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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jul 1897, p. 4

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TOO MUCH CHICAGO. THE (ftUNTY CONVENTION. O. H. GILLMORE THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE. Nominated by Acclamation ! Tha People of the State Pay for Chioaffo^ Agg-randizemen t, The state ot Illinois has voted $45,000 j for the Omaha exposition in 1898. It, is but an indication what Chicago and Illi-j nois will do upon that interesting occa­ sion. They must back up the money by a public spirit that will be of greater value than the dollars. The young cities of the West are a part of Chicago, and the more they prosper and grow the bet- j ter for Chicago.--Inter Ocean. To this the Kankakee Gazette very ap­ propriately rejoins: "The sole idea of Chicago papers is what will benefit Chicago, and the test of any proposition is what effect will it have upon Chicago. The Omaha exhibi­ tion is a companion piece to the Nash­ ville exhibition, and the state of Illinois is to be taxed to support them because I Nebraska and Teunessee contributed to to the Chicago World'B Fair. Chicago is a likely and growing child, but she is an expensive and clamorous member of the household.- > (((^ SIMON WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1897. FOR COUNTY JUDGE, O. H. GILLMORE The Republican County Convention, at Woodstock, on Saturday last, done their work well. It was a convention con­ trolled by the people and machine rule received a black eye. O. H. Gilmore, the People's choice, on the morning of the convention, had ninety-nine instructed delegates, one hundred and twenty eight being neces­ sary for a choice. The balance were divided between A. W. Young, of Har­ vard, aud D. T.- Smiley, of Woodstock, the machine candidate. Could they have combined their strength Judge .Gilmore would have beew defeated, but the facts were there were many men on the Smiley delegations who were Gilmore men at heart, but through machina tactics their town bad been instructed, and while they would honestly carry out their instruc­ tions they could hot be used farther. The machine fought desperately and died hard. They were ready to promise For the next 30 dm s we will offer all kinds of Summer Goods fit extremely Low Prices. If in need of anything in the line of (SUCCESSORS TO PERRY «FE OWEN.) 16?° The buter offered on the Board of Trade Monday amounted to but 428 tubs, but there was some activity among biddere and gilt-edged goods found a ready sale. Sixty tubs sold for 14%'- and 285 tubs brought 14%c, » Do not fail to look over our stock CORSETS Royal Worcester, PARASOLS, UMBRELLAS FANS, All Colors "Messiah" Schweinfurtb, of Illinois has decided to locate a new "heaven" in Arkansas. From the climate he is get­ ting into and from the "nature of the beast" it is more probable that he will give an imitation of the other place US?*Even Bryan's personal organ, the Omaha World-Herald refuses longer to follow him in declining to recognize re­ turning prosperity. That paper, which has published many articles on this sub­ ject, calls attention in a recent cissue to the fact, that there is a marked activity and general improved condition in the stock business and stock markets of the west and predict^ that this improvement will continue. - „ * IST It is in such times as these that demagogues thrive; it is in just such timps that they should beshunned. They can lead men astray, but they cannot correct a single real or imaginary griev­ ance under men suffef. There IH too mush demagoirism abroad in tit- land; there iB too much false doctrine taught, pertaining to governmental func­ tions; there is too much encouragement sisvui which those laboring. CATARRH (6?°The "sta'isticians" who furnished those exciting tables of prices for last tail's silver campaign by which they pro­ fessed to show that wheat and silver had kept pace in rise and fall since the "crime of '73" are finding little market for then tables this year. The fafct that wheat has steadily advanced in value while sil­ ver has steadily declined during the past year has taken the edge off of the popular appetite for that sort ot mental mijfejr.