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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Aug 1896, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY. AUG. 26, 1896. J. VAN SLYKE, Editor. -FOR PRESIDENT,- HON. WILLIAM McKINLEY, OF OHIO. -FOR VICE PRESIDENT,-- . GARRET A. HOBART,, OF NEW JERSEY. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Governor, fi JOHN ti. TANNER. For Lieut-Governor, W. A, NORTHCOTT. For; Secretary;ot State, JOHN A. ROSE. For Auditor, JAHE3 R. McCULLOUGH. For Treasurer, ' HENRY L. HERTZ. For Attorney General, : . EDWARD C. AKIN- Tor University,Trustees , MRS. MAKV T, CARRILL, F.'M. MolvAY;' - T. J SMITH. , , For Clerk of 8 n pre me Court, North Division, OH KB MAMER. • • For 01,es t of Appellate Coiirt, . , ' ' " O.C. DUfFY. " For Member Congresp. . ALBERT J.' HOPKINS. For Membert'tats Board of Eq iia'izatiort, T. S. ROGERS. For State Senator, FLAVEL K. GRANGER. Fo r R epresentatives, (IX votes each), GEO. R. 1.YON, D. A. FULLER, For'Circuit Clerk, i GEORGE B. RICH \RDS. For State's Attorney, VINCENT S. LUMLEY. -For Ooron er, SPENCER C. WERNEIAM. For Surveyor, CHARLES H. TRYON, Hon. Wm. E. Mason says: It isn't a scarcity of money in the country that troubles us. It is the inactivity Of money. It isn't free silver we want, but protection to American industries, that the laborer may have a chance to earn a dollar. (S^Butter on the Elgin Board of Trade Monday was steady. Offerings at open­ ing were more liberal than for weeks as to the number of factories, but the num­ ber of tubs was not increased. First bid 17c, followed by others at 16c. Buyers slow in making offers. Sales on call, 17c; good buying, demand general. .THE ROAD TO FROSPERIx'T. Major Win. McKinley did not make so lengthy a speech on Wednesday as did his competitor, Wuil J. Bryan; but he said more of interest!and of truth to the people of Ainerica in one sentence than did the "Boy orator in his 1-1,000 words. Here it is: I believe it is a good deal better to open up the mills of the United States to the-labor of America than to open up the mints of the United States to the silyer of the world. By opening up the mills to the wage earners, there will come peace and bound­ less prosperity. By opening up the mints to the silver of the world, there can only come financial disaster, with its entailing loss of employment to the army of work­ ing men and women. McKinley spoke like a true American; like a man who places a higher. value on hie citizenship than upon the poliaical party with which he affiliates; like a man who has scaled the heights of human progress and sounded the depths of hu­ man misery and woe; like a man who be­ lieves in himself, in his fellow men and in his country. Bryan's speech was an aggregation of misrepresentation; misinformation and financial sophistry that Can deceive no 6ne. . One speaker is a statesman. The other -is the leader of a "revolution" whpse success at' the polls Would, bring about national dishonor, instead of prosperity. NO MIDDLE GROUND. . ; Patrio.ts should bear in mind that there is no partisanship in this political ontest. 'i he enemies of honest govern­ ment, hating; one another worse than their common foe, have suddenly sworn alliance against that foe and are engag­ ed in a combined effort to turn the gov­ ernment over to a horde of irresponsille agitators. In the face of these conditions there is no middle ground. We are either de­ fenders or assailants of the nation's honor. He who is not for gold and the unsullied flag is for silver and repudia­ tion. Circumstances have made the standard bearer of honor and equity the Republican candidate. As the champion of honor and equity McKinley summons all patriotic citizens, Democrats as well as Republicans, Prohibitionists, free traders, single tax men and all who love the flag, to rally around it and protect it com dishonor. The poor partisan who will not do his ihare toward succoring his country in this crisis may call himself an American without finding a single fellow creature o believe him. In his talks to his employes on the money question, Mr. Crane, of Chicago, recently said : "While this country' haF produced many able inventors no man has yet been found who could by any patent double-barreled, self-cocking, self loading, double acting, duplex, auto­ matic, self-regulating