SORE EYES AMATEUR SURGERY. OF MATERNITY. Important Contract Secured. We are glad to inform our raiders that we have closed a contract for ad vertising No-To-Bncyand Cascarets, the famous preparations manufactured by the Sterling Remedy Co. of Chicago and New York. The Sterling Remedy Co. appreciate the value of this paper as an advertising medium, and the compliment is the more marked, as the company is a conservative concern which sells its prod ucts under an absolute guarantee to cure or money refunded. Every one of our re tail druggists is authorized to sell No-To- Bac, guaranteed tobacco habit cure, and Cascarets, guaranteed constipation cure, under this absolute guarantee, and our readers need not hesitate to buy these preparations, as it involves no risk what ever, either physical or financial. Lord Wolseley, the commander-in- chief, is studying the question of the British soldier's clothes. He has de cided that cloth of coarser texture shall be used for tunic and trousers, and is now making up his mind as to what color to1 substitute for scarlet. It will probably be dark blue. ' - Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Toaa1 Life Away. ' If you want to quit tobacco using easily' apd forever, regain lost manhood, be made Well, strong, magnetic, full of new- life and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the won der-worker that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Buy ̂ o-To-Bac from your own druggist, who will guarantee a cure.) Booklet and sample free. Address Ster- ling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.' Misfortunes when asleep are not to be awakened. When bilious or costive eat a Cascaret, candy cathartic; cure guaranteed; 10, 25c. Hints as to the Core of Cyclists Who Meet with Injury. It seldom happens, when a bicyclist is thrown from his wheel or receives injuries by other means, that a sur geon can be had on call. It is, there fore, necessary that they should under stand how to treat Avounds which they or their companions receive. The up- to-date wheelmen are taking time by the forelock and ascertaining what measures should be taken to afford themselves temporary relief in case of injury on the road. Even a few min utes' delay when ^u artery has been severed may mean the death of the rider. The Society for instruction in First Aid to the Injured, with head quarters in New York and branches iu other cities, is turning its attention es pecially to instructing bicyclists in help ing themselves or their fellow wheel men in case of accident. Lectures will be given in the fall before cycling cJlubs. in which all forms of road injuries will be dealt with. Here is a list of the most common accideuts and brief instructions for immediate assistance. If carefully studied and promptly applied they may Me an' Jim jes' kinder agree; . \ I stick by him and' he sticks by me. Never was much thet I could do, But somehow'r oth^r he sees me through, Never did talk much, afore or sence, 'Bout it, but there's a coincidence. Somehow'r other--can't jes' make out-- That brings him 'roun'. .when -there's trou ble about. VIGOROUS MOTHERS AND STURDY CHILDREN ADMIRED. Why so Many Women Are Childless--A Problem That Ha* Puzzled Physicians for Centuries. w Reproduction is a law of nature, and tio picture of joy and happiness can equal that of the vigorous mother and her sturdy child. ^ J ^ a j | p _ N a t u r e m a k e s person must H / admit that a | yr cause exists, JK Yx\ why80 many ^ A women are vj E HB theories of phy- •V ft I i l sicians. Such S /If II BH cases are curable M I I Hh nine times out of •1 / I /1 / •nB ten, as evidenced * j / I / / H * b y thousands of 1 ' I I H r ® letters on file at I ill ^ f Mrs. Pinkham's of- 1 if I II I flee. Many a dar- / I! ij | ling' baby owes its |i J' j| J&k existence to Mrs. tt n I tj? Pmkham's advice table Compound. This is not to be wondered at when such tes timony as the following explains itself: " I have taken three bottles of your Vegetable Compound, One package of Sanative Wash, one box of Liver Pills; and now I have a dear little babe four weeks old, and I am well. I have to thank you for this. „ "I have spent $200.00 for doctor's bills without obtaining any relief. For *ny dure f 'only spent $5.00. 411 had been a victim of female tr^bttbles lti their worst form; suffered untold agonies, every month; had to staj' in bed,ahd have poultices applied, and then could Ubt stand the pain. My physician told me if I became pregnant' I would' die. I had bladder trouble, itching, back- 1' -- ache, "catarrh of ^ j the stomach, hys- *8^=*'J teria and heart trouble, fainting V ^ ^' yj spells and leu- f \ ̂ lellur"* aft* a corrhcea. Can ^ you wonder that ^ " vhV " I sing the praises of ~ a medicine that has cured me of ail these ills?"