- •• - ^ ' • I®"Every little whilesomethmg is said about Japan's proposed retaliation in the event of the passage of the tariff bill, with its duty on tea, matting, etc. Japa n sells us nineteen million dollars'worth of goods a year and buys American goods to the value of $5,000,000 00. England sells Japan goods to the value of fcwentv millions, and buys less than five millions worth. What a commen­ tary these two statements are on the free trade argument that a protective tariff bars us out from the markets of the world, because if we do not buy of other nations they will not buy of us. {ST It is said that the good roads com mittee of Massachusetts have struck up­ on a very novel and effective manner of promoting its work. Instead of using the money at its disposal to make con­ tinuous stretches of good roads as far as the money held out, it has alternated good roads with bad, each being one mile in extent. Thus, the driver hauling a heavy load to market, spins merrily along for a mile over an admirable roa«l, and then strikes a mile Of muck and mire. This makes him swear, of course, and when he finally gets through to the next mile of the good road, he appre­ ciates it all the more. The committee claims by this method it can more easily and rapidly arouse a general interest in road improvement. every office in the gift of the people for the next six years, the office of Master in Chancery being promised and offered to no less than four different men, that know of, with several towns to hear from. By these promises for now and in the future several towns were carried which would naturally have been for Gilmore, and it was these towns that were a thorn in their sides. From early morn until the convention was called at about 2:30 the fight was hot and fierce, the friends of Judge Gilmore standing nobly by their man and the result is in­ deed gratifying. As soon as the conven­ tion was organized an informal ballot was taken which resulted, as near as we can remember, as follows: Gilmore 107, Smiley 89, Young 58. On the first regu­ lar ballot being called Smiley and Young in neat and well timed remarks withdrew their names from the convention, and Judge Gilmore was then nominated by acclamation. There is no one man who can claim the honor of this victory. It was the people against machine rule, and the people have won, as they always will when they take hold of the matter in earnest. Judge Gilmore has just cause to feel proud of his nomination under such cir­ cumstances. No abler or more popular man could have been found in McHenry county to fill the most important office in the county, that of County Judge, than O. H. Gilmore. will be nearly as unanimous as was his nomination. of the spirit of socialism and all that it implies, including communistic anfl chimerical schemes for a "social democ­ racy," so called; there is too much toler­ ation of disrespect for courts and consti-1 tuted authorities; there is too much clamor for class legislation; too much inculcation of the idea that men can b< - j come rich without effort--by the mere Hat of the government, instead of earr-1 ing wealth in the good Old-fashioned way; and there is too much attention paid to cranks, blatherskites and politi-1 cal adventurer?, entitled to no consider­ ation, but who seem to have obtained the public ear, and are seeking to pull down the pillars of society.--David \ Bennett Bill. Reduced Rates to Dixon Via the Northwestern Line, from station^ within 200 miles radius, on account ot the Rook River Assembly, to be held at Dixon, July 27-Aug. 13. For dates of sale, etc. apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. 2w2 Lake Bluff Camp Meeting:. The Northwestern Line will sell excur sion tickets from points in Illinois to Lake Bluff and return at low rates until September 1, tickets limited to 30 days | from date of sale. Apply to agents Chi cago & Northwestern R'y. 2w4 Des Plames Camp Meeting. The Northwestern Line will, from July 15 to August 9, inclusive, sell excursion tickets at low rates from points in Illinois to Des Plaines and return, limited to August 10. Apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern It'y. 2w3 Half-Rates to Firemen's Tournament, Monmouth, 111., via the Northwestern | Line. Excursion tickets will be sold at one fare for round trip, from stations in Illinois, July 26 and 27, limited to July And his election I 30. Applv to agents Chicago & North- 1 western R y. 2w2 on the hooks of a circus page advertisement. Ask your friends about our Clothing-- we're