T£E GRAND ARMY BUTTON. , The following which was found in the Register was written by Capt. .Tames McElroy of the First West Virginia In fantry to E. L. Brewer of the 5th Michi- igan Cavalry. It is a record which every young man and young woman should read, and remember the debt they owe to the American soldier. The writer says: I have heard that our Lord's prayer has been inscribed on a disc the size of a dime, but on that button is recorded in ineffable and living characters, the his- •tory of Grant aud Sherman and Lincoln; of Sheridan and Thomas and Logan and Custer and Mead; of Farragut and Porter; the history of the campaign of the Army of the Potomac; of the Cum berland and the west; of the March to the sea; of Shiloh; of Vicksburifh; of Forts Henry and Donaldson; of Atlanta; of the Wilderness; of Winchester; of Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek; Of ieiges and battles and shirmish lines; of "days of danger and nights of waking;" of weary marches by day and night; in cold and storm and heat; of parting of lov ers; of farewells of husbands and wives; of prayers and blessings from fireside and camp, ascending on high as a divine incense; of agony and death in prison and hospitar, of great captains and heroic soldiers; of valor on sea and on land; of the .proclamation^ Of Abraham Lincoln giving freedom to 4,000.000 of a persecuted race, and wiping forever from the national escutcheon. human slavery: of Gettysburg?! and Appoma ttox; of the downfall of the Rebellion, wicked as hell itself; of a reunited coun try and of the prosperity of the Union with its countless'and unspeakable and eternal blessings--a priceless gift from the great Dispenser of good things unto men. This record shall never fade away; it shall grow brighter and brighter as the years go by, scatterin g sparks of inspir ation among the generations as they come and go. And when time shall be no more--when all things transitory shall have passed away--when all the sounds of earth have been stilled, then the bells of Heaven shall ring in com memoration of American patriotism and the undying fame of the American soldier. WHAT YOTJ WANT x'O KNOW. McKinley^electoral vote, 276; Bryan's elefc|oral vote. 171. Nartiber of states carried by McKinley, 23; Bryan, 22. Gold representatives in1- the next con gress, 210; silver, 143; majority, 63. Next United States Senate: Gold, 49; silver, 40; uncertain, 1 (North Carolina). McKinley's plurality in Chicago, 59,- 100. Republican Governors elected |in Illi nois, New York, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. • - State Pluralities --For McKinley-- New York, 275,000; Pennsylvania., 295,- 000; Illinois, 144,800; Ohio, 50,000; Indiana, 20,000; Massachusetts, 108,716 Michigan, 53.0Q0; Iowa, 72,000; Wis cousin, 102,000; New Jersey, 85,812; Minnesota, 50,0o0; California, 5,000; Maryland, fJo.OOO^Maine, 50, 000; West Virginia, 12,000; Connecticut, 54,142; New Hampshire, 35,000; Rhode Island, 12,000; Vermont, 35,000; Oregon. 3,- 242; Delaware, 750; North Dakota, 8,000; Wyoming, 500. For Bryan--Missouri, 60,000; Texas, 45,000; Georgia, 25,000; Tennessee, 10,- 000; Virginia, 30,000; Alabama, 35.000; North Carolina, 10,000; Kansas, 13j000; South Carolina, 40,000; Mississippi, 50,- 000; Arkansas, 30,000; Louisiana, 35,- 000; Nebraska, 7,650; Washington, 10,- 000; Colorado, 110,000; South Dakota, 500; Florida, 15,000; Idaho, 10,000; Montana, 15,000; Nevada,-SjOOO:1 Utah/ 10,000/ • ;' yt'/y.jr&i TOFFEL ) HIPANS TABULES WEDNESDAY. DEC. 2, 1896, 1®" Butter on the Elgin Board of Trade Monday was Arm; offerings 42;000 pounds; sales, 30,000 pounds at. 23c, 11,400 pounds at 23'ic. Butter last week sold for 22c; last year for 24@^4%c. |®~And now Edison claims that hel will be able soon to restore sight to the blind, all that is necessary being the presence of tlie optic nervp in a healthy condition. writ is a remarkable fact, says an ex change, that more votes were cast at the recent election in the four sta+es of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois than in all of the twenty two states car ried by Bryan. An airship was seen navigating in the vicinity of San Francisco a few days ago. I flew at the height of about 400 feet and carried several persons. It is built to carry fifteen people and is said to be the invention of a wealthy citizen of Maine who is temporarily stopping at Oiroville, Cal. / : - Within the past two wtfeks several deaths and a great many injuries haye been reported as the result of football. This game may be very interesting and . somewhat national in its character, but it seems too hazardous