, A W'ondcrfn|l Flictiomeiion, . The man who Should pass through llf« wlthoijt experiencing a twinge of Indigestion might be titiy regarded as a wonderful phe nomenon. We doubt if saeh a privileged" mor tal has ever existed. If so. we have never seen him. But thousands are known to be diiily relieved of dyspepsia by Hostetter s Stbui- aeh Bitters, the popular remedy for that truly national complaint, as well as for fever and ague, debility, constipation, rheumatism aud kidney troubles. This Year's Crop. "Oh. thank you,' ' sbe said, sweetly. "Yes'. I should feel much safer about It if you would drop it in the letter-box eaeb uioriling, Yea." She returned then blithely to. her household duties am; left the iceman to say nothing or swear at his horses as he chose.--Detroit Trib une. Treves of America. In the United States there are 41i) different species of trees, and nineteen of them, ̂ vlien perfectly seasoned, will sink in water. any tiling so delicate, whereupon the beauty calmly remarked: " Tin glad you like it; I made it. ' "I thought she was joking. '* " 'Why, you are not a.relation, are you?'I asked. " 'No,', she said, with a little laugh; I must have looked bewildered. 'No. I am a professional cook. I make almost all the fancy desserts and cake for the swell set here. ' And it was true-,---. "She belonged to a poor family| good enough as to birth, the father incapable of earning much, and as she grew up it became necessary to do something. She liked cooking, niul began with this sugar cake, making it occasionally for a few friends. When 1 met her she was on the top round,'had two rooms at the back of the house, with a telephone, an assistant cook and errand boy, and bought her flour and sugar and things at wholesale. "The remarkable tiling \yas that she remained the intimate friend of these rich girls with whom she had gone to school, dressed better than a good many of them, aud after making the cakes and creams for a big reception^ .would, dress and go and eat her own wares. " 'It used to sound very droll, ' she said, 'when my hostess would call I through the telephone: . "O Betty, dear; cau yon send me two quarts of biscuit Tortoui for dinner to morrow night?" And "Betty, if you are going to the dance Friday, I 'll take you up in the carriage," But, you knqjv, it seemed .rather nice t tpo.'" "'" ' 'He W as Disappointed. . Slie opened the dopf to her father's den, but hesitated on the threshold. "Well?" he growled inquiringly. Then, as lie saw her indecision, lie said in a more kindly way: "Come iu. What's the trouble?" She entered and stood before him with downcast eyes and cheeks suf fused with blushes. "I have a confession to make," she said slowly. "Fire away!" he returned cheerily, his whole manner having undergone ':ii change when lie saw she was perturb ed. "I guess it 's nothing very serious." "Oh. but it is." she protested; "it 's very serious, indeed. You know Har old-----" "Well, what about Harold?" " -lias been coming 1 o see me for quite a long time," she continued, pay ing no attention to the interruption "and last night----" "Well?" "Last night lie proposed that we--we --should run away together, and--and b> married.", The old gentleman frowned. '*An<1 what did you say?" "I refused," she replied promptly and proudly. "I refused absolutely, and told him that lie must go to you and ask for my hand -properly if he wished me to be his wife." The old gentleman still frowned. "I recalled ;ill that you said about our aristocratic ancestry," she went on, "and insisted " A CIRCULAR FISH, Som<> One Laughed. "£apa," said the public official 's briglit-eyed (laugliter. as he settled himself iii his easy chair after dinner and reached for the evening paper. "Well?" lie said, inquiringly-.