not afraid of their verdict. The good will of our patrons is the kind of 'ad1 every "Tom, Dick and Harry" cannot buy for so many dollars a column. We figure on a steady customer every time we sell a Suit or Overcoat bearing this label... It's guaranteed." Remember we badger no one into purchasing, you know what you want and you're entitled to it here. FRtXIT JJ3LHS And extra covcrs and rubber rings. GROCERIES, FLOUR, ETC., of the best quality, always in stock. Long Distance Telephone, Toll Station. COME AND PICK OUT A SHIRT WAIST AT COST. West McHemy, III., 1897. OWEN & CHAPELL. McHenry, 1897. THE McHENRY thing on earth." W. Besley's. Try J©- The Senate of the United States is composed, when all its seats are filled, of 90 mepibers, representing 45 states. All seats, except the one for which Corbett, of Oregon, in a claimant, are now filled. It thus requires 45 votes to furnish a majority in the Senate. The recent state­ ment by the Washington Post analyzing the membership politically shows that the Republicans have bnt 43, the Demo­ crats 34, the Populists 7, and Silver Re­ publicans 5. This shows that the Repub licans have not a majority in the Senate, and cannot hope to have one during the Farm Fagots. Farmers have commenced harvesting their rye. Potato bugs were never more numei ous. One firm has sold nearly half a ton of Paris green. There will be a large yield of hickory nuts, as the trees in the woods are well loaded. The extreme heat had a bad effect on some oat fields, blighting the kernels. Farmers are now busily at work in their hay fields, and, contrary to numer­ ous predictions, there will be hay enough to fill all of our barns. Bees are now doing splendidly and are "The sweetest "Kisyou," at G. package. DR. HESS' Poultry Pan-a-ge-a, posi­ tively guaranteed to cure Gapes, Cholera I Roup, and make hens lay. Also destroys Lice, Ticks and Fleas. It is a universal remedy for all diseases of the poultry yard. Try a package. At G. W. Besley's 1A11L1 AHB G. W. BESLEY'S Condition Powders, for | Horses, Cattle and Hogs, is the finest article of the kind on the market. Every horse owner should try a package. They never would be without it. NOTICE ! GKISWOLD LAKE, July 12, 1897. We, the undersigned, building com- . -«- „ --. . , mittee, will receive bids for a new School DR. F RUTH'S "a,x.oV1|1i'S present Congress, and also shows that Sphering large quantities of the choicest House in District No. two (2), Township | h U - - K the people who are criticising the leaders white clover honey' forty-four (44) Range nine (9), known 4.1^4. tr^-m 4.1, • j I Corn is now promising much better a8 Blaisdell District. The specinca- of that party for what they consider exoected a month aeo fcione of 8aid buildinK wi» be madeknown slow progress in the consideration of the tn*n wff exPec^d a month ago. by calling on W. J. Welch. All bids to tariff bill in the Senate do not take into «ow that ym« are through with the be in by July 28, 1897 The Building consideration the embarrassment under corn P,anter for a year why not save Committee will reserve the right to re- J. H. MILLER* Prop. All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices A FULL LINE OF FINISHED ^"OKK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. | McHENRY, ILL Foreign and American Granite a Specialty. leaders are constantly bounty of one-quarter of one cent per pound on beet sugar raised in this country would be sufficient to do in the United States what government aid has done for the beet sugar industry in Europe. Yet this rate of bounty on beet I in front of their farms. eugar, submitted by Republican senators ed 361.25 a day ($2.50 with team) money by housing it where the storms cannot rot and rust it out Potatoes will soon drop in price as the early ones are coming into market in larger quantities. Farmers are quite generally falling in with the provisions of the new law and are cutting the weeds along the highway They are allow- for ject any and all bids. W. J. WELCH, L. H. KNIEGGE, CHARLES GHANGER. Building Committee. after the debate on the tariff bill had been concluded, was met by an announce­ ment from the Democratic leaders, through Senator Jones, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, that the proposition would meet with an inter­ minable discussion, with action on the tariff bill indefinitely delayed, rather than