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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Aug 1896, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, AUG., 26, i» Railway Time Table. Taking efi^ot Sunday, May 26, 1895, at six >'clock A. Al. Trains will ^paBS iloHenry station aB follows: GOING 80UTH. T) Lake Geneva Passenger 7:43 A M X Williams pay Express .......^^8:33 •• X Williams Bay Passenger.P M X L.ake Geneva Freight. 3:30 " X 1 »be Geneva Pasrenge.-. fl;17 •• U Williams Bay Passenger 7;22 " ; GOING NORXP.i X Williams Bay Passenger........ 9:47 \ M X Lake Geneva Freight 11 ;i<5 •' S LftKeGenevi Passenger .10:39 •« 8 Lake Geneva Passenger ........ 6;10 P M X Williams Bay Express........... 4:45 11 X Williams Bay Passenger $2:5i " X Williams Bay Passenger 6:56 •• EXPLANATION. T>--Daily. „ - X--Daily except Sunday, b Sundaysoniy. B. BU^Sf Agent, McHenry, 111. McKinley and Hobart Club 1 A meeting for the purpose of perfecting the Organization of the McKinley and Hobart Club, in this village, will be held at the CITY HALL, on this WEDNES DAY EVENING, AUGUST c26TH, at 8 .lock. Every one who io now-a mem­ ber and all who wish to become so, are earnestly requested to be present.. ; Let every voter who is in favor of hon­ est money turn out. PER ORDER COM. FOR a good, cool drink, go to Besle.y's Soda Fountain, West McHenry. _LOOK out for the Menagerie Social Sept 4th. Peaches and cream. Particu­ lars later. / THERE will be a Clam Bake, at Sell­ ing's Hotel, Pistaqua Bay, September 0th, 1890. DR. ART is prepared to tfest eyes accur­ ately, at his office, over the PLAINDEALER office. ' AN Elgin Base Ball nine came here on Sunday last and scooped the McHenry second nine to the tune of 22 to 17. M. A. HOWELL has the thanks of the editor and family for two very fine musk melons, left on our desk yesterday. QUITE a large delegation from this village attended the Republican Rally, at Woodstock, on Friday evening last. GEO. £>. CURTIS will accept thanks for a fine musk melon, weighing ten pounds, left on our desk on Monday morning. RKAD the new advertisements of Theo. F. Swan, John Evanson & Co., and He- man & Schneider, to this paper. WE learn that the Picnic on Sunday last, for the benefit of the Johnsburgh church, was well attended and all report a good time. ANTON ENGLEN has come out with a handsome new wagon which represents the Schlitz Brewing Co. It is a neat and tasty turnout. THE Picnic by the congregation of the German Catholic church, of this village, atter paying all expenses put the hand­ some of $510 into their treasury. THE McHenry County Fair is in pro­ gress this week. Don't fail to attend with your whole family at least one day. You cannot afford to miss it. DR. BAECHLER, Dentist, guarantees satisfaction in all work done. He cures abscessed teeth and does everything else pertaining to dentistry. Office in Bon- elett building, near red bridge, McHenry. -- -- THE many friends ot Mr. and Mrs. E C. Johonnott will be pained to learn of the death of their infant daughter, aged about ten months, which occurred on Sunday evening, at Solon. They have the sympathy of all in their sorrow. On, yes there is lots of money--slathers of it--laying around loose. But when you send out bills amounting to four or five hundred dollars you get back about four and one half dollars worth of re­ sponses. We've tried it and know. THE Chemical Labratory of the Uni­ versity of Uliuois was damaged by fire on the 16th inst. Work has already been commenced on the repairs and the building will be in condition for use by time the term begins, so that the stu­ dents in that department will not be in­ convenienced. THE Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company have offered to lease Trout Park, Elgin, for five years of W. A. Pratt the owner. The first year the rental in to be applied in repairs and ornamenta­ tion of the park. The other four years it is payable in cash at the rate of §2500 per annum. THE bugs are pretty bad this season and the farmer is having a tough time, according to an exchange. The 16 to 1 men are silver bugs, the Prohibitionists are water bugs, the women suffragists are lady bugs, the sound money men are gold bugB, the mugwumps are humbugs and the potato bugs are eating up all the Paris green. /BURGLARS attempted to gain an en­ trance to Owen & Chapell's store some time last week, but fortunately failed in /their design. They pryed off a heavy wire screen from a cellar window and from appearances entered the cellar that way, but the door to the upper part of the store being rocked their game was PERS9NAI. M. W. LAKE, of Harvard, attendedthe races here Saturday. Miss BERMCE PERRY returned from h visit at Colambus, Ohio, last