A Yankee at a Circus. • " I at tended Baraum's circus at New .London. Conn., a few days ago," re marked a traveling man at the Pal ace yesterday, "and bail the pleasure of sitting beside one of those shrewd, practical old Yankees that we read about and seldom see. 1 expected to see'him enthusiastic over the perform ance, but. he wasn't. After a woman had given a beautiful "exhibition of bareback riding 1 asked him what he thought of it. "'She could ride a heap more com fortable an' run a duru sight less risks o' break I ii' her neck ou a side saddle,' said be. "Then a man gave a bareback ex hibition on a trained steer. The ani mal cavorted around the ring~\vith the man for several minutes, and then lie threw the brute and stood with one foot on its head and the other 011 its side. "'Mighty good way to spile a good beef critter,' commented the old mUu. ."Next they showed horses in a thun der storm. The stage thunder com menced to roll.and the affrighted horses huddled together in the center of the ring. Then came flashes of lightning, and they scattered as if terror-stricken. It was a very petty exhibition of well trained animals, but the old Yankee was disappointed." v ; '"It's all wrong.* declared lie, 'No one ever see thunder come-afore light- nin'. The lighfnih' alius comes first.' " -r-San Francisco Post. •, . AGRICULTURAL NEWS Knows What lie's Talking About. One of the most prominent rai lroad 111011 iu the country, ami 011c who is not now and l ias never been in any way connected witt i the New York Central , recently made a tr ip between New York and Chi cago, out on the Empire State Exptess, and back on the Chicago Lii ifhed: and this is his opinion of It ,_ expressed in a let ter to the-general passenger agent: '" l aiu very glad, indeed. I made the tr ip mi the Empire State; Express, for the run ning of the train is beyond all compari son the most absolutely complete perfec t ion of mechanical precision I have ever known; I t imed i t the entire schedule, and at no"point was i t ahead or l iehind t ime a second, so far as I could determine: i t is A National Holiday. The only holiday that exists in the United States by statuary enactment is Labor Day, which, during the second Session of the Fifty-third Congress, was made a holiday in the Distr ict of; Columbia. Congress has frequently recognized the existence of others, but with; this exception, has made no stat utory enactment on the Subject . On Washington's bir thday and ou Decora t ion Day Congress invariably adjourns, "out of respect to the i l lustr ious dead," but not even the Fourth of July is rec ognized on. , our national statutes as a holiday. Nearly al l the States, hoW- The Dngong Is the Funniest Fish Afloat. The dugoing is certainly the queerest animal that ever came out of the sea. This dugoug was captured by a Brit ish man-of-war, n&ir Aden, in the Red Sea. When the animal was cut open a young one was found inside her. The measurements of the mother dugOng are: Length, S feet: greatest breadth, 1 foot 10 inches; longest finger, 7 inches; breadth of Jiead, 10 inches; length of head, 12 inches; greatest breadth of tail. 10 inches. Tne child is 2 feet G inches in length. (» inches iu breadth and its tail at (he greatest breadth measures 10 inches. The resemblance of the dugoug to a human being is very striking, but very grotesque. The iiniuial seen here looks THINGS PERTAININfi_^fo THE FARM AND HOME. / The Farmer Should Put a Fair Value on His Time and Labor--Be Kqual to Any Emercency- Value of Timely Cultivation--Farm Notes. undoubtedly the very acme" of the rai l road development of the t ime--truly" the model train of the world. Aly r ide from Chicago t6 New York. 011 the New York Central Limited, was the p ' .easantest journey I have ever made between the two cit ies; the Lake Shore track is t marvel , and your new air bumpers insure such steady and remarkable smoothness in the r iding of tl j ip cars that if there is a curve 011 either l ine, from Lake .Michigan to the 42d street stat ion, no one 011 the train, can discern if . ' As 1. am under no obligation through pasw, '^. to pay compli ments, having paid my fare 'both ways. I am siire that you feel that 1 a ti l express ing honest praise, as it is certainly de served."