to permit its adoption. People who remember that we are now sending abroad a hundred million dollars every year for our sugar will be interested to know what party it was that attempted to thus put a veto upon a proposition to establish beet-sugar production in the United States. cutting the weeds. Races Saturday, July 24tn. The next matinee at the Richmond Driving Park will take place {Saturday afternoon, July 24th, when the following races will be contested: 3:20 TKOT. 9 O ®®^80l**"Qu'8'cy &Orodan, Lake Geneva Delfleld H Herman, Antioch ® - P Blair, Wanbesh* ™.ab®J ........Geo Vogel, Riehmon* Virgil..... E W Sherman, Lake Geneva Hank 11 E Uropley, Richmond Three-year-olds--Trotting Gypeey M J < arharry. Waukesha Tony N J Schumacher, Trevor Viola Thorn" U W Kldredge. Richmond Wona/B Isle. O K Kelly. Antioch Jj»net... H, ituchanan, Richmond Jewsie Swigert.. .B <4 Benson, Genoa Junction Majestic H O itoberiB. I akc Geneva Secretary Bower has One inute is all the time necessary to decide from personal experience that I One inute Cough Cure does what its I name implies. J. A.Story. 1 A CTS. ten weeks, and then stopped. • V The old reliable Yankee Blade, 16 pages weekly, filled with stories of fun. love, and thrilling tales of adventure. Hend 10 cents in stamps for ten weeks trial to Yankee Blade, Brooks, Me. arrangements about completed for a novel contest-- bicycle vs. horse. A bicycle race will also take place. Put Richmond on your list Get Skinned if You Must. The grocery peddler, the wrought iron etove peddler, and we don't know* how many other peddlers, have skinned the akinnable in Henry county lately in spite I for July 24th. of the warning of our beloved contem­ poraries, who are under suspicion of de- I®" Gen. John F. Farnsworth died at I siring to do what skinning there is to be h*® home in Washington on Wednesday I -Now it is the consti-r""* u- • I done themselves. tutional right of an American citizen to tiet skinned if he wants to, consequently the Republic, in remarking that the latest raid upon the unsuspecting is be­ ing made b.v binder twine peddlers, does bio S irI li tan Earitfl. J.D.LODTZJr. Merchant Tailor. Has just received hip fall samples, direct from the manufacturers, and can Save you from $2.50 to $4.00 On every suit. In short will save you the profit usually paid to middlemen Every suit he turns out is fir^t class and a fit warranted. Suits, $ 16.00 and upwards, Pants, from $3.50 tp $4. Strictly hand made and guaranteed in every particular. Gents' Furnishing Goods. Am now offering my entire stock of Gents' Furnishing 'Goods, consisting of Netkties, Collars, Cuffs, and Shirts of the very latest styles." DOCTOR FRUTH so well and favorably known ns CHICAGO'S LEADING CQCAI Mk | |OT &HOSTSUCCESSFUL Ortt/IALIoT• for his many and wonderful cures of PATARRU throatt lunps, liver, dyspepsia, indices UHlHWlli tion, all diseases of stomach and bowels BLOOD AND SKIN ula, syphilitic'taints,°tumors •etter, ECZEMA and Blood Poison of every nature. KIDNEY AND URINARY abdomen, 'bladder, eedl' ment in urine, brick-dust or white, painful urinations, Briptht's disease and all diseases ot the bladder. PRIVATE I'iuease* -- Gleet, Gonorrhoea. Inflainma- rniTHIL. tlons, Discharges, Strictures, Weakness of Organs, Syphilis, Hydrocele, Varicoele and kindred troubles quickly cured. I n«T UAUIinnn a"(l a,l lt,s attending ailments, LUOl mAnllUUU both of Young, Middle-Age^ and Old Men. The awful effects ol' early indiscretions, producing weakness, NERVOUS DEBILITY, night etn- fssions, exhausting drains, pimples, bashrniness, lost of enercry and woakness of both body and brain. your troubles if out of city. Thous- if fm I • Ei anda cured by correspondence a«u? medicines sent secretly. DK. D. O. FRUTH. 670 E 48th "licet, Gliicngo, Wanted Immediately last. He was born in Eaton, Canada, in 1829, and acquired fame as a citizen of Illinois. He represented the district of which McHenry county was a part in Congress for several terms. He partici­ pated in the civil war as Colonel of the not wish to be understood as insisting 1 noted Eighth Illinois Cavalry regiment. that the people ehaU not let the peddlere Thinking hie claim* tor office «re not I At !rom 10 to 40 per ce.nt talow ^ a„ do their busmeBB. --Those who feel like j properly recognized by the Republican I wish to close them out. being skinned should not hesitate a mo- Party» he Greelyized iQ 1872, shortly ment, as we learn from regions already I afterwards left the state, and has since Oome and inspect my goods, devastated, that the twine peddler does resided in Washington, engaged in the can 8avc y°u dollars and cents. the job with neatnesB and dispatch.