week. HON G. W. ELDREDGE, of Richmond, "war ofl our streets on Saturday last. MRS. A. C. FRIEDLEY is visiting with frieuds at Lamont this week. MRS. WM. MERENESS, of Walworth, Wis., was visiting her grandparents, Page CplDy and wife, last week. FREMONT HOY, of Woodstock, made our sanctum a pleasant ^all one day last Meek. C. MRS WM. MUDGETT, of Britfy Iowa, is visiting among relatives and friends in this vicinity. MRS. E.'H. WALKER is spending a few weeks aj: Glen wood Springs Hotelj Lake Geneva. Miss ADELINE GATES, of Minneapolis, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. L. C. Gates, in this villa^s. MRS. G. W. jE|pj|itis and daughter, Leah, of Elgin, vismTu her cousin, Mrs. \y. A. Cristy, the first part of last week, I HARRY FULLER and wife; ofWauconda, rejoice over the arrival of a fine baby girl, at their residence one day last week. ~ Miss VERA CHAPELL, of Elgin,.and Miss Philp, of Algonquin, are the guests of D. S Babbitt and wife, at Pistaqua Bay. MRS. HERMAN OWEN, Mr, and Mrs: H. D. Luff, of Chicago, and Mrs. Chas. Gibbs of Genoa, spent -Wednesday last with Mrs. E. M. Owen. REV. AND MRS. V. C. COOK,-of the M. E church, are happy Over the arrival of a fine baby boy, at their residence on Sun­ day morning. C. E. JACKSON, of Chicago, has been the guest of F. H Cob_b-and family aud L Newman and family, in this village, the past week. Miss DAISY MITCHELL, who has been the guest of Miss Ethel McLeod. in this village, for the past" six we<>ks, returned to her home in Chicago on Tuesday. IF you are dry try a glass of Besley's Cream Soda. There is nothing better. C. E. KKNYON, of C. E. Keuyon it Co., No. 7 Central Music Hall, Chicago, Ex­ pert Truss Fitter, who has made the scientific adjustment of trusses to all kinds of ruptures a specialty for twenty years, will visit McHenry for the purpose of mechanically fitting trusses. He is thoroughly competent to diagnose all forms of rupture and the various compli­ cations thereto and skillfully adjust an appliance to meet the requirements of each individual case. It will be to the interest of the rupture-afflicted to avail themselves of this rare opportunity to perly adjusted truss.--Con­ sultation free. Mr. Ivenyon will be at the Riverside House August 31st aud Sep­ tember 1st. DIED.--At the residence of his son, Wm Sehreiner, in this village, on Wednesday, August 19th, 18S6, PETER S-'CHREINER, a g e d 8 3 y e a r s . • • • ' ' He was one of the oldest German resi­ dents of the town, having lived here 42 years, settling here immediately on his arrival from the old country. He was a man of robust constitution, never know­ ing what it was to be really sick, but when the end came it was sudden, as he was only sick about three days. He was a man highly respected by oil who knew him, and his friends have the sympathy of all in their hour of sorrow. His funer­ al was held on Friday from the German Catholic Church, in this village, and was attended by a large concourse of relatives and sympathizing friends. He leaves two sons, William and Peter, of this vil­ lage, hie wife having preceded him some two years ago. blocked. They inform iie that nothing has been missed, although .there was much there that might have been taken It was evidently the work of amateurs. Should they make another call they may meet with a warm reception. \Feople buy of us because we save them tnorey." There is no sentiment in it, purely a matter of busines. We would not try to get your trade on any other basis. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood- OBITUARY. DiEn. -- At his late residence, near Nunda, August 18th, C. C. Patterson, aged 59 years. Mr. Patterson was born in Ohio and raised on the old homestead in the neigh­ borhood. owned by his father. Hei;ob­ tained his education from the schools in the vicinity, which were good for those times. He was a successful farmer, a calling which he followed from his youth. Be was the fifth of a family of right children. He was a brother of Mrs. E. M. Owen, of this village, and Mrs. E. E. Thomas, of Woodstock. He was twice married, the first time to Miss Eva Williams, of Crystal Lake. Of this union three children were born, Of whom a son in Nebraska and a daughter, in this vicinity, Mrs. M. Codding, are still living The second marriage was eleven years ago, to Miss Helen Card, of Huntley, who survives him. He was always blessed with good health till last March, when he was prostrated by an attack of la grippe which terminated in consumption. Thirty years ago he was made a Master Mason, but owing to defective hearing he was obliged to discontinue active relation with the order. In politics hej was an ardent Republican, and held the office of Deputy Sheriff for