^. __ She did not reply at once, but came over and took a seat on a stool beside liim, thereby demonstrating to his sat isfaction that she had something im portant on her mind. "Papa," she repeated at last, "you have a great deal of influence, haven't you?" "IJm--well, 1 have some" he admit ted. guardedly. ' "Enougii so that you can get a posi- ton for anyone if you really want to?" she suggested. "Well, yes " lie answered. "But how does that interest you?" s "Why, I have been reading about the new Woman," she replied, "and they all swin to have a sphere or something of tlrtit sort, and some business calling _ To Cleanse tlys System Effectually yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to permanently o vercome hab itual constipation, to a waken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or .weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds or fevers use Syrup of F'gs. Oouverneur Morris, of New York, iu 1TS2, proposed to the Continental Con gress a decimal currency system. Me suggested ten units equal one penny; ten pennies, one bill; ten bills, one dollar; ten dollars, one crown. In 17S4, Jefferson proposed the systerii.as now in use; Congress, in "July, 17S5. resolved that the coinage should conform to the decimal system. Word comes from all quarters that the neatest and most satisfactory dye for col oring the beard a brown or black is Back-' ingham's Dye for the Whiskers. All (lie sons of kings and, queens are princes by birth. They are created dukes to give them a ranklix the peer- It Had Become So Throusrh Growing In the Interior, of a Human Skull. "The. strangest fish story. I ever heard was an experience I had myself," said Judge Scudder, ofAtaluma, as he settled himself back in his big arm chair, while a reflective look^passed over liis open coiftitenancc. "It was in the summer of 'S2. I think, that an Easterner and myself started out on the wslrpatli for fish. Salmon Creek .afforded fine fisliing for salmon, Irout 'and salmon trout as well, and many were the stories of mammoth Us lies caught there which were wafted to our ears when our friends learned of our destination, to all of which my friend from the East listened incredu lously. "This stream, as you know, tioy/s through a narrow defile, with precip itous sides, and winding around consid erably after leaving Freestone finally empties into the Pacific, aud right near there we had our headquarters--at the Ocean View House--tramping up the narrow canyon.each morning with bait in ourselves as„weil as the fishes; "We had good sport-- line luck, in fact, for. ' two days, and. on tlfe third day I chose, a very wild spot and seat ed myself on a large rock overhanging the rjjvek. I fished with a line and"rod. using, the same old-fashioned sort of worm I did as , a boy. There was no* need to use the more scientific fiy when fish were so easily caught. , "The Easterner was 'down stream,.a •little way, and everything was intense ly solemn and quiet. When I felt a fierce pull oh the line I roused, up at owe. and pulling up what should I see come bobbing to the surface but a hu man skull, which, to all appearances, had swallowed the bait through its eyes. Naturally my otherwise steady nerves were considerably shaken, and with a sort of howl 1 started hack sud denly, which motion swung the grue some thing nsther sharply against a rock, whereat it cracked apart and the several pieces--to iny relief--s*.l oft ' into the stream leaving dangling on my line a most peculiar looking fish, almost white and forming an almost perfect ring. CI quickly jerked the hook out of its gills and let it drop into the clear water, where it went through the t-1rangest motions, still keeping its cir cular shape. It was unable to swim., but twisted around in the water, or moved with a wheel-like motion. My friend, who had been attracted by my howl, arrived just in time to see some of the eccentric gyrations, and 1 really believe if he hadn't actually seen it he would always have said it was a Cali fornia yarn. ' 'We afterward came to the conclu sion that the fish, when small, had strayed into the skull, and probably through some motion of its own had turned the ruin over, atuLsu closed its mode of egress, though it could easily survive and grow on.the food whiei* came ffarrttng-by, and there it. com ID.' tied to grow, only in a ring, till tbv worm, falling through one of the e.v.% sockets, provided a mode of relief frou its cramped quarters. "We quit fishing for that day. and it was some time before 1 could eat tWi without a thought of this strangely im prisoned curio."