A MAN WHO CANNT<3^ LCSE. AN ANXIOUS MOMENT. A TALK ON DYSPEPSIA; In Olden Times People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and Were satisfied with transient action; but now that it is generally known that Syrup of Figs "will permanently overcome habitual constipation, well-informed people will not buy otlier laxatives, which act for a time, but finally iftjure the system. Hand-Painted Kid Gloves. Kid gloves, the backs of which have hand-painted flowers on them, are con sidered a stylish fad in Paris. - STATE OF OHIO, CITV OF TOLEDO, I • / LUCAS COUNTY. I SS- FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he Is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. CHEXKY& ,Cov doing business In the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will nay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARHH CUKE. FRANK. J. CHENEV. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my pres ence, this cth day of December, A. D. J8SU.- ( «.p,T I A. AY. GLRASON. t ) • Kotary Public,. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tlie system. Send for testimonial-;, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0. tap-Sold by Druggists, 75c. • It is a tradition among the .lews, that Solomon had 40.000 chariot horses and J 12,000 cavalry. „ " : . 3- --. o - J Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will, stop the cough at once. Go to your druggist to-day and got a'sample l»6ftie free. Sold in 25: aud .">0 cent bottles. Go at once;, delays are dangerous. . « ,v ' /What it is our duty to dp we must do because it is right, not because any one' can demand it of us. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In or der to be healthy this is necessary. Acts gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache. Price 2."> and 50c. Assyrian monumental records show that cavalry and war chariots were used at least 2500 B. C. Hall's Hair Renewer enjoys the confi dence and patronage of people all over the civilized world, who use it to restore and keep the hair a natural color. - To the sailor a yacht is superb, but how- much more lovely to the landsman are the rosy cheeks of young ladies who use Glenn's Sulphur Soap. Of drmrgists. I never used so quick a cure as Tiso's Cure for Consumption.--j. B. Palmer, Box 1171. Seattle. Wash.. Nov. 25, 1895. To Pay a Penalty for Diniac Is" rather bard. Isn't ft? Yet how many IN compelled to do this after every meal. Dya-, pepsia, that Inexorable persecutor, never ceases to torment of its own volition, and rarely yields to ordinary medication. Bat tranquillity of the stomach is in store for those who pursue a course of Hostetter*s Stomach Bitters. This fine corrective also remedies malarial and kidney complaints, rheumatism, constipation, biliousness and nervousness. There is some, help for all defects of fortune; for if a man cannot attain to the length of his wishes, he may have his remedy by cutting them off shorter. You Want a Farm. VVe have, fifty miles west of Houston, at Chestervnle, the best tract in Texas. High prairie, well drained, abundant1 rainfall, good soil; low prices and easy terms. Write and recei vc our took "Fertile Farm Lands" free, and information as '-o cheap excur sions and tree tare. Address SOUTHERN TKXAS COI.OXIZATJOX' Co:. John Linder- holtn, Mgr., 110 ttialto Building, Chicago. It is not. the insurrections of ignor ance that are dangerous, but the revolts of intelligence. •' A Disease of Civilization--Its Symp toms--How to Cure It. Dyspepsia is said to be a disease of civilization. Savages know nothing '} about it. The disease hiyjfbecome do- ' mesticated in AmericajfKd we as a people have threatened**) monopolize' 1 it Few disorders inflict upon their victims greater suffering, yet dyspep sia is not particularly dangerous and seldom causes death. It permits the sufferer to linger in misery for the al lotted term of life. The complaint usually begins with a sense of fullness, tightness and weight In the stomach after meals, and a di minished or lost appetite. Flatulency and sour stomach are also common, and there is often nervousness, vomiting * end general distress. Dizziness is also « prominent symptom, and an "all gdne" feeling in the stomach. Some times the patient has a bad taste in the jnoOth, headache, heartburn and palpi tation. Dyspepsia is the result of disturbed or interrupted functions of the stom: iach and digestive organs. The cure consists in restoring these functions. If the stomach is too weak to digest food it must be strengthened. This anust be done through the blood, which Is the medium that carries strength and nourishment to all the organs. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the One True . Blood Purifier and it cures dyspepsia by pur ifying and enriching the blood, com bined with its direct action upon the stomach and its secretions.' Perhaps in no way 1ms Hood's Sarsaparilla re lieved greater suffering than in its cures of dyspepsia, which are indeed legion. If you are suffering from this disease, give Hood's Sarsaparilla a fair trial at once. It will tone and strengthen your stomach, give you an appetite and strength and relieve the pains and mis eries of dyspepsia. An Exception. Ratlibowen--My dear fellow, it is al- - ways better to begin at the bottom of the ladder. Chesney--Nonsense. How about when you are escaping from a fire.--Tit-Bits. A 50-Cent Calendar Free. Perhaps the most beautiful calendar issued for the year '07 is the Youth's Companion art calendar, which is given to each subscriber to the paper for the year '97. It is made up of four charming pictures, beautifully reproduced in twelve harmonious colors. It is in form a four- page folder which, when extended, is 10x24 inches in size. The subjects are de lightfully attractive. This calendar makes a desirable ornament for a mantel, Icenter-table or writing desk. It is offered ifor sale only by the publishers of the Youth's Companion at 50 cents per copy. Only because of the enormous number published is it possible for the publishers of the Companion to send it free to all Companion subscribers. Might Go in Japan, but Not Here. An auditor in a Japanese theater is allowed, for a siliall fee, to stand up. and the unfortunate individual behind him has no right to remonstrate or to -• rise and get a peep at the stage. He may hear, but he.cannot see. In the Park. Miss Bloomerite--What kind of a tree Is that? Her Companion (facetiously)--Why, • that is dogwood. Can't you tell it by its bark?--Judge. <• Everyone who rnoe tries Dobbins' F:oiUttg-Bofftx Po ip cununuei io U«« it. for it is r-ialiy iuft'it ^su perior to even the b Jat of ot lit-r floating soaps, and costs yoit no more. Maae of Bor^x. floats, loo per cent. '.pur A . Try.it> 1 - - . ; ... . - . • A;.- Mrs. VRINSLOW**'SO'OTHIKO STHO* for CMlflrei tectums: ac!ien-. the sums, reauces iiiCaramatiou. allays pain, core* wind colic. 25 cents »bottle. The forts on the Meuse River, esti mated at §41800,000. cost §10.000,000.' --Chicago Journal. CUBA'S BENEDICT ARNOLD. the New York, and sixteen six-pound rap id-firing machine guns. a Although the full complement of men is 500, there is room for the accommoda tion of 1,000. In time of war this feature would be of tremendous value at distant stations, enabling a considerable reserve force of enlisted men to be carried for any squadron of which she may be the flag ship. There are two evaporators and two distillerieson board which have a capacity oi 10.000 gallons of potable water daily, and a refrigerating plant which will turn out 2,000 pounds of ice every twenty-four hours. Electricity will be used in light ing the new cruiser. The Brooklyn's coaling capacity is 1,750 tons of coal, or 470 more than that of the cruiser New York. Two hoisting engines, each capa ble of lifting 1.000 pounds at the rate of 300 feet a minute, will handle the coal aboard ship. •t for your iriortey an'i save needless ct- sCK'nnwr It is trae economy to build up your em -ahti prevent sickness. % taking Man .Who Is Alleged to Have Led Gen. Maceo to His Death. Dr. Maximo Zertucha, the supposed Benedict Arnold of the Cuban revolution, who is alleged to have betrayed the gal lant, fearless Maceo and his staff to death, looks like a man who would not only betray his patient and see him Sarsaparilla Tad Post--in fact, the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's PiHs are p'on>nt.efflc,jfJt>na a iwu 3 • 11 ea-y in effect, w, cents. I /.̂ ffxx THE HAND? I ( ( j ( k F o r B i c y c l e s . Neat, put on or talcca off C.iu be cartieti in I'.nkct or Tool j I Scnl b> in.iit on receipt ut pxuc, 25 CCfltS. | V- SUvcr 01 bUmps. i siesfi f *r cs9 atd le&ra how yn era got a Gnda $100 Bicycle, tidies' cr Geits', Afcs:l£ieljr Frco of Cast. ! (ifcO i. HiSE, 363 Wabash Ave., Chicago,IN. I wfil bwLWaCtipeii ia lOtotO D»TI« NOPAJtill I Cared. PR.U.L. STEP HEWS# LE&A3QN,011101 RULE OF THE SEA PATHS. Z A Thumbscrew Torture to the BIGGEST NERVlS is i SCIATICA o St. Jacobs Oil ! I , It turns back the screw.--It unwinds the tvls*.-- ITSCOTHES.-- IT CURfiS. I * ^ NO FURTHER PAIN. * DR. MAXIMO ZEItTTTCHA. riris® TMHI GHH mrm I #1^1 COMMON SENSE REMEDY. | AXI I ONE TRIAL'COM VB WOES | tfr \ * * That it will cure CATARRH and COLD !N THE HEAD. NO&/r/WmiL M */./ -7 *: DOUCHE, NO SPRAY, AO ISHALER, NO TIME or LABOR £ * REQUIRED. Simply place tablets hi nostrils. The air in baled passes over the tablets and uecomes medicated at once, hence tin* patient is t reathiusr medicated air constantly,, which reaches the seat ot disease, kill* the germs, and removes the cause. Each bottle contains about one month's treatment. Sold only by the manufacturers at 50 cents per bot tle. Mall orders promptly filled, postage nienald. Kcmlt slh cr or postal order. Silver can be sent safelv hv cutting hole In cardboard th<> >.i/e of stiver piece aud pa-ting nap.