McHenry county from 1858 to 1800, and was an efficient officer. He was a loving husband, a, kind and indulgent father and was highly esteem­ ed by all. His funeral, on the 20th,from his late home, was largely attended. The services were conducted by Rev. J. Straub^ pastor of the Uuiversalist church of McH6nry. THE REPUBLICAN RALLY. . The Republican Rally at the City Hall, on Monday evening, it being the first meeting of the campaign in this village, drew out a large and enthusiastic audi- uCe. V. S. Lumley, of Woodstock, Re­ publican candidate for States Attorney, was the principal speaker of the evening, and for over an hour he held hisaudiCnce spell-bound with his clear, forcible and convincing arguments, The 16 to 1 craze 0$ the Popocrats was handled, and its fallacies exposed, in so plain and con­ vincing a way that none could fail to understands Mr. Lumley is an able and convincing speaker, enthusiastic and earnest in the cause, and made many warm friends for himself and the prin­ ciples he advocates, by his - speech here on Monday night. The Committeshould keep him on the stump from now until election day. V Hon. F. K. Granger was the next speaker called, and in a few well chosen remarks showed clearly the fallacies and inconsistencies of the Popocrat claims and the wild schemes into which they were trying blindly to lead the voters of the country, \ : Adolph Fischer was then called out and spoke for about thirty minutes in German, and while we could understand but little that he said, judging by the demonstrations of his German friends, whom he was addressing, lie made some telling points. 11is remarks in regard to Altgejd's anarchistic policy was received with roiiuds of applause by both his Ger­ man aud American hearers. We predict that his speeches during the campaign will be productive of great good. The Woodstock Campaign Glee Club was present and added much to the pleasure of the occasion by their splendid songs, for which, in behalf of the McKin­ ley and Hojrart Club, we wish to return them our thanks. This is one of the finest Quartettes in the State and wiil prove themselves a power in the present campaign. The McHenry Military Band was also present and discoursed some excellent music for the occasion. After the speeches were over hot coffee and sandwiches were served in the base­ ment of the hall, after which all went home feeling that the opening of the campaign in McHenry was a grand success. O P E N I N G R A L L Y A T N U N D A . Saturday evening, August 15, when the McKinley and Hobart Sound Money Club was organized, it was decided to hold another meeting Monday evening, August 24, and at the same time to have some able speaker present to talk on the silver question. The committee at once secured Judge Gillmore, of Woodstock, as the one best able to talk to the people rnrtbe-subjectn--A very small amount of advertising was done, but the gathering would indicate that it had been adver­ tised ext&psively, fully 500 people gath­ ering at the National Rink. About 8:30 o'clock Judge Gillmore arrived aud found the vast crowd awaiting him. He was greeted with applause and after a few greetings and hand shaking with old friends and acquaintances, L. D. Lowell, Jr., president of the McKinley and Ho­ bart club, stepped to the front of the platform and in his gentlemanly and dig­ nified manner introduced the speaker The Judge started out with a few timely remarks refuting the false impressions the silverites are trying to establish in the minds of those that may not be thoroughly conversant with the princi­ ples of the St. Louis platform as to a gold standard, they (the silverites) say­ ing the Republicans wanted nothing but gold, and that there would be nothing but gold as money, which is perfectly errouious and is only intended to prejudice the minds of the people. For nearly two hours the speaker held the attention of that vast audience. In the most concise aud logical manner he ex­ plained the principles of the sound money advocates, showing to any r> asonable mind the dangerous effects of free and unlimited coinage of silver and of silver as a basis of values. The audience was an enthusiastic and appreciative one, ani deep interest was manifested during the entire address. Judge Gillmore is a strong campaign speaker and any sound money club will gain strength by secur­ ing him for an address. TRY a glass of Ice Cream Soda, at Besley's Drug Store, West McHenry. WHITE RIBBON£RS. Of McHenry Co. and Elsewhere, Please TAKE NOTICE. --The W. C. TT--1"., oF WoodstocTR; ~wi 11 establish a headquarters tent on the Fair grounds during Fair week, where they will serve tea, coffee, sandwiches, ice cream, cake, etc. A check stand will be in charge of