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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jun 1896, p. 1

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Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law No Favors Win us artd no Fear Shall Awe, M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY,. JUNE 17, 1896. REFRIGERATING FLOWERS. New Scheme for Making Plants Bloom Out of Season. Quite a revelation in horticulture has been in progress during- the past decade,' although, owing to the secret manner in . wliich the experiments leading up tx> it have beenconducted, comparatively few persons have been aware of the new de­ parture, says Chambers' Journal. Everyone knows that flowers, as well ns fruits and" vegetables, are forced, £o that those who are rich shall have the use i<>f them before unaided nature brings them to maturity. The forcing business. is an expensive one, requir­ ing constant attention and skilled la­ bor. Maaiy attempts, therefore, have been made to get at the golden eggs by cheasper means,' and as a result of many' trials the opposite process ' to forcing lias been adopted with suc­ cess. : '• •• " ) The system consists in retarding the flowering of the plant by refrigeration, and is,of course,only applicable, to those which are hardy in this country, by which we mean those which will stand several degrees of frost. The lily of tlie %'alley is one of them, and it is much in request for purposes of decoration. Under the old forcing conditions only about 50 per cent, of the buds treated could be induced to flower, but by the freezing process an average of 95 per cent, can be secured from the end of summer up to. Christmas. It will be noted that the process cannot Ik? ap­ plied to evergreens of any kind and it Would certainly be the death of camel­ lias and p roll ably hyacinths and tulips. It is said that near Berlin three grow­ ers alone have nearly 300 acres of lily of the valley tinder cultivation aind that they have adopted the refrigerating merthod with great success. It has long ago been proved that, the plant can be cultivated in England with equal success, and we trust t hat the new meth­ od will soon be tried on am extensive scale in this countrv. A TRUE MUSICIAN. WhltcomlVs Genius Turned an Old Elddl* Into B Thing of Beauty. James Whitcomb was a prominent citizen of Indiana in her early days, and he.was not. only a politician, butone of the • best amateur musicians in the country. He composed several pieces for the violin, which was his chosen instrument, and many are the stories toljl of him and his fiddle. At one time, says the Pittsburgh Dis­ patch, he was traveling froth Indianapo­ lis to eastern Indiana, and, stopped for *he night at a house on a lonely rgpd. He entered the cabin with his compan­ ion, and there, they found a lanieyoung man." called Amos, sitting by the fir© scraping at an old violin with most dis­ astrous results. He laid the violin on the bed* and started away to the stable -with tho horses, Mr. Whitcomb at once took up the violin, tuned it, and when Ainos re­ turned was playing light and beauti­ ful airs. Amos was entranced. He sat down, and, mouth wide open in wonder, w atched the musician. Then Mr."Whit­ comb struck up "Hail Columbia," and the youth could bear it no longer. He sprang to his feet. "If I had $50," cried he, "I'd give it all for that fiddle! I never heard such music." Mr. Whitcomb said nothing, but kept on playing. By and by, when he had finished, he laid the violin on the bed. This was the young man's opportunity. He sprang up, seized the instrument, carried it. to the fire, where he could see more plainly, and turned it over and over, examining every parts "Mi»ter," he sang out, in high excite­ ment. "I never in my life see two fid­ dles so much alike as yours and mine!" PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY . AND GROCERY STORE. C. E. LAM PH ERE Having leased, the west store,-in the Kelter Block, McHenry, has filled the same with a new and fresh stock of FEBRY & OWEN. BanKers M o H E S U R Y , - - B I L L i K Q I S This Bank receives deposits, buy> utid sells Foreign and Domestic Ex• ihajige, and does a . - • Seneral Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en­ trusted to pur care in a manner and upon te:ms entirely satisfactory to our customers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. 5WQ1MEY TO LOAN; On Real Estate and other first c asa security. Special attention given i co- lections, "... iNfeuitAisrcK -;• In First, Class Companies at the fjowesi Rates. Fours Re ipoctfulli/, PERRY & OWED' * " O T A R V P U B L I C EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, Why is it that we are natural headquarters for the best goods sold? Because it is known far and near that we keep nothing but up to date goods and at prices that make them sell every day. Are now selling OFFICE: IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK, Two Doors North of Perry & Owen's Store, Ladies' Shirt Waists V^TERWIS OF SUBSCRIPTION: QtVC year (in advance)1 . ' . . . . . . . . .