-- | practice of law. ' -n-- n-uZ Gedesoo Republic. | „ . , „ .. ., _-- --- , * Moral.--ltuy your twtoe ol hone bS^UhlkMnow°o^thenSi! J. D. LODTZ, Jr. d08lere- Iket. Try a package. I Barbian Bro.'e Block, McHenry. RELIABLE MAN OR WOMAN. ASSURED INCOME TO RIGHT PER­ SON. THE BEST PAY EVER OF­ FERED FOR SIMILAR SERVICE. The Cosmopolitan Magazine, edited by JOHN BHISBEN WALKER, wishes to add a quarter of a million to its clientele, already the larg­ est, of intelligent thinking readers possessed by any periodical in the world. IT IS PREPARED TO PAY HAND­ SOMELY FOR ASSISTANCE REN­ DERED. *It wishes the services of one reliable man or woman in every town, village, country district, or manufacturing establishment in every $tate. All that is required of any one is reliability, earnestness and work. No matter on what other work you are engaged, it will pay you to examine into this offer. Apply, stating position, capability and refer­ ences, to THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE, Irvington-on-the-Hudson, New Vo»V CONSOLIDATED Field - Fence! )()11\ "Fv ANSON'S Clearing the Store of Odds & Ends IS THE ORDER NOW. Summer merchandise for immediate' use is here in abundance. Yours if you want to buy at wholesale prices. The brown and tan shoes have been marked down; some one-third. Brown and tan Hosiery sale daily, of the Cooper-Wells make. You have heard of the makers before. FINE: GROCERIES, Heintz's Sweet Pickles. Sauces, &c. That all first class housekeepers arc praising. We respectfully The Latest Field Fesce.l solicit your patronage; GUARANTEED AN IMPROVEMENT OVER ALL 0THE&8. A hop and pier-tight fnnce within the reach of all. All large wires t f Best Bees enier Steel. Absolutely satisfactory to everyone. The S rongest, Best and Cheapest Field Fence On the Market. Just the Fence wanted by the farmer. Simple in construction; strong: and dur­ able; easily put up, and one that will last a life time. On the market less b than a year--and sell-1 P ' ing at the rate of 10-1 000 rods daily. Consolidated Steel and Wire Co, Cmcago E. H. THOMPSON, Agent, ,WEST MCHIC'NRY, iLIi. JOHN T. dF. WAXiSBC. DEAL.EB IN Agricultural . Implements! Crimp and Joint. You DYSPEPSIA. have tried "77" for Grip find For BESLEY'S Soda Fountain is now in running order. Call and get a cool and refreshing drink. All kinds of syrups to suit the taste. I Colds--now try "10" for Dyspepsia snle by all druggists--25 cents. They are so small that the most sen­ sitive persons take them, they are so ef­ fective that the most obstinate oases of constipation, headache and torpid liver yield to them. That is why DeWitt's Little Early Risers are known as the famous little pills, J.' A. Story. .English breakfast and gunpowder teas, 20c per lb, 2 lbs fo¥ 85c. AT Owen & Chapell's. HA? FTJFIVBR OR ASTHItfA positively cure 1 by nfttiwe'e roots aDd herbs or no pay 8en»J 10c pr>«tagre ] Or ten sample treatments, COLORADO MHDI- cibB Co., reaver. Col. McHENRY, ILL. I wish to say to the public that 1 have now in stock one of the best lines of ...Buggies, Surries and Road Wagons, In the county. Goods that are honest and reliable and will please you, both in quality and price, viz: The Peabody, manufac­ tured by the Peabody Buggy Co., Fostoria, Ohio. We can and will sell you a good turn out at $48.00. Still left, s. few 0-blade Ridir-g Cultivators, ranging in p'ice from $1# to $22. Can you use one, If not make t he old one as good as new by placing on it the : pring tooth attachment, we have for sale. |CgT° Repairs tor all machines a ppccialty. The best Axle Grea e and Machine Oil always on hand. T?1 -- M The best, most convenient, most handy farm M H.I III V-TJxTifi Kate on earth is the Sherman Patent Gate. lAi*. AJ.*. call in and look it over and yon will say that it is the best, and the price we will quote, you, all raady .to be> placed in po»itionr will surprise you. Thanking you for your patronage of the past, and hoping for a share of it in the future, I am, Rrspectfnlly Your^, McHenry, 111., 1897. T. J. WALSH.

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