Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe, M'HENRY, ILLIN01S, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBERSCJ896. #. C. SPURLING, Veterinary - Surgeon, V West MoHenry, III. HAKES A ' SPECIALTY OF CASTRATION. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY J . V A N S f i Y K E EDITOB AND PROPRIETOR. West MfcHenry, III; v-- HOLIDAY - GOODS! Come before the assortment is broken. Ladies' Japan Silk Handkerchiefs, with initial, only lCc, Gents' Japan Silk, plain white, 19c; fancy borders 23c. Ladies' linen Handkerchiefs, 2c up. l adies wool Fascinators, in pink, white and blnck * ; : " Former price, 98, Xmas price 69c. V *' 63» - »• 52c. •« • ' 47, / 39c, Ice^wool Fascinators, black, former price $1.37, Xmas price $1.13. Great reduction in ladies'Hosiery. Gloves and\Miits. Special prices on all kinds of Dry Goods for Xmas trade* OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS .BLOCK. Two. Doors North of Perry & Owen's Stor% *3" Office at Hanly's Livery Stable. West McHenry, 111, - West Side Livery, FEED AND SALE STABLES E. J. Frop'r. WEST MCHENRY, ILL. First class rigs, with or withoat drivers, furnished at reasonable urates- Parties taken to and from the Lakes in Easy Rigs, and prompt connection made with all trains. Our Rigs will be kept in first class shape, and we shall spare no pains to please our cus tomers at all times, Give us a call, E J. HANLY, West McHenry, 111,, Aug. 15, 1894. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year (in advance). $1 50 It Not Paid within Three Months........ 3 00 Subscriptions received for three or flix months in the Same proportion. Floral Company • McHENRY, ILL. C, T. ESHILSON, - MANAGER. Crockery and Fancy China For the Holiday trade in endless variety. 4-piece China set, (But ter Dish, Creamer, Spoon Holder, Sugar Bowl,) for 87c, worth $1.25. China Cups and Saucers. Cuspidors, Celery Holders, Rose BowJs, Salts and Peppers, Toothpick Holders, Lamps of all kinds. Glassware, and many articles too numerous to mention. ' BOOTS AND SIIOi:^, M. D. Wells & Oo.'s Boots and Shoes are now on top. Why? Because you can get better value for the same money than you can in any other goods. They fit perfect, wear good, and are just what jon need. All kinds of Cut Flowers, and Funeral De signs to be had at all times at lieasonablc Rates. Carnations in bud and other potted plants for sale. Orders taken now for bedding plants de sired in the spring. Will have all kinds of plants for fancy bedding. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Address, ROSEDALE FLORAL COMPANY, MCHENRY, 111. Indian Blankets. Blanket collecting is one of the diver sions of the offioers' wives who follow their husbands' fortunes to western forts. In New Mexico among the JSava- joes these blankets are curious products. The designs are original with eaoh worker and are interesting imprints of individual impressions. One displayed by an army woman, lately returned from a considerable stay at a fort near Santa Fe, has black trains of cars wandering over its red ground. The Indian who made it evidently admired the sweep of a railroad train and reproduced it so far as possible in the blanket. -Another in the same collection has a queer mixed border of scrolls and figures without ap parent relation and still jumbled to gether in a sort of harmony. This, the present owner relates, was admired by a friend of hers, and in consequence a request to duplicate it was made of its maker. But the old squaw promptly re fused. A papoose of hers had died while the blanket was being wrought, and in her simple reasoning the two facts were effect and cause. The pattern had be witched the baby, and no inducement could coax a repetition of the work- New York Post. BUSINESS CARDS L. N. WOOD, M. D. P HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at G W. Besley's Drug Store. Office hours, 9 to 11 A. M , and 2 to 4 p. M. Residence over Barbian Bros., McHenry. 111. We are headquarters for Groceries because we handle them in large lots and have them tresh every few days. Have you tried a keg of "Baer's Choice" Syrup? If not why not? We are selling it at $1 per keg. None to equal it Pankako, the great health restorer, for pancakes. Golden har vest Breakfast Food, only 10c per package. o. H. FEGERS, M, D- IHYSI01AN AND SURGEON, Ills. Office at ttesldenoe. FEBBY & OWED, Bankers. JOS, L. ABT, M. D, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST, Office in Nichols Block, over Plaindealer Office, McHenry Telephone No 4 --This Bank receives deposits, buyt and sells Foreign and Domestic Ex change, and does a General Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en trusted to our care in a manner and upon te:ms entirely satisfactory to our customers and respectfully solicit th* public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN; On Real Estate and other first c as* security. Special attention