--Buffalo Express. ever, have, through their legislat ive bodies, recognized the various common holidays as legal . That Terrible i-cojirjre. Malarial disease is Invariably supplemented liy disturbance, of the liver, the bowels, the stomach and the nerves. To the removal of both the cause aud its effects. Hosteller's Stomach Hitters is ffilly adequate. It "Alls the 1.111" as 110 other remedy does, perform ing Its work thoroughly. Its ingredients are pure and wholesome, aud it admirably serves to build tip a system.broken by ill-heaitli aud shorn of strength. < 'UuslifMUlon, liver and kidney complain,t and nervousness are con quered bv it. •\X7ith a better understanding1 of the * * transient nature of the many phys ical ills which vanish before proper ef forts--gentle efforts--pleasant efforts-- rightly directed. There is comfort in, the knowledge that so many forms of ! sickness are not due to any actual dis- J ease, but simply to a constipated condi- | tion of the system, whioli the pleasant ] family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt?- j ly removes. That is why it is the only j remedy with millions of iamilies. and is. everywhere• esteemed so highly by all. j who value good health. Its beneficial. j effects are due to the fact, that it is the j one remedy which promotes internal .! cleanliness, without debilitating the j organs on which it acts. It.is therefore . all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine article* which is manufactured by the California i I' ig Syrup Co. only, ant,! sold by all rep- : Ut able druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, | and the system is regular, then laxa tives or other remedies are not needed, j If afflicted with any actual disease, one ! may bo commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, | then one should have the best, and with i t he well-informed everywhere, Syrupof | Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives most general satisfaction. 'THE MIDDLE SOUTH' A liHiulsniiu 'ij illustrated ltj- i>aet> Monthly Jt.nru'U <ti«- (arUjluc iiic development of ihR Middle Soi tu. llie "iiirnio.'o paradtfe. Price 50 cts per sear Send jSits. -- wt onec. racuUvtenz ih'.s paper, ana xmwitt receive "Tbv Middle SuuUi" t. r one year, p s »"e free;oV.lt H iuwwi rp l ou r subs r l b< - rs a i I sen i l ' u t t $ I .ov l we wilt »cr ii jour p,iper < u> year tree of ctisr<'. AJilr.-ss MitldleSvii'b Fnl>. Co.. So»»>«rvStle. icnri. MOST CURIOUS FlSIl IX THE OCEAS l ike an immensely fat old man, with unnaturally short arms and wearing trousers that conceal al l of his legs, but his feet . s - This dugoug has a round head, bald at the j top, with side whiskers, aud elearl .v marked nose, niouth, and ears. Her hands are of enormous size, espe cial ly the l ingers. One may note that the length of the longest f inger meas ures. seven indies. I t would be nil- pleasant to have such a l inger put into any one. The fingers are used for the purpose of scratching up the mud. They are somewhat h 'fmian in form. She has 110 arms to spMk of. The skin of the dugoug is a wfi ' i f ish gi 'een in color, ahd is sprinkled with coarse hairs! ' The color of I he "dugong. as well as it 's ' form, gives ground for the supposit ion that i r is the mermaid of mythology. ' Summer ResortS ion the Monoti. r The summer resorts on , : . the Monou Itoute 'are more than usually popular this year. West Baden and French I / .ek Springs, in Orange'County. are.oV.erl low- iag yvith visi tors, and. the, hotels have sil l they ca>V do. Ihioli .vthe couthy seat , l ias opened a r ival sanitarium. which is we.l l patronized. The waters of the" various springs differ material ly in Their eoTfsTtt- uents. and are successfully prescribed for a-great Variety of maladies. . The woods in the neighborhood abound in game and all . the stream's teem with fish, some of them having been stocked by the govern mentt ish commission. All indications point to West Baden (and the neighbor ing springs) as the great sanitarium and popular summer resort of the West, Cedar Lake, forty miles from Chicago, is a favori te picnic and outing spli t , where the Motion has a f ine wooded park of nearly 400 acres. The lishing is t i rs:- rate. WOMAN'S INFLUENCE. Hul l ' s Ca t a r rh C ; Is a constitutional cure; l 'rlee 7; The influence of women upon the civilization of the world, could never he measured. Because of her, thrones have been established and destroyed. The flash of her eye, the touch of her hand, and we have the*' rtiit rve 11 ous power of women, glorious in the possession of perfect physical health. Lydia' E. Pmkham, by her wonder ful discovery of the -- •"'•Vegetable Com- potirid," has done ^ K. much to place this great power in the hands of }U\^\\ w o m e n i . i ' A t \ ' She has lifted ( y ,, - ) thousands and thousa rids ̂ out ^ yMHf that follow ^ f l diseases of ^ v I j / H cheerfulness, de stroys despondency, cures backache, strengthens the muscles, restores the womb to its normal condition, and you are changed from a physical wreck to ihe joy of your home and friends. By the way--the leading druggists tell us that the demand for Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound is simply beyond their power of under standings and what is best of all. it does the work and cures where the best physicians utterly faiL Iowa farms for sale on crop payments. IO per cent cash, balance '/C> crop yearly, unti l pj i id for . J . Mulhall , Waukegaii . I l l The eyes of t ish and birds are round with ho angles at fire corners. Appendicitis from Bicycling-. I l l two or three cases, recently t 'ue doctors have diagnosed a new disease, or rather, a new form of a well-known disease. I t is a derangement of the intest ines, caused by bicycling, set t ing up appendicit is , from which death results . The circumstances show that the vict ims -al l young men so far used their bicycles to an excessive extent and took a wrong posit ion in r iding them, bringing the abdomen down against the saddle, as is done in "scorching." with the result that the contents of that sensit ive pa-et of the body were pushed out of posit ion, com plicated together and pounded into in ( lamination. I t seems that this fate may he properly predicted for "scorch ers." and for. them only. . If . rhb'-rs wil l s i t upright on their wheels and keep their bodies in a not-mal posit ion. they will be in no danger of appendicit is , from this cause, at least .--Phila delphia Led-gets-----^ a Cur ren t Co n d en sa t i o n s , St. Louis has more ( iertnans than l ive in any city of ( iertnauy except the ten largest . . . j . The greatest number of Brit ish- Aniericans in t iny one of our ci t ies is found in Boston. :iS,2VM. To be perfectly proportioned i t is claimed that a man should weigh twen ty-eight pounds to every foot of his height. When you travel carry t laxseeed in your pocket hook. They will f ind a cinder or speck of dir t in your eye in a moment, almost , and save you a world of pain. When papering a small room it is well to remember that blue in t i l l l ight shades makes a room look larger. Dark-colors or papers with large pat terns have the opposite effect . Charlemagne possessed a table cloth woven from asbestos, l ie used to as tonish his guests after dinner by gath ering i t up and throwing it into the l ire, i rom whence he drew it cleansed from gravy and other grease. A heavenly census is now being ta ken by the I 'aris Observatory: to count the stai is the heavens are photographed in sections. Some of these sections show only a dozen stars, while others ot the same dimensions show over l .oOO. J . 10. Core, writ ing 011 the "Size of the Solar System." says that "enormously large-as the solar system absolutely is . compared with the size of our own (art i) . i t is . compared with the size of the visible universe, merely ns/ i drop il l t he ocean." \ The crown of the Czar* of Russia which was worn at the coronation «s valued at nearly $4~>0.