a responsible person, and literature wiil be kept for free distribution. CLARA ALLEN, Woodstock. President W. C. T. U. While it lasts, "Kirk's Shandon Bells" Soap, 10 cents a cake. J. W. CBISTY & SON, Ringwood. Clam Bake There will be a Clam Bake, at Ben Stilling's Hotel, Pistaqua Bay, on Sun­ day, September 6th. Everything will be served in first class shape and no pains will be spared to make i^agreeable to all. Tickets ?1 per plate, BEN STILLING, Proprietor. Annual Reunion. The annual reunion of the survivors of the 95th regiment, Illinois Volunteer In­ fantry, will be held at Marengo on Fri­ day, Sept. 4, the thirty-fourth anniver­ sary of the muster-in, at Camp Fuller, Kockford. The comrades of the 95th at Marengo, and the„citizens, are preparing to give the veteran survivors of this, gal­ lant old regiment a hearty, ..patriotic welcome, arid all old soldiers are most cordially invited to be present to greet old comrades in arms again, and make this the best reunion ever held by the "old boys. ' Grand Army hall will be headquarters and the business meeting of the association will be held there at 11A. M. Dinner will be served in Skin­ ner's hall at 35 cents per plate, by Com­ rade and Mrs. F. S. Loomis. After din­ ner a short programme--no long, prosy speeches--will be presented, and ample time given for the "old boys" to "reune. It was impossible to secure reduced rates ure to do so will keep none away. The official circular is signed by J. B, Bab- cock, President, Marengo,and F. E. Cox, Secretary, Nunda. Before buying be sure and see the new noiseless Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Ma­ chine at Heman & "Schneider. Leave your orders for peacheB for can­ ning, in bushel and half bushel lots, at Owen & Chapell's. We get them direct from the orchard 24 hours after picking. SATURDAY'S RACES. On account of the rain which commen­ ced about noon, the Races at theDriving Park, on Saturday last, were not what they otherwise would have been had the weather been good and the crowd larger. But the horsemen present, not being will­ ing to let the crowd go away without some sport, inaugurated a sort of mati­ nee and brought off the 2:27 trot and the 3:00 toixed race, which, under the circumstances, satisfied those'present. The first heat of the 3:00 class proved an unfortunate one for H. B. Throop, the owner of Maiid T, a three-year-old pacing mare, who came in in second place aud dropped dead before she got off from the track. What the cause was is unknown, but it is now supposed that, unknown to her owner, she Was sick be­ fore she started and the over exertion of the heat killed her, It was a bad loss to Mr. Throop, as he had been offered and refused $600 for her only a few days be­ fore. He valued her at $1,000. The following is the summary of the two races: 2:27 CLASS TROTTING. Y Ranger H... 1 11 Mark' ....' ......2 2 3 'Ren; t...;,...../. 3 3 5 Silvie Doll............ .4 4 £ Col. Hutchinson.;....-...,.....: ....o 5 4 rime 2:35., 2:33, 2:31. 3:00 MIXED RACE Snip.........:..;:...... •„ ......4 11 2 1 Straightedge,...i...^. ..'....I 3 31 2 MaudT...... ...................2 died MacL .-. 3 2 2 3 3 Time. 2:59%, 3:01, 3:00, 2:59$, 3:00. Matinee September 12th. A matinee for the benefit of II. B. Throop, who lost his valuable pacing- mare at the Driving Park oh Saturday last, will be held at Gage's Driving Park, in this village, on Saturday, Sept 12th. All the prominent horsemen in this and Lake counties have promised to be on hand and help make it one of the most interesting meetings of the season. Let everybody turn out and make it a rous­ ing benefit. Remember the date, August 12th. Further particulars hereafter. KANKAKEE FAIR. The Fifth Annual Kankakee Fair will he held on the Association (1rounds, Kan­ kakee, 111., Sept. 14-1,v. The Kankakee Fair is recognized as one of the best county Fairs in the state. In addition to the excellent live stock, agricultural and mechanical exhibits, and all kinds of horse and pony races, the management have provided various attractions to instruct, entertain and amuse their visitors. There will be ad­ dresses by noted speakers, concerts, mil itary drills, trap shooting tournaments, base balloon ascensions, baby show and many other attractions. Every day will be a special day. A grand "Old Settlers' Reunion" will be held Sept. 16, at- win time old settlers will be admitted free to the Fair. Tuesday will be children's day and the Fair will close Frid&y with a great bicycle meet. Premium lists may be secured by addressing LEN SMALL,the secretary. Business Locals. Prohibition Senatorial Convention The Prohibitionists or the Eighth Sen* atoria! District, composed of the counties of Lake, McHenry and Boone, ;.are