device make two dollars out of one. Prosperity is not made in that way." t©* Under the plan proposed by the unlimited silver party a Canadian silver dollar, which is kept at par* with gold would play the same part in this country that an American dollar now does in Mexico or Japan. How would Americans enjoy the humiliation of having a Cana dian buy a dollar's worth of goods, pay for it with a Canadian dollar and get an American dollar back in change. Uncle Sam himself has found out something. In the twenty seven years the Republican party controlled this country--after the close of the war down to 1892--we paid and cancelled forever more than §1,700,000,000 of the public debt. During the three years and fraction of Democratic free trade, they have paid off nothing, but have increas ed the public debt by more than ?2G2, 000,000,-Bon. J. B. Fnraker. Chairman Charles'"?; Hitch, of the "Republican Stat§ Central Committee of Illinois, referring to newspaper reports respecting the'"Silv.-rsnake."a pamphlet on the silver question, authorizes the fol­ lowing statement: ' 'The statement thatthe"Silversnake" is to be withdrawn from circulation or that errors have been foQnd in it by the National Committe, is a campaign lie. The only plares from which the "Silver- snakes" are being "called in" are the printing officer, and thence we are get­ ting tliem in by the tens of thousands to send to the peoples The demand is so great for these paj-nphlets that we are rushed night and day trying to fill orders, and, in addition, the National Committee is placing orders with us for them in English, Scandinan and Ger­ man ; besides this, seventeen other states are getting the book for circulation from Illinois. The difficulty is' that the "?il- vernake" is not liked by the "Free Sil- verites" and it is no wonder they should circulate false reports to weaken the ef­ fect of the book or to dimiuishjts circu­ lation." W Perry S. Heath,. Chief of the Bureau of Printing $nd Publication of theNational Committee, referring to the sam "subject, says: " No member of.i the National Com­ mittee. has ever made any of the state­ ments attributed to, this/ Committee about the "Silversnake," nor has any person with authority to speak for this Committee, made any such statements, neither this Commit tee nor any person" to speak for It has ever stated that the "Silversnake" contained errors or that it ought "called in." Any statements to that effect attributed to either to this Committee or to any per­ son entitled to . speak for .it, are wholly unauthorized and pure fabrication." RAILWAY ENGINEERS TESTIMONY A late issue of the Chattanooga Times contains a letter from a railway engineer who is at work in the Republic of Guate­ mala. Here is what this working nan ays about the workings of free and un­ limited silver coinage: Tell my friends to do all in their power to defeat silver. If the country is placed on a silver basis it is ruined. We have a fair example here of free silver. This country is run on a free silver basis While the average engineer of the United States makes §4 a day, we are paid §7.30 per day. When 1 go to exchange Guatemala silver lor United States money to send to mv family I am com­ pelled to pay from §2 to §2 14 for every I nited States dollar that comeB into my possession. This is on account of silver. We pay here $1 per pound for the best butter, frying chickens 75 cents to §1. An ordinary wool hat that can be pur­ chased in the 1'nited States for 90 cents or §1, costs $4 here. I can buy a better pair of pants in Chattanooga for $2.50 than can be purchased here for f 10. One of the best evidences of the condition of a silver country is the board paid. Here ordinary board costs us $40 while we cau live for §10 in Chattanooga per month. This country is in a terrible condition, and an effort is constantly being made to reduce wages. I wish to say to all my friends in Chattanooga and the Unite:) States not to vote for free silver unless they want distress. Silyer.will certainly cause it. tgj^The Bryan campaign managers arenot saying anythingabout this plank in their platform : We denounce arbitrary inteiference by Federal authorities in local affairs as a violation of the constitution of the United States and a crime against free institutions, and we especially object to government by injunction as a new and highly dangerous form of oppression. They find that the American people do not sympathize with riot so much as they thought when they were in commit­ tee-rooms with Altgeld, the pardoner oi bomb throwing murderers. They thought all the laboring men in the country would say that mobs should have a right to pillage undisturbed so long as gov­ ernors hoped for their votes. But the American workingman more than any­ thing else wants order, a chance to earn wages when aud where he will, and pro­ tection in enjoying those wages. He is not voting for anarchy, aud Mr. Bryan is pi eachiug it lego than he was a month ago.