<)00. O11 i ts top is a ruby, surmounted by a cross of f ive magnificent diamonds, and the rest of i t is fair ly covered with diamonds and pearls . Boti i houses of the Maryland Legis lature luive passed a bil l to protect newspaper men from being compelled to divulge ei ther before a court or grand jury the source of any confi dential informal ion given them in t l ie course of their employment. There are now three reigning niou- arehs who are enti t led to r ide at the heao of Knglish cavalry regiments--the Czar, who is colonel in chief of the Scots grays: the Emperor Will iam, whose regiment is the First Koyal dra goons. and the Emperor of Austria*. Augustin I taly is to have a dinner ten- deed him by the Siiakspeare society of New York in recognit ion of his eminent and successful services in mounting a nd production, during the past twenty-l ive years, of the most splendid revival of Shakspearean comedy ever at tempted. The ti 1st edit ion of l ' rof . C. A. Young's work on "The Sml." published in 1<SS1. mentions twenty-one clement* as having been detected by the spectro scope il l t in1 sun. 1** *11 of these S' lO l ines had been identif ied. The new- edit ion of Prof. Young's book st i l toS that Prof. Rowland has now compared sixty elements with the solar spectrum, and established fhe-existence of thir ty- eight ofedheru i l l the sun. being doubt ful in regard f*o e ight of the others. Of iron l ines alone he has identif ied more than.two thousand. Mus?>s. steady nerves, };oo(! appett.e. wP refreshing sleep ionic with blood made pure In Hood's Sarsaparilla The One True Wood l 'urif lor . All druggi - ts . * ' Mood ' s Pills are the l iest after-dinner pil l tN vrrl£tnjj to Advertisers, pioass da not fsii •H. to mention this paper. Advertisers like t o k n o w w h a t m e d i u m s p a y best . Barbarians ot" Muss a. Another murder from superst i t ion has occurred in Russia. Two peasants ot Osl logo j shk. in the Province of Vor- onetsz. decided to become horse thieves and thought i t would help their 'plan's If they could become invisible. This, according to an ancient belief , can be accomplished by l ighting a candle made of human tal low. To get the material they waylaid and murdered an IS year- old boy of the vil lage and removed parts of his body suitable for candle- making. which they took to their room. There the peculiar odor at tracted the at tention of their landlady, who called in the police. The men without hesita t ion confessed the crime iind explained the motive.--London Telegraph. Kqua l t o KmeVKeney . Perhaps thousands 'of your readers in al l parts of the country will meet with some kind of an emergency every year, aud they will be of all kinds, and 110 rule can be laid down further than to be ready and quick to decide what to do when anything can be done. I have In mind a fr iend in a neighboring State, whose wheat f ield is now five feet under water. The solution of his diff iculty wil l certainly be very dif ferent from mine, when my wheat field has had but an inch and a quarter of rainfall uihhi i t in two months. While we may not*always know what to do. there is one thing not to be done; that Is . fold our hands and si t down and grumble. Since I was seventeen, or for thir ty-four years. I have managed a farm in the West, and there has al ways been a part ial way out of every emergency in the crop l ine that has come before us. Each section, or possibly each farm, must be a law to i tself , but if the farm er is wide awake to the opportunity he- fore him. can generally find some crop that can part ial ly or wholly fi l l the place of the one lost .--J. M. Rice, in Farm News. & DR.T. Fn,IX GOURATJD'S ORIENT*I, CRKA9I, OR aiAlJICAL, BEA UTiKlKR, -- o Removes Tan, Pimples. TYeclc- •*5 leu. Moth Hatches. Rash aud Skin diseases, and every blem- 2;« 2 on beauty, and r r > ' 2 r? /yV)v|defies detection. It /f/£j /)b** stood the test of lit Wl f&Sf WW/*7 ^eari<. and is so 1rfieSf? Kfl W 0 /] harmless we taste it r o * \a *9/ xv to be sure it is prop- «° I fel orly made. Accept 4SS1.