$1 50 It Not Paid-withiri Th-Vee Months. . . . . . . 2 00 Subacrtp. t iQiiB receivc.i for three br Six months in the same proportion. At a very small margin oyer wholesale prices Canned Goods, Green and Dried Fruits. &c, To which he invites the attention of the buying public, confident that he can give you good-goods for as little money as anjr other store in the county. Having just completed a first class new Oven and secured the services of MR. LEE, one of the best Bakers in T^e state, I am prepared to furnish you Bakery Supplies ©tali kinds, of the best quality and guanrafrce satisfaction. A share of public patronage respect­ fully solicited. O. E, LAMPHERE. McHenry, 111,, April 14, 189G. Crockery and Glassware stock is complete and we invite you to see wli our prices before buying. - McHENRY, ILL. Always on Band with the Best Beer, ' HARNESS! A.C.SPURLING Veter'iary Surgeon, McHenry. Makes a sp.celal ty CASTRATION, %3r Office at I lanly 's Livery Stable. West Mciienry, i l l . GUS CARLSON, At his Harness Shop, near the Red Bridge, has now in stock the finest as­ sortment of LIGHT VICISSITUDES OF LIFE. Sequtel to an Experience of a-Struggling Young Author. "You remember my teDing yon awhile ngo, when we were talking about the vicissitudes of life," said a strug­ gling yonng author, according- to the Kevv lark Sun, '*about an experience that I had once? I had a number of manuscripts, you remember, which I desired to sell and which I 6ent out to the publications I thought them best suited for. One after another they came buck, until they had all oome back but one. That one, in my own judg-mienf, was much the best of tho lot, and I had built strong hopes upon it; and when, so to speak, it 1 didn't come back, I felt sure that it liad been accepted. But. after waiting awhile longer and not hearing from it, I wrote, asking about It, and the publisher wrote me a polite note saying they had no record of it; it had never been received. "That was the story as I told it to you, and I supposed that that was the end of it; and it was pretty tough, wasn't it? But now let me tell you the sequel. "Of course I wrote a polite note in reply to the publisher; and in that note I described the manuscript and said that perhaps it might yet be found; and later it was found, and, by snakes, the}- returned it! "That was solemn; but it was one of those things that are so everlastingly^ gosh-blast ad ly solemn that you have to laugh over 'em; and there can't be anything very terrible in anything that \ou can laugh over; so, jrou see, come to take it altogether, that experience was . not very distressing after all." BUSINESS CJARDS Times are hard, but our Grocery department is booming right >ng, as we keep nothing but lirst class goods, and at prices that ike them sell. • t IT AN K L. lOUNSELLOIt AT ' Ola k St . , Chicago SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS COLOR OF WOMEN'S EYES. The Mero Question of Pigment Has Set­ tled Many a Man's Fate. Did you ever notice that men always instinctively put confidence, in a girl with blue eyes, and have their sus­ picions of the. girl with brilliant black ones, and will you kindly tell me why? asks a writer in the Ladies' Home Jour­ nal. Is it that the limpid blue eye* transparent and gentle, suggests all the soft, womanly virtues, and because he thinks he can see through it, clear down into that blue-eyed girl's soul, that she is the kind of a girl he fancies she is? I think it is, but some of the greatest little • frauds I know are the purry, kitteny girls with the big inno­ cent bl ue eyes. Blazing black eyes, and the rich, warm colors, which dark- skinned women have to wear suggest energy and brilliance and no end of intellect. Men look into such eyes and seem not to be. able to see below the surface. They have not the pleasure of a long, deep gaze into immeasurable depths. And so they think her design­ ing and clever, and, perhaps (God save the mark!), even intellectual, when, perhaps, slue has a wealth of love and de­ votion and heroism stored tfp behind that, impulsive disposition and those dazzling black eyes, which would do and clan; more in a minute for some man she liad set tlxat great heart of hers upon, than your cold-blooded, tranquil blond would do in 40 years. A mere question of pigment in the eye hits set­ tled many a man's fate in life, and es­ tablished him with a wife who turned out to be very different from.the girl ho fondly thought he was getting. SA V T 1 1 ) L K , M O N ' • * 1y V A IN vJ O. ;vn(i &urplr .