--Noiv York Tribune. Prizes for Your Skill The person forming the largest num­ ber of words, using the letters in the text "EXCELSIOR," will be given $100 in Cash. $75 be given to the per­ son forming tne next largest list. The next will receive $5Q in cash, nml for ft/JVC WOOD OWEN & CHAPE LL ! 4 Cent Prints. A $1.19' Ladies' Wrappers for 48c. Full line Gents' Shirts 25c to $2. A No. 1 Working Shirt for 50c. Those Asbcstol Tunned Gloves give perfect satisfaction. (SUCCESSORS TO PERRY & OWEN.) V li IN ALL O A Splendid Facto each of the next eleven largest lists will be paid $25 each. Money deposited in Bay City Hank, corner Center and Wash­ ington avenues. Seperate the Utters in the text thus: E X-C-E-L-S-I-O-R, and form as many words as you can. For example: Excel, is, etc. It is said that over ten small words can be formed from these letters, and we will give a prize to every person sending ten words or more; so if you are good at word .making, or :ire bright, you are sure of something for your trouble while you have an equal opportunity for the large cash prizes. Our object is to advertise our Excel­ sior German Mead the most im­ proved and healthful summer beverage on the market. One tablet placed in a glass of water is sufficient to satisfy the thirst of an epicure. Every person sending list of words must enclose with the same thirteen two- cent stamps for a package of EXCEL­ SIOR GERMAN MEM), which will be sent postpaid, together with full rules anil particulars governing the contest. As aguarantee of good faith the Mayor and Chief of Police of this city will act as judges in the award of prizes. Number your words and write your name plainly. Address, THE CERMAM MEAD CO. Rflich Study the money and taril l question and Vote Right, And you will have done your duty in that l ine-but don't overlook Another Important Fact, You will never have worked under the most encouraging circum­ stances until you buy your supplies of SUMMER DRESS GOODS, LAWNS, ' DIMITIES, ORGANDIES, WRAPPERS, SHIRT WAISTS, ETC., All Going at Your Own Price. OUR LARGE FALL STOCK Has eommenC9fl to arrive and we must make room, convince you thit we mean business and A call will J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood, 111. 0 JOHN JrVANSON'S In commenting on Bryan's Madi son Square speech the leading papers of the country agree that it was wholly lacking in argument. He simply follow ed up one suggestion with another with­ out attempting to prove anything. Even when he declared that one thing was so because another was, he failed to sub­ stantiate either his proposition or con­ clusion. He clothed old fallacies in se­ ductive rhetoric and paraded them as truths. He reiterated statements time and again disproved and presented them as facts. Such argument as thiB does not convince. 1ST Who says John R. Tanner can't talk? Here are some things he got off at Carthage: "In these days nothing needs explaining quite so much as a Democratic explanation, and it requires all the penetration of Roentgen's new system of photography to find out what is really going on in the dark recesses of the Democratic mind." * * * "They wanted to make money out of nothing, which is the same material out of which the silver people are making their argu­ ments in the present campaign." * "When populistic cyclones are abroad in the business atmosphere capital goes to the cellar and waits for a calm." IST "Sixteen to one means that if you owe a debt you can go into the market and buy silver and have it- coined and use that silver to pay your debts." ThuB frankly did Mr. Bryan, leader of the Chicago free-silver Democratic forces announce the rank dishonesty of the free silver coinage