* no counterfeit of CO 01J similar name. Dr. Q 5^ p ( L. A. Sayre said to a Ajvf -33^ J \ lady of the baut-ton AjV \ (a :" As you 1 \ will use them, y } I \ * recommend 'Qou- fI raud's e ream'aa the I S n harmful of all j y 1 o'd f • the S k 111 prenara- tlons." For sale by ® ^ all Druprgrists a 11 d Fancy-Goods Deal ers In the Pnlted States. Cana^as and Europe. FEQU. T. HOPKINS, Prop'r, 37 Great Jones Street, N. Y. A Bicycle Built for Two, The South is dest ined to Im». : i inl is r; i i> idlv lM'4-nming. the garden of the I 'ni tei l Slat i 's . Here l ife is easier to l ive, the rig orous winters do not eat l ip the fruits of the toil of summer, , nor are the summers so trying as many Nartheru people have supposed. "1 used to l ive oti ' .v half the year." said a Northern farmer reeeutly set t led in the South, "and I used to work al l the t ime then. Now I work half the t ime and l ive al l the year through." Homeseekers ' excursion t ickets wil l be sold over the Motion Route to nearly al l points in the South at the rale of one t irst-class fare (one way): t ickets good re turning on any Tuesday or Friday within thir ty-one days from date of sale. Liber al stop-overs are al lowed. These excur sions start (and t ickets are sold) Aug. 17. IS and . '51: Sept . 1. 14, l . ' i ; Oct . <!. 1!) and 'JO. Call oil Kr:fnk .1. Reed, agent of the Motion Route, for further informa tion. UNIVERSITY^ N6YRE MIKE The 10Rct,Ses*iori \V It Oix-n TTKSi) VV, SKFTKMHKK ::<t. 1 K9«. *utl Cou>-se3 in Classics. Lotlors. Science. Law. Civil and Mcshanic-i Engineering. ThoraiiRh I'reparato yaml t'onmierclal ('onrsei. St. Kilward's Hull for lioy> under 1 :j 1- unl'iue in tlie completeness of its eijuipatent. Catalogues sent f ree on i ipj i l leat lon to l£ i : \ . A .nokkw Jlou- JtlssKV, Notre i>aine, lmi. PLUG Five cents' worth of "BATTLE AX" will serve two chewers just about as long as 5 cents' worth of other brands will serve one man. This is because a 5 cent piece oH'BATTLE AXff is almost as large as the 10 cent piece of other high grade brands* Sfflll I I I I tr O with \ e telal i le • B 9 | | O H I K e m e i l i e i . HavA W0 I • Vay I I 'Mired niHiiy thousand caseo pronowneed tiopf less. From ttrst dose svtnp- toias rapidly disappear.and In tnn days at leaxt two- tliirds of all svmai* removed. ROOK of testimonials of inii'Mciitous cores ,-e:it KKICK. Ten Days Treatment Furnished Free by Mail. M.I . I GREEN S SONS SPECIALIST S ATLANTA, GEORGI A Va lue o f T i me l y Cu l t i va t i on . Now that the growing season is here tvervone who has any crop in the ground should endeavor to make the most of i t . i f i t admits of cult ivation, as do most garden productions and a number of f ield crops, i t was I . iebig, the German chemist , who said that "t i l l age is manure." Many do l iot .under stand flr is , thinking that cult ivation is lor the destruction of weeds, which Is t rue, hut iof secondary importance. The tirst consideration is t l ie benefi t cleaved, from the turning of the soil , weeds or no weeds. This should he done frequently, and besides, af ter every rain as soon a«s the ground he- comes dry enough. In addit ion to the cult ivator and shovel plow and hoe there are a num ber of implements that tend to make the work more convenient . For hand labor, the garden rake is valuable, and for more intr icate work close to grow ing plants the l i t t le tool with l ive bent fingers--a kind of iron h.md--is excel lent . The cost at the implement stores is but a I r i f le , or i t could he made by a handy blacksmith. The instruction given to the stud«it . of oratory in ancient t imes whs ";rct ion. act ion, action." With the good garden er t ins Is t ransformed into "Cult ivate! Cult ivate!! Cult ivate!!!"--;The National Stockman. ^ Ranted to Ke Kxcused. He (after the second acti-- Well , i t ' you' l l excuse nie I gues.s I ' l l go out and get a breath of fresh air . She-- If i t ' s the same kind of breath that you went out for when I was here with you before l ' f t l 'a t l ior you wouldn' t bring it in with you.