Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty ar>d Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall "Awe." M'IIENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1896, Blessing In Disguise." In a remote country district a lady, locally described as "one of the board ers," chanced to call at a most unpre tentious farmhous^f On the parlor wall, hanging in the most conspicuous place, she saw the announcement: "Ici on parle Francais. " She was surprised, and no doubt hep face betrayed her feelings. Why should French be spoken m this out of the way place? And, if spoken, why should the fact be published? The old farmer came to her relief. " Waal, yes, most folks looks kinder befuzeled at that," he said. "Some times they stares and stares at it an don't dassent ask no questiong. Mother bought it of a man that brought thing* round to the door™nofc. ezaCtly a ped dler--a kind of a agent he called his- self. And as soon's mother set eyes oft it and the agent 'told"her.what the words was, nothiti would do but. she must hev It. She's kinder pious, mother is." , As the visitor's mystification was only increased, the ,cld gentleman went on, a twinkle in his eye:" "Ah, I see you can't read 'em nnther. Neaw, I thought you city folks knowed t'urrin words. Waal, I'll tell yer. Them word just means, 'God bless our home.' Thet's what the agent said. Now yer wouldn't 'a' thought it, would yer? And [ dunno myself but it's kinder brought n b l e s s i n . M o t h e r s a y s i t h e s . • Youth's Companion. LESSONS IN FIRST AID PPORTUN1TY is liko a fragile vase, it slips through our fingers it is Td' bo shattered beyond hope of repair Floral Company McHENRY/ ILL. C, T. ESHILSON, - MANAGER. A TRAINED NURSE TELLS ABOUT QUICK REMEDIES. MclIEXRY, ILL. Always on Band with the Best Beer, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY r . V A N S L Y K E EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR... Treatment of Dislocations and Sprains. How to Place a Bandage--An Impro vised Tourniquet--What to I>o In Cases of Nosebleed and Burns. She was a very capable little woman and usually "sized up" to any occasion, but the care of thope ohildren was likely to prove a little too much for "her. When she married a widower and un-. dertook the care of bis five boys she knew that she would have to face many unexpected situations, and braced hfr- .self to do her best. She was not'pre pared, however, for what she called the "breakage" in the family. The constant risk to. life and limb that five adti've, sport loving boys were capable of was a new feature in her young life, and she- felt that she was in danger of losing her head unless she prepared herself to meet the different nails upon her motherly care. In her extremity she appealed to her friend, the trained nurse. "Can't you give me some points," she said. "Tell me of the proper things to do before the doctor comes in case of certain accidents--won't yon? Then there are many little things--bruises and burns and things that I could attend to myself without sending for a doctor if I only knew how. Do help me out. Suppose, for instance, one of the boys fell and broke his arm, what should I do before the doctor came?" "If I were you, I would do nothing but wait, unless the surgeon was delay ed. In that case I would simply place the limb in between a folded pillow, fastening the pillow firmly together, thus making a sort of splint. "You will very likely have a sprain or two to deal with. You can either ap ply cloths saturated with ice water un til the swelling disappears, or you may use very hot water with vinegar in the same way. After the swelling has dis appeared you had better bandage the limb and let the little patient rest it on a level until it gets strong. " "But I don't know bow to apply a bandage," was the forlorn reply. - "Then it is about time that you did, * said the trained nurse. "Give me a piece" of musTflFaiTd your bare foot, and" I'll show you how. " Then the nurse took the piece of mus lin and tore it into strips of 8 inches in width. Then saying, "Always begin at the extremity of a limb and work to ward the center of the body from left to right," she placed one of the ends of the strip at the instep and made a turn around the base of the toe. Then she carried the band diagonally over the foot, across the point of the heel and back from the other side, until it coin cided with the first turn. This was then covered and carried a second turn around the heel half an inch higher than the first. She then continued to make alter nate turns under the sole and behind the heel, crossing over the instep until the entire foot was covered. In finish ing the bandage she split the last quar ter of yard of the strip through the mid dle, wound the ends in opposite direc tion around the limb and tied them in a bow. Then the band was all unwound again, and the pupil, trying her hand, was delighted to see yhat a "firm band age" she could make after two or three attempts. "In case of dislocation," continued the nurse, "there is always need of in stant action. Muscular tension increases rapidly and its reduction becomes more difficult with every hour that passes. "Fingers and thumbs can be set by pulling in place, but be careful not to use too