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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Aug 1896, p. 4

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HHMlMllrftrill THE QUBSTtON IS ONE ABOVE d' >' PARTISANSHIP. We have held that the prominent issue before the people is BO great that it it? above partisanship, and iu support ol that position we see thousands of voters abandoning party aud; voting for the best interests of the country. On this point the New York Advertiser says that the people face a problem that is as inex­ orable as the issues during the war. The platform of the Chicago convention has forced the voters of the United States to choose between Americanism and Anar­ chy, between patriotism and communism between honor and shame. For the first time in the history of this country the machinery of one of its greatest parties has been seized by men who have avowed repudiation as a creed, proclaim­ ed that the mob was mightier than the law and substituted the mad theories of anarchy for.the established principles of the Constitution. The demand for the unlimited coinage of fifty-three-cent silver dollars, and for the abandonment of gold--the perma­ nent monetary standard of all civilized nations--is. as crazy as it is dishonest. The plank dictated by Altgeld, which de­ nounces the exercise of Federal authority for the suppression of armed riot and re­ bellion, is a shriek of treason Against, order and justice. Tho unveiled threat to tear down the Supreme Court and pack it with the tools of Populism, is an insult 10 every principle of, Americanism' --a communistic sneer at the polities and patriotism of of Washington and Jeffer­ son, of Lincoln and Grant. From the first word to the last letter of every one of its distinctive planks, the platform upon which Bryan stands is a declara­ tion of war against public honor; against national prosperity; against property rights; against the homes which are the fortresses of American in­ dependence: against the manhood, the peace and prominence of this nation. The fight against this abominable pro­ gramme of ruin will not be a partisan fight. It will be a grand rally of Ameri­ can citizenship, resolute to defend tho in­ stitutions bequeathed by the fathers and determined at all cost to uphold the hon­ esty of the dollar that measures the wages of la^or and pays the farmer for the products of his toil. The foremosl Democrats of New York state have already denounced the scheme of infla­ tion, repudiation and anarchy indorsed by the populistic assemblage at Chicago. There are tens of thousands of Demo­ cratic voters who have not publicly ex­ pressed themselves but who are getting ready to stand with the Republican party under thebtars and Stripes for the honor and piosperity of our common country.--Gazette. HUMPHREYS Your Orders for OWEN & CI IA IT. I.I, ! .No, 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. ^ " No. 3 " 'Infants' Diseases. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No, 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 Cures Headache. No. lO " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leuchorrea. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. 15 Cures Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 20 " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Sold by Druggists, br sent prepaid on receipt of price, 25c., or 5 for SI. DR. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC MANUAL OF DISEASES MAILED FREE. Humphreys' Med. Co., Ill William St., N, Y. WEDNESDAY,. AUG. 5,. 1896 (SUCCESSORS TO PERKY "& OWEN.) -FOR PRESIDENT- HON. WILLIAM McKINLEY OF OHIO. S-FOR VICE PRESIDENT,-- GARRET A. HOBART, OF NEW JERSEY. MID-SUMMER CLEARING5 S A L E ! . ' • X -REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Governor, . JOHN 11. TANNER, For Lieut-Governor, W. A. NORTIICOTT. For; Secretary'of State, JOHN A. ROSE. For Auditor, JAMES R. McCULLOUGH. For Treasurer*.' HENRY L. HERTZ. For Attorney Genera], •EDWARD O. AKIN. For University Trustees. MRS. MARY T, OARRILL:, ' ' F. M. McKAY, ' • • . ; - * T. J. SMITH, . -v . • . For Clerk of Supreme Court , North Divis ion, on in" A: A.MKH. , Ifor Clerk- of A pjv? If;i t« t ou