--Boston Courier . " CURES WHtflE ALL ELSE FAILS- Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time. Sold by druggists. PATENTS. TRADE-MARKS Personal. AM' ONE who has been benefi ted by the use of l>r. Will iams' 1 *i11U 1 ' i l ls w ;! l receive information of much value and ia- terest by writ ing to "I ' ink 1' i l ls ," I ' . O. Box Ir .VIL' . I ' l i i ladelphia. Kiatnll>ation aud advice hs tu l'a temabll i t ; ut Inveo- tlons. Send fur X.nvkntokm' Ovidk. ok lio * to Gut a >iT»T. i'atrick O'Kaireli. Hashiiictou, D.C. TUTTLE ®*O.L."D ft ENCIIVE itNSIONS, PATENTS. CLAIMS. \ J O H N W MORRIS, WASHINGTON. D C. Lata Principal Bjaminer V . 8. Pen«ioa Bureau. ^ vrs. ia lust wu.jf, claim*, art., sinvts S U B S Hiihvt Cured. KM. In IW7I. Tli.itwandi SlIEyi cureil. I'liHap'Nt mi'l l)tv<t c;tre. 1*'kek I'tti- IIIIT! HI- StatttCasK. t>K. M AK<H. Oulticy. Mlcli. Tender Hearted. "Why did you do if ' . '" asked the in quisi t ive visi tor of the n§in who was under sentence for throwing his wife into the well . "She was cry in"." the gentleman ex plained. "and I never could stand If to see a woman cry."--Cincinnati Enquir er . Kcouoaiical, Safo^Cteanly. Relia ble. simple. A vail* life fur (.rain Elevators, ('nsuneries, t'hler Mills, i'llntlu^ Otttces, <irlmiiiiit Alilbs. \"ent i l ; t t !n«; Fan< l )yo^nu<i> l4i% dries. Small Kaitoiios, F^uidries. Maehtne Shops, et^. VVdl rtiu with natural gas, artificial ga».gaMriiuti or kerosene as fuel. Always ready lor work; reiptires uo attention. Seud for descriptive circular, aikt ^.ate your wants. No Use for Hay. "You have an immense amount of hay," observed the visi tor to the Clover- Meadow farm. "Ya-as," said Farmer Redneck: "but there ain ' t a dang thing t ' feed i t to bur bicycles."--Joker. Chicago Newspaper Union, •3 S. Jefiersoa St., CHICAGO. 76 Cliatoo St.. F0BT WAYNE, (ND. 2t2 Pcai l St . . SiOt 'X CITY, 10WA. •• Otir I's are just as strong as they were fifty years ago, when we have cause to use them. But we have less and les3 cause to praise ourselves, since others do the praising, and we are more than willing for you to see us through other eyes. This is how we look to S. F. Boycc^ whole sale and retail druggist, Duluth, Minn., who after a quarter of a century of observation writes: " I have sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla for more than 25 years, both at wholesale and retail, and have never heard any thing but words of praise from ray customers ; not a single complaint has ever reached me. I believe Ayer's Sar saparilla to be the best blood purifier that has been intro duced to the general public." This, from a man who has sold thousands of dozens of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, is strong testimony. But it only echoes popular sentiment the world over, which has " Nothing but words cf praise for Ayer's Sarsaparilla." "A Handful of Dirt May Be a Houseful „ of Shame." Keep Your House Clean with 3 ^SAPOLICLJ EVERY FARMER IN THE NORTH His Kxciiue. Mrs. Farmer--Why do you walk the roads in this aimless manner year in and year outV Weary Watkins--Because 1 ain ' t got no bicycle.--Indianapolis Journal . If the hair is fal l ing out . or turning gray, requiring a st imulant with nourish ing and coloring food. Hall 's Vegetable Sici l ian Hair l tenewer is just the sj iec^fie. An at tempt to rectify error by cover ing i t up with mistakes is l ike trying to cure a boil by scratching if . Pico's Cure for .Consumption is the best of al l cough cures.- George W. Lotz, Fa- bacher, .La„ Agjs,»!!(>, 1895. The Derby has one^ been run lu a Snowstorm, rhis'was iu the year 1887. CAN MAKE MORE MONEY IN THE MIDDLE SOUTH. Sffgii He cau make twice as niuch. He can seU4ils Northern farm aud act twice as many acres for'his money down here. We fell lint)roved Farms for to $30 aa acre. ftetK,V ot railiwid* ~ four of them: No droughts . Nei ther too hot nor t«» cold--climate Mist r is tht . Northern fariuer* are coutlug every weeK. if you are luteteste 1 write tor free paaipatet. auU asK aU the <irte»Uoa* you want to. It h a' pleasure to us to ausmer tnem. SOUTHKHN HO.UE^KtK.KK .S' ULtil) COMPANY, Sozu«rvUI«, Te«u. Any doubt about i"? Send for tlie " Cureboot- it kills douots and cures doubters. Address: J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.