WEDNESDAY, JULY 1896 -FOR PRESIDENT,-- HON. WILLIAM McKINLEY, • ' OF OHIO. -FOR VICE PRESIDENT,-- GARRET A. HOBART, , OF NEW JERSEY. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Governor, JOHN K. TANNER. For Lieut-Governor, VT. A. NOHTHCOTT. ForJSecretary^ State, JOBN A. ROSE. For Auditor, . | « JAMES R. McClTtLOUGiEI. •for Treasurer, ; • • %-* • HENRY L. HERTZ. ; For Attorney General , .. a ' » . EDWARD C. AKIN. For University Trustees . _ , / ' MRS. MARY T.OARRILL, ; - F . M. HAKAY, . . . T . J . S M I T H , . For Clerk of Supreme Court , Nortb Divis ion, . / OHRI ' V M AMEli . For Clerk of Appel late < ourt , . v C. 0 . DUFFY. For Member of Congress , ALBERT J. HOPKINS. For Member Utate Board of Equa'ization, T. S. ROGERS. For State Senator, FLAVEL E. GRANGER. For Representatives , ( l}£ votee each), GEO. R. LYON, D. A. FULLER, For Circuit Clerk, GEORGE B. RICHARDS. For State's Attorney, VINCENT S. LUMLEY. For Coroner, w SPENCER O. WERNHAM. For Surveyor, CHARLES H. TRYON, CLOSE OP VOLUME TWENTY-ONE With this issue the PLAINDEALER is Twenty-One years old, and it is with pride we point to its past, and with con fidence we look to its future. In opening the pages of Volume Twenty-Two next week, we shall have something more to say to our readers on this subbjrct. Suffice to say at this time that notwith standing the hard times its subscription list is constantly increasing which is as good an endorsement as we want that our efforts to please its large list of read ers as being appreciated. t@?*On the Elgin Board of Trude Mon day the offerings at the opening were not j as large as last week. First bids 14'/,c; later 15c placed on several lots. These withdrawn on call. Sales made at 14%c. Several factories refused to sell at these figures. t®* It is said that the silver men have applied for a patent on thedaiey as their campaign emblem--sixteen white petals aroud a yellow center. The emblem ap pears to be appropriate. As soon as the daisy heginstofade the petals wither and drop off, leaving the seed to ripen in the golden center. " THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. The platform adopted by the Republi can party, at St. Louis, declares in ring ing terms for America and American interests, for the Union and for protect ion, for reciprocity, for honest money, genuine civil service reform, the building up of our merchant, marine, the rescue of Cuba from Spanish thraldom, and t-lje defense of the republics of America against European interference or dicta tion, There never has been any doubt, but that the Republican national con vention would speak plainly, directly and boldly on the vital issues now before the American people. The Republican party never has quibbled or equivocated from the day tbat it declared for the free dom and equality of man and pro nounced the doom of slavery. The Republican party declares once more with unanimous voice, in clear and clarion tones, for genuine protection to American industries and American labor. The Republican party pledges itself to "protect American labor from degrada tion to the wage level' of other, .lands," and at the same time to renew the recip rocal trade agreements, which, under the matchless statecraft of James G. Blaine proved so valuable an aid to the exten sion of the markets for American pro ducts. Protection and reciprocity are; declared to be the "twin measures, of Re publican policy."' It is .unnecessary to support that declaration by extended argumehts. The arguments for pro" tection are to be seen on all sides, in crippled, blighted farms, ranches bare of sheep, swallows nesting in smokeless factory chimneys. The American people demand protection, and t.heRepubliean party will give it to them. The Republican purty pronounces for money of the highest standard. On this, as on all other points, the platform is unequivocal, and should be satisfactory to honest men everywhere. The currency plank of the platform reads as follows: "We are unalterably opposed to every measure calculated to debase our cur rency or impair the credit of our coun try. We are, therefore, opposed to the free coinage of silver, except by^iterna- tional agreement with the leading com mercial nations of the world, which we pledge ours'elves to promote, and until such agreement can be obtained, the ex isting gold st andard must be preserved." Here is a call for the soundest of money, for a currency equal to the best the world affords. Other planks of especiel interest call for just and liberal pensioDsfor veterans of the Union armies, for a vigorous and dignified foreign policy, and for a