike's Peak) ana full particulars about our company. Ad dress, Pike's Peak Mining and Real Ea= tate Company, (Incorporated,) Denver, Colorado: * Don't ask your wife to darn tha^ Old stocking when you can buy new one* so cheap at J. W. CWSTY & SpN'e,