re­ quested to send delegates to aconvention to be held in the Court House, in Wood­ stock. on Wednesday, Sept. 16, 1890, at 11 o'clock A. M.. for the purpose of plac­ ing in nomination one candidate for State Senator, and one or more candi­ dates for member of the House of Representatives, and; to' transact any other business that may come before the meeting. The basis of representation will be two delegates-at-large and one delegate for each twenty-five votes or major fraction cast for Puterbauijh in 1894. On this basis Lake will be entitled to nine delegates, McHenry nine dele­ gates and Boone five delegates. E B. SMITH, McHenry Co. L. B. MORSE, Lake Co. AUCTION SALE! The undersigned, having decided to quit the trotting horse business, will sell at Public Auction, at Gage's Driving Park, West McHenry, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 29TH, 1890, Commencing at 2 o'clock I\ M., his en­ tire stock of horses, consisting of the following: RANCKR H, record 2:27; by Typhoon, dam by Richmond Boy. SMITHSONIAN, record 2:31%; by George 0, dam by Argonaut. PEARLY G, by George O, dam Lady Typhoon by Typhoon. TYPHONETT, by George O, dam Lady Typhoon. TYRETTA, by George 0, dam Lady Typhoon. ALSENA. by Geoige O, dam Maggie, by Remington, be by Alrnont 33. GRITT, by George 0, dam LADY Argo­ naut, by Argr naut. ' YELLOW EAGLE and colt by side. Yel­ low Eagle by McHenry, dam by Seneca Chief The colt by Senator Hopkins, 23,895.. MOLLIE, dam of Ben H. Ben H has a record of 2:31%. Colt by side a full sister to Ben H. VILLA S, by Pet Thorne. The ;dam of Villa « by George O. V ' SENATOR HOPKINS, 23,895, by Knight- mont, 18,709, with a record as a two- year-old of 2:24. LADY ARGONAUT, by Argonaut, 717 Dam of Smithsonian, 2:31%. Trial 2:25. The above horses are finely bred, in good condition, and as proj rising a stock of horses as can be found in the state. Sale positive and without reserve. Will also sell at the same time and place all my sulkies, bikes, carts, blankets, boots, etc. Terms made known on day of sale. GEO G. SMIPH F. K GRANGER, ) H. B. THROOP, > Auctioneers. GEO. F. MILLS, ) Gen. Rogers, of Lake county, the candidate for representative running agaioBt EdeIsteinthe regular--Demo­ cratic nominee, has forwarded his petb tion to Springfield, which, the Lake County Patriot says, is about 15 feet long, and contains in the neighborhood of 800 names. The General is understood to be a sound money Democrat, while his opponent trains with Altgeld and the free silverites. Fit your feet. 'Twill cost no more. Easy shoes at easy prices, at J. W. Cristy & Son's Ringwood. Have you tried the new Pan-ka-ko at A. P. Baer's? , " Place your Insurance with S. Stoffel. Insure your property with S. Stoffel and be insured. All the latest spring styles in Hats and Caps, for Men and BBys, at Owen & Chapell's. A large stock of fine new Clothing, for meu, boys and children, suitable for summer trade, at S. Stoffei's. White Swan Flour now leads them all. Try a sack. For sale by the Wilbur Lumber Co. Don't fail to call and see the new spring styles of Hats and Caps at the Farmers Store, West McHenry. f A. P.BAER. Newest ideas in Ilats for old and young men at S. Stoffei's. A. P Baer is discounting his prices on Blankets, Shawls, Children's Underwear, and Hosiery 20 per cent. ' , •• NOTICE! Ali persons indebted tQ the firm of Perry «fc Owen are requested to call and settle at once,. We desire to have all ac­ counts closed without delay. V ' PERKY A- OWEN, Just received, another* car of Sleepy Eye Flour. It Costs nothing to try a sack. •' ... UA. P. BA'ER. F'ATARRFC! HAY FEVER OR ASTHMA \>n. I rVIIJSliTi. positively cure i by jiuture'e roots and hcrUe'or nf) pity -Send toe postage, for tun sample trettjuxmis, UOLOH'ADO MED­ ICINE Co , Denver. Col. Rich Discoveries of Cold. At Cripple Creek, Col., and elsewhere, are being made daily, and the production for 1896 will be the largest ever known, estimated at Two Hundred Million Dol­ lars. Cripple Creek alone is producing over One Million Dollars a month and steadily increasing. Mining Stocks are advancing in price more rapidly than any" other Stocks^-ancL many pay divi­ dends of 35 to 5<£ per cent. They offer the best opportunity to make a large profit on a small investment. ^ JOHN I. TALLMAN & Co., 14 Pacific Av., Chicago, are financial agents for the Prudential Gold Mining Co., and others in the famous Cripple Creek district, They will send you free, interesting par­ ticulars of the Mining companies they represent also their book on speculation in stocks, grain and cotton, containing many new and important features. Send for these books at once if you are interested in any form of speculation or investments. They wili prove profit­ able for you. 9-ly Greatly reduced prices on all Summer Clothing at Stoffei's. Every sack of the celebrated White Swan Flour guaranteed. For sale at the warehouse of the Wilbur Luinber Co.