to life and limb to be engaged in by persons , who value a sound physical body, and who do not wish to be-frippled for life. Report isiays that Weyler has been informed by vpain that he is expected to remain in Cuba until he puts down the rebellion. This is a pretty big contract to force on a man. Weyler replies that he will wait until after Christmas before engaging in conflict. This is generous, Weyler and Spain better decide to make the Cubans a Christmas present of their island. : t®»The new parole law which went ir„ to effect at the Joliet penitentiary a short time ago is said to be giving satis faction as it has in other states where it is now in progress, The results are be ing watched with much interest through out the state, and if once successful the law will save the state a considerable amount and prove a great advantage to the prisoner. The convict must report "eyery month to the ptnitentiary author ities aud if such reports violate the con ditions of his release he is returned to his cell. "XV 1®° At the next general election the prohibitionists of this county will have to get up a petition to have the names of their candidates placed on the official ballot instead of by holding a county convention as has heretofore been done. At the recent election only 102 votes were cast for Levering, the Prohibition candidate for President, and as a result the party has lost its identity. The law provides that in order to recognize any political party it must poll, two per cent of thejvotes cast. GOOD, - WARM • OVERCOATS Our stock of Men's and Boys' Overcoats never was so com pleteas now, all of the latest styles, and ' AND JACKETS We have the best assortment to be found in McHenry County. No old, out of date stock, but Everyone New and Stylish-A Vox will be sent, postage paid, on recipt of 50 cis py Rf FANS CHE MIC AL CO. , 10 Spruce S1« New York. Loaal druggists everywhere will Supply the Tubules it requested to do so. ; • They are Easy to Take, Quick to Act and Save many a Doctor's Bill. F. B. BENNETT, Solicitor, •'*. CHANCERY NOTICE. STATE OF ILLINOIS,! I MC,BENRT COUNTY, (° Circuit nourt of McHenry Counlv, January Term, A. D., 1897. C. P. Barnes vs. the nnknown heirs or de- visees of Henry Edick, deceased; tlie . un known heirs or devisees of Lucius Gibbs, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Ira Dickson, deceased; the unknown heirs or d<eviRee£'of Peter B. Park, deceased; th« unknown heirs or devisees of Charlotte Park, deceased; anil the unknown heira or devisees of Jerimia Edick,decease 1. in Ohancerv. Affidavit that the above defendants are all unknown, and that their residence is un known, having been filed in the office of the Cierk of said Circuit Court of McHonry County, notice is hereby given to the said unknown defendants, that the complainant filed his bill ol complaint in snid < ourt on the Chancery side thereof on the 28th day of November, A. D.. 1896, and that a summons thereupon issued out of said Court agninst said defendants, returnable on the nth day of January, A. D , 1397, as is by law required, Now, therefore, unless you. the said un known heirs or devisees oi Henry Edick, de ceased ; the unknown heirs or r 'ev'sees of Lucius H. (iibbs, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees .of Ira Dickson, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Peter G. Park, deceased; ' the unknown heirs or de viseeaof Charlotte Park, 'deceased; and the unknown heirs or devisees of Jerimia Edick. deceased, shall personally be and appear be lore the; Bald Circuit Court of McHonry County on the first day of the next term thereof, t^ be hoiden at tlie,C'ourt House in the City of Woodstock in said tJonnty, on the 11th day of January, A. D, 1897, and plead answer or demur to said complainant 's bill of complaint, the same and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed, and a decree entered against you according . to the prayer of said bill . In testimony whereof I,have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office, in Woodstock, this !2Sth day of No vember, A, D , 1896. W.P. MORSE, Clerk. F. B.BENNETT , Complainant 's solicitor, Nov. 28th, A. D.. 1896. 