« fuui:s received and loaned on curefudy »«- looted real eeti i tn securi t ies suil t l ie interest oolleetedT I \ \ XJ C and remitted \r i tbou»_Li\J O* charge. Loans made on t ime end term* to auit borrower. J. W. RA.N8XtlAi>, II DuPag* street, KLsin. Illinois. Farm Harness, etc-, Ever shown in this county, which he is offering at Hard Times Prices, and guar­ antees tlieiu as represented. - These Harness are nil made of the best of material, by iirst class workmen, and if in want of anything in this line you will save money by giving him a call, -- A f u n l i n o of Duster:srand Whips a l w a y s o n h a n d "ilElPAIKING Promptly Attended to. O. H. FKGEItS, M, D- iHVSlOiAN AND SURGEON, McHenry l i lB. Offl ' .ve, a t Keaideuce. STILL THE OLD STANDARD Every household will sing our prai-e :)fter they have tried Old 'Sleepy Eye Flour. It heats e^ery- other Flour, as it goes farther, makes •whiter biead, and is healthiul. Cost nothing to try a sack. AM) OCT r.1ST, over I"lai i idchler PHYSICIAN, Olli-e a. Ni Office. McHcnrj Surgeon Dentist, WEST MCLLF.NLLY, ILL. Oflice in rear of G. W. lSesley's Drug Store All work guaranteed. Do not fail to call at once and get the benefit of our bargains. GUS CARLSON. McHenry, 111., April U, 189G, The Coal^yoti bought last iall ? Now is the time to use Tan-ka-ko for muffins and gems Goods delivered to any part of the city. You can get!more oflrne at Bottom Prices. BUCH, JOHN J.™ J^estaurant O. I! HOWE, M. D, PH Y S I C I A N AND SUItGKON. Offfe and ' l lemiieni ' .e , l loiel Woodstock. Office hours I io2 M . i ini ly, ( a i ls promptly at­ tended lo. UeBH'rvinK \ inor t rei ted free oi charge ai olBcc, including l i ieaicine Monday and Fridty. Near the Iron Bridge, McHenry, Board by the Day or Waok a t Reasonable ra tes , A. N ICE L INE OF Row B OATS AT MV L ANDING. for rent by the hour or day, at reasonable rates. Pure Wines, Liquoraand Choice Cigars always on hnnd. *8*FreshLn.tcer Beer ootuntly on draught Good Stabling for l lorsos. JULIA A. STORY DEALER IN DRUGS and MEDICINES. A FULL LINE OF CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, . . Painte, Qolors TTORNEY, Solici tor, andi Counaelor, Collections.a specially, . . WOODHTOOK, ILLINOIS. MOST PECULIAR ROOSTER. He Very Much Resembles a Bird, of Par­ adise. To see a rooster that resembles a bird of paradise Ls a rare sig-lit, but such a one lias recent!y been a common spec­ tacle in Japan, says the New York World. This particular fowl was, apart from his gorgeous appendage, of the ordinary type found in Japan, except that, he was a little more proud in his bearing- than his fellows. It may have been his manner that first, led to his selection as the bea/rer of a most magnificent tail. The brief history that can be obtained of this freak rooster is silent on that point. It prob­ ably was selected because only an arro­ gant, lordly manner could support, such a wonderful and variegated appendage, Ee that as it may, the rooster did cer­ tainly have a tail 10 feet long. In it were all the bright colors imaginable. The tail was far more brilliant, in its color­ ings than the shining feather-fan of a peacock. The neighbors of the Jap displayed no interest in the freak bird, but were amused by those who expressed admira­ tion and wonder, who were invariably foreign travelers. Then it was discovered that the beau­ tiful long tail was not a freak of nature, but the clever work of the ingenious Jap, who had fashioned and fastened the tail in such a way as to defy detection except after the most minute scrutiny. A Japanese Lady Politician. The most remarkable woman in poli­ tics in Japan is Mme, Hatoyama. When, her husband, a leader of the progres­ sionist part\', ran for parliament, she took the stump and made speeches in his interest--a very extraordinary thing for a Japanese lady to do. She is now a teacher in the academy of which her husband is principal. Effect of Tree Destruction. The influence of forests in protecting the water supply is well illustrated in the castf of Greece. In ancient days she possessed 7,500,000 acres of forest. To­ day she has hardly 2,000,000 acres, and the scarcity of water and other injuri­ ous climatic effects are traceable to the destruction of the trees. The Trees in Loodw. . Within the memory of many persons London was once like ninny American cities, absolutely treeless--nothing but brick, stone and mortar being seen any­ where. Of late years intelligent horti­ culture has" been drawn into service; and trees and shrubs are being' planted everywhere. «• ,*,/•* ; A l l t l u J L a r t C a r ~ o l , F e e t l ? KNIGHT & BROWN, 1 TORN KYS AT LAW, U. S. Express Co. 's . Building, 37 and S!» Washington St . CHICAGO, ILL. INDIANS WANT SILVER. They Have No Use for Gold Coin or Paper Money. If the silver question were left to the Sioux Indians to bo decided, says the Sioux Falls Argus-Leader, they would sj>eedi]y decide it in a manner that would prove perfectly satisfactory to the advocates of free silver coinage. The Sioux are naturally in favor of free silver coinage, principally because silver is more easily counted by 4hein than any. other kind of money. White Ghofit, the venerable liead of the Crow Creek Sioux, in discussing the money question while in town recently, ad­ vanced some peculiar ideas regarding money, which are undoubtedly shared by practically every member of the Sioux nation. He says that when the government pays the people on his reservation the $198,000 due to them, he