- Take care of the Teeth.. Mastication is necessary. Call on VV. C. Besley, 1) D. S. Office iu rear of G. W. Besley's Drug Store, West Side. All kinds of stylish and serviceable Shoes," of the Fargo and Douglas makes, at S. Stoffei's. I have made a specialty of the proser cutiou of all kinds of damage case$ against '-t KA1LROADS, other Corporations, and Estates, for fifteen years and make no charge unless successful. Call or write me. C. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, Woodstock ill. Wanted-An Idea Protect your ideas; tlu-v may bring you wealth Write JdHN WEDDEKIitRN & CO., Patent Attor- neys, Washington, D C., tor their §1.800 prize offer aud list of two hundred inventions wanted. Just received, u large invoice of the United Brand fancy Dress Shirts, at S. Stoffei's, It's Free I Do not fail to send for a tree sampe copy ot the Weekly (llolte, box 540, Den­ ver, Colorado, an illustrated home and pure western stories, mining news, etc. Fifty cents per year. Send to-day. Be sure to read and profit by Evan- son's Special Sale Days, beginning Monday, July 20. Be sure to read and profit by Evan- son*s"S'peeial Sale Days, beginning Mon- day, JuJy 20. Among all Gasoline Stoves the "Quick Meal" is the best. Sold by F. L. McOm- ber, West McHenry. The whole system is drained and un­ dermined by indolent ulcers and open sores. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve speedily heads them. It is the best pile cure known. J. A. Story. I am now prepared to do all classes of Dental work, h >ving a neat office in the rear of G. W. Besley's Drug Store. Call. W. <;. BESLEY, 1). D. S. The latest thing out in fancy Shirts aud Neckties at Owen A: Chapell's-. • "Boys will be boys," but you can't afford to loose any of them. Be ready for the green, apple season by haviug DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure in the house. J. A. Story. Call and see the large lino of spring and summer Clothing for meu and boys, at Owen & Chapell's. Try a sack of the celebrated Marvel Flour, for sale by Owen & Chapell. Try Besley's Electric Fly Paper. Kills every time. At Besley's" Drug Store, West McHenry. A WORD IN YOtJR EAR. The secret of good health is found in the perfect action of the stomach and di­ gestive organs. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin produces a perfect condition and good health results. Try it. Sold in 10c (10 doses 10c) 50c and $1 sizes. Of J. A. Story. Try a sack of the celebrated Marvel Flour, for sale by Owen & Chapell. Buy only the famous Fancy Flour at S. Stoffei's. MALE HELP WANTED. Wanted, salesmen to sell a first-class specialty to the bicycle trade. An en­ tirely new article which sells on sight. Salesmen can make from $ 10 to $25 per day. Write for particulars. Garland Novelty Mfg."Co., Cleveland, 0. If you have ever seen a little child in the agony of summer Com plaint, you can realize the danger of the trouble and ap­ preciate the value of instantaneous relief afforded by DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure. For dysentery and diarrhoea it is a reliable remedy. We could not afford to recommend this as a cure unless it were a cure. Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, DR BAKING mfmm MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant! 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. WANTED. A reliable and energetic young man, with good business capacity, to repre­ sent us in McHenry County. "" For par­ ticulars apply to CEYLON AND JAPAN TEA CO, 728 W. 47th St., Chicago. Half Kate to Milwaukee, On account of National Convention Republican League, August 26 and 27, the Northwestern Line will sell excursion tickets to Milwaukee and return at one fare for the round trip.- For dates of safe and full information apply to agents Chicago &, North western R'y.r Half Bates to Omalia. Via the Northwestn Line (Chicago & Northwestern R'y) August 15, 17 and IS 1890--one fare for the round trip. On August 24 excursion tick* ts at very low rates will also be sold from Omaha to Denver aud the famous Hot Springs of South Dakota. For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern Il'y. Clieap Excursions to the West and Northwest On August 4, 18, September 1, 15, 29, October 0 and 20, 1890, the Northwest­ ern Line (Chicago <fc Northwestern R'y) will sell Home Seekers' excursion tickets at very low rates to a large number of points in the West aud Northwest. For tickets and iull information apply to agents Chicago &, Northwestern R'y. 4w7 New Dutchess