--San Francisco Call. Your nerves upon rich, red blood and you will ' not be nervous. Blood is made rich add pure by Intoxicated Bees. It is believed that bees possess an Im munity against the poisonous' effects of certain flowers from which they obtain nectar. But while this may be so, it is certain that bees are not proof against the narcotic and intoxicating properties of plants, for they have fre quently been seen to fall out of gladi olus blossoms in a state of helpless in toxication. . "Twinkle, twinkle, little star." you are indeed beautiful, but not half so lovely as the bloom on the cheeks of all young ladies who use Glenn's Sulphur Soap. Unkind of Her. ^ He--I never stumble, no matter how dark the way is. She--Light-headed people never do.-- Detroit Free Press, Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier. All druggist?. $1. Hood's Pills are always reliable. 25 eents. HESITATE NO LONGER, "Oh. well," he interrupted, "you don't want to be a new woman. . "Xo-o," she answered, slowly. "I don't know that 1 do. but if everyone is going to be one,'I suppose I ought to-- " "Nonsense!" he exclaimed, "vve all like you better as you arc. and 1 don't think,you'd look well iu bloomers, any way.'- ' t \ - "Oh. 1 wasn't it hi viking of bloomers." she returned quickly. "I don't want to wear them, aliyway. I was thinking alnrnt a mission in life and having work to do in the World of• business so that .1 could be ready for a i:ainy day-----" "Don't worry yourself. I'll get you another silk umbrella if yOu've lost the last one 1 gave you." She pouted prettily, but persisted in spite of his interruption. "Well, I 've picked out the position that 1 want," she said, "and i think you ought to get il for me. 1 want to open the sealed proposals I 've read so much about at different times, 1, should think it would be lots of fun, and maybe I'd find the one I 've been expecting " She stopped because she thought someone laughed, but she has the prom ise of the job .as soon as there is a va- ea n cy.--('hi CM go Post. Modesty in women is natural. It is one of women's chief charms. ' . i No one cares' for one who really lacks this essential to womanliness. • V* Women have;suft'ered X j fearfully because of over-sensitive- nfess in this direc- couid- 7 ' their heai vs to her. She understands their suffering, and has the power to relieve and cure. In nearly all easts the source of women's suffering is in the womb. In many cases lhe\:-««.le physician does not understand the case and treats the patient for consumption--indigestion --anything but'tTie'right thing. It is under such circumstances that thousands of women have turned to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., and opened their heart and lives--woman to woman--and received her help. You ask how she can tell if the doctor cannot? Because no man living ever treated so many cases and possesses such vast experience. Displacement, inflammation, torpid action, stagnation, sends to all parts of the body the pains that crush you. Lydia E. Pinkliam's " Vegetable Compound' ' is the sure cure for tliia trouble. For twenty years it has dona it3 grand work and cured, thousands. We will forfeit ?1.000 if any of our pub lished testimonials are proven to be not genuine. THE PlSO CO.. Warren; Pa. . DohWns' l' loatHiK-Btirai. Soap beinir 100 per cent. nare.'ls,.Ihprpf6ra„ab8«lutcl> . and has nothing in It to turn jeliow. Dot>blns' So»p MCc t'o.. PUIla.. guarantee its purity. Every oils' knows tile value of Borax. Try it oiie*. please. • The Senses of Insects. With reference to a recent paragraph In the Nature afid Science column, a correspondent writes To us5 . that the brilliant color of a wall "paper in his house attracted bees, wlileh found that they had been fooled when they tried to. get the honey from the flowers pic tured on the paper. This does not con tradict the paragraph referred to, which only asserted that" the .odist is even more-powerful than the seiiSe of color in attracting insects. Probably both senses play their part 'lb the case. Mrs. Wlnslow'S Soothiso Stbup for Children teething: sottenathe unruis, reciices inflammation allays pain, cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle'. A Stranjre Explosion. A singular accident, the cause of which is somewhat obscure, occurred recently in Brooklyn, New York. Two men were busy.jin a steam engine fac tory breaking up an old brass "plun ger" from the water cylinder of a steamship. The plunger was two feet long and six inches in diameter, and its walls were five-eighths of an inch ihtck. It was first placed in a red-hot oven to soften