2i-4w If in want of a Cents' Overcoat or a Ladies' Cloak or Jacket* be sure and see our stock before you buy- Ready for the Holidays JACOB J-U'ST'EXl'. Fur Overcoats at Your Own Price (ft In various furs and in all sizes, and low prices. W!irm Well Wearing- Underwear, Of all kinds and agreeable prices. AT THE EAST SIDE Fall styles in Hats and Caps, Cotton and Wool Hosiery. Duck Coats, Overalls, Shirts, Dutchess warranted Trousers CALAMITY HOWLING. A deplorable feature of the poet-elec tion situation is the persistent,, effort oi* the part of various free silver organs to discredit the indications of returning business prosperity. Notwithstanding the fact that from reliable news re sources all over the country reports are constantly being received that mills and factories, which have been idle for months, are resuming opeaations, and that, too, on a much larger scale than formerly; also that in many instances, there is a marked advance in the scale of wages paid, these breeders of diccontent and anarchistic sen^jalents are busy in their effort to persuaafe^aen that it is all a lie; that prosperity is not returning and cannot return under existing con ditions. It is not to be expected that the disastrous eflects of years of depression can be overcome in a day, a week or a month. Indeed, it is a surprise to any thoughtful mind that the indications of returning confidence and consequent prosperity are as marked as they are thus early after the election. The fact remains however, that such is the case and there is every reason to believe that all of this is but the beginning of a wave of prosperity which will sweep over the country more marked than any in the previous history of the nation. Such a condition of things is devoutly to be de sired, and he is no patriot who would say or do ought to quench the hope and confidence thus being manifested. With confidence restored the battle is nearly won and for this reason every calamity howler should be howled down. Fargo & Douglas' warranted Leather Boots and Sl:o9.«. 0 Special low price * on WALL PAPER, Only the Best GROCERIES NEW STYLES of ROCKEBSt Suitable for Christmas Presents. Remember, I will meet all prices of my competitors on any and all goods in my line. 1 ̂ vViil 3ot t>e Undersold, Call and" see me before purchasing, JiCOB JuSTBNe McHenry, 111., Dec., 1896. West McHenry, 111.,1896 0, P. BARNES, Solicitor. , Chancery Notice. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) > 8 8 MCHENRY COTJHTT, ) Circuit Court of McHenry County, Jauuarv Term. A. D. 1S97; Julia E, Harrison vs. Clara E Spitzer, J . W. Spitzer, Roswell M. Spitzer, Mis. M. Living ston, M. McKee, Otto Kutzner, G. W. Sanders , Mrs. H, B, Jackson, A. R. Parkhurst, Miss Anna Venarct, J . F. Tilander. and B. A. Wy- man.in Chancery. Affidavit of the n on-residence of John W. ^pitzerand Clara E. Spitzer. defendants above named, having been filed in the office of the Clerk of »aid Circuit Court of McHenry County, notice is hereby given to the said non-resident defendants, that the complain ant filed her bill of complaint in said Court on the Chancery side thereof on the 30th day of November, A. D., 18WP, and that a summons thereupon issued out of said court against said defendants, returnable on the 11th day of January, A. D., 1C!I7, as is by law required. Now. therefore, unless you, the said John W. 8pitz<?r and Clara E. Spitzer shall person ally be and appear before the said Circuit Court of McHenry County on the first day of the next Term theroof, to be hoMen at the Court House in the city of Woodstock in aaid County, on tiie^H'th flay of January, A. D., 1S07, and plead /anBwer or demur to the said complainant 's bill of complaint, the same and the matters and things thsrein charged and stated will be taiten as confessed, and a de cree entered against you according to the praye rof said bill . In Testimony Whereof I hove hereunto set my hand ani alfixed the seal of said Court, at my Offic^ in Woodstock this 30th dayofNo- vembe, A. D., 181)6. W. P. MOUSE. Clerk. C. P. BARNES, Complainant 's Solicitor. Nov. 30th, A. D. 1896. V ANSON'S HUMPHREYS You are an flgfe. economical housewife ? Then you are interested in "Sherer's Tea" in Pails. Just see what you get for 50 cents 1 FIRST--a pound of excellent Tea, new crop, rich flavor and strong. SECOND--a one quart covered tin pail containing the tea. THIRD--a genuine imported china Tea Cup and Saucer, full size, gold band, decorated and very hand some. Large assortment. Our offer to .furnish free this ex ceptionally fine cup and saucer can only be continued for a short time. If no dealer near you keeps it or will order it send us 05 cents in stamps and vro will send Pail, Tea, Cup and //^^Hj^^vvsauoer by express to your rail- 'road station prepaid. Sherer Brothers, 24 Years at 37 River Street, Chicago* tgPThe following resolutions, adopt ed by the Union Veterans' Patriotic League at a meeting held last week, are DECEMBER CLEARING SALE Begins Thursday, Dec. 3. No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Diseases. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 Cures Headache. No. IO " Dyspepsia. No. 1 1 " Delayed Period^. No. 12 " Leuehorrea. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. IS Cures Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 20 " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price, 25c., or 5 for $1. DR. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC MANUAL OF DISEASES MAILED FREE. Humphreys' Med. Co., Ill William St., N. Y. DR FRlJTH'S visit, Thursday, un.rnuino Dec. 24, Woodstock H use, 10 to 2. ' self explanatory: "Resolved. That the Union Veterans Patriotic League con tinue its organization for the purpose of opposing any effort made by whatsoever party, to depreciate our currency at a ratio of 16 to 1, having had the experi ence of an unavoidable depreciation when serving our country for f 13 per month. Eesolved. That we will labor until the last taps sound against section al issue, mob rule and attacks upon the executive and judiciary branches of our government." The league is non-parti san and was organized to oppose Bryan and the Chicago platform. Wc must "move out" lots of new Everyday Merchandise to accommodate HOLIDAY GOODS SOORS TO ARRIVE SHOE SELLING in EARNEST Saturday, December 5th. A CHANGE OF FRONT. .One of the leading Democratic papers of the South, the Mobile Register, which gave Bryan its earnest support, has ex perienced a decided change of opinion. It says: "The Democrats of this country will have to learn as truthB these things be fore the can ever again hope to control the government of this republic: "That bimetallism, or the concurrent use of gold and silver coin at a parity is a myth. "That there neyer were two monetary standards in use at the same time. "That there is no possibility of keep ing the two metals at a same valuation. "That there is no natural antagonism between capital and labor. "That socialism is a negation of pro gress and that progress is the keynote of the republic. "That the federal government has the right to execute its own court processes. "That the credit of the United States must be sustained." te^°The New York Mail and Express is authority for the statement that Presi dent-elect McKinley will call an extra session of Congress within twenty days after his inauguration. It says that the opinion of the President-elect is that no Revenue legislation can be accomplished this winter, and, though newspaper dis patches disagree regarding his attitude toward the present agitation for the Dingley bill, there is substantial author ity for the statement that McKinley is averse to raising expectations as to ite enactment, which, in his judgment, can not be realized. He fears that the busi iness community would become demoral ized should the bill be passed in the House again, only to be laid aside by the Senate, and he does not share Senator Sherman's opinion that the measure can pass the Senate before the reorgnation of that body on March 4. Shoos with warm lining, your choice, $1, Saturday, C. P. BARNES, Solicitor. Chancery Notice. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) V 8 S ' MCHEHRT COUNTT, ) Circuit Court of MoIIenry C'o., January Term. A D., 1897. Melissa Ercanbrack vs. James Stewart, Mary Stewart, M. D. Hoy, Geo. Hoy, E'lwarrt M. Stewart, Aead Udell, H. D, Waltinjr, W. C. Hyde. WaUeman B. Heniion, Cha*. Hnbhell, R, Rob nson & Sons, Hibbard, Spnncer & Bart- lett Co , and the Steel Brick Siding Company and John Pritzloff Hardware Company, in Chancery. Affidavit of the non-residence of John Pritzloff Hardware Company, ot the defend ants above named, having been filed in the office of the Clerk of i-aid Circuit Court of McHonry County, notice is hereby given to the said non-resident defendants, that the complainant filed her bill of complain' , in said Court on the Chancery side thereof on the 30th day of November, A. D,, 1896, and that a summons thereupon issued out of said Court againet said defendant, returnable on the 11th dav of January, A D., 1897, as is by law re quired. Now, therefore, unless you, the said John Pritzloff Hardware Co, shall personally be and appear before the said Circuit Court of McHenry County on the first day of the next Term thereof, to bo hoiden at the Court House in the City of Woodstock in said Couhty, on the 11th day of January, A. D,, 1897, ami plead answ er or demur to the said complainant 's bill of complaint, the same and the matters and things therein charged and utatedwill betaken as confessed, and a de cree entered against you according to the prayer of Raid bill , In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at tny office, in Woodstock this 30th day of Jfo- veniber, A, D., 1896 W. P. MORSE, Clerk. C. P. BARNF.8, Complainant 's Solicitor, Nov, 30. A. D , 1896. Good Salmon 5c Fine Cranberries per quart, 6c Fine Raisins,.. 