--Mrs. Geo. C. Kiucunek, 372 Belmont Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lots o' others thet like me, too. Hard to say what they wouldn't do; Hard to say what they wouldn't share When there was plenty, and some to spare. But, somehow'r other, when you're hard hit. Seems they don't happen to hear An' there was a woman once, an' she Kinder believed that she keered for me; 'Lowed thet she loved me beeoz_ we'd ben Goin' together so long; but when Plans were a-makin' to go through life Settled an' easy as man and wife. Suddenly foun' thet she'd rather go 'Long with auothW she didn't know. -":i 111. J ..I,* ;V *" " • . . •:" • So, it set nit*'to studying Love is meant For theni a& don't meet with no accident. ! " '.$•( £>&'} w \ .' • • >4»'•• 1 Or mebbe them ken. pick an' choose In the crowd where they've got no friend to lose. . .. / s • 'V' Have been cast by thousands of sufferers, from impure blood, and their verdict has settled the question of the great curative power Of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every; mail car brings in these letters of praise for Hood's Sarsaparilla. They tell the same wonderful story of health restored,) pain and suffering relieved, and happiness brought back. They prove " Cincinnati Flyer." The Monon has put on a fast flyer for Indianapolis and Cincinnati. The train leaves Chicago, Dearborn Station, at li^SQt®. m., reaches Indianapolis at 4;3T and Cincinnati at;?;45 p. m.. thus making the run„ Chicago to Indianapolis, in. four hours and forty-seven minutes, and Cin cinnati in sevea hours and fifty-five mm nt^s. This'is the fastest time made be tween Chicago and IndiaiiapoHs-and Cin cinnati by any line. The "Cincinnati Flyer'? is! equipped with elegant day coaches, the; Monon celebrated high-back ed seats, parlor car and dining car. City Ticket .Office, 232 Clark street, Chicago, Is the best--in fact, the One True Blood Purifier. flood's puis ss&aa: svs; PATENTS. TRADE-MARKS. Examination and adTlce as to Patentability ot Ions* Bong, Send for Inventors' Gram, os How to On a P1.TMNT. Patrick O'FarrelL Waahlneton, D.C. While the feelin' a man has for a man Don't fool itself with a better plan " n Or come to grief through a thinkin' spell*1 tfhet we're too much alike to match right w e l l . t • 1 - > > • ? • ' ; 4 i - . r> . ' 1 "J '"A -r An' thet's the reason thet I perpose •• . To tie to Jim to the, very close. . - Fact o' the matter, we're fond o' him, 'Ooz you know you can always count on Jim. Madagascar has a population of only about** 4,000,000." The people are di vided into numerous tribes, and wars are frequent. The Hovas are the most civilized tribe; they occupy the central province -rind dominate most of the island. IENSIONS, PATENTS, CLAIMS. 'JOHN W. MORRIS, WASHINGTON.D.& Lata Principal Examiner V. S. Penilon Bartaa.' 3yra. in last war, 15 abdicating claims, atty. sine* A BICYCLE BELIEF COBPS. be the means of saving niapy lives as well as of relieving much unnecessary agony. Contusions are the simplest wounds made by falls and are usually disre garded by hardy wheelmen. Tins rem edy is to bathe as soon as possible iu alcohol and water, Pond's • extract or laudanum. Anything cwitaining, alco hol will act efficaciously. The simplest falls are usually front inexperienced riding, or from slipping on wet pave ments. Shock is a condition so common and so dangerous that its remedy must be kept constantly in mind. The action of the heart has been interfered with through the nerve centers and unless promptly attended to may produce grave consequences. The treatment con sists in applying heat to the body as quickly as possible. Stimulants should be given in small quantities except in cases of injury to the head, when heat alone should be resorted to. The near est house should be called on for hot wet towels. Sudden collisions between two wheels or between a wheel and some other object will nearly always products some degree of shock. Brokeu ribs are almost the invaria ble outcome where several riders, going at the top of their speed, fall one on top of the other. If, in this accident, the sufferer groans continually and has much difficulty in breathing, per haps spitting a little blood at intervals, there is nothing t.o do but moisten his lips with liquor and carry him as gently as possible to the nearest hospital. For simple fracture, where the boue is broken but does not protrude, there is 110 need to hurry. Give the patient a little stimulant and handle as little as possible until the surgeon arrives. For fracture of the collar bone, lay the pa tient flat on his back and keep him practically quiet; but if it is absolutely necessary to move him before the bone is set do not forget to put a large pad in the armpit and bind the arm to the side with the hand and forearm across the chest. A broken arm or leg can readily be seen if it is a compound fracture. In this case little can be done but protect the wound from dirt and treat the pa tient the same as from shock, unless there be bleeding, when it should be treated as any other hemorrhage. Dislocations should be kept wet in cool water until medical aid arrives. Sprains, which are especially common for beginners, should