flje metal. Then one of the men struck it a violent blow with a sledge hammer. It exploded with a noise like the discharge of a cannon. The workmen were so badly mangled that both were compelled to undergo amputation, one losing both legs and the other one leg. The accident was ascribed to the absorption of moisture in the pores of the brass, and the sub sequent turning of the moisture into steam by the sudden heating in the oven. The blow of the hammer, it was thought, released the pent-up force of the steam, aud thus caused the explo sion. A Beautiful Illustrated Book Free. "A thing: of beauty iis a joy forever." we all know, and h:m> learned to admire as'well. But when an object of admira tion carries with it a large measure of useful information in addition to its artis tic merit, its intrinsic value becomes very much enhanced. In our last week's issue there appeared an advertisement an nouncing that The John M. Smyth Com pany. l.~0 to 1(>N West Madison street. Chicago, would send free to all applicants their elegant new and massive -100-pngo illustrated catalogue. The John M. Smyth Company is the largest furniture anil hotise-furnishkig establishment in tl world. Their new catalogue is a marvel of the printer's finest 'an. as well as an encyclopedia of information pertaining to all kinds-of home, office and hotel fur nishing. Illustrations run in profusion through the hook, and prices are given tor everything.--This great hook a per feet standard work on house and office furnishing--should be in every home of our land. It will bo shipped free by ex press, charges prepaid, to all who write for it to THE .lOIIN M. SMYTI1 CO.. 150 to 1(>S West Madison street. Chicago. A New Metal in Brisk Demand. French Inventions frequently call Into use natural products which had previously possessed 110 practical value. This is ill 11strated by the rare metal, The Governor of North Carolina said u to the Governor of South Carolina , "Um--yes." interrupted the old gen tleman, musingly, "that's all very pret ty and very creditable, but far from business-like. It seems tome you might have given your poor old father the best of it once, and saved him the cost of a wedding when times are so hard. If liebrings the subject again. Just have your bonnet handy so that you can make a quick trip to Milwaukee and let the old man down easy."--Chicago Evening Post. thorium, discovered by the great chem ist. Berzelius, early iu the present cen tury. When burned, the metal emits a light more brilliant than that of burn ing magnesium, but until the recent in vention of incandescent gasburners. in which the flame is encased in a metal lic mantle, no use was discovered for it. Fpon experimenting with various sub stances. it was found that the oxide of thorium, called thoria. makes the best mantle for such burners, and. a demand being thus created for it. the value of thoria suddenly sprang from almost nothing up to $250 per pound. Then a search began for new sources from which thoria could be obtained, and this search is not yet finished. Orig inally the new metal was found only in certain rare minerals in Norway. Re cently it has been discovered that the mineral "monazite" contains a liberal quantity of thoria, and monazite is found in North Carolina. Canada an.l Brazil. The price of thoria is now much lower than it was at first, al though it still commands $15 or §20. and even more, per pound, the price fluctuating with the supply. BICYCLISTS SHOULD Why He Apologized. | There were live of us hunting and fishing in the Puma range, and one r-iiiiy day. w hen we were sticking close to the shanty, a stranger appeared, lie said lie was a tramp barber on his way to Poiilts City, and as none of us had been shaved for a fortnight, we gave hun half a day's work. He had a steady hand with tlie razor, and was an expert with the shears, and the only peculiari- y a ly of us noticed about his work was inat lie let bis razor lovingly linger on the throat. We gave him his din ner and in cas'-i. and he went away well pleased. About four hours later a band of six men rode up. and the leader in pii.red if we had seen a tall, roughly-wrested man pass that way. We -.old him of the barber and he look ed from loan to man and exclaimed: "Coed heavens, but you are all .fresh ly sha ve t "Yes. we gave the barber