wants it paid in silver dollars. Gold is detested by the Indians because tho coins are so small when the sum they represent is taken into consideration, •White Ghost said he could not under­ stand why a ten-dollar bill should not be just ten times as large as a one-dollar bill. lie thinks the. government should increase the size of bills in proportion to the sum they represent, even if it was necessary that a $100 bill should be as large as a horse blanket. If tho government persists in paying them partly in bills, they would like to see the change made. But silver dollars are what the Indians want, even should they receive them in such quantities that they would have to be transported to their agencies in wagons. HAVP1 MO AGENTS AF W ABJ 6. s™ sell direct to the consumer at wholesale prices. Ship anywhere for \ ivd$39 examination before sale 'S&v Everything warranted nnTmFT*i 1008t.ylesofCnrrlnare», /XVSSHTNs \ iM>styiesof UnrneK*. 41 etv 1 BS Kldinfr Saddles. / Write for catalogue Xj^/Vy ViiWVV ELKHART „ Carriage & Harness MIjj. Co, W. B PRATT, Secy. Elkhart. Ind. Get my prices beforej buying more ' JOH1N P. SMITH, W a t e h u i H k e r J e w o i e r M o H E N K Y , 1 ? . . L ! N O I S , A FINK stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew­elry always on hand. Special at tention given to repairing fine watobee. Give mc a eail . w CONSTANTLY ON HAND. FULL LINK OP P A T E N T , M E D I C I N E S , T O I L E T A R T I C L E S , Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. 1 WES 1: Men EN r y;jll W. A. GRSS7Y, Jnj-sti<;e oi tlie Peace. WK'I MolIKNKV, ILL. Special Attention to Collections ins rrescriptions;ssiuMJfSJsi' Your Patronage is respectfully solici ted. Near the Iron Bridge, McHenry, 111. SMOKERS! H. C. EAR, Justice oj the Peace and General In­ surance Agent .including Accident and Life Insurance. W EST M CH ENRY, I I I . •JULIA A. STORY Having again taken possession of my Market, in this village, I am now pre­ pared to furnish my old customers and the public generally, with Fresh and Salt Meats. Smoked Meat Sausage etc Of the best quality and at Living PrjcesJ I shall keep constantly on hand Meats of all kinds, and leaving nothing undone to meet the wants of my customers. Vegetables of all kinds in their season. CALL AT W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Real Edtate and Insurance, K U H O A , ! ! ! « Cigrar and THE OLD RELIABLE Tobacco Dealers m. CHURCH,' Watchmaker and Jeweler No ]-<> Sfa(e Street., Chicago. Special at tention given to repairing Fine Watches an l Chronometers. IFI' A Full Assortment of Goods in his l ine. OUR SPECIALTIES : Our Monogram, 10c. Ba^bian's Best, hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. IfiS^Cash paid for Hides, Tallow, Veal, Poultry, etc. • . A share of the public patronage is re- spectfvlly solicited. BURKE, McHenry, 111., Oct. 1. 1895. MEDICINES, PAINS, OILS NOTICE TOILET ARTICLES Hamoans Are Lazy. Civilization, ,lias demoralized the Sa- moaus. They have taken a fancy for the large men-of-war's boats, for which they have discarded their canoes, and in which they row about from village' to village, discussing politics and neg­ lecting their crops. To build the boats they have mortgaged their land, and in- stead of making an attempt to raise money to pay their creditors they spend their time playing cricket for stakes consisting of pigs or kegs of salt beef. Floral Company M c H E N R Y , I L L C, T. ESK1LSON, - MANAGER. All y want to men West Side Livery, FEED AND SALE STABLES Also, Bottled Ale and Porter tor Medical Use, 0 OK^SUITS. Don't; Miss this Chance On any kind of floods sold in my store, at Chicago's lowest prices, WEST McHENRY, ILL. First class r igs, Tri th or without <lr!v«rs, furnishedfat reasonable rates- Part ies taken t'-^ and from the Lakes in- Easy Rigs, and prompt connection made with all t rains. Our Rigs will bo kopt in first class shape, and we shall spare no pains to please our cus tomers at al l t imes, Give ns a call , E J . HANLY, West McHenry, 111,, Aug. 15, 1S94. fjgT' The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing To­ bacco always on hand. & | Phyfeicians' Prescriptions Carefully compounded Give me call. All kinds of Cut Flowers, and Funeral De­ signs to be had at al l t imes at Keasonable Rates. Carnations in bud and other potted plants for sale. Orders taken now for bedding plants de­ sired in the spring. Will have al l kinds of giants for fancy bedding. -- , Orders by mail promptly attended to. E. LAWLUS Peter's 1'liumb Murk. Portuguese fishermen say that the black spot on each. side> of a haddock's head is an. imprint of Peter's tlnunb j and fingers. According to the tradition j the haddock was the fish from which he j took tlie piece of tribute money miracu- j lously found in its mouth. Opposite Riverside Hotel, McHenry. The handsomest Flower Pots ever seen in this section, and at about half the •usual price'at Geo. W. iiesley's, West McHenry. West McHenry, Jan, 1, 1896,

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