free ballot and a fair count everywhere, in all elections. There is not a doubtful ulank in the platform. It is aggressively and soundly American. It shows the possession of definite party principles and the courage to stand by them. It is a platform up- j on which the Republicans can make an I aggressive fight; upon which they can achieve victory, because they deserve it. Fourth of July Celebration AT PISTAQ.UA BAY. The Anniversary of our National In dependence "will be celebrated in an ap propriate manner, at the pleasant Sum* uier Resort of Ben Stilliog, Pistaqua Bay, on Saturday. July 4th, 180(5, in which both old and young are invited to participate. , A Boat Race of half a mile, for a Prize will take place at 3 o'clock. Refreshments of all kinds will be serv ed on the Grounds during the day and evening. ~ , The McHenry Military Band will be present and furnish some choice music for the occasion. A spacious Dancing Platform, where dancing can be indulged in during the day and in the evening until 12 o'clock. Music by the New McHenry Orchestra, with Harp Accompaniment. There will be a Grand Display of Fire- Worke in the evening. All who come to the Bay on the 4 th are assured of a day of real enjoyment. - . BEN. STILLING,-Proprietor ITS AT Por4 July 4th. We name this w*>ek as a special bargain week for such articles as you may need for J • *Ly 4th. an 1 ask you to come and gather the things especially priced tor 1 his occasion. Is brand now and will be sole for less than the manufacturer's prices. Call on 0. H. GRANGER At Wilbur Lumber (Jo's office, near the Depot. I O to S2Q a day OWEN & CHAPELE (SUCCESSORS TO PERRY & OWEN.) I Fan from 5c t-> $ I 25., Kelts Irom to 50c, Parasols, 50c to $2 50. waists, from 50c to Fancy Coll rs, 50 to 75c. ,25. Men's Fancy Su^vm ml rs, 25c. Men's Fine Sni *,$«).50. Men's Tan or Black Shoes, special. $2 50 1,000 pounds Fa^cy Candy, special fop the 4th. Flags, Bunting, Fireworks, in gre^t abundance at low prices We 'have-arranged a speciabsaJe on two articles yon will n'eed for Jnlv 4th, and the ,sale comes off Friday, and it is Finest Silk Ribbons (Satin) and all fitaple shades; price for the day the bare cost of makincr,. The other is ladies' Low Shoes, tan and black, special price. Friday.' $!.. '• Also Handkerchief Sale, Friday, 5c tor li te embroidered ones e bid you welcome, on the 4th and each succeeding day. Commencing to-day and continuing sold, we will make the following until July 4tfc, or until EXTRA Low PRICES On Men's, Boys' and Children's VAHS0M K CO VILBUB I,BBSS COMPANY WEST MoIIEJNIlY, IL1 , In addition to our usual stock of FEED, Eil'Cg. just added a large invoice of Agents Wanted. LIFE of MCKINLEY A THI G A R R E T T C . H O B A R T . Republican Candidates tor President and Vic President, by Robt. P Porter. Oi<> nolrt l journalist , p r e s e n t e d i t o r o f t h e CUvelUKtf »orld, H I V I int imate, fr iBnd of MCKINJJRY for twr ntv ye" re, Absolutely t l ie only authentic I . i f R OF McKINLEY pulj lshed. For Torotl isn wo years in preparation, and it e onK work that has received the endorsement cf i l iJ cKINI.EF and his most int imate friends, o biok equal to i tas a sel ler Everybody ants the book puI' i ish*d f i t MeKinlcy's Home, l 'orter's bruk sel ls at s ight , Reai lers i l l accept no > ther. A gold mine for l :vi \ act ive workers, Our Agents are clearing from flO to #30 a day. ( h<nof f< r thousands of others to <>o just as wel l This ! ,s the op- irtunity of your l i fe . The hiehest conv tsMon paid. ORl>EK OUTFIT NOW. So d 20c (stamps taken) as an evidence of goo<> faith, which amount wil l b« refunded *• ; i t i agent's I lrstonler, If i t i s only for one biok, making outf i t 'ree. Rooks on "l ime. Charges prepaid, leaving profit* c lear. Act quick, or hue you are waii iug others wil l cut yen on t . The W. G Hamilton Pub, Co- The Arcade, Cleveland, O. Hon. C. M. Barnett, Chairman of the State Republican Committee, of Ky., says of the outlook in that state: " Ken tucky will give a majority For the Repub lican ticket in November of from 25,000 to 30,000 votes. 