W. C. T. U. DEPARTMENT, Articles and Notices under Hie Above head are furnished bv the Lftdies,ot the W, O, T* U and the editor claims no part or credit for tbe same. NEAR THE DEPOT, WEST McHENRY, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF You Must Discriminate. _We have a class of men in our land who complain that temperance people do not discriminate as they should, between the low grogery and the respectable saloon. They say, "People will drink; therefore we must endeavor to haVe them drink as respectably as possibly." "Discriminate!" As though a bar room could be anything else but a bar room, whether kept within the brown stone walls of that grand hotel or the dingy walls of the corner groggery. As though brandy, whisky, beer and wine do not possess the same intoxicating properties and soul destroying elements whether dealt across the marble or the woo len shelf. " , ~S [ "Drink respectably!" As though the countleeSxhuman wrecks that are this moment reeling and cursi-jg in the Baloons did not take their first glass in a respectable way. I could name a host of the nation's lost stars from the realms of statesman ship, literature art and science, whose brilliant glory has set in theblackiiess-of a shameful degradation. Did these re ceive their first degree in the low drunk- ery?, -No! but in that charmed circle of society in which gentlemen move, and where the drinking of liquor is practiced in a most respectable manner. Away with the cloak of respectable seeming that wraps the social tippling customs of society. ^CWOOD.IW- Keeps open fox the RnortrmrHjat'.on of the. Public a First Claaa AGRICULTURAL - IMPLEMENTS, Restaurant Where he will at all times kaei brands of Wines, Liquors and C to be found in the market. MiSwsuk: oat variety A. ENGELN S Ladies Waists (Safaori . '̂1 Restaurant, , MollEVUV. ILL. Wholesale and f totaf l Agent for HO O LITZ Good and Cheap J J M M I M B B O A l i SHOES, Shoes SHOES Eudless Variety A N O T H E R - C A R . O F • S U R R 1 E S J U S T R E C E I V E D The Only Exclusive WaU Paper and Paint louse L. in the County. ^ ALSO CALE ARID OTHER CULTIVATORS, The D. M. Osborne & Co.'s Twine Binders, Mowers and Corn Harvesters. BINDER TWINE We are here to stay and intend to give our customers prices and a quality of goods unsurpassed. We challenge the world to pro duce a better article in the Paint line than the Sherwin V* illiams Paint, or Wall Paper of finer de sign or better quality than Alfred Peats' paper, from 3 cents per single roll up. ---- Well glazed white blank paper, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, low as the lowest, quality con sidered. Call and learn my prices and see my goods. |9!f~Paper Hanging, Graining, House Painting, Carriage & Sign Painting, all specialties Work done in a workmanlike manner and satisfaction guaran Best brands and lowest prices you see ours rwiiVE irv QUANTITY And Cheaper than any other dealer. ISF" 1 will discount any and all prices offered you 1 money call on me before you buy. WaroU'tu^e n»ar thft Depot, West Me Henry. Also warehouses at Wauconda, Nunda an< L nsystematically Yours Ringwood, 111 THE McHENRY |i »'jj|a J- H- MILLER, Prop'r. •iPiT' All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices5 A FULL LINE OF FINISHED JVOKK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Black and Colored Suitings Wash Fabrics, Sateens, Capes, Lawns, Parasols. Fans, Mitts, Laces, Embroidery, Mulls, White Goods, Hosiery, Furnishing Goods, Fur and Straw Hats, Golf and Yachting Caps. ELGIN, ILL J. P. SMITH, The Jeweler, McHENRY, ILL UNIVERSAL PROVIDER Has just received the finest line of Clocks to be found in McHenry County, to iwhich he inviteB the attention of the buying public. I6YGLES. And in short Clocks of all kinds in endless variety, andkat Prices that will astonish the Natives. CALL AND BE CONVINCED that he can sell you a better Clock tor LESS MONEY than any other house in McHenry Co. LAWN HOSE A good nickel Cigar, but the quantity, 1,000 boxes, we want to reduce. Instead of charging you 5c each or $2.50 a box, for a few days our price will per box of 50 Wire bound, there is none better, ev ery inch guaran teed, worth . $7.00 per 50 ft. our price 32-m9 N. A. HEM AN, Agent, McHenry, II! Made by INDIANA BICYCLE CO., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. R • I ALSO HAVE A FINE LINE OF WATCHES AND 1EWELRY Which will be sold GO per cent below former prices. A f ^ D U N I O N J A C K E T S Pour Big Prizes ! HAVE YOU 2EEN IT ? ' TO BE GIVEN AWAY, REPAIRING Promptly done and in a workmanlike manner. JOHN P. SMITH. McHenry, April 28, 189G. United Brand Fancy Shirts, ln£" THIS WEEK MURPHY & PHILLIPS, vve will otter you better values than JEWELRY Bargain Counter DUTCHESS TROUSER ever m our A thousand different articles some worth as high as 50c, some are somewhat tarnish ed, they all go at Wall Paper and Paint Dep't Fine Wail Paper, Shades, Curtams, Poles, etc A full supply of reliable garden and Held seeds. PUKli: GROCEIUJIS Best Flour e Usage THEO. F. SWAN, Will be kept up in future. Will visit the cit will lill all special orders of a reasonable nature great ^department store