a job." "And lie shavi-d each one of you':" "I le did and did it well." "Hovs. do you hear that':" shouted the .nan. as he turned to his companions. "What of it ' :" asked one of our party. "Why, he went insane yesterday and cut a m.in s throat in his barber chair over at Tnadilla. and we're after him to put him in an asylum." They rode away at a gallop, and next morning returned to camp with the mail, who had been captured after a hard tight and was tied on his horse, lie seemed to remember us as he was given a drink of water, and as he hand ed the cap back he quietly observed: "Say. gentlemen, please excuse me. I meant to finish off the last man who got shaved, but I got to thinking of something else and it slipped my mind!" 01<i Flesh Iietlucers. I wonder what fat people did twmty years ago? So far as I can remem ber, apart from the heroic measures recommended by Mr. Banting, there was but one remedy generally indors ed, and that' was the extract of sea weed, a preparation which would have been excellent had it not in reducing the flesh reduced strength as well. It left you thin and lifeless. A lit Lie later the water of (Jernian spas were In vogue. Fat people who were rich went to Carlbad and Marienbad. then can"-, back poorer, thinner, Miser and weak er, too. For they also debilitate. Sub sequently. Bismarck announced that he has lost a roe-buck's weight through the simple process of drinking nothing at his meals. But sauce for the goose 6s not always sauce for the gander. Fat men all over the world tried the reme dy, and fattened on it. The less they drank the fatter they grew. Nowa days there are a hundred nostrums, but I take it that, barring hereditary pre disposition, for which there is no rem edy, the one cure is exercise and ab stention from certain foods. The ques tion is what form of exercise is the best. A scientist to whom 1 recently submitted that query recommended swimming on the back or. rather, swim ming with your back to the f loor with a dumb-bell attached 10 each foot. There is nothing, he assured nie. which will at once reduce aud strengthen as quickly .s that. It eliminates every ounce of fat and hardens every shre<l and sinew. If you happen to be a fat man, try it.--Collier's Weekly. "BATTLE AX" is the most tobacco, of the best quality, for the least money. Large quantities reduce the cost of manufacture, the result going to the con sumer in the shape of a larger piece, for less money, than was ever before possible. Clothing' for >lileh Cows. A few days ago the residents of the southern portion of the county had their attention directed to a herd of thirty-five cows which were being driv en out Mission road to San Mateo Coun ty. On 'ach of the animals was a cov ering consisting of four ordinary bar ley sacks sewed together. The blanket was fastened by-cords to the legs of the cows and tied about the neck. The cows belonged to Koostri Brothers of the Holsteiu dairy, near the Five-Mile house. They were being driven to a ranch in San Mateo County, about five miles south of Colma, near the ocean shore. George Koostri. one of the own ers of the cows, said the idea was com mon in the cold countries of Northern Furope. "The ranch we own in San Mateo County." he said, "is situated very close to tlie ocean. The climate is cold. The breezes which blow from the sea are very penetrating. Our,,cows would be chilled and we would be un able to allow them to pasture if we did not provide them with some covering to resist the cold. In some of the Eu ropean countries the cows are,blanket ed in the winter iuouths;aiid kept in a large inclosure. They are not allowed out. but an fed in a stable. This lasts in some places from Nov. 1 to May 1. We have thirty-five cows out on the ranch. Every one wears a blanket, which will not be removed until they return to the city, about three months from now. The climat^ here is much warmer iu comparison to what it is along the seashore jn San Mateo. The people wli (o watched us driving, the herd to tliy-ranch thought that the cows were sick. They were very healthy, 1 can assure you."