much force. A joint is always weak er after an accident and should be strap ped in place until strong again. "Freddie's nose bled awfully the oth er day and frightened me so because I could not stop it. It stopped itself after awhile, but what should I have done?" "It is a good thing to press gently the facial artery at the base of the nose and placo cold applications to forehead and neck. I suppose you had him lean his head over a basin. Yes; most people do, and that is just the worst attitude possible. You should have made him stand erect, throw his head back and elevate his arms, while you held a cold, damp sponge to his nostrils. If you have an occasion like that again, and the bleeding continues after what I have' told yon to do has been tried, you bad better syringe with salt and ice cold water or a solution of iron. "In the case of burns or scalds, i f they are very bad send for your physi cian, but slight ones you can very well attend to. The first thing in such cases is to exclude the air. I find that baking soda and sweet oil make a soothing, healing application. If you can't got that conveniently, beat up the white of an egg and apply that with a bandage." "Will yotitell me how to stop the flow of blood in case of cut, and then I'll let you go?" "Find the artery that is cut and tie a handkerchief around the limb just over where it bleeds. Tie the handkerchief tightly j then make, say, three hard knots. In the last knot insert a piece of stick with which you must twjst the handkerchief until it is tight enough to Btop the flow. The handkerchief and stick make as good a tourniquet, as we call it, as any one would wish. "--Phil adelphia Press. A Morning Monologue. For a long time after he had succeed- Your oppoituity to buy one of the Best Gasoline Stoves Made At the manufacturers' prices has arrived West Side Livery, FEED AND SALE STABLES. E. J. HANLY, Prop'r. WEST MCHENRY, ILL. ' First class rigs, with Qr without drivers, Turn'siied f i t reasonable rates. Parties taken t» arid from the Lakes in Easy Rigs, and prompt connection: made witliail trains,~ Our Rigs-will be kept, tar. t ifst class s'hapfe, and we shall spare no pains to please our cus tomers at all t imes, Give us a cati , " "*• R J. -WANLY. West McHenry, 1H„ Aug. 15, 1SH4. . OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK Two Doors North of Perry & O wen's Stort/ All kinds of Cut Flowers, and Funeral i>6f signs to- lie had* at all t imes at treasonable Rates. Carnations in bud ana other potted" plants for sale. "Orders takein now for bedding plants de sired in the spring. ^ ' . - * Will have all kinds , of plants for fancy bedding. •" •„ • - • Orders by mail promptly attended to. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year (in advance)"... . . . . . . . . .T... .$l 50 If Not Paid within Three Months.. . . . .".-2 00 Subscrlptiouo received for three -or gix months in the same proportion. Don't let it slip through your fingers, Call ami procure you a stove that has no equal in'any form. I have a large stock and wish to reduce it, consequently will sell the RATES OF ADVERTISING: We announce l iberal rates for advertising in the PIJAINOBALEK, and Endeavor to state them so plainly that they will be readily un derstood. They are R-S fol lows: 1 Inch one year - - - 600 2 Inches one year - - 10 00 3 Inches one year - - . . . 1500 Column one year - • - - - 30 00 Column one year- . . . . 60 Oo Column one year - - . - - - 100 Oo One nch means the measurement of one Inch down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of ohahging as often as they choose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to insertion of local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 cents per line the llrst week, and 5 cents per line for each subseq uent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the llrst Issue, and 5 oents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inch advertisement willoost $1.00 for one week, 11.50 for two weeks, $2.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAIXDEALEK will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business rule, i t Will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of i ts columns for peouniary gain. Address, . • ROSEDALE FLORAL COMPANY, . ;. " . . . ' MCHENRY, 111 anions C. SPURUNC, Veterinary - Surgeon At absolute cost, for a limited time. These stoves are no experi ment, hut are a practical success in every ..way, and are tally guar anteed. Respectfully yours, BY BUYING OXE OF THOSE West MnHeury, 111. MAKES A SPECIALT-V1&F CASTRATION F. L. MCOmbel Now on exhibition at our shop. We also have a full line of Dusters, Whips, etc., to which we invite your at tention, and will guarantee to please ,vou in quality, style ahd pTice.