givent eo lections, lNSsURANCK In lirst CIOM Companies at th Lowest Rates. Yours Re ipectfullir PERRY & OWEN. Notary Public It takes a strange woman to IMaBn say that it came trom the Bakery when she uses 'Sleepy-Eye Flour' as it makes better bread than bakers make. Every sack war- °^«UEPYE^ ranted, ' Buy your Christmas Cards at the Farmers Store at half price, DR. BAECHLER, DENTIST, Plate Work, and everything per taining toJDentis try. Parties from a distaace should drop a card a day or two belore coming. Office. McHenry. DR. A. F. AURINGER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in the Stroner building, one door west of A, P. Baer'e store, West McHenry, 111. Residence, house formerly occupied by Dr. Oaborne, All professional ealls promptly at tended to, O. B. HOWE, M. D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and Residence, Hotel Woodstock. Office hours 1 to 2 r. M. daily, uails promptly at tended to. Deserving poor treated tree ot charge at office, including meuicine Monday and Friday. A Money Saver! FOR YOU. CUS CARLSON, At his Harness Shop, near the Red Bridge, has now in stock the finest as sortment of Robes, Blankets and Whips To be found in McHenry County. I can sell you a Blanket from 75c to $5 And guaranteed as represented. If you want to save money call and see me. Also a fine stock of SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS Which will be sold cheaper than'the same goods can be bought elsewhere and war ranted as represented. REPAIRING Promptly Attended to, I>o not fail to call at once and get the benefit of our bargains. CUS CARLSON. McHenry, 111., Sept. 30, 1896. F.O.OOLBY, D. D. S. DENTIST. Woodstock, 111. Special aten-tion paid to regulating children's teeth, Parties coming from a distance will do well to give timely notice by mail. Office, Kendal block corner Main street and I'ublioSq are ELGIN, ILL KNIGHT & BROWN, TTORNEYS AT. LAW." 100 Washington . Street, CHICAGO. ILL. FRANK L. SHEPARD, [OUNSELLOR AT LAW. Suite 804--132 ' Clark St., Chicago. A Down-pour of Bargains! PlilOK TO INVOICING. TTORNEY, Solicitor, andi Counselor, . 'Tollectionsla specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker «Sc Jeweler McHENRY, ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry always on hand. Special attention ;g1ven to repairing fine watohes. Give me a call. All Our Ladies'Cloaks at 25 perct. disc't A $12.50 value marked $9.98, costs you only $7AS, etc., etc. All Chinaware, Crockery and Fancy Glassware, 25 per ct. discount. All our children's ready-made Wool Dresses at 25 per cent disconnt. One lot of Corsets, slightly mussed, trifle soiled, not all sizes, black, white or drab, worth 75c, $1, $1.25 and §1.50, for 29c. All that remains of Silverware at 25 per cent discount. Art Calendars for 1S£7 25 per cent discount from our already re duced prices. French mixed Candy, very choice, usually sold at 25c a pound, 11c. Little folks' Library, 6 vol. in neat little box, worth 40c, for 19c. Brooks' Spool Cotton, white, black and colors,J>c. Booksi Glimpses of the world, by John L. Stoddard, 98c. Men's wool Mittens, worth 25c, for 5c per pair. 2000 yards Tennis Flannel, light and dark colors, 6c per yard.. Magnola Condensed Milk," per can, 7c. Boydell's Ready Mixed Paint, worth §1.50, for 99,c per gal. Iron Clothes Wringer, worth $1,50, for 98c. 100 boxes Strawberry Toilet Soap (Ed. Belezaire Perfumeur, 27 Boul'd DesCapueines ?aris) usually sold at 15c a cake, for Monday our price will be 12c a box of 3 cakes. W. A. CRISTY, Justice of tlie Peace. WEST MoHENttY, ILL. Special Attention paid to Collections SMOKERS! When in ¥aut of a Goofl Ciffar! H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In' surance Agent. Including Accident and Life Insurance. WEST MCHENKY, III. CALL AT THE OLD RELIABLE Tobacco Dealers, W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Real Estate and Insurance KUNDA, III- OUR SPECIALTIES : Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best hand made 5c Dime Museum Fan. "Oh, that I could find the key to your obdurate heart!" sighed the living skel eton, gazing fondly at the fat lady. "I'll tell you right now that it ain't no skeleton key," said the fat lady in scorn, and the two headed girl perform ed a-laughing duet is minor.--Indian apolis Journal. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler No 126 State Street, Chicago, .t. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches an i Chronometers. 49" A Fill Assortment ot Goods in his line. The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. NOTICE All you men and boys that want to Save from $2 to $5 on Pants f OBfc SXJITS. Don't Miss this Chance On any kind of goods sold in my store, at Chicago's lowest prices, E. LAWLUS. • ZD pposlte .Riverside Hotel, McHenry. McHENRY, ILL. Always on Hand with the Best Beer, GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE £LGIlV, ILL,