--San Francisco Ex aminer. "When Sovereigns Confer. The innumerable banquets which are offered to tlie royal persons on every occasion are exact emblems-*of the many valuable ami pleasant days which are. at their Instigation and by their command, wasted iu senseless formula. Once, when costume was beautiful, pageantry was so also, and ceremonial was so also; but now both are unsightly aud grotesque. Two bearded men iu helmets, or caps, kiss each other on a railway footboard; old ladies in paterproof cloak toddle through two lines of policemen; a fat gentleman, in a round hat, with a cigar in his mouth, walks over a piece of red carpet, nodding to a bending human hedge of supple spines; faces beam" inanely, throngs outside the station door cheer they know not why. troops are massed in readiness, for nowhere are these personages $afe from at tempts upon their lives; the whole thing is unlovely, absurd, anomalous, a caricature of what was once both in telligible and respectable, but in which there is no longer either prestige or symbolism. Without dignity in its ol>- Ject loyalty is a mere boneless bundle of wornout robes, and dignity perishes at the gcream of the railway whistle.-- Ouida in the Forum. Wctconiinu a River. In the long coastal desert of Peru, which is some 2,000 miles in length, but only 320 miles broad at its widest part, the rivers. Major A. F. Sears says, dis appear in the dry season and begin to flow again in February or March when lain falls in the Cordilleras. One of the most important of these rivers is the Piura. the return of whose waters is welcomed with great rejoicings by the inhabitants of its banks. About the time when "the coming of the liver" is expected, eager inquiries as to the progress of the' water are put to all persons who chance to come from the head of the valley, and when the water approaches the town of Pmra proces sions go out to meet jiti .and escort its iirst trickling stream down the dry river bed with music and fireworks. At !lie outskirts of the city thousands of ;>eople greet its arrival. The valley of die Piura is said by Major Sears to pro- luce excellent cotton, although its pos sibilities in this respect are not well de veloped for lack of systematic iriiga- iion. Once in a period of from five to seven years rain falls upon the coastal plain, whereupon, with magic quick ness. grass and flowers* cover it, and .tittle browse in its pastures, but in a few weeks everything withers, and des olation reigns-once more upon The-bar ren sands. TO THE FARM LANDS AND PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried 'it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is takai. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver of Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you can get, and enough of it. Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bed time. Sold by all Druggists. The Burlington Route and many Eastern Railroads will sell Excursion Tickets at VERY LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Angnst 4,18, Sept. 1,15,29, and October 6,20. Take this opportunity to go and see the splendid crops that Nebraska, Northern Kansas and other Western sections have produced this year. Ask your nearest Ticket Agent for particulars, and see that your ticket' reads via the BURLINGTON ROUTE. Send to the undersigned for q pamphlet t no charge.) about Western Farm Lands. P. S. EUSTIS, Cen'l Passenger Agt., CHICAGO, ILL. \ Mistress and Maid both have their part in the great ^ V ̂ savings that come from Pearline. ^ ̂ Suppose you're the mistress. There's the economy of it--the w \ sav'n& t'me. etc-» and the '/. /f\ V -U k actual money that's saved by I HI 1 ) IaLII/ doing- away with that steady " " l' wear and tear on everything; washed Suppose you're the maid. There's the saving of labor; the absence of rubbing; the hardest part of the house work made easier and pleasanter. But suppose you are mistress and maid, both in one, doing your own work. Then there is certainly twice as much reason why you should do every bit of your washing*and cleaning - with Pearline. go: Robbed the Dead's liast Bed. 