Trousers for fall trade at S. Stoffei's. New stock of Wall l'aper, Shades and Carpets at S. Stoffei's. Call and see the fancy line of Gold and Silver Dress Shirts at Owen & Chapell's. New stock of Fall Dr-jss Goods and Do­ mestics at S. Stoffei's. Campaign hats and caps at Owen & Chapell's. Try Besley's Electric Fly Paper. Kills every time. At Besley's Drug Store, West McHenry. Buy a pound of Starch and get a chance to draw a Silver Water Pitcher at S. Stoffei's. „ Try Besley's Eleetric Fly Paper. Kills every time. At Besley's Drug Store, West McHenry. Great slaughter in summer Dress Goods, Wrappers, Shirt Waists, etc., at Owen & Chapell's. It doesn't matter much whether sick headache, biliousness, indigestion and constipation are caused by neglect or by unavoidadle circumstances, DeWitts Lit­ tle Early Risers will speedily cure them all. J.A.Story. THE GOLDEN WEST Invites your attention. Fabulous for­ tunes have been made Dy judicious in­ vestments in gold mining stocks. Send a stamp for full particulars about Cripple Creek gold camp (near Pike's Peak) and full particulars about our company. Ad­ dress, Pike's Peak Mining and Real Es­ tate Company, (Incorporated,) FARMS FOR SALE. If you want to farm why not go to Iowa, where you can buy farms that will double your money in ten years, and live in the best State in the Union. If you will write me I will send you our cata­ logue and try and locate you where you will have a sure investment. DesMoines & N. W. Land Co., DesMoines, Iowa. W. H. Foito, Manager Chicago Office. No. 338 E. Oilrd St., Chicago. Six weeks ago 1 suffered with a very severe cold ; was almost unable to speak. My friends advised me to consult a physi­ cian. Noticing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy advertised iu the St. Paul Volks Zeitung 1 procured a bottle, and after raking it a short while was entirely well. I now most heartily recommend this remedy to anyone suffering with a cold. Wm. Keil, 078 Selby Av./St. Paul, Minn. For sale by .1. A. Story. $200 in Gold Given. THE INTERNATIONAL NEWS AND BOOK Co., of Baltimore, Md., offer $200 to any ageut who will sell in three months 225 copies of their book, "Campaign and Issues of '90." . A full, graphic and com­ plete account of the Campaign--all sides given. Beautifully illustrated. Biogra­ phies of the leading men in each party. The book of all others to sell now. Freight paid and credit'given. Complete outfit 15 cents. Write them immediately A gold watch given in addition to com­ mission for selling 70 copies in 30 days. Agents wanted also for other books and Bibles. 2w8 WESTWARD HO! A Region Abounding in Mountains oi "Gold and Streams of Silver During the past quarter of a century the Rocky mountains of Colorado have produced millions upon millions of dol­ lars in gold and silver (and precious jewels) thousands of persons acquiring wealth and ease as a result. Some of the richest gold mines in the world have been discovered during the past year and there is no end to the lucky strikes being made at Cripple Creek gold camp and elsewhere. The scenery of the ever snow-capped Rockies is uneaualed in either Europe or America for grandeur. For several"years there has been publish­ ed in Denver a big fifty-six column week­ ly family newspaper w hich gives all the most important mining news and illus­ trates each week the very choicest of this maivelous scentTy, contains original western stories of love and adventure, pure in tone; yearly subscribers are given gold rings set with Rocky mountain gems free as premiums. To introduce this great illustrated weekly family pa­ per into new homes the publishers will send it on trial three months for 25 cents (stamps or silver). Club of five $1. Men­ tion the PLAINDEALER and address Illus­ trated Weekly, Denver, Col. Don't trifle.away time when you have cholera morbus or diarrhoea. Fight them in the beginning with DeWitt's (k>lic & Cholera Core, Xou don't bsye to wait for results, they are instantaneous, and it leaves the bowels in a healthy condi­ tion. J. A. Story. FOE SALE. The Brick House in West Mc­ Henry, occupied by Mrs. C. N. Culver. Will be sold reasonable. Inquire of MRS. W. PARKER, West McHenry; BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE, W e have a quantity of choice Buckwheat for sale, at the Brick Mills, West McHenry. HANLY BROS. A fine stock of the famous W. L. Doug­ las Fine Shoes just received at Simon Stoffei's. Nothing yet equal to the Pan-ka-ko self rising flour, for pancakes, at A. P. Baer's. . . t New spring styleB of Hats and Caps for Men, Boys an Children, just received alt A. P. Baer's, West McHenry. i All work completed by me fully guaranteed. W. C, BESLEY, D. D. S. Fargo's fully warranted