1 expect to see a Re publican elected in every Congressional district save one--the first--and it is doubtful whether the democrats will carry that." The electoral votes of Colorado, Idaho, the Dakotas, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Washington and Montaua com bined are 30. Senator Mitchell fears the loss of Oregon on a gold Platform. If the four electoral votes of that state are added to the 30 above mentioned, the vote of the entire ten states will be two short of New York's 3G in the electoral college. tST' During the forty years existence of the Republican party the state of New Jersey has had two nominees for vice president, Wm. L. Dayton iu 1850 and Garret a Hobart in 1896. During this period Maine has had a candidate for president, James G. Blaine, and a vice president, Hannibal Hamlin; Massachu setts, a vice president, Henry Wilson; New York three vice presidents, Wm. A. Wheeler, Chester A. Arthur and Levi P Morton, one of whom, Chester A. Arthur became president, and one candidate for vice president, Whitelaw Reid; Iudiaua a president, Benjamin Harrison, and a vice president, Schuyler Colfax; Illinois two presidents, both re-elected, Abraham Lincoln and L lysses S. Grant, and a can didate for vice president, John A. Logan; Ohio two presidents, Rutherford B Hayes and James A. Garfield, and one presidential candidate, Wm.. McKinley Tennessee a vice president who afterw ard became„president, Andrew Johnson, and California a presidential candidate, John C. Fremont, JACOB B0NSLETT tSar* There is nothing the matter wi th the Republican platform. There is no thing the matter with the Republican party, There is nothing the matter with the Republican candidates. McKinley and Hobart will be elected by the largest majority given to any candidates since the war. This election will mean Pros perity, Patriotism and Protection on a gold basis. tST'The Democrats of Illinois have de meaned themselves to .such an extent as to renominate the anarchist John P. Altgeld for governor on a free silver plat form. The.administration of Altgeld has been a disgrace to the state of Illinois. He has pandered to the.reactionary and vicious elements during his entire term as governor. The people of Illinois now have a chance to bury him beyond resur rection beneath a multitude of hostile ballots. And thousands of decent Dem ocrats will aid in administering this re buke to him and his disgraceful admin istration. NOx'ICE TO THE PUBLIC. It being freely advertised by poster and otherwise that captain John K. Tan ner, the Republican candidate for Gov ernor, is to be in Bloomington on July Fourth and address the people-, it be comes necessary to hereby publicly and emphatically deny that any arrange inent to that effect has been made with Captain Tanner. He will neither speak in Bloomington nor at any other point in Illinois on the Fourth, and will not be in the state on that occasion. It is th d- sire of the state central committee to have the impression that Captain Tan ner will be in Bloomington the Fourth corrected as widely as possible, as he would not knowingly be a party to deception on the public. Republican papers are requested to publish this cor rection, as Captain Tanner may be ad vertised to speak in'other places. 'h M I®"President Diaz, of Mexico has just been renominated for a fifth term with .scarcely any opposition. President Cleveland feels badly that he is not ac corded a third term by the people of the United States. Dia? is a patriot and a statesman, whose rule has been most beneficent and under which the people of Mexico have prospered. Cleveland has done his best to ruin the industries of this country and reduce is working peo ple to penury and want. He has i ncreas- ed the national debt and by his cowardly foreign policy brought this country into contempt in the/eyes of other nations. It is no wonder that even his own patty repudiates him and the people are eager to be rid of him and his poyerty produe jug administration. 1 * PATENT SPRINGFIELD * have If WHITE jWM !P AT E H T WI, O I K , Fiom the Roller ftfiilis of Springfield, Minn. 17 Frock Suits, men's worsted corkscrew, in plain blue and plain black, former prices 15, 10 and $18., all going-at $1'0 0 Suits men s all wool diagonals, blue and brown mixed, 10 u „ " " grey mixed . ............. 7 " u plain black, going at . ./.... 8 " " blue and black, fine check, worth $18, 12 " extra fine all wool Scotch tricots, blue grey.... 12 " plain brown mixed, all wool, worth $12, going for 0 2 suits boys' black diagonal, formerly $15, now 10 0 suits youths' square cut, all wool, brown mixed C 1 " black worsted, corkscrew, $12,50, 9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 Every sack of this Flour is Guaranteed, and will Low or Lower than any other Good Flour on the market. Call, try a sack and be convinced. sold as -DEALER IN -- AGRICULTURAL • IMP EMENTS. -IN OUR- I W I L B U R L U M B E R C O . West Mellenry, May 12, lNOt). TIG FARMER'S STORE! A few winter weight Suits going at half value. All our boys' 2-picce suits going at below cost. Also a great many others