^ West Side Hardware Oflice at Hanly's Livery Stable, West Mcltenry, 111. One Prejudice For Another. The prejudice of the divine right of parliaments was substituted for the prej udice of the divine right of kings. Now parliaments, in accordance with the laws of collective psychology, like all human assemblages, are liable to sudden and unexpected impulses--im pulses such as may at times move a crowd to commit crimes, as was the case in the French revolution, or to practice some generous act, as happened during the Italian risorgimento. That such was possible had been recognized already by Napoleon the Great ere the modern Italian positivist school of phi losophy had reduced experience to a for mula, for when inditing his studies on the convention the emperor wrote, "Col lective crimes implicate no one." A deed or word may change the judg ment of all by the contagious emotion ox a moment. Thus, besides lowering the intellectual level, an assembly is also liable to sudden mutations of view, yet another danger and yet another rea son why the judgments of these huge national talking shops should not be re garded as infallible or be treated with, too much deference. John Stuart Mill dimly foresaw this modern positivisfc conclusion when he pleaded eloquently in favor of safeguarding the rights of the minority.--Blackwood's Magazine. A Winged General of the Seas. One of , the most extraordinary speci mens of the fish family is the nam hai gnan" or great general of the south sea, an animal of the whale species, which has its home in the Indian ocean. A full grown nam is upward of 85 feet in length, pure black in color and has eyes as large as a saucer. Besides the above characteristic features, which may be said to be whalelike, with the ex ception of the eyes, the nam has two immense tusks, which resemble thosa of the elephant, both in size and color, and two queer winglike membranes ex tending along its sides from the side fins almost to the tail. The old nams have a curious habit of marshaling their kind to do battle with the whales and the sharks, and old mariners say that they maneuver with so much intelligence and sagacity that they are known to all the islanders by names which signify winged generals, winged warriors or winged chiefs of the seas. The National mu seum at Berlin has a fine mounted speci men of this queer warlike fish.--St. Louis Republic. A Good Whip lor 10c. A tine stock of SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS JOHN J. BUCH, Restaurant -- ^JULIA A. STORY Which will be sold cheaper than the same goods can be bought elsewhere and war ranted as represented. It EPA 1121 > G Prom pt lr Attended to, I)o not fail to call at once and get the benefit of our bargains. ouse Near the Iron Bridge, McHenry, Board by the Day or Week a Reasonable rates, A NTOE LINE OF ROW BOATS AT MY LANDING, for rent by the hour or (lay, at reasonable r a t e s . . . . . . . DRUGS and MEDICINES. ^ A FULL LINE OF THT CHEMICALS, Jgj DYE STUFFS, Paints, Oils and Colors 8USINESS CARDS CUS CARLSON FRANK L. SHEPARD, lOtJNsKLLOR AT LAW. Suite 804- 1 Ola k St. , (Jhicago. •icITenry, 111., June 23. 1896 Pure Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars always on hn nd . Fr^sbLairer Beer ootantly on draught OJcod Stabling for Horses. (HrsIOlAN AND SURGEON, Ills. Offl.ce at Residence. JOS, L. ABT, M, D, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. P1I-VSICTAN,^Uru;i^(rtNT-ANi>-OCU-l7iaT, Office in Nichols Rl-ck, over Plaindealer Office. McHenry Telephone No 4 Howe Block, Water Street, DEALERS IN FULL LINE OF New Summer Shirts, New SummerTies, New Styles of Collars P A T E M T M E D I C I N E S , T O I L E T A R T I C L E S , Stationery and Druggists' Sundries Surgeon Dentist, WEST MCHENRY, III. Kerosene, Gasoline, Potatoes, Fresh Bread, Tablets, Pencils,; new Teas, new Coffees. Our Bakery Supplies, Received from the Rock ford Bakery are absolutely fresh every day. Bread, Buns, Biscuit, Cookies, etc, always on hand, Canned Goods and all kinds of Fruits in their season can be found at our store, which will be offered to the buying public at the Lowest Living Prices, tor ('ash. Our goods are all fresh, new and clean, and we hope by fair dealing and good goods to merit and receive a fair of public patronage, A fine new Delivery Wagon will run to the Lakes daily, Goods delivered in the Corporation free of charge, MURPHY & PHILLIPS. McHenry, April 7, 189G. Office in rear of G. W. Besley's Drug Store .All work guaranteed. nysicians inscriptions a v Your Patronage is respectfully solicited •'JUL J A A, STOKY One|Door West of Riverside Jkwsc, McHenry, 111 On New Necktks. Within 24 Hours I can supply you with any size in Shirts t hat l have not got in the store. DR. A. E. AURINGER, PHYSICIAN ANDSURUEON. Office in the Mtroner building, one door wefct of A. P. Bter 'e store, West McHenry, III. Residence, bouse formerly occupied by Dr Osborne, All professional calls promptly at tended to, DOWN ! DOWN! DOWN! W H A T ? Watch and Jewelry J. B. HOWE, M. I>, PHYSICIAX AND SURGEON. Office and Residence, Hotel Woodstock. Office hours l to 2 P. M. daily, uaila promptly at tended to. Deserving poor treated tree of charge at office, including ineuicine Monday and ifridty. On Merchant Tailoring since I have been in McHenry. Latest style and best goods, at prices never before offered in McHenry. Come and be convinced. Thanking you for past patronage, I am Yours Truly, F. O. COLBY, D. D. S. DENTIST. Woodstock, 111. Special alen-tion paid to regulating children's teeth, Parties coming from a distance will do well to give timoly notice by mail. Office, Kendal block corner Main street and Publio8q are OF ALL KINDS. Frora now "ntil further notice v/e will eive yon the following LOW PRICES and warrant even thing first class. Main Springs, the best, warranted, and put in while you wait, 50 cents. Cleaning all kinds of watches, 50 cents. Watch Crystals 10 cents each; when in connection with other work, free. All ordinary Balance Stall's*, complete, $1. No charge for clean ing at same time. Eight-Day Clocks, $2.75. C. P. BARNES J. D. LODTZ, Jr TTORNEY, Solicitor, and Counselor, . Collections ^ specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS PERKY & 0WER, Bankers. KNIGHT & BROWN, TTORNEY3 AT LAW. U. S. Express Co. 