NEAR THE DEPOT, WEST McHENRY, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Keep* open for ths ficoommodfttlon of t&fl \Public a First Class AGRICULTURAL AND Restaurant, Where he will at ail timei keep the brands of Wlue*, Llqtiors ancl Cigars- to be found in the market. PABST'S Milwaukee Lager Beer At Wholesale and Retail. U6er in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al- trays on hand, cheaper than any other, quail y considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. WOall and see UB, Robert Schiessie* West McHenry, 111., May, 1«96. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! A. ENGELN S Satoon AND / Restaurant, MoHEMEY. ILL. , Wholesale and Retail Agent for We will not mention them this week, but drop in Friday and Satur day and be surprised. THE BEST MADE. In any quantit^Jrom a Snitz Glass to a l#widr<?d barrels. Orders by mall promptly attended to. ALSO. ALWAYS ON HAND Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, choice Ales, Wines, Cigars, Etc. I buy none but the best and sell at reasonable prices. N. B. ROBINSON & CO'3 .Ale & Porter, by tlie lie# a ml 011 Draught, Call and see me and I will use you well ANTOHY ENGELN. McHenry, III., 1896. THE NEW YORK LEDGER America's Greatest Story Paper. Always publishes the best and most in teresting short stories, serial stories and special articlee that can be procured, re-- KardlesB of expense. The latest fashion notes and patterns can be found every week on the Woman's World Page. There is always something in the New York Ledger that will interest, every member of the family. 20 pages--price, 5 cents. For sale in this town by Charles Slim pin. A N O T H E R C A R O F S U R R I E S J U S T R E C E I V E D QNSLFITT •DEALER IN Decidedly the boat machino in mirket, and sold at a price within the reach of all Don'c lail to see this machine work before you buy any other. FLOUR I5irVT>irVO TWOE XIV QUANTITY And Cheaper than any other dealer We can show you the largest and most complete line of None genuine unless the picture of Old Sleepy Eye is on hack of ba 1 will discount any and all prices offered you by 'other dealers, therefore if you wish to save money call on me before you buy. Warehouse ne tr the D<H>ot, West McHenry. Also warehouses at Wauconda, Nunda and Lake Zurich. Unsystematically Yours, Ever shown in this section and at prices that every one can buy one of When Looking for Bargains in FARMERS Phaetons, Buggies, Spring Wagons, Road Wagons. HARNESS. 1 A P E O B E g , - W H I P S . Ju.?t receivedr a car load of the world's famous You are invitod to call in at the warehouse of T. J. Walsh and take a look at the Or anything pertairing to the Gents' Furnishing Goods Line, it will pay you to call at the BEST WIDE CUT MOWER EVEK PRODUCED Viz: the STANDARD. Absolutely no side draft. This is only found by removing the neek yoke, which can be done and the result as stated above: No side draft. Look at our line of Mo wers, viz mtmrnrnm CHAMPION, iPw1 crown. STANDARD. All leaders and prices right. Old binders taken in exchange for new. West McHecry Shoe and Clothing Store, Fine Light Suits, Ladies' Fine Shoes Straw Hats, Ladies' Oxfords, Fine Shoes, Black and Tan, Fine Shirts, Silk Parasols, TVeciities, Collars. Fans, Handkerchiefs Near the Depot, West McHenry. ELGIN, ILL McCORMICK Harvesting MACHINES, BINDERS, MOWERS. Corn Harvesters, Stf^NDARD OF THE WORLD. IN BUGGIES WE SHINE Having disposed of one car load of Peabody Buggies 1 have re plenished my stock and can still show the best display of Buggies, lioad wagons, Harness, Dusters and whips, ever brought to Mc Henry. Call in and take a look at the long distance axle buggies. Make your selections and the prices will be made as low as poasible for this, elass of work. Try our fine machine Oil. Yours for honest goods and value received. Stop to think, consider and reconsider and then THINK AGAIN, AFTER you have made a purchase at the average store, got it home, and have the wife ask you paid the LONG PRICE? why you didn't Also carry the largest stock of Repairs ever kept in this vicinity. USlT'Bindcr Twine at very low est prices. GEO. W. BESLEY McHenry, 111., 189G, McHenry, Illinois, JACOB JUSTEN i A FURNITURE Then have her figure it out that on your purchase of about $5 much You paid 95c to $1.5*} too Don't do it again. Keep posted. Watch the newspapers, West McHenry Illinois UNDERTAKING, The Coal you bought last tall ? DEALER IN EMBALMING DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINS, OILS reside in the suburbs If you Writs Us for Quotations ON ANYTHING. If We Can't Save You Money. We Don't Want Your Trade That's Fair, Isn'c It ? We carry a full and complete stock of all kinds of You can get more oflme at Bottom Prices. TOILET ARTICLES Also, Bottled Ale and Porter lor Medical Use, All the Last Carol Feed ? The best brands of Cigars and Smoking aud Chewing To baeco always on hand. Physicians' Prescriptions Get my prices before buying more. THEO. F. SWAN, ; GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE ; ELGIIS,IU^ Carefully compounded Give me call W, A. CR1STY, JiACOH tfuS^MSW. McHenry, 111., Dec., 1895 WJSSZi McEENRY, ILL West McHenry, Jan, 1,1896