'The most enterprising thief 1 ever heard of was one whom I was appoint ed by the court to defend," said a prom inent »St. Louis lawyer. "A wealthy man died, and as tine a coffin was ob tained as money could buy. There was some very heavy solid silver plate on it. As the hearse moved off. a well-dressed business-like looking man was seen to enter it. earying a little sack as if of tools. Everyone who noticed him at all supposed lie was an assistant of the un dertaker. Just before the procession reached the cemetery the man.emerged from the hearse and went ahead, disap pearing at the gale. When the cothn was removed, ail of the trappings wen1 gone and the young man was not to 1)j found. He.melied the silver and sold it. and had It not been fof^i, pal betra^iuy him, lie would never have been caught. ' Everybody Welcome to take advantage of I he lowest rate ever made to St. Paul and Minneapolis, on t eecasion of th(• thirtieth annual encamp ment of the (J. A. II.. the tirst week in September. Only one rent per mile for the round trip is rhe rate made, fought for and established by the Chicago (Jreat- Western Railway (Maple Leaf lioute) lor the "boys iii blue" anil their friends, while the ;iekets are good for return at any liui<* within thirty days. This is your opportunity to visit the "Twin Cities" and 'he (Jreat Northwest. The Chicago (Jreat \Y estern offers every luxury on the jour ney--Conipnrtment Sleepers; Free. Chair Cars.-Dining Cars on the European plan. Take your imni'ly wilh you and remember the road that deserves your patronage is tie. Chicago < Jreat Western. Full infor mation as to rates, sleeping car reserva tions. special trains, etc.1 . will be furnish ed by F. II. Lord. General Passenger and Ticket Agent. Chicago. III. Featherbone Edge "Odd, but Rather Nice." Readers will perhaps be amused by a bit of "society" gossip overheard at some "function," aud reported by the New York Tribune. Two young ladies were talking. "Fancy what a shock I had last week." said vivacious Miss B.. who had been visiting in a large Western city; • -an l yet it was rather nice, you know. ••The people I was stopping with are railroad kings--always travel in a pri vate car. step over to Europe with less effort than New-Yorkers make in going to Brooklyn, and all that. "Well, the day after my arrival they gave me a tea. ahd the prettiest girl in the room, was a red-haired creature, with a ravishing tiguve, and a gown which fitted worlds better than mine. 1 was immensely taken with lier. and we chatted, and she was jolly and Clevel and most fascinating. Fiiiall^-as we were drinking tea together, the butter offered me some cake--a blow-away, melt-in-your-^nouth concoction of sugar The people who have seen you In an ! nd. (rho^olst6, uttsrlt Ooliclous, sitxnitloii ncvsr i or .."I said at once I had never tasted | move out of>tbe neighborhood. y* • > > BIA5 VELVETEEN * SKIRT BINDING has a strip of Featherbone stitched in one edge. It both flares and binds the skirt and holds it away from the feet; the newest of ihe S. H,. A M. bindings. ^ J If ^our dealer will not supply you we will. Si'mpfeS shofitftg hbc.'s and yr.aieriah mailed frte. " Home Dressmaking Made Easy," a new 72 page book by Miss Emma M. Hooper, of the Ladies'.Homa Journal,.tells,in plain words'how to make dresses st home wlthoiit pre/ious training ; mailed for 25c. ,s. H. & M. Co.. P. o: ROT <ioo. N. Y. C.tv. Free Reading in Siatn. Bangkok, the capital of Shun, has had a frc? public library since last Novem ber, which Is used by l.tXKJ readers weekly. Once a week lectures are given, which are well attended by at tentive audiences. Of newspapers, the Slam- Observer and Bangkok Times print the news both in English and Sia- "mes'\ but the Dha'miiKisatvinicchai is written entirely in Siamese. A Maryland girl. Miss Cleora Cooke, who" is only 17 years of age. is 'said to have a wonderful gift of oratory, but that it only serves her well when pleading the cause o* the poor. She seems to have a great,influence ou,the people in her vicinity. It Was Before the Day of Hall's Catarrh Core, Is taken internally. 1'iice 75 cents. At the beginning of this century the Portuguese language was in. use by 7.480,000; in 1890 it was spoken by 13,- 000,000. , It is estimated by Cruve that the idea of the pipe organ was borrowed from the human chest, mouth and larynx. Rosemary ibr Funerals. In some "parts of England the rose mary. with, its "sweet decaying smell," has the same funeral character as pars ley, being put in the coffins of the dead, as, in Greece, the parsiey is strewed -on the grave or planted- fotBd l i t They Used to Say "Woman's Work is Never Done." Bat Cough Syrup. Taetes Good. UM r.ln tisft Sold by druggists. i •nnirj-iiiiiBirii'w