's . Building, 87 and 8!) Washington St. OHIOAGO, ILL. This Bank receives deposits, buyt and nells Foreign and Domestic Ex change, and does a General Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en trusted to our care in a manner and upon te:ms entirely satisfactory to our customers and respectfully solicit thr public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN; On Real Estate and other first c ass security. Special attention given t co- lections, INSURANCE In first Class Gomyanirs at t\- Lowest M Yourt Re pectful/t •>•»"»»OTAs?y IC The Crown Prlnco's Pigeons. General von Verdy dn Vernois tells a pleasant story about the war of 1870. At Villeneuve-le-Roi he was obliged, for want of time, to refuse an invitation to lunch. A brother officer rushed out of the house with a ragout, which Verdy ate with gusto. A few days later the old Emperor William said to him at dinner: "That is a pretty affair of yours. My son has told me all about it." "What affair does your majesty refer to?" asked Verdy. It was this: The crown prince had received the news that two carrier pi geons had been danght, and he had or dered them to^ be sent to Versailles. Oa returning home in the evening he found the following telegram : "Lieutenant Colonel Verdy has just eaten them." They had furnished forth the ragout at Villenenve-le-Roi.--Realm. Watchmaker «Sc Jeweler McHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry alvrays on hand. Special attention given to repairing line watohOB. Wive me a call. JOHN P- SMITH. We also have a larsfe and well selected stock ol Watches, Clocks Jewelry. Silver and Plated ware to which we invite your atten tion. confident we can save you money. Come and see us, J3j§P>Before buying be sure and -^ee the NEW NOISELESS WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE, at our store. W. A. CRISTY, Justice ot tlie Peace. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Special Attention paid to Collections HEMAN & SCHNEIDER H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In surance Agent Including Accident and Life Insurance. WEST MOHENBY. In,. McHenry, July 14, lis()<5 THE McHENRY W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Real Estate and Insurance. N U N D A , ( I I . Location of Eden. We are now informed that the-true location of the garden of Eden is in the interior of Africa, somewhere near the sources of the Kile. >. We are told that all the "conditions" favor this location. It is a sad fact that the friends of other locations are equally sangnine. For in stance, President Warren of Boston uni versity wrote a volume to prove that the true location of Eden was at the north pole. It will be noted that we have no mention of Eden anywhere in the Bible after the first chapter of Genesis.-- Hartford Religious Herald. Likes and Dislikes, Flossie was being urged to get up one cold morning and did not respond quick- - Iy to ner mother s sugge^nou JL W ^ bath. "You do as you like, mamma, she said, "and let me do as I like. \ou like to be cold and clean, and I like to be warm and dirty.": 2*ew ^ Times. • • Those Appropriate Gifts. To i silver wedding celebration re- oentlv a pious old lady sent as a present a pair of f la t i rous, a rol l ing pin and a ' motto worked on a cardboard, reading, "Fight cm 1"--London Telegraph Nearthe/ron Bridge, McHenry, 111. c A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler No. 126 State Street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches an i Chronometers. A Full Assortment of Goods in his line. Having again taken possession of my Market, in this village, 1 am now pre pared to furnish my old customers and the public generally, with Fresh and Salt Meats.„ Smoked Meat Sausage etc Of the best quality and at Living Prices, 1 shall keep constantly on hand Meats of all kinds, and leaving nothing undone to meet the wants of my customers. Vegetables of all kintls-in tlieir_season. tfcayCash paid for Hides, Tallow, eal, Poultry, etc. - I A share of the public patronage is re- spectfvlly solicited. THOMAS BURKE. All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices A FULL LINE OF FINISHED WORK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Foreign and Ainei-iesvn Granite a Specialty. SMOKERS! McHENRY, ILL NOTICE Aro built in the Largest andBcst Equipped Factory in the World.?) All you men and boys that want to ed in inserting himself through fhe door, at 3 a. m.s she regarded him in silence. At length she spake. Also she spake at length.--Indianapo lis Journal. Sufficient Grounds. . Judge--On what grounds does yo^x client ask for a divorce? Lawyer--He says his wife eats crack ers in bed. Judge--Granted 1 Next. --Brooklyn Cijrar and THE OI.D RELIABLE Tobacco Dealers, OUR SPECIALTIES