at greatly reduced prices. We mean business, and any one wanting clothing cannot do bet ter than to call early and get first choice of styles and sizes. They will not last long at above prices. Call and examine them whether you want a suit now or not. Yoiu's very truly, OWEN & CHAPELL. McHenry, 1896. FARMERS,; Are W h y i s i t t h a t w e a r e n a t u r a l h e a d q u a r t e r s f o r t h e b e s t g o o d s soldi1 Because it is known far and near that we keep nothing but up to date goods and at prices that make tlieni sell every day now selling Ladies' Shirt Waists . We can show you the largest and most complete line of High - Grade - Vehicles! Ever shown in this section, and at prices that every one can buy one of THE HENNEY BUGGY CO.'S Phaetons, Buggies, Spring Wagons, Road Wagons. HARNESS. LAP ROBES', - WHIPS. At a very small margin over wh olesale prices . LADIES' GAUZE VESTS At 25c, silk finished, swell as others sell for 40 to 50c each. Have them as cheap as 5c. BOOT HP SHOIS Cheap Excursion lvates via the North western Line To ..BUFFALO, N. Y--On account of the annual meeting of the National Educa* tional AHKociation. excursion tickets will be Bold July 4 and 5, good returning un til September 1, 3 8UG. To WASHINGTON, D. C.--On account ol the National convention of the V- P. S. C. E., excursion tickets will be sold July 3 to G, inclusive, good returning until July 31, 1896. For tickets and full information apply to agents C. & N. VV. R'yr-- Just received, a car load of the world's famous Half Kates to Milwaukee. On account of the international con vention of the B. Y. P. U.j the North western Line will sell excursion tickets to Milwaukee andr.eturn at rats of one fare for the round trip. For dates of sale and further information apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. w-c Fourth, of July Bates- On July 3 and 4 the Northwestern Line will sell excursion tickets at low .rjftes to points on the Northwestern System and Union Pacific Railway within 200 rnilps of selling station, good returning until July 6,, 1800, inclusive. For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. 51w2 Among all Gasoline Stoves the "Quick Meal" is the best. Sold-by F. L. McOm- ber, West McHenry. McCORMICK Harvesting MACHINES, BINDERS, MOWERS. Corn Harvesters, STANDARD OF THE WOULD. Also carry the largest stock' of Repairs ever kept in this vicinity. i- Binder Twine at very low est prices. JACOB BONSLETT. McHenry, 111., 189G: Nothing we will mal like M. D. Wells & Co. e the prices right. goods for style and wear, and Crockery and Glassware. Our stock is complete and we and get our prices before buying. invite you to see what we have You are invitod to call in at the warehouse of T. «J. Walsh and take a look at the BE WIDE CUT MO WE It EVEK PKODUCED, Viz: the STANDARD. Alfl^tcly no side draft. This is only found by removing the neck yoke, which can be done and the result as stated above: No side draft. Look at our line of Mowers, viz Wi F CHAMPION, CROWN. STANDARD. All leaders and prices right. Old binders taken in exchange for new. I N BUGGIES WE SHINE. Having disposed of one car load of Peabody Buggies 1 have re plenished my stock and can still show the best display of Buggies, Road wagons, Harness, Dusters and whips, ever brought to Mc Henry. Call in and take a look at the long distance axle buggies. Make your selections and the« prices will be made as low as poasible for this class of work. Try our tine machine Oil. Yours for honest goods and value received. T. J. WALSH. Times are hard, but our Grocery department is along, as we keep nothing but tirst class goods, and make them sell. booming right at prices that suEpye'* 6 , STILL THE OLD STANDARD. Every household will sing our praise after they have tried Old Sleepy Eye Flour. It beats every other Flour, as it goes further, makes "whiter bread, and is healthful. Cost nothing to try a sack. S* • i « • ̂ « PAi\-IiA-KO, . Now is-the time to use Fan-ka-ko for muffins and gems. O I Goods delivered to ! iny pa^'t of the city. West McHenry, Illinois. JACOB JUSTEN, McHenry, Illinois. FURNITURE, UNDERTAKING, EMBALMING. We carry a full and complete stock of all kinds of $ FURNITURE!! t \ 0.^--^ ̂ KITCHEN, PAKT.OK, BEDROOM and DINING ROOM FURNITURE. We, have a fine line of goods and would be pleased to show them to you. Call and see our line before buying and we will do as well as anyone. We solicit your trade. WE CARRY A FULL STOCK OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc., We guarantee first-class work in every respect. Etc. JfA©0B JUSTMN. McHenry, 111., Dec., i895.„