-r ^ver same. AGENTS WAN 1 ED. Address RUSiELL, GAYLORD & CO., Room 73, No. 150 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA TVTVVVWVVVTYYWWWVVWWWVVVWVWvvwv^VWVWVVVVV \ \ Cuban Resolutions Adopted by the Senate Committer. | WOMAN'S LONG HOURS, SHE TOIL3 AFTER MAN'S DAY'S WORK IS DOME. Wliat She Has to Contend 'With--Work That Sooner or Later Breaks Down Her Delicate Organism. The great majority of women "work to live" and "live to work," and as the hands of the clock approach the hour of six, those em- A ployed in stores, offices, I a mills and factories, hail J rtfe closing time with RESOTVED, By tlie Sfinate and House of RfprescnHxIivpg of the I'nltPil States of America in t'onsref-s assembled. Tliat the independence of tlie t<oj»nl>li«! of Cuba be and the same is herei)}' ackuoirlodsciJ by the IUltcd States of America, 5°7- They have won JS^y/J their day's i bread, f. f I ----- but CL / mw\ some /7r\j Bm r>' ' duties y/ j r ' areyet /' \ ' to be N performed, and many personal mat ters to be attended to. They have mending to do, and dresses or bonnets to make, and long into the night they toil, for they must look neat, and they have no time during the day to attend to personal matters. Women, therefore, notwithstanding their delicate organism, work longer and more closely than men. They do not promptly heed such gigns as headache, backache, blues, pains in the groins, bearing-down, "all gone" 'feeling, nervousness, loss of sleep and appetite, whites, irregular or prjnful monthly periods, cold and Bwollen feet, etc., all symptoms of womb trouble, which, if not quickly checked, will launch them in a sea of misery., * There is but one absolute remedy for all those ills. Any woman who has to earn her own living will find it profitable to keep her system fortified with this tried and true woman's friend. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound speedily '"'removes the cause and effects a lasting cure. We are glad to produce such letters as the following from Miss M. G. Mo Namee, 114 Catherine St., Utica, N.Y.: " For months I had been afflicted with that tired feeling, no ambition, no appetite, and a heavy bearing-down feeling of the uterus. I began to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. Soon those bad feelings passed away; I began to have more ambition, my appetite improved and I gained rapidly in every way, and now I am entirely well. I advise all my friends to use the Compound, it is woman's truest friend." Trouble Is More Widespread than Had Previously Keen Supposed. The Calcutta Englishman contends that the home officials are utterly at fault in regard to the dimensions of the famine. It adds that practically every province is involved, and asserts that such errors ar flmlfim! | M 'if/, mjg> Ifipf I "Being a travelling man, and com pelled to drink all kinds of water and eat all kinds of food, I find RIPANS Tabules THE NEW BROOKLYN. the best aid to digestion I have ever tried." the outset may result in irretrievable dis aster and suffering before the crisis is over. The Mark Lane Express in its crop re port says that the rather heavy rainfall of December is welcome, and will give the November-sown grain a hopeful start. "Spain," the Express continues, "has en joyed an extremely heavy rainfall since October, and the benefit to the agricul ture of that arid peninsula is likely to be very great. Central Europe has seen a rapid rise of temperature, and rather heavy rainfall." 1 Referring to the Indian outlook, the Mark Lane Express says: "The India rains are too late to allow of anything like the average area of sown wheat for 1897." Regarding the South American outlook, the Express says that the new wheat is now being reaped in the warmer provinces of Argentina, and adds that it learns that from 300,000 to 400,000 quar ters of wheat may be expected from Montevideo. masthead, the sailors were lined up for a salute to their commander and the Brook lyn was a part Of the navy. Much of the provisions and furniture, as well as th.- ammunition for tlie guns, has been at the yard for some days, and it is ex pected that all will be in readiness to sail in about two weeks. The Brooklyn is an armored cruiser of the same general type as the New York. There are improvements of an important Character, which will give her a big ad vantage in time of war over the sister ship. The cost limit, not including ar mor, is $3,500,000, and the contract price $2,980,000. She is designed to have a minimum speed of twenty knots an hour, with a displacement of 9,150 tons. Four triple expansion engines, which will work in pairs on the twin screws, furnish the tremendous power required. The battery of the Brooklyn will comprise eight eight- inch guns mounted in four turrets; ten five-inch guns mounted in sponsons on the gun deck similar to the four-inch guns of EAST, WEST, HOME IS BEST, IF KEPT CLEAN WITH SAPOLIO hA AAA Eipcrl«ccr for a sone. Haveyou kV.I|(|il Catarrh,heatl.Rstomach? PUJUIT# vw v cuw.locat atut constllu tonal, aHnost or asking. YOU'hL BLESS THri DAY YOU WRITS (AY HILL, Sturgls, Mich., for iuformaUoa