Shoes for men women and children, in spring and Bum­ mer styles, at S. Stoffei's. ' A sure fit .or no pay. I make plate work a specialty. Call. *•' " , . DIT, W. C. BESLEY. The Sleepy-Eye Flour has no superipr on the market. Tbis is the verdict of every one who uses it. Call at A. P. Baer's, West McHenry, and try a sack. Theories of cure may be discussed at length by physicians, but the sufferers want quick relief ; and One Minute Cough Cure will give it to them. A safe cure for children. It is "the only harmless rem­ edy that produces- immediate results." J.A. Story. PERSONAL. Free--0-4 page medical reference book to any person afflicted with any special, chronic or delicate disease peculiar to their sex. Address the leading physi­ cians and surgeons o£ the United States, Dr. Hathaway & Co., 70 Dearborn street Chicago. Cider Mill. Nick Winkels' Cider Mill, on the Rich­ mond Road, nearly opposite the McHen­ ry Cemetery, is now better prepared for business than ever before. Bring along your Apples and carry your Cider home with you on the same day. We guarantee satisfaction in every particular. Quick and good work is our m 3tto. NICK WINKELS. McHenry, Aug. 4th, 1890. YOU CAN PAY MORE MONEY If you want to, for the same results ob­ tained by the use of Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Fifty cents for a prescription, and fifty cents to a dollar for filling it. I ten cent bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will bring about the same results, more gently and effectively. Have you tried it? At J. A. Story's. My little boy, when two years of age, was taken very ill with bloody flux. I was advised to use Chamberlain's Colie, Chol&par-and-Diarrham Remedy, andluck- ily procured part of a bottle. I carefully read the directions and gave it accord­ ingly. He was very low, but slowly and surely he began to improve, gradually recovered, and is now as strong as ever. I feel sure it saved his life. 1 never can praise the Remedy half its worth. I am sorry every one in the world does not know how good it is, as I do. Mrs. Lina S. Hinton, Grahamsville, Marion Co./ Florida. For sale by J. A. Story. TEN CTS. WORTH .OF PREVENTION. If you are subject to colds, the very best thing you can do is to to keep your system in as open and perfect condition as possible. If you do this you are much less liable to take cold. Dr. Cald­ well's Syrup Pepsin is as pleasant to take as pure maple syrup and is the most effective stomach remedy to be had. Trial sizes, 10c (10 doses 19c); large sizes, 50c aud §1. At J. A. Story's. Many a days work is lost by sick head­ ache, caused by indigestion and stomach troubles. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the most effectual pill forovercoming such difficulties. J. A. Story. $150 00 IN COLD GIVEN FT Belling "Story of SpainsndCuba." The International News & Book Co., Baltimore, Md., offer §150 to anyone selling in three months 175 copies of their new book, "Story of Spain and Cuba." Premium and liberal commis­ sion given for any quantity sold. This is one of the greatest selling books out. Many agents niake from §5 to §10 a day. A graphic account of the present war and the struggle for liberty is given. 100 beautiful illustrations, 500 pages. Freight paid and credit given ; 50 cent outfit free if 10 cents is sent for postage. Write them immediately. Since 1878 there have been nine epi­ demics of dysentery in different parts of the country in which Chamberlain's Colic Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy was Used with perfect success. Dysentery, when epidemic, is almost as severe and danger­ ous as Asiatic cholera. Heretofore the best efforts of the most skilled physicians have failed to check its ravages, this remedy, however, has cured the most malignant cases, both of children and adults, and under the most trying condi­ tions, which proves it to be the best med­ icine in the world for bowel complaints. For sale by J. A. Story. --HAS- The Only Exclusive Wa)l Paver and Paint louse in the Countv. V . W e are here to stay and intend to give our customers prices and a quality of goods unsurpassed. We challenge the world to pro­ duce a better article in the Paint line than the Sherwin W illiams Paint, or Wall Paper of finer de­ sign or better quality than Alfred Peats' paper, from 3 cents per single roll up.- ;. . vv ell glazed white blank paper, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, low as the lowest, quality con sidered. Call and learn my prices and see my goods. jgf~Paper Hanging, Graining, House Painting, Carriage & Sign Painting, all specialties. Work done in a workmanlike manner and satisfaction guaran­ teed.

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