be bathed in hot water if possible and kept perfectly quiet until bandaged. Cold water will also give relief. Any article that bas putlived 31 years ot competition and imitation, and sells more and more each year, 1wi.1t have merit. Dobbins'<. Electric Soap, first mado In 1865. Is .hint thai arlicit. Ask your irrocer for It. Habit Cured. Est. In 187U Thousands cored. Cheapest and best cure. Free Tri al. state case. Da. Marsh. Qulncy, Mich. No. 48-96 A FAIRY OMNIBUS. •aujoq b sjnoo eg -on03 pnpu. saxno 'msd k.Cbhu •nopemuieBnt seauDei *80108 oijj snajjos Snimaaj oaipnia Joj JtuiiB UNIHXOOS B.AIOISUIAI -turn IN writing to Advertisers, please do not fall to mention this paper. Advertisers Ilk* to know what mediums pay tbem best. With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills which vanish before proper ef forts--gentle efforts--pleasant efforts-- rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge that so many forms of sickness are not due to an(y actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness, without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine article, which is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold by all rep utable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, then laxa tives or other remedies are not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, then one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives most general satisfaction. " Protection/' If you want protection buy "Battle Ax." It is man's ideal tobacco. It protects his purse from high prices. It protects his health from the effects of injurious tobacco. It's the biggest and best there is--nothing less, nothing more. An; investment of 5 cents will prove this story. This button with a ten cent box of W CANDY CATHARTIC, the Ideal laxative and guaranteed consti pation cure, sent FREE on receipt of five 2-cent stamps. Address 8TKRUNG RKHKDY COHPAfiT, Chi capo; Montreal, CAB. ( New York. Current Condensations. The German parliament house was built with the money extorted from France after the war of lStl. . Nearly one-tenth of the deaths iii Val paraiso are from pneumonia. In Boiu-; bay the deaths from the same disease are in the ratio of only twehty-six in 10,000. ~ ̂ . It costs Great Britain $20,000 to scrape the barnacles off the bottom of one of its big men-o'-war and repaint it, and this has to be done twice a year iu the case of nearly every vessel. The most expensive thermometer in the world is in use at Johns Hopkins University. It is an absolutely correct instrument, with graduations on the glass so fine that it is necessary to use a miscroscope to read them... It, is valued at $10,000. ' 7, r DRUGGISTS. A Household fliecesslty. Cascarets, Candy Cathartic, the most wonderful medical discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, acts gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispels colds, cures headache, fever, ha bitual constipation and bilimisuess. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. CURES WHERE AUJLSE FAILS. „ EH Best Cough Syrup. Ifetes Good. TJec la time. Sold tiy druggists. 8M PMiPrDC! TUMORS! CA>*CERSI Mizpah .uHfluLitu! Vegetable Cancer Remedy and liloxl purifier cures Cancers, Tumors, Scrofula, Kheumatlsm and all Blood Diseases, at home! Not lo t a single case! Sreatest Modern niscovery! Only Perfect Cure. Write lor Circulars. Mizpah Med. Co., Saratoga Springs,N.Y. An English motor car manufacturer is building a two-story steel house to run on wheels, propelled by a motor under it. The top story is collapsible so as to enable the house to pass under bridges, i ' ; . s ; ,*» • IUPOER'8 PA8TIUE8. TUTTLE °*oit™D i ENGINE Economical, Safe, Cleanly, Relia ble, Simple. Available for Grain Elevators, Creameries. Claer Mills, Printing Offices, Grinding Mills, Yen tilatiuff Fans. Dynanios,Laun dries, Small Factories, Foundries. Machine Shops, etc. will run with natural gas, artificial gas. gasoline or kerosene as fuel. Always ready lor work; requires no attention. Send for descriptive circular, and state your wants. You need not answer the question, madam, for in your case age is not counted by years. It will always be true that "a woman is as old as she looks." Nothing sets the seal of age so deeply upon woman's beauty as gray hair. It is natural, therefore, that every woman is anxious to preserve her hair in all its original abundance and beauty; or, that being denied the crowning gift of beautiful hair, she longs to possess it. Nothing is easier than to attain to this gift or to preserve it, if already possessed. Ayer's Hair Vigor restores gray or faded hair to it3 original color. It does thia by simply aiding nature, by supplying the nutrition necessary to health and growth. There , is no better preparation for the hair than . Chicago Newspaper Union, 93 S. Jefferson St., CHICAGO. 7# Clinton St., FORT WAYNE, WD. 212 Peatl St., SIOUX CITY, IOWA Do You Know that There Is Sci ence in Neatness? Be • Wise and Use AYER'S HAIR VIGOR.