7c Fine Roasted Coffee, 18c Pine Pears 8c Fine Ground Coffee, 15c Fine Currants 7c Fine Candy 10c 2 lbs mixed Nuts, new, 25c. Come quick if you pay cash. 25 doz. men's and boys' Mitts, warm lining, extra quality, regular price 50c; your choice for 25c. SMOKERS! Whets in Want of a Good Cigar! CALL AT Cigar and THE OI.D REIJIAULE Tobacco Dealers OUR SPECIALTIES: Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. Now is the time to select your Furniture 1®°* Nearly all the Republicans among the early congressional arrivals in Washington are outspoken in favor of the calling of an extra session of Con gress for the purpose of passing a tariff bill that will at the same time give the government the revenue it must have and the protection needed by our home industries. Representative Grout, of Vermont, voiced this sentiment when he said: "I would like very much to see Congress meet in special session at noon of the very day after the inauguration of President McKinley. The call for a special sesf ion should certainly be the very first act of the new administration., There will be votes enough in the Senate to pass a Republican tariff measure, 1 am confident. If the voteB of the silver Republican Senators from the west are needed for that purpose I do not believe they will be withheld. The constituents of these Senators are all protectionists, • and it will be a different matter, that of defeating a clear cut protective tariff measure, from rtifueing to vote for a measure that even its friends called a makeshift, and which there was no assur ance that a Democratic President wpald FOR THE HOLIDAYS Danger in the Shallow "Well, The result of chemical investigations of water supplies which are under way at the State University reveal the fact that nearly all wells in the towns and villages of the state are subject to the reception of surface drafnage or sewerage. In every thickly populated district there are accumulations of animal refuse matters upon or within the soil, the drainage from which percolates through the soil strata and reaches the wells. These ref use matters furnish the nutrients upon which germs thrive and multiply, but the full magnitude of this menace to health can be realized only by recogni tion of the fact that disease germs pass for great distances through the soil, and may be contained in waters which in mere appearance and palatability are above reproach. Many political speakers, clergymen, singers and others who use the voice ex cessively, rely upon One Minute Cough Cure to preyent huskinessand laryngitis. Its value as a preventive is only equaled by it power to afford instantaneous re lief. J. A, Story. -AT THE- r "TKJ.juaf?P\j5siifj [ruRNmjRt go UNDFRTAKING j NEAR THE DEPOT, WEST McHENRY ir the Depot. We will sell Cheaper than ever before. Keeps opsn for th« ftcnr>r< mwiatlon of tue Publlo a Elrat ( lass S a l o o n A N D JOHN J. BUCH. Wc sell Bedroom Suits at $11. Plush Lounges at $4. " Couches at $6. Largest stock in the county. " UNDERTAKING-& EMBALMING. Wc will give when in need in this line, 20 per cent olf on all Cloth Goods. Embalming- Free of Gharffe I^Wc will not be Undersold., Get prices, elsewhere, and thenv come and get ours. Satisfaction guaranteed. Restaurant, NOTICE Where he will at all times keep the bast brands of Wlnea, Liquors and dlgara to be found in the mark et. PABST'S. Uilw&aku Lager Bear At Wholesale and Retail. Beer In Large or Small Kega or Bottles al- waya on hand, oheaper than any other, quali ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. ••"Call and see us. Robert Schiessle. West MoHenry, HI., May, 1638. Near the Iron Bridge, McHenry, Soard by the Day or Week at Reasonable rates,, A NICE LINE OF Row BOATS AT MY LANDING. for rent by the hour or day, at reasonable rates, Pure Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars always on hand. •arFreshLftKer Beer eotantly on draught Good Stabling for Horgw. Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped hands aud lips, cuts, bruises, scalds and burns are quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is at present the article most used tor piles, and it always cures them. J. A. Story. All you men and boys that want to OK SUITS. Don't Miss this Chance On any kind of goods sold in my store, at Chicago's lowest prices, E. LAWLUS. pposite Riverside Hotel, McHenry, N. J. JUSTEN West McHenry, Nov. 25th", 1896