scBeme., ..Make him presi dent and put hislollowers in power, and you can pay oji 'yourMebts at 5.3 cents on the dollar by just buying the silver and calling our Uncle Sam to coin it for y^u free of charge. He will help you by putting his stamp on it, and give you the power of law to compel your creditors to accept the tender. How xnany honest debtors will be caught by the chaff of Btichplausible knavery? The Mexican dollar is being made a strong argument for sound money or the gold standard. A Sherman, New York cattle dealer makes the following proposition : "In order to assist those who believe in the 'white metal' I will pay the following prices' in Mexican silver dollars (no change given) for live stock and produce delivered at Sherman : Steers weighing 1,000 pounds or over, fine and fat, 6 cents per pound. Heifers weighing 900 pounds or over, fine and fat, 5 cents per pound. Sheep, fat and heavy, 5 cents per pound. Lambs, fat and heavy, 7% cents per pound. Veals, fine and fat, 8 cents per pound. Pigs, weighing 100 to 150 pounds, cents per pound. Best Holstein milch cows, $50 per head. No. 1 creamery butter, 28 cents per pound. I'ine factory cheese, 10 ceuts per pound. These dollars contain more pure silver than the Lnited States dollar. Note. Those who deliver stock in droves should bring an extra horse to draw home their money. SO WOULD OTHERS In his speech at Columbus Senator For- aker made the following remarks: Now, my fellow citizens, I would rather take the judgment of John Sherman on a financial proposition than the judg­ ment of Mary Ellen Lease. I would rather on a profouud constitutional or financial question follow the leadership of Benjamin Harrison than that of "Pitchfork" Tillman. Aud I would rather follow the leadership of gallant Gov. McKinley, with all these great rep- resentative-4 of "sound money," sound protection, sound patriotism and sound take "the boy orator of the ' Platte!" with all of these people controlling him M Bav city, Cor. Adams afwrCenter Sts. Half Kates to Indianapolis. On account of the National Gold Demo­ cratic Party Convention, which opens at Indianapolis Sept. 2, 180(5, the North­ western Line will sell excursion tickets to Indianapolis and return at one fare for the round trip. For tickets, dates of sale and further information apply to agents Chicago A Northwestern R'y. SUMMER COLDS. Summer Colds or Hay Fovrr, Rose Colds or Rose Catarrh, are prevented nre cured by Dr. Humphrey*' Specific. 77. For sale by all druggists. 25 cents*. CASH 8i:Ll.IiVG, An Important wind-up Sale of Men's Pants and Shirts begins Thursday, for wool Pants. Will sell Regardless of Price. Fresli G rooeries Arriving Daily. Yours very truly, MeHenry, 1896. OWEN & CHAPELL. TBI limit's STOtii Lhk _ $1.2 0 IMPORTANT SHOE SALE, SATURDAY. Child's, 25c and up. Ladies1 , $1.15 Saturday, for high button and Oxford Ties. Men's, $1.39 for §2 quality. Byys1 , $1.19 for $1.50 to $2 kind. Poison ivy, insect bites, bruises,scalds, burns, are quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great pile cure. J. A. Story. If you want a keg of nice Syrup go to A. P. Baer's, on the W est Side, and get a keg of Baer's Choice. It has no superior on the marKet. HUMPHREYS' and Extremely Low Rate to St. Paul Minneapolis. On account of the G. A. It. National Encampment, which opens at St. Paul September 1, 189G, the Northwestern Line will sell excursions ticket to'St. Paul or Minneapolis and return at exceedingly low rates. For full particulars call on agents of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway. ' • No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 U Worms. No. 3 ti Infants' Diseases. No. 4 ii Diarrhea. No. 8 » ic Neuralgia. No. '9 Cures Headache. N o. to << Dyspepsia, No. 1 1 tl Delayed Periods. No. 1 2 (C Leuchorrea No. 1 4 l( Skin Diseases. No. 13 Cures Rheumatism. No. 16 << Malaria. No. 20 l< Whooping Cough No. 27 U Kidney Diseases. No. 30 u Urinary Diseases No. 77 €< Colds and Grip. Fancy Flower Pots Etc,, at Cost, Saturday. JOHN EVA1S01 fjp PRIdTU'Q nextvie , t ' . Wed'day, Ufi . rnu In S s e p . | e, Woodsio 'u Hiuee, 10 to 4. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price, 25c., or 5 for $1. OF DISEASES MAILED FREE. Humphreys' Med. Co., Ill William St^H.Y. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Coupled with Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep­ sin, to relieve the stomach and bowels, and aid digestion will almost work mir­ acles--Be sure you get Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin first and then your faith in Christ­ ian science may be, unlimitedr-S^ld in 10 c, 5Qgaud$l bottles. At J. A. Story's DOCTOR FRUTH BO well mid favorably known as CHICAGO'S LEADING COC^S A I ICT <S:MOBTSUCCESSFUL SlrEWlHtJo B ? for ill* if.iny and wonderful cures of p ATtDOU thro it, lung*, liver, dyspepsia, indices uA I R!msl tlon, all diseases of stomach and bowels Ql nhlll A&in CVIU diseases, sores, pimples, scrof DLUUU ANU Olvlfl Ula, syphilitic taints, tumors •etter, ECZEMA and Blood Poison of every nature. KIDNEY AND URINARY SKKSCtt Sft nient in urine, brick-dust or white, painful urinations, Brijrht's disease at d all diseases of the bladder. DDH/ttTC Diseases -- Gleet; Gonorrhoea, Inflammo- rnlVAlE tions, Discharges, Strictures, Weakness of Organs, Syphilis, Hydrocele, Varicoeie and kindred trouble s quickly imred. LOST wANHOdD Lvvl Irrnfiiivvv frrrttt tri- x t>tiisgr. nud OI d Men. The & >rodu<;lng: weakness, Ksions, exhau^t lnar < , . , , m . of oner* ry and weakness of both bot jy brain. CHANCERY NOTICE, STATE OF ILLINOIS, I MeHenry Coiinly, J 8S^ In O rcui t Court , to the Septem ber Term, Uivid Haeger VR. unknown heirs of Joshua Brookes, dec,eased, tho unknown heirs of T. 8 . Haw lev, ( 'creased, Martha K1 nek, Wil ' iam R. .Carr , Ol ive McClure Daniel MoOlure.Inez Kei ier , Henry Kel ler , Justus F. Kl . rcV, Isaac Klinek, Leona Iv I tne k , Mary E. K1 nek, Floyd Clausen, and Ebrnezur P. Jayne. Bil l . Not ice is hereby given to the arove named defendants and ^ach of l l iem that the rotn- plainant in the above ent i t led cause hereto tore f i led his b . l l of comp amtin said Court , or . the Chancery s ide ihereot , and that a sum­ mons ihcret 'pon issued out of said Court against the above named defendants , re turn- ubleonthe f i r t»t day i f the term of the said McIIenry County Circui t Court , to be held a t the Court House i>i Woodstock, in said Me­ Henry County, oh tho fourth Monday of teniber , 18!N>, as is by law required, and which sui t is s t i l l pending. W P MOUSE, Clerk, BOTSFORO, WAYNE & BOTSFORD, Complainf t i i ts Sol ic i tors . BARGAINS! BARGAINS, BARGAINS. BARGAINS! nd OI a Men. Tho ;j\vfol eirectsof early indiscretions, producing weakness, NERVOUS DEBILITY, nitrht em­ issions, exhausting drains, pimples, bashfulness, los& akness of both body and brain. your troubles if out of city. Tli6us- ands cured by correspoiid'-ncc ow' r-retlj 1 >K. D. O. URU' 1038 Masonic Tempi®. Chicago. WRITE New invoice of Beloit Overalls, Pauts, Shirts and Jackets at Stoffel's. ^ ^ AV IXoS. and Burplns.fumi* received and loaned on carefully «o- lected real tm\p.te securities and the i n t e r e s t c o l l e c t « d T / " \ A X f C , asd rsxiitftesi sittaffluU V/ x V JL ™ O • V J charge. I»» BB made on time snd certrvr to «uit borrer ror. J. W. BAHtii'lUD, VuJ'f Kiiqa- Illixwi*. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE of Mart in Walsh, deceased. i The undrrs igned having been appointed Adminis t ra tor of the Estate of Mart n Walsh, de-eased^ la te of the Countv of MeHenry and State of I l l inois hereby l i tvea unt i ne that he wil l appear before Phe Cou> ty Court of M Henry Coupty, a t the Conrt House in Woodstock, a t the October term, on the f i rs t Monday in October next , a t which t ime al l i rorbuuB havt i rsr icTaims against said es ta te are not ided and requested to a t tend for the p.ur- pose of bavins ' the satn '3 adjusted. All per­ sons indei ted to said es ta te are requested to make nnrf iedia 'e payment to the undersigned, Dated this 12th day of August , A I) . 1890. 7W4 * JOHN WALSH, , - Admini t t 'a tor . Wanted-An Idea SSS Protect your ideas; they may br ing you weal th Wri te JOHN WEDDERBORN & CO , Pa neya. Washington. D. O . for their $i,gf)Q nrtse offer and llat ot two hundred Inventions wauled. United brand fine Shirts at Stoffel's. We will not mention them this week, but drop in Friday and Satur­ day and be surprised. FLOUR, FLOUR SlEEfY'effc* SLEEPY Eft'* None genuine unless the picture of Old Sleepy Eye is on back of bag. West MeHenry, Illinois.

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