rtj" , ; • V. (.. DUFFY. . , . , ' OF ALL ARE GGIJVG AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. Also, Wrappers, Shirt "Waists, Etc We b ave a large-assortment of these goods in all the latest styles ant! patterns, which have to go at your own ' price, as we need the room for the large fall Stock. A glance at our goods and prices will convince you of the For Member rf Congress, - ALBERT J. HOPKINS. For MemberMate 'Board of Equalization, T. S. UOG EHS. 5^cwoob, 1 For State Senator, FLAY EL K. GRANGER. For Representatives, (1# votes each), GEO. R LYON, D A. FULLER, GREAT BARGAINS! We receive Peaches direct from orchard in Michigan and can fur nish strictly first class stock at low prices. DOUBLE ACTING F O R C E P U M P . Constructed on the "GET THERE" principle. The Latest, Best and handsomest FORCE PUMP made. Ask vour dealer for it, B" MOLINE PUMP CO., Moline, Ills. For Circuit Clerk, GEORGE B. RICH ARDS. For State's Attorney, VINCENT S. LUMLEY. For Coroner, SPENCER 0. WERNHAM. For Surveyor, CHARLES H. TRYON, We are receiving these desirable for canning : : shipments per week now us it will be a little later. Canning varieties will be riper about August loth to would be pleased to take your order. Our Grocery Stock Has been Enlarged to twice its former size, and we aim to keep only the best and purest goods that can be bought. We will guarantee prices against any peddler's prices for sail c quality. us when the best canning ;idvance of shipment. THE MARVEL FLOUR ! Every sack warranted satisfactory or money refunded pfr Made from the best and purest K VEGETABLE OILS j fo RTl ru^s i SHE TIME MID LABOR. 4 Costs no more than other soaps, K but goes twice as far. Ringwood, 111 OWEN & CHAPELL McHcniy, 1S96 1896 FORTY-THIRD ANNUAL 1896 P A trial will convince:, you of its great ^ merit. Will please the most fastidious. ^Woolen goods are left soft and like new. A Linen goods white as snow when washed with ^ wT^lsTmakTpiJRE^V^X^OAP^d A UNCLE TOM'S WONDERFUL, y TAR SOAP. Ti For sale by leading grocers. - - Manufactured by • • $ Ml ZWICKY'S SONS, Ikk JACOB BONSLfiTT Friday & Saturday, Aug. 7 & 8 DEALER IN Dress Plaid, former price, Henrietta Dress Goods, former price Percales, " " Wash Dress Goods, " " Standard Prints, good style, " Indigo 1)1 ue Prints, standard, Standard Sheeting, 1 yard wide, 5c, i 20c now 11 25c " 10 14c " 8 W e can show you the largest and most complete line of Premium Lists are now ready for distribution. Any inform ation cheerfully given on application to Ever shown in this section and at prices that every­ one can buy one of 1 would rather have your money than the jars, prices below cost. 1 pt. Mascfn's Jars, best in the market, 50c 1 <jt. " " " 60c 2 qt. " '*< « 70c THE HENNEY BUGGY CO.'S SXJRHIES, Phaetons, Buggies, Spring Wagons, Road Wagons. HARNESS. DR.FBUTH'S next visit, Wed'day, Aug. 19, Woodstock BOOTS AlfD SHOI§t M. D. Wells & Co.'s make are taking the lead; why? ey lit perfect, and wear longer than any others and cost an inferior goods. Our stock is complete. Call and see V ANSON'S Because 110 more LAP ROBES, - WHIPS. Just received, a car load of the world's famous McCORMIGK Harvesting MACHINES, BINDERS, MOWERS, Corn Harvesters, STANDARD OF THE WOULD. Also carry the largest stock ot Repairs ever kept in this vicinity. Binder Twine at very low- 1 st prices. Special 5c per yard Sale. • FRIDAY, AUG. 7th, Sk@@ting, Gxjaghams. R©ra.uants The season for Crockery and Glassware is here and we have t?ie largest stock in town and some big bargains. Lamps; well, call and select what you want and we will guarantee prices. Do you know that we arc headquarters for good, fresh groceries. Call and see our big assortment of canned goods of alfkins, and everything in the iline of groceries, at prices that will suit you. Important Shoe Sale FOR MEW AMD BOYS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8. Old Sleepy Eye Flour has wron the good will of every person who has used it, and on its merits has worked its way to the top. It costs nothing to try a sack. The $2 (Quality, men's, $1.39. .. $1.50 